The Hood River Glacier. . 'It's a Cold : Day When We Get Left. v ;.;':".-: , " " ' . . . , - - " - '; -; L ,' ' ' ., ' ' ' v VOL. . VIII. . , . , - : ( HOOD H1VEK, OREGON, FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 1897. NO. 46. ALASKA FORTUNE-SEEKERS. Ill THE SENATE PROTESTS OREGON IN 'CONGRESS. Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. . ? terse Ticks from the wires An Interesting Collection of Item! From the New. and the Old World In m Condensed and Comprehensive Form. The city authorities of Memphis, Term. , have issued an appeal for aid for the sufferers along the submerged Mis sissippi valley. The Turkish porte is endeavoring to . negotiate with the Ottoman bank for a loan of f 200, 000, for' the purchase of cannon, but it is not believed the at tempt will be successful. rf vlu n A body of coolies numbering 5,000, who struck recently against an increase of taxes, engaged in an anti-foreign ' demonstration . in Shanghai,, China. ; Two inerf were killed, and it was neces sary to call the marines to assist in quelling the riot. . i The Pacific can factory at Astoria, Or., turned out 22,000,000 cans last 'year,: 8,000,000 of which were shipped ' to the Sound. Superintendent Kendall says he expects to manufacture more 1 cans this year than last. The company paid $22,000 duty on tinplate on April 1. The "California Associated .Cycle Clubs have effected an organization, which practically severs their connec tion with the L. A. W. A constitution and by-laws were adopted, officers elect ed, and the clubs officially assumed control of track and road-racing in the state of California, j ,c t -As a result of the serious disagree ment between President Errazuriz and the minister of ' the ; interior, growing out of ..the appointment by the latter of governors and other officials not satis factory to the president, the entire . Chilean cabinet has resigned in order to give the president full liberty of ac tion. 1 j ; ;"l?: Bradstreet's reports that the tinplate factories of the United States are pro ducing at the ..rate of 280,000 tons, or 4,600,000 boxes a year. The official figures in tons of the decrease in imports from Great' Britain, are as follows: v 1893, 225,628; 1894, 226,879; 1895, 222.901; 1896, 113,051, showing a fall ing off of 50 per cent in two years. . , Governor W. T. Thornton has wired to Washington-his resignation as gov ernor of New Mexico. His commis sion will -expire on the 15th inst., but he has always declared he would resign as soon as the Borrego gang of conspira- ' tors was executed.. Most of the gover nor's time for the next year will be spent in the Sonora, Mexico, gold fields. ' A snowslide occurred at the Corinth mine in the Slocan -country," killing three men and carrying away the head of the Aeritfl tramway recently erected there. John - K. Brown, a hotel pro prietor 6f "a Harrison hot springs, is thought to have perished in a slide while out prospecting in the Harrison lake district. . Brown whs tracked to the slide-by-Indians, but no-further' trace of him can be found. A bill making immediately available $250,000 for saving life and property along the Mississippi has been agreed to in congress in an amended form and sent to the president for his signature.. United ' States Minister Denby,' at Pekin, has notified the department of v state that, as a result of the efforts of the British government, China has con sented to open to commeroe West river, which is situated in Canton, and at the ' mouth of which lies Hong Kong. , Representative! Spaulding, of Michi-'. gan, has introduced in the house a joint resolution providing for the annexation of Hawaii to the - United t States.: It gives consent of congress that the Sand wich islands be made into the state of Hawaii, with a republican, form of gov ernment.' " " , Captain E. W. Reed, of the ship T. F. Oakes,' was arrested in New York ' on a .warrant issued by the United States court. 4 The Oakes is the ship on which during its last voyage, there was much suffering and several deaths, re ' suiting,-" as" alleged; from '"insufficient food. . ., x,.,. v: . An attempt was "made to destroy Al toona, Pa. , four" inoendiary fires being kindled in different parts of the city be tween the hours of 11 and 1:30 o'clock. Prompt work by the fire department alone saved the town from possible de struotion..The entire loss will aggre gate betweei $50,000 and $60,000. AVord is received in Brooklyn of the death from' jungle' fever last January, in Central Africa, of Samuel H. Ar mour, a young physician in the service ' of the Belgian .government. . Dr. Ar- mour was' well known socially and among the medical fraternity of Brook lyn. He1 6btalned his education at the Long Island ; college hospital. He is a nephew1 of Justioe Walker, of, Ohio. Governor Rogers, 'of Washington, has hopes1, of being able to retain all companies' of the state militia now in service? While the meager appropria- tion would not alloW more than six, or ( at most' eight, companies, if they re ceived the full allowance, arrangements may be" made to allow one-half of the former appropriation to companies in smaller towns where armory rent ia cheaper and expenses are less. .. The " Usual Crowd on Board . of the ' -. Steamer Al-Ki. - Port Townsend, April 7. When the steamer Al-Ki left here for Alaska this afternoon she carried 247 white passen gers and 46 Chinese, and every availa ble space on board, inoluding the dining tables, had been appropriated as sleep ing quarters for the horde of fortune seekers. " The greater part of the crowd is bound for recently discovered dig gings at Klondyke, some distance be yond Circle City, which are said to be the richest ever brought to light in that far-off land., Together with the large crowd of passengers, there are twelve horses to be used for packing, to say nothing of the usual quota of dogs of all sizes and breeds, to be utilized with sledges. . Freight accommodation' was likewise taxed to the i-'nost, the cargo of gen eral merchandise for Alaska merchants, and supplies belonging to : the miners, being augmented here by a stamp mill outfit' and two small steamers shipped in sections to the Mackenzie river. The latter will be unloaded at Dyea and from there packed oh sledges over the summits and glaciers to their destina tion, where they will be put together. The stamp mill outfit is consigned to the Sum Dum Mining & Milling Com pany, at the town of Sum Dum, in the southeastern extremity of Alaska, 300 miles this side of Juneau. California Clubs Soon to Withdraw. San Francisoo, April 7. There is dissension in the ranks ; of the Pacific Amateur Athletic Association. The association of late has taken a firm stand in upholding what it calls ama teur spirit in all branches of sport. ., A few week ago the various clubs represented enacted a ... rule . which placed the ban upon all boxing exhibi tions,' no matter what their character might be. i' Then came the enforcement of the registry act, which makes it nec essary for all athletes to register, a non compliance with which will bring upon the refractory athlete the penalty of ex pulsion. The meager $35 prize, the limit of guerdon to the victorious', ath lete, is another sore point in the' laws of the association, and productive of much opposition among boxers , and wrestlers. ' . f The Pacifio Association is a branch of the Amateur Athletic Union, and in prosecution of these laws it follows the rules of the head organization. Much dissatisfaction has been exhibited on the part of local athletes against these laws, and as a result the Olym pic, Reliance and two university clubs will probably withdraw in the near fu ture. f THE FOREST RESERVES. Selected by the National Academy of Science. Washington, April ' 7. In compli ance with a resolution of inquiry, the seoretary of the interior sent to the sen ate copies of the correspondence on file in his office bearing upon the executive order of February 22. establishing a number of forest reservations in West ern states. The most important dooument of the series is a letter from Secretary Francis to President Cleveland, dated February I o, reuuinmenumg uiese . reservations. From this letter it appears the reserva tions were Beleoted and the boundaries established upon the recommendation of the National Academy of Science, whioh had investigated the question through a committee composed largely of college professors, at the instance of Secretary Smith,., Seoretary , Francis' letter shows that he warmly approved the selections made.covering 21,879,840 acres, and he suggested the issuance of the proclamation on Washington's birthday. He said the area of the reservations proposed would exceed that of all of those already established by about 4,00Q,00 acres, but that "as our public forests are being rapidly de creased, and 'the loss resulting there from is incalculable," he did not think this apparently large area should mili tate in any degree against the recom mendation of the committee. . There is also a letter from Secretary Francis to Senator Allison, recommend ing legislation permitting mining and prospecting on all forest reservations. Went Through, a Bridge. , ..' ; Pittsburg, Pa.', April 7.' The wooden span of the north-end approach to the Ohio connecting bridge collapsed about 6 o'clock this morning, while the Fort Wayne freight train was crossing and the engine and thirteen cars were pre cipitated to McClure avenue, fifty feet below. Fireman Haggerty was killed instantly, and Engineer William Gra ham so badly injured that the cannot recover. The engine was completely wrecked, and the oars, which were loaded with coal and iron, were entirely demolished. The loss will be very heavy. The Ohio connecting bridge crossed the Ohio river at Wood's run, and 'connected the Panhandle and Fort Wayne.roads of the Pennsylvania Com pany. ; ' Guns Shipped From Bethlehem. ' . Bethlehem, Pa., April 7. The Beth lehem Iron Company made a shipment for the government to Sandy Hook of twenty-four cannon, ' loaded on flat cars.' The shipment was made up prin cipally of eight and ten-inch guns, be ing finished complete, ready for mount ing:, s A 1 Disastrous Break Near Tunica, Mississippi. WILL FLOOD A LARGE AREA Appalling: Suffering in the Devas tated Reg-ion Mo Land on Which to Bury the Dead River Rising. . Memphis, April 6. Another disas trous break in the Mississippi levee oc curred this morning at 8 o'clock at Flour lake, six miles below Tunica, Miss. The orevasse is Jully fifteen feet deep and the water is pouring through the opening with fearful velocity. This will probaoly be the most destructive break that has occurred in the delta. The most fertile farm lands of Missis sippi lying in Coahoma, Flore, Quit man and Tallahatchie counties, in the northern part of the state, will be in undated and the newly-placed corn crops will be laid waste. Fortunately no loss of life is reported, the inhabit ants of the stricken section having made preparations for just such a catastrophe as exists. The condition of the poorer classes throughout the flooded area is indeed critical tonight. Thousands of refugees are being huddled on the levees and spots of dry land waiting for relief. The towns of Rosedale and Tunica re port that everything is being done for these poor people, but that funds and provisions are fast becoming exhausted. In the little city of Rosedale alone 1,200 refugees are being cared for by the citi zens. Half a hundred towns stand in six feet of water and the stream is creeping up slowly but surely. Advices just received tell of a break two miles south of Helena, Ark. This is the levee for which the people of Southeastern Arkansas have made such a desperate fight. The waters from this break will flood a great area and in all probability will back up into, the streets of Helena. The relief steamer Lee arrived at Marianna, Ark., late this afternoon, having made an expedition up the St. Francis riyer. There were on board 160 refugees and 200 cattle. The steamer went up the St. Francis river as far as ..Cutoff and then worked her way down stream, rescuing people from perilous positions. The suffering along the St. Francis is appalling. The water through the entire neighboring country is tonight from six to fifteen feet deep. The re lief boat had on board the body of Mrs. MacMahon, of Raggio City. The body was found at Raggip and taken to Ma rianna for burial, there being no land at the former place on which to give it. interment. The St. Francis is rising from three to five inches daily. At Memphis the river is slowly ris ing again, the gauge registering 86.4 feet. This is a rise of one-tenth since the last report. At points below Vicks burg, the river is rising. It is the gen eral opinion of river men here that if the levees below Vicksburg hold the great volume of water in its regular channel, it will be little short of a miracle. The Break Near Tunica. - Tunica, Miss., April 6. At 8 o'clock this morning the Flower lake levee, where' it crosses Yellow bayou, gave way under the tremendous pressure of water. The crevasse widened rapidly and is now 100 yards wide throughout. The water is rushing with a deafening sound that can only be compared to that of Niagara falls. The levee was twen ty feet high where it broke. The peo ple not only on farms near the break, but on those some distance from the levee back of it have lost large num bers of cattle. So rapidly did the crevasse widen that the water rushing through it was sufficient to reach the lake parallel to the Yazoo & Mississippi Valley railroad atBushby, which is five miles east of the break, in a remarkably short space of time and within an hour had raised the lake eight feet. The water will no . doubt be running over the railroad at Bushby and Carnesville before morning. : The oountry affected by the break is one of the finest in . the delta. , It will cause submergence of the entire south western and south central part of Tu nica county. The flood will pass into Coahoma county, overflowing Lulu and the region around Moon lake, broaden ing as it goes. A portion of the cur rent will travel to Coldwater through the Yazoo pass, while much of it will travel southward, inundating some of the finest fields , in Coahoma county. Thence it will travel down Cassidy bayou and Sunflower river, finally reaching Yazoo, traversing almost the entire length of the Yazoo and Missis sippi levee district. The river at noon began to fall at Austin, four miles above, and had fallen four . inches at 5 P. M. During the same time, the river fell one-half inch at the Harris farm, eight miles north of the break. Above Austin the levee is from two to three , feet above flood plane, but there are no weak places whioh threaten immediate dan ger. ; , ' ' .' : -,. New York, April 6. The steamer Fuerst Bismarck, which arrived from Mediterranean ports today, brought nearly 1,000 Italian immigrants. ftesolves That Rivera, the Cuban Leader, ' Should Not Be Shot. Washington . April 7. The senate today by unanimous vote adopted a resolution reciting the reports that Gen eral Ruiz Rivera, the Cuban com mander, is about to be tried by drum bead courtmartial- and shot, and ; ex pressing the judgment of the senate that if these reports are true, the presi dent of the United States should protest to the Spanish government against such a violation of the rules of civilized war fare. This resolution does not go to the house of representatives and be somes effective as a measure of advice to the president by its adoption today. Although opposition was withdrawn on the final vote, there was spirited oppo sition in the early stages of the debate and a test vote on the comparative strength of the Cuban and anti-Cuban sentiment in the senate. The test oc curred on a motion to refer the resolu tion to the committee on foreign rela tions. Hale, who has been prominent ly identified with the opposition to Cuban resolutions, made the motion to refer and it was supported by Hoar, another prominent figure in the opposi tion to Cuban resolutions. The debate was very spirited and at times quite personal, Allen and Gallinger clashing with Hoar. The Hale motion to refer was defeated, 21 to 27, and the resolu tion was adopted, 44 to 0. Hoar and Hale refrained from voting. The Allen resolution, as it passed the senate, is as follows: - "Whereas, Information has come to the senate that General Ruiz Rivera, a leader of the Cuban army of independ ence, recently captured by the Spanish forces, is to be tried by drumhead court martial and shot; therefore, "Resolved, That, in the opinion of the senate, it is the duty of the presi dent of the United States, if such in formations is found to be true, to pro test to the Spanish government against such a violation of the rules of civilized warfare." Another Cuban resolution comes up tomorrow, that of Morgan declaring that a state of war exists in Cuba and recognizing both parties as belligerents. After the disposal of the Cuban ques1 tion, the day w;as given to speeches, Elkins speaking for two hours on the development of the Amerioan merchant marine and Lindsay advocating the passage of the bankruptcy bill, now be fore the senate. Late in the day a joint Bate was agreed to, directing the surgeon-general of the marine hospital service to aid the Mississippi river flood sufferers by the distribution of tents, blankets, food and medicine under the epidemnic fund of 1893, and to pur chase further supplies under the pres ent epidemic fund for distribution. , ' Will Colonize a South Sea Island. San Francisoo, April 7. Another South Sea Island scheme is on. The South Sea Island Trading Company is organizing, to make a venture for wealth and . happiness. St. John's island, one of the Solomon group, is the objective point .. Captain Paul Busch, leader of the enterprise, has about completed negotiations for the purchase of the bark Simpson, now ly ing in Oakland creek. . The Simpson is about 1800 tons burden, and it is pro posed to fit her between decks in the same way that the old passenger sail ing vessels were. Comfortable accomo dations can be made in this way for 150 or 200 men, and still leave room for a large cargo, besides provisions for a year. , i The plans include the trading and commercial idea as well as the colon ization scheme. It is intended to take a cargo suitable for trading in the islands. Applications have been re ceived from people who wish to join the enterprise from points as far distant as St. Louis.. A woman writes from Boston to say that she would like to join, and, if necessary, she would dis guise herself as a man. " The Guiana Boundary. New York, April 7. The World this morning published the following copyright cable dispatch from Caracas, Venezuela: '':".'' li : The congress of Venezuela has unan imously and enthusiastically ratified the Guiana boundary treaty with Great Britain which was negotiated by the United States. The measure was first read in the house of representatives by Senor Arangueren, who spoke eloquently in its favor. The second reading was without incident. It came up on third reading Monday, and after a speech by Senor Bricano, the house voted for the treaty unanimously amid great cheering and enthusiastic demonstrations of gratitude to "Uncle Sam." The treaty was also unanimously gratified by the senate today. President Crespo will sign it next Friday. Instructions to Customs Officials. Washington, April 7, The secretary of the treasury has issued a circular of instructions to customs officers through out the country, carrying into effeot section 27, of the pending tariff bill. This seqtion requires the secretary of the treasury to make provisions for the collection of the increased rate of du ties conterrtplated by the bill, and with that view he is required to retain sam-pels-of goods purchased and imported after April 1, 1897. and prior to the date on which the bill becomes a law. Senators the Friends of the Oppressed Islanders. FOUR RESOLUTIONS READ For Recognizing .Insurgents as Bel ligerents and Calling for Infor .. mation Allen Would Save Rivera. Washington, April 8. The Cuban question was revived in the senate to day after a long period of comparative calm. Four distinct Cuban resolutions were brought forward in rapid succes sion. The last and most important one came from Morgan. It declared that a state of war exists in Cuba, and announces the policy of the United States t6 maintain a strict neutrality as between both parties to the conflict, with full recognition of the insurgents as belligerents.'' Morgan gave notice that he would call the resolution up at the next meeting of the senate, with the expectation of securing final action. Of the other resolutions two were agreed to. One calls on the president for letters of General Gomez to himself and, to Cleveland, and for other infor mation. The other, by Mills, instructs the committee on 'foreign relations to report what obligations the United States has assumed by compelling Cuba to remain subject to Spain. Both res olutions were passed without opposi tion. Still another came from Allen, and proposed a protest against the re ported purpose of the Spanish authori ties to try General Ruiz Rivera, the Cuban officer," by military drumhead court-martial. This led to an animated controversy between Allen and Hoar. The discussion went over to come up with the resolution for the recognition of Cuban belligerency at the next meet ing. , 7- ' The tariff bill, passed by the house, was received by the senate as soon as the session opened today. Without motion or comment, the presiding offi cer, Mr. Hobarti referred the bill to the committee on finance. An interesting incident of the ses sion was Senator Chandler's refusal to agree to a final vote on , the treaty to day. He called attention to the press dispatches in regard to the situation in Crete, and said he did not feel disposed to enter into nepotiations with any power whose guns were trained upon a community of Christians struggling to throw off the yoke of Moslemis'm. He also spoke of England's conduct toward the Boers of the Transvaal as deserving of condemnation, and a cause for hesi tation in the negotiations. He said he would probably in the end vote for the treaty, but he was not in the mood for it today. - '- ' ! ' Appropriation Bills. ; v Washington, April 8. -The senate committee on appropriations today agreed to report the sundry civil and Indian appropriation bills practically as agreed to before the adjournment of the last session of congress. A few verbal changes were found advisable and an important change was made in the provision in regard to the opening of the Uncompaghre Indian reservation, in Utah. , ( '.".' This provision was presented as a senate amendment at the last session, and agreed to by the house. The house struck it out when it passed the bill at the beginning of the present session.. The senate committee again recom- mends the inclusion of the provision but reduces the number of claims of gilsonite one person may take from four, as originally provided, to two. ' : : A change was made also in the pro vision for the right of inheritance of children born of white fathers and In dian mothers, so as to provide that the mother shall belong to her tribe "by blood." The original provision made it "by blood or descent." The bill probably will not be reported until next week. The deficiency bill was not considered. ' Copper Amendment forgotten. . ... Washington, April 8. Through an oversight, during the consideration of the Dingley tariff bill, the house neg lected to adopt the amendments to put copper on the free list prepared by the ways and means committee. Conse quently there is no provision for copper in the bill. Not having any special, mention, copper falls into the basket clause at 25 per cent ad valorem. In the original draft of the bill, the McKinley rate of 1 cent per pound on copper was retaijied. The subject was brought to the attention of the commit tee a second time, and as it appeared no copper is imported into the United States and some is exported, the com mittee saw no reason why it should not be included in the free list. A clause providing for it in the metal schedule was stricken out by the house, but the amendment putting it on the free list was not offered. The Debt Statement. ' Washington, April 5. The monthly statement of the public debt shows that at the close of business March 81 the debt, less cash in the treasury, amount ed to $1,003,862,200, a decrease for the month of $8,638,254. This decrease is accounted for by a Corresponding in crease in the amount of cash on hand. Measures Introduced and Championed by Our State Delegation. , Washington, April 2. Senator Mc Bride has introduced a large number of bills, several of which were pending in the last congress. He hopes to get fa vorable action on some of them, and ; expects that those whioh were favorably , reported in the last congress will receive early consideration in this congress. v One bill appropriates $650,000 for the public building at Portland, and fixes that sum, with what has heretofore been appropriated, as the limit of the cost of the building. This will bring the total cost of the building to $1,000, 000. The bill provides that when the building is completed it shall be used as a custom-house, for appraisers' stores,, courtrooms, signal service offices and , for the United States surveyor-general. Anoter bill fixes the boundary of the Warm Springs Indian reservation on the northern side. , It provides that the boundary shall be the same as de fined in the treaty of 1855, and as found by Commissioners " Fullerton, ,Dufur and Payne in 1891. - - , Other bills introduced by the Oregon senator are as follows: . ' . , , Admitting veterans of Indian wars to the soldiers' homes; , removing the charge of desertion from the name of James K. Parker; to reimburse the states of Oregon, California and Ne vada for money expended in the rebel lion, of which amount Oregoii would receive $305,915; providing for a quar antine station at Astoria, and appropri ating $30,000 for the same; to establish an assay office at Baker City; directing the accounting officers of the treasury to allow Orville T. Porter for all Bums stolen or' appropriated by his deputy while Porter was marshal for Alaska; to pay William A. Starkweather $2, 170, the amount paid by him for clerk hire while he was register of the land office , at Oregon City; to pay Peter Grant Stewart, of Gervais, $7,500 for land taken by the government at the mouth of the Columbia - river in 1852; to pay H. W. Shipley $2,487 for work done by him in excess of his contract in con structing buildings at the Nez Perce agency, in Idaho; to pay Avery D. Bab cock and wife $2,000 for the use and occupation of their land by the govern ment; to pay D. J. Holmes, of Port land, $895 for money expended by him on a claim from which he was ousted when it was found the land he occupied was in the Warm Springs reservation; to pay John W. Lewis $521 balance 3ue him as salary as register of the land office at The Dalles; to pension George Hughes of Portland, at $50 per month; to pay John Campbell $1,165 for prop erty taken during the war. , , , '' Senator McBride has introduced a bill making Colonel George H. Men dell, late of the corps of engineers, a brigadier-general on the retired list. He recites in the bill the good work that Colonel Mendell has performed, and points out that when General Casey retired ; Colonel Mendell was ' next in line for promotion, but that another 1 was made brigadier-general instead. Another bill by Senator McBride al lows persons making claims upon pub lic lands to make proofs befo're any offi cer qualified to administer oaths in ' homestead cases, whether, the lands are in the county or not. At present the making of such proofs must be before an officer in' the county where the land is situated. ' Another bill applicable to all public land states the law to settle accounts between the United States and Missis sippi, which allowed for school pur poses all lands embraced in reservations which would have have been numbered 16 and 36. ; The states are to be al lowed $1.25 per aore for the loss of such lands. v V a - Represenative Ellis has introduced a bill to prohibit the sale of intoxicat ing , liquors in the capitol building. This bill was passed by the house at the last session of congress, and was re ported in the senate. No one, with very few exceptions, wanted it passed, but men did riot want to go on reoord as opposing it. The bill might have passed the senate if it ever came to a vote, but Senator Hill, of New York,, would never allow it to reach that stage. He was always ready to talk it to death whenever it appeared. Mr. Ellis may push it along, and it will no doubt pass the house if it ever comes to a vote again. " " .'.-'. All members of the Oregon delega tion indorsed Binger Hermann for com missioner of the general land office. His successor, Mr. Tongue, and , other members of the delegation called per sonally upon the president : and urged his appointment. Mr. Ellis went among the members of the house, and especially those from the West; and got their signature to a paper in Which Hermann was indorsed for the place on the ground that it would be to the in terest of the West. t From the Bonanza. aker City, Or., April 2. Albert Geiser, superintendent of the Bonanza mine, brought in about $10,000 in gold bullion this afternoon. In addition to this, he has shipped sixty tons of con centrates, valued at $60 a ton. , On ac count of the many, improvements which were made this month, the mill was only kept running for fifteen days. A Russian land owner at Batoum during the big oil strike there had an income of about $30,000 a day from his wells. v