The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, April 02, 1897, Image 4

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    IP IPHII umwWMi lWilHMMHI 11)1 IUH,il I mm,
Persons you meet every day, ,
or some trouble of the kidneys, urinary
or female organs. '
In such a serious condition you must
secure the best remedy you can find in
the market
There is only one absolutely sure
cure for these troubles, and that is
"It has stood the test of time"
A steel boiler plate seventy-six feet
long, five feet -wide and five-eighths of
an inch thick was recently rolled in
England. ',
Bottled Dp!
Whether in the form of pill powder
Dr liquid, the doctor's prescription for
blood diseases is always the same
mercury or potash. These drugs,-bottle
tip the poison and dry it up in the
system, but they also dry up the marrow
in the bones at the same time.
The supplenesa and elasticity' of the
joints give way to a stiffness, the; rack
ing pains of rheumatism. The form
gradually bends, the bones ache,-; while
decrepitude and helplessness prema
turely take possession of the body, and
it is but a short step to a pair of
crutches. Then comes falling of
the hair, and decay of the bones, & con
dition truly horrible. '
Contagious Blood
Poison the ,; curse
of mankindis the
most horrible of all
diseases, and has al
ways baffled the
i doctors. Their pot
as h and mercury
bottle up the poison,
Dut It always breaks
forth again attack
ing some delicate
organ, frequently
the mouth ana
throat, filling them
witn eating sores.
S.S.S., is the only
known cure for this
I disease. It is guar
anteed rjurelv vege
table, and one thousand dollars reward is
offered for proof to the contrary. It
never fails to cure Contagious Blood
Poison, Scrofula, Eczema, Rheumatism,
Cancer, or any other disease of the
ilood. If you have a blood disease,
take a remedy which will not injure you.
Beware of mercury; don't do violence
to your system. , Don't get bottled up !
t-gOnr books sent free to any address,
Swift Spscific Co., Atlanta, Ga. .
Best in the World!
'96 Models .... . $o
'97 Models - - - - - 80
'96 Ideals - - - - - , 39
Second-hand Machines of all makes from tfSf
to S40 cash, or on installments. Write for Cat
alog and Second-hand List. LIVE AGENTS
WANTED. , - 1
There has neTer baen a. tfm when irroit.
"ere should guard againet failure with mora
care There baa never been a time when
Ferry1 Seta were more essential. They are
i alwiTi the bflNt. For sale br le&diusr .
dealers every where. Insist on having them.
I la fnll of information for irarHnnftm anrl
planters, xnere win nover oe a oetter time
than now to send for the 1897 edition. Fres
D. M. Ferry ac uo.. Detroit. Mich.
Sent Free!
l" To any. person interested in humane
matters, or who loves animals, we
will send free, upon application, a
copy of the "ALLIANCE," the organ
of tliis Society. In addition to its in
tensely interesting reading, it con
tains a list of the valuable and un
usual premiums given by the paper.
410-411 United Charities Building, New York.
Make money by suc
cessful ; speculation in
Chicago. We buy and
sell wheat there on mar-
pins. Fortunes have been made on a small
beginning by trading in futures. Write for
full particulars. Best of reference given. Sev
eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins A Co., Chicago Board
of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon,
Spokane and Seattle, Wash. ,
rVtl.t ...VfTTTTIUlf V "WW
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be
w used for children teething. It soothes the child, soft-
h ens the gums, allays all pnln, euros wind colie.and is 4j
L the best remedy for diarrhoea. Twenty Ave oents a (
, bottle. It ie the best of all.
ltcbiof aod blind, Bleediug or ProtrudlDH Pile, yield at one, to
ins, sworb. tuiuori. A pemfve cure. Circular, wat fret. Priea
MM. VluuliuacouU. PK. ISOSAMiO, rblltv. Pa.
Irani in I
v V
' ' A Bad Case.
"You 'wouldn't believe it, but Gram
py has a bad case of swelled head."t
"There must be some mistake."
"Not a bit of it. Genuine old-fashioned
mumps on both sides. "Detroit
Free PreBS.
The costliest rugs in the world are
owned by the Shah of Persia and the
Sultan of Turkey. It is said that each
possesses a mat made of pearls and dia
monds valued at over $ 2, 500, 000. The
Carlton club, London, owns the largest
mat or rug ever made.
A new device for ringing street bar
gongs has two projections placed on
opposite sides of the car axle, the bell
lever being thrown into contact by
means of a foot lever on the car plat
form. AVhen the car is at a 'standstill
the bell is rung by a pressure of the
Same lever.
An elephant wears more creases to his
trousers than any other animal. They
seem to be sort of a kilt pleat with a bias
slope. He is not very fashionable, but is
up to date in taking care of himself. Some
sudden, violent pains crease, twist or con
tract the muscles or tendons, and this is
the nature of a bad sprain. If neglected,
the creases increase, and so does the pain,
until sometimes it is very difficult to
straighten them out, but by the prompt
upe of St. Jacobs Oil, the friction or rub
bing in its application and the curative
qualities of the oil will smooth out the
worst twist or crease and get the muscle in
natural shape, where it will remain, re
stored, strengthened, cured. Promptness
in using it insures prompt cure, and when
the sprain is cured, it is cured for good. .
C. P. Villiers, "Father of the house
of commons, " who just celebrated his
ninety-fifth birthday, has represented
Wolverhampton uninterruptedly for
sixty-two years.
And very early too. That's what any one
should be in treating one's self for inaction of
the kidneys and bladder. The diuretic which
experience indicates as supplying the requisite
stimulation to the organs without exciting
them, is Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. Don't
delay; kidney Inaction and diseases are not far
apart. For fever and ague, dyspepsia, consti
pation, rheumatism and nerve debility, also,
use the Bitters.
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O. '
We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney
for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly
honorable in all business transactions and fin
ancially able to carry out any obligations made
by their firm.
West & Trcax,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O.
, , Wai.ding, Kinnan & Marvin,
Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
In the British Museum there is a
queer and ancient love letter engraved
on a brick, tl is a proposal for the
hand of an Egyptian princess, and is
about 8,500 years old .
All Eastern Syrup, so-called, usually vary
light colored and of heavy body, is made from
glucose. "Tea Garden .Drips" is made from
Sugar Cane and is strictly pure. It is for sale
by first-class grocers, in cans only. Manufac
tured by the Pacific Coast Syrup Co. All gen
uine "Tea Garden Drips have the manufac
turer's name lithographed on every can.
Piso's Cure for Consumption is the best
of all cough cures. George W. Lotz, Fa
bucher, La., August 26, 1895.
Mr. Grocer: there are
thousands of people who
want good tea (many don't
drink tea now, because it
hasbeen either costly or bad )
and here is Schilling's Best
good tea at a fair price.
Don't. you want to sell
lots of such tea, and money
back it if your customers
dont like it
A Schilling ft Company
, ,, San Francisco
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef-forts-gentle
efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that bo many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is-therefore
all important, in order to get it, bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
jbedand gives most general satisfaction.
A Resume of Events in the
Northwest. ' .
New Gathered In All the Towns of
Our Neighboring State Improve
ment Noted In All Industrie Oregon.
About forty tons of corn are being
shipped from Nebraska to Dallas.
The principal of the Jacksonville
public schools is paid $1,000 a year.
Eleven hundred sacks of potatoes
were shipped south by the latest
steamer out of Coos bay.
: An eagle was shot on the Siuslaw last
week that measured seven feet from tip
to. tip and weighed ten pounds. '
- The grand jury in Douglas county re
ported that the county jail in Koseburg
is insecure, for the safe custody of pris
oners. ,- ,
Frosts in Umatilla county have in
places taken off the tops of the grain a
little, but no serious damage has been
sustained. ' ,
Farmers in Sherman county have
about finished plowing and .are now
waiting for the ground to dry enough
to begin seeding.
A boy living near Centerville, in
Washington , county, a few days ago
shot a hawk on the wing that measured
four feet six inches from tip to tip.
Lambing has begun on some of the
sheep ranches in Sherman county, and,
in spite of unfavorable weather, a good
percentage of the lambs is .being saved.
Commissioner Lee, of Fremont, Neb.
who at one time made annual purchases
of sheep in Grant county, has returned
again this year, and will buy a band.
The sheriff of Crook county prevent
ed a jail break last week' by discovering
in tmie a hole in the jail wall that one
of the prisoners had dug out with a
case-knife. ' , ' . ,
Coyotes are' increasing so fast near
Hayes' hill, in Josephine county, that
the number of quail, large gray squir
rel and other small game is rapidly dis
appearing. i . The county court of Harney, at its
recent session, ordered the new Burns
road opened. The road is to extend
straight westward from the bridge near
Saver's mill, to the south end of the
town of Burns. '
It costs the city of Pendleton about
$50 every time a fire alarm is turned
in, whether the fire amounts to any
thing or not, and it is suggested that
some more economical arrangement
should be made with the firemen.
Joseph Hall, who was found dead
near, Medford last week, with a bullet
hole in his head, having been Bhot
from behind, was a bachelor, and about
45 years of age. He had lived on Elk
creek, where he was killed, about two
years. ' , -
A warm wave brought relief to the
stockraisers in Adams county last week.
The plan of spreading disease among
the squirrels by inoculating some of
them and turning them loose will be
tried in Adams county. '
The severe weather and a lack of feed
was the cause of several hundred head
of stock dying, one man losing at the
rate of seven head a day. - .
Scarcely any plowing has been done
around Oakesdale, but as the snow is
now rapidly melting, and the ground
is not frozen, a large acreage will be
put to wheat. -
Thai commissioners sent to North
Yakima to treat with the Yakima In
dians for the sale of their lands have
left for Montana, being unable to ac
complish anything.
The Indians along the Sans Foil are
busy pulling up the location stakes that
were driven on the Colville reservation
bars by the locators that expected to
see the reservation opened.
A band of horses and cattle has been
started from Bock creek valley for the
bald hills of the St. Mary's, where
there is plenty of feed. The farmers
in Rock oreek valley have run out of
Taxes are being paid into the county
treasury in Spokane at a rate that may
make it unnecessary for the county to
negotiate a loan for $36,000 with which
to pay interest on the county's funding
The hunters of Pierce county will
meet to the number of about 100, and
drive Fox island, from end to end, on
April 17, for the purpose of slaughter
ing ooons and other "varmints" on the
Gin Pon, a Chinese, who was con
victed of murdering Lee Tong in Spo
kane, has been denied a rehearing by
the supreme cdurt, and will now be re
sentenced to hang, unless there should
be an appeal to the United States su
preme court.
A sawmill and box factory is being
erected near the Great Northern depot
in Wenatohee. This location will be
convenient for fruit shippers this season
as they can unload their fruit, and,
without going out of the way, take on
a load of boxes for the return trip.
Tacoma's lumber manufacturing con
cerns are unusually busy just now. The
St. Paul and Tacoma mill is running
day and night to get out the orders.
The Wheeler-Osgood Company began to
run day and night last week. The com
pany has recently been getting out the
largest order ever placed with a Pacifio
N6rthwest firm for lumber for Africa.
I The Tacoma mill is kept busy turning
out uio nr lumoer. . , ,
The printers' copy of the' senate
journal of the recent legislature is ready
to be turned over to the state printer.
Downing, Bopkini & Company' Beview
of Trade. -
Trading in wheat this week has not
been widespread, but to a great extent
was confined within 'the ranks of the
professionals, who are considerably
worked up over the increasing amount
of bad crop news. St. Louis appears to
be the center of the disturbance and
has been persistently loading the wries
with stories of great harm done. Many
traders have been disinclined to give
the reports much attention, and in fact
have only arched their eyebrows when
brought to their notice. Many of those
who have been loathe to acknowledge'
these stories are now changing front
and think there must be some fire where
there is so much smoke. The country
at large, though, is only buying wheat
sparingly, but St. Louis professionals
appear to be taking hold liberally, and
are pinning their faith in the reliability
of crop damage in the Southwest. This
is just the time of year for a genuine
crop scare, and, with the weather con
ditions as they are, damage tales will
multiply instead of diminish. ,
' Statistics are, of course, just as favor
able for an advance as at any time re
cently; in fact more so. Visible stocks
are decreasing and the world's stocks
are steadily diminishing.' The world's
shipments are running from 8,000,000
to 3,500,000 bushels below the weekly
requirements of the United Kingdom
and the continent, but for all that, for
eigners are not alarmed over the out
look. They are certainly not taking
the wheat from this country in such
quantities as one would expect under
the circumstances. Cables are merely
fractional in quoting changes on the
other side. Exports of wheat and flour
from both coasts for the week are 100,
000 'bushels more than last week, and
exceed those for the same week in 1896
by about 5,000- bushels. We have had
war scares of the opera bouffe order,
but war seems to be just as distant as
ever. '
There has been a fair amount of trad
ing in the corn market this week and
speculation has been brisker. Wheat
no longer exerts njuch of an influence
upon values.
V Market Quotation.
Portland, Or., March 80, 1897.
Flour Portland, Salem, Cascadia
and Dayton, $4.10; Benton county and
White Lily, $4.10; graham, $3.50; su
perfine, $2. 75 per barrel.
Wheat Walla Walla, 77 78c; Val
ley, 79o per bushel.
Oats Choice white, 42 44c per
bushel; choice gray, 8688c.
Hay Timothy, $1313.50per ton;
clover, $11.0012.00; wheat and oat,
$9. 00 11 per ton.
Barley Feed barley, $17.50 per ton;
brewing, $18 19. ,
Millstuffs Bran,' $14.50; shorts,,
$16.50; middlings, $26.
Butter Creamery, 45 50c; dairy,'
8040c; store, 1 80o per roll.
Potatoes Oregon Burbanks,5565c;
Garnet Chiles, 75 80c; Early Rose,
7080o per sack; sweets, $3.00 per
cental for Merced; new potatoes, 60
per pound. .
Onions $1.752.00 per cental.
Poultry Chickens, mixed, $3.00
3.25; geese, $4.005.00; turkeys, live,
11 12c; ducks, $4. 00 4. 50 per dozen.
Eggs Oregon, 9c per'do4en.
Cheese Oregon, "l2jc; Young
America, 13o per pound.
Wool Valley, 11c per pound; East
ern Oregon, 79o.
'Hops 9 10c per pound.
Beef Gross, top steers, $2.753.50;
cows, $2.253.00; dressed beef, 4
6c per pound. .
Mutton Gross, best sheep, wethers
and ewes, $3. 50 8. 75; dressed mut
ton, 6o per pound.
Hogs Gross, choice", heavy, $3.25
4.25; light and feeders, $2.503.00;
dressed, $4. 50 5. 00 per cwt.
, Seattle, Wash., March 80, 1897. .
Wheat Chicken feed, $27 per ton. ,
Oats Choice, $23 24 per ton.
, Barley Rolled or ground, $20 per
Corn Whole, $19 per ton; cracked,
$1920; feed m'eal, $1920. :
Flour (Jobbing) Patent excellent,
$5.00; Novelty A, $4.60; California
brands, $5.85; Dakota, $5.65; patent,
$6.40. .,: '. .
Millstuffs Bran, $14.00 per ton;
shorts, $18. "
Feed Chopped feed, $18.00 per ton;
middlings, $22; oilcake meal, $30.
Hay Puget sound, per ton, $10.00;
Eastern Washington, $14.
Butter Fancy native creamery,
brick, 26c; select, 24c; tubs, 28c;
ranch, 1517o.
' Cheese Native Washington, 1Z0.
VegetablesPotatoes, per ton, $17
18; parsnips, per saok, 75c; beets, per
sack, 60c; turnips, per sack, 60o; ruta
bagas, per sack, 60c; carrots, per sack,
4050c; cabbage, per 100 lbs, $1.50;
pnions, per 100 lbs, $2.00.
Sweet potatoes Per 100 lbs, $4.00.
Poultry Chickens, live, per pound,
hens, 10c; dressed, 10 11c; ducks,
$7.50; dressed turkeys, 15.
Eggs Fresh 'ranch, 11c.
Fresh Meats Choice dressed beef,
steers, 7c; cows, 6)c; mutton, sheep,
9o per pound; lamb, 5c ; pork,, 6o per
pound; veal, small, 8c.
. Fresh Fish Halibut,4 6;salmon,
56;. salmon trout, 710; flounders
and soles, 8 4c.
Provisions Hams, large, 11 c;hams,
small, llc; breakfast bacon, lOo;
dry salt sides, 6o per pound. ,
San Francisco, March 80, 1897.
Potatoes Salinas Burbanks, 90c
$1.10; Early Rose, 65 75c; Riyer Bur
banks, 50 75c; sweets, $1.251.75 per
Onions $1.502.00 per cental.
Eggs Ranch,10 12c per dozen.
Butter Fancy creamery, 14 15c; do
seconds, 1818o; fancy dairy, 18
lZc; seconds, llI2Xc.
Cheese Fancy mild, new, 67c;
fair to good, 58c; Young America,
8 9o; Eastern, 14 14o.
Paine's Celery
Spring has come.
It is time for all persons to' think
seriously of their health.
But that doesn't mean taking the
first spring remedy that happens to be
Persons who make it their business
to get the most effective remedy to be
had re sure to carry home Paine's cel
ery compound. No other remedy is
capable of cleansing the blood, nourish
ing the nerves and regulating the
bowels and digestive organs like Paine's
celery compound. '
If yon are troubled at all by rheuma
tism, neuralgia, headaches or sleepless
ness, even if ' these attacks come only
now and then, now is the time to purify
the system of them. Don't procras
tinate and dally till frightened into
doing something when you find the
task of getting well has asumed desper
ate proportions.
Paine's celery compound will cure
kidney trouble, heart palpitation and
disordered liver accurately,intelligently
and permanently v-hen other remedies
only raise hopes that are never fulfilled.
Paine's celery compound, which owes
its origin to the most distinguished phy
sician and investigator this country
ever produced, Prof. Edward E. Phelps,
M. D., LL.D., of Dartmouth college,
has been publicly indorsed among
medical experts as the only spring rem
edy in any sense entitled to that name.
It can be said without fear of con
tradiction that no other remedy can
truthfully refer to men and women so
responsible, so trustworthy, so convinc
ing, because of their straighforward,
enthusiastic and easily-verified testi
monials in praise of Paine's celery
Dr. Sanden's
Whence comes the Joyous vital force? From electricity animal magnet
ism. Dr. Sanden's Electric Belt saturates the vital parts with its warming,
vitalizing power, which gives new life and healthy blood to all parts of the
body. , It arouses the energy of youth and makes life a pleasure. ,
"I have received very much benefit from the use of your Belt. My health
hag been very much better this winter. I am relieved of that tired and worn
out feeling;; also of the numbness of my hands and twitching; of the eyelids. I
am well pleased with the Belt, and would not do without one for a good deal
more than it cost if I could get it. I shall always remember the Sanden Elec
tric Co. with a grateful heart." D. C. COYNKK, Montesano, Wash., March
Sit, 1897. . : - " '
Men or women who are weak, read Dr. Sanden's book, "THREE CLASSES
OP MEN.'' It is free, sealed from observation, by mail. n ,
SANDEN ELECTRIC BELT CO., 8B3 West Washington St., Portland, Or.
, , When writing to Advertiser please mention this Paper.
Cheapest Power,,,
Rebuilt Gas and
405-7 Sansome Street
San Francisco, Cat...
ly perfect Incu-
bator made.
Freight Prepaid
to your nearest
Railroad Station
or Steamer Landing. The
finest Incubator Catalogue
ever issued mailed free if you
write and mention this paper
"Just Don't Feel Well,"
are the One Thing to use. -
Only One for a Dose.
8old by Druggists at 2SO. a box
Samplers mailed free, Addreaa
Dr. Bosanko Med. Co. Fhila. Pa.
Elites WHKiP ill FISf. FAILS. ti.1
I Best Cough Byrup. Tastes Oood. Use j
in t'mM. Knin nrnmi'mnL ,
Compound Prevents
It is . foolish to take poor health
"philosophically" these spring days.
There is no reason why anyone should
sit hands in lap, and submit to head
aches, poor appetite, continual tired
feeling or constipation. : If every dis
heartened invalid will go right at get
ting well by using Paine's celery com
pound, that person will be astonished
and delighted with the quickness with
which this wonderful remedy is able to
call a halt to wasting diseases, diseases
of debility and a "run-down" condi
tion. '.' " ''
Paine's celery oompound does won
ders in making people well. ";;?'",
Here is what a woman, an ambitious
and hard-working member of the legal
professiion in New York city, says of
this great remedy: ,
220 4th Ave., New York.
While a student in the New York
university law school and under great
pressure from work and study, I was
advised to take Paine's celery com
pound. I did so, and its beneficial re
sults to one whose nerves are under th
trial i severe mental effort, I am only
too ready to assert. After taking three
bottles I found that it produced quiet
ness of nerves and induced sleep, very
beneficial to my health. For those
troubled with insomnia I can heartily
recommend it as a harmless inducer of
sleep on account of its quieting effect
on the nerves. Yours very truly, '
(Signed.) Florence H. Dangerfield,
Attorney and Counselor at Law.
Paine's celery compound, which
makes the weak strong, has received
testimonials from thousands of people
who had almost despaired of ever again
being in perfect health.
A Pretty Face
Tells a story of health. It is the reflection of
strength in all the vital parts. A face is ex
pressive of joy and mirth, caused by health, or
of misery and suffering, caused by disease. The
nerves that are irritable and tired cannot give
brightness to the eye ; blood that is sluggish
cannot make the cheeks rosy ; so ill health tells
its story, too. But nature provides a cure for all
such troubles.
Electric Belt
..Gasoline Engines
Hercules Gas
....Engine Works
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of anv other brand. Free
from Animal Oils. GET THE GENUINE.
ana Dealers generally.
m in sizes '
Finck's "C. C." Bazor
In sizes 4-8. 6-8 and 6-8. l'rlnn. Its.iui.
' tan De exenangeo II not Satisfactory.
Send for General Catalogue or Catalogue ol
Sporting Goods or Barber Supplies,
880 Market St. . San Francisco, Cal.
RUPTURE and PILES cured; no pay un
til cured; send for book. Dhs. Mansfiklb
fe Pohtkkfield, 338 Market St.. San Francisoo.
N.P.N. U. No. 695. S.F.N.TJ. Na 77a