fcod iiver Slacier. Published every Friday by 8. F. Ulythe. , ' Terms of Subscription S1.50 a year when puid in advance; $2 if not paid in advance. FRIDAY, APRIL 2, 1S97. At Sarcoxie, Mo., February 23d, was held a ronvenllon of berry growers gathered from South Missouri and Northern Arkansas. Representative commission men from, different parts the country were also present. From a leugthy report of the meeting in the RouthWf sf, an agricultural paper pub lished tit Springfield, we learn that the convention "vas called to take action in regard to joining the American Fruit Grower' Union. Willis Brown was present and explained the objects and worklugH of the union. There was considerable discussion. A cominis oion man from Minneapolis, being called for, addressed the convention nnd in his remarks paid his respects to the manager of the A.' F. O. U. in terms that might not be considered complimentary. Mr. Brown gained Ids point, however, the convention by u tie vote, which was decided by the chairman, declaring in favor of the union The delegates from the Sar cnxle association of berry growers there upon withdrew from the convention. Mr. 8. W. Gilbert of Thayer read a lengthy paper. He favored the union nnd urged the necessity of having a man to act as distributor, "to be paid a good salary, with headquarters at Kan fas City, and remain there -the whole year round." The following extract from Mr. Gilbert's paper shows that 1- I I.. .1.,. .......1-I.ttnX tl'lUlT. berries in that section is not always catisfnctory when the ''returns come in:" ' Almost any man can, after attending a few meetings of the state horticultural society, or reading a few reports, grow a good crop of strawberries, but how many are there here to day that have so manipulated their crops within tho past two years that they hove made a reasonably good profit on them? Many care, I dare say, the past season did not pay cost of picking and box material. It is so delightful to plant 6, 10, 20, 50, or even 100 acres of strawberries, spend your money lav ishly upon the growing beauties, watch, care and plan for them for u whole year, and then, after the crop U all harvested, find tho profit on 25 acres Is not enough to pay one's ex penses to the horticultural meeting. Such an experience is very enthusing to the ordinary grower! This man who did not make enough money olf his 25 acres to pay his expenses to the state meeting, only a few years ago Just before Soutji Missouri and North Arkansas grew so many berries had no I rouble to net over J500 per acre on this same kind ot fruit. Home attribute this great difference to the fact that we have had a panic, and that peo ple do not have the money to buy the fruit that they once had. Yes, this may be true and has its influence, but that Is only a side Issue as compared to the fact tha; the growers have no systematized method of distribution; almost every commission firm in the country Wants every grower to ship to them, and In all probability two very reliable houses lo cated side by side in the same city do not know what each other will have on the mor row for ale. Today, for instance, they have a good strong market, berries worth 83 to $3.50 per case, market firm. - This Information is wired broadcast over the country by both houses, possibly with the additional advice that they can handle two cars daily. How briirht evervthinrr is down at Thaver when J. r our manager, or secretary, as the case may be, guts that message. He steps around Just as tho'.igh he knew a thing or two, posts alt the growers before he starts the car what a fine market they have; but oh, myl when the re turns come In, his heart almost stops beating tut he reads his telegram next morning: "Mar ket busted; 17 cars in today. Don't ship until we wire." Ho awaits account stiles, and when he gets them he figures that his 084 cases of istraw berries net his friends 48 cents per crate. His picking and crate charges were about 60 cents per crate, so the growers had tho pleasure of paying the entire expense of producing those US4 crates and a little more In order in be able to ship berries into that fine market. According to the ilgures furnished the state department at Washington by Consul-Geneaal Ellis Mills, at Hon olulu, the total population of Hawaii, as shown by the census just completed, is 100,020. ' Of these, Hawaiians head the list with a total of 31,019, Japnnese come next with 24,407, Chinese follow with 21,010, Portuguese with 15,190, those part Hawaiian with 8,485, Amer icans with 3,086, British witn 2,250, and Germans with 1,432. The remain der is divided between half a dozen nationalities. In the event of annex ation of Hawaii to the United States the male portion of this undesirable population would become citizens with the right to vote. Thanks to Secre tary Gresham's policy, we we're saved this heterogeneous addition to our pop ulation under Cleveland, and President McKinley's declaration against annex ing more 'territory may keep out the heathen of the Sandwich Islands for another four years. The University Monthly, a magazine devoted to the interests of the students and friends of the state university, lias been received. It is a neat publication, edited and published by the students, and a credit to the educational work of the state. . The experience of a few of our straw lny growers, published in this issue, will lie valuable to new beginners. We are inclined to favor Mr. Chandler's suggestion, to plant 30 inches apart each way, to allow cross cultivation by horse. The work of hoeing out weeds in the rows is quite an item in the ex pense account. We should aim to grow larger and better fruit, and giv ing the plants room and allowing tile siiu jo strike a 1 round would tend to larger growth unit, earlier berrits. Methods of Strawberry Growing. Last fall the Glacier invited the strawberry growers of Hood River to give their experience and c inclusions through the columns of the paper as to the best methods of cultivating their crops. Only a few have responded so far, and their contributions are given below. We hope they will be fol lowed by others: v Mr. H. C. Bateham says: "The strawberry Is one of the best crops to grow on new land, as the sod can be turned under and there left to rot and fertilize the plants without again be ing disturbed until the patch is plowed up four years later. Early fall or early spring plantings do well, but late fall plantings are apt to give poor results, A plant set In No vember will not do as well nor yield as much as If set even as late as the following April. I am confident that twice as much water is often used In irrigation as there is any need of. If irrigated twice a week during June and followed each time with light cultivation, stra berries will need no more water until nature gives It to them In September. I know of several spring-set plantations last year which had not a drop of irrigation during the summer and they did well. The method of planting apple trees among the strawberry plants, or rather planting strawberries be tween the rows of apple trees, seems to be growing In favor and has several advantages. Not only does the clean cultivation and Irri gation of the strawberry plants give the trees a good start, bat the ground is benefited by the shade and fertilized by the water instead of being left bare to bake lu the sun, as it is apt to do when no crop is raised between the trees. By this method the cultivation of the orchard, as an orchard. Is practically done without expense until the trees begin to bear!" N. C. Evans has tried 20 or more varieties of strawberries, but only one of tnera even ap proached the Clark Seedling, and that one (Tippecanoe) will need further trial to prove of equal value. Mr. Evans' experiments have led him to adopt for his soil and location the following plan: Set the plants In rows 30 inches apart by 10 inches or eight Inches in the row. A location sheltered from wind is very desirable, for winds whip the plants and retard ripening. The planting of double rows, with an lrriga Ion furrow between, in clines the plants to a one-sided growth, and the inside of the double row does not ripen so well. Strawberries need irrigation whenever the ground becomes dry. The application or withholding of water causes no perceptible difference in the time of ripening. After the crop is off, irrigate sparingly. Allowing run ners to set is a detriment to the following crop. A plantation can produce three profit able crops and no more. As a general rule, plants from an old patch are not good, for the runners are usually small and weak and the sets lack vigor. Frank Chandler says that almost any ground in the valley that is clean is good lor strawberries,' but the warmest is the most valuable. Most of his patch is planted in rows 8(1 inches apart and 8 inches in the row, although he believes that a good plan is to set in hills 30 inches apart each way, so as to per mit or cross cultivation with horse. August or early fall is the best time to plant. He Ir rigates by furrow next to row and aims to keep the ground moist all of the season so as to secure as large a growth of crowns in the fall as possible, so that the plants will have nothing to do in the spring but go to blossom in i early." He never observed that irrigation retarded ripening. As soon as possible after crop is off the tops should be cut off, Bor deaux spray mixture will cure rust. Mr. Gore is managing the LaFrance fruit ranch. He believes in planting in the spring, if it can be done early, otherwise prefers fall setting. He has been planting rows 30 inches apart and 18 inches In the row, but In future will set them 24 Inches apart each way, which will give about the same number per acre, say 11,000, and with the added advantage of being able to cross cultivate. He prepures for Irrl gation by placing an 18 inch block in rear of cultivator, which makes a wide, shallow fur row. C. D. Moore of White Salmon is located on sandy soil, sloping to the south. His plants are set in rows only 20 Inches apart und 12 inches in the row, but the tops do not appear to crowd each other unduly. He cultivates With a horse cultivator. Best time for setting Is August or early In the spring. He com mences to irrigate when he commences to pick berries, and continues till the entire crop is off. One more thorough wetting in summer ought to carry them through to theall rains. Immediately after picking is over he com mences to cut olf the old tops, using a sharp hoe for the purpose, and keeps the runners cut off by the use of a circular steel cutter, 7 Inches in diameter. Mr. Moore uses his im proved strawberry planter to set his plants. This rig consists of long wooden tweezers, with which the left hand handles the plant, while with a long-handled trowel the rigbt hand and arm opens the ground and covers the roots. This is a rapid method und has proved very successful. Mr. 'Moore is very enthusiastic in praise of his style of irrigating, which is by means of revolving lawn sprink lers attached to hose. It requires much less labor and attention and saves qn the average one-half of the water. The effect on tho rip ening berries is entirely satisfactory, making them fresh and firm, so that they ship In the best possible manuer. The effect of an hour's sprinkling is a totally different matter from a rain storm, for .the former is accompanied with clear, dry air and sunshine, while the latter, with its continuous cloudiness and muggy atmosphere, is sure to soften and damage ripe fruit. Mr. Bradford and Mr, Zeigler, close neigh bors of Mr. Moore, have udopted the same method of irrigation with most satisfactory results. A. V. Bateham believes in taking great pains to thoroughly prepare the ground be fore setting out strawberries, as the cost of good work then 1b easily offset by the greater ease of after cultivation. Most of his patch is set In rows 18 inches apart and 12. Inches apart in the rows, or 80,000 to the acre. Cultivation is necessarily done by band. On a more ex tensive scale he would omit every third row, have an Irrigation furrow in the narrow row. and cultivate the wide row with horse. This arrangement is very advantageous in the picking season, as the pickers occupy the wide row and are not interfered with by the water furrow which Is in the narrow row. Mr. Bateham uses lawn sprinklers for Irriga tion wherever he can secure sufficient head of water, and irrigates thoroughly during berry. season. Spring is his favorite time for plant ing, and he has adopted the "Moore method" for doing .he work. Tops should be cut off in July or August, with a hoe, and at the same time thoroughly clean out .weeds, etc. Irri gate once or twice more before fall rains, but do not encourage a rank growth of top. Keep the patch thoroughly cultivated and cut off runners with a Urcular cutter or a sharp hoe. The county Christian .Endeavor con vention will be held wit li the Christian Church of Hood River in May. The executive committee will meet next Sunday at The .Dalles to make prelim inary 'arrangements. Home from their Journey. Corvallis Times. Professors Cordley, Hedrick .and Pemot and Presedent Miller of the O. A. C. returned home the first of the Week from institute work at Hood River and The Dalles. At each point they were greeted by interested audi ences, enthusiastic in the search for information relative to fruit culture, and with lectures illustrated with lan tern views and magnified represents tions of fruit, pests thrown on canvas by the projecting microscope; their visit according to the newsDarters mil) lished in the locality were highly ap preciated and most pron table. Hood River is destined to become the great strawberry region of Oregon, no other known locality in the state being able to complete with it in quality, productiveness, and earltness or truit. Added to these, it has a well established good name in our western markets. It is estimated that 25,000 crates of Clark's seedling strawberry will be shipped from the valley this season. Two pests of the strawberry, the leaf spot and the root borer, have made their appearance, but the strawtierry men seem alive to the necessity of vigilanco and will probably keep the pests well in sub- lection. The apple industry at Hood River is on a tirm basis although the growers feel that in the future they must re strict themselves ton high class of fruit in order to successfully compete with regions that produce a low grade as cheap or cheaper. High color, good flavor, and long keeping qualities, characterize tne L'utt rrown here, and that these attributes are appreciated in the markets is shown by the fact that Hood River Newtown pippins sell for $2.50 per box this year, an even dol lar more per box than the same variety brings as grown in less favored parts of the state. Speaking of The Dalles, it is not generally known but is nevertheless true that some of the best prune and apple, orchards grown in Oregon are tound in this locality, ihe trees are especially thrifty and are hut little troubled with pests if, we. except San Jose scale and codling moth, both of which are being most vigorously com batted. A good many peaches are grown at The Dulles and as a rule, pay well. The soil and climate seem ideal for cherries, gummosis being unknown; nut as yet tew cherries are-grown though undoubtedly the openings for such orchards are good. The Dalles bids fair to become the great market gardening town of the state. Early vegetables, tomatoes, . cucumbers, melons, and sweet corn, grow luxur iantly and a large trade tor these pro ducts has already been worKed up. Why Not? Editor Glacier: We hear that the floating political excrement composing tlie Portland republican clique is anx ious to have an extra session of the legislature called to pay off Jo Simon, Bourne and the fellows who hid out longer than Noah's beasts were hidden in the ark. Why not lift most of this burden from the taxpayers by having the governor convene the insane asy lum patients in the state house, and then bar the doors against Bourne and Jo Simon's organ in Portland? We certainly would have as good a chance for "remedial" legislation, besides Cor bett would no doubt tie chosen senator as the universal choice of about one tenth of all t lie Mitchell haters in Ore gon or abnut one-tiftieth of the pop ular vote or the state. w. Li. A. Correction. Belmont, April 1 .Editor Glacier: Your statement concerning the Bel mont boys being defeated in a game of base ball on last Sunday a week ago, is incorrect. There were none of the Bet mont club in this contest. We do not ask this correction because of the defeat of the parties, whoever they were, who played, but for the reason that we as a club will not play on Sunday. Belmont Club. Precautionary Measure. ' Editor Glacier: It is reported that a huge petition is being signed, by the taxpayers, to strengthen the guards at the insane asylum, as it is feared the inmates will break loose and be re turned to the legislature.- W.L.A. Reception and Farewell Party. A reception and farewell party was given on Wednesday evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Potter to Miss Edith Potter and Mr. F. H. Isenlierg. Miss Potter, one of Bel mont's promising young ladies, has just returned from Heopner, where she has been attending school. Mr. Iseri berg left Thursday for Wapanitia, where he expects to teach school. The young people were pleasantly enter tainedby the hostess; games were par ticipated in and an excellent lunch was served, consisting of ribbon cake,creatu cake, chocolate cake, pound cake,sand: wiches, pickles and coffee. The young people deferred going till a late hour. Those present were: Tire Misses Edith Lindsay, Bess Isenberg, Grace Lind say, Ida Koss, Maud Parker, Ethel Woodworth, Sadie Allen, Emma Cun ning, Maggie Bishop, Maggie Krazier, Ida Nickelsen, Ethel Righy, Hester Howe, Edith Potter, Mellie Rigby, lirace Wilson, .Laura .Ellis, May Boor man, Kittie Wallace; Mrs. Gregory, Mrs. Win. Potter, Mrs. M. B. Potter; Messrs. Lloyd, Frotan, Ellis, W. H. Isenberg, Frazier, Boormun, Galligan, F. H. Isenberg, Parker, Gibbons, Stran ahan, Gregory, Will Potter, Wood worth, M. B. Potter, Shoemaker, Rich, Cunning, M. F. Isenberg, Wilson, Wal ter Isenberg, Roy Ellis, Warren Miller. An Agreeable Surprise. Belmont lodge, I. O. G. T., was agreeably surprised during their regular session on Monday night at receiving an invitation from Mr. and Mrs. Cun ning to visit them after adjournment. The lodge promptly accepted, hastily closed and proceeded to the residence, where the literary exercises were con tinued in public, consisting of songs and reading the lodge papers, punc tuated witli the pleasing aroma of coffee, and soon an elaborate and tooth some lunch was spread and partaken of with great relish by these temperate esthetics. It was voted an enjoyable time and the thanks of the loriire ten dered for the pleasant entertainment. Belmont lodge has been enjoying quite a boom since moving to new quarters, New members received at nearly all meetings, and a good interest main tained. The lodge will miss for a short time two of our most earnest and oftiicient workers Howard Isenberg and Edith Liudsey, who leave us to teach the "young idea" in other local ities. The best wishes of the lodge go with them. A Heroic Deed. Last Monday afternoon Mrs. Buchler and Mrs. Gosser were out west of the city gathering flowers and were accom panied by a little girl about six yea re of age by the name of Belat. Returning they were crossing Mill creek on the foot bridge above Ninth street when the little girl fell into the water and was carried down the swift stream some distance. The ladies, almost frantic with fright, started to her res cue, but came to a barbwire fence which they could neither get over or go around. They could see- the child floating down the mad current, but were unable to render assistance. Fortunately they saw Jim Busha, an Indian lad who is a cripple and goes on crutches, and called to bin to save the drowning girl. Brave little Jim hobbled to the stream, waded into the rushing waters and rescued the child. Little Jim takes no credit to himself, considering his act only one which hu manity demanded that he should per form, but it would be a handsome re ward for true bravery if the kind peo ple of The Dalles would give him some substantial recognition for his act. Mountaineer. Substitute tor Paris Green. Prof. R. C. Kedzie, of the Michigan Agricultural College, has discovered a spraying compound which he believes to be more effective and less costly than Paris irieen, and which does not burn the foliage of the trees. The fol lowing are his directions for making it: Boil two pounds of white arsenic and four pounds sal soda for 15 minutes in two gallons of water. Put in a jug and label "poison" and lock it up. When you wish to spray slack two pounds of lime and stir into 40 gallons of water, adding a pint of the mixture from t,ue jug. The mixture in the jug will cost 45 cents, and this is enough for 800 gal lons or 20 barrels of spray. These 20 barrels will require 40 pounds of lime which will cost 20 cents more, making the total cost 65 cents for 20 barrels Si cents ir barrel. Its advantages over Paris green are as follows: It is cheaper and the ingre dients can be found in any village drug store; it is easily prepared and easily kept ready; it will keep for any length of time; it is uniform in strength;' it does not injure the leaves of trees or plants; it colors the leaves white, showing how evenly it is distributed. Rural Northwest. , To Cure a Cold in One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tab lets. Williams & Brosius refund the money if it fails to cure. 25c. Common vanilla is tonka bean there may or may not be vanilla in it. Schilling's Best is vanilla alone and is worth three times as much money. Money-back. . . . For sale by WOLFARD & BONE. Wanted several faithful men or women to travel for responsible estab lished house in Oregon. Salary $780,payable 15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. The National. Star Buildlng.Chlcago. THE SUN. The first of American Newspapers, CHARLES A. DANA, Editor. The American Constitution, the American Idea, the American Spirit. These first, last and all the time. Daily, by mall, -Daily and Sunday, by mall, $0 00 a year 8 00 a year The Sunday Sun Is the greatest Sunday Newspaper in the world. . . Price 5c. a copy; by mail $2 ay r. Address THE SUN, New York. Special Meeting. , Notice is here by given that a special meet ing of the stockholders of East Fork Irriga ting Co. will be held at the town of Hood River, on the 3d day of April. 1807, at 2 o'clock, for the purpose of electing three directors to serve until the next annual e! lection. V.WINCHELL, President, S. G. Campbell, Secretary. Small Fruit Ranch. 10 acres 3 miles southwest of town. House and barn and young orchard. Good Btraw berry land. Price $!S0. . Address E. C. Rog ers, Hood River, Or. Strawberry Ranch, 4 acres of land for sale: set to strawber ries; all In young fruit trees. Also, Interest in SO acres, part set to strawberries. All with in half mile of Hood River. Address Glacier. Idlewilde Cemetery. All persons indebted to the Idlewilde Cem etery Association in the purchase of lots are requested to call and settle for the same by cash or negotiable note before the 1st of April. Also, proposals for the purchase of the west six acres, more or less, nninclosed portion, will be received between this date and April 8d. State terms-of purchase and present to. the secretary. 8. E. BARTME8S, March 23, 1897. ' Secretary. GAXNESJSTABLES Teams and rigs to let at hard times prices. E. D. CALKINS, Frankton, Or., i miles from town. 7, Strayed. One bay horse, 14 hands high; bad blotch scar on left shoulder and blemished left eve: 22 years old. -Also, one gray horse, 6 years old; brand bar D on shoulder; harness and saddle marks., These horses were seen last In November, Any one giving information will be suitably rewarded. J. W. RIGBY, mar25 Hood River. For Rent. Strawberry land in Hood River valley one mile from depot, in excellent condition for putting out plants this spring. Running water for irrigation. Terms reasonable. Address mnrifl Cascade Hocks, Oregon. For Sale. One horse power pump for irrigating. Good condition. Will sell cheap. Address WILEY & CLARK , mai'35 Cascade Locks, Oregon. We have just received a full stock selling as follows: Men's Suit from $12.50 down to: $3 50 Youth's Suits, with long pants, age 13 to 18, 6 50 Youth's Suits, with long pants, age 13 to 18, 5 00 Boys' Suits, with knee pants 4 50 Boys' Suits, with knee pants 3 25 AucEKjrutca imiuub uc uuiiuaicu uy any uowreru 111 wiegon. -utill ana see. A. S. BLOWERS & CO. H. F. DAVIDSON, DEALER IK- VEHICLES, GARDEN TOOLS, Grass Seeds, Fertilizers, Etc., Etc. A new and complete line of Canton Clipper Chilled and Steel Plows and Cultivators, Planet Jr. Garden Tools, Studebaker Vehicles and for Wagons. , GET PRICES BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE. At the old stand, opposite Mt. Hood Hotel. : GEO. P. CROWELL, " Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley ,J ' . ' DEALER IN . ' AND '.V;: Flour, Feed, HOOD RIVER, WEST KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh. Meats. Hams, Bacon, Lard, And All Kinds of Game. V. , ALSO, DEALERS IN r tdiiitc (iin urrcTADi ce mUllO HilLT HOOD RIVER, - .... - - ' - - UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER ofXaVaUriaS; Woll Panov Paints Oil a dt.o ttt Aonntfir t.hA KHHal Votl F.iiTnhpr Pnmnanv Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching of Music. Her prices are 50 cents a lesson. J10 The Glacier BARBER SHOP, GRANT EVANS Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. Is Your Title Clear? E. E. Savage is prepared to examine ab stracts of title to real estate and give opinions on same. Charges reasonable. - martl' WANTED Arrow heads and spears. Also, all other fine Indian relics of stone. Good prices paid for fine specimens. Write to me and tell me what you have.sendlna rowth outlines ofbest specimens. Stone pipes wanted. Ad dress, S. P. Hamilton, Two Rivers, Wis. 21 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Feb. 25, 184(7. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has tiled notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 10, 1807. viz: NEWELL HARLAN. Hd. E. No. 482D, for the north northwest section 11, township 2 north, rauge 11 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Wm. Watson, E. J. Uuskey, Frank Weld-' ner and Thomas Harlan, all of Mosier.Oregon. f2tia2 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.. March 20, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of her Inten tion to make final proof In support of her claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir cuit Court for district of Washington, at' his office In Goldendale, Washington, on May 8, 1807. viz: MARY E. SIMMONS, Deserted wife of George H. Simmons, Home stead Entry No. 8766, lor the- northeast ViOt northeast section 25, township 4 north, range 10 east, W. M., and lots one and two and southeast of northwest 4 section 80, township 4 north, range 11 east, W. M. She names the toll wing witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Jacob E. Jacobson, William Fordyce, Rob ert Fordyce and C. A. Colburn, all of White Salmon P. O., Washington. mar2Ja30 GEO. H. STEVENSON. Register. $20 an Acre. Eighty aoresjof land in Hood Elver vallo for sale at $20 an acre. Good improvements; 2 acres in strawberries; 40.) apple trees, ana plenty of other fruit to supply a family; nine ucres In cultivation. Plenty of water tor Irri gation from private ditch. This place is one of the earliest in the valley for strawberries. For further particulars address ttie-Glacier. of Men's and Boys' Suits, which we are Boys' Suits, with knee pnntu 250 Boys' Suits, with knee pants 1 75 Boys' Knee Pants, corduroy 85e Boys' Knee Pants, wool 50c Etc., Etc. OREGON BKOS., VLUtlnDLbWi OREGON. ess T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN- nmnTTTifi ' i itt mrum i rr mm km MAWS, Kitchen Furniture, : PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. Paper Hanging. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience in the business of painting and paper hanging, is now prepared to do this kind of Work for citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the paper and put it on your walls at Portland prices. Fruit Kanch for Sale. Sixty acres of land on the East Fork of Hood river; 8 acres cleared: 600 fruit trees in full bearing, 11 years old; plenty of water tor irrlgatlop; good house ana barn. This place Is in the apple belt; no pests on fruit tree. Apply to D. R. COOPER, Mt. Hood P. P., Hood River Valley. To Lease on Shares. Five acres of No. 1 strawberry land to leas, on shares for a term of five years. Land filowed, 'harrowed, leveled ready for planting n spring; with refusal of five acres more in rpring of 1897. Plenty water free. Reference, seqnired. Apply at this office. B27 SHOE REPAIRING In the best and most artistic styles at the' Old Reliable Shoe shop one door west of post office.' Ladies' fine work a specialty. AH work war. ranted. C. WELDS, Prop'r. Team for Sale. A good gentle work team mares. Will Mil at a bargain. Address O. H. RHOADES. mar!2 Tucker, Or. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon. March 9, 1897. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler -has filed notice of bis in tention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon, on April 20. 1897, viz: LAWRENCE SILL1MAN, Hd.'E. No. 4045, for the east of the southeast y. Section 23, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: F. H. Stanton, Wm. Jackson, V. Winchcll and F. M. Jackson, all of Hood River.Oregon, . inl&UO JAS. F, MOORE, Register.