The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 12, 1897, Image 2

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    3cod iiver Slacier.
Abraham Lincoln.
We have many national benefits,
blessings and treasures for which as a
1'eiipie-we-ought to be grateful, but our
chief treasures are not material ones
mines,, manufactories, coast- lines, cli
mate ahd6jy. Que principal treasures
nre the eflWactw; "the examples and
the miitiitric. nf our meal int'ii. tin?
LllL J? " gi. ea LJiigrr;
builders a.yljujejs vWWa"-
A t the head of these is, pinnacled a tall,
vices lo i he repvWioti Viniio nf her
I eoiiuUlifMwni
treasumnsais Birf awi J-itxtsi fidqai&MajOne week more Mitt Hlte J 40 days al-
that (ff hriilf JWilli "f roW Wlitf TOJcf:
hood-'.! hyFtWt4F,iMi''n f the organiza
iVM'OrpWW 1JMsSnof the house now than there was
surround! MKs.aVwid .
ties nttrt augwS.wWh atHwicoiifriierab'tert
spii itinnpirttenfr niqostryiaiiddtvith sa;
will pwVr,iWhlt)lPfeverosifiisilW!'Tr9m
gry fptnpwd-ge; bf)1r$rt6 political
preferijjipd hng-afar off in
his boyjliliArfi?18?!6 worl? al'd the
reward JPil4f1'atcri ad yet hard
ly faoriyhirft fiffr.-iK moment that any
thingigi'&tfc'SoMiigh was in reserve for
himja WH?' gigantic frame, bronzed
from;1e'XpVsure trained to the sports
und l'Sbors of the frontier, without a
teacher, with only half a, dozen books
and his soul athirst for knowledge;
flowly and painfully working out his
"sums" on the' wooden-shovel, or on
cast-off scraps of paper, resolving that
he will in some way get hold of books
and muster them and learn how to
Then sweep forward your vision 35
years, and. behold this youth, a man of
Bli, mourned by the civilized world,
wept by fiiend and foe alike, honored
by the high and the low, us one of the
wisest, noblest and most magnanimous
and uielfish of men and of rulers, a
master of the arts of the logician, a
peerless benefactor of the bondsman, a
recognized leader in the foremost ranks
of sluteauenship and as you . behold
his confessed greatness, rcllect on the
fact that he won-his way' up , these
heights of difficulty and peril by his
own Invincible fortitude and- sagacity.
His pre'eiuinence, achieved . without
the assistance usually afforded to other
successful men, evinces the unusually
line fiber, the marvelous quality- of.
the character aud life of this almost
peerless man.
The noblest product of the current
century is not the (elegraph, the rail
road, the electric light, the telephone,
or the steam-power printing press it is
rather the character and" fame of Abra
ham Lincoln. The richest discovery
made in this country during the last 50
years was not the -finding of gold on
the Pacific coast, 'nor silver among the
Rocky mountains, nor soil six feet de p
covering that vast expanse that used to
be known as the great American des-
fst. The largest discovery of the era
t hat has passed into history was the
discovery, of Abraham ' Lincoln, the
statesman ana emancipator of our
nation. v " ,'. .
Tennyson, as though with prophetic
intuition, wrote half a century ago the
words which vividly outline the great
career ' ' .'''' '.
Of some divinely gifted hian, ' "
Whoso life In low estate began; - '
, Who breaks his birth's Invidious bar,
And .grasps the skirts of happy chance, ,
Ani) breasts the blows of circumstance,
... And grapples with his evil star; .
Who makes by forco his merit known
And lives to clutch the golden keys,
To mold a mighty state's decrees,
And shape the whisper of t he throne;
And moving up from high to higher,
Becomes on Fortune's crowning slope,
The pillar of u people's hope, . " ,.
The center of a world's deolre.
! The words may serve to fitly picture
the progress of Lincoln from his hum
ble origin in poverty and lowliness, on
through years of struggle, until he was
crowned by the suffrages of the civil
ized world as one of the wisest and no
blest of men, Dr. Jesse ' Bowman
Young. "
Stock in the Improvement Com-,
pany's ditch is how eagerly sought, by
capitalists. The directors of thecom
pany have levied an assessment of 75
per oent on the stock subscribed to be
pjid in cash. ; Capitalists have agreed
to advance, the money to pay this as
sessment where parties 'are unable to
meet ,the payments. Twenty-five per,
cent having already been paid, the
stock will be issued in the name of the
subscriber; and those unable ,to meet
the assessment can jflve their, notes,
and the stock will be held to secure the
notes. ' . -
The Multnomah ''Fruit Growers'
Union of Portland, which has been op
erating for. two years past, do not limit j
the number of diiwtois, but allow ,-ns
many stockholders to qualify as wish
t do so, and a quorum for.. doing busi
ness is even. .They have one regular
meeting each month, so there is' very
little 'necessity for special meetings, j
On this plan there could be no possi-
bility of any one, or even a few persons,
getting control of the stock, as all
voting is done by the directors, and by
individual votes, insteadof by shares.
One share gives each fruit grower as
much voie(gJv.Tt yrpjsMjh'oiv hirwo
! have, even Tltiijfli fle j&ucv of sNareeC
j This is co-o petition ii)(rejievi ajfcVr
meii fro be.
l.VtjJfieJljiiVcle vl'p
whole responsibility. It is now time
for the people here to get together on
some at it-factory p'au, mid (his one
certainly is worth serious consideration.
r. We learn froni the - dispatches -that
the ways and meatis committeY(M4)
work on the new tariff bill will
stofe-therates of
the- McKi nley tari ff
on fru
ers of early berries in -British (Columbia
prices on Hood River
Ih'Wed by law for t.he-Qregon legislature
I'tf organize and get to work will expire
It at
Road Building.
At this time, when the subject of
new roaas ana water roaas is oeiore us,
it might be profitable to review the
subject in the light of experience and
science. In every business, public or
private, a systematic plan of action is
necessary to insure coniplete success.
The building of wagon roads Is as much
a science as the building of railroads.
The' ancient Carthagenians were the
first to treat it us such; the Romans
followed liext, and the perfection to
which the system was curried by them
is attested by the fact that some of
those roads have withstood the travel
and wear of 2,000 years without ma
terially affecting their usefulness. The
roads of. all the counties in Oregon,
with the exception of Multnomah and
Clackamas, are worked on the "picnic
plan." ' In 1893, Clackumns county
adopted the cash system. . Previous to
that time the work put on the roads
resulted in only a few rods of road be
ing put in permanent condition. In
1893, the road fund, in round numtters,
was $13,000; In 1894, 11,000; 1895, $20,
000; 1890, $12,000; in 1897, it will be
$18,000. With this money, 50 miles of
road have been cleared o"f tlinber, 20
miles grubbed," 26 miles graveled, be
tween 5 aud 0 miles planked, and 7
miles covered with loose rock; besides
this, - many miscellaneous improve
ments have been made of a permanent
nature. , . ' ' ,
All systems are open to criticism.
The J'picnic plan"' it can not be called
a system has been in use in " the
United States for a; century or more,
and for about the same length of time
it has been accepted in about the same
spirit as the jury system, as & national
institution; handed down to us by wise
and patriotic sires; we being satisfied
that what was sufficient for them was
equally so for us, .and should be ac
cepted without criticisDi or change.
But with' the growth of cities and
the removal of the wealthy to the sub
urbs, came a demand for better streets
and rapid travel; with the advent of
the bicycle came the agitation for bet
ter country roads. The old Roman
roads were built mostly in straight
lines, for the reason that, as most of
the carrying was done by beasts of bur
den, the matter of grade did not enter
very largely . into consideration, Ex
perience has shown conclusively that
there- are three essential points to be
considered in modern road making
first, grade; second, a, hard, smooth,
water-proof surface f third, a thorough
ly dry foundation.
Iti order' to keep the surface smooth
and hard, the foundation must be kept
dry, and to attain this, it must be piop
erly drained; the subject of road drain
age being fully as important as road
metalling. The principal objections
our present roads are: First, they are
too narrow; second, they are too flat;
third, they are not properly drained.
On account of narrowness, 'the wheels
all run in the same track, carving deep
nus. Not being properly rounded in
the center causes the water falling in
the roads to run down the wagon ruts,
thus increasing their size; not having
sufficient ditches on the sides, the
water froin the surrounding country
overflows and stands there, in varying
depths, or takes its course down the
already well-worn ruts, and from being
ruts they become miniature canyons,
making travel exceedingly dangerous
if not impossible, in addition to these
objections is another, added simply by
our shifllessness or indifference: ' We
do not take into consideration the dif
ference between bur mode of. moving
heavy burdens and that of the ancient
Romans, forgetting that while Jt is a
comparatively easy task for .beaut
with a load on his back to ascend steep
hills or sharp, irregular pitches, in an
otherwise level-road it is very difficult
tor tne same animal, Hitched to a
heavily-loaded wugon, to accomplish a
similar feat. .
The important reasons for roud im
provement throughout the . state are
four: First, thelei-irnbility of reducing
the tost of hauling; second, to induce
people to buy aud locate on our farm
lands, whereas now the roads are a
bugbear and prevent sates; third, the
importance of making ttiostof the roads
fit for pleasure driviii'g, thereby at-
trading to the rural districts, in sum-
mer, thousands of people who create a
local market, for various farm products;
fourth, the economic principle of pre-
venting the great was'te of labor which
fa nov listlessly expended in making
bad roads. to raeetftiluirKiTWt8
a bm-wtll bfc presenleS tftUe fpgisla-K.
iire iprovfrting tbatf the t&es J.ow
Lorkfi on the roJftdsVsPll belpuid
in cash, and the roads built by contract j jast vveek.
and let to the lowest bidder. To this J School closed in this district Tues
I suggest there be added a -provision ie- j day. The attendance during the lust
ouirine th&iofitrattr-wbo shall re-
ceive a contract, in. any road district to
hire the labor "required from that dis-
tnetiMuus -"returning to farmers as
u JAtui
iJohj4f0t more, cash than their tax
will amount to, and doing away with
ITie objection that money can not be
j-aised to pay a rod tax.
In laying out a new line of road, an
engineer should be employed; an accu
rate survey of the proposed line should
be made, including the relative levels
of its different -parts and the slopes on
each side; the gradients should be made
as easy as possible, with due regard to
expense of excavating and embanking.
'I I. n mim.tanna r r.i.i.i. r.iiil .nil lei 1 i
lu.j,.i,... vecj . -
roads can 'be better-understood from
the following example: While the
force requisite to draj a wagon weigh
ing 6 tons along a level macadamized
road is 264 pounds, with an ascent of
1 mile in 70 the force '.required is 456
pounds; that is, -70th part of 6. tons
over and above 264 pounds. '.
All .engineers agree that a road
should be higher in the middle than at
the sides; but just what the slope
should be must be determined by local
conditions. The most approved form,
say in p, road bed SO' feet wide, is a
slope of 6 inches from center to side,
with a level strip a few feet wide in
the center. . ' J
The two principal systems on which
roads are built scientifically are those
originated by Telford and MacAdam.
Deviations from these systems can be
made to Buit the available funds and
local . requirements, which will result
in first-class country roads. With re
gard to the kind of stone suitable for
covering roads, granite and the differ-,
ent kinds of green stone and basalt are
only admissible. Saud stone; is too
easily crushed; lime stone is slightly
soluble in water and is therefore ob
jectionable. ' The stone used should be
tough as well as bard. The object Is to
get it to bind into a firm mass, and not
to roll about after it has been laid down
for awhile. Here in Oregon, basalt
rock is very plentiful, and in some sec
tions granite also. There is no reason
why, by a. little foresight and wise su
pervision, Oregon, though a mountain
ous state, should not have some of the !
best highways in the world, in point of
usefulness as, well as beauty,
; . . G. C. BUSHSELL.
Vancouver is not always liehind the
times even though there are a lot i f
mossbacks with- us. This week Mrs.
Watson, wife of the dealer in second
hand goods, started in the barhering
business and js said to be quite an
adept. Columbian.
The private secretary ' chosen by
President McKiuley nivides his name
in the middle, and signs it J. Addison
Porter. It is safe to say that he will
not be a success. Any man who has
the good, old-fashioned name of John,
and prefers to wag his ears to the name
of J. Addison instead,, proves that he
lias plenty of ears to wag. Chronicle.
Mrs. Esther A. Reno died at Mosier
last Sunday, of consumption aged 43.'
Frank ' Woodcock of Wamlc has
taken the agency for Bryan's book and
will canvas the county. , --.-,.'..
i Mrs. GeoHerbert of The Dalles is
quite sick with typhoid fever.
The two Indians, George Alleck and
Jake, Hunt, who were sent to jail
at The Dalles, a couple of weeks ago,
charged with larceny, were discharged
Monday the grand jury returning not
a true bill. .-: . ...
There are several fellows in this sec
tion who handle the shot gun with a
great deal more "slouchiness" than
does the editor of this great weekly.
Last ruesaay morning we were out a
little less than three hours and bagged
seven rabbits, five of which were shot
."on the wing." Antelope Herald.
' J. O. Douthit, brother of the editor
of the Times-Mountaineer, died at his
home in Crook county, Tuesday, Feb.
2d. Death resulted from injuries sus
tained from a full from a horse on Jan.
20th. Deceased was a respected citizen
of Crook county, aged 57 years. ,
' At Prineville, lust week, Mrs. Delia
Frazier cowhided a young man named
Emmet Holman for uncomplimentary
remarks about-herself. Theo. Cadl'e
assisted the woman, and Win. Combs
and George Cline attacked Cadle, and
a general fight ensued. AH parties but
the woman were arrested. ; . .
Wm. Tillett and Jas. Cooper returned
Wednesday from a trip to Mt. Hood.
. Ripans Tabules.
' Ripans Tabules cure nausea,
or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house In Oregon: Salary jf780,payabletl5
weekly and expcoHes. Position permanent.
Reference. Enclose self-addreitsed stamped en
velope. The National. Star Building.Chlcago.
Taken Up.
cayuse mare and colt. Hay mare with blazed
face. No marks nor brands. Owner may
come and prove property, pa.V charges -and
take them away. 112 . JEROME WELLS.
rmA tA - nln.A ill...... 1 -I . V, ..
Notice to Contractors.
Notice is hereby given that bids will be re
ceived by the board of directors of the Valley
Improvement Company until
Wednesday, February 17, 1897,
At 12 m., for the building of a ditch 4 feet
wide on the bottom. 6 feet wide on top, and 2
feet deep, oiv the line and grade established
beginning at the ond. of Davenport Bros.
Lumber Co.'s contract, near the residence of
8. A. Arnold, and extending to the beginning
of t he flume at Indian creek. Bids to cover
distances of not less than 40 rods eacli.
A guide will be at the starting point toshow
parties over the line, on Monday, February
iflth, at 0 a.-m. Work to be completed on or
before June 1807. The Board reserves the
right to.- reject an.v or all bids. By order of
the Directors ot Valley Improvement Co. ,
.. II, Y, DAVIDSON, Secretary.
g jf "p"" Frnnkton Notes.
j pr. 3lark, father-in-law ' of Rev.
jM4i v'y sick. 1
rroiracten meetings are ueing ueiu
f """
lor,.,an' ..laceone lav
: ?ew n"yH w?8 rather slim, a good many
being afraid of the "exams.'
Mr. Fred. Snooks, brother in-law of
Mr. Samuel Kophn, arrived here from
Kebruska last week. He expects to
make Hood River his permanent home.
The Misses Madge Warren and Ber
nice Foley went to The Dalles on the
Regulator,; Tuesday afternoon, to at
tend : the -quarterly examination .of
teachers. ,. ,
The Frankton literary society held
an , excellent meeting last Saturday
night. There was a good programme
of recitations, songs and select read
intjs.interspersed with music by Messi'4.
Ellis and Wheeler, the gentlemen
gracefully responding to a rousing en
core. It being Uie regular meeting for
. TVf T .ifl.f-i. 1Vflll.ii.
Wa8 unanimousl re-elected president;
Antoue Frohn was chosen vice pres
ident, and rank Davenport secretary
Thos. Calkins was selected as treas
urer, and he also kindly consented to
act as janitor. The following question
was then selected for debute ut next
meeting: -"Resolved, That women hav
ing taxable property should have the
right to vote." Mr. H. S. Golligan
leads the affirmative and David Wilk
inson the negative. Each leader will
be supported by a hostjf talented de
baters. .... ' '
Save TJonr Fruit and Grain, '
Few realize that each squirrel des
troys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
Wakelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is the most effective and econ
omical poison known. Price reduced
to 30 cents. For sale by Williams &
Brosius, agents.
Mr. Ward L. Smith, of Fredericks
town, Mo , was troubled with chronic
diarrhea for over thirty years. He hrfd
become fully satisfied that it was only
a question of a short time until he
would have to give up. " He had been
treated by some of the best physicians
in Europe and America but got no per
manent relief. One day he picked up
a newspaper and 'chanced to read an
advertisement of Chamberlains's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy.- 1 He
got a bottle of it, the first dose helped
him and -its continued use cured him.
For sale by Williams & Brosius. :
Are Schilling's Best ;
coffee ; : baking powder
i-f soda ' ' ... and
1 spices ' flavoring extracts 'r
as good as Schilling's Best
tea? ' -
Yes and no. Other coffee,
baking powder, and soda,
are not usually so bad as
other tea. Other spices arid
flavoring extracts are. almost
worse. ;';.!v'K!:''''
w ''." .--..' ' ''. '.'-'
1 .ale by ', '. , " ,.:
Vol fard & Bone ' '
Stockholders Meeting
,,i . -
In accordance with the recommendation of
ftmeetlnRof fruit growers held on -January
30, 1897, notice is hereby given that a meeting
of the stockholders of the Hood Kjver Kruit
Growers Union will be held at A. O. U. W.
Hall, in Hood Kiver, Oregon, on .
Monday, February 15, 1897, . ,
At 1 o'clock p. m., for the purpose of voting on
an increase of the capital stock, amending the
by-laws, electing a board of directors and
transacting such other business as may legal
ly come before the meeting. J$y order ol the
President. , H. K. DAVID80N,
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
: ' , Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and alt kinds ofceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham '
a specialty, Jv
Bit. Hood SaT7 Mills,
. .
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. . jy24
Paper Hanging. -
E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
in the businessof painting and paper hanging.
Is now prepared to do this kind of work for
citizens or Hood River. He can f'urnixh the
rpaper and put It on your walls atrl'ortland
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable shoe ..iliop one door west of postotllce.
Ladies' line work a specialty. All work war
ranted. ; V. C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Kitchen Furniture, " V
. . Pruning Tools, Etc.'
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Harness Repairing.
t am .now ready for repairing and oiling
harness. Wood, hay and farm products will
be taken In trade. Leave harness for repalr
ingat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. ' . '
I have for sale one of the best farms in Klick
itat Co.. Wusn; 10 acres, 8 miles from Onter
vtile. d20J K, D, CALKINS.
Have You Tried
Baking Powder?
28 or 30c. ;
per lb. v
' '
1 ok. 2 oz. 4 07,. 1 pint.
Extract Vanilla.; 10c 1.1c 25c $1 00
Kx tract Lemon 10 15 2!) 1 (XI
Kx tract Orange 10 lfi z5 1 00
Extract Pineapple 10 15 25 1 00
Extract Raspberry 10 . 15 ..25 .100
Extract fetrawberry 10 15 25 1 00
Extract Ginger . .". 10 - 15 . 25' - . 100
Extract Peppermint . .10 15 25 1 00
Extract 8arsaparilla. 10 ' 15 '25 1 00
Extract Rose 10 , . 15 25 ; 1,00
..-'.-"' .- " ' ' " ' t ' i
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.J "
v', .y ' . ; DEALER IN .. .
Dr 37" G-oods, : ClotliiiELg:,-
: - ; , Flour, : Feedi ': -: Etc., :'; ,' Etc. ; ? --i. j
HOOD RIVER, -' r ' -', - - - - OREGON
O-eirLersu , Ivercla-a,n.cllse,
. , .Sell only for CASH at
We invite trade of close buyers. '
Choice Fresh Meats,
Hams, Bacon, Lard, .'
v v And All Kinds of Game.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - r ' - " OREGON.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc.: Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
JKCTDKNTAbLY Hi an advocate of 6mnornv. with no leaninr toward popnlfsm 6r atst .
. elallem. The triumph of the repueiic;in party in the recent pmvlrittuiitl o oction, as ft ,rnl
w; the disruptioti of the democrats, devolve upon the latier th duty of reconciliation and reo'
rnization on the line of their own. and not some other party 'a. faith. To promote rennlo
democracy, to dincoiitiUMiance populism, and'.to resist tlte nionopoliHtlc te )d"nrteH of republioaar
l'Pi will be the political mission of THE CHKONIOLE in the fulue an it heon in the past
Ah tt newspaper THM CHHONICLE will continne to bo c miprahenaive ;uid enterpriaiMft
O'iritit neither labr nor tflcppiiHe to make Us reports of all noteworthy vents of i;pcrior excelp
lin -; nd covering exhaustively the entirely fluid of news, discovery, invention, industry and
f.fvtfi'eris. -''.'"
Kor one cent a rtav every family within fire hundred mlion of Chicayo may hare on t'o day
f f Itn publication a copy of a great d.iUy newspaper, ousting tnouaaitUti of dollur to pixduc-
miracle of cheapnabs and value iO ubined. ., , . :
Dally only. One Year. .. ,
, , ;-six Ktontna..
.; : ' !. Threa Wlontha.,.. .75
i One Month..; .1 ... .' .25
Dally and Sunday, S5.00 per year.
All Hubacrlitlon must be&ceompaiiiert by the cash..- Remit by postal orejspress monyordr, .
rtrnft ntt Chioasrn or Nmw Vop. or r j.-ristui-oJ letter. Citl-rititrv iu iettera.- wliile braluikrllv u&fd
. uuuyb. muHt ulwus bu at tfndjr'tt Huk Samuloooptej'sejt frjo b.i app.iitHtloii. "v'
-The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River, Or.
heads ttnrt pers.
ipeitrs. AIho, all
other line Indian relics of
stone. Uood prices paid for r
tine specimens. : wriie-w
me and tell me what you
have.sending rough outlines
ol best specimens. .Btone pipes warned. Ad
dress H. V. Hamilton, Two Rivers, Wis. , 21
Ripans Tabules: at druggists. .,
, Ripans Tabules cure dizziness; -.';.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
Ripans Tabules: one givs relief.
, Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. .
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation. ,
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
In lino with our policy. of offering nothing but
the BEST, we ask you to noto these prices and test
the QUALITY 'of those Extracts. .
'''' .' '' ' ''''' ' ' ' '' ' 'I
They are put up by us In FULL I ounce, i
ounce, 4 ounce and pint packages, caph bottle full,
measured, so there is no guess work. .
Oregon. ;
Sunday only, One Yoar. . . . . .$2.00
. six months. ... i.oo
. ' Three IV.onths. .CO
: t One Month 28
Porta of a year, 50c per month.
164-166 Wo;hinr:ton St.. Chicago. 111.
Administratrix Notice,
.' -. eo
Notice is hereby jiven that the undersigned r
has been appointed Administratrix of the ea v
duly qualirled as such. All persons having L'
claims against said estate are therefore notl- I
fled to present the same to, her. properly ver- !
lned, wilnin six monins irom tne aate nereot,
at the office of the county elerk of Wasco
county, Oregon, or at the office of her attor
ney, .1. H. Cradlebiuigh, In The Dalles Chron
icle bnilding, at. The Dalles, Oregon.
. Dated this 24th day of December. A. D.. 89.
Administratrix of the estate of David K. Ord-
way deceased. d2ufs .
To Lease on Shares.
Five acres of No. 1 strawberry land to lease
on shares for a term of five years. Land
plowed, harrowed, leveled ready for planting
in spring; with refusal of five acres more in
rprlng of 1897. Plenty water free. .References
seqnired. Apply at this office. - n'27
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