The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 12, 1897, Image 1

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    The Hood River Glacier
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
HOOD : IlIVER, OllEGON, FItlDAY, FEBllTJAltY 12, f 1897.'
NO. 38.
i 1 thf roiitinp pnnr.FPniMrss.
From All Parts of the New
" ; World and the Old.-
Oaa.prchen.lTe Review of the Import
ut Happenings of the Past Week
Called From the Telegraph Column..
. The Homestead steel work started n
this week in . all departments, giving
employment to 4,000 men. .
Mrs. Mary Scott, a pioneer of 1864,
, died at- her home in Walla Walla, at
tb i , age of 79 years. Her husband,
in Scott, died only three months ago.
?he president has signed, on the rec
taendation of the , secretary of the
in 'dor, an order, reducing the num
ber of. pension agencies in the United
States from eighteen to nine. It is said
this will save at least $150,000 per an-
1 Hon. j. F Boyer died at his resi
dence in Walla Walla. ' Mr. Boyer was
one. of the best known men of that
oity. In business, in church, in social
life and in almost every matterof pub
lic interest he was for many years one
of thejnost. prominent men - of the In
land Empire. -
: A Santa Fe train was held up an,d
robbed by two masked men near Nel-
son, A. T. One of the robbers while
attempting to break into the express
car was shot and killed by Messenger
Summers. The other escaped, taking
"with him about half a dozen registered
packages, the through mail pouches
being unmolested.
, A grand ball, on a luxurious scale, in
honor of President and Mrs. Diaz, was
given Saturday night at the palatial
residence of Pablo Escandon, of the
opulent family of that name. It was
in point of importance, taste and dis
play, what the Bradley-Martin ball
will be in New York.
News has been received of the whole
sale killing of paciflcos at Jubaco, Ma
tanzas province, last week, by one of
Weyler's captains, .named Marios. ' He
raided a small village, expecting to find
an insurgent hospital there. Being
disappointed he arrested twenty of the
men, and, putting them in line, he or-
; dered every odd numbered man shot,
promising to spare the others. No
sooner had these been dispatched than
he had the others put to the machete.
Revi Myron Reed, pastor of the Den
ver .Broadway Temple Association,
preached a sensational sermon ' last
Sunday, in which he discouraged the
collection of grain and money for the
starving people of India, while there is
so muphySuffering and need in our own
country. Rev. Reed declared that
present conditions in India were
brought about by British misgovern
ment and should .therefore be relieved
by the. British people.
Two. drunken tramps, . named Shep
pard arid " Irving, respectively, were
locked up together at Merced, Cal., and.
a few, hours later, w;hen the cell was
opened, Sheppard was found lying dead
on the floor-, with a red mark upon his
neck" indicating that he had been
strangled. Thirty-five cents in change,
whioh -.Sheppard had when locked up,
were.. found in Irving's possession.
The latter!: was charged with his com
panion's murder. , .
The ' Pennsylvania state eapitol has
been destroyed by fire. The Jegislative
halls are in ruins and a newstructure
must, rise from the ashes of the building
that has served as a meeting place of
the state legislature since 1822. ' The
flames "within the short space' of an
hour, ate up $1,500,000 worth of prop
erty. '.The inefficiency of the Harris
burg volunteer fire department is gen-'
erally blained " ;
A special cablegram from Frankfort-
on-the-Main to the New York Post says
" that the Berlin committee of holders of
Oregon Railway &, Navigatiqn Com
pany 5 per cent bonds have received a,
point bid of 45 from the Northern Pa
cific and Great Northern railroad com-
panies for all the stock of the Railway
5 Navigation Company represented by
bemthe purchase price to be payable
'yl, with 8 per cent interest. The
, is 'conditional on its acceptance by
east $3,000,000 of .etock. It is un
stood .the Union Pacific ; will also
ome interested later if) the purchase.
leorge .Edward Butler, the most
led criminal of late years, has just ar
'ed in .r San Francisco on the Swan -Ida
'JtM Australia. " He was imme
itely'i arrested by Australian deteo
res and will be taken baok toi answer
jiis numerous crimes. He is known
hav killed at least twelve men, and
is said' his .crimes may reaoh forty, j
is cold-blooded, method was to insert j
n "ad"" jimr,Australian papers for a '
respecting 'partner. " When he found a
an that 'suited his purpose he would
ire himEt to j Mme desolate spot and
lere ' request him to dig. When the
lsusgfcting ."'victim would .have dug
jep enough' in the earth, Butler would '
ime be'hihd him, and either shoot or
;ab histi;- He would then rob him, '
iry the body m tne newly made
ave, destroy al, traces o his crime
id return to. the city for a fresh vio
la. His crimes show that he was ut
ely devoid f any- sense' of humanity.
Proceedings of the ' Senate In Ope
' Session. . '"
Washington, : Feb. 10. The senate
was in executive session most of the
day, considering the Anglo-American
peace treaty,' so ;fhat . little time was
given in open, session to the transaction
of regular leigslative work. "
Early in the day, the bill rearrang
ing the judicial distriots of Texas was
passed over the president's veto by the
unusually heavy majority of 75 to 1,
the negative vote being that of Caffery
of Louisiana. .
Speaking of the bill, Mills said the
burden of the president's objection was
that the judge of the court, the clerk
and the marshal opposed the change.
For years the development of Texas had
demanded the change,' but every time
it was attempted there was the opposi
tion of court officials who desired their
convenience consulted rather than the
convenience of the public. And so, in
this case, said the senator, the presi
dent had accepted the views - of the
court officials rather than those of the
representatives of the people. .
V The effect of the vote is to make the
bill a law without further reference to
the president, as it has already passed
over the veto in the house. .'-,..
Pettigrew sought to have the bill rel
ative to amending the timber culture
laws recalled from the president to cor
rect an error. Hill interposed the legal
point that it was beyond the power of
congress to take a bill out of the hands
of the president to amend it on matters
of substance, i: It might overcome the
veto power by withdrawing a bill from
the president when it was liable to be
vetoed. The resolution went over.
At 1 o'clock, on motion of Sherman,
the senate went into executive session
and so remained until adjourning at
5:25. - '. . -
i .
In the Houae.
Washington, Feb. 10. The house
devoted the 'whole day to District of
Columbia business, and eight bills of
more or less local importance were
passed.;.. ' ' ''';s;v.: a :'
The certificates of election, of the
principal electors, . forwarded to' the
house by the secretary of, state,, were
submitted and ordered to lie on the
table, in anticipation of the counting
of the electoral vote. '..
The report on the immigration bill
Vas presented, and notice given that it
would be callea up tomorrow. Barthold,
who fought the first report, has signed
the present report, and it ' will be
adopted, it is believed, practically with
out opposition. The speaker appointed
Grosvenor and Richardson as tellers on
the part of the house to oount the elec
toral vote.
A resolution was adopted requesting
the secretary of the interior to inform
the house what action had 'been taken
to enforce the terms of the treaty of
1868, with the Navajo Indians, by
which these Indians are required to re
main within the limits of their reserva
tion. At 5:10 P.'M,:the house ad
journed. ' ' :
With the 'ew, Invention Surgeons Can
See Through the Body. -'
New York,', Feb.' itf. Thomas A.
Edison is about,, tfc give to , the world
another discovery as wonderful in its
way as the fluroscope, by means .of
which he puts the X rays to practical
use in revealing the bony structure of
the body. ; ' a v
"It was," said he, ' "the action of
the X ray on crystals of platinocyanide
of barium which paused Roetgen to
make the , original discovery. Imme
diately afterwards. " I discovered that
tungstate of . calcium was more power
ful, and I constructed a practical instru
ment for utilizing tl crystals in con
nection with the Xray.: Tungstate of
calcium is not sufficiently sensitive to
transform the Btrange light discovered
by Roentgen to. a light that would ; so
illuminate the' interior of the human
body as to render its mct delicate tis
sues visible, in other words, to make it,
transparent." - . tv-A'-. ' ;)..-.' .".-v . ':
Mr. Edison set about to find a crystal
whioh ' would .possess- the quality. He
has discovered one. Its name he will
not yet reveal, saying he is still experi
menting with it, and desires to exhaust
its possibilities before,announcing it to
the world. . ' ' A ,
By means of newly discovered crys
tals Edison will now disclose to the eye
of surgeons organs and tissues that have
hitherto been seen only in the dissect
ing room. , It is probable that when he
perfects his new discovery the slightest
derangement of the system will be re
vealed to the doctor's sight.
Stoned by a Mob.
Philadelphia, Feb. 10. When 'ex-
priest Joseph Slattery concluded his
lecture at the Industrial Art hall last
evening and appeared at the door to
take' his carriage to his hotel a mob
gathered. Two policemen got in the
carriage with Slattery and his wife and
drove off. . - , "" '
The crowd at the hall was held in
check by the police, but parties of men
and boys armed with stones and bricks
were lying in wait nri the alleys along ;
Broad street. ' As the carriage passed
these points, -volleys of stones greeted ;
it Policeman Clemens was cut over his
right eye; Policeman -Dorris was light-
4 i. 3 Cl.i. i , : i . I
ly cut. uuu tDiaifoiy uau a eiiuuar in
jury. They reached the hotel safely,
but tha carriaga was badly wrecked.
Bullets Whizzed Close to the
A Perilous March to Havana An
other American Newipaper Corre
spondent ' Arretted ' by Spaniards.
New York, Feb. 9. A Key West
special to the World says:
As General Welyer was marching
with his column just before entering
Santa Clara, his horse was shot from
under him by a Cuban sharpshooter.
It is supposed the shot came from a dis
tant hillside.
. Throughout the march from Rodas,'
the oaptain-general was assailed by
missiles of this kind, and several times
barely escaped being wounded. He is
greatly worried over it, and large scout
ing parties preceded the advance of the
Spanish columns to capture the daring
A Spanish force of 5,000 was am
bushed Wednesday night near Naza
rene, just ' west of Santa Clara, where
General Weyler was then, and narrowly
escaped annihilation. .
' - v
A Correnpondent Aire. ted.
Washington, Feb. .9. Consul-Gen-eral
Lee today; telegraphed the state de
partment from Havana: . ' '
"Sylvester Scovel, a World corre
spondent, was arrested yesterday at
Tunas, Santa Clara province. ,
-' "
' New York, Feb. 0. Sylvester Scovel
is the only New York correspondent
who has been for any length of time
with the Cuban army in the field. . He
has had considerable success in eluding
the vigilanoe of the Spanish troops and
getting his dispatohes out of Cuba. He
is the son of Rev. Dr. Scovel, president
of Wooster university. He is well ed
ucated, and an all around athlete;
Scovel " was manager of , the Cleveland
Athletic Club when the Cuban rebel
lion broke out. In a spirit of adven
ture, he determined to join the pa
triots, and in October, 1895, he left
Cleveland for Cuba.
Will Be a Social Ae Well As a Naval
. ; "Even. ',.
Charleston ; S. .C.,' Feb. 9. The
steamer Fern, the first of the blockade
fleet, reached here today from Hampton
roads. ' The ' flagship New York, the
battleship Maine, cruiser Columbia and
Monitor Amphitrite, which left Hamp
ton roads with the Fern, are expected
tomorrow. The fleet will number
about twenty vessels, and they will,
in all probability be here within the
next few days, when the great mimic
blockade of Charleston harbor is sched
uled to begin. Arrangements are in
progress for the entertainment of the
naval officers. ' A number of commit
tees have been appointed, and navy
officials as well as leading officers of
the blockade fleet will be given a hos
pitable reception. It is intended to
give a ball and receptions during the
blockade maneuvers. Secretary Her
bert and Colonel Farrow will be guests
of the chamber of commerce, which
will give a dinner in their honor.
Charleston will probably witness dur
ing the blockade) one of the largest
orowds ever assembled here.
Ice George, on the Mtoslnlppl. .
Louisville, Feb., 9. An ioe gorge,
fifteen feet high and twenty miles long,
which has been forming. for several
days, gave way this afternoon. Several
New Orleans and Memphis packets
have been caught in the ice and com
pelled to lay up. . If these have not
succeeded in finding refuge in the tribu
taries, the loss may be large. A tele
phone message from the scene tonight
states that the Buckeye State ran into
Blue river to escape the ice. The wa
ter in Blue river quickly rose with the
passing gorge, and quickly receded, leav
ing the steamer stranded on the shore.
Her ' pilot house and smokestack were
demolished, and it is now thought she
will be a total loss. Her value is $40,
000. : V -" .
Gave a Gond Stage of Water.'
Pittsburg, Feb. 9. Both . the Alle
gheney and Monongahela rivers, are
full of floating ice, and are rising rapid
ly, but a dangerous flood is not appre
hended. -f.X good boating stage of water
is assured, however, and between 7,
000,000 and 10,000,000 bushels of' coal,
will be shipped to Southern points dur
ing the first '. of the week.' Several
tows Were made today and started, but
had to lay up because of the ioe. ,'The
Monongahela above Brownsville, " and
the Allegheney, above Kittangin, are
still frozen over, and the " weather is
getting colder, so they will probably
not break up now. i "
-An Old Lady Murdered.
Salt Lake, Feb. 9. A Tribune
special from Butte says: Mrs. .Mary
McDonough, a lady 70 years old, was
found murdered at her home today, in
the town of Basin, in Jefferson county.
She was found in a back room of her,
house, her head and face being- hacked
almost to pieces, with an ax, which was
found in the room. No motive i
known for the deed, ."
Senator Thnrston .Returned HI. Spee
on the Pacific Railroads.
Washington, Feb. 9. Thurston, of
Nebraska resumed his speech upon the
Pacific railroad debt. In the Gourse ot
Thurston's remarks, Morgan of Ala
bama asked w.hether the roads were
not paying expenses, to which the Ne
braska senator replied he could pot say,
not having da'ta before him. " ' '
Thurston said it was "nip and fuck"
whether the court should authorize pay
ment Of interest on the first mortgage
bonds of the. Union Pacific. He said
the Union Pacific never earned enough
to pay all its interest obligations.
Following Thurston's speech, the sen
ate, by unanimous consent, went to the
calendar ' and passed the following
bills: ' i
For the relief of the Mobile Marine
Dock Company, for the establishment
of a soldiers' home at Hot Springs,
Ark. j to place Rear-Admiral McCann
on the retired list; amending the law
in regard to collisions at sea; a resolu
tion of inquiry relating to the , capture
of the Competitor by a Spanish war
ship; for a public building at Joplin,
Mo., and for the relief of James Tal
free and Pay Clerk Blake, of the navy,
on account of a fire at Yokohama. ' ''
When the joint resolution acknowl
edging the independence of Cuba was
reached on the calendar, Morgan insist
ed that it taken up, notwith
standing objections; He subsequently
withdrew the request, several senators
protesting. Morgan gave notice, how
ever, that when the senate should next
come in contact with the resolution, he
would insist' upon its consideration. '
The vice-president announced? the ap
pointment of 'Lodge of Massachusetts
and Blackburn of Kentucky as a com
mittee to make arrangements for the
counting Of the electoral vote.
The Competitor Papers.
Washington, Feb. 9. The resolution
passed by the senate today relative to
the capure of the Competitor by a
Spanish warship was introduced by
Senator Morgan June 8, 1896, and calls
upon the president, for information re
garding the capture. Since that time
the president has transmitted to con -sress
part of the correspondence rela
tive to the Competitor and the prison
ers. ' ' , ' .;
Consular and Diplomatic Bill. '
Washington, Feb. 9. The consular
and diplomatic appropriation bill was
reported to the senate by the committee
on appropriations today. The commit
tee restored the American consulates at
Horgen, Switzerland, and Alexandret
ta, Asiatic Turkey. It also extended
the franking privilege to the bureau of
American republics. ' '
Decided Against Watson.
Washington, Feb 9. It became
known today that thd house committee
on elections, which had charge of the
election contest brought by Thomas F.
Watson, of Georgia, recently Populistic
candidate for vice-president, against
Representative Black, decided .yester
day to confirm Black's title to the seat.
The verdict, it is understood, is unani
mous. ''.'.-'.' -;: ''.-'. v. y :
. A Pension for George Hughes. '
Washington, Feb. 9. -Representative
Ellis says the George Hughes pension
bill has passed the senate and has been
reported from the house committee at
$50 per month. He expects to have it
reached and passed in time to be signed
by the- president before congress ad
journs. ; ' - '' ' ' "
Mrs. Cleveland's, Farewell Drew a
Large Crowd to the White House. ;
Washington, Feb. 9. Mrs. Cleve
land's farewell public reception this
afternoon drew a large crowd, despite
a drizzling rain. ' , The White House
was artistically decorated with red and
white roses and smilax, and groups of
big palms and garlands of vines beauti
fied the parlors. 5 Throughout the re
ception, which was from 8 to 6 o'clock,
the Marine band furnished the music.
Mrs. Cleveland was gowned in violet
and white' striped moir silk, , the
bodice of deep cream lace. . She wore a
bunch of violets, but no jewels. Mrs.
Stevenson, wife of the Vice-president,
and the ladies of the cabinet; were the
assistants of the mistress of the White
House, while sixty-five ladies assisted
in the Blue parlor, i Mrs. Stevenson,
standing next to Mrs. Cleveland, was
richly dressed in black corded silk.
Drowned Herself and Children. 1
Salt Lake, Feb. 9. A Tribune
special from Butte says: At Big Tim
ber, in 'the eastern part of the state,
Mrs. John Cort drowned herself and
three children in the Yellowstone river
this afternoon. The. bodies have not
been recovered. ' V ' '
Blaok Jack" Captured. V
Silver City, N. "it, Feb. 9. United
States Marshal Hall received a tele
gram this morning informing him of
the capture at El Paso, Tex., by the po
lice, of John McDonald,' alias "Blaok
Jack," the notorious leader of the gang
of border bandits, who have been com'
mitting robberies in Southwestern New
Mexico and Southern Arizona during,
the past year. I Two members of the
gang were recently, killed ' in fights
with marshals, and it is believed Mc
Donald was seeking new companion
on ths Texas border. ''
Four; Schedules Have. Been
V Completed. .
An Increase on Mexican Cattle Partiou-.
-' larly Desired by Western t Oattlemeei
Vegetables and Breadstuffs Raised.
, Washington, Feb. 8. The daily ses
sions of the Republicans of the ways
and means committee, which have been
in progress for some weeks, ' have
brought the tariff bill, which is to be
laid before the next congress, to a stage
where the character of the measure can
be somewhat gauged and where several
of the most important schedules are
definitely fixed. In their conferences
up to this week, the tariff -makers have
dealt largely with the general charac
teristics of the sohedules which they
have had under consideration, and de
voted themselves to sifting the great
masses of figures, letters and petitions
presented to them. Four schedules
have been fairly completed the chem
ical, agricultural, wines and spirits and
the earthen 'and glassware schedules. ,
, Today's meeting was the most im
portant of the series, for it resulted in
the framing of the agricultural schedule,
which was made a re-enaotment of the
McKinley law, with few changes ex
cept on unimportant products. : The
most' imporant step in connection with
this schedule was the establishment of
rates of $5 a head on cattle more than
1 year old, and of 25 per cent ad val
orem on cattle valued at more than $20
head. i . ... :;. .;'
Th$ McKinley rates on other live
stock, including the rate of $2 on cat
tle of 1 year old or less, are restored.
The Wilson rates were 20 per oent ad
valorem on livestock, and, while the
new duty of $5 on cattle does not reach
the McKinley figure of $10 on cattle
more than 1 year old, it is said that
with the ad valorem on the more valu
able grades, it will prove adequate to
shut out Mexican cattle. It is against
the Mexican stock that the increase is
particularly desired, on the representa
tions of Western cattlemen that their
business has been ruined by the impor
tations from Mexico under the Wilson
law, which ' amounted to more than
200,000 head. , ' : -, .
' Much interest centered upon barley,
which the committee puts back to the
MoKinley duty of 80 cents a bushel, be
cause the farmers oontended that the
Wilson tariff had turned over the mar
ket into the hands of the Canadians,
while the maltsters, who have been
using Canadian barley, have made a
hard , fight against any increase.
, The McKinley rates have been re
stored on fruits and berries, mainly
for the - benefit of the fruitgrowers of
the Pacific coast. The fruit exohange
of the country had prepared a schedule
of rates below the MoKinley bill and
above the Wilson rates, although thef
did not suoceed in having their schedule
adopted. ;
Among the products in the agricul
tural schedule which are returned to
the MoKinley rates are breadstuffs and
rice, dairy products, potatoes and
starch, castor beans and flaxseed, meats
and meat products, and poultry, vege
tables and salt. 1
The demand of the farmers for the
McKinley rate of $4 a ton on hay in
stead of the Wilson rate of $2, was
granted. Chicory is placed at 1 cent a
pound, in accordance with the request
of the growers in the central states,
who believe they can capture the home
market with protection.
The Prohibitionists Stirred Vp the Ire
: of Senator Hill,
Washington, Feb. 6. The session of
the Benate today was one of unusual ac
tivity, with sharp colloquies and vigor
ous speeches', whioh drew large' orowds
in the galleries. The ball was set roll
ing early in the day when Mprrill en
deavored to-pass' the bill prohibiting
the use of intoxioating drinks in the
eapitol building. . This aroused the op
position of Hill, who denounced the
busybodies and mischief-makers in
spiring this olass of legislation. The
senator spoke for fullest enjoyment of
individual liberty consistent with the
common good. The speech was not
only notable for the vigor whioh Hill
.threw into it, but also for its effect in
prolonging the debate until 2 o'olock,
when .the bill was displaced by the
Nicaragua bilL. The immigration bill
was committed to conference, Lodge,
in charge .of the measure, ' adopting
this course as a result of urgent appeals
for a modification of the bill. Before
this was done, however. a warm per
sonal' and politioal colloquy occurred
between Lodge and Chandler, on one
hand and Gorman on the other. ,, Vilas
added another day to his speech against
the Nicaragua canal bill, and had not
concluded when the, senate adjourned.
. " , i.
A Shipyard Burned.
Glasgow, Feb. 8. The shipyard of
the Fairfield Shipbuilding Company,
Dover, near here, has been almost com
pletely destroyed by fire. ; The damage
is estimated at $250,000. Four thou
sand persons are thrown out of em-plovment
A Gang of Ruffians Insult and Maltreat
an Opera Company.
, Spokane,. Feb. 9. Russell Harding,
superintendent of the Great Northern
railway, has received the following
telegraphi) report from his agent at
Shelby Junction, Mont., of the out
rages perpetrated by a gang of drunken
cowboys, in whioh members of the Co
lumbia opera company suffered severe
- "The cowboys began their disturb
ances ' by firing shots around the Great
.Northern and Canada train as it came
into the station with the opera folks.
While thef theatrical people were sitting
in the waiting room, one of the cow
boys oame in and began to use profane
and insulting language. During the
altercation I had . in getting him out, I
struck him' with my fist. I then looked
tha.door to keep him out. ' He went
away, and immediatley returned with
several of bis chums, armed with, six
shooters. He was shouting that he
would shoot the agent. . He kicked the
door open, and scared every one out of
the depot by flourishing bis revolver.
The agent retreated to the warehouse,
where he remained a few minutes.
The ringleader of the cowboys went
out, and followed trje theatrical people
to the hotel. He assaulted one by
striking him on the head with his gun,
and struck two or three others with his
fist.' . I am advised that he threatened
to run the station agent out of Shelby.
A warrant is now in the hands of the
sheriff, who will probably make arrests
tomorrow. L M. Kingsbury'."
For three hours the drunken hood
lums kept up their terrorism, insulting
women, attacking men, firing revolvers
and otherwise acting like demons.
Sugar Beet Culture.
Medford, Or., Feb. 9. Amassmeet
ing was held at the opera-house yester
day afternoon, for the purpose of mak
ing arrangements for testing sugar-beet
raising in this valley. A large num
ber of farmers were present, and iabout
seventy-five have consented to put out
a quarter of an acre each for the pur
pose of ascertaining the amount of
beets the soil in this vioinity will pro
duce, and also the amount of sugar the
beets contain. Merchants of this city
have subscribed a sufficient amount to
procure the necessary seed for making
the test, so that the farmers will only
be out the use of the land. If the test
is favorable, parties in San Francisco
stand ready to put in a factory of suffi
cient capacity to use all the beets pro
duced in this valley. ,. t
New Lumber Combine.
Tacoma, Feb. 9. It is announced
here today that the cargo -mills of the
Northwest, including Washington and
British Columbia, are likely to be
brought under the control of a new
lumber combine which is being formed
for the purpose of controlling and ex
tending the foreign lumber trade and
the maintenance of uniform price lists
and grades, This organization will be
the successor of the Central Lumber
Company, which recently went to pieces
after endeavoring to exercise a like su
pervision over both foreign and coast
wise markets. It is understood that
the St. Paul & . Tacom a Lumber Com
pany, of this city, and the Bellingham .
Bay Improvement Company, of New
Whatcom, will not join. :
Young Man and Woman Killed.
Caliente, Cal., -Feb. 9. A horrible
accident occurred here today, in which
John Hardesty, a young man, 82 years
of age, who recently came from New
port, N. - C, and Miss Cora Akers, of
Fresno, were instanlty killed, beiiig run
over by a light engine while crossing a
trestle. Hardesty and . Miss Akers
with two others were leisurely crossing
the bridge when , the ; engine came .
around a curve and rushed upon them.
Miss Akers ' was thrown under the
wheels, her body being cut in two.
Hardesty, in endeavoring to save the
life of his .companion, was.-, also? thrown
under the engine, both his Jegs being
cut off above the knees. ; The others
succeeded in crossing the trestle safely. .
Dashed Into a Funeral.
Alameda, Cal.i Feb. 9! Shortly af
ter 4 o'clock this afternoon, a broad
guage Vcal train dashed around an '
abrupt curve near Buena Vista avenue
into a funeral procession, which;-, was
crossing the track;. The engine jturti:.
missed the hearse and struck the hack
immediatley behind it, in which were
five of the mourners. The vehicle was
completely wrecked, but its occupants .'
fortunately -escaped with a few nasty
cuts and bruises. Herbert Crowe, the
driver of the hack, Was thrown between
the horses and was seriously kicked by
one of them.- : -. r - v
. . ' A Head-End Collision.
Montgomery,, Ala., Feb. 9. A head
end collision between -freight trains oc
curred this morning On tbe Louisville
& Nashville, near Myers' switch twenty
miles from this oity, caused by the
carelessness of the telegraph operator
in failing to signal ( the southbound
train. Sink Kirkland, enigneer, aged '
28, of Montgomery, and Brakeman
Weller, of Middleboro, . Ky., were
killed, and the fireman is said .to be
fatally hurt. After the aocident, the .
operator took to the woods and has not
been seen since. . '
Occasional instances have been found
of perfectly pure native iron in meteor
it f" '