The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 05, 1897, Image 3

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    2Kcod IftverSlacier.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
part ie same aays a, noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays: arrives at 6 P.M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.
arrives at o'clock P. M. i
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, rrout LiUKe ana uienwooa Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 18, Or. X. It., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
t 2 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. R. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
room. S. F. BLVTHK, Commander.
0. J. Haves, Adjutant.
Waucoma Iiodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
W. H. Bishop, C. C.
Wm. Haynes, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. IT. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
8. J. LaFRANOE, At. W.
J. F. Watt, Financier,
H. Ij. Howe, Recorder. v
Idlew.lde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
In. Fraternal hall every Thursday night. ,
F. E Jones, Bcc'y. '
Freeh oysters at the bakery. .
Geo. Rordan has a couple 'of fresh
cows for sale. t
Cracked corn and street-car feed at
the Racket Store.
Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals. , ' .
All kinds of garden tools and agri
cultural implements at Dallas'.
Mr Frank Leef editor of the Pacific
Farmer, was in Hood River Monday.
Tillett has Lambert cherry trees at
25 cents each. Also, Ring cherry trees
at 10 cen's.
Crapper district, at a special school
meeting January 28th, levied a tax of
5 mills for school purpoies.
C. M. Reddish, advertising uncut for
E. O. DeWitt & Oo.'s medicines, was
in Hood River Wednesday.
The Regulator is now making reg
ular trips. The. Dalles City is about
ready to eo on the route again. .
Laxative Broroo Quinine, the best
known remedy for colds, la grippe and
headache, sold at the New Drug Store.
. Mr. Howells of La Grande, who re
cently bought Fred Miller's place, two
miles south of town, moved to Hood
River with his family last Wednesday.
Mr. George T. Fratlier remernU'red
the printer in diRtributingcopies of the
'Yosemite Art Folio," in colors, com
pliments of the Pennsylvania Fire In
surance Co. The folio is a perfect gem
of art.
The series of meetings at the U. B.
church closed on Tuesday evening.
About twelve persons professed con
version. Union prayer meetings were
held at the Congregational church on
Wednesday evening and at the U. B.
church ou'Tliursday evening. '
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed: They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before purchas-
Incr uldtturl'iaro i
At the suggestion of the friends of
Rev. J. T. Merrill, a donation will be
made him on Monday of -uext week.
Those desiring to give will tlease de
liver at the furniture store on that day,
and the same will be gratefully received
and promptly delivered to him.
Mr. J. A. Soeshe was in town Satur
day and returned on Monday to Spo
kane, where his family reside! He has
lately been at RosBlan'd and other min
ing towns of British Columbia, and re
ports that country as having the best
prospects of any mining country in the
Mr. M. F. Sloper and family expect
to start some time next month for Trull
Creek, British Columbia. Mr. Sloper
lived the most of his life lit Montana,
and after three or four years spent in
Hood River, raising fruit, he has de
cided to go back to a mining-country,
Ms first love. ,
I have given Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy a fair test and consider it one
of the very best remedies fr croup that
I have ever found. One dose has al
ways been sufficient, although I use it
freely.' Any cold my children contract
yields very readily to this nfedicine. I
can conscientiously recommend it for
croup and colds in children. Geo. E.
Wolff, clerk of the circuit, court, Fer
naudina, Fla. Sold by Williams &
Brosius. '
At a meeting of the board of directors
of district No. 3, Wednesdsty night, it
was decided to retain the teachers em
ployed last year, principal, Prof. .1. M.
C. Miller; intermediate. Miss Grace
Graham) primary, Miss Eliza Stevens.
School will commence Tuesday, Feb.
;ine noaro win nave me nonse
scrubbed and thoroughly cleaned be
fore school begins, and they wish the
patrons of the" school to come and in
spect the work.
Last Tuesday was groundhog day.
The sun was shining ac the noon hour,
when the weather prophet is supposed
to make his first appearance alter his
long sleepof three months. According
to the old saw, if the ground liog sees
Ids shadow he will return to his
. . l i. , t l -.. . . : c
uuie lor uiioi iter six weeKH uui, out u
cloudy weather prevents seeing Ids
shadow, he will stay out and prepare
for spring Although the sun was
shining part of the time Tuesday, there
was a foot of snow on the ground, and
It' is not likely the groundhog would
have been foolish enough to wade
around in a foot of snow if he hadn't
been frightened in by seeing his
enauow. I
Mr. John S. Gray did some artistic
work in statuary in the grounds sur
rounding Mr. A. P.- Bateham's resi
dence, during the first part of the week.
He set up in snow statues of George
Washington, Goddess of Liberty, the
Gladiator and Venus. From the'street
the work looked like real marble and
might have been mistaken for such by
strangers passing by. , Mr. Gray is from
Minnesota, where such work may be
common, but we never saw anything
like it. The work was done -by piling
up pure white snow to a sufficient
hight and thickness, and then it was
dressed into shape witli a shingle. The
thawing weather interfered with the
statues, and they soon crumbled and
fell. It was a real work of art and elic
ited much praise. ,
The meeting of fruit growers last
Saturday was attended by nearly every
strawberry grower in- the valley, and
deep interest was manifested in the
proceedings. Mr. A. 'P. Bateham
called the meeting to order. U. L.
Morse was selected c.s chairman of the
meeting and J. E. Rand secretary. Mr.
H. F. Davidson read ijuile a lengthy
statement explaining his work as man
ager during tbe past shipping season,
after which Mr T. R. Coon felt called
upon to reply, and the statements of
both gentlemen seemed to make clear
several questions that had been agitat
ing the members of the union. Ar
rangements were made for holding an
other meeting of stockholders of the
Hood River Fruit Growers Union on
February 15th, at which time the pres
ent board of directors will resign, a new
board will be elected, the 57 shares of
stock sold just previous to the ttth of
January meeting will be surrendered,
and there will be a new deal all round.
The meeting ended harmoniously, and
everything indicates that the affairs of
tue union win now move along pleas
antly to all concerned.
Elders J. J. Golightly and D. Jensen
of Chesterfield, Idaho, both elders in
the Mormon church, arrived at Viento
last Friday. Tuesday, Mr. Frank Dav
enport brought them t Hood River in
his sleigh and took them up the valley
as tar asms saw mill on Hood river.
Both gentlemen are farmers, well in
formed, and seemed much interested
in Hood River, having often heard of
our strawberries and other fruit.
Mr. James Langille has tiled two
plans for a bridge across Hood river.
One Is of the Howe truss variety: the
other consists ot tvo parallel arches
rrom wnicn me bridge is suspended.
The latter is estimated to cost about
$1000 for a 140 foot span, and the other
about $2700.
A Michigan lumber firm has a repre
sentee named Cox at White tsalmon
who is getting out black pins timber
fur shipment to Scotland. Mr. Cox
will rait the timbers as tar as Kalama.
Wash., where the logs will be sawed
for shipment to Scotland.
A call has been issued at White Sal
mon for a meeting of the nine early
strawberry growers on the flat to or
ganize a iruit union. Hiese men have
heretoiore snipped with the 'aood liiver
union, and their berries are always a
little earlier than. ours.
The private school in town, conduct
ed by Prof. Miller and Miss Grace Gra
ham, closed last Friday. Now that a
sufficient tax has been voted for school
purposes for the coming year, the pub
lic school for the spring term will com
mence February 23d.
A wreck of six freight cars on the
road below Bonneville, Wednesday
morning, prevented the local from com
ing up on Unit day. The freight train
ran into a tree that had fallen across
the track. , .
Mr.' T. Wires of White Salmon is
putting up a barn 40x(i0, which will be
used as a livery and feed stable in con
nection with a hotel that he will build
in the spring.
.T.C.Dallas is now ready to supply
spraying apparatus and all kinds of
pruning tools. The season for spraying
is close at hand. The early bird catche
the worm.
The instructive and entertaining dis
play of Mrs. Jarley's wax-works will
be made in the near future in behalf of
the Congregational church. Look out
for them. ,
A light chiuook wind struck here
yesterday and tbe snow went lively for
a while, but at da light this morning,
snow was falling that sqon turned to a
cold rain.
Prof. J. T. NetTwill go to The Dalles
next Wednesday, to act as one of the
board of examiners at the quarterly ex
amination of teachers. 1
Lost A pearl breastpin: also, a pair
of mils. Finder of the breastpin will
be rewarded with a dollar by leaving
the pin at this office, i
Regular meeting of Canby post, G.
A. It., and Canby Relief Corps, v to
morrow, at 2 o'clock.
Prof. H. L; Howe Is teaching a pri
vate school at. White Salmon, with 30
pupils. ...
'A brick house given away with' every
10c tablet sold at the Racket Store.
The sleighing was excellent during
the first part, of the week. .
'. Frankton Notes. ;
School in this district will close next
Tuesday, February 9th.
Win. Isenberg, accompanied by W.
E. Sherrill, came up from tbe Portland
University last week. .
Elders Golightly and Jensen of the
Mormon chinch addressed a meeting
in our school house Wednesday even
ing.' " .
Last. Saturday evening the legisla
ture of the Frankton literary society
succeeded in selecting a U. S. senator
F. H. Isenberg being elected on the
fourth ballot by a combination of the
pops and democrats. The entire ses
sion of the evening was consumed in
tbe election. Theparty nominees were
given a good send off with long unv
inatingspeeelies, arid during the ballot
ing most of the participants felt in duly
bound to. give an explanation of their
vole, and the aspirants g.ive reasons
why they voted for themselves. Fol
lowing is a record of tbe vote:
1st. 2d. 3d. 4th.
Wm. Ellis, pop 4 4 2 ...
F. H. Isenberg, dein 4 8 6 8
W. A. Isenbei g, rep 0 ' 7 6 B
The republican minority contested
stubbornly to the end, but finally had
lo give in and congratulate Mr. Isen
berg upon bissuccess, though they still
claim tbe election lo have been uncon
stitutional, eight voles being less than
a majority of. the members "elect." .
Quarterly Meeting.
The second quarterly meeting of the
M. E. church of Hood River will occur
next Saturday and Sunday. Quarter
ly conference on Saturday at 10 o'clock.
Sunday morning, at 1J o'clock, Dr.
Hi nes will preach, and as it is the 54th
anniversary of his conversion his sub
ject will lie, "Lessons from Half a Cen
tury of. Christian Experience and
Work." In the evening at 7:30, Rev.
Robert Warner, presiding elder, will
preaeh,-and the Lord's supper will be
Save Your Fruit mid Grain.
Few realize that each squirrel des
troys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
Wulielee's Squirrel and Gopher Exter
minator is the most effective and econ
omical poison knoWn. Price reduced
to 30 cents. For sale by Williams &
Brosius, agents.
Written for the Glacier.
A Hood Riverite'it Supplication.
Beautiful snow! fall fast, fall deep
On plain. In woods, on hillside steep;
I Protect and shelter, cover up,
j The strawberries, my only crop.
j O place thy mantle light, yet warm, ;-. ' -j
On my plantation, ere the storm
Shall cease. It Is my only hope, ,''','
That berry patch on eastern slope.
Thou gracious snow, O reckon" not .
If I thee wished to climes red hot
At times, when I thy worth not knew
Thou know'st we sometimes changeour view.
0 snow, with bosom cold and white.
Fall fast, fall deep, fall day and night,
And fall with vigor and dispatch '
Till thou bast corer'd up that patch!
1 know that thon hast oft been called ,
Bynames which musthaveburned and galled
And none but thou wouldst e'er endure,
Thou with the heart so white and pure.
- ,
Gentle shepherd of snow-white flock,
Thou art my pillar, thou art my rock;
On thee I build my hope, my trust
I pray thee, do not let me bust!
For shouldst thou leave without a fog.
Oh, gone my patch, my cup of Joy!
I bend my knee, I supplicate;
Oh, do not leave me to my fate!
Old people oft call thee a bore; '
Children worship thee and adore. '
What I waut Is: Do cover up
That berry patch, my only crop.
A. N. R.
Hood River, Or., Jan. 30, 1897.
List of Letters , i
Remaining uncalled for in Hood River
' postofflce Feb. 1, 1897.
Clough, J T 'Henson, Roy
Denison.Bev W L Lacey, L M
Engle, John A ' , Ogben, Miss Carry
Felps, Fred Steyaert, Theo '
L. E. Morse, P. M.
People who -'"lick" envelops run a
great risk. The glue on them is made
from decaying scraps around slaughter
houses. To run the tongue over it ex
poses one to the risk of blood poiseniug
Do not lick stamps and envelops, or
run the tongue over glue or mucilage
surface of any kind.
Miss Mabel Hodgson, one of the
city's fairest daughters and an accom
plished musician, was a pleasant caller
Wednesday afternoon. She read all
the ads in the Advance from type and
with about the same facility as most
people read Greek. Mt. Moiiah (Mo.)
Two Indian fishermen were drowned
in the Columbia river, two miles above
The Dalles, last Wednesday. Their
names were John Williams and John
Waters. ,(
Taxes in La Grande, including the
special school tax, amount lo 43 mills.
The total amount, of fees collected by
the county clerk during the month of
January was $323.31.
President-elect MeKinley was 54
years old January 29lh.
Subscribing for Metropolitan Papers.
The coining year will be crowded
with big news events and happenings,
the details of which every one inter
ested in national and foreign affairs
will want to read. The best Western
newspaper published is the Semi
Weeklv Republic of St. Louis. It is
only $1 a year, and for that amount it
will send two papers a week to any ad
dress for one year. The Republic daily
is $t a year, $3 for 6 mouths or $1.50 for
three months.
Stockholders' Meeting.
In accordance with the recommendation of
a meeting of fruit growers 4ield on January
30, 1SSI7, notice Is hereby given that a meeting
of the stockholders of the Hood-River Fruit
Growers Union will be held at A. O. U. W.
Hall, in Hood River, Oregon, on
Monday, February 15, 1897,
At 1 o'clock p. in., for the purpose of voting on
an Increase of the capital stock, amending the
by-laws, electing a board of directors and
transacting such other business as may legal
ly come oeiore tno meeting, jjy order ot the
President. II. F. DAVIDSON, ,
' -.-' Secretary.
Harbison Bms., Prob'bs, -
Manufacturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Mt. Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
, to suit me umes. jyai
Paper Hanging.
E. L. Rood, who.has had 8 years' experience
n the business of painting and paper hanging.
is now prepared to do this kind of work for
citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the
paper and put it on your walls at Portland
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe jliop one door west of postoftlce.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. . U. WELDS, Prop'r.
- v "4,,
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Harness Repairing.
am now ready for repairing and oiling
harness. Wood, hay and farm products will
be taken in trade. Leave harness for repair
ingnt Blowers' store Highest price paid for
I have for sale one of the best farms In Klick
itat (X.. Wash; im acres, 8 miles from Center
vtlle. c!20 E. D. CALKINS.
Church Notices. 1
Elders Golightly and Jenson of the
Mormon church will - preach at the
Valley Christian church next Sunday,
t 11 o'clock, and again at .7. 'The
Christian Endeavor will meet at 6:30.
' Methodist Episcopal Church, H. K:,
Mines, D. IX, Pastor Weekly services:
Sunday, 10- a, m., Sunday school; 11
a. m., preaching; 2:30 p. m., Junior
League; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 7:45
p. m., preaching. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.,
prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed
to these services.
Sunday school at the M. E. church
every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A wel
come to all. " Supt.
Rev. H. Moys will fill appointments
for the conference years follows: He
will preach at Pine Grove every first
and third Sunday at 11 a. m.; at Bel
mont at 7:30 p. m. Jielmont, every
second and fourth Sunday, at 11 a. m.;
Crapper school bouse, 2:30 p. m.; Pine
Grove, 7:30 p. m. Fifth Sunday, at
Mt. Hood, at 11 a. m.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. 'and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced'. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome.
United Brethren Church Services.
Preaching each Sabbath morning and
evening. Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Senior En
deavor, 0:45 p. m.; preaching, 7:30;
prayer meeting and choir practice
Wednesday evening.
Rev. J. T. Merrill, Pastor.
Sherman county may have bed bugs
and flies but she has no convict in the
penitentiary nor member of Salem's
biennial disgrace. Moro Observer.
Miss Suze Tracey is holding a series
of interesting Coo king lectures at Tenth
and Washington streets. Portland,
which are attended by about two hun
dred women. Pacific Emnire. -
Ray's Penetrating Lin
iment. An efficacious remedy for rheumatism, neu
ralgia, swellings, lame back, sprains, sciatica,
stiff .joints, chilblains, sore throat and pains
or bruises in any part of the body. Price 60c,
at the Hood Kiver Pharmacy.
Stanley's Celera-Kola
A restorative tonic and nervine. It quiets
the brain and nerves, restores vitality, renews
strength, cleanses and enriches the blood, reg
ulates the liver, bowelsand kidneys. PriceSl,
at the Hood River Pharmacy. ,
Ray's Sarsaparilla.
' A highly concentrated extract of the best
vegetable Alteratives known to science, com
bined with Iodide of Potassium. Preparedby
the most approved process from carefully se
lected drugs. It cleanses the blood of all Im
pure and poisonous matter, and by enriching
and stimulating it, renovates and builds Up
the entire physical organism. Price $1. at the
Hood River Pharmacy. .
or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house in Oregon. Salary 4780, payable
$15 weekly and expenses. Position perma
nent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed
stamped envelope.' The National, Star Build
ing, Chicago. sep4
Household Furniture.
FOR SALE CHEAP, almost as good as'new,
on the place formerly owned bj' Xv. C. Evans.
Also half breed ilolstine cow. extra good
milker, 7 years old, will be fresh in about
six weeks. Apply on the place to
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of the stockholders of the East Side
Irrigating Co. will be held at the Odell school
house, on
- Saturday, February 20, 1897,
At 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of electing
three directors and transacting such other
business as may come before the meeting.
V. WINCHKLL, President.
SaM (i. Camphki.i,, Secretary.
To the Stockholders of the Valley Improve
ment Co: You are "hereby notified tl-at Dav
enport Bros, have about completed the sec
ond half 'mile of flume and ditch, and the
board of directors will have to setlle with
Davenport Bros. As there are several that
have not paid their assessmen -s, I will state
that I will be ready to receive all assessments
not paid and receipt for the same until Feb.
10, 1897. All assessments which are not paid
on or before February 10th, I have been in
structed by the board to place in the hands of
an attorney for collection. L. HENRY,
Treasurer of Valley Improvement Co.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
I planted 850 trees bought of Wm. Tillett
last spring, and they are all doing finely, and
I never lost a tree. WM. BOORMAN.
I planted over 700 young apple trees lasl
spring, bought of Wm. Tillett. They all lived,
and some nave made 4 feet growth. Best
trees to grow I ever bought. Drop around
and see them. J. J. GIBBONS.
We planted over 1100 trees bought of Wm.
Tillett last spring. They, have all mado a
good growth, and we have not lost a tree.
Drop In and see the trees I bought from
Tillett 18 months ago, and you will sec the
best 10 acres of young orchard In Mount Hood
district, or Hood Kiver. either.
D. R. OOORER & SON, Mt. Hood.
To Contractors.
. The County Court requests contractors to
submit plans and estimates for a bridge across
llood river at the town of Hood River. Plans
will be considered at the adjourned meeting
to be held February 8th, at I o'clock p. m.
The court reserves the right to reject any and
all plans. If a plan is selected, bidst will be
asked for the building of the bridge. By or
der of the court. A. M. K ELS AY,
J1513 . . Clerk.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. 11 er prices are 50 ctnte a lesson. jlO
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 15,
1897. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to nuike final proof in support of his
claim, and that, said proof will be made before
C. O. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama
nia county, Wnnli., at Stevenson, Wash., on
March 2, 1807, viz:
H. E. No. 7708, for;the southwest section 11,
township S north, range 10 east, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses tft nrove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva- i
tlon of, said land, viz: - I
Henry Kellendonk, Harry Olsen. Amos Un
derwood and John Darke, all of Hood Kiver,
Oresron. GEO. H. STEVENSON, .
t2m ' Register.
Is now open for business,
Perfumery and
Always on hand.
Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Jicasonable.
At the old stand of the Glacier office. Hood River, Oregon. .
H. A. YORK Proprietor.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold. ,
Notary Public.
DR. E. T. CARNS is now located Mn Hood
River.. First-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langille
House. Jyl9
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
partiest tioth funning and timber lands.
February, 1894.
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
Offers a large stock of Fruit Trees and all oth
er kinds of nursery stock. All trees are well
grown, carefully dug, free from pests and true
to label. Whether you want one tree or 1,000,
it will pay you to examine this stock. Re
member, trees grown here give the best satis
faction. No trouble to show goods. Orders
filled on shori notice. H. C. BATEHAM,
Hood River, Oregon.
Three miles south, on Mt. Hood Kond.
For Sale.
Two or three small tracts the very best
frnit location. T. R. COON,
n2 , . ' Hood River, Oregon.
Anyone sending a Bketch and description may
quickly ascertain, free, whether an Invention is
probably patentable. Communications strictly
confidential. Oldest agency for securing patents
in America. We have a Washington office.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. receive
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beautifully illustrated, largest circulation of
any scientific journal, weekly, terms 3.(!ll a year;
91.50 six months. Specimen copies and Hand
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3111 ISrondwnv. Now VnrU.
Abreast othe Times.
A Grand Educator.
Successor oj 'the
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mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
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The One Great Standard Authority.
Hon. P. J. Brewer, Justice of the XI. S.
Supreme Court.writes : ' The International
Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries.
I commend it to all as the one great stand
ard authority."
!EPA saving of three cents per flay for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Can you afford to be without it?
G. & C. MEKRIA.M CO., Publishers,
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fv-fipiv1 tn Oift iMihllshM for free nnnrohW.
Ddr 1K not buy cheap reprintB of nncie at editions.
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West hound overland, - 5:47" A. HL
East hound oveiiarwl, t- - 4t:J7 r. M.
Local pasfieiiger.easHiouud, 10:55 A. M.
Local passenger, west " , i!:4 p.
Leave I'ortlund every five days .for
E. McNEILL, J'n-sWent.
For full details cnll on O. R. ft N. Agent
Hood liiver, or addre.-w .
W. II. Iinil.BlTKT,
' Oen'l 1.ubh. Agent,
Portland, Or.
THE-- : . '
T&e Dalles, Portlanfl & Astorii
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily M. Dies Eii Itiftii
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way- ........$1
Bound trip v - .ii)
Freight Rates Greatly
-'.-. ' ' : - General Afidil.
Ts'otary Public.
11. ('. t .'
ra mis a m iimb,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
'We hnve lots hloeks and ixreatte i tha
town of Hood River; hIhu, fruit, li'iy and in-, l y
farms anil timber claims in the tni dcsii i
ble locations In the valley. If yon have miy
thini? in the real estate lin to sell or rem,
if von want to buy, give us a call. Tmirtuuw. nmilllltlv llltll
correct! v executed.
We will also attend to legnMinsiiiuss in Jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WATCOM A
' ''" ap27 " ' ' "
Tetter, Salt-Kboum and. Eeaaema."
The intenso itching and smarting fuel -dent
to these diseases is instantly tuJ. ycd
by applying Chamberlain's Eye and
Skin Ointment. Mwny reiy lud eubci
have been permanently cured by it. Jt
ia Annall-v efficient for iiohine Dfl 'aul
a favorite remedy for sore nippier;''
chapped hands, chilblains, fiwt liua
and chronic sore eyes. SScts. per box.
, I)r. Caily'B Condition Powders,
just what a horse needs when in Wl
condition. . Tonic, blood pm-ifier aud
vermifuge. They are not food hut
medicine and the best in wo to mti -t
horse in prime condition. ; Pi lco 5
cents per package. . y '
. l'Vir pale l'V'V Hiatus & liroi-iutt. ;