3oed Piyer Slacier. FRIDAY. JANUARY 22, 1S97. The member of the Hood Rive" Fruit Growers' Union eeein to 1 In about ihe same situation as our state legislature at Salem. They are pulling apart and doing a good deal of talking that so fur has not helped much to wards adjusting their difficulties. Like the legixlattire, the tight just at present 1h over the offices. The union has been organized now four years. The first year, without previous experience, and before our !ommunity could ship straw berries in ciuload lots, our union un fortunately shipped too many berries to Montunn markets, and prices de clined below it paying basis. Next year crtiie the flood, and our crop rotted on the vines for the want of transiortaiion facilities through the ) w8of the railroad. For the past two years we have been able to ship in car ioad lots, and after shipments to Mon tana from other points becume too heavy to hold up prices, our berries were shipped East. Tha growers who nhip outside of the union generally have very early berries, and the bulk of their ahipments are made before Walla Walla, Milton and other prints come In with heavy shipments to com pete. To an outsider it looks like our union had been well managed from the fact that prices received by It av eraged letter than prices received by opposition shippers operating along nide for the past two years. Last year's crop, the heaviest and about the latest in ripening of any ever marketed from here, averaged to union shippers $1.89 per crate, . being an advance over the prices of the previous year. This com ing season promises a larger crop than ever. . If we have a good season, the number of crateB shipped will probably double the number shipped lust year from Hood River. - Our largest grow ers each .and everyone of them, no doubt feel that this year they will have a good deal at stake, and every one naturally is interested in getting members elected on the bourd of direct ors itl whom he has confidence, if he wm't be elected himself. ' January Oth, the stockholders held their annual meeting and elected a board of direct ors consisting of three members. It is now claimed that 60 shares of stock were voted at the meeting which had never been sold, at least not in accord ance with the by-laws of the incorpo rated union. A petition to the former president of the union,' setting forth that the proceedings of the meeting held January 9th were irregular and Illegal, and calling for another meet ing, was granted, and the former pres ident has called a meeting of the stock holders for next .Monday. In the meantime the board elected' January Oth is at work, holding meetings and transacting business, and the new president has culled a meeting of all fruit growers to assemble tomorrow "to receive various statements of facts re lating to past operations of the union and its officers and to discuss live top ' ics of present interest to all." We do not know the cauve of all tills dissen sion among the mem Iters of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union. . We know that it exists, and can only re gret that such is the case. - It is a most serious matter for our fruit growers, and it is to be hoped that the members of the union wjll get together and quit acting like a lot of Oregon legislators It is 'well known that our fruit union has its enemies, and will continue to have its enemies no matter who is its manager, and who knows hut they are interested in sowing the seeds of dis cord. The Hood River Fruit Growers' Union is composed of our best citizens, and U should not be a hard mutter for them to harmonize and pull together Al should attend the meeting called for tomorrow and again on next Mon day, and see that wise counsel prevails. A bill has been Introduced in the Washington legislature providing that all sheep ' coming into or passing through that state from an adjoining state shall be quarantined for a period or 60 days. The bill isevideutly aimed at Oregon sheep, which are driven to Ihe neighborhood of Mt. Adam's for Hummer . pasturage. - The ravages of sheep in the vicinity of Trout Lake are said to be spoiling a line stock und dairy country, and who can blame the people of that part of the country for trying to protect their homes? Who has the best right to the pasturage of .that country, the settlers or the sheep men living 100 or 200 miles away, in another state? With government , re nerves and laws against invading other states with bands of sheep, sheep men will begin to think this not a very good country for sheep. In the East ern states farmers find it profitable to keep sheep to fertilize worn out lund, and incidentally, the wool clip and mutton help out the farmer's income. There, also, the farmer pustures his llocks on his own land, and in winter shelters and feeds them and cares for them through the lambing season. Hero a man may own thousands of sheep and not possess an acre of land. His llocks pasture on government laud in the summer, often limes to the detri ment of outlying settlements, and du ring a hard winter the owner whose flock i are not diminished one-half by exposure to the elements and hunger considers-, himself fortunate. In lamb- j ing time, if It happens to be a wet und stormy spring, not one-half the young are saved from perishing on tiie bleak and storm swept prairies. . And yet sheepmen have the effiontery t ask for a high tariff' on wool to protect them in their grasping and merciless business. : Senator John Michell has introduced a bill In the Oregon senate providing for the construction of a portage rail way around the dalles of the Columbia, from Celilo to The Dalles. The bill ap propriates $195,000. If the state' un dertakes to build the portage road it will be built, as was the case with the portage road at the Cascades. If the general government constructs a ship railway, no one knows when it will be completed. The government work at the Cascades was over twenty years in building, while competent engineers have stated that it could have been ac complished in something like two years. Reminiscences of the Cay use War. . (Continued from last week.) DEATH OF CHIEF PEPE MUX-MUi. Next morning, when we started on the march, myself and guard were kept in charge of the prisoners. Before we left camp I could hearthe rifles popping around the bend. The advance guard were properly in! it. As we marched up the road,, our position with the pris oners was about the center of the col umn, then followed the wagon train, and then the rear guard. We could see the boys running along the hill sides and hear them shooting all day long, and I did want to be with them. As we rode along I noticed Ab Ad dlngton sitting bv the roadside, lean ing on his elbows. I said, "Ab, are you badly hurt?" "No, only shot through the hp,'' he replied, "but those sons of b s have got my race mare." Ab's mare had run away with him and run clean through the main line of Indians. After being -shot through the hip; lie fell off, and as the Indians passed him they tried to shoot him, but being too closely pressed by our boys, they would stick their guns in his face and before they could pull the trigger would be past their mark and the bullets ' would w histle to one side of his face. The skin was pulled off his face and head in several places wheethe muzzles of the guns had struck him. Ab was a Linn county boy. Next, I saw a dead Indian lying on the hill side.' I pointed him out to old Pepe, who shook his head. Then Lieut. Ben Hardin Cume riding back on a big iron-gray horse. The horse hud teen shot In the withers, and the blood streaming down on the white horse looked bad. Old Pepe shook" his head again. ' Nat Olney came along, going to. .the .front. He suid things were getting hot as hell on ahead. Old Pepe asked me if Olney was good and smiled when I told him be was. As we rode along, one of the Indians told Keith and I that he-was a Nez Perces, 15 years old; that lie had Come down after some horses, but the (Jay- uses would not let him return home. About 2 o'clock in the afternoon we stopped at a Frenchman's place by the name of Ha mo. As we rode up we saw five of our men lying in a row on their bucks, all fine looking men. ' We rec ognized Henry Crow of Albany, Lieut. Burroughs of Linn county and Capt. Bennett. Neul McFarlane was stand ing by a fence, and just as he raised his gun to shoot at an Indian down in the creek bottom, bung went the Indian's gun, the bullet knocking off the tube and hammer from Mc.'a gun. . The officers were all out in the fight. I saw Olney coming along and said to him, "Olney; what shall I do with these prisoners?" He said: "lie the sous, of b s and put them in the house." I then ordered the men to take them off and tie them. Old Pepe said, "No tie men; tie dogs and horses." The boys pulled them off' their horses and commenced to tie them. Chain poeg Jim drew a knife and cut old Ike Miller In the arm. Then all com uienced to fight and rare, and some one grabbed a gu u and shot old Jim; and soon there were eight or ten guns going bang, bung, bang! Down they all went," except the 15-year-old boy, who was climbing up my stirrup leath er. The crowd made a rush at the boy, who held to me, and the excited men pointed their guns towards him. I told Keith to not let them shoot the boy, and he pushed their guns to one side and two or three of them were dis charged by my side. Finally we got them quieted to a stand still, when I told them that the boy was a Nez Perces Indian with a Cayuse mother. When all was quiet and settled, I told the boy to stay there with the cooks and not try to ruu off, and he would be all right. ' Olney had got about 100 yards off when he heard the shooting. He came buck, and as he rode, up lie drew his revolver and fired a shot into old Pepe und said: "You old rascal! I am satisfied now." Old Pepe had tried the same beef game to murder Olney, about six weeks before, but some one of the Indians had posted him. '''. 1 . 1 then galloped up the road to Join the boys lu Ihe tight, and would have rode right onto the Indians, but John Asheroft jumped out of a fence corner and called me baik. The boys had come to a stand, and all were hid ing behind anything (hut would afford shelter.- The line extended from the Wallula rrVer across the flat and up Into the bunch grass hills, something near a mile long, with a steady rattle of firearms on both sides. I went out to the foothills, dismounted and went to shooting; but the distance we were shooting was too far to do much execu tion. I noticed un Indian who would swing his blanket by a corner while he rode in a circle and halloed to tantal ize us. I tried him two shots, but missed. The third shot I elevated, and at the crack of my old gun he nearly fell off his horse, but hung to the sad dle. Some of Ihe others ran to him and led his horse behind a hill, z Night coming on, we went to camp in the Frenchman's field of a'bout eight acres. While the cooks were prepar ing suppej and all of us hungry us wolves, with bright fires burning, bang! went a gun outside the field, about 150 yurdsoff. Orders werequick ly given to put out the fires, and in about a minute every spark was ex tinguished. We threw all the water we had in camp on the fires, and the cooks even emptied the coffee kettles. Every mail then went to the fence cor ners, where we laid till morning; some slept while others kept on guard. I have learned-since that the Indians were in great numbers, crawling through the sage brush; and intended to fire on us and then make a grand charge; but a gun we nt off accidentally, which stopped them, and when they saw our fires go out they changed their plans. When morning came our officers wanted to start for. our fort on the Umatilla with the whole command; they thought there was too many In dians for us, and our ammunition was running low. But Olney told them if we ever started to retreat Ihe Indians would, cut us to pieces. He cluirned that we were well enough fortified where we were and had Ramo's house for u hospital. Old Mountain Robin son was given Pepe's black horse and started, with anoiher man, for The Dalles, via Umatilla, to hurry up rem forcementp. All old Oregoifians will remember Robinson, who lived on what is now known as Robinson's Hill in Portland. On his way down he met several companies that hud been to Yakima and returned to The Dalles und were then on their way to help us. But more ubout them hereafter. Afier having breakfast we started for the buttle ground, about half u mile from camp. The Indians managed to get the advantage of the ground every morning, and we would have, to do some hard fighting to get a good posi tion. The battle raged fiercely all day, and about 3 o'clock in the afternoon we were within 50 yards of the Indians. The Indians opposing Co. B were-ctfi one side of a hill and our company on ihe other. When one of us would rise-up with gun to our face; there would be an Indian standing on the other side of the bill with his gun; to his face, and if he was about ready to shoot we would drop and heur the bul lets whiz over our heads. One of the boys proposed that if any one killed an Indian we would charge on them and get histcalp. Just then Hank Hum phrey tired his gun, and as he dropped to load, he suid: "A me, there's one! right there." I raised up and saw un Indian jolting his gun to get ihe pow der in the tube. I quickly fired, and he was my Injun. I then called out, "I've got liim, boys; charge!" Over the hill the boys went, yelling and shooting, with the Indians running like the devil was after them. I soon came up to my Indian, who was try ing to get up. Catching him by the hair, I pulled him over and cut his throat, I then scalped him, took his powder horn and blanket and was try ing to get his leggings, which were beaded and very pretty, but seemed to be sewed on. 'Ihe Indians made it so hot for me I had to leave the leggings. There must have been 100 shots fired at me, and the bullets kept striking the ground at my feet and filled my eyes with dust. Our company had got too fur in advance of the line of battle, and the Indians had a cross fire on us and their bullets came from three sides. As ihe boys came running back by me I grabbed the powder horn und blan ket and followed. I didn't want the leggings us badly as I thought I did. We fought ou till dark and then started for camp. - On our way we found two or three rifle pits that hud been dug by our boys ab.iut 4 feet' long by 1J feet deep. . Joe Pulp and I got into one and waited tor the Indians who were following to come up. The company went on, while we waited till after dark. , We could distinguish a gang of Indians coming, und letting them get within about 100 yards, we tired our guns ut them and then run ftlll we caught up with the other boys. All that day there was steady firing ull along the line.' When we could see them carryiug off dead and wounded we would yell and muke fun of them, and they would do the same when they saw our dead and wounded bein cur ried off. - When we got to camp the little Nez Perces Indian came to me and shook hands. I showed him the scalp, and the blanket with a bullet hole in it. He laughed, while he examined them closely. During the day he hud told Col. Kelly that Gov. Stevens wus com ing back from the head of the Mis souil river; that he had pas-ed through therein June, going up country with lotsof.meu und puck animals.. The boy tuid it had been planned by the Indians to ferry about one-hulf the crowd over the river and then murder them all. The boy also said it was about' lime for Stevens and his com mand to leach the river. That same night Col. Kelley started Ihe boy with a letter to take to Gov. Stevens,' and next morning nearly every man in camp was swearing at Col. Kelly for sending out a hostile Indian, claiming that he would give us all awav. I of fered to bet the boy would go to Gov. Stevens. , In the morning we went again to the battle ground and found the Indians in the line pits, and it was some time be fore we got them out. A man named Sheppard got shot in the arm; a Ger man was shot, in the nose; several of the boys got bullet holes through their clothing. Freling Choate got three shots through bis coat one bullet went through his tin cup on his belt, and striking his pocket book, opened it at the catch, one-half the bullet stopping there, the other going on. (Continued next week.) ' The Strawberry Business. Hood River, Jan. 19, 1897. Editor Glacier: As I am one of the "inde pendent shippers" referred to by Mr. Davidson in his report published in your paper January 15th, I ask the privilege of replying and at the same time asking a few questions which I consider pertinent to the occasion. I am, glad to see that some of the berry growers of Hood River have dis covered that there is a material differ ence between corporation and co-operation in marketing our berries. In Mr. Davidson's report he says: "If the shippers are one class of people and the growers another class, it will benefit the shipper to secure as large profits as possible, and even more than profits, if it can be done and at the same time hold the confidence of the growers." This, I think, is a fact that bus been verified for the. last four years, by work of the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union.- 1 would like to know how a person wifcli only three acres of straw heriiescau hold und Vote 20 shares of slock on a co-operative pliln?. How was it that indications were that prices would rule low until the Oregon Fruit Union offered to buy for cash at fair prices, when all indications were that berries were worth more than the price offered by the Oregon Fruit Union? Was it good -co-operative bNsiness pol icy to sell the Oregon Fruit Union 100 crates of berric, and then ship a few crates to the same market to be sold at prices 'that would cause the Oregon Fruit Union to suffer a loss on the 100 crates? Vould this have a tendency hold prices up or down? Who would naturally loss in : the end by such a nrocedure. the growers or Ihe shipping people? The growers hud the bulk of iryir berries yet to marKet wnen mis occurred. Mr. Davidson was very good to avoid glutting Montana markets, but, as an independent shipper, . I know several things to the contrary; yes, for the last four years I have been learning to the contrary, but I believe that last year was the 'first that shippers low ered prices in Montana. This coupled with a gfut, let the market rise 50c to 75e per crate! I, as one of several in dependent shipperp, know that four years ago every large market in Mon tana was in turn glutted by the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union; also, in dependent shippers did not ship to houses that were receiving consign ments "from the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union, but the union did ship vice versa. To the best of my knowledge, the Independent shippers have not glutted any market, neither have they lowered prices nor shipped stock tliat would tend to lower prices to any market, and they ship enough to glut the Montana markets if they would do as the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union did unload daily for two or three davs in one market; but this is not their way of holding prices up. I do not write these tacts as detri mental to co operation, but to show re sults of Individual corporation, realiz ing that prices have been much lower in Montana since the Hood River Fruit Growers' Union commenced op erating, and hoping that growers will be permitted in the near future to co operate. The empty assertion of Hood River, first, last and all the time (provided "you take my snuff"), has not nor will not pan out for berry growers. I think that when the time comes we will have co-operation for a fact in place of the empty name; we will pet unity, or nearly so, of action. Growers are en titled to and should demand a state ment of account sales for every ship ment, and check or cash to balance same at once on receipt of same by the union, and not wait 30, 60 or 00 days, as the case may lie; for their money; and in the meantime to graciously re ceive small loans to enable them to pay pickers, when at 'the same time someone has their money. I for one would hate to be compelled to borrow money that, belongs to me. I consider the same causes that make local unions imperative would call for a union of the several unions of the Northwest. All must realize that a glut of local shipments is bad, but it. is proportionately worse when the glut is of car lots from unions. Let growers meet and look straight at the condi tions that do exist, as we have use for every dollar there is in the berry. busi ness. And as the dollar is unbiased, let us meet In the same way. . N. C.Evans.- WANTED SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel for responsible estab lished house In Oregon. Salary S780,payable15 weekly and expenses. Position permanent. HeferBnee. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. The National. Star Building.Chicago. V NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Jan. 15, 1897. Notice Is hereby given that the follow-inir-named settler has tiled notice of his inten tion to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court for Skama nia county, Wash., at Stevenson, Wash., on March 2, 1897, viz: . SAMUEL WALTON, H. E. No. T70S, for the southwest section 11, township 3 north, range 10 east, W. M. lie niunos the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence, upon and cultiva tion of, suid land, viz: HenrvKellcndnnk, Ifarry Olsen, Amos Un derwood and John Darke, all of Hood Kiver, Oregon. GEO, H. STEVENSON, JiBCU Register IF1 1 Have You Tried Our Fresh, PURE Baking Powder? 28 or 30c. per lb. 1 os. 2 OB. 4 ns. 1 pint. 10c 13c ' 2So 81 00 10 15 25 1 00 ... 10 15 ia 1 00 10 .15 25 1 00 10 . 15 25 '. 1 00 10 t 15 . 25 ' 1 00 10 15 25 I 00 10 15 25 I 00 10 15 25 1 00 10 15 25 1 00 Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Extract Vanilla Lemon Orange Pineapple Raspberry .... Strawberry .. Ginger , Peppermint.. Sarsaparilla.. Rose GEO. P. Successor to. E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley .J DEALER IN . 3Dr3T Qoods, Clot3aLl3a.gr, ' ' AND'-" -'.','"' 'ry Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc. ; ' HOOD RIVER, - - - - OREGON WOLFARD fe BONE, - '' DEALERS IX .. Q-eaa-eraJ. !. .-Ierclaaa.dLise, ' Sell only for CA&H at : We Invite trade WE WANT "WEST KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, . And All Kinds of Game. - ALSO, DEALERS IN FRUITS AND HOOD RIVER, - - - - s. el. oa rtmess UNDERTAKER AND EMB AL MER nrA udunung 1 VatoriSu1! Wall Paper, Paint, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. IS FIRST OP ALL. A GREAT NEWSPAPER. JKCIDKNTAL.LT it 1s an advocate of democracy, with no lenninr toward populism or t cialtsm. Tbe triumph or the repue'uc; n party in tiio roct-nt preuUlentinl portion, as a ranM the disruption of the democrats, devolves upon the latter tuft duty of reconciliation and reor tjriization on the Une or their own. and not eome other party 'a. faith. T promotp reonln d -mocraoy, to dincountonance populism, and to resist tbo monnpollHtlc ta 'dt-nciea of republloan W.jn wlU be the political mission of THK CHRONICLE In the futu.-o a It hia been in the past Ana newspaper THE CHRONICLE wlJ continue to be c nnprhnsive and entrpriaa; inr1r r neither iabor nor expeiine to make Its rt-poria of all noteworthy t vent of superior excel .Mid covering exhaustively the entirely fieid of news, discovery, invention, industry a4 LfutfrHBH. , . Vov one cent a day every family within flvo hnndrel miles of Chicago may hare on ie day tf Its publication a copy of a pi-eat dtly newspaper, coatin ihousaiWs of dollars to produce miraele of cheapness and value 1 0 notned S3 PER YEAR FOeUE DULY. TERMS TO SUBSCRIBERS: Dally only. One Year. .. ..... .$3.00 i Sunday only, One Year. . . -S2,PO , " , ., " Six Months....... , 1.53 ... " Six Months.:;,.. MJO '.'' Throe Months... .75 Three Months. .BO ; One Month ,..'' .29 " " One Month. ... .23 ! . Dally and Sunday, $3.00 per year. Parts of a year, 50c per month. All subscriptions m-.ist be accompanied by the cash. Remit by postal or express mony order, J draft on ClilciiKo or Nw Yor.l. or mrlstoruU letter. Curr.inuy tn letters, while uralnarUjr ttt ftuouKli. muat uiwuys 09, at Mender's Hat Sample uonlej se.)t frj oa uppuoattou... 164-165 Washington Chicasro. HI. The Glacier BARBER SHOP. GRANT EVANS. Prop'r, Post Office Building, Hood River, Or. WANTED Arrow heads and spears. Also, all other tine Indian relics of stone. Oood prices paid for line specimens. Write to me ana tu me wnat you huvo, sending rough outlines 01 best specimens. Stone pipes wanled. Ad dress u. tr. Hamilton, i wo tvivers, w is. m. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. . Rlpans Tabules cure dizziness. -Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules: one gives reliet. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. .Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. V; IfcT 33 i . -.., In line with our policy of offering nothing but ' ' the BEST, we ask you to note these prices and test ! ... i . - the QUALITY of these Extracts. They are put up by us In FULL 1 ounce, ounce, 4 ounce and pint packages, each bottle full, measured, so there is no' guess vork. . Williams Brosius, Pharmacists, Hood River. Oregon. ? f CROWELL, of close buyers. YOUR TRADE. BEOS., VEGETABLES. - - - - - O REGION.' Administratrix Notice. Notice Is hereby jlven that the undersigned has been appointed Administratrix of the es- I tuteof David K. Ordway, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having claims agatnst said estate are therefore noti- " fled to present the same to her, properly ver ified, within six months from the date hereof, at the office of the county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, or at the office of her attor ney, .1. H. Cradlebaugh, In The Dalles Chron icle building, at The Palles, Oregon. Dated this 21th dav of December, A. D., 189. FANNIE A. KENNEDY Administratrix of the estate of David JK. Ord way deceased. d25f5 To Lease on Shares. Five acres of No. 1 strawberry land to lease on shares for a term of Ave years. Land plowed, harrowed, leveled ready for planting In spring; with refusal of five acres more in rpring of 18M7. Plenty water free. Keference sequired. Anply at this ofllce. nU7 Ripans Ripans Ripans Ripans Tabules Tabules cure headache, cure flatulence, cure dvsDeDsia. Tabules Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. .