Glacier. he Hood River It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. . VOL. VIII. HOOD RIVER, . OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 29, 1897. : NO. 36. THE HEROD OF HAVANA. DAY IN THE SENATE. NICARAGUA CANAL. IDE NEWS OF lit WEEK From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Be Tie w of the Import ' ant Happenings of the Fait Week Galled From the Telegraph Columns. , The steamer City of Topeka arrived at Port Townsend, from Alaska,, upon schedule time. It is reported that the weather at Juneau and Sitka is at pres ent quite as mild as that of Puget ound. , . .' ; Great preparations are being made 'or the spring rush of miners to Al ska, which it is expected will be greater this year than- ever before. Few prospectors are planning, to go to .Cook's inlet this season, the excitement , in that section having about died out. James McCoy, one of the founders "of the town of Oakesdale, Wash., died at his home in that town at the- age of 66 years. Mr. McCoy came to Oregon in 1853, and resided in Benton county till 1887. He then removed to Whit man county, Wash., where he has since resided. ' Port Townsend has had another land slide. Tons of dirt fell from the hill . on the west side of Taylor street, at the second flight of terrace steps, carry ing with it the high cribbing and com pletely obstructing the passage on that side of the street. m The ship Two Brothers, which has arrived, at Tacoma from San Francisco, to load coal reports that on January 19, while off the Oregon coast, Oscar Hartz, a sailor, fell from the lee main rigging and was drowned. It was his second trip on the ship. He was a , German, 80 years old, and had lived in San Francisco. A Madrid dispatch says snow and rain storms threaten serious floods in Spain. Harrowing distress prevails in Andalusia. At Jaon, the people are , plundering the bread shops, and thou sands are begging in the streets. Simi lar scenes, accompanied by fights with the police, have occurred in many other towns. The authorities are pow erless to cope with the destitution. Joseph Meehan, 16 years old," of San Francisco, met his death in a strange and shocking manner. He was attempt ing to close a window in a room oo oupied by himself and parents on the third floor of a lodging house, when he slipped and plunged headlong through the opening to the street below. He struck on his head and his ' neck .was broken. A London dispatch from Odessa, de ysoribing the military preparations going forward there, says that the activity has only been equaled during the period which immediately preceded the two last great wars. The Turkish govern- .yinent is unable to make its usual an nual purchase of horses in Russia, all of the stud farms being closed by the Russian government. ' . .Congressman Sturtevant, of Penn sylvania, who has recently called on President-eleot McKinley, quotes him as saying: '."I will call a special ses sion of congress on March 15, and un less I ohange my mind you may be in Washington by that time. I desire to have my protective system inaugurated immediately , upon 1 my . inauguration, ' and I want a measure passed that will 1 immediately stimulate business and give idle men work." Congressman , Sturtevant said further that no Penn sylvania man would be in the cabinet. Very Rev. Thos. J. Conaty, D. D., has been installed as rector of the Catholic university of America in 'Washington, D.'C. It was a notable event in the history of the institution, and drew together a distinguished as semblage of churchmen and educators. ' ,: Another attempt has been made to jt8t 'the stranded Glenmorag off from ho sands of North beach. This trial 'proved unsuccessful like the previous attempts and it is how thought the Glenmorag will be abandoned to the mercies of the waves. , ' .,?Thile hunting near Elk Point, S. D., W. J. Murphy, aged, 17-, became separated from his companions and was frozen to death. When first missed he ! was supposed to have returned home, , and not until , some time later did j searohing parties start aftei' him. - His body was found. An earthquake occurred on the uland of Kishma, in the Persian gulf, attend ed by enormous loss of life. . Kishma is ; near the entrance of the Persian gulf and is the largest island in that body of water, being ' surrounded by many , smaller islands. Its length is seventy miles and its average breadth twelvo miles. The population is estimated at 5,000, chiefly arabs. Two people were seriously injured and a score of others bruised and bat tered as the result of a rear-end collision of two trains in the Oakland yards. Instead of holding the Berkley local train as usual, the signalman allowed it to proceed on the main track, just as the sunset limited was approaching. Before the latter train could be stopped it crashed into the rear car of the lo cal, completely demolishing it. Senator Turpi e So Characterized Captain '.'..I . General Weyler. Washington, Jan. 27. In the senate today Turpie of Indiana, characterized Captain-General Weyler as "the Herod of Havana, the murderer of women and children," and as an indescribable diminutive , reptile." These bitter words were inoident to Turpie's speeoh of two hours on the Cameron Cuban resolution. The speech did not develop the criticism of the secretary of state whioh had been foreshadowed by Tur pie's remarks last week, as the senator confined himself largely to a careful analysis of the constitutional rights of congress, his oonolusion being that con gress," as representing the people, had the primary and paramount authority to recognize' new governments. Tur pie frequently turned aside' frpm his arguments to pay a glowing tribute to the insurgent government and its lead ers. General Maoeo was eulogized as a hero, whose memory would be hon ored by the people of Cuba libre as the American people honored the heroes of Revolutionary days. In connection with Maoeo's death, the senator re ferred with bitter denunciation to Gen eral Weyler. In the Boqiv. Washington, Jan. 27. After con suming most of the time today in dis posing of District of Columbia business, the house took up the Indian appropria tion bill, and made fair progress with it before the hour for adjournment was reached. The bill carries 17,625,791, or $866,294 more than the current law, and $246,265 more than the estimate. Twenty of the seventy pages of the bill were disposed of. The conference report on the immi gration bill was presented, and Dan ford, 'who has charge of it, gave notioe that he would oall the" report up at an early date. A bill was passed calling on the war department for an estimate of the cost of a water route from Gal veston to Houston, Tex. Johnson of Indiana, took advantage of the latitude allowed ' in debate to read a speech in favor of an early re form of our banking and currency laws. He described the depressed condition which existed during the recent cam paign, and argued that unless the in coming Republican administration cor rected the evils, it would be, swept out of power in 1900, and the country would suffer loss and disaster, which it would take years to eradicate. .. He insisted that those who believed the enactment of a protective tariff would restore prosperity would be disappoint ed. Unless there was a thorough and adequate revision of our banking and currency laws, he said, there should be no lasting prosperity. He agreed with the president that the greenbacks should be retired. He thought that with the establishment of a broader banking system the banks should have the privilege of issuing notes against their assets. , Curtis of Kansas, offered an amend-. ment to the Indian bill to permit mer chants to go into the Kickapoo reserva tion in Kansas to collect their accounts. It was explained that this year, for the first time, merchants had bei exoluded from this reservation. The amend ment was adopted. ,, IN CHETCO MOUNTAINS. D. Hartman Shot and Killed Near the Oregon Border. Grant's Pass, Jan. 27. Somewhat meagre particulars have reached this city of a murder committed in the Chetco mountains, about twenty-five miles north of Chetco,' Cal., on the 21st inst. D. Hartman, an ' expert miner from Groveland, N. Y., and a man named Jones had some difficulty, growing out of a dogfight, when, without any other provocation than the mere disagree ment, Jones seized a Winchester and shot Hartman, killing him instantly. Jones then left, and is supposed to be headed this way, though so far as known no effort is being made to cap ture him. . . The shooting occurred at a mining camp, and was witnessed by but one man, who had camped with Jones, and who, in company with P. Costello, tha postmaster, at Smith River, Cal., took the body to Chetco, where it is being embalmed for shipment East. Jones is described as a man 5 feet 8 inches in height, weighing 150 pounds, nearly bald-headed, with a sandy com plexion. The name of Jones is. be lieved to be assumed. ,' . Decided Against the Sailors. ' Washington, Jan. 27. The United States supreme oourt today affirmed the judgment , of the California district court in the case of Robert Robinson and four other seamen, arrested at San Francisco for refusing to obey the or ders of the master of the Aragona, after having entered into articles to make a voyage to Valparaiso.. The constitu-, tionality of the law empowering a jus tice of the peaoe to arrest deserting sea men was involved; also the question as to whether their arrest violated the "Involuntary servitude" amendment to the federal constitution. Both points were decided against the sailors. Nelson, B. C, Jan. 26. Dugald Patterson, of Emmet, Mich., was killed here yesterday by a falling log. At the Trail creek smelter, George Braden,' also an American, fell into a pot of I molten slag and was frightfully burned. 1 Our Government Must Act 1 Promptly. VIEWS OF FRANK P. HASTINGS ...v.'' : . ''l Hawaiian Charge d' Affairs Think! We Should Not Hesitate to Avail Ourselves of ' the Oppoitunlty. Washington, Jan. 27. "There is not much time for the United States to avail itself of the proffered concession of a submarine cable between the coast of California and Hawaii, " said Frank P. Hastings, charge d'affaires of the Hawaiian embassy in this city, "for that offer only extends to May 1, 1897. It is simply a question of expediency, and as a monopoly of the proposed cable connection' for a score of years would be granted it does not seem like ly this country will let such an oppor tunity slip. On all sides there is noth ing but commendation for the project and it would be $60,000 well invested for the United States to meet Hawaii a little more than half way on this prop osition. . "According to the terms of the pro posed concession, power is given to take and hold exclusive possession of the line of cable between San Francisco and Honolulu, refusing any and allbusiness in the way .of messages that might be prejudicial to the interests of this gov ernment. ' With the vast and safe har bor of Pearl river as a rendezvous for its warships and the exclusive control of communication between Hawaii and the outside world, the United States would secure a vantage ground that would give it practical control of the Pacific ocean. .'. "No suggestion has ever been made by any private person or corporation to lay such a cable with private capital and without government subsidy. Un certainty as to its financial success and the indeflniteness regarding the amount of commercial ' business that would come to it has always stood in the way of investment by private capitalists. , , "There is no reason, why the govern ment should not contract for carrying its dispatches as well as its mails, and class an ocean cable company within the category of the postofflce. In 1857 the United States granted a subsidy oi $70,000 per annum, as well as ,the use of two government ships, to assist in laying a cable from the coast of Ireland to the coast of Newfoundland. Thie action was taken at a time when the necessity for cable communication was hardly realized and was in the nature of an experiment. The whole cable line was to be outside the domain of the United States, and practicaly beyond its control. Its messages were not to be transmitted free, nor was it to have any advantages from the successful lay ing of the cable through the aid so granted. But it was a necessity to stimulate the investment of private capital, whioh has resulted in spanning the Atlantic with twelve separate cables between i South America and Europe. "In all schemes for a cable crossing the North Pacific the Hawaiian islands have been considered a necessary objec tive or resting point on the long stretch of water to be traversed, and not until the granting by the Hawaiian govern ment of exolusive landing rights to an American company was the feasibility of any other route seriously enter tained." V FORMED IN OLYMPIA. The Pacific Northwest Labor Congress Organized. Olympia, Wash. , Jan. 27. -Representatives of different trades unions, farmers' alliance and Grange, now in this city, completed, the work of or ganizing tonight an association to be known as the Pacific Northwest Labor Congress, having for its purpose to promote the welfare, protect the in terest, extend the organization and de fend the rights of the laboring and pro ducing classes. The following officers were elected: ' ' President, William Blackman, of Seattle; vice-president, Senator Augus tus High, Vancouver; secretary and treasurer, W. A. Walker, Spokane; ex ecutive council, J. L. Holland, Olym pia; "T. R. Lawlor, Spokane; R. ; H. Norton, Roslyn; A. C. Little, Aber deen; W. P. C. Adams, Seattle. The organization will meet annually the third Wednesday in January, it being the intention to meet every two years in Olympia, and off years in some other oity in the state. - Would-Be Burglar Shot. "' ' Fresno, Cal., Jan. 27. -Fred Borman was shot in the legs last night by Wil liam Hill, while trying to enter the latter's house, a mile southeast of town. The would-be burglar is now lying in the county jail suffering from two bad ly shattered shins, with the prospeot of losing the use of his right kn ;e. Killed by a Falling Tree. : Marquette, Mich., Jan. 27. Joe Martin, Jack Ford and Pat Donohue were returning to their lumber camp in a blinding snow storm when a tree fall on them, killing the first two out right. Donohue was horribly mangled. Calendar ( leared of Fenslon Bills Resolutions Presented. Washington, Jan. 26. The senate confined itself strictly to business to day, passing a large number of bills, including those for a statue of President Lincoln at Gettysburg, appropriating $300,511 to pay one of the old claims of the late John Roach for use of his shipyards, and reclassifying the railway postal service. Over 100 pension bills were passed during the day, thus clear ing the calendar. A , resolution by Morgan, was agreed to, requesting the president for all correspondence on the Nicaragua canal since 1887, also a reso lution by Allen requesting the attorney general for information regarding the reported Pacific railroad settlement be tween the executive authorities and the reorganization committee of the road. Allen of Nebraska secured the adop tion of the following resolution: t "Resolved, That the attorney-general be and is hereby directed to inform the senate whether he entered into an agreement or stipulation, with what is commonly known as the reorganization committee of the Union Pacific rail road, respecting. the foreclosure of the government lien thereon, and the amount, if any, of such agreement or stipulation that said reorganization committee has bid on the foreclosure of said liens, and, also, send to the senate a full text of such agreement or stipu lation, together with the names of per sons " comprising '. the reorganization committee as well as the authority he may have for beginning such foreclosure proceedings or entering into any such agreement or stipulation. " The Lond Postal Bill. Washington, Jan. 26. The senate committee on postoffices and post roads resumed the hearing on the Loud second-class mail bill today. Orville J. Victor, chairman of the New York committee of publishers, said the bill was to the interest of the press com panies and opposed to the interests of the public, which demands good and cheap literature. Victor called atten tion to a large amount of government matter carried free which would, he said, go far towards accounting for the postofflce department deficit, and creat ed a general laugh at the expense of the committee by reading a newspaper extract characterizing most of this mat ter as congressional buncombe. John EJderkin, of , the New York Ledger, claimed that under the pro posed law such papers as the Ledger would be excluded from the privilege of being entered as second-class mail matter. " ' " S. S. McClure addressed himself es pecially to Senator Chandler's proposed amendments, referring to the distribu tion through news agencies. It would have the effect, he said, of requiring the publishers of magazines to organize their -own system of distribution, and thus both increase the cost as well as decrease the circulation of their publi cations. Any addition to the cost would render it impossible to publish 10-cent magazines. To advance the price of the magazines to 15 cents would be to cut the circulation one-half. Chandler said he did not propose to press his amendments. J. S. Ogilvie denied the assertion made at a meeting last Saturday that some of his publications were indecent. He asserted that the government was under an implied contract with pub lishers to maintain the present rates. .. Yates Hickey, of the American Rail way ' Literary Association, favored the bill. - : David Williams, proprietor of the New York Iron Age, submitted an argument in favor of the bill. Senator Chandler stated the hearings will close next Saturday. ' Introduced by Hermann. Washington, Jan. 26. Representa tive Hermann has introduced a bill to amend the Indian depredation claims law, whereby "inhabitants,',' and not only "citizens, " shall be entitled to sue for payment. The original act em braced citizens only. Many of the old settlers losing property had at the time only declared their intention to become citizens. The amendment also pro vides that the Indians committing depredations may have been merely "in treaty relations," so as to give the right to claimants to recover. The ex isting law gives jurisdiction to the court as to such claims as were committed by Indians in "amity," at least the su preme court construed the law to have this meaning. The amendment also simplifies the taking of testimony in' such cases, r , Ivory Returns Home. ' London, Jan. 26. The Daily Mail announces that Edward J. Ivory, alias Bell,-acquitted of a charge of complic ity in a dynamite conspiracy, and John F. Mclntyre, formerly assistant district attorney in New York, who came to London in his defense, sailed for New York yesterday. Smallpox on the Victoria. . .. Victoria, B. C, Jan. 26. The steamer Victoria, of the Northern Pa cific line, arrived today with a case of smallpox on board, that developed the first day out from Yokohama. , The steamer . was disinfected and given clearance for the sound. The steerage passengers were detained at William Head quarantine. Mysterious Deaths Occur in the French City.. PEOPLE ARE PANIC-STRICKEN Authorities, However, Deny That It Is the Dread Bubonic Disease Sanitary Measures, Taken in Europe. Marseilles, Jan. 26. The greatest feeling o alarm prevails here among the masses of the population on account of a number of sudden deaths Which, have occurred in one street. Some days ago a report was circulated here that a case of bubonic plague had been discovered. This was promptly denied and precautions taken to guard against the introduction of the plague were re doubled, and especially in the vicinity of the old and new ports, where the maritime population congregates. In those neighborhoods, seamen and others from all parts of the world are to be found in great numbers, and in the vicinity of the old port, especially, the streets are narrow in the extreme, lined with old and overpopulated houses, and in every way unhealthy, the cobble stone roadway as a rule having gutters through which vile drainage flows. Since the alarm, steps have been taken to clean the streets as much as possible, and domiciliary visits have been made by the health officers in the most dan gerous quarters. - Under the circumstances it is not ex traordinary that the authorities were greatly alarmed when the report was first spread that a case of bubonio plague had been discovered, but it was not until today that the public became frightened. It was announced that nine sudden deaths had occurred in one street within a few days, and of course the plague was claimed, rightly or wrongly, in every case. The health officers declare that all nine cases were deaths from "infectious pneumonia," "but the public is very far from being satisfied. Dispatches received from Paris show that the government is fully alive to the danger of the situation. Decrees have been issued forbidding pilgrims from leaving Algeria, Tunis and Sene gambia this year for Mecca, and mer chandise must, under severe penalty be imported from India through five desig nated ports, of which this is one. ' At these ports of entry Indian merchandis.e will be allowed to land only after hav ing been most thoroughly fumigated and otherwise disinfected. Quantities of anti-plague serum are being sent here and to other ports, and all ships from the East will be carefully ex amined and quarantined, if necessary. BRYAN AND THE PIRATES. Measures Taken to Protect the Forth, o ming Book. ' . Chicago, Jan. 26. A bill was filed today in the circuit court of Cook coun ty, by Hon. William J. Bryan and his publishers, the W. B. Conkey Com pany, through their attorneys, for .the purpose of enjoining certain publishers in Chicago and the - Northwest from pirating his forthcoming book, known as "The First Battle." The bill was filed with Judge Holton, who granted an injunction without notice against the Dominion Publishing Company, H. L. Barber, manager; the Hubbard Pub lishing Company, A.. 1U Kuhlman & Co., and others. These parties were restrained from publishing a revamped edition of the old Hubbard campaign under the title of "Bryan, Sewall and Free Silver.", The publishers of the book are charged in the bill with hav ing attempted to .' pirate the name adopted by Bryan for his forthcoming publication, "The First Battle. " These defendants are also charged with call ing the book "The Great Battle," an imitation of the title adopted by Bryan, and n under which his book is to be placed on the market. A Rock on the Track. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 26. The southbound passenger train of the Cin cinnati Southern railway was wrecked this morning near Lemo, Beven miles north of Oakdale, Tenn. It was run ning at a high speed when a rock, which had fallen from a cliff, was run over. The engine left the track and crashed down .an ; embankment. The mail car was demolished, and the express and tmggage cars badly damaged Engineer Fowler and Fireman Clark are dnger ously hurt. Several pssengers were slightly injured. The Sultan is Dejected. London, Jan. 26. The Times' cor respondent at Constantinople says the sultan is dejected at, the prospects of his Mohammedan subjects backing the European demands. His grand vizier and foreign minister are both exhaust ed with worry from the palace, and the grand , vizier is seeking permission to resign.' . ' ' ' , ; ' -y The Plague Is Spreading. V London, Jan. 26. A Daily Mail dis-v patch from Bombay says the actual number of deaths from the plague is double the estimated number, and the malady is spreading slowly but surely. There are daily reports of fresh outbreaks. Roderlguei Is Opposed Only to tha , Morgan Bill. - Chicago, Jan. 26. A Times-Hearld's Washington special says: It is appar ent that the time has come when some thing must be done by this government if the Nicaragua canal soheme is to be saved from falling into the rut of fail ure. ... Senator Sherman, who is . to be the fiext secretary, of state, said to the Times-Herald correspondent tonight that Mr. Roderigeuz, minister of the Greater Republic of Central America, had doubtless convinced the senate that any further attempts to arrange for the building of the canal upon the plan laid down in the bill must be given up. But the enterprise need not, for this reason, be abandoned, for the represen tative of the Greater Republic of Cen tral America distinctly avows the will ingness of his government to take up the matter on a new basis, to leave the present company out of consideration, so far as the future is concerned, and to treat directly with the United States for construction of this great waterway. In the opinion of many senators this is just what should be done. It is said Secretary Olney will be glad to take up the matter of negotiating a treaty with Nicaragua and Costa Rica for this pur pose, if he only had more time before the expiration of the Cleveland admin-, istation. 'It is not impossible he may do so as it is. PRESCRIPTION KILLED HER. Brooklyn . Girl Took a Fatal Dose ; for a Cold. . .. New York, Jan. 26. Miss Lilian Templeton, of Brooklyn, is dead, as a result of taking a prescription of a friend, who meant to cure, not to kill her. Miss Templetbn had been suffer ing from a cold. A friend gave her a prescription, which called for equal parts of spirits of camphor, pepper mint, laudanum and balsam of fir. This prescription was . filled by the Bolton Drug Company. She took the medicine Friday : evening. Saturday morning she was found unconscious. Physicians were called, but their efforts were unavailing. Coroner Coombs said tonight: "Twenty grains of laudanum is a .large dose, and generally is ap proached by giving gardually, increas ing doses from 1 three ' grainB up L- to twenty. There must have been forty to forty-five grains in the dose, and that is enough to kill anybody." A Fight With Taquis. Chihuahua, Jan. 26. At Rosales, west of here, in the heart of the Sierra Madre range, a large force of rurale guards yesterday had a battle with a band of Yaqui Indians, who had started out on their winter raids of pillage and murder against the farmers and miners of that section. The Indians had al ready murdered the members of two families and were about to make a raid and attempt to sack the village of Ro-'-sales when the force of rurales, or state troops, arrived at tha place in response to a message, and made the attack on the Indians. The fight was a desperate one, and . resulted in twelve Indians and five soldiers being killed. ' The Franco-Russian Alliance. Paris, Jan. 26. It is semi-offlcially announced here that Baron de Mohren--heim, the Russian ambassador, has in formed M. Hanotaux, the minister for foreign affairs, that the czar has order ed Count Muravieff, the newly appoint ed Russian minister of foreign affairs, to visit Paris so as to be presented to President Faure and enter into rela tions with the French minister before returning to St.. Petersburg. Count Muravieff will arrive in Paris on Thurs day, and he will be tendered a banquet at the palace of the Elyssee. i , Sod Sohoolhouse Collapsed. St. Louis, Jan. 26. A special to the Republic, from Perry, O. T., says: A schoolhouse built of sod, near here, col lapsed and twenty-five schoolchildren were entombed for sometime. The trustees of the school district'' built a schoolhouse of turf. They employed Miss Jennie Jones to teach. . The schoolhouse collapsed and every child and the teacher were entmboed. Sev- , jeral children will die from their in juries, and the young teacher is in a , critical condition. All had to be dug ' but. .,' ; '' . Rearming of the Russian Artillery. , London, Jan. 26. A St. Petersburg .dispatch to the Times, with reference . to the rumor that Russia will spend 100,000,000 roubles in rearming the artillery with the' French quick-firing gun, says: The report requires confir mation, but although the powefrul M. de Witte, the minister of finance, op poses the idea, his opposition would be , of little avail against the minister of war, General Novisky. Abbe Oiraud Elected. Paris, Jan. 26. Abbe Giraud has : been elected deputy for Brest, to re place the late Monsignore D'Hulst. It was a three-cornered contest, the other candidates being the Comte de BloiB, pure royalist, and Dr. Roiseli, repub lican. - v , , , , , Commander of the Meteor. London, Jan. 26. The Times an nounces that Emperor William of Ger many has appointed Ben Parker, of Southampton, to command his yacht, the Meteor,