The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 22, 1897, Image 1

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    0 j.flw-stjj r 'W-'f;.-!'
It's a Cold Day When We' Get Left.
NO. 35.
From All Parts of the New
. World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import'
ant Happenings of the Past Week
' - ,. Culled From the Telegraph Column
im, The First National bank, of New
" ' port, Ky, , has closed its doors. Heavy
"vestments in real estateis said to be
le cause. '" '
A.'n ' important pooling arrangement
i been .brought about between -the
aska Packers' Association and the
f . jfika Improvement Company that
wi..' materially affect the salmon in
dustry in Northern waters and the
price of canned salmon in the country
next season. It is said that the entire
product of the coming season will be
' pooled and marketed at uniform rates.
' Louis Cohtencin, chevalier of the
- ' crown of Italy, former president of the
(7 Italian chamber of commerce in New
York, hd forinrely. Italy's consul-gen-,
eral to the two Sicilies, died at his
" home in,New York. He had been one
of the most prominent Italians in this
) ' country' and was a man of marked abil
' ' ity, v to which Italy frequently paid
v honorable tribute. ..-,..
A. Washington speoial says the ad
ministration is determined that Peru
' shall pay the olaim for 1200,000 grow
ing out of the outrage committed in
- 1885 upon V. H. McCord, a consul of
the United States. A cable dispatch
f has just been sent to Mr. McKenzie,
'" -. the United States minister stationed at
' Lima, ' -directing him to inform the
Peruvian government . that the case
; , must be settled without delay. A com
S..' munication received from the minister
"X y -.- few days ago stated that Peru desired
','" '' to investigate the case. Secretary
Olney at once advised Mr. McKenzie
tha Peru had had more than ten years
:'' to investigate, and the time was quite
- ' sufficient.
Alice M. Hartley, who shot and
''.J killed Senator Foley, in Reno, Nev.,
- ' two years-ago, has, been pardoned.
Princess de Chimay, who eloped last
summer with Janos Rigo, a Hungarian
gypsy musician, has been engaged to
- appear in tableaux vivant at a winter
garden in Berlin immediately after her
. divorce from her husband. She will
be paid $750 a night.
' : The nomination of David R. Francis
as secretary of the interior has been fa
vorably acted upon by the committee
- on finance and reported to the senate in
-'- executive session. The nomination has
' been held up ever since the session be
. ' gan at the request of Senator VeBt.
- After a long and animated session in
Olympia the presidential electors of
Washington agreed upon James E. Fen-
"ton. Democrat, of Spokane, as messen-
get ko convey the vote of the state to
- Washington. The choice was a com
promise, .as the electors were at first
unablev to agree upon any one. of the
' . four elected, each .one Btriving for the
honor. The sum ' of $800 is allowed
for expenses.. '.
:J,The ' trial of Mrs. .Walter Carew
'charged 'with-poisoning, her husband
by administering arsenic and which
''. -.-'.! has caused a great sensation among the
., ' American inhabitants of Yokohama,
has been brought to a dramatic close
;by-he.-appearance and confession in
. J HCQurti,f Kiss" Mary Jacobs, the gov
"(ernessof the family, who, it-seems,
Vas'thevieal. murderess and the person.;
.-(Wig "wove, the chain. of evidence, around .
, . ' theVidow.""-'
) -Attorney-General Harmon was asked
about' "the probable course the govern
ment will pursue with respect to the
Pacific railroads, now-the funding bill
has failed. . Beyond the statement that
some action would probably be taken
within thirty days, he declined to dis
cSussfthe matter. It is believed, .how
tjyer the, first step will be against the
JJnion"Pacific,anasmuch as foreclosure
proceedings .(.instituted by the first lien
holders, of that ;road are now pending in
'the courtSi -';-.-.'' --, ' . ;
The inauguration of . Governor Tan
.nerr in -Springfield, 111.,- developed a
sensation at the close of the statehouse
ceremony, when the retiring governor,
John P. Altgeld, was not permitted to
..deliver the farewell address which has
,been one of the . features of the pre
"vious inaugurations in Illinois. Gov
ernor Altgeld had prepared his speech
-'and had brought a copy of it .-to the
, hall j. but he was not called upon by the
presiding officer to - speak. Much in
dignation ' was aroused by the occur
rence. ;
'v-j-The house committee on public lands
has' authorized a favorable report on the
: Bill providing that settlers on Northern
Pacific railroad lands,' whose right
-would liavav been . .forfeited January 1,
r1897j 'for '.' noncompliance with law,
eheil. have, an additional term of two
years in which to-comply with the
regulations. .The committee also or
dered a favorable report on a bill allow
ing settlers on Indian lands opened to
settlement ' in -the Dakotas to acquire
patent by paying the minimum price
.provided by-law any time after the ex
piration of fourteen months from the
date of entry.
The first week of the Oregon legisla
ture closed with but little accom
plished. The organization of the sen
ate was effected promptly on the first
day, and Joseph Simon, of Multnomah,
who held the same position two years
ago, was seated as president. The sen
ate, was in session four days, during
which time eighty-five bills were in
troduced, and then the senate ad
journed over until Monday, in order
to give the state printer time to catch
up- ; , ..- '
The Unorganized House.
The house was, unable to perfect or
ganization, a quorum not being found
present at any time a roll call was had.
The members are divided into three
factions on the senatorial nominee,
each being a minority. All efforts to
unite and agree on any member for
speaker have been futile. Much bitter
talk and discussion has been the rule
since the first day.
Senatorial Caueui.
' Near the end of the week forty-three
Republicans and one Populist held a
caucus at the state Capitol and unani
mously nominated John H. Mitchell for
United States senator.
New Bill Four In.
Patterson of Marion has introduced
a bill making general provision for the
transportation of all insane persons to
the asylum. His bill provides that
the county clerk shall notify the super
intendent of the asylum that he has an
insane person to be conveyed to the asy
lum. The superintendent then au
thorizes some employe of the asylum
to repair to the county seat,, where the
insane person will be delivered to him,
and he will conduct such insane person
to the asylum. AH the expense is to
be borne by the asylum fund.
Senator Mackay has introduced a bill
for the appointing of a fiscal agent at
New York ' city, who is to look after
the state's financial interests.
Two other bills of a general nature
were introduced, one by Senator Mc
Clung, which authorizes the mayor o
any city to bid in property 'sold at pub
lic sale for taxes. The other was by
Senator Smith, authorizing counties,
cities and school districts to dispose of
real estate acquired at tax sales.
Senator Michell has called attention
to the subject of navigation on the Co
lumbia river, by introducing a bill au
thorizing the governor to appiont a
commission to construct and equip a
portage railway from The Dalles to
Celilo. ; ' ' :
The bill of Senator Price of Uma
tilla, for the " collection of delinquent
taxes, provides that all property levied
upon shall be advertised and sold in
the same manner as real estate, thus
saving expense. . Senator Price has
also introduced a bill which enables
a farm laborer to file a lien upon a
growing crop, even though there be a
mortgage on the crop.
Senator McClung's bill, No. 5, , -"to
define the terms land and real property,
for the purposes of taxation," is vir
tually a re-establishment of the old
mortgage-tax law. It provides, how
ever, for the exemption only of record
ed indebtedness, and in that particular
differs from the old law, and from
other proposed statutes.
The' registration bill introduced in
the senate by Senator Harmon is iden
tical' With the measure to be intro
duced in the house by , Thomas of Mult
nomah. . . '.:'''' .; ,; ' '
Senator Taylor's bill amending the
incorporation act of Pendleton changes
the city charter in three ' particulars.
It provides that (1) the city may be di
vided, up into wards; (2) that the pres
ent water-works system may be en
larged into a gravity system; and (8)
that city treasurers shall hereafter be
Appointed by the .. city council, and not
elected by the people. : There has been
trouble in .Pendleton over making the
city funds immediately available when
they are desired for the payment of
warrants. It - is thought . that, if t.
temptation for 'candidates to plau
themselves . under personal obligation
to . financial institutions has . been re
moved, the difficulty about the funds
may be obviated. , '
Senator Mulkey, of Polk, has intro
duced into the senate a bill covering
the subject of taxation. The bill, in
effect, is practically a re-enactment of
the mortgage-tax law. It : . has three
general objects in view (1) the assess
ment of all property, (2) equal and im
partial collection of taxes, (8) economy
in operation. : Senator Mulkey says it
will save the state at least $55,000 .per
year. The bill provides for the deduc
tion of indebtedness where the corre
sponding credit can be f oui.d and as
sessed. It abolishes the state board of
equalization as it is now constituted,
vesting that duty in the governor sec
retary of state and state treasurer.' v It
also provides for the collection of tates
on the original assessor's roll and for
the sending of the summary only of the
roll to the state board of equalization.
It makes the county treasurer the col
lector of taxes up to the point of delin
quency, when they shall be collected by
the sheriff. !
McClung'a senate bill relating to the
qualifications of school election voters
requires that the voter shall have paid
an annual tax on $250 worth of prop
erty. The present law is somewhat
lax, and more or less confusing. There
is some doubt of the constitutionality
of McClung's bill, but the judiciary
committee will pass upon that ques
tion. - Senator McClung says the trou
bles at the late school election in Port
land and Eugene led him to prepare a
more desirable law. . ,
The inevitable deduction-for-indebt-edness
bill has been presented to the
senate. It comes from Senator Daw
son, of Linn.
The question of supplying each mem
ber of senate and house with a copy of
Hill's Code of Oregon, evoked some de
bate in the senate. McClung presented
a joint resolution that the secretary of
state be ordered to purchase ninety
copies of the code. He afterward ex
plained that a similar resolution had
been adopted by the senate, but, inas
much as it was only a senate resolu
tion, the secretary of state was unwill
ing to comply except on joint request
of both houses. Selling of Multnomah
thought that from an economical stand
point, twenty -five copies would be
sufficient, ten for the senate and fifteen
for the house. Price of Umatilla sug
gested that fifteen copies would be
sufficient for the senate, giving one to
each new member. McClung's resolu
tion was finally adodted.
Another subject of debate was the
resolution requiring the appropriation
bill to be prepared a sufficient time be
fore the close of the session to permit a
careful examination. One member
wanted the bill , prepared within the
first twenty -five days. : This was gen
erally regarded as too soon to be prac
ticable, and it was finally settled that
the bill should be before the senate
five days before the close of the session.
: Senate Committees
President Simon has announced the
standing committees of the senate as
follows: ' - . .
Agriculture and Forestry Johnson,
Hughes, Holt. ;
Assessment and Taxation Hughes,
Patterson of Marion, Price, Mulkey,
Mackay. . '
Claims Selling, Carter,' Daly. ,
Commerce and Navigation Harmon,
Johnson,- Dufur.
Counties Mackay, Gesner, Talyor,
Gowan, Driver.
Education McClung, Harmon, Mul
key. ". .'
Elections and Privileges Mulkey,
Gesner, Smith. ''''' I
Engrossed ' Bills Gesner, Reed,
Enrolled Bills Calbreath, Patterson
of Washington, and Gowan.
; Federal Relations Bates, , Taylor,
Fishing Industries Reed, Michell,
Patterson of Marion. j
Horticulture Carter, Calbreath,
Holt. - "...
Insurance and Banking Bates, John
son, Driver.
Irrigation Price, McClung, King,
i Judiciary Gowan, Brownell, Mich
ell, Smith, Dufur;
Revision of Laws Patterson of
Washington, McClung, Reed, Hobson,
King. . . .'
Medicine, Pharmacy and Dentistry
Calbreath, Driver, Daly.
Military Affairs Price, Haseltine,
Gesner. .
Penal Institutions Driver, Hobson,
Mining Johnson, King, Holt.
Municipal Corporations Haseltine,
Harmon, Calbreath.
Printing Michell, Mackay, Smith.
"Public Buildings and Institutions
Hobson, Patterson of ; Washington,
Wade. '
Public Lands Patterson of Marion,
Mulkey, Dawson, Haseltine, Wade.
Railroads Brownell, Gowan, Patter
son of Washington, Mackay, Dawson.
Roads and Highways Dawson, Car
ter, Hobson, Brownell, Daly.
Ways and Means Taylor, McClung,
Selling, Hughes, Dawson.
Tariff Makera Run on a Snag.
Washington, Jan. 18. The Republi
can tariff-makers held no meeting to
day, having encountred several per
plexing points in the chemical schedule
which they began work on last night.
Certain members were assigned to pro
cure information on various points,
and tomorrow the committee will re
sume work on the schedule. ' '
From the experience of the first ses
sion of real work on the bill, it is- con
sidered by the members 1 doubtful
whether it will be practical for them
to follow the original plan of work,
which was to have the full committee
work together on every schedule of the
bill, instead of dividing the schedules
among the subcommittees. '
- A Fool and Bli Money.
San Francisco, Jan. 18. Oscar Low,
a Victoria 'man, was buncoed out of
$180 today by the old dice game trick.
Low lives at the Yosemite house, on
Market street, and started for the Bar
bary Coast for a drink. He got into a
saloon on Sacramento street, and there
began shaking dice with a stranger.
He lost $30, and a newly made friend
told him he could beat the winner out
of all his money if Low could only get
some more cash. The victim went to
his room, and got $100 more. He re
turned to the saloon, and soon lost
that. Then he complained to the nn-lice.
Manifesto Issued bjr Populists.
The Populists have held a caucus and
issued the following manifesto, which
gives 'their side of the tangle in the
"To the People's Party of Oregon:
The undersigned, your members-elect
to the legislative assembly, ask your
loyal support and that of all good citi
zens in our contest for such an organ
ization of the house as we believe will
result in economical and remedial legis
lation that will make an honest vote
and a fair count possible in Oregon..
We are contesting for a fair organiza
tion of the house, in order to make pos
sible the passage of the Bingham regis
tration' bill, the Holt judges-of-elec-tion
bill, and an amendment to the con
stitution providing for direct law-making
by the people by means of the ini
tiative and referendum in its optional
form. '.- ; .
"We are assured by eminent lawyers
that the Bingham registration bill is
constitutional, and likely to be effec
tive. The Holt bill allows county cen
tral committees of eaoh of the three
principal political parties to designate
one judge of election in each precinct,
and committees of the two principal
parties to each name one clerk of elec
tion in each precinct. ; The initiative
and referendum need no explanation to
Oregon Populists. These measures we
believe to be all important in obtaining
honest elections and control by the peo
ple of lawmaking in Oregon, and there
by preserving our liberties. The situa
tion is this: ,
"Last June the Republican party
elected thirty-eight' members of the
house of represenatives. Only twenty
eight of this number have agreed to act
together in organizing the house. Part
of the remaining ten Republican mem
bers support Mr. Bourne and part do
not support any, candidate. The Popu
list and Democratic members are stay
ing out until such time as a Republican
majority may agree upon a candidate
of its own for speaker, or until a suffi
cient number of them unite with us to
assure Bourne's election, which we be
lieve will enable us to obtain the
measures herein named. As long as
Republicans are thus divided, and it is
possible that we may, by preventing or
ganization, finally elect Mr. Bourne,
and probably obtain the legislation be
fore mentioned, we feel it to be our
duty to the people of Oregon to stay
out wages or no wages. With this
knowledge of the facts, we feel that we
are entitled to your support for our
selves and our allies."
The manifesto is signed by two sen
ators and twelve representatives. It iB
said that the remaining Populist sena
tor and representatives, who were out
of the city when the caucus was held,
fully indorsed the manifesto.
A short session of the house was
held Sunday, the temporary speaker
having ruled that it was necessary ac
cording to the constitution, v .-;".
The house has again failed to organ
ize before Tuesday and this defers the
senatorial election until Tuesday, Feb
ruary 2, and, of course, no ballot can
be taken on that date unless the speak
ership problem is solved before Tues
day of next week. .
The senate meets daily, but no busi
ness other than the introduction of bills
is taken up. ' :
Senator Harmon has introduced t
bill designed to restore to sheriffs ol
the various counties the duty of convey
ing all committed 'persons to the state
insane asylum, reform school and peni
tentiary. It is merely made the duty
of the committing court to place such
in charge of the sheriff. Nothing is
said as to compensation, but the pre
sumption is that the state is to pay, as
at present '
Senator Brownell has introduced a
bill in the interest of bicyclists. It
directs that all transportation companies
shall be required to check and trans
port bicycles like other baggage. The
bill is general in its provisions and de
scribes at length how railroad and other
transportation companies shall convey
free of all charges to each passenger,
with a ticket, not more than 100
pounds of baggage. How it shall be
cheoked and how reclaimed are describ
ed, the provisions simply enacting into
law the present pratices of railroad
companies.' .:.. ,
Senator Smith has introduced a bill
changing the beginning of the close sea
son on the Columbia from August 10
to August 1. This is in accordance
with the recommendation of United
States Fish Commissioner McDonald.
There are provisions for the regulation
of fishtraps, by which none shall havt
a lead .more than 700 feet in length, and
no fish wheel shall have a lead of more
than forty feet in length. Other regu
lative provisions are added.' ' ; .
Senator Mulkey has introduced' a bill
intended to prohibit, as far as possible,
corrupt practices at elections. It lim
its the sums of .money that may be
legitimately expended in securing a
nomination or eleotion to any office
created by', the constitution of state ei
for representatives in congress. It pro
vides for a public inspection of the ex
pense account of any candidate or
political committee. . Other states have
similar measures on their statute books,
and public sentiment in the state of
Oregon, Senator Mulkey thinks, ia rip
for a similar (statute in this state, -
Resolutions Concerning the Forest
Reserve Passed.
Salem, Or., Jan. 19. At a meeting
of the ' North Pacific Sheepbreeders'
and Woolgrowers' Association, held at
the state capitol, pursuant to a call
from the president, Hon. John Minto,
the following resolutions were unani
mously adopted: : '
"Whereas, The congress of the
United States has authorized the presi
dent to proclaim as forest reserve
4,600,000 acres of the Cascade range of
mountains, extending in an unbroken
body across the state of Oregon, there
by creating a physical division of the
state; and . -
"Whereas, This immense body of
land has been placed under the care of
the department of the interior, to be
protected from the injury of its forest
growth by the aid of the United States
district court and by its officers, and
citizens of the United States, residents
of Oregon, have been arrested and put
to cost on the assumption that grazing
stock (sheep especially) within such
reserve is aii injury to the forest
growth thereon; and
"Whereas, By an experience extend
ing over fifty years, in some cases,
members of this association know that
despite grazing of sheep or cattlfe upon
the grasss lands of Oregon, whether on
the mountains or in the valleys,
reforestation of open land has extended
is extending, over all pasture land,
near enough seedbearing trees for the
seeds to be carried by the wind; and
the truth of this statement is well set
forth in papers now published by the
state board of horticulture, by persons
who have seen these processes going
forward for from forty-four to fifty-two
years' observation; therefore, be it
"Resolved,' These prosecutions of
stockowners, whose stock has in past
years ranged on the mountains of Ore
gon, is totally unjustifiable, on the
ground of injury done by such grazing;
that we, as citizens of the United
States, residing in Oreogn, claim all
the right of the citizens of other states
to the full benefit of the use of the
public domain, and of the general land
laws of the national government, and
believe it an oppression, unjust as well
as unnecessary, to harrass stockmen by
trials in the United States court for
acts of technical trespass, where benefit
rather than damage has been done;
that we heartily indorse the concurrent
resolution introduced by Senator Mul
key, in the present legislative assembly
of Oregon; that we are unanimously in
favor of the restoration -of a reasonable
tariff duty on wool, adequate for the
encouragement of woolgrowing, and
also favor an import duty being placed
on shoddy, sufficiently high to dis
courage the importation of said ar-
ticle." .-'.-. ' ..:V.
Senator Mulkey's resloution, pro
vides for three reserves, instead of one.
Oratorical Tributes to the Late
Speaker Crisp. -v
Washington, Jan. 19. Most of this
day in the house was devoted to ora
torical triubtes to the late Speaker
Crisp, of Georgia, who died during the
recent recess of congress. The speeches
were listened to by nearly all of the
Democrats, and a large contingent of
Republicans, while many Southern
people filled the galleries. All of the
members from Georgia and several
leaders on both sides of the house de
livered eulogieB, which were unusually
impressive, and were listened to with
much more than the usual attention.
The bill authorizing the Columbia &
Red Moutain Railway Company to
build a bridge across the Columbia
river, in Stevens county, Wash., called
up by Doolittle, passed. Delegate Cat
ron attempted to secure the passage of
a bill to give the deserted Fort Marcy
military reservation, at Santa Fe, N.
M., to the American Invalid Aid So
ciety, of Boston, for the establishment
of a sanitarium for pulmonary diseases,
but it failed on objection.
' Flogging- on Shipboard.
Cleveland, Jan. 19. Senators Frye
and Hale, who were responsible for the
senate substitute for house bill No.
2663, which restored flogging in the
merchant marine, are being severely
condemned by the 800,000 members of
the Western Seamen's Society and va
rious branches. At a' .meeting of the
local trustees of the society, who are
prominent business men, - resolutions
were adopted protesting against the
law. " -' - . ' --
Has Discovered No Lymph.
Paris, Jan. 19. In an interview, Dr.
Roux, who is connected with the de
partment of hygiene,' denied a report
that he had made experiments with an
anti-plague lymph. He would know
how tq prepare the lymph, he said, if
it waB needed, but he felt that bubonic
plague would never get a hold in Eu
rope. The Temps complains of the in
activity of the present Indian govern
ment in dealing with the scourge. -
Victim of Commodore Wreck.,
Salem, Mass., Jan. 19. f The remains
Of the late William Alexander Higgins,
who met his death with many others
at the foundering of the Cuban filibus
tering steamer Commodore, off the
Florida coast, Sunday morning, Janu
ary 8, arrived today. The funeral was
held at the undertaking rooms, and
was attended by a large crowd.
Cubans , Used a Torpedo With
. Deadly Effect. ,
Destroyed the Vessel and Killed and
Wounded All the Crew Court's
Decision In Three Friends Case
Havana, Jan. 20. The gunboats
Centinela and Relampago left Manza
nillo on the night of January 16,-with
the object of going up the river Cauto
to Fort Guamo, in compliance with the
orders of General Bosch. At 10 o'clock
in the morning of January 17, both
gunboats were near Mango . landing,
when an explosion of a torpedo, which
had been well planted in the river,
sunk the Relampago. ' Those of the
crew who survived swam toward the
shore, but were fired on from the banks. .
At this critical moment a boat was
launched from the Centinela, '- which
rescued the men in the water. In view
of the instructions and the fact that the
commander of the Centinela and nearly
all of the crew of both boats had been
wounded, the expedition had to return
to Manzanillo. '
Senor- Martinez, of the Relampago,
was seriously wounded in the exlpo
sion, as well as Gunner Francisco Mar
tinez and three seamen, while Pay
master Antero, Chief Officer Masquero,
Engineer Pazadela and the assistant
pilot and four others were slightly
wounded. Six of the officers and crew
were killed outright, and all of the rest
received wounds of more or less severity.
On the Centinela the commander,
Senor Puerto, was seriously wounded,
while one of the crew was killed and
Corporal Manuel Cabanas, the pilot,
Assistant Engineer Martinez and six of
the crew were wounded. .
Cuban Expeditions Mot Illegal.
Jacksonville, Jan. 20. Judge Locke,
of the United States court for the south
ern district of Florida, rendered his de
cision today in the Three Friends case
upon the exceptions of the defense to
the libel of the government for violat
ing the neutrality laws. The point
was raised ' by counsel for the defense
that inasmuch as the Cuban insurgents
had not been recognized by the United
States they were neither a people nor a'
body politic, as defined by section 5288,
under which the libel was drawn. This
was sustained by Judge Locke, and the
district attorney. was given ten days in
which to file an amended libel.- The
point was one that had never been
raised before. '
The Man-Who Wrecked the Alabama
Mineral Train Confesses.
New Orleans, Jan. 20. A special to
the Times-Democrat from Atlanta says:
Sam Palataka, cross-eyed, a fiend in
expression, revolting in countenance,
has confessed to having perpetrated the
horrible Cahaba bridge disaster, which
Occurred three weeks ago in Alabama.
Stolidly and with immovable lines of
criminal harshness on his face, he ad
mits that, single-handed, he sent twenty-five
persons to a horrible death, and
wounded and maimed a score more.
There was no romantic reason back of
the work of this courageous coward, a
man who dared discovery, which, in
Alabama, meant certain death, to drive
a train to destruction in order to gain
a few dollars. . ' C
Palataka was arrested in Eaton, Put
nam' county, in Middle Georgia. . His
first captors believed him half-witted,
as he gave himself away. Those in
charge of him today in' Atlanta, as he
was on his way to Alabama, say he is
absolutely reckless and entirely without
human feelings. Today he spoke of
the fearful wreck with no sign of emo-
tion. ' - : ,'
"I did it," said Palataka. ,"I want
ed money. It's nobody's business what
I wanted it for. I did it. I found it
very easy.x I say this for the benefit of
those who want to wreck trains. It's
just as easy to wreck a freight train..
There's no money in freight. I did
not get any money out of the wreck. I
moved a rail, put it across the track,
and the whole business seemed to fall.
There were plenty of dead folks with
money one had $500 but before I
could get at the money the live ones
got up and then the crowds came and
I skinned out. '
At a Hungarian Wedding.
New York, Jan. 20. John Ornis, a
rejected suitor, caused a riot and blood
shed at the wedding of Agnes Hafri,
whom he had loved in vain. ' The
bridegroom, Michael Roman, ''and three
guests, were stabbed before the police
moved uuon the weddinar feast, which
had become a riot, and arrested the
enraged and disappointed lover. Ornis
is a tall, powerfully built Hungarian.
When Roman and Agnes were be
throthed he concealed his chagrin and
was the first to congratulate the couple.
After the ceremony last night, how
ever, the guests turned to Ornis and
chided him for his ill luck in not win
ning such a fair girl. A second later a
soene of wild confusion ensued. The
furniture was overturned, women fled
shrieking from the flat, and some of,
the men tried to overpower Ornis, who
cut right and left with' a knif