The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, January 01, 1897, Image 4

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    II IP 18 ff 1 GOMEZ
Spaniards Forming Three
Lines to Crush Him.
Weyler Expected to Strike a Hard
Blow,' 80 That Spain Can Call for
Another Loan Cubans Confident
Cincinnati, Deo. 28. A special to
the Commercial , Tribune , from Key
West says:
' Havana advioes are that Gomez's
advanoe guard haa oaptared the town
of Las Passega, in Santa Clara prov
inoe, taking tbe entire garrison and all
tbe stores. A battalion of fresh troops
was sent from Havana to Matanzas
this morning, to be sent to the front,
Great exertions are being made to get
a strong f owe to oppose General
Gomez, and three lines are being forced
to get the Cubans entangled between
them and crushed.
Fundi Running Lov
New York, Deo. 28. A Madrid
epeoial to the World says:
It is rnmored that Genaral
has delayed freBh operations
the insurgents in order to give time to
disoover the disposition of bands and
their ohiefs sinoe the death of Maoeo,
with a view to feeling his way to pre
pare the ground for finishing the pres
ent Cuban war like the past insnrrec-
.'. tions in Spain and Cuba, where official
negotiations proved more telling argu
ments than foroe of arms, direotly the
inanrennta haw no more hone of for
eign aid.
It is also believed in diplomatic oir
' cles that Spain will take advantage of
the disposition of President Cleveland
and Heoretarv Olnev ; to negotiate
quiokly and direotly with the United
States to seoure a neutrality by grant
ing discriminating concessions in the
contemplated Cuban tariff, , and fair
promises of colonial autonomy before
, the aooession of MoKinley.
One of tbe principal reasons of the
Spanish government for insisting upon
Weyler making a decisive attempt to
clear the provinoes of Pinar del Rio,
Havana and Matanzas. within a few
weeks, is the urgent necessity for soor
ing a military suooess before Spain has
once more to appeal to the native and
foreign markets for fresh loans, when
she shall have exhausted the money
obtained by the recent interior loan,
whioh will be in Maroh of next year.
At present the minister of the oof
onies disposes of this oasb, and Cuban
bonds to the value of about $5,000,000
only remain out of the proceeds of the
loans, . The expenses: of tbe - war in
Cuba are $12,000,000 monthly, and in
the Philippines at least $4,000,000.
Up to the , present , time, the Spanish
treasury has assisted the Cuban trews
nrv onnrgnt oal rt a odvannaa muila Vitt
foreign and native bankers upon Cuban
bonds, and by pledging the sources of
imperial revenue for , the reoent $80,
000,000 loan.
The moment is fast approaobing
when the Spanish parliament and the
Spanish taxpayers must be asked to
provide," in the shape of additional tax
ation, $26,000,000 annually for the in
terest and sinking fund of $250,000,000
thus far raised, to meet only in part
the expenses of the Cuban war, up to
March, , 1897, and which the Cuban
Vi ti rm anA Vtn fiction tamavana n 1
not possibly, undertake to pay, even if
tbe war were soon terminated, con
sidering that their budgets showed de
ficits, averaging $5,000,000 annually,
before the present insurrection.
RlvATm Varnl TVavIai.
New York, Deo. 28. A speoial from
Key West to the World says:
Steamship passengers say that Gen
eral Rivera, who is in command of the
army of Maoeo, has sent a' formal
warning to General Weyler. General
Rivera notified the Spanish captain
general that if he persisted in his
threats to kill paoificos found in the
country, the Cubans will make reprisals
on all Spaniards whom they may oap
ture. :
' General Weyler is affeoting to dis
regard the warning. , Those near him,
however, say he will not dare to carry
out his ideas as ruthlessly as he intend
ed. His guerillas still have full aa-
the oountry and to foroe their families
into the garrisoned towns. As the
troops in suoh plaoes have little extra
food and tbe residents none to spare,
this order lays a great hardship upon
the poor oouncry folk. Hundreds will
soon be starving.
uouoiai xtivcia 19 uiuruig uub JL lilt)
entrenohments. All indications point
to an important engagement soon.
General Weyler has visited various
points on the trooha and San Christo
bal. He is always aooompanied by a
large force. ''
There is skirmishing daily along the
trooha and on the outskirts of Arte
misa. '
A battle has been fought in Santa
Clara provinoe between guerilla bands.
The Cubans foroed the Spanish to re-,
tire into Remidios with heavy loss.
. Regia, aoross the bay from Havana,
was attacked again last night almost
under the guns of tbe fortress. Sev
eral houses were burned and a running
fight maintained for two hours.
. A Drunkard's Act.
. Los Angeles, Cal., Deo. 28. While
leaving the Santa Fe train at tbe First
street depot in a drunken condition,
Mason -Birkley ,. stumbled, fell and
threw his 6-year-old boy Harry under
the moving train. The child was
crushed to death.
Candlesticks, with ' chimneys, and
having perforations in the bottom of
the tray for the admission of air, are
made bv an Englishman.
Tried to Lynch a Motorman Who Ban
, . Down a Boy.
Chicago Dec 28. George B. Den
mark, 7 years old,' was killed by a
trolley-oar at Troop and Eighteenth
streets, this afternoon. Fred Bernier,
motorman, was threatened with lynch
ing, for killing the boy, and was with
great difficulty rescued from the
mob of Bohemians, who. incensed at
the terrible aooident, surrounded the
oar and dragged Bernier from the plat
form, determined to hang him. Patriok
Hanley, the conductor, , managed to
save Bernier from the mob, and then a
riot oall was sent to the Maxwell street
station. The polioe took charge of the
motorman and oonduotor and looked
them up. 1
After the boy had been killed, Motor
man Bernier took refuge in the oar,
which stood within a few feet of where
the aooident oocurred, and in an in
stant it was , beseiged by angry men.
He attempted to keep them out by
latohing' the doors on the inside, but
they broke the doors in, knocked him
down and kioked and beat him for a
few moments in a shocking manner.
He managed, however to get away
from them, and ran to the door of the
drugstore, where he was handed a pis
tol, and was admitted inside by Mr.
Kvitek; the proprietor, before any
further barm befell him. The orowd
surged around the store and yelled:
"Break it inl Kill him I"
It looked for a minute as if the store
would be raided, but Mr. Kvitek had
made use of the telephone. He called
on the Maxwell station first for an am
bulance, but by that time matters had
got so warm that he requested a patrol
wagon. In a few minutes the wagon
brought a number of Officers, who did
all they could to quiet' the mob. When
some degree of quiet had been restored
the polioe arrested the endangered men
and took them to the station. There
tbe men seemed unoonoerned, and de
clined to make a statement.
There were many versions given of
the aooident. Well-informed people
living in tbe neighborhood said they
had been expeoting something of the
kind for a long time, and were only
surprised that it did not happen sooner.
Benton Wilson Went to Prison to Save
Bis Father. ' N
Spokane, Wash., Deo. 28. Benton
Wilson, who went to the penitentiary
for a long term of years for murder,
oame into Spokane last night, and to
day went to Mica, where his parents
live. He had been unexpectedly par
doned. : The oircumatances under whioh Wil
son was sent to jail were most peouliar.
Two years ago, some small boys un
earthed the body of a man that was
subsequently identified as that of
James Johnson, brother-in-law of Ben
ton Wilson. N The body was found two
miles from the Wilson homestead.
Benton Wilson and his father were ar
rested and oharged with murder. The
father was first placed on trial, and
the case looked black for him. Per
ceiving this, Benton arose and con
fessed to having murdered his brother-in-law.
He said Johnson bad abused
his wife, Wilson's sister; had returned
to 'the farm and had threatened his
wife, if she did not oome baok to the
oity. Wilson said that he aooompanied
them to a lonely stretch of woods, and,
at an opportune moment, fell upon him
and clubbed him to death. For this
he was sentenced to a long term of
years m the penitentiary. ; It is a oase
of a son sacrificing his life to save that
of his father. ;
American Arrested for Driving: Into
Prohibited Mexican Territory.
San Diego, Cal.', Dao. 28. Harry
Mansur, the American who was arrest
ed several weeks ago by the Mexioan
oustoms officials at Tia Juana for al
leged infraction of the laws governing
the free zone, has been released by the
Ensenana authorities and is again at
his home on this side. His release was
obtained through the intervention of
Hon. Anthony Godbe, American vice-
consul, and a cash bail was obtained,
whioh allowed , Mansur - to leave the
oountry. . '
Mansur said today that his oase was
temporarily settled, and he did not ex-
peot it to oome up again for six months
or a year. It is probable, the cash bail
will be quietly aooepted and no further
aotion taken, especially as Mansur's
infraction of the law was slight.
Mansur's wife s family lives at Ro-
sario, about two ' miles south of the
free zone. Mansur had often visited
them, taking his team and paying no
attention to the law, being an old resi
dent and acquainted with the otfioials.
But a new administration of tbe Tia
Juana custom-house, Senor Motavel
asco, caused Mansur to be ' arrested for
smuggling a horse into the oountry,
and imposed a heavy fine upon him.
Failing to pay the fine, Mansur was ar
rested and sent to Ensenada to be dealt
with by the higher authorities. Since
that time until a day or so ago he had
been in jail.
A steel fly wheel twenty five feet
in diameter and requiring 250 miles of
wire in its oonstruotion. has been
made in Germany.
Oakland, Cal , Deo. 28 Dr. J. W.
Robertson's . sanitarium was partly
burned this morning. It was Docupied
by thirty patients, suffering from ner
vous disorders. The first care was for
the patients, many of whom were still
in bed. There was great oonfusion,
but they were all safely removed. The
house was formerly Livermore college,
and, while only two stories high, oo
oupies a large area. The damage will
be under $5,000. A defeotive flue
oaused the trouble.
Peter ' Maher Knocked Out Steve
O'Donnell In Short Order.
New York, Deo. 28. It took just 27
seconds' time for Peter Maher, the
Irish pugilist, to again - demonstrate
his superiority in ring taotics and hard
hitting qualities over Steve O'Donnell,
the Australian boxer, in the arena of
the Greater New York Attiletio Club
at Coney island today. Both men were
in exoellent condition and trained to
the hour. Eaoh of them was oonfldent,
but Maher's, backers made him a hot
favorite, the odds . ranging from 8 to 5
to 1 on the Irishman's chanoes of win
ning. ' ; . .
O'Donnell was the first to enter the
ring. He climbed through the ropes
at 8:80 o'clock, clad in a gray-oolored
bath robe. His seconds were Sam Fitz
patriok, . Billy Madden, Mike Butler,
and Gus Ruhlin, the Canton, O. , giant.
When Maher emerged from his dress
ing room five minutes later a cheer
went up which shook the building.
As soon as he got into the ring Maber
bowed his acknowledgment for the
warm weloome extended to him, and he
never looked better in his life. He
was escorted by Peter Lowry, of Dub-,
lin; Peter Burns, of Harlem, his spar
ring partner, and Jack Quinn, of
Brooklyn. ' Maher weighed lTt)4
pounds, and O'Donnell 181 pounds
The men shook hands at 8:46, and
Referee Aleck Brown lost no time in
bringing them together. ,
There was intense silence when the
men put their fists up and Maher
rushed aoross the ring almost to O'Don
nell's oorner. Both sparred for a f w
seoonds, and O'Donnell led with bis
left for the body. Maher blocked his
blow with his right glove. Peter then
jabbed his left hard on the chin an 1
landed a heavy left swing on the face.
This staggered O'Donnell,- and he
seemed to be unable to avoid Mahei'
rushes. Maher sent O'Donnell to the
floor with a hard left on the chin, and
the Australian stayed down 4 seoonds.
As soon as be got to his feet O'Don
nell assumed a defensive attitude, but
Maber quiokly sent his left once more
on tbe ohm, and as O'Donnell was fall
ing caught him quickly, with a half
hook, knocking) the Australian down.
Steve rolled over on his baok in a help
less oondition, and the referee slowly
oounted him out. The big Irishman
stood about twelve , feet away from
his fallen opponent while the referee
was counting off the seconds, and as
soon as the . referee tallied ten a tre
mendous shout went up from 1,800 peo
ple who had watched the brief encoun
ter, and the band played "The Wear
ing of the Green" in honor of the vio-
tor.' :
A Fire in San Francisco.
San Francisco, Deo. 28. Fire this
afternoon destroyed the 1 plant of
Franais, Valentine & Co. , one of the
largest printing firms in this oity.
Tbe fire broke out in the basement, oc
cupied by the Comir:oial Light &
Power Company, and spread to the first
floor, where the Ruswell Bookbinding
Company was wiped out. The upper
floors were oooupied by Francis, Valen
tine & Co. .Their 'presses, whioh were
insured . for $30,000, were slightly
damaged, while the stook and wood
outs were nearly destroyed. The to
tal loss will probably be under $50,
000. Two years ago today the same
luildiug was burned. The fire was
more disastrous, for the Call was
burned out and the building had to be
reconstructed. Today Peter McCabe,
a fireman, . fell from the two-story
building adjoining and was badly hurt.
No bones were broken, but internal in
juries are feared. ",'.'.",
8iuion Was Despondent. "
San Franoisoo, Deo. 28. Despondent
over his failure to obtain employment,
Simon Brauer, a German, 22 years
old, attempted to commit suicide early
this morning by hanging himself
from a timber extending over, a tank
wall, at the old reservoir on Reservoir
bill. He tied one end of a small rope
about the timber, the other about his
neck and swung himself off the curb
ing of the well. The rope broke, how
ever, and he fell fifteen feet to the bot
tom of the well, badly spraining his
ankle. Having failed in his attempct
to end his life, and beooming frightened
by the intense darkness that prevailed
in the well, Brauer began - to shout
luBtily for help. He was resoued by
Mrs. Margaret Allman at 7 o'clock.
. Debs Going to Colorado.
Denver, Deo. 28. A Terre Haute,'
ind., dispatch says: Eugene V. Debs
has promised President Boyce, of the
Western Federation of Miners, that he
will go to Colorado the first of the week
to help the Leadville strikers. He will
speak in Colorado cities, beginning in
Leadville, where a labor demonstra
tion is to be given on his arrival.
President Boyce says public opinion is
still with the strikers and they oan hold
out indefinitely. President Boyce re
ceived a letter saying $2,000 had been
sent from Butte, Mont., to aid the
strikers. . . '.
-'- From the Gleninorasr. '
Astoria, Or., , Deo. 28. r Captain
Burns came over from Ooean Park,
Wash., today and states that the Glen-
morag is again in a favorable position
to be floated. Her bow is now pointed
seaward, and as soon as the tides are
favorable she can be taken into deep
water with the aid of a tug. .
Jumped the Track. .
Martin's Ferry, W. Va., Deo. 28.
An engine on tbe Wheeling & Lake
Erie road jumped the traok near War
ner last night and . was demolished.
TTm nin Qoi Toaoa TTo-n nrVif rn nao 1ri1lA4
and Fireman Haines was probably fa- j
tauy mjurea.
A Ferryboat Founders.
St Petersburg, Deo. 28. Many lives
have been lost by the capsizing of a
of Ekaterinoslaff. . j
The Contest Between the Overland
' Telegraph and the Atlantic Cable. '
The race-course was between the Old
World and the New. The racers were
telegraph companies. . One was called
the "Russian Overland;" the other was
the "Atlantic Cable."
, The track of the "Russian" lay be
tween New Westminster In British
Columbia, and Moscow in Russia. Up
through the unexplored Fraser River
Valley It was to run, then on through
the untracked wilderness of Alaska,
across Bering Strait, over the timber
less steppes of Arctic Siberia, and
along the dreary coast of the Okhotsk
Sea to the mouth of the Amoor. There
the, American racers, called "Western
Union," were to give over the race to
the Russian telegraph department,
which .was to make its best time in
reaching Moscow. ".'.'
Western Union said it would cover
the ground In about two years. The
cost would be about five millions of
dollars; but what wa- five millions of
dollars if the prize could be won an
electric girdle of the earth? ' v
The path of the "Atlantic" cable
was to be on a i tableland some two
miles deep in the ocean, reaching from
Ireland to Newfoundland.
The summer of 1865 found the world
watching , this race with great Inter
est. It opened when the fleet of the
Russian expedition set sail from San
Francisco, northward bound. The
"Atlantic" people at the same time
were stowing away gigantic coils of
cable into the capacious hold of the
"Great Eastern" a new cable some
2,000 miles long. "
The Western Union directors were
shrewd business men. Five millions
of dollars was little In comparison with
the benefit they could receive could
they get telegraphic communication
with Europe, and they then believed
that the only way was by land. Tbra
public agreed with them nearly unani
mously. And so the two projects the
overland and the submarine were
pitted against each other. ' ' ':'."
A very unequal race It seemed at the
outset. The Overland was strong and
vigorous. The" Atlantic was broken
by former failures. The Overland was
popular, and had plenty of monoy
back of It; the Atlantic was derided,
and "only fools," i was said, "would
invest in it." .- ;..?. '' '
The fleet of the Russian expedition
which sailed from' San Francisco in
the summer of 1865 was quite a navy.'
.There were cean steamers, sailing
vessels, coast and river boats, nnd
Russian and American ships of the
line, with a promise of a vessel from
her Majesty's navy. The expedition
was well officered, and about 120 men
were enlisted men of superior ability
In every department. The supplies
embraced everything that could be
needed. Thousands of tons of wire,
some 300 miles of cable, insulators,
Tagons, etc. j -?,;" '
August 26, 1866, the Great Eastern
landed its cable at Trinity Bay and
the whole, world, was electrified by
the news that, it worked perfectly
that the victory had been won. Mor
than that;. The Great ' Easterp not
long afterward picked up the cable lost
the year before, and that, too, -was
soon in. working order. Two electric
girdles bad been clasped around iha
earth. ... , '' " '.' ' .
The success of the "Atlantic" was
defeat for the "Russian." An overland
telegraph line could never compete
with the submarine cables. The first
triumphant "click, click!" at Trinity
Bay was therefore the death-blow of
the Russian scheme, and all work con
nected with .that project was at once
abandoned. ' '';v'v " V
But the workers the brave men fac
ing famine among the wild Chook
chees buried In their lonely huts wait
ing for some news from their com
rades, or straining every ndrve to com
plete their share of the great work
how pathetic that so many of them
did not hear what had happened, in
some cases for more than a year after;
the success of the cable! Jane Marsh
Parker in St. Nicholas.
, Falls Climbed by Fish.
"Fish can and do manage to pass up
stream over falls fifty feet in height,';
observed an Investigator of the sub
ject. " "There are hundreds of well
authenticated instances of this in the
Columbia rive-ytn Oregon, where sal
mon, .which Is a salt-water fish, Is
found above the falls In the fresh water.
There is no other way for them to' get
up the river except to use the falls as
a kind of ladder, and they have been
seen while making the ascent., By this
I do not mean abrupt falls, but tne kind
of falls generally seen on Western riv
ers. The Great falls of the Potomac
are an illustration. Though there is
an artificial fishway there now, millions
of fish managed to get into the upper
Potomac during their spawning season
before the fishway was constructed." ;
Pictures have been obtained by the
Roentgen rays through eight and one
half inches of ire n plate by Herr Dor
mann, of Bremen. i
Coral does not grow deeper than
forty fathoms. " Plaoed deeper, it dies.
The present state of the
tea-trade can't continue.
Americans drink the worst
tea in the world, and pay
double for it.
r Schillings Best is the
remedy. -
Proof: the
grocer gives
back if you
your money
don't like it.
a roofcisa fit 4m.
, There are thousands who have looked
forward to the return of eol3 frosty weatfrer
With dread, knowing that ft brings totbm
their old chronic attacks of rheumatism.
Why should any one bear it in winter' or
summer when it is so Well known what will
cure it and make it stay cured. St, Jacobs
Oil will penetrate throxigh stiffness and
soreness to th center of rtoetimatie paXtys
and aches in their worst foris tsad will
subdue them. In the coldest r hottest' Id-
mate it does its work of cure regardless of
how long one may have s tiffered. Why ten
so foolish a fear? What ean be CTired
should be endured only so long', as ft takes
to get a bottle.
A newly-patented lawn mower has
knives, worked on the tame principle
as mowing machine knives, hong be
tween the wheels of the mower.' '
"Most Unique," Indeed, v
Chief of Police Keefe has in hla pos
session probably the mosi unique wea
pon ever seen in the . city of Jackson
ville.' It la a combination double-barreled
pistol and bowie, and was need
in Missouri 'by a "Regulator" when
that State was going through the throes
o the pro and anti slavery discussion.
' The blade of the bowie is about
twelve inches long, and protrudes from
a hilt between two small pistol barrels,
each about six inches 'long. The hilt
and the hammers are one and the same.
When the hilt is cocked Into position,
two triggers, concealed in the etock,
come forth, and- then the weapon is
ready for business, with both barrels
and twelve Inches of cold steel. "
A number of men, it is said, belong
ing to one Organization in Missouri,
were armed with these weapons, which
were secured direct from Paris. This
one In particular seems to be almost
new. Florida Times-Union.
. . Mortar.
The use of brick-dust mortar as a sub
stitute for hydraulic cement Is now rec
ommended on the best engineering au
thority, experiments made with mix
tures of brick dust and quicklime show
ing that blocks of one-half Inch in
thickness, after immersion in water for
four months, bore, without crushing,
crumbling or splitting, a pressure of
1,500 pounds per square Inch. The use
of brick-dust mixed with lime and sand
is said to be generally and successfully
practiced In the Spanish dominions,
and-Is stated to be in all resoects su
perior to the best cement in the con
struction of culverts, drains, tanks, or
Blackwell's Genuine
Tou will find one coupon Inside each 2 ounce bag and two coupons Inside each 4 ounce bag.
Suy a bag, read the coupon and see how to get your share of $250,009 In presents. '
Walter Baker & Co. 's
Breakfast Cocoa.
2 (SitSu
.'-, . a cup. . .. ;? , . i , .
Be sure that you get the genuine article made by WALTER
BAKER & CO. Ltd., Dorchester, Mass. Established 1780.
Cheapest Power
Rebuilt Gas and
405-7 San some Street
San Francisco, Cal...
Hatched in Petaluma
Incubators has start
ed right, and Is better
prepared to give profit
able retains because theBe
machlnea exclusively em
body the feature which pro
sliica tha frrnataitt nnmher
1 of vigorous Chickens.
incubators irom siu up.
Petaluma Incubator Co., Petaluma, cal-
ltckiDZ .Dd Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Pil.a vl.ldat
in, fcUBorba tumor.. A positive cure. Circulars .ent fr., Frio
MM. uruuliu or mail. SB. UOSANtO. PhUab, Fa.
TiATn For tracing and locating Gold or Silver
Kill IS ore. lost or hidden treasures. M. D. FO W
11V1M LER, Box 3J7 Southington, Conn.
T.UPTCBK and PILES cured: no pay until
K j. . a f.i,v riTro it . tt i.
Porterfield. 838 Market St.. San' Francisco. .1
JiiBfa whhiTTii use fins.
I Bast Couch Brrup. Tutes Good, use I
in tima. Boia or amcs-mra.
if - L U
You can reafl a huppv mini in a happy com
tenawoe wWhit muirfi penernnjon. Tliis
the sort of (Sountcnance that l4e quondam bil
ious sufferer or dyspeptic relieved by HosteWer's
Stomach Bitters wears. You will iv.e t many
such. The great Stomach io nnd ftHruiv also
provides happbiess for ttie-nialartmis, the rheu
matic, the w?ak and those troubled with inac
tion of the kidneys and oladdor.
The brain of an idiot contains much
less phosphorous titan that of a person
of average mental powers.
"Walter Baker & Co., ftf Dorchester,
Mass.., V. 6. A.yhave given poata of sturdy
to the skiHfis! preparation f cocoa and
eUocoiate, and have devised maohiivevy and
Systems peculiar to their method of kca
taenfc, whereby the purity, palittaoility, And
highest nutrient characteristios are re
ta.Mwd. Their preparations are known the
Wwrld over and have received the highest
Indorsements from the medical practition
er, the nurse, , and the intelligent house
keeper and caterer. There is hardly Any
fo-product which may be so extensively
ttsed In the household in combination with
other foods as eocoa and chocolate; but
here aeafn we nrge the imporhwxse pf pur
ity and nutrient value, and these .import
ant points, we feel sure, may be Jelisd Oipon
in Baker's Cocoa and Chocolate' Iietetio
and Hygfenic Gazette." v
With LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot
reach tie seat of the disease.- Oa'arrh fe a
blrl or onf it.nk?nal disease, and m order to
cure it yon Must take internal rem-sdies. Hall's
Catarrh Cure is taken tetrKallT, and acts di
rectly on the blood ad mucous sivav3S IktA's
Catarrh Cure is not a quaf.k inedicme. It was
prescribed by ene of the boat physicians hi ftvls
cwantiy for years, and is a regular prewPp
tlon. It is composed of the best tonios. kown,
combined with the best blood pfcslfters, acting
dfredly on the mucous Surfaces, the perfect
combination of the two ingredients is what
produces such Wonderful effects in (Hiring
Catarrh. Send tor testimonials, free.
P. J. CHENEY & CO , Jrops., Toledo, O.
Sold by druggists, price ?Sev
Hall's Family Mis are the best. ,
This school fs located at Bmrlineame,
San Mateo county. CaL, in charge of Ira 6.
Hoitt, Ph. D. It is accredited at the Sitate
and Stanford Universities, and is me of the
best of its kind. Twelfth term begins J an
naryi, 1897.
Piso's Cure for Coms'anipii'on has been a
God-send to me. -Wm. 1$. McClellan.,
Chester, Florida, Sept. 17, 1&8.
Daniel Campbell and his wife, of
Walton county, Florida, are said to
be respectively 117 and 118 years old.
"Just Don't Feel Well,"
aie th One Thing1 to ui e.
Only One for a Dose.
Sold by DrucBisu at 25o. a box
Sample mailed free. AddraM
Or. Bosanko Med. Co. Phlla. Pa.
is the
very best
Because it is absolutely, pure. ' " '
Because it is not made by the so-called Dutch Process in
whtchchemicas are used. , , .
Because beans of the finest quality are used. ; .. '
Because it is made by a method which preserves unimpaired
the exquisite natural flavor and odor of the beans.
Because it is the most economical, costing: less than one cent
...Gasoline Engines.
Hercules Gas,
....Engine Works
rl I I"" II TP1 Mate money by sue
IJ L II I cessful speculation in
n 1 U 1 Chicago. We buy and
I sWf V sell wheat there on
margins. Fortunes have been Tnade on a small .
beginning by trading in1 futures. Vnte for
hill particulars. Best of reference given. Sev
eral years' experience on the Chicago Board of
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi
ness. Downing, Hopkins & Co., Chicago Board
of Trade Brokers. Offices in Portland, Oregon,
and Spokane, Wash,
Miiirn rocr t,
To any address, our . . . '.
bpeclal 1'rice JLlst of
This circular is issued for the benefit of our
country customers who cannot avail themselves
' of our Daily Special Sales. Send us your ad-
6,Tes- Vou will find tooth goods and prices
riKht. WILL & FINCH. CO..
- 818"820 Market Street, San Francisco, Cal.
AMD unit
WB w Bunrcn In 1U tov I'iitm. AoI'iiytUI
Cared. DR. J. L. STEPHENS, LKfjAPiOA.olUO.
N. P. N. U. No. 682.-S. F. N. U. No. 759