(ood Jiver Slacier. JANUARY J, JS97. Sehuol boards desiring to levy a tax f;vr the coming year are hereby remind ed that the district clerk must write -loth county clerk for the amount of : taxable property in their respective districts. Tli can not be furnished by the county clerk until, the state board of equalization, now' in session, U through with the assessment roll. As the amount of the levy must be for warded to the county clerk before Feb ruary lt, there will not be much time to ppare. Where a tax is desired by a Bchool district, a meeting of the cit izens to vole a tax should be called for porne day towards the beginning of the last week in January. J The way and means committee of the uougtt in engaged in preparing a tariff bill to be acted on at the special wssiou that will be called'by the pres ident elect. Delegations of manufao lun&rs that appear before the commit tee to urge protection for their respect Jve lines of goods make a bad showing for our "infant industries." If the manufacturers are allowed to make the pctuidobM of another tariff bill, the . McKtnley act will have been a mild protective measure compared with the new bill- : " 1 . ' The seven democrats and 22 populists and silver republicans of the Oregon legislature, it is said, will not vote for a republican for United States senator, but will compliment members of their own parties with- their votes. This is jb it uhould be, A man elected to the legislature on a party ticket has no more right to vote for a candidate for United States senator outside of his party than a presidential elector would have to vote against bis party in the electorul college, John Wannamaber and Boss Quay are having open war over the senator ship In the Quaystone state. Mr. Wan liamaker is a candidate for senatorial honors, and to be successful must first down the boss, whose candidate is Penrose of Philadelphia- It is a pity theie are only two or three men in the republican party of Ihe great state of PeuiiHylvauia that' can be considered . worthy of serving in the senate. Captain C. C. Blood of Tennessee, who acted for a year as drillmaster for the raw insurgent troops under Gomez has just returned to his home. He Irings back the startling information that General Weyler Is a native of Ohio and a son of parents of German origin. His father Is at present a farmer in the Buckeye state. General Bradley T. Johnson of Balti more, who has lately returned from Cuba, -advices the young then of the United States to keep away from Cuba, that the insurgents are not worth fight ing for. V ' - W. 6. Steel in a New Role. Hood River, Or., Dec. 20, 1896. Editor Glacier: From various sources comes the information that Mr. W. G ISteel of Portland has visited tliesheep' men of Eastern Oregon and has en- deavored to pull their own wool over their eyes and filled their ears with a very plausible tale of the inestimable benefits to accrue to them by subscrib ing the sum of $500 to pay Mr. Steel's expenses to go as a delegate before con gress and secure an amendment to the forestry bill, which has already passed the lower house,, permitting the pas turage of sheep, cattle and hordes on the Cascade reserve. The Antelope Herald of the 18th Just, refers to Mr. Steel as representing Mlie national forestry association and the Oregon Maztimas." I wish to state, most emphatically, that though Mr. Steel may be a member of each of these organizations, he does not repre tent their policies; and the 1 lives tiga ' tions now being carried on by the sheepmen as to the advisability of such action wiir develop the fact that Mr. Steel represents only himself and his own interests. ' ' The fallacy of such a scheme is ridic ulously apparent. The government purposes establishing a rational policy of forest conservation, but It would" not, as Mr. Steel attempts to show, thus discriminate in favor of the. sheep men, allowing them to scatter their flocks throughout the reeerve, while the home seeker who might wish to locate with in its bounds, the miner who wished to develop his claim, the settlers on contiguous sections who wished to con struct a ditch from within its limits, and all others who might be benefited by free access to the reserve, would be debarred, while the resulting devasta tion would be comparatively insignifi cant. "Mr. Steel nor any other Judi. vidual has the power to blind the au thorities to these facta. The perpetuation of the Cascade re serve hinges upon the report of the forestry commission which visited this and other reservations last summer. A commission composed of able, intel ligent men, sent out by government authority, who spent several months in the field in careful consideration and investigation of this momentous tjuestlon. Upon completion of this re port and its presentation to congress .the question will be definitely settled. VlUll such time the sheepmen may us well reserve their funds for other pur poses, for their strongest endpavors can avail them nothing. In the meantime, Mr. Steel, the al leged friend and advocate of the forest policies of the two societies utsf 'ie men tioned, will bring upon himself an in dignant rebuke from every true friend of our noble forests and ,the members of the societies which our opponents would have us believe he represents. H. D. Langii.le. . From Our Exchanges. . The good roads convention met in Portland last week and discussed the subject thoroughly, and the .outcome will be new legislation on the subject this winter. They formulated a plan to have a bill pushed in the legislature abolishing the plan of working out the tax, and instead collect the money for the taxes and have the county court let the road building and repairing out by contracts, which in our estimation will give us better roads at less expense. We can cheerfully state that our repre sentative, Hon. N.- Merrill, is in for good roads and will vote for any bill tendingMo improve our highways. Clatskanie Chief. This is Oregon's golden opportunity for a cabinet position, and why fool away the chance in petty jealousies as to who shall have the position? Let our delegation select the man, and then let all Oregon arise and say Amen. Heppner Gazette. . " . ' The Pririevilla Review, in chron icling the marriage of a young man to a widow of that place, speaks of the bride as "an old resident of Prineville." We dasen't refer to the maturity of a bride here, and always call her "the young and blushing bride," whether she be 17 or 70. Fossil Journal. The United States senate is rapidaly convincing the people that the selec tion of railroad attorneys, presidents of corporations and political Jekyll Hyde monstrosities, must result in a change of base, either by doing away with the two-headed political calves, bearded women and living skeletons, or by the election of another class of men directly by the people. The men tal vacuums now. in the senate are not brainy enough to 'fool part of the peo ple part of the time." The Dulles Chronicle. We agree with the suggestion that the assembly should pass an act provld ing for employing convict labor to build a canal around the dalles of the Columbia. Not only uhould we have the convicts in the penitentiary cm ployed on this work, but all persons sentenced to county or city jails. When a hobo or thief is sentenced to thirty or sixty days )r more imprison ment send him to Celilo at once to work on the canal and keep him at work till his term expires. Moro Observer, Matters of great importance are now agitating the minds of the legislators elect of Oregon, to-wit! They have to elect a president of the senate and a speaker of the house; then employ a large number of clerks; then elect a United States senator; or attempt to do so; puss appropriation bills; secure pocket knives, pens, etc.. and retire to heir admiring constituents covered with glory. Welcome. New Discovery in Skamania. Pioneer. The latest discovery in mining in Skamania county is the uncovering of" a distinct ledge, lodge or vein about Smiles east of Stevenson, thut only adds another proof to the fact that this county will become the Cripple Creek of Washington. It is just now the mecca of fortune hunters, which we opine will see immigration the c miing spring that will grow as ledge after ledge is uncovered. A reporter of this paper, after listening to the many tales about lodes and veins that existed to close at band, straddled a cayose und rode out to the uew discovery. It is a typioal plaoe for a mine, high on the side of a sleep mountain and about a mile inland from the Columbia river. The ledge, which is a distinct one, wus uncovered after four or five blasts were spent, leaving a vein about four feet across exposed, which runs in a north westerly direction. The ore is of a dark steel-gruy color and closely resembles tellurium. It may be tellurium glance, and if it proves so, Mr. Sweeny is a millionaire, for that ore carries tellu rium, sulphur, lead and gold, and Is of a splendent, lustre. Tellurium was dis covered by Miller in 1782, combined with gold. and silver. Mr. Sweeney, the discoverer, will have a thorough test made, and should it assay only a few dollarH per ton. it would neverthe less be one of the richest mines in the Northwest. " Penalty of Destroying Our Forests. The climate of Oregon has not changed neither do we have any heavier storms than those of years ago, but the liability to floods in our streams is growing greater each year. The forests are being rapidly destroyed by both the ax and fire, and with them are going the great beds of moss that bold back the water like a sponge and which restrain the water from running off at once, while the shade of the trees prevented the quick melting of the snow in the mountains. This, with the drainage of all t he murshes and low places in the farming districts, has made it so that when a big storm is on, the water having no reservoir of anv kind to hold it back, rushes into the streams at once and forcing tbeiu out ot their hanks with a fall of water that a few years ago would have made no serious inconvenience to the residents along their banks. The danger of floods is one of the penalties that all communities pay, who destroy the bar riers that nature has created to hold them in check. Oregon City Enterprise, The Girls and the Prince. When the Prince of Wales was in America in 1800, be was a young man of nineteen und unmarried. Naturally, the American girls were deeply inter ested in him, and a period of the most romantic excitement ensued in all the cities. Every subterfuge to dance with the young prince was resorted to, and ruem'bers of his party were bribed to ar range a dance with the heir apparent; the most unusual expediments were re sorted to by the girls. His baggage was kissed as it was put aboard the cars, and when he left a hotel room women would rush in and carry away in bottles the water in which he had washed his face. Church people for got themselves and stood on the cushions of the pews in order to see the royal visitor. On every hand it was a season of excitement, and balls, dinners, fetes and receptions ruled. One of the prince's party was Stephen Fiske, the journalist, who was delegated by the elder James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, to remain with the prince while he was in America. Natu rally, Mr. Fisk saw ail the incidents of his royal highness' tour. Taking a lik ing to the American journalist the young prince saw that he was present upon all occasions. Now Mr. Fisk has written out the whole story, and it will form the January installment of the Ladies' Home Journal's series of "Great Personal Events." Illustrations of some of the great scenes have been made, and these will be given with the article in the January Joumal.-Ladies' Home Journal, Philadelphia. Chicken Thief Shot. Oregon City Knterprlse. The people of Harmony, two miles north of Clackamas, have been suffer ing from the depredations of a chicken thief recently and have been laying plans to capture the miscreant. Au gust Kanne had fixed an electric beli on his chicken house door, so thut when Ihe door was opened the bell would ring in his bed room. Thurs day morning, about two o'clock, tbe clatter of tb,e bell aroused Mr. Kanne from his slumbers to a realization of the fact that some one was in his chicken house. Seizing bis gun, he and his 1 son rushed out, and after a little recon- j noitering, discovered a man running, away from the building. Mr. Kanne: called to bim three times to stop, but; be kept on running, when Kanne fired j ui uim, lue snot taking eiieciiu uie thief's neck and the right side of bis body and breaking his left arm. The victim was Henry Halloway, who has been traveling over the country with wagon und learn, robbing hen roosts whenever and wherever opportunity offered- This is "Sport." Sunday Welcome. Several items have recently appeared in country exchanges narrating the ad vent of a poor half-starved, half-frozen deer into a town or settlement, driven thence by the extreme cold und deep snow, or uy its more cruel human per secutors, aud in each instance It wus set upon by dogs and guns and "sport" maile of its murder. It is strange that so muny human beings consider killing such a helpless, inoffensive animul "sport." A deer killed under such cir cumstances Is scarcely tit for food; it isn't dangerous; it is one of God's creat ures, as much entitled to life and lib erty, unless its killing is necessary to mun's subsistence, us man is himself. To thus hound to a cruel death a poor, defenseless, despairing animal when ,il is forced to come among creatures of a higher and nobler (?) species, is cow ardly, dastardly and devilish. No true sportsman would commit such an of fense; neither would any man entitled to tlie appellation of gentleman. Not one of the wild beasts of the forest is to be so dreaded or despised as one of these ciueiaud conscienceless men. An exchange very truthfully sug gests; "When a home merchant pre sents you with his bill don't allow the hair on your spinal column to rise like porcupine quills, and look as ttiougii you had been insulted. The chances are he trusted you for a shirt on jour back and groceries to keep your fumilv. Speak kindly to , bim who has accommodated you cheerfully. A man whose temper rises to ninety degrees in the shade, when asked for a just account, and feels his dignity uus ueen tram plea on is a gooa man not to trust." "Here is a political paradox," said Representative Dockery to a corre spondent of the Globe Democrat. "In IH1M we democrats made the campaign upon tbe tariff issue, and won. Our president called a special session to consider, not the tariff, but the cur rency question. In 1896 the. issue of the campaign is the money question The republicans win, aud their pres ident is to call a special session to con sider, not the 'currency, but the tariff." WANTED SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women toruvel lor responsible estab lished house In Oreon. Balary W(S0,payable$15 weekly and expenses. .Position permanent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en velope. The National, Star Building, Chicago. Administratrix Notice. Notice is hereby liven that the undersigned I has been appointed Administratrix of the es tate of David K. Ordway, deceased, and has duly qualified as such. All persons having 1 clairna against said estate are therefore noti-1 tied to present the same to her. nroDerlv ver- )' Wed, within six months from the date hereof, at the oftice of the county clerk of Wasco county, Oregon, or at the office of her attor ney, J. H. Cradlebaugh, in The Dalles Chron icle building, at The Dalles, Oregon. Datd this 21th day of December, A. D., 1896. FANNIE A. KKNMEDY, Administratrix of the estate of David K. Ord way deceased. .... d25f5 . Taken Up. Came to mv nlace. about, Ortnher lnth a tittle pig. Owner will please come and prove property, pay tor this notice and tte feed.and take hiin away, JOHN A. MOHB. Estray. At mv nlace. one 2-vear-old steer. rtn.le rerl. split in right ear, branded MD on right hip. $20 an Acre. Eighty acres of land in Hood River vallev for stile at 820 an acre. Good improvements; Z acres in strawberries; 40.1 apple trees, and plenty of other fruit to supply a family; nine acres in cultivation. Plenty of water for irri gation 1mm private ditch. This place is one of the earliest in the valley for strawberries, for further pa.'tlcnlurs address the Ulueler. THE HUNTLR'S COLD STORAGE. lie Always Supplied Deer and Fish oil Short Itotlc. - ' - A gcnt'Tnan who was at work at the Howard .ate quarry in Willimantic twenty-five years ago says deer was as plenty tnen in the woods north of Sebec lake as anyone could ask for. The slate company has a largo number of men employed, and boarded them in camps, the same as lumber men board their crews in the woods. To keep the camji-. supo'ied with fish and meat, they kept a hunter employed every day. The supply never ran short, but some of his mcinods were peculiar. He evidently kept fislr- on call in the winter season. On several occasions company came in from Bangor unex pectedly late in the evening. . But they only had to say trout to Stone; the hup ter, and ho would start out into the woods to return in fifteen minutes vith a handsome string of fish, apparently just taken from the water, says the Lewiston Journal. ' , He would bring in deer in the winter much the same way. His manner of doing this the gentleman explains, for he went with him once and learned the secret. He took the deer sled out to bring in game, and the workman went along to help haul it. They did not go very far into the forest when they came to a lot of evergreen boughs heaped upon the snow. Here Stone stopped. Lifting the boughs he tipped the pile over, and the looker-on, who wondered what he was up to, was scared nearly out of his senses when a big buck bounded up out of the hole and fell flat on his side. His feet were tethered together so he could not stand. Stone had caught him. and tethered him and "buried him alive under the brush and snow against future emergen, cies. This was his system of cold stor age. THE PRESS IN THE ARCTICS. Queer Publications of the Land of tho Esquimaux There exist at present several "jour nals" that make their appearance but once a year, says a writer . in Scien tific American. Literally, of course, they are not journals dailies but an nuals. They are published within the confines of the north polar circle. The Esquimau Bulletin,, for example, is edited near Cape Prince of Wales, on Behring strait. Here, in a village inhabited by Esqui maux; the English missionaries have established a school, and as but one steamer lands at this . place, and that but once a year, the news that it brings is consigned to a sheet of paper printed with the hektograph. Its size is eight by twelve inches. The paper is .very thick, and but one surface is used. This Esquimau Bulletin, in a sub head, claims xo be the "only yearly paper." This, however, is an error, for there is an annual sheet published at Godthaab. in Greenland, where a small printing oilice was established in 1862, whence about two hundred and eighty sheets and many lithographic prints have been issued. The journal in ques tion is entitled Atnagagdlintit, naling jnarmilc tusaruminasassumik; that is; ''Something for reading,1 accounts of, all sorts of entertaining subjects.'' Tho language is that of Greenland, a dialect of the Esquimau. There is still another periodical published in Green land, under the name of Kaladlit. UNDER SNOW TWO MONTHS. Winter Experience of I our men In a Hut . s In Montana I lived under the snow for two months, said a prospector to a Cincin nati Enquirer man recently. Talk about the present snow being a deeti one I It is nothing to what I encoun tered in 1808 in what were then the wilds of Minnesota, near Albert Lea. Four of us had built a hut in order to hold a homestead claim, and fortunate jly had laid in a supply of provisions sufficient to last two or three months during the winter. One night it com menced to snow, and large ilakes con stantly fell for two days and nights. Then the wind began to blow, the snow con-tinuing, and the next morning we could not open the door. The windows were completely blockp.ded and we could not tell that it was daytime ex cept by our watches. We built a big fire and stayed in the house, supposing that it would pass off in a few hours, but the weather turned intensely cold. Oh die third day we tunneled out through the window, but lound it im possible to remove the drift, which completely covered the hut. The cold weather continued without a break for two months. The top of tho 6now be came hard enough to bear our weight and we would go out by the window, returning at night, but it was two months before the snow thawed suffi ciently to uncover the hut. ... i The Dublin Brosue. ; Frances Power Cobbc, in her' "Life," gives amusing illustrations of the Dub lin brofruc in which , Irish Protestent clergymen, educated at Trinity college, used to preach fifty years ago. One, concluding1 a sermon on the "Fear of Death," exclaimed: "Mo brethren, the doying Christian lepps into tho arrums of death, and makes his hollow jaws ring with eternal hallelujahs!." There was a chapter in the Acts which Miss Cobbe dreaded to hear read by a cer tain clergyman, so difficult was It to help laughing when told of "Pcrtheans and Mades, and the dwellers in Meso potamia and the part of Libya about Cyraine, streengers of Eoum, Jews, Proselytes, Crates and Arabians." Senatorial Candor. When John C. Calhoun became vice president of the United States, and consequently president of the senate, he announced that he had not the au thority to call tho senators to order for words spoken in debate, as he regarded each senator as an ambassador from a sovereign state. The eccentric John Randolph, of Virginia, took advantage of Mr. Calhoun's ruling to abuse him personally. One day he began a tirade by saying: "Mr. Speaker! I mean Mr; President of the senate and would-be president of the United States, which God in His infinite ineray avert!" A Merry Christmas To Our Friends and Customers: ' . , , ' We have been trying to cater to your interests while rrofiling by your custom for five years. How well we have satisfied yoti is yours to say. But we promise you "eternal vigilance" for the future for QUALITY and PRICE. We do pot propose to be undersold from The Dalles to Portland, always guaranteeing QUALITY with careful dispensing. There is' no class of mer chandise having so many grades of quality or subject to more rapid deterlora. tion and sudden changes in price. And our customers may always depend pon receiving the benefits of lowest prices on the best qualities. ' QUALITY . is our motto and watchword. ;. ; . ' .' While no stock is always complete, our endeavors will be, as in the past, to keep what you want, and get in the shortest time that which we have noty - , ' . ' ' . . . . One word about credits. We are over 30 days, but will not cater fur extended credit trade. : v WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Pharmacists, ' Hood Eiyer, Oregon. - .' Is now open for business, Perfumery 'and Toilet Articles, ' Always on hand. Prescriptions Carefully Compounded and Prices Seasonable. At the old stand of the Glacier office, Hood Blver, Oregon. H. A. YORK, Proprietor. GEO. P. CBO WELL, . Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley .J l v'"' .DEALER IN ' .' ; ;G-oods, ' ) Clotl-InLg', vFlour, Peed, Etc., Etc. HOOD RIVER, WOLFARD & BONE,-;,.,:. DEALERS IN . . : GrerxeraJ. : : v !erc2iaaid.ise;:'' . :' ': ; ' ' ' Sell only for CASH at ' -. ' ' ' ' n .-; ; . :r & w Lowest rrices , We invite trade of close buyers. WE WANT YOUR, TRADE. "WEST KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice Fresh. Meats, Hams, Bacon, Lard, ;';.. ';;-.; And All Kinds of Game. ALSO, DEALERS IN FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, - - . - - - - - - OREGON. UNDERTAKER AND EMBALMER otf'ya Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. IS FIRST OF ALL. . J7CIPtCNTAlVL7' it la an advocate of democracy; with no leaning toward populism or ntAteso . cialism. The triumph or tho repuclioan party In the recent proetrtenttat election, as a result the disruption of the democrats, devolves upon the latter the duty of reconciliation and reor Conization on the lines of their own. and not fume other party's, faith. To promote if en ulna democracy, to discountenance popultHm, aud to reisl the monopolistic leniencies of republican t.;jn will be the political mission of THE CHRONICLE in the future an it his been in ths past. As ft newspaper THE CHRONICLE will continue to be o.imprehenHive and entenrislnr, 4nrltK neither labor nor expense to make Its reports of all noteworthy events of superior oxcel Ud ;e. und covering: exhaustively the entirely Hold of news, discovery, intention. Industry and tugress. , For ono cent a day every family within Ave hundred miles of Chicago may have on t-o day ft Its publication a copy of a (Treat daily newspaper. costLn thouaauUs of dollars to produce miracle of cheupnebs and value co nbined. , S3 PER'YEARFORTHE BI!LY TERN2S TO SUBSCRIBERS: Dally only, One Year. . Six Months..... " Three Months. S3.00 1.50 .75 it Ono Month .25 Dally and Sunday, $5. OO per year All subscription1 mt be accompanied by theensh. ' Rm'.tbv pon! orxrefsnionjrordef, lrnft on Chicago or Nuw Yor s. or iiTisUiij;.l loll ;r. Onrrjii-jy m lettars. whUo orutnarlLy ut uuouglj. muul ulwuy& Ua ut sjiuljr s rials Samolo ooaiuJ ue.it frjj o.l autniautiou. and Happy New Year. pleased to accommodate you for notM 1 AND carrying a full line of and Patent Medicines, OREGON BBOS., POST PAID. i Sunday only, Ono Year. . , ...$2.00 ' Six Months ... I.OO " Three Months. .BO " " One Month.... .26 Parts of a year, 50c per month.. 164-166 Wahin:on St.. Ch'.zzs. III. w