The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 25, 1896, Image 3

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    3feed Hurler Slacier
Y, DECEMBER 25, 1896.
THE 311 ILS.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-1
For Chonoweth, leaves at A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M.
Far White Salmon leaves tully at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Frldavs.
Canby Post, No. 1(1, G. A. R., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock p.m. AUG. A. R. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time in the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commandor.
M. P. ISENBKiia, Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. BO, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
W. H. Bishop, O. C.
J. B. Hunt, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
T. K. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howie, Reco) der.
Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
L. E. Morse, Seo'y. .
The Glacier wishes everybody a
merry Christmas.
Only one more week of leap year.
A. K. Oiler came down from Lyle
Have you noticed the days are grow
ing longer?
A few dry stock cows wanted by
Hanna & Hartley.
Wm, Buskirk went to The Dalles
Wednesday to spend Christmas.
Apples and vegetables wanted at
Hanna & Hartley's meat market. -
Lou Morse is authorized ageut for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Rev. J. W. Jenkins is superintend
ing the building of a church at Hepp
uer. .,
You can't find a more handsome
present than a Japanese. Hee furniture
store. -
A nice Xmas present in new Japan
ese goods at S. E. Bait mess' furniture
Tillett has Lambert cherry trees at
25 cents each. Also, Bing cherry trees
at 10 cents ,
- Canby post, G. A. R-, will install its
new officers one week from tomorrow,
January SJ. 1897. '.."'
Mrs. J. Wickham, who hist week
was quite low with pleurisy, is much
better and will recover.
A singing class practices every Fri
day night in the Crapper school house;
T.'j. Cunning, teacher.
The local union Christian, Endeavor
will meet at the Congregational church
next Sunday evening at 7:30. J
. Found A jack screw. Owner can
have the same by culling on John
Kroeger and paying for this notice.
Call at the Racket Store and get
knock down prices on all kinds of
gents, ladies and children's underwear.
Mr. J. 8. Harbison Bpent last week
in the Willamette valley, looking over
the country at McMinnville and Kew
terg. The M. E. Sunday school will have
nChristmas tree Christmas eve, with
appropriate exercises. , All desiring to
participate will be welcomed.'
Ail who are interested in Christmas
goods should remember that Santa
Clans will make his headquarters again
at M. H. Nickelsen's, as usual.
Mr. 8am Miller, editor of the Van
couver Register, was visiting the fam
ily of his brother, B.'F. Miller, during
the fatal illness of little Bessie.
D. C. Herrin, grand lecturer for the
A. O. . U. W., passed up the road
Wednesday on bis way to The Dalles,
after a six weeks' trip over the state.
From Phelps creek we learn that
Tom Wickens' old dog, Rover, is dead.
Rheumatism, old age and a hard win
ter, combined, proved too much, and
be is gone.
Hood River merchants hove been do-
ing a good business during the week.
Santa Claus don't seem to know any
hard times. He is bestowing his pres
ents more lavishly than usual. ,
Mr. Lyman Smith arrived home
from Astoria last Sunday. His severe
injuries will confine him to the house
for some time and it may be a month
or more before he will be able to walk.
Mr. D. R. Carmichal has rented 30.
acres of land of Mr. Charles ('handler
and moved to the place last Tuesday.
In unloading bis goods he managed to
oprain his ankle, which will probably
lay him up for a few days.
Miss Edith Lindsay, who has been
acting as assistant teacher at the Bar
rett school, has been dismissed for the
reason that the amount of funds in the
hands of the clerk did not warrant the
further employment of an assistant. ;
I am now handling "Byers' Best"
brand Pendleton flour. This flour is
manufactured expressly for family use,
and every sack is guaranteed to give
satisfaction. Give it a trial and be con
vinced that it is first class in every re
spect. F. E. Jackson.
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before purchas
ing elsewhere.
H. L. Howe has succeeded in gaining
the state agency for the sale of books
for the International Pubjishing Co.
He canvassed Hood River about six
days in November and received orders
for 62 books. He had only to get 40
orders to entitle him to a state agency.
The veather for the past week has
peen cloudy and foggy, with an east
wind threatening snow. , Weather
prophets have been predicting snow,
and everybody will be disappointed if it
does not snow, Many weather prophets
no doubt wish it would snow to fulfill
their predictions.
A.W.King brought to town last
Saturday a curiosity in the shape of
two carrots grown together. One was
a yellotv carrot,- the ' other white.
Lateral roots of the white carrot were
claspedaround the yellow one in lov
ing emlirace. Mr. King says they rep
resent 8 lver arid gold.
E. L. Smith, T. R. Coon, N. C. Evans
and Chris Deihman weie prospecting,
'1 uesday and Wednesday, for a route
for a wagon road along the waters'
edge of Hood river, from Tucker's mill
to town. Mr. Smith informs us that
a road could be made on the east side
all the way from Tucker's without
much work except at a point opposite
the mouth of Indian creek and at
Johnson's Point, witli a bridge span
ning the river at Winans' Addition.
Two-thirds of the way, he says, a
wagon could lie driven now without
any further improvement.
C. M. Knapp got his hand badly cut
Thursday morning by the cut-oil" saw
at the Viento planing mill, and came
to Hood River on the local to have it
dressed bv surgeons. He will probably
loose one or two fingers.
The most welcome Christmas present
you could make the editor of the
Glacier would be to come in and
settle all arrearages and pay for a year
in advance. - ,
There will be a meeting of the library
committee at the office of Dr. Watt,
Monday at 11 o'clock. Business of im
portance. ,. '
There will be a donation party at the
Congregational parsonage New Year's
day, at 12 o'clock. Public cordially in
vited. Attention, Workmen. A special
meeting of Riverside Lodge, Saturday
evening at 7 o'clock. Important busi
ness. Sweet potatoes and pickles, cranber
ries and sour kraut order your Christ
mas turkey of Hanna & Hartley.
Call and see our display of apples
and home-canned fruit. H & H. "
Celery fur Christmas dinners at
Hanna & Hartley's.
Sweet cider for mince pies at the new ,
meat market.
Get your Xmas turkey at the new
meat market.
Candies and Christmas goods at the
Racket Store.
A Stumper.
Mr. H. F. Davidsou has had con
structed a stump burner, made of sheet
iron, lu the shape of a stove, that will
likely revolutionize the work of clear
ing ground of stumps. The design was
brought here by Mr. Rone, when he
returned from the Sucker state last
spring. The ad vantages of this stump
burner, like a bob tail llush, are all in
the draw. It is said that when set
round a stump and loaded with pitch
wood and fired, it creates a draft that
can only be likened to a cyclone.
Davidson sat up with it eight hours
the other night, and after feeding it
about eight cords of pitch pine, it drew
tears to his calloused cheek, drew blis
ters on a log ten feet away, drew all
the neighbors within a radius of a mile
to see it work, and he thinks, if given
full vent, it would draw a mortgage on
the farm. He first bored a hole in the
stump, and with a stick of giant pow
dershattered and loosened.up thestump
to give the mersheen a good start.
After burning eight hours the stump
swelled up, probably with its import
ance of being lire first stump experi
mented with, and thesheet iron burner
can't be removed till the stump rtries
out next summer. A patent has been
applied for, and county and township
lights will be for sale by Bone & Da
vidson, proprietors.
Fruit Growers and Dairymen.
Fruit-growers and dairymen should
all examine the four week's special
course to be given by the Oregon agri
cultural college, beginning January 11,
1897. - It is to consist of lectures on the
various phases of horticulture, botany,
entomology, chemistry and dairying,
especially prepared for practical men in
these lines. The college laboratories,
libraries and scientific apparatus, in
cluding an electric slereopticon for il
lustrations, will be used in connection
with this course. Insect lite, fungus
diseases, that cannot be seen with the
eye, will be magnified two or three
thousand times so that their nature
and character will be plainly revealed.
Several specialists in horticulture and
dairying will deliver evening lectures.
Such men us M. O. Lownsdale, A. H,
Carson, Chas. Dailey, Dr. James
Witbyeombe, and others, will aid the
college with lecture work and make
the course of great value to the practi
cal people. The course is designed for
men and women who can leave their
farms and homes, only for a short time
and is planned upon a thoroughly
practical basis. - No charge whatever
will be made for the course and no ex
amination or educational qualifications
will be required for entrance. .
Farmers, farmers' wives, sons and
daughters ought to take advantage of
this course. By this course they can
become thoroughly familiar with mod
ern thought, scientific . investigation,
and practical application of the samei
There is a complete working dairy at
the colltjge in daily operation, and all
of those attending will have tire advan
tage of the practical work of the oper
ation of modern dairy machinery, in
chiding the running of the engine
All persoris attending the course are
requested to bring with them specimens
of insect pest or diseases af any kind
affecting their orchards, for examina
tion. , ..,'-.
Reduced rates will be given on the
O. R. & N. Those attending the course
coming on the East side will buy a
ticket to Albany and ask the agent for
a receipt for'the amount paid for the
same. On returning, this receipt, with
t he signituie of the presidentof the col
lege, will entitle the holder to return
home at one-third the regular rate.
For further particulars, write to H.
B. Miller, the president of the college.
. : . .
Christmas Tree and Supper.
There will be an , Xmas tree at Bel
mont M. E. church, on Christmas
night, A very interesting programme
is being prepared for the occasion, and
a very enjoyable time is expected. All
are cordially invited. Those wishing
to place presents on the tree for friends
will bring or send same at any time
during Christmas day. Doors open at
5 p. nr., programme commencing at
six. After the exercises are over and
presents distributed, all will repair to
the residence of ,M. B. Potter, where
there will be a basket supper. iEadt
lady is expected to come prepared with
a pretty basket containing lunch for
two. . The , baskets "will be sold at
auction by one of the finest auctioners
on. the Pacific coast.' .Everybody come
and have a grand good time.
Union Watch Night Meeting.
The Congregational, United Breth
ren and Methodist churches of Hood
River will unite in watch night ser-
! vices at the Mettiodist church on the
night of Dec. ill, 1800. The services
will begin at ' o'clock, ana me ioiiow
ing programme will be carried out:
8 o'clock Introductory services.
8:30 Sermifn by Rev. J. T. Merrill.
y 9:30 Rev. J. L. Hershner will take
charge of the services and deliver a dis
course. ' . i ' ,.
10:30 Dr. H. K. Hines will preach.
11:30 A union testimony meeting
will tie held, closing with a thanksgiv
ing and consecration prayer service, to
close at 12:05, January 1, 1897.
The pastors of the churches cordially
unite in urging all the members and
friends of tlieir churches and congrega
tions to be present from beginning to
end of this memorial, and they hope,
memorable occasion, and cordially in
vite all the people of Hood River and
vicinity to unite with us in our service
of gratitude and consecration to Him
who "crownelh the year with His
goodness." , J - T. Merrill,
-'. ' J. L. Hershner,
11. K. Hines.
' Annual Meeting. :. .
The annual meeting of the Congre
gational church was held last Wednes
day, with a good attendance. Re
ports submitted showed balances in the
treasuries of the church, the Sunday
school, the woman missionary society,
and the ladies' aid society. The har
monious and helpful feeling shown
promises well for future growth and
vigor in church work.
A resolution was passed thanking
the choir preceptor, Dr. Brosins, the
organist, Mrs. Brosius, and all the
members of the choir for faithfulness
and efficiency in their-work.
Officers were chosen for the ensuing
terms: D. G. Hill, deacon ; G. T. Pra
ttler, clerk; J. F. Armor, treasurer;
J. H. Dukes, George H. Castner and
R. E. Harbison, trustees.
The Sunday school was reorganized,
as follows: Superintendent, C.J.Hayes;
assistant superintendent, G.T. Prather;
secretary, H. 0. Bateham: treasurer,
Maltie Dukes; librarian, Harold Hersh
ner; organist, Fay LuFrance; chorister,
Agnes Dukes; illustrator. Prof. H. L.
Frankton Notes.
The Frankton school closed Wednes
day for the holiday vacation.
There was a big dance at Wm. Til
lett's last Friday, night, 25 couples
Supevisor J. J. Luckey is doing
some good work on the roads in this
The Frankton literary society dis
posed of the strawberry and apple ques
tion last Saturday evening, deciding
that the strawberry was a more profit
able crop to the Hood River farmer
than the apple, though the decision
isn't likely to cause our orchards of
apple trees to be immediately replaced
by strawberry plants. At their next
meeting, Saturday night, the follow
ing question will be debated: "Re
solveu, That the United States should
recognize the Cubans as belligerents."
It is hoped that congress will not settle
the question before the members of the
Frankton debating society have a
chance to air their statesmanship. ;
Congregational Christ mas Exercises.
The following interestrngprogramme
will be rendered on Christmas eve at
the Congregational church. ,:. Exercises
will begin at 6 o'clock this evening:
1. Anthem, "Nazareth," 'by the
choir. , ' . .
2. Scripture lesson. - ;
' 3. Prayer.
4. Anthem, "Hark! the Herald An
gels Sing."
5. Recitation, "The First Christ
mas," Leila Hershner.
0. Recitation, Blanche Harbison.
7. Anthem, Hallelujah to the King."
8. Recitation and song, "Christmas,"
by nine little ones.
9. Anthem, "Hark, the Herald An
gels." 10. Recitation, "In Santa Clans'
Land," Bertha Prather. ' '
11. Recitation, "Neddie's Thanks
giving Visit to His Grandma's," Maud
Jintfliani. -
12. Christmas solo, "It Came Upon
the Midnight Air," Mrs. Canfield.
13. Reciiation, "The Dressed Tur
key," Gebrge Howe.
14 Recitation, -."A Schemer," Gen
eva Wolfard.
15. Anthem, "Christmas Carol."
10. Recitation, "Sing a Song of San
ta Clans," Gracie Prallier.
17. Recitation,: "Saint Nicholas,"
Estey Brosius. -
18. Anthem, "The Nightly Plain "
19. Recitation, "A Christmas Carol,''
Belle Wollarcl.
20. Anthem, "Come and Worship."
21. Distribution of presents.
In Loving Remembrance of Bessie Miller
We watched her breathing through the night,
Her breathing soil and low, ...::
As in her breast the wave of life
Kept ebbing to and fro.
So silently we spoke her name, , "
So softly moved about; -
As we had lent her half our powers
To eke her being out.
But when the morn came, still and sad,
And chill with early showers, ,'. .
Her quiet eyelids closed, and she had
Another morn than ours. ,' '
Sleep sweetly,Bessie,dear,in your haven of rest
Where all is peace and love;
And though the body slumbers here, v
The soul is safe in heaven above. .
. .. Mas. T. H. C.
Fred Wilson and Ed Wingate of The
Dalles have gone on a pleasure trip to
the Sandwicn Islands.
Ripans Tabules
Itipans Tabules
Ripans Tabules:
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
cure nausea,
: at druggists,
cure dizziness. "
cure headache,
cure flatulence.
cure dyspepsia,
assist digestion,
cue bad breath,
cure biliousness. .
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
, Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
cure indigestion.
: one gives relief,
cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules
: Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Rinans Tabules
: gentle cathartic,
cure constipation
: for sour stomach.
: pleasant laxative.
. Ripans Tabules
cure liver troubles.
Christmas Exercises at U. 11. Clmrcr.
The Christmas exercises of the U. B.
Sunday school will be held on Christ
mas eve, at 7 o'clock. Any one desirr
ing to bring presents to put on the tree
for friends will be welcome lo do so.
The following programme will be ren
dered: ' -
' Song Processional and responsive
reading by intermediate classes. .
Prayer, by Rev. Merrill.
: Quartet.
Address, by Miss Ida Foes.
Soiig, "Hang Up the Baby's Stock
ing," by Baby Merrill.
Solo, by Grace Ellison, with chorus.
Recitation, "The Christmas Doggie,"
by Eva Yates.
-Recitation, by Ida Wood worth.
Exercise and 'jong, "The Light
Bearers," by nine little ones.
Duet, "The Christmas Sixpence,"
Florence and Ellsworth Hanna.
Solo, Gladys Hartley,. in costume.
Recitation, "My Baby Brother," by
Gracie Sturgis. .
Recitation, "Our Christmas," by
Willie Foss.
Sons, "Merry, Merry Christmas
Bells," by thirty children.
Recitation, ".es' 'Fore Christmas,"
by Strauss Miller.
Song, "The Man for Us All," solo by
Mell Foley.
Song, "Santa Claus."
Church Notices.
There will be preaching in the Val
ley Christian church Sunday, Dec. 27th,
by Elder J. - W. ' Jenkins. Sunday
school and Endeavor will be held at
the usual hours. All are invited. "
Methodist Episcopal Church, II. K.,
Hines, D. 1)., Pastor Weekly services:
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11
a. m., preaching; 2:30 p. nr., Junior
League; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 7:45
p. m., preaching. Thursday, 7:30 p.m.,
prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed
to these services,
Sunday school at the M. E. church
every Sunday, at 10 -a. m. A wel
come to all. Supt.
United Brethren Church Services.
Preaching each Sabbath morning and
evening. Sunday school at 10 a.m.;
Junior Endeavor, 3 p. m.; Senior En
deavor, ti:45 p. m.; preaching, 7:80;
prayer meeting and choir practice
Wednesday evening.
Rev. J. T. Merrill,-Pastor.
Rev. If. Moys will fill appointments
for the conference year as follows: He
will preach at Pine Grove every first
and third Sunday at 11 a. m.; at Bel
mont at 7:30 p. m. Belmont, every
second and fourth Sunday, at 11 a. m.;
Crupper school bouse, 2:30 p. m.; Pine
Grove, 7:30 p. in. Fifth Sunday, at
Mt. Hood, at 11 a. m.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. nr., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome.
.- -' -Died.
In Hood River vallev, Sundav, Dec.
20, 18, . Bessie, daughter of "B.j F.
Miller, aged 7 years. Funeral services
were conducted Monday in the U. B.
church by Dr. Hines. Interment in
the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
Monroe's Cough Balsom
A prompt and efficacious remedy for colds,
coughs. Influenza, croup, bronchitis, sore
throat, hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. Price Sloe,
60c and 81, at the Hood River Pharmacy.
Child's Castor Laxative
A vegetable remedy for regulating the stom
ach and bowels of babies and children, con
taining no opium, morphine or other harcot
ics. . It is harmless, pleasant to take and a
most valuable remedy. Price 2o cents, at the
Hood River Pharmacy. ,
Ray's Little Cathartic
For constipation, headache, biliousness, in
digestion, sallow complexion and diseases
arising from disordered liver, stomach and
Kianpys. .trice zo cents, at tne iioca .tuver
Pharmacy. ,
Wade's Worm Powders
A. pleasant, OMie uiiu eiui'iuut worm utf
stroer. Price 25 cents, at the Hood River
or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house in Oregon. Salary 780, payable
S15 weekly and expenses. Position perma
nent. Reference. Enclose - self-addressed
slamped envelope. The National, Star Build
ing, Chicago. - sep4
- at
' I have received from the Americad Woolen
Mills prices on misfit tailor-made clothing
that will astonish the natives.. Our
First Bargain
made from a heavy wool Melton ulster clot h.
Can furnish Hizes fii to -14, chest measure. The
.r 1, . ..try 1 ,1 Mil,n Kernel nrl ,;1, 1n..n
storm collar lined with heavy strong lining,
extra well padded and guaranteed in every
vsxun.t lni.o tt'l li?. .
Coats, Vests and Fants
Of extra material that were made to order at
prices from ffl'2 to 18. We will seli these suits
at from to 7 and guarantee a tit. Coals
alone, 82.23 to 83.75. Pants, S1.60 up to $3.50.
At these prices any one can afford to dress
up. The Sunday suit of the editor of the
Ulacier was bought of me for 84. -25 Call on
him, see how he was suited, and then leave
your measure with 13. R. TUCKER,
Tucker, Or.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer In ohoice Jursery stock.
He has the only stock oftho i
ITakima Apple,
Tne best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
the Yellow Newtown... - .
1 have aboul 20,000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery, All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stock In
Hood River. ' : Jel5.
Stockholders' Meeting.
Notice is hereby given that the annual
meeilng of the stockholders of the Hood
River Fruit Growers' Union will be held at
A. O, U. W. hall, on
.; , . ' Saturday, January 0, 1890,- ' i.
At 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of electing
a board of directors for tne ensuing year,
amending the by-laws, and transacting such
other business as may legally come before the
meeting. By o--irr of the president.
! K. F. lAVnwN, Secretary.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country rrodneo lniiflir. and Sold.
Notary Public, v,'
DR. ID. T. CARNS is now located 'In Hood
River. KirstKilass work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Ollice in the Langille
House. .iylit
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He lias a few
good claims upon which ho can locate
parties; Doth farming and timber lands.
February, 1894. ,
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by
Also, Roots and Shoes repaired.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Her prices are 50 cents a lesson. J 10
IIarbtson Bros., Prop'rs,"
Manufacturers of
lilTI Dressed and
MU01 Undressed
Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceveals ground.
I Whole Wheat Graham
. ..J . . . a specialty.
Mt. Hood Saw' Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
. to suit the times. Jy24
Is what this vallsy was made for, and the
growing of fruit trees and piants is what 1 am
here for. The best varieties of Hood River
grown trees, and the largest stock of small
fruits, etc., in the country, can be found at the
H. C. Bateham, Prop'r.
Paper Hanging.
E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
in the business of paintingand paper hanging.
Is now prepared to do this kind of work lor
citizens of Hood River. ,He can furnish the
paper "and put it on your walls at Portland
prices. -.-..,,' , .
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe ahop one door west of postoffice.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. - .. ....... C. WELDS, Prop'r.
Harness Repairing.
am now ready for repairing and oiling
U....nnar Wnn Yi n n n .1 fV ill
ini iicoi., uaj dim (fiuuui:i will
be taken in trade. Leave harness forrepair-
ingat Blowers' store . Highest price paid for
I have for sale one of the best farms in Klick
itat Co., Wash: 1C0 acres, 8 miles from Center
vtlle. ... 320 E. D. CALKINS.
. WANTED Arrow
heads and spears. Also, all
other line Indian relics of
stone. Good prices paid for
tine specimens. , Write to
me and tell me what you
have,sending rough outlines
of best specimens. Stone pipes wanted. Ad
dress H. P. llamllion. Two Rivers, Wis. 21
The Glacier
Post OITice Building, Hood River, Or.
DEALEr'iN ;.
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
For Sale.
'Two or three small tracts-the very best
fruit location. . T. H. COON,
n27 Hood-River, OrfgOT.
To Lease on Shares.
Five acres of No. 1 strawberry land to lease
on shares for a term of five ybn.y. . Land
plowed, harrowed, leveled ready for planting
m sprinr; with refusal of flv3 acres more in
snnng of 1897. Plenty water free. Jieforences
required. Apply uM his cilice. . -. t2i
To tlh-e Ssist,
. Gives the choice of
.Pacific By. ;
.... ! . t
Minneapolis OMAHA
ANT) A XI) ,
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
.':.'' . : .. - f t,.:
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
West hound overland, - . o:47 A. M.
East bound, overland, - 9;)7 P. M.
Lowil pa8R0iif!;er,ea8t bound, 10:55 A. M.
Local passenger, west 41 2il4 I. M.
Leave Portland every five days for
E. McNEILL, President.
For full details call on O. R. A N. Agent,
Hood Biver, or address
Gen'l Puss. Agent, :
PorUnnd, Or.
THE- - '
TlieDalles3PorMfl & AslciM
' Navigation Co
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Dally tel. Gals aM FttlaM
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way ....$1 fi
Hound trip..... : , 2 09
Freight Rates Greatly
Genera) Ajeni.
G. T. Pbatiier, t
Notary Public.
IS. :. Ook.
Real E aifl teraw,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and ncreast' la' the
town ot Hood IUvei:;iilKo, trull, hny rid wrty
farms and timber claims in the most deal ru
ble locations in the valley. If yon Iii4v.-an-thinpr
in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Weeds, bonds and mortgages . proas jiU.ynuiil
correctly executed. ....
We will also attend to legal business m 'Jus
tices' courts.
We are alfeo agents for SOUTH VAn.).A
property. -
..: ' . ap27 i'"'' , :...'
Scientific Amerisan
. Agency for
rwr miormarion ana rree nananooK write to
. MUNN & CO.. set liitOADWAY, Nnw York.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in America. :
)5very patent taken out by us is .brought befor
the public by a notice given free oi charge lu tba
Largest circulation of any scientific pntxr In tho
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No iutelUpmit -man
should be without It. Weekly, (S.I. OOa '
year; tl.SU six months. Address, MUNN & CO.. -'-VuiiLisHEKS,
30 i Bruadway, tievYot City. '
Assessment No. 3.
Notice is hereby given that the Hoard of T1
rectors of tho ai!y Improvement ( o. hn
levied assessment Ko, ;l, being 10 pr cent n
the capital stock subscribed. The assessment
is now due and payable at' the post ofl'ce.
Also, the tew that nave not. paid assessment
No. 2 are notified that, the wane mint- he raiil
at once. - L. K. MOUSE, Tranuarvr.'
November IS' 1SSJ i. . : .