The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 11, 1896, Image 1

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It's a Cold PaWhen Wect-Left,
fMwa tb-p. hfi of
. HOOD ltIVEl?;03EGOX, , F-lUDAYPEGKMBElt 11, 1896.
XO. 29.
From All . Parts of the New
.: World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening of the rut Week
Called Frem the Telegraph Columns.
A Constantinople dispatoh says a
; massaore has occurred at Evook, in
which 100 Armenians are reported to
have been killed.
' '
At Murray, Idaho, a cave-in of the
Small Hopes, mine, killed Gus Holmes.
Holmes ;' was working in a elope and
fired a blast which probably caused the
, , ;. ' !'
i i .
Several members of the Miners'
Union of Lead ville, Colo., have been
arrested under indictments by the spec
ial grand jury, for their alleged con
nection with the attack on the Coro
nado and Emmett mines a few months
ago. . , , -' "" - --
The New York Herald has a dispatoh
from Havana which states that Antonio
Maceo has crossed the trooha with a
) large force. It is reported according to
this dispatch, tbat Captain-General
, Weylef has been wounded at the front.
All news from the soene of the engage
ment is suppressed by the officials at
the palace.
' Robert Fitzsimmong and Tom Shar
key fought for a purse of f 10.000 in;
; San 'Francisoo before ' the National
Club. The contest was tu 'be ten
, rounds, but Sharkey was knocked out
. in the eighth- round. The referee,
however, gave the fight to Sharkey,
claiming that Fitzsimmons deliberately
fouled Sharkey by striking him below
the belt
United States Minister Denby, at
Peking, has informed the department
of state that the Japanese government,
has officially and formally renounced
'. that part of the treaty between China
and Japan', made at the olose of the re
oent war, which provides that all ar
ticles manufactured by Japanese sub
jects in . China shall stand upon the
same footing s those imported by Jap
. anese subjects into China.
av; The. fighting oruiser. Brooklyn, the
newest addition to the United States
navy, has been tested and accepted by
the government.
, ; John Abel, a workman at the Nelson
Morris dressed beef works, St. Louis,
Mo., was horribly burned while .at
work. "The "flesh on the right leg was
parboiled. Abel tripped on the greasy
floor in the rendering-room, and fell
into a vat of boiling grease.
Jane TEheliyi the 14-year-old daugh
ter of Joseph Shelly, a farmer living
- nine miles sonth of Olympia, Wash.,
. : was reaching for some object on the
mantlepieoe, when her o!othes caught
fire from the fire in the fire-place. She
was terribly burned , and died after a
few days of suffering." . a,
Delbert Crawford, a, young man 10
' years old, was found i twelve miles
from Pendleton, dead beneath an over
turned loaded wagon.. He was hauling
grain to the city, and the wagon ran
off the grade into a canyon. His four
horse team .stood all night hitched to
'..' the wagon, and were found the next
morning covered with snow.
, T. J. Henry, living ' on the Apple
gate, near Jacksonville, Or., on Novem
ber 28 last went over to one of the min
ing camps to look for a job cooking for
the miners. - He started home over the
Watkins trail. :' A , storm started up
and ha. wandered about in the moun
tains and froze to death. 'The whole
oommunity turned out to searoh for
him, and suoeeded in finding his body.
He had crawled into a brush pile and
was frozen to ' death. He leaves a
X widow and six children praotioally des
X titnte.' "'" '. : . '
J Sennie Ward, a well-dressed young
woman, oreated a sensation by walk
ing along Wabash avenue, Chicago,
smoking. People turned and stared at
the woman, but she paid no attention
to them, and' continued to send blue
olouds of smoke heavenward. She
was plaoed ' under arrest by Detectives
Woolridge and Schubert and locked up
at the Harrison-street station, charged
with disorderly conduot, and when her
oase was called for trial in Justice
Riohardson's court she failed t-J apear,
"This is something terrible," said the
court, "and as a warning I will fine
- this woman $1 for smoking, it is te
rible." A freight train of thirty oars loaded
with lumber and shingles from the
West" got. beyond control on . heavy
grade east of Mullen tunnel, on the
Northern PaoiBo road, and ran away.
Twenty-six oars were soattered along a
distance of eight miles, when the en
tine left the track. Ed Jarbeau, bead
' brakeman, was killed. Fireman Young
bad 'his collar bone broken, and En
jgineer John Flunn's leg was broken,, j
Resides internal injuries. . Conductor
'John MoBean's thigh was broken, and
Ibis back . wrenched. It is the "worst
wreok the Northern Paoifio has ever
had from the point of . damage to traok '
and tolling stook.
, The United States senate began the
second session of the fifty-fourth con
gress with crowded galleries and with
that aooompaniment of activity and of
greeting tbat usually attends the reas
bembling of congress. But the upper
braoob of congress never puts aside its
dignity, and the meeting developed nc
demonstrations of dramatic interest.
The reading of the president's message
was the feature of the proceedings, and
beyond this no attempt was made tc
enter upon the business of the session,
To many of the fore'gn representatives
occupying the diplomatic gallery, the
message had speoial interest and sig
nifioanoe, owing to the part they had
taken in the oonspiouous foreign events
to whioh the president referred. Ou
the floor of the senate printed oopies of
the message were distributed, and these
gave the senators opportunity of read
ing. There was a small attendance
after the reading had proceeded beyond
the first half hour. ' After the usual
formality of laying the message on th
table, the senate, on motion of Hale,
adjounred. ' , ' -
. " House. . ....... -"'-""'.i
While the soenes attending the open
ing of the house were both brilliant
and interesting in the crowds thai
thronged the galleries, and the con
Bpiouous personages present, the pro
ceedings themselves were dull and
spiritless, being distinctively routine.
The house met, the chaplain invoked
the divine blessing on the work of the
session, the roll Was called, and a com
mittee was appointed to wait upon the
president, and the latter's annual oom
mnnioation was read. Tho reading
consumed about two hours. -The holi
day nature of the day was saddened by
the announcement of the death of ex
Speaker Crisp, whioh Turner of Georgia
formally made to his associates. . Out
of respect to the memory of the distin
guished Georgian, the house, after
adopting appropriate resolutions, im
mediately adjourned.
Death In the Pyrenees, i
A Paris disptach says tbat a terrible
disaster has ooourred in the Pyrenees.
A soore of Spaniards, crossing on foot,
had reaohed Gavarnie, in France, where
they related with apparent remorse
that they had left a woman, unable to
prooceed, with her husband and bro
ther, two hpurs distant. Guides hur
ried baok to the rescue and beard calls
for .help, when a sadden avalanohe
blocked the mountain pass so that the
guides were obliged to return to Gav
arnie and wait there for two days.
When they Anally reached the ill-fated
trio, two of them were dead and the
third was dying. .
The Jury Didn't Bee Hi in Shoot.
John Thiel, who was supposed tc
have fired the shot that entered the
head of a young girl at a wedding party
in Ritzville, Wash. , has been aoquitted
by a jury. It was proved tbat be bor
rowed the gun, and that the shot wai
fired from the gun, but no one saw him
fire it, and so the jury discharged him.
Fatal Ending; of a Fued.
A fight between old man Harrison'
and his two sons and Morgan and hit
two sons,- Tom and Caleb, ooourred in
one of the mountain counties of Ken
tucky. The elder Morgan is dead.
Both sons are dying. Both the Har
rison boys are also dead. ,
Struck by an Electrle Car
In Denver an electrio oar struok
carriage containing Mrs. John O. Mont
gomery, wife of a prominent Denvei
capitalist, and two other ladies. The
carriage was wrecked and Mrs. Mont
gomery was so badly injured that she
cannot reoover.
Killed by Poacher. -
Count Finickenstein, an intimatt
friend of Emperor William, of Ger
many, has been mortally wounded on
his estate. It is supposed he was shol
by poaohers. ' He was one of the
wealthiest landowners in Germany.'
Massacred by Kurd.
A Constantinople dispatoh says that
under the pretext of revenging an old
grievance, 10,000 Kurds raided the
province of Mamourel ul Aziz, where
they bnrned and pillaged . the villagei
and masaaored the inhabitants. ,
French Would Exclude Our Pork.
At a mass meeting held in. Paris,
Franoe, of the organized Farmers'
Union, the dealers in salt meats adopt
ed a resolution in favor of the exclusion
of American pork products, in view ol
the fall in the prioes of swine.
Jumped From a Hotel Window.
Mrs. Eliza Cummings, aged 55, t
wealthy woman of HillBboro, O., oom
mitted suicide in New York by jump
ing from a third-story window of a ho
tel. ;, .. ; "
, Tug; Edith Burned.
The tug Edith, of Seattle, burnei
near Dofflemeyer's point, and is prao
tically a total loss. The tug was aot
Ing as a tender to a dregder and wai
on her way to Seattle. .
' A Brutal Murder.
Intense exoitement prevails in East
St Louis over the brutal murder ol
Christopher Ludwig, aged 53, by Harrj
Sohmeltzer, ged 28. Sohmeltzer struol
Ludwig on the head with an ax; kill
ing him instantly. The murderer es
caped, but is being pursued by a posse.
Antonio Maceo' s Life at Last Offered
Up for Cuba Libre.
Havana, Deo. 10. It is stated in
most positive terms by the Spanish
authorities that Antonio Maceo, the
great insurgent leader, and the heart
and soul of the Cuban cause, has been
killed in Havana provinoe, after bay
ing effected the passage of the western
trooha, near Mariel, at its northern ex
tremity. With Maoeo died" the youth
Francisco Gomez, son of Maximo
Gomez, who aooompanied the mulatto,
general on bis passage of the trooha.
Most explioit details of the finding of
the oorpse of the fallen leader of the
Cubans, and of the faots relied upon
for the identification, are at hand
through the report of the Spanish com
mander, -Major Cirujada, who contest
ed the passage of the trooha -unsuccessfully
on Deoember 4 (last Friday), with
Maceo, and who sustained another oon
fliot yesterday with the foroes under
the insurgent leader.
It was in a reoonnoissanoe, after the
latter engagement, that the Spaniards
found the two corpses, not separated in
death, whioh they identified as those of
Antonio Maceo and Franoisoo Gomez.
' The authorities now permit the pub
lication of Major Cirujada'S report of
the engagement with Maoeo, on Decem
ber 4, when he foroed the trocha, and
whioh was a fearful combat. This is
the first offioial admission that Maoeo
brought with him across the trooha a
considerably equipped following, and
fought a hot engagement to effect h s
passage. "',''
After the Cubans bad passed into
Havana ' province . the Spanish oom
mander effected a fresh concentration
in that provinoe and awaited the ar
rival of Maoeo. He had reoeived a
confidential information of the proposed
movements of the Cubans, and arranged
his foroes accordingly. He bad, in ad
dition, reoeived a detailed description
of the horse Maoeo was to ride, as well
as of oaprisons. ',
The expected battle occurred yester
day, but no details of the engagement
are given for publication here.
After the fight, the Spanish troops
made a reoonnoisanoe .of the ground
previously held by the Cubans. Here
were found the two oorpses lying to
gether, and, indeed, almost looked in
the embrace of death. The one body
was tbat of a mulatto, a stout man
with gray, crispy, curling hair, and the
other that of a slender, dark-haired
youth. Both men were dressed in
white linen duok suits. When the
linen was removed from the oorpse of
the elder of the two it was found to have
underneath it a fine undershirt, with
the initials "A. M." upon it. The
pair of blaok silk socks on this body
contained the same initials, worked in
red ink. There was a gold ring on the
finger oontaining on the inner rim the
engraved inscription:
"Antonio y Maria. "
A revolver, with an ivory handle and
marked, together with a small gold
mounted telescope, was also found on
the body. The head of the younger
man's body was resting upon the body
of the first. There were found on it a
silver watoh, an ammunition bag and
several handkerchiefs bearing the ini
tials, "F. G." . ,
Such are the details of the identifica
tion upon whioh the Spanish officers
rely for their firmly expressed convic
tion that Antonio Maoeo has met his
end. . .
No news has been received sinoe the
outbreak of the insurrection that has
caused so great sensation in Havana or
has been deemed so encouraging to the
Spanish cause. ' Sinoe the famous raid
of the Cubans across the whole of the
island last year, when Maoeo invaded
Finar del Rio, while Gomez returned
to the eastern provinoes, the mulatto
general has held his own in the west
ern provinoes against the utmost efforts
of the Spaniards to dislodge him. He
transferred the whole seat of war from
the east to the west, and while his en
emies olaimed he had run into a trap'
and built a strong trooha aoross the
island to keep him there, he continued
bis indefatigable campaign and con
sistently olaimed always that he could
oross the trocha when he wished and
effect a junotion with Gomez in the
east. . i .. v ......
The - diary of Maoeo's operations
found with the dead body, in addiiton
to the details already stated, says Ma-,
oeo had been wounded before crossing
the trooha in a skirmish at Vejeranom,
Deoember 3.. .' After crossing the trocha
Deoember 4, he joined the loaal Ha-,
vana bands of the insurgents.
Work of Train Wrecker.
Ardmore, L T., Deo. 10. A freight
train on tho Gulf, Colorado & Santa
Fe railroad ran . into an open switch
this morning at Justin gravel pit, fifty
miles south of here, oausing a' wreck in
whioh Fireman W. ' H. Holman and
Brakeman J. F. Mitohell were instant
ly killed, and Engineer Bobley possibly
fatally injured. The, freight train was
running close upon . the - time of the
south-bound passenger train, which
was just behind it, and it is believed
the switoh was tampered with with
the intention of wrecking the passenger
train. The railway officials have asked
for bloodhounds to be sent, and hope to
trail the wreckers.
The world's population is said to
average 109 women to every 100 men,
while eighty-ninths of tho sudden
deaths are of males.
Nine Car Loaded With Coal Fell Into
, the Water.
Taooma, Deo. 9. The Northern Pa
oifio railway officials received word this
afternoon that the bridge across Crocker
and Carbonado, had" been washed out
and that nine loaded coal oars had
fallen through into the water. The
bridge was used almost exclusively to
haul out the ooal from the Carbon Hill
mines. The accident was caused by
the washing away of the abutment at
the west end of the bridge. A wreck
ing crew and piledriver were sent to
the scene of wreck this afternoon, and
the superintendent hopes to have the
bridge again ready fortraffioin twenty
four hours. ' V , '
. 'It,7iot thought that the. aocident
will seriously delay the coal company,'
as one of their steamers left port last
night and , before the other arrives the
bridge will be repaired.
The water in White river is still up
to a height that renders work on the
now impassable Northern Paoifio bridge
impossible. A tel?gram was reoeived
this morning . from there asking for an
additional foroe of twenty men, but
Superintendent McCabe, upon learning
that the water had subsided only a foot
during the night, deoided not to attempt
any , repairs until tomorrow, or such
time as the water reoedes sufficiently
to allow the men to work to advantage.
Pasenger Train Collide on an Ohio
Itoad With Fatal Result.
. Cincinnati, Dec. 9. A collision, oc
iurred at 8 oclock this momin near
Stores ctation, on the Baltimore & Ohio
Southwestern railroad, between an ac
commodation train from Cochran, Ind. ,
tnd a speoial made up of passenger
;oacb and two private cars. The spe
jial was carrying all the general offi
cers of the Baltimore & Ohio South
western, who were out to make a thor
ough inspection of the road. The en
gineer and conductor of the speoial had
irders to follow fifteen minutes behind
the preceding regular train and. keep
nut of the way of accommodation train
Ko. 22, whioh had the right of way. .
The special stopped at Storrs, where
it should have waited for No. 23, but
the engineer and conductor both forgot
Orders concerning that train and pulled
but. . Three-fourths of a mile wesi of
Storrs the trains came together. , There
was a- fog which prevented1 seeing
clearly, so neither engineer suspeoted a
collision until the shock came. - - --
Engineer John Price and Fireman
Homer Dixon, of the speoial, were in
stantly killed.
L. Zepernioh, a clerk in the office of
the engineer for maintenance of way,
died from his injuries.
Injured While Saving Hi Wife.
San Francisco, Deo. 9. Herr Langs
low, a tightwire performer and marks
man, was severely injured during a
performance at the Orpheum yesterday
afternoon. His wife, whose stage
name is Ellen Vetter, entered a large
iron ball and rolled it up a spiral traok
to a height of twelve feet, but in de
scending lost control of the ball, which
started down rapidly, and when about
ten feet from the stage jumped the
track. Langeliw, who from the wings
was watching his wife, saw her. dan
ger, and endeavored to break her fall.
He succeeded, but the heavy globe
struok him on the right shoulder, caus
ing a dislocation. He will not be able
to perform again for some time. .
Langelow has been injured before in
the same manner, onoe in Berlin, when
the globe fell ten or twelve feet and
truok him. ' '
. ( -
. Struck by a Falling Fence. '
Oakland, Cal., Deo. 9. Mrs. W.
Bellina is lying at the ppint of death
as the result of injuries received in a
peouliar manner last Friday. While
some lads were playing football the
ball Was kicked over a high fence. As
they climbed over it to reoover the ball
the fenoe oollapsed. It was seven feet
high : and thirty feet long, and the
whole structure fell upon Mrs. Bellina,
who was walking past at the time.
She is about 50 years of age. For sev
eral hours after the acoident she was
unconscious, and the doctors give out
very little hope of her ultimate recov
ery. ' .' : .-'' ' " ' '.
Ice Broke and . Three Were Drowned.
Hawley, Pa., Deo. 9. The skating
season opened here with a triple trag
edy. Blanohe Bishop, 14 years of age,
daughter of David Bishop, and Ella
Alpha, 15 years of age, broke through
and were drowned The brothers of
Ella sprang after them and attempted
to rescue the girls. One of the boys
was drowned, and the life of the other
was saved through the efforts of his
father. The aocident ocourred on a
mill pond. The obildren had been
warned not to go on the ice, as it was
unsafe. " ''.':.'' v. ; ' ,
; Canada Will Reciprocate.
' Ottawa", Deo. 8. Hon A. S. Fisher,
minister of agrioulture, will, be in
Washington on the 15th inst. He
goes to discuss with thd Ameiioan au
thorities the quarantine against oattle.
If the Amerioan government will agree
to abolish quarantine against Canadian
cattle, it is understood Mr. Fisher will
agree, on behalf of the Canadian gov
ernment, to abolish . the quarantine
agaiast Amerioan cattle. The minis
ter, will remain in ; Washington two
The Aibitration Agreement Satisfactory
4 to the Republic.
Washington, Deo. 9. Secretary
Olney has . just received a cablegram
from Senor Andrade, Venezuelan min
ister to Washington, now in Caraoas,
stating that the Venezuelan govern
ment has aooepted the agreement
reahoed by the United States and Great
Britain for the arbitration of the
boundary dispute, and an extra session
of the Venezuelan congress has been
called to consider it Thus the last ob
stacle to the amicable settlement of the
dispute will be removed.
The following statement given out
at the state department embraoes all
the information in the possession of
the department respecting treatment
by Venezuela of the proposed treaty:
v "Seoretary Olney reoeived this morn
ing a telegram from Minister Andrade,
at Caracas, in effect tbat the memo
randum agreed on between Great
Britain and the United States for set
tlement of the Venezuela ' bound try
question is acoepted by the Venezuela
government; that the memorandum
will be published at Caraoas this after
noon and that an extra session of the
Venezuela congress will be oalled as
Boon as possible that the mamorandum
may be carried into effect by necessary
treaty between Great Britain and Vene
zuela. . . -
The department also made public the
text of the heads of the treaty, ar agreed
upon between Great Britain and the
United States, showing that the ad
vanoe publication through the Associat
ed Press was perfectly accurate.
Three Men Were Blowtt Up With
Prairie, Wash., Deo. 9. An attempt
was made here last night to blow up
with dynamite three men who were
sleeping in the same building.' The
men were J. ' C. and C. L. LaPlant,
owners of a shingle mill, and L. D.
Walters, their engineer. About 2
o'olook 4n the morning they awoke, to
find themselves being lifted into the
air. A moment later they came down
and went through the floor with the
beds in whioh they had been sleeping,
and the debris of the building fell on
top of them. The men were partially
stunned, but they pulled themselves
out, and . made their way to a neigh
bor's house, a quarter of a . mile dis
tant. - . The - house ..was - completely
wreoked, with its oontents, the tim
bers being smashed to kindling wood,
and the bedding torn to shreds. Under
the floor was a large bole in the ground,
oaused by the explosion, and the sup
position is that the dynamite was
plaoed in a bag, poked under the house
and then fired. It was a miraole that
the men esoaped, everything else being
utterly destroyed.
Train . Crew Went to Bleep and Got
Matter Mixed.
Sa a Antonio, Tex., Deo. 8. A head
end collision between two through
freights on the Southern Paoifio road
near Waelder this morning, resulted in
the death of two engineers, two fire
men and brakeman. The orew of the
east-bound freight went to sleep, while
waiting on a blind siding, and on wak
ing, thinking the second, seotion of the
through west-bound freight was the
third section of the train, took to the
main track. . The; weather was foggy,
and the east-bound freight and the
third seotion of the west-bound train
oame together a few miles from the sid
ing. '
A relief train was sent from this city
with a corps of physicians, and the
dead and injured were brought to San
Created a Sensation In a Kansas Citj
' : . Pulpit. . . ,
Kansas City, Deo. 8. Mrs. Helen
Dickerson Hartford, of Oregon, na
tional organizer of the W. C. T. U.,
oreated a sensation today while filling
the pulpit of the Dundee M. E church
in this city, by denouncing, in unmeas
ured terms, the acceptance by the oity
of a memorial to be ereoted in the cen
ter of the city to the memory of Fred
Heim, the brewer, lately . deceased.
The Heim brothers, who suooeded their
father in business, had drawn plans for
an imposing structure, to be ereoted to
the deoeased's memory, and subse
quently tendered it to the city offioials.
Today, in the course of her sermon,
Mrs. Harford arraigned the oity fathers
for their aotion, alluded to the mem
orial as a "monument of infamy" and
appealed to the congregation to prevent
its ereotion.
J Five Negroes Killed.
Little Rook, Ark., Deo. 9. A spe
oial to the Democrat from Malvern,
Ark., says: "Whattnay be regarded
aS reliable information has just been
reoeievd here that last Tuesday after
noon at a point midway between Cam
den and Beardon, on the Cotton Belt
railroad, a seotion gang, composed
principally of negroes, with a white
foreman, were engaged in improving
the roadbed when a gang of unknown
persons began firing into the crowd,
killing five ' of them. The foreman
claims he did not reoogniza any of the
Downing, Hopkins & Co.' Review of
: Trade.
Portland, Or., Dec. 8. Those who
have never seen an old-fashioned bull
market are skeptioal about buying
May around 85 cents, and it requires a
great deal of nerve for the average
operator to play the bull side without
taking moderate profits. There are no
shorts in the market, and it requires
constant injections of bullish news and
buying to keep prioes moving upward.
Whenever the latter lags prices yield,
and fluctuations of one to two cents in
an hour are to be expeoted all the way
up to $1. This has been the oourse of
all bull markets'as they beoome easily
congested and are made healthier by
good setbacks. ' Commission houses in '
olose touch with the outside public Bay
that their customers are afraid to buy
wheat in the eighties, as they have al-
ways been unloaded upon, : and lost
money, and show no disposition to
come in as investors. . If wheat goes up
to $1, and that prioe is maintained,
speculation may broaden, .but for the
present it is a professional market, with -a
few of the big traders getting the
bulk of the profits. They find ft neoes
sary to sell enough to force down at
times when they again take hold and
an ' advance ocours. Were they to da
otherwise the market might get away .
from them and there would be no stop
ping the deoline. A feature of the
market is the timidity shown by small v
holders, who put stop orders on their
purchases, and are constantly raising
them as prices go up, their desire being
to oatoh all the profits possible.
Foreign buying, both speculative and
cash, has been light for several weeks,
and although, prioes have advanced
abroad in sympathy . with America,
and while . they agree that we oocupy
the position of prioe-makers, they have
bought sufficient to carry them until
after the first of the year and are let
ting the speculators on this side do the
buying. Most of the wheat cleared
and the large quantities that are to
clear within the next thirty days was
bought at lower prices, some of the -wheat
that went out last week having
been taken on below sixty oents, and
there is a great deal more of the same
prioed stuff to go.
The oorn market has been heavy and
inactive during the past week. Prices
nrA mn lnw that thora 4a liftla in daIHiki
snort, ana on tne otner nana mere is so .
much corn that the average trader hates
to buy it. ' In pats there was . but a
professional scalping market, the range -for
the week being about one cent.
Provsions were ' Jeavy on heavier re
ceipts of hogs. As a "result of the
week's trading pork shows a loss of
about fifty oents per barrel for the
Japuary delivery.
Maceo Mow Ha the Spaniard When
He Want Him.
, Jacksonville, Fla., Dao. 8. A Citi
zen speoial from Key West says:
The steamer Whitney brought Ha
vana news this morning in relation to
Maoeo and Weyler. Passengers state
that Weyler himself is now encamped
ten miles from Artemisa, and his army
is . scattered along the trooha, and '
through the Pinar del Rio district.
When Maoeo retreated from Weyler in
his first campaign, his plan was to sur
prise Weyler at the first opportunity,
and now Maoeo has his army on either
side of Weyler, and they are having
daily skirmishes.
Weyler is completely surrounded,
and if he should attempt to move he
will be compelled to go to Artemisa.
Small bands have crossed the trooha
into Havana district, and are attacking
the outposts and villages of that prov
inoe. Insurgents numbering 7,000 are en
oamped in Havana provinoe, twenty
miles from Havana, and will go to
Maoeo's assistance when needed. ;
Spies in Havana are keeping the in
surgents posted as to the movement of
the Spanish troops. A movement is
on foot to capture Weyler if he shall
attempt to go to Havana by rail.
Firemen and volunteers in Havana are
being sent to Weyler's relief. Hereto
fore, these troops were used in the de
fense of the' oity.
Sinoe Tuesday's raid on Guanabaooa,
the oity has been attacked almost every
night, and Thursday night 250 Cuban
cavalry rode for two hours throughout
the oity. The damage done amounts
to thirty-seven houses burned and a
large quantity of supplies and ammu
nition seized. A large number of
mules loaded and ready to leave the
oity were also taken.
Fighting In Havana's Suburbs.
Jacksonville, Fla., Deo. 8. Sharp
Bring has been heard again today in
Havana from the neighborhood of
Guanabaooa and other suburbs of that
seotion, and all Havana is exoited over "
the occurrence. Over 500 refugees
passed into the city during the past
five days from that seotion, fearing
their lives during the fights between
the soldiers and insurgents.
Nearly all the Havana volunteers '
have gone to the front, but as fast as '
they remove the guerillas in one plaoe, ''
they encounter them in another, making
a succession of running fights all with
in five to ten miles of the city. About
100 soldiers have been killed or wound
ed so far in these engagements.