The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, December 04, 1896, Image 1

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Hood River
, ' . ' . .',...'',--. J ' .'
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 28.
' From All Parts of the New
.World and the Old..;
Comprehensive Review of the Import-
- ant Happenings of the Past Week
Called From the Telegraph Colnma
Four persons weie killed at Nanterre,
France, by a boiler explosion in a oar
boa factory. The damage is $100,000.
S. W'Uiiro Steinway. the well-known
pit no manufacturer',' died in New' York
of typhoid 4 fever. He had been sick,
for a year. . ' . . :
Thirteen pr'giuers escaped f rotn a
jail in Wyandotte. Kan. .Three, have
been . oaptnn d and ; the officers are in
pursuit of the ot lers. .1 r . . , " .
Rev. P. !M.. Hill, formerly a mission
ary ti China, was strioken with paraly-.
sis while delivering a sermon at ,: hit
ohurch in Bentonviilo, Ark. He cannot
recover. . .-", .'-... '" V;". '''..'" " .
George "W. Hill,' , a .'. well-known
printer and stationer, of Portland, Or.,
shot and killed himself. ; He was of a
despondent nature, and about five years
. ago attempted suicide by taking mor-
phine. . .. .''' : ... .
Farmers in t'ae vioinity of Taooma
have lost many thousands of bushels
of potatotes beoause of the cold . One
farmer had 6,000 bushels stored in hie
barn, and nearly the wohle 16t was de
ployed. w V:; ,.:'y;r;',.'-'
"' The prisoners in Bedford, Ind. , made
a despeiate effoit to eonpe by setting
fire to the jail -But for the timely
discovery of the fire by the sheriff, some
of them would have escaped, and others
would have been cremated. ' ,
'Fifteen year old Emma. Taylor, 'an
orphan, has been held' as an important
witness against four, men who, on
Thanksgiving night, attempted to rob
a oar lull of passengers in Kansas City.
The young girl says that she made
the masks for the robbers and knew
their plans. - It is believed by the po-
ltoe that the girl was seized by the gang
and made to do their bidding. ; ,; .,
. Advices received at Tampa, Fla.,
from Havana are that Weyler will soon
' issue another' tobacco order prohibiting
the exportation of remedies tobacco
from the islands of Cuba, '.- This was
uqt included in his other order, and a
great deal has been exported. Havana
. manufacturers have petitioned Weylei
to close the Cuban ports to this to
baooo, a) Northern and Eastern manu
facturers were buying all of it for ex
portation to this oountry, .' ; : "
A dynamite expkmion occurred, at
Kouskie by which several persons were
killed.. ' ." ;,',,-
The latest reports from Russia are to
the effect that the winter crop through
out the south, exoepting in the Cau
casus, is in a fairly favorable oondiiton.
' -A Singapore dispatch to the London
. Times says the Spaniards have been de
feated by the insurgents in the Philip
pine islands, with the loss of 800 ol
their men. 1 ,
'The strike in the gas works, in Bor-
- deanx, whiob necessitated the calling
in of the soldiers to assist in the works
to save the oity from being left in dark
ness, has ended in a compromise.'
At Webster's sawmill, on 'Deep
. Creek, in Washington, Engineer B. F.
. Elmore was caught by a shaft and in
stantly killed. .The body was fright
fully mangled.
The first serious frontier incident in
a long time ooonrred near Munster,
when a German forest , guard shot an
alleged French poaoher,. ihflioting a
' flesh wound. The Frenoh government
j will inquire into the case. .
' While the employes of the Thieli
enamel faotory, of Hamburg, Germany,
were going to work a body of striken
attaoked them and a free fight followed.
Shots were fired, several persons seri-
, ous?y wounded and many arrests made.'
1 "A Paris dispatch says the trial ol
Bazin's patent roller boat, wbioh it U
alleged would shorten the Atlantio pas'
sage to ninety-six hours, is expeoted to
' ooour in the middle of Deoember aorosa
the English channel from Havre, in the
presence of distinguished naval author
ities and possibly of: President Faure,
who Is interested in the experiment
. V disastrous prairie fire swept ovei
the Seminole oountry, Qklahoma. Six
teen persons, it Js ' reported, were
burned to death by the raging flames.
A Catholio mission was saved by' the
beroio work of Sisters Freda and Kirk.
The two sisters fought the flames for
two hours with blankets, and saved the
lives of twenty Indian pupils. The
fire was started by outlaws, who were
fleeing from a posse of deputy marshals.
Most of the people burned were half
breed Indians. , .' v -,; V ', '
? The sugar planters of the Island of
Mauritus have deoided to join with
those of the British East Indies in rep
resentations to the government of Great
Britain regarding the sugar bounties
paid ' by foreign, countries, with . the '
view of bringingg about some counter-
aoting influence to enable planters there
to compete more fairly with their for
eign rivals. Delegates have ..been ap
pointed to present the grievances in
the proper quarter. :'.'
Uprising in Uruguay
A Buenos Ayres dispatch states that
the revolution under way in the Uru
guayan republio is gradually gathering
strength. , Its exaot proportions are as
yet unknown, as the telegraph com
panies have been seized by the govern
ment and nothing Is allowed to come
out. It is reported, however, that
there have been several hot skirmishes
on the frontier between the rebels and
government foroes. Several houses
have been .burned, it is said, and sev
eral were killed on eaob side.
A Nervy Jeweler. .
Four men entered Jaoob Niedlikow's
jewelry store, in;. Milwaukee,' Wis., and
attempted to rob the plaoe. ' Two cov
ered the proprietor with revolvers and
ordered him to open the safe. He grap
pled with-the men, who opened fire on
him, shooting' him in the hand. The
jewler's wife entered and several shot!
were fired at her and her ohild. The
robbers were then 'frightened off, and
being pursued were captured. v.
' i .- . .j Woman Flrea Upon Burglar. -I
' At Coland oreek, Virginia, Mrs,
Elizabeth Belabor, who is reputed to
have money at her home, heard bur
glars working at a back door. She
stole out with a Winchester, saw three
men at the door and fired three shots
at them. The burglars fled. " They
were traoked more than three miles by
blood stains. t ' ... ; r
Eleven Thousand Hen Ont. . ".'
The American Company's lighters
and ship cleaners in Hamburg,' Ger
many have joined the, big strike there,
and eleven thousand men are riow cut.
Rebellion In M adagasear. ....
Dispatohes from Antananarivo say
rebellion in Madagascar is fampant,
and in the vioinity of the capital trade
is paralyzed, i .v .' ?;
. -;'- .: ' " 1' '
Uleaatroue Fire In Portland.
. The extensive plant of the Inman,
Poulsen Lumber Company, - of , Port
land, Or., was almost completely de
stroyed by fire Thanksgiving evening.
The fire. was discovered, by the night
watobman, and in an inoredible spaoe
of time the entire plant was a seething
cauldron of flames. The loss sustained
is about $85,000, covered by insurance
in numerous companies to the extent
of about $40,000.- The most distressing
result of the fire is that 150 men are
thrown out of employment, temporarily
at a Beason of the year when they oan
ill afford to be idle. The .firemen on
duty did good service, but could, not do
muoh exoept to prevent the spread of
the flames. , Just how the fire originat
ed is difficult to determine, but it is
supposed to have been caused by spon
taneous oombus'tien. Mr. Robert D.
Inman, of the oopmany, says that al
though sustaining a heavy loss he is not
at all disheartened and will rebuild' as
soon as' possible. It was fortunate that
a strong east wind was blowing as it
carried the flames out over the river
and the lumber piled up in the yard
south of the mill escaped almost alto
gether. Had the flames reaohed the
lumber, ' the Iobs would have fallen
heavily upon the milloompany,as more
than $76,000 worth of . lumber was
stored there. ' '
' Americana in London. . . . j
The seoond Thanksgiving dinner of
the American Society, of London, took
plaoe in the grand hall of the Hotel
Cecil in that oity. Henry S. Weloome,
ohairman of the society, presided, in
the asbenoe of the United States am
bassador, who, with Mrs. Bayard, was
"commanded" to dine with the queen,
at Windsor castle. . The dinner was on
a more elaborate soale than any of the
previous gatherings of the sooiety, and
about 800 ladies and gentlemen were
present The hall was splendidly dec
orated. . A special feature of the ornamentation,-
in addition to the stars and
stripes, Which were everywhere dis
played, . was a quantity of Amerioan
oorn specially brought over for the pur
pose. Many Amerioan diehes were on
the menu, and some immense pump
kins bad a share in providing the good ,
things for the table. Behind the chair
occupied by Mr. Wellcome was a repre
sentation of the statue of Liberty and a
large American eagle, and near, the
chairman, on a pedestal, was an enor
mous pumpkin, sent as a present to Mr.
Bayard, whose absence . was muoh re
gretted. ' In the middle of the dinner
there was a surprise for the guests
when eaoh onereoeived a leather-bound
souvenir book containing the portraits
of Mr. Bayard and the Amerioan presi
dents, ' including President elect Mo
Kinley. 'Mr.Bayard's letter of apology
for not attending, .and wishing "God
speed to the land we all love," was fol
lowed by a telegram from the United
States - ambassador at Windsor oastle,
in wbioh he said: ."Your oharining
souvenir of the day we oelebrate has
just ..been ! received, and the popy for
her majesty will be presented before
your dinner is over. All , who love
the United States and Great Britain
will j iiri in ' the mutual, congratula
tions over, the peaceful relations. of the
English-speaking people of the world. "
Mr. Bayard's "sentiments were greeted
with loud cheers, and Mr.' Welloome,
the ohairman of the sooiety, in allud
ing to Mr. Bayard's regretted absence,
said . that it was a good omen that the
United States ambassador : was the
guest of the queen at a Thanksgiving
dinner. The toast to the queen wa)
honored with onnsaal energy.- ' '
'..". :'.;.!... v'
Hawaii Cannot Long Main
tain Its Government.
People In Conatant Fear That Somj
' Unpleaeant Change " M ay , Ooour
Condition of "Kn.inest ' I Good
Washington, Deo. 2. John W. Fob
ter, former secretary .of state, has re
turned to Washington from , a four
weeks' visit to Hawaii, whither , h
went as the representative of the Paoific
Cable Company. In speaking of hi
visit, Mr. Foster said: ' V ; y' r '
' .''The oondition of business in Ha
waii is flourishing. The islands are
prosperous, and their future is b.ight.
The Paoifio Mail has recently' doubled
its servioe, " sending a . steamer there
twioe a month instead of once, as for
merly, and a new line is soon expeoted
to be established . by the Japanese,
wbioh will touch at the islands on the
way to San Franoisco. ' . , .
"The people of Hawaii wish to bo'
annexed to the United ,. States. The
present government has the approval of
a 'majority of native Hawaiians, anc
there is no likelihood that there evei
will be a restoration of the monarchy.
The English and German element,
however, are ' Apposed to annexation to
the United States, beoause they believe
it will interfere with their con traot la
bor and so affect them oommeroially. '
"The present government in its ad
ministration is giving satisfaction; yet'
this government is only temporary, -and
the . people want to be annexed to the
United States. .The - members of the
government are pledged to it, and the
present constitution of the republio ex
presses this expectation. So it is the
general belief that the matter should
be deoided at an early date, if possible. "
He. said it was not apparent that
Hawaii could maintain herself as an
independent government in case the
United States should - refuse to annex
the islands. Although her people are
law-abiding and the 'present govern
ment gets along smoothly and saooess-'
fully, there is continual fear, says
Mr. Foster, that some change may oo
our. 'So far as the Hawaiians are oon
oerned,. independently of outside influ
ences, they are oapabble of self-government
In Mr. Foster's opinion", how
ever, annexation is the only way out of
the situation in which Hawaii is placed.
Dallaa Offloial'a Tough Experience With
,. Thlevea.. ' . V-
Dallas, Tex.", Deo. 2. At midnight,
five pistol shots in rapid succession in
the vioinity of the oourthouse attraoted
the polioe to that building. W. E.
Coe, oounty treasurer, was found in hie
office with blood oozing from a wound
in the back of the head. . He was in a
dazed oondition and in a very exoited
frame of . mind. . He said he had been
working very late ' in order to get the
affairs of the office in shape to retire in
favor of his suocessor. At midnight
two men appeared, and one placed, a
gun to his temple and ordered him to
open the vault. He did so and all the
valuably papers and oon tents of the
inner vault were examined by one of
the robbers. After placing a consider
able sum of money in a canvas sack,
the robbers withdrew ' from the vault.
Coe seized his pistol and shot at the
robbers. The latter returned the fire',
hitting the treasurer in the baok of the
head, inflicting a : bad . scalp wound.
The treasurer says the robbers scoured
$6,000, and he is confident that he shot
and badly wounded one of his assail
ants. The polioe force and a : large
number of deputies with bloodhounds
are on the trail of the robbers.' .
Froata Stop Flowing In France and
. , Central JSurope- ,V
London,' Decw 8.-The. Markiane
Express- today, discussing the orop pros
pects says: y "- ' "., . ' j' ' .' ) ' : .
. ; "Severe frosts in France and Cen
tral 'Europe have stopped plowing and
sowing, and we anticipate a somewhat
short wheat acreage in the entire re
gion between the Vistula and the bay
of Biscay.' '.'Winter has set in through
out Russia, the sea of Azof was closed
to navigation November 24, and navi
gation of the Baltic. is dangerous, on
the northern and eastern coasts, on
which there is already muoh ioe.
"Owing to the rainfall ; in In.ida the
deficiency in the wheat acreage is re
duced. But while : famine no longer
threatens, a scarcity seems bound to be
felt until the spring of 1897. K ;
.; "English wheat maintains a good
price in London, but the oountry mar
kets are firm. The causey of this is
dear. In the counties last week, 166,
684 quarters of English wheat - were
offered for sale, against 69,530 for the
same week of 1895. ; ; ,'; ?, i'
1 '. ' ' Feared Insanity. ;,
Fisher, Minn,, Dec' 2. -MSa'naker,
oasbier of the Bank of Fisher, shot him
self dead yesterday. . His father died
insane.' He feared following his foot
Beps. The, bank's affairs are in ex
cellent shape, r ;..('-'-,
downing,. Hopkina & Co. 'a Review of
T ' "; Trade. '"' .' .
, Portland, Or. , Deo. 2. Wheat
brioes last week reached the highest
point thus far on the crop, and the
close was near the . top. - Compared
with its value at the close of the third
week in November, it? was at the close
of the fourth week's business 4 5-8o
higher for December and. 4 o higher
for the May delivery. . The lower
prices during the third week were not
the - result of any change in the indica
tion which previously existed of pros
pective soaroity in the future, but were
entirely.due to the neosssities of certain
features of the speculative trade wbioh
make the approach of an important de
livery of the stocks in store on specula
tive' purchases a terror to impecunious
buyers. No matter bow unchanged
may be the opinion of a buyer of wheat
for -December delivery in the substan
tial wisdom of his purohase, if he bas
not the needful oash to pay for the
goods when the grain is on the point
of being tendered to him be has to sell
at whatever saorifioe. Nothing has oo
curred since a week ago to make it less
probable now than then that the
world's wheat supply is smaller than
its needs.- The demand ,rom A.ustra
lia for American wheat is as urgent as
before; India continues to be a buyer
instead of a seller of wheat, as in or
dinary seasons, and the coming orop of
Argentina gives no better promise of
more than a very middling yield than
it did before. We remarked in odr
letter last week that "It well may be
that sharp deolines are in order," v. But
we added that "they will only furnish
opportunities for buying to greater ad
vantage." We still hold to this view
of "the case and advise purchases on
every little deoline. v.
Austria Dleorlminatee Agalnat Our
'... ' ' Glueoee. , f"
Washington, Deo. ?. Retaliation
against the European countries that
seek to destroy Amerioan trade is sug
gested by United States Consul-General
M.Judd, at Vienna. He says
that the Austrian ' glucose producers,
finding their trust powerless , to meet
the rates asked by Americans, appealed
to their government, and the latter bas
increased the duty on imported glucose
from '7 to 8 florins per'100 kilos, to
tak(..efieot December 1. This is aimed
dircetly at America,' as the United
States is the only oountry , competing
for this trade, and it will shut us out
from further sale of syrup. Mr. Judd
says: .- ',.' ' '
: "It has been this way with other ar
ticles for which Amerioans found a
foreign market If it was not a tariff
measure, some other obstacles have
orippled their efforts to maintain the'
trade. Would not a threatened retali
atory measure, say against poroelain
and glassware, have the desired effeot
of - possibly preventing the intended
change from going into effeot?"
'" Ready for Servioe.
Philadelphia, Deo. 2. The new ar
mored cruiser Brooklyn, wbioh earned
for its builders a premium of $200,000,
will . go into commission tomorrow
morning at League island navy yard.
This is in pursuance of a request of the
government received. Over a week ago,
and as a Consequence of which Cramps'
men have been working night and day
to have the big vessel finished in time.
All work beyond ' a ' few finishing
touches was practically oompleted to
night,, and at 8 o'clock tomorrow morn
ing, four tugs will tow her to the navy
yard, where the oustomary formalities
will be gone through with."
. ' Pue to Russian Influence.
London, Deo. 1. The Constantinople
correspondent of the Standard discusses
the refusal of admission to the Dardan
elles of Greek,' Dutoh and Amerioan
stationaries, which is attributed to
Russian influence. The American and
Greek subjeots, adds the correspondent,
are annoyed at their governments for
not showing more energy with a view
to obtaining'the privileges granted to
the great powers. ,' .
1 Many Killed In a Panic.
; . Bombay, Deo.' 1. A fete organized
at Baroda in honor of the visit of the
Earl of Elgin,' viceroy of India, has had
a terrible outcome in the killing of
twenty persons and the injuring of
many others by a great crush of num
bers in a pauio wbioh ooourred in the
course of the fete, f Nothing is known
as to how the panic developed.
f " Suoceede Viscount Gough.
. Washington, Dec 1. Ambassador
Pauncefote has been officially notified
of the appointment of Maurice de Bun
sen as secretary of the British embassy
at this oapital. The new seoretary bas
been distinguished in diplomatic serv
ioe in a number of the capitals .of Eu-
r, rope, and the Orient, and be succeeds
Viscount Gough, the present secretary,
who will go to Germany. ' ,
:.f ', Shot Through the Hand. ' . '
" Independence, Deo. 2. J. O. Rus
sell, son of J. J. . Russell, of Mon
mouth, was out hunting last Saturday.
-While standing with . one hand over
the muzzle of his rifle, the gun was
discharged in some way, and the bullet
went through bis hand, and so olose
to his body as to burn his olothing. ,
A Resume of Events in the
"i Northwest.
j Kewi Gathered In All the Townj of
Our Neighboring State. Improve
j ment Noted In All Industries Oregon.
i ' Baker City bas a movement we'll un-
j der way to seoure a publio library.
I The Eagle woolen mills, at Browns
ville, now employs sixty-one men.
There are about 500 head of oattle foi
,sale in Eagle valley, Union oounty. .
, The Santiam river was reported to
have been higher last week than sinoe
the flood of 1891.
; Senator elect Harmon, of Coos, Curry
and Josephine counties,' makeB public
his approval of a registration law. '
The people of ,Wallowa oounty want
a special sessioa of the circuit court.
They have an overstock of oriminali
they wish to dispose of. . "
Prairie City, Grant oounty, has been
selected as the next meeting plaoe of
the directors of the first Eastern Ore
gon District Agricultural Sooiety.
The hospital, employe's quarters and
laundry at the Warm Springs agency
have been oompleted and are , now
awaiting to be turned over to the gov
ernment as soon as the tie n agent ar
rives. . .
The body of Ferdinez, the cook of
the ill-fated Arago, was found last
week on the beaoh, fifteen miles north
of the Umpqua. The remains were
identified by papers found in the
Seven miles of the new motor rail
way grade between Waterloo, Sodaville
ana Lebanon, are said to be now ready
for the laying of rails. On aooonnt of
the bad weathes work has been discon
tinued until next spring. v ;, :', .
The contractors who bave been
awarded the contract, for furnishing and
plaoing rock on the north jetty, on
Coos bay, are preparing to begin work
immediately, and are employing men
with that object in view.
' Harry Clay, a sheepbuyer, reoently
received about 6,000 head of sheep from
sheepmen in the neighborhood of Monu
ment, and drove to Arlington, from
wbioh place he shipped to Chioago.
His band will be fed and placed on the
market later on. : '..':'
The material is on hand and the
foundation of the cradle laid at Wall
Bros' mill in Myrtle Point, for the con
struction of a new steamer to run on
the upper Coquille. . The machinery of
the old Cumtux will be used, ahdthe
new steamer will have the same name.
.- . - ' v -
. A correspondent of the Independence
West Side says: "Fifty-one years a go
the hand that pens these lines was
paddling a canoe down the Willamette
river. The writer started from the old
iWilliam Prather plaoe, went to Lucka
miute, stepped into the canoe, and in
three days was in Oregon City. He
put into the canoe what flour it would
bear, and in Ave days was baok again
at the plaoe from where he started."
Waahington. -
The shipments of farm produots from
Garfield during the month of October
last, not counting wheat, amounted in
value to about $6,000. ,
A haystack with a dozen ohiokens
upon it went down the Columbia river
last week. The fowls were resoued for
Thanksgiving purposes at Freeport
There have been shipped out of Aber
deen by express since the first of Au
gust 816,000 pounds of fresh fish, whiob
brings the value of the season's output
of salmon up to almost $100,000, or
$1,000 per day.
The work of floating the Glenmorag
has been stopped for the present All
the men have been discharged, except
the old .hands. The beavy weather
makes it impossible to do any thing just
now. When work can, be resnmodJj
The Spokane Falls & Northern Tele
graph Company . has oompleted the
stringing of an additional wire from
Spokane to Northport, and thence con
necting with Rossland. The business
of the company will probably necessi
tate the plaoing of another wire over
the line to Nelson soon ef ter the first of
the year.
The total oargo shipments by sixteen
of the leading mills of Washington id
the month of October, as officially re
ported to the West Coast and Puget
Sound Lumberman aggregated 87,727,
012 feet of lumber, and 4,149,886 lath.
Of the lumber, 14,044,647 feet went
foreign, and 28,280,465 feet went
ooastwise. The total exceeds Septem
ber by over 4,000,000 feet. . .
A winter muskmelon, or oasaba, is a
peouliar variety of ' fruit that is being
exhibited by Robert Seorest The seed
was brought to Oakesdale by J. J.
Durant, from the Yakima oountry.
The seed was planted in the spring and
melons were picked this fall. The fruit
looks like the ordinary melon, the only
difference being that the winter melon
will not ripen until it bas been laid
away for a oonsideiable time, .
A Kanaaa Township Hole's a Pecnliat ,
Record. t
Topeka, Kan., Deo. 1. According to
pffioial returns reoeived at the seoretary
of state's office, there was one township
in Kansas, where only two votes were
oast at the recent election. It was
Garfield townshipfin Seward oounty.
One of the voters cust a straight Repub
lican tioket, while the other voted the
Populist tioket straight, with the ex
ception of oounty attorney. There
was a tie on all other officers, and the
candidates for township offioesoast lots
to see who should serve. Garfield
township has about twenty inhabit'
ants, eight -of whom are voters. There
are Tour Populists and four Republi
cans. On election day three of the
PopulistB paired off with three Repub
licans, and six did not vote. The other
Republican wanted to pair off with
the remaining Populist, but the latter
would not do it, because be bad a
grudge against the nominee of his own
party for connty attorney, and said be
wanted to vote for the Republican
nominee This necessitated the cast
ing of two ballots, with the result as
stated. A regular voting preoinot was
maintained thr entire day, and five
voters received $2 eaob for serving as
judgeB and clerks of election. 1
Masked Men Extort Money From a
Bliaaourl Rancher.
St. Joseph, Mo., Dec 1. V. M.
Arnbold, living near this city, reports
a terrible experience with masked rob
bers, who entered his house at an early
hour : in the morning. , Mr. and Mrs.
Arnbold were awakened and found
three - masked men in their bedroom-.
Tbe robbers oovered them with pistols
arid demanded to know . where their
money was concealed. Arnbold denied
that he bad any money, and Mb wife
was too terrified to speak. The man
and woman were then dragged into the
cellar and were held there while one of
the robbers went to the rooms above
and heated an iron poker to a white
beat and returned with it to the oellar.
When they threatened to apply this to
Arnhold's naked feet, he weakened and
told them where they could find what
money be bad. There was but $18 in
tbe rancher's oaohe, and bo angry were
the robbers that they demolished much
of the furniture in the bouse before
leaving. ' - .
Made Desperate Attempts to Kill the '
Family of an Oklahoma Rancher.
Perty, O. T; i Dec 1. Great exoite
ment continues near Tonkawa, twenty .
miles north of here, over an attempt to
murder -the family of R. Brooke and
his .wife. Reports from that commu
nity' are that a second attempt was
made last night to murder Brooke. "A
month ago, Charley Graham, Bill
Jones and Kenneth McDonald attempt
ed to assassinate- Brooke and his wife
one night, and Brooke killed Graham,
who proved to be a noted outlaw.
Graham, before bis death, confessed,
implicating several men in the com
munity. , He said these men employed
him to kill Brooke and bis wife and
burn their house. Yesterday, several
jof those in jail esoaped, and last night
masked men went to Brooke's borne,
but were repulsed by Brooke and his '
Wife, who stood them off with Win
chesters. Kalama Has a Fire. ,
Kalama, Wash., Deo. 1. Fire broke
out in the Methodist church Sunday .
flight about 8 o'clock. Servioes were
being held at tbe time, but the congre
gation passed ont of the building with
out difficulty. Before tbe fire oompany
reaohed the scene, the building was a
mass of flames, and it was soon com
pletely destroyed. The loss was about
$3,000. As the fire company was on
its way to the engine-house, the Ka- .
lama hotel was found to be burning,
having eaught from flying sparks.
The blaze was extinguished in short
order. Sparks from tbe burning ohurob
ignited the roof of W. H. Girard's
general merchandise store, and, pass
ing over the Cowlitz oounty bank and
,tbe City drugstore, also set fire to tbe
opera-house. Watchers were on tbese
buildings, however, and put out tbe fire
wherever it appeared. t
, Conditiona In India Improve.
London, Dec 1. The Earl of Elkin,
vioeroy of India, telegraphs to-tbe gov
ernment that rain there is too late to
be of much benefit to the autumn crop,
but it is in time for the late sowings.
Prices, be says, show a tendency to
fall, though the full effect is not yet
apparent in the Deocan. The oondi
tion of the people is good and the pres
sure upon them is due to prices rather
than to tbe failure of the crops. Sinoe
the rain, prices have fallen 20 to 60 per .
cent in the northern districts. , Lord
Elkin's dispatch also gives details of
bow a quarter of a million of people
in the distressed distriots of India are
engaged In relief work. ( t
' Election Kiots in Bulgaria.
Sofia, Dec 1. Tbe elections to the
sobran je, whioh ooourred today, were
acoompanied by serious disturbances, v
and the troops and polioe had . to be
called out to disperse the mubs here and '
in the provinces, as tbe result of whioh
many persons were wounded. The po- ,
lice fired on the crowd at Zarobrod,
killing several persons, -