3($d Iiver (alacier. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1896. THE MAILS.. Th mall arrive from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A.i Ml Wednesdays nd Saturdays; de ' parts e same days at noon. For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays And Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M. For White Halmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.; arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaveB for Fulda, Gil . mer, rTroot Lake and Glen wood Mondays, Wednesday s and Fridays. SOCIETIES. Canfcy Post; No. 18, G. A. B., meets at School Reuse Hull, first Saturday of each month t i o'clock p. m. All U. A. R. members in , VI ted to attend. The ladies of the Relief ' Vorpmeet,t same time in the adlolninz .. room., .,... JOHN A. WILSON, Commander. .l;,M. P. IsBNBBKa Adjutanh Waueoma Lodge, Sa 80, K. of P., meets In their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. W. H. Bishop, C. C. . J. B. Hunt, K. of R. .& 8. A; ' 'll'lnAHililnT nJoi. Tn AQ A f TT TIT haa(i first and third Saturdays of each month. S. J. LaFRANCK,.-A1. W. J. F. Watt, Financier. ., , H, L. Howe, Recoider. V Idlewlde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets tn Fraternal hall every Thursday night. O. B. HARTLEY, N. lu E. Morse, Sec'y. G. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. " t i l f i . i ,ri n a r 1 Tiri cans and wax strings at Dallas.' Bed lounges at S.E. BartniQss'for $7.50. Plenty of harness oil at the harness shop now . Cordwood taken In trade for wood at Mrs. Hunt's. , ; . Old papers, 25 cents a hundred, at the Glacier office. . Twasinall tracts of land for sale .bargains. See T. R. Coon. , Lou Morse is authorized agent for all newspapers and periodicals. BathsHot" and cold, or salt and eoda baths at the barber shop. Cash paid for pine wood by the Moun tain Stage and Livery Company. ( The steam woodsuw will not be here 1 fcefore one week from next Monday. Iew hate and new goods at Mrs. C.J. tlurit's. Ladies, please call and see. ,, ; For Sale A good as new 45-60 re peating rifle, cheap. Call at this office. Mrs. Bigg and Mrs. 'Mers of Trie Dalles were.Kuests of Mis. E. L. Smith iSaturday last. . The Bryan headquarters is open at fill times at.E. V. Husband's, where campaign literature can be bad. Fresh oysters At the . bakery, I5c a etewj lunches from 10 to, 15c; square meal, with oysters, election day for 5c. ' Call at.. the- Racket Store and get Jcn&ck down 'priees on all kinds of jgeme, ladies ana euiiuren 'a underwear. Mr. E. E. Savage will be at theofflce of E.,L. Smith on Saturdays prepared ito draw con veyances.pxamine abstracts of title, write fire insurance,' negotiate eales of real estate, etc, . ' . Hood: River got away with the purse Iriihe'roadster race at 'The Dulles fair last week. Wm. Rand's horse Dick Trumbull .won $100 in the race against three other horses. Time, 2:50. - in ouying irun trees, goon roots are tne most important item to iook aner. Tillett is careful, in taking his Hrees from the nursery rows,' and will not send out any but welt-rooted trees. . . The Q. -R. N, : Co's timetable for Hood' Riyer.is as follows; Westbound overland, 5:50 a. in.; eastbound over land, 0:45 p. in.; local passenger east bound, 10:55 a. m.j loyal passenger westbound, 2:17 p., pi. ; m 1 . c.. v'At nii n a nan u tn trisi, In tile, contract for building the flume for the big ditch, will go to work on it he same next week, after the election. Mr. Cox has been engaged in building the houses of Mr. Lacy and Mr. Ko fcurg. ; ' ' - " ' Write to Davenport iBros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of finishing lumber on hand, good and dry. Call and get our cash prices before purchas ing elsewhere. . . George Loylast Sunday caught the largest Hood River trout ever caught with hook and line in Hood river. It weighed 15 pounds, and George was one hour it) landing the big fish. ' Jos. Backus is authority for this big fish story. ( W. S. U'Ren "of Oregon City spoke at, Mt. Hood, ' last Monday afternoon, in the interests of Bryan. We are in-. formed a majority of the voters of the precinct were out to hear him. In the evening of the same day he spoke in Hood River to a full hbuse. ; Tillett has a nice lot of one-year-old apple trees of the best varieties. Some people purchase nursery trees like they were buying cordwood, trying to get the largest amount of wood for their money. Nothing is gained by buying big trees. Get nice, healthy one and iwo-vear-olds and look out for good roots. ....'.. Hon. E. L. Smith returned home Monday night from his campaign tour in Southern Oregon. .He , whs aboard the Southern Pacific train that it was attempted to wreck near Drain's Sta tion, last Saturday morning, at 4 o'clock. Obstructions' were placed on the trackj and if the wretches had suc ceeded in throwing the train off, it wouldhave rolled down ln(o a deep canyon. Otie of The Dalles bright young men camefd Hood River one day last week and 'took a room' at the'Mt. Hood ho tel. He slept all day and in tbe even ing called at Mrs. p'uell's and run his cheek for tobacco and cigarettes, say ing he was working for Henry York and would pay when he received his wages.' He then boarded the night train and left' without! paying Sot his bed or tobacco. - ' The Darlington, Wis., Journal 'says editorially of a popular patent med icine: "We know from experience that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di arrhoa Remedy is all that is claimed for it, as on, two occasions it stopped excriitiatiug pains and , possibly saved us from an untimely grave. We would not .rest easy over night without it in the JiouBe." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any ittlav mail ini na ( r fliA iimnM ' TTi, .' I'biivt iin.unjii ic iij inc. nui hi, utcij family should keep it in the house, for t is sure to be needed sooner or later. or suie uy yy iijiuius s urosius, urug ists. I.. 1 11T1II! O T' ... J Henry Ward Beecher said: "A man who lives at a hotel is like a grapevine in a flower pot, movable, carried around from place to place, docked at the root and short at the top. Nowhere can a man get real root growth and spread out bis branches but in hisown home If you own the ground your house stands on and would make it more home-like, call at tbe Columbia Nur aery and get a few nut, fruit and oma' mental trees or vines and set them out and your children will bless you for it James E. Hanna had the honor of being first to pay his subscription in the new ULACIER omce. J. W. iiin richs came next, and then Peter Cordes, Frank Caddy, Wm. Boorman', John Monroe, K. H. JLyons and W. G. Clel land. Many of our friends have called and wished the Glacier success in its new quaiters. The other day, while H. C. Bateham was falling a large fir tree, he laid his coat on a stump near by. Tbe tree in falling struck the stump; and us he nicked un the coat and counted 41 holes punched in it, he remarked that tor once lie was glad tie was "not in it.' Attention, Workmen. Riverside lodge, A. O. U. W., and D. of H., will celebrate their anniversary Tuesday evening, November 3d. Each member is expected to bring one or two guests. Supper will be served at 8 o'clock. A good time is promised. The ladies aid society of the Congre gational church will give a good home dinner and supper next Tuesday (elec tion day) at the Champlin building The best the market affords will be served, including chicken. Price for nieal 25 cents. It pays to advertise. After reading woiiaia o: rergusou's local aa, sent in yesterday, we immediately went down to their store and. invested two bits in 10 pounds of sweet potatoes. This shows that somebody reads the Gla cier. 1 , . More clearing has been done during this month of dry weather than per hups was ever done here in the month of October. This means a much larger area set to fruit next year and also a larger income from sale of same. Mr. Blocher, who sold his plnce to Frank Jones, has moved into the New ton Claru house, and Oscar Cameron, who occupied the Clark house during the summer, has moved to the East Side, adjoining 8. Copple. Ilon.rE. L. Smith, candidate for presidential elector, and Hon. Richard Williams of Portland, will address the citizens of Hood River, Saturd,iyat 2 o'clock, in the old school building, in the interests of the republicans, . Mr. Euiile Schanno informs us the Rcgulstor company intend to build a wnart ooat at our lauding, so that freight will be safe from the elements and the ravuges of cattle and other prowling beings. Mr. M. N. Foley informs us that he recently saw a flock of Bob White quails, of which he counted 18. If our pot hunters will let these birds alone for a while our woods wili be full of them. . - Mrs. Alma Howe oflers to rent her dwelling house, all or part of it, fur nished or unfurnished. Also offers for sale lier light spring wagon. Address Mrs. Alma Howe, Hood River, Or. East Hood Rive precinct will vote In the old Delk saloon building and West precinct at the armory. The same judges and clerks that served last June will serve again next Tuesday. Dr. Cams sent to Portland for some rolled silver for use in his dental work. Wednesday be received a bill for 60 cents for one Mexican dollar. The ex tra 10 cents was for rolling. Rev. J.. T. Merrill will move here from Dut'nr-aliout the 10th of Novem ber and will-till the pulpit of the U. B. church for the next conference year. A family in Portland wish to rent a a smull place at Hood , River, where they can have fruit and raise vegetables and poultry Address the Glacier. E. C, Wiley of the U. S. Engineer Corps, who has been stationed at the Cascude Locks, has been ordered East and will be stationed at St. Louis. Casiby post, G. A. R., will meet next Saturday, November 7th. A full at tendance is desired. The Relief Corps will meet at the same time. Wolfard & Ferguson have cranber ries at 15c per pound; bakinir molasses at 30c per gal.; codfish bricks at 10c per id: sweet potatoes at UJC per id. M. A. Cook now offers his 5 acres. one mile from city limits, good tillable land, running water, tor lza. v . xnis offer to hold good tor 10 days. Wm. Tillet gathered his coffee ber ries this week and now has about half a bushel of cottee ot his own raising: Call on him for seed. . Judge A. S. Bennett came down yes terday on the local train and in the evening- spoke to a full house in the old school building. ; George M. Wilson, brother of John A. Wilson of Hood River, died at Wal lace;. Idaho, October 20, 189(5, of apo plexy, aged 71. ; , The rains have come at last. ' It com menced draining Wednesday evening, and since then we have had enough to start the "plow. - . A. J. Brigham of Dufur spoke at Barrett school house Wednesday even ing in the interests of the Bryan and Watson ticket. Yuher L. Tooze, mayor of Wood burn, spoke at Pine Grove Wednes day night in the interests bfMcKin ley. Boarders Wanted A few boarders will be taken in a private family." For further particulars call at this office. Mrs. Henry Hibbard returned Tues day from a three-weeks visit with rela tives and friends near Goldendale. J , There will be a McKinley ball at the Laterbach hall in White Salmon on the night of November 3d, 189U. Jacob Kamm will put on a line of boats from Portland to The Dalles as soon as the locks are opened. F. R. Absten has a line lot of Con cord grapes which he is selling, at tbe low price of 2 cents a pound. " S. W. Hutchinson, a former resident of Hood River, moved in Wednesday from Pomeroy, Wash V Lee Morse was called to Portland Wednesday to attend a meeting of the central committee. ' '. . The Mt. Hood hotel will serve a good chicken dinner on election day for 25 cents a meal. Miss Niedermark arrived in Hood River Manday with her niilliftery goods. , ,' In Mcmoriam. Resolved, That the following resolu tions be adopted by Hood River Chap ter, Order of the Ens-tern Star, upon the death of Mrs. Rosanna Bell, which occurred October 1, 1896: Whereas, it has pleased our Divine Master to send the Angel of Oeatli and call our sister home; Resolved, That, while we bow lu sub mission to the will of 'Him that doetu all things well, we feel that in the death of our beloved sister we have lost a worthy member of our beautiful or der; that our society has lost a noble woman, her husband a true wile and herchild a loving mother. Resolved, That as a society we shall hold her name in grateful remeni- "brarice, and to our sisters say, Regard the example of her as one worthy of imitation. Resolved, That while the friends weep for their earthly companion and j we mingle our tears witn theirs, we in our lesser grief can say to the afflicted ones: The dove with its emblem of peace will surely return to you in this your sad affliction. Resolved, That out of respect to our departed sister, the charter of our V1IHJII.I uiaA,u 1U UlUUIllliig ivi v Resolved,. That these resolutions be spread upon the records of this chapter, a copy sent to the family of the de ceased sister, ana a copy to the Hood River Glacier for publication. We loved thee, slxter, oh! how much; uur love mere s none can leu. But Death, the spoiler, came and took iter wnom we loved so wen. Thy husband dear will miss thee most, Thy child will share his gloom: They fondly hoped that thou wouidst cheer '" f Their pathway to the tomb. We miss thee in the "Star," Thy place is vacant there. Thy neighbors feel that one Is gone Whose loss we all must share. Then weep no more for sister gone, Eternal bliss to share; So live that we, when life is o'er, May meet our loved one's there. , Mrs. AnnabelIi Morse, Mrs. Anna Flagg, ; ' . ' ' Mrs. Francis Morse, . .1 , - Committee. 1 Lines In memorv of Muriel Hus bands, who departed this life Friday, iseptemiier 5, 1896, at Mosier, Ureiron. Once more Death has called us to mourn over an angel ot God Little Muriel, the pride and jewel of the household, has been called to heaven to claim her reward. Shall we weep for her departed spirit? No, we shall not weep. TheuAngel of Death came and little Muriel was welcomed into heaven, where her Heavenly Father was waiting to welcome her. It would be cruel to call her bask to this wicked X'orld to grieve over sorrow and trouble whne she is sweetly restinur in Jesus. God knows bet. She, as pure and spotless as snow, is numbered among the angels, sweetly resting in the arms of her Savior. With saddened hearts we gathered ' 'Round the form of one so fair; An angel of God t hat was token from earth" . To dwell in heaven so fair. With sorrowing hearts we laid her to rest Parents and friends most dear;' We bid her farewell, her spotless form, An angel who had taken its flight. Call not back the departed, ' The treasure and chief most dear; In heaven she's waiting to greet again The friends she has left here. In heaven she's sweetly resting, With angels bright and fair. Her crown Is a crown of whiteness, In her hand a harp of gold. ' ' - - ' A Friend. McGinnis Meets with an Accident . The nonappearance of our corre spondent McGinnis in town and his absence from church, political meet- ngsand other gatherings is explained nusiyina letier to the editor: "The other day I undertook the difficult task of putting a new stove-pipe jack onto ne pipe ot tne cook stove, and lust as I was getting things nicely under way, the floor below me suddenly gave way. Of course I had immediate business eIow, where I landed with, both feet in a pot of boiling beef that set on the stove. But the head of a refractory nail that stuck out from the wall be hind where I stood had n'mde forcible objection to my entrance by that route and they were my best overalls, too. So this is the political situation at pres ent, uut nope to get things to rights in time to help elect Billy Bryan as our next president." When you get a good thing, keep it. Cider is a good thing, and . when you lay in a supply for the winter, keep it from fernieuting by using our Cider Preservative. It will keep it pure and sweet. It is perfectly harmless, and a package, just the size fur one barrel,; costs 25 cents at . . ' Solid concentrated sprays, according toj the formula of the state board of horticulture, in stock constantly at fol lowing reduced prices: Less than 25 lbs. 25 B s. 100 fts. 700fts. Salt, sulphur uhd lime... 6c, Sulphur, lime and milestone 7 Soap, potash, so da and sulphur 8 6c 4c 3c 6 5 4 , 7 6 ' 5 , 7 6 ' 5 7 6 ' 5 7 .65 12 ' 10 9 . 5 -. 6 5 4 4 .:. ,. k -zy, 3 , . 2 ton 1 . j KOBin ana ( sal soda 8 e i Whale oil soap, ' ' 80 per cent 8 - ( Lime and ' V blu stone 8 Acme Compound 15 Blue stone...,. 7 Resin ..: ,.. 7 Sal soda 5 , Sulphur ground i WILLIAMS & BROSIU3, Hood River Pharmacy, How to Vote. The following is the full ballot which will be used next Tuesday in Oregon: Stab. To be torn off by the . chairman. . Stub. To be torn off by the tlrst clerk. ; Official Ballot for Hood River, Nov Mark with an A between tne name and number of each candidate for presidential elector you ' , wish to vote for. For president, - . Wm. McKinley, For vice president, - Garret A. Hobart, For presidential electors. 12 JOHN F. CAPLES, . lo T. T. GEER, - 14 E.L.SMITH, 15 S. M. YORAN For president, For vice president, -For presidential electors. 16. N. L. BUTLER, , - 17 E. JiOFER, - 18 W.H.SPAUGH, Vote for four. Republican Republican - Republican . Republican W. J. Bryan T. E. Watson ' Vote for four, peo., dem., sil. rep, peo., dem., sil. rep, peo., dem., sil. rep. 19 HARRY WATKINS, - peo., dem., sil. rep For president, - Joshua Levering, or vice president, - Hale Johnson For presidential electors. Vote for four. 20 D. BOWERMAN, - Prohibition ' 21 C J BRIGHT Prohibition 22 LESLIE BUTLER, - Prohibition 23 C. E. HOSKINS, - Prohibition For president, - John M. Palmer, For vice president, Simon B. Buckner. For Presidential electors. Vote for four. 24 LEWIS B. COX, - National democrat 25 ALEX. M. HOLMES, National democrat 28 FRANK A.SEUFERT, National democrat 27 C. J. TRENCHARD, National democrat ' Missionary Society Concert. The woman's missionary society will give a concert on Sunday evening at the Congregational church. Follow ing is the programme: 1. Song. ' 2. Responsive Scripture. 3. Prayer. 4. Duet,"Oregon Missionary Hymn," Agnes uukcs and iayLa trance. 5.. Recitation, ''Chariness," Edith Smith. : 6. Reading, by Mrs. H. L. Howe; subject, Mrs. J. C. Bateharn's Expe riences as a Missionary in tiayti." 7. Duet, Mrs. Miller and Mrs. Can- field. 8. Recitation, by Theresa Morse. 9. Solo, by Mr. Dell Rand. 10. Recitation, by Mrs. J.M.C.Miller. ,11. Anthem. 12. Remarks by pastor. 13. Offertory. .' 14. Song. . '' J. B. Hunt and A. K. Isenberg are Duiiding residences. - Henry McGuire is laid off duty with a boil on his hand. Mrs. Monroe and her sister, Mrs. S. D. Knowles, are in Sap Francisco. Mr. H. Pugh returned Tuesday from a trip to Portland. . ....r Mordicai Jones of London, brother of Mrs. Tra vers, is at White Salmon. The Cascade locks are finished at last and will open next Thursday. An Oregon voter can vote m any election precinct in the state at. the election next Tuesday. Church Notices. , Rev. H. Moys will preach next Sun day at Belmont at 11 o'clock and at Pine Grove ut7:30. T he quarterly meeting of the M. E. church will be held at Belmont, Nov. 7th and 8th. Rev. Warner, presiding elder, will be present. Methodist Episcopal Church, H. K., Hines, D. D., Pastor Weekly services: Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11 a. m., preaching; 2:30 p. m., Junior League; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 7:45 p. m., preaching. Thursday, 7:30 p.m., prayer meeting. 'Everybody welcomed to these services; Congregational Church Rev. J.' L. Hershner, pastor. Worship, with preaching, will be conducted every Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., un less otherwise announced. Prayer meeting and Sunday school conference on Wednesday . evening. Christian Endeavor society on Sunday evening. All who attend these services will be made welcome. Sunday school at 'the M. E. church every Sunday, atlO" a. m. A wel come to all. , Supt. WANTED (SEVERAL FAITHFUL MEN or women to travel for responsible estab lished house In Oregon. Salary 780, payable 815 weekly and expenses. Position perma nent. Reference. Enclose self-addressed slumped envelope. The National, Star Build ing, Chicago. sep4 For an All-Wool Suit of men's clothing. Will take your measure and guarantee satisfac tion. The American Woolen Mills have two or -three thousand broken suits, that have been selling for $8 and upwards, which they now otter at the above price. Call onane and leave your measure for one of these suits while the offer holds good, which will be up to the 1st of November. I have received a new sample book, with new and reduced F rices on everything. Also, do not forget that can supply teas, coffee and eve-ytliing in the grocery lineof the best grades and cheaper than ,the cheapest. A little money buys a heap of goods when you patronize TUCKER, OREGON. Fruit Ranch for Sale. Eighty acres. 6 miles from town, on county road. About 400 fruit trees, mostly apple; 85 acres cleared; good Improvements; 8 shares of ditch stock. Will sell 40 acres in tracts to suit purchasers 5. 10 or 20 acres. Apply to o23 H. L. CRAPPER, Hood River. FRUIT GROWING Is what this valley was made for', and the growing of fruit trees and plants is what 1 am here for. The best varieties of Hood River grown trees, and the largest stock of small rruits, etc., in the country, can be lound at tne COLUMBIA NURSERY H. C. Bateham, Prop'r. Harness Repairing. ' I am now ready for repairing and oiling harness. Wood, hay" and farm products will be taken in trade. Leave harness forrepair lngat Blowers' store Highest price paid for Hides. I have for saleoneof the best farms in Klick itat Co., Wash; l'O acres, 8 miles Irom Center- A S. BLOWERS & CO., DEALERS IN- Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. AGENCY FOR BRADLEY&METCALFCO! the; biggest boot in the world TJWSE MARK C0PyGTU' T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN STOVES AN.D. TffiWAi, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBER)' GOODS. ' '.'.' Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public, MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON. DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNS is now located tin Hood River. First-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Olliee in the Langille House. Jyl9 C. J. HAYES, SUKYEYOR. ; All work given him will be done cor rectly and promptly. He has a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; Doth farming and timber lands. February, I8y4.' HARNESS Repaired and all kinds of HARNESS GOODS Sold by E. V. HUSBANDS. s Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. Irrigating" Notice. Owing to the limited amount of water that can be furnished for irrigation, the Hood River Spring Water Co. has adopted the following regulations: Parties living south of Oak street will Irri gate from 5 to & o'clock, p. m., and those liv ing norm oi same street, irom o to a. m. , tn irrigatlng.the regulation half-inch nozzle must be used, and the water applied in the form of spray or sprinkle and in no other manner. . All water for Irrigating must be applied and paid for before using. Any violation of these rules will subject, the parties so offending to forfeiture of the prlvl- egeoi irrigation. , tiVUl) K1 VJliK SfitlJNU WAibB 1J. Jul tf Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching of Music. 11 er prices are 60 cents a lesson. J10 PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bkos., Pkof'ks, Manufacturers of OregonLuite' Dressed and dressed Flour, FeedHind all kinds of ceveals ground. Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. HOOD RIVER, OREGON. f Mt. Hood Saw Mills, TOMLINSON BROS., Prop'rs. FIR AKD PINE LUMBER Of the best quality always on hand at prices . , to suit the times. Jy21 Paper Hanging, E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience in the business of painting and paper hanging, is now prepared to do this kind of work for citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the paper and put it on your walls at Portland prices. . Ripans Tabules. ' Ripans Tabules cure nausea. Ripans Tabules: at druggists. Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. h Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabu les : gen tie cathartic Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules cure constipation.. Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. WM. TILLETT, Proprietor. . x , - Grower and dealer In choice Nursery stock. He has the only stuck of the , Yakima, Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as the Yellow Newtown. " I have about '20,000 apple trees of tne best va rieties growing in my nursery. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock in Hood River. JelS. rffl r''f IPl CELEBRATED flBOTOSHOES THE ' ' REGULATOR LINE." Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger, Line. Dafly M. Dalles eflPnrtlaiii AH Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. PASSENGER One way Bound trip... RATES. .$1 5t ... il 50 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, General Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON To: tli.e Zast, Gives the choice of T WO TR AN SCON TIN EN TAX EOTTTES I. Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA .. AND ., V AND ST. PAUL. Kansas City Low' Rates to All East ern Cities. TIME TABLE, FOH HOOD fOVEK, West hound overland, 5:W a. M. East 1m mnd verlndW. - ' . 5 IV M. Loeal passenger.eHSt bound, Uf-& a; M. . Local passenger, west " 2:17 J. M. OCEAN STEAMERS . Leave Portland -every five dajMiior SAN FRANCISCO. ' E. McNEILL, President.; , For full details call oti iO. K- Jc X. AigtaA, Hood River, or address . I . . W. H. HtT'RtjBUFTX, GeU'l Pass. Agent, Portland, Or. Q. T. Prathkr, Notary Public. IL 1". 3K. PRATHER & COE, RGal Mate and Ine, 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d. We have kutfi, blocks and acreage In the town of Hood Riverjalso, fruit, hay and Derry farms and timber cinXma in the most desira ble locations in the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate lie to sell or rent, or if you want to bny, give us call. ' Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and correctly executed. We will also attend to legal busUketti! in Jus tices' courts. We are also agem for SOUTH WAUCOM A property. , PRATHER &. COE. ap27 H. E. BALCH & CO., 78 -Second 6t., . THE DALLES, OREGON. MERCHANTTAI10RS And Leaders of Fashions. The largest and most complete assortment of American and imported ever shown in the eitv. I iportea tiingnsn wonien ever shown in the eft'. Latest patterns Ib spring and summer suitlngs spect siock ana get prices. Business Suits, from $18 to $25. Dress Suits foom $25 to $50. Chamberlain's Eye and Sbia Ointment Is unequalled for Eczema, Tetter, fialt Rlieiim, Scald Head, Sore Nipples, Ctmppad Hands, -ltciiing Piles, Hums, Fro. IsiteV Chronic Sore ICyesaml Granulated Eve Lids. For sale by druggists at 25 cents jier box. TO HORSBOWNERSL For putting a liorse in a fine LeaHliy cos dition try Dr. Cadv's Condition Powders, Tliey tone un tlie system, aid digestion, cure loss of appetite, relieve constipation, correct kidney disorder and destroy worms, giving new life to an old or over-worked Horse. 25 cents per package. For sale by drtiggiwlsu For.sale by Williams & Brcsius.