The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 30, 1896, Image 2

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feod Jiyer Slacier.
The republicans have a straight elect
oral ticket in 44 of the 45 states. In
.Texas they have effected a fusion with
the middle-of-the-road populists and
gold standard democrats.' The dem
ocrats have a straight electoral ticket
in 15 states, having effected a fusion
witli the populists and silver republi
: ca in 29 states. In some cases the pop
ulists and silver republicans Indorsed
the democratic electoral ticket, while
in others 'Concessions of electors were
made for thtir support of Bryan and
Sewall. ... In : two states, Oregon and
Houth Dakota, the democrats endorsed
the populist electoral ticket.
Under' the xilver standard, with
silver dollars worth 50 cents, prices
on all foreign goods will double.
But will the prices for labor and
its productions at home double?
Will Hood River strawberries sell
for double the price they sold
for last season?- The nrst ot our
crop sold in Montana last spring for
$8.40 a crate. Will they sell for $10.80
a crate next spring if we have free
coinage?1-Hood River apples sold last
ppring for $3 a box. Will they sell for
$(i a box, or $18 a barrel, under free
coinage? ' ' - '
, The Palmer ticket ' represents the
gold standard, pure and sirnplw. Its
platform favors tlje "money of the con
stitution," gold and silver, which now
circulates side by side, one dollar as
good as the other. Does any person
believe it will circulate thus after free
coinage is accomplished, any more than
the "money of the constitution" circu
lated along with greenbacks during the
war? ,
The typographical union of Salem is
sending out circulars asking working
men to vote against E. Hofer, candi
date for presidential elector. Pie is ed
itor and proprietor of the Salem Journ
al and has always run it as a "rat" of
fice, .never paying more than $3 per
week to compositors and pressmen.
The Indianapolis platform does hot
ask for a double standard of value. Its
adherents do not believe there can be
two standards of money. They are the
true friends of. silver. With the gold
dollar for our standard our $600,000,000
of silver are as good as $000,000,000 in
The Palmer ticket will not be the
winning ticket, but its platform repre
sents the true principles of democracy.
This is a good time for democrats who
are not seeking office, and who love
their party and country, to keep in the
'middle of the road."
In t he event of Bryan's election, the
democrats and populists will not be
pulling together in the next election.
It will be impossible for Mr. Bryan to
satisfy both parties in giving out the
offices and hold to a, policy that will
be satisfactory to democrats and pop
lists. ' '
Antelope voted 33 for incorporation
and 14 against. John L.'Holliugshead
was elected mayor. ' Out of ten officers
elected to manage the affairs 6f the in
corporated town for the first year four
are democrats.
The national democratic committee
has made arrangements to have Candi-
date Bryan's speech made at the Chi
cago convention read in every, court
house in the United States before elec
tion. ,
"The mob. that insulted Carlisle at
Covington showed no better training
than the Yale students who insulted
Wasco County's Wealth.
Following is a- summary of the tax
able property of Wasco county, as
shown by the roll prepared by the as
sessor for the year 1898: - ,
Pullman Palace Car Co $ 528
Oregon Telegraph and Telephone Co ... 7,183
Western Union Tel Co 7,100
Miles of railroad bod, (iO.GO..... 272,700
'Total value. of all lots, town and city.. 793,835
Improvements on same 5,11)5
No. of acres tillable land, 115,933... '694,690
No. acres untillable land, 180,334 833,685
Improvements on deeded lands .'. ' , 7,100
Value of Improvements on undeeded.. 63,122
Value of rolling stock .-....'. 86,891
Value of steamboats, ' stationary en
gines, mfg. machinery, etc , 27,575
Value of mdse aud stock in trade 178,998
Value of farming implements, wag
ons, carriages, etc 62,144
Money .'. ..... 7,470
Notes and accounts.. 95,630
Value of shares of stock 127,187
Household furniture. Jewelry, etc 93,757
No. of horses, 6,795.... 75,011
No. of cattle, 8,934 v 64,640
No. of sheep, 10J.187 , 108,MW'
No. of swine, 4,838 10,395
Gross value of all property.... S,0;5,922
Exemptions 228,284
Total value of taxable property ?2,837,638
, A Good Social. ,
The social given by the ladies of the
Congregational church at Mr. John
Parker's, last Thursday evening, was a
decided success in very particular.and
the large crowd present enjoyed them
selves immensely. The amusements
of the evening were under the leader-'
ship of Mrs. S. J. LaFranee, who ap
pointed the' Misses Alice Cleaver, Cora
Copple and Grace Graham to act as
judges for the evening, and then se
lected three gentlemen from those
present and asked them to compete for
w prize in the art of sewini? on buttons.
The competitors were Messrs. W. T.
Hilibard, Charles Cas-.tner and C. G.
Clum. Mr. Clutu succeeded in sewing
on live buttons the renuired number
j first, and was awarded the prize, a
neat little button basket. Anoiner se
lection was made by Mrs. LaFrance,
who were asked to cut from a news
paper a pattern of the ladies' sleeve
now in vogue. The judges decided
that Mr. M. A. Cook had come the
nearest to cutting a correct pattern.
Millinery was the next line for compe
tition, the competitors being Rev. J. Ij.
Hershner and the devil of the Glacier
office. The devil carried off the honors.
The lady "judges were then each given
a pocket knife and a shin tie and asked
to form a miniature ax handle. Alice
Cleaver won the prize a McKinley
button. While the judges were pre
paring their decisions, recitations were
given by Misses Agnes Dukes and
Theresa Morse, and Mr. M.A.Cook
pitve a short extract from his noted
"silver speech." Mr. C. G. Roberts
and Mr. J. N. McCoy - favored the
guests with a number of songs. Cake
and coffee was I hen served, after which
a dish-washing contest was carried on
In the dining room.'' Mr. George T.
Prather was decided to be the cham
pion dish-washer.' Master , Harold
Hershner then recited a short piece
quite appropriate for the occasion, and
Mr. and Mrs. John Parker were thank
ed for the entertainment and the nu
merous guests departed.
Distribution of Silver.
Hood River, Oct. 27, 1896. Editor
Glacier: You will pardon me for try
ing your patience and using so much
of ytmr valuuble space, but I will prom
ise you this will be the last time I will
Impose upon you or try to straighten
out "Gold Standard" from the tangle
he has got himself into. He seems to
have got somewhat mixed up and got
off the original question.. Pie essays to
say that I have scales over my eyes
and that one operation from him would
have the desired effect of removing
them. I can say that the effect of the
operation is phenomenal, and that
with my new-born sight I see my
friend stumbling along, blinded with
the "wool" pulled over his eyes and
staggering under the weight of party
prejudices and gold standard deception.
Poor man! how tired he must feel. No
wouder he gets off the argument and
fails to touch on the question during
the whole of his talk (through his hat).
He seems to thi-ik I am like himself
everything I see in the papers that ad
vocate my principles I take for grauted
as "gospel" truth and drink it in as he
would gold-bug (juice) argument,
which he would like to present to me
to poison and prejudice my wind,
marry me to party and "ask me to vote
against ni' own interests. But no, my
friend, 1 am not yet so case-hardened
that I will take newspaper talk for
fact instead of government statistics
and the laws of our country.
I am glad that "Gold Standard"
admits my authorities are beyond dis
pute aud that silver is not free yet.
Kind friend, you have admitted more
than any gold-standard man bos done
yet. Now, if I prove to you that I be
lieve in the verucity of Uncle Sam, and
that he means just exactly what he
says, I will feel proud of what I have
accomplished. To illustrate, suppose I
have a live-dollar silver certificate in
my band, and turning it overhead as fol
lows: "United States will pay bearer on
demand five silver dollars," 1 v, ill swear
upon my honor that I do not iuterpiet
it to mean five gold dollars, as one who
writes under the nom de plume of
"Gold Standard" intimates it does. I
have no. doubt his friends iu Wall
street and Lombard street only wish it
did read -that way. 1
"While we are a mighty nation, yet
we do not constitute the whole earth."
Yet we come near constituting more
than one-half of the producing part of
il, and when the balance of trade is iu
our favor to the enormous amount of
millions of dollars per annum, we
ought to come near dictating to the
rest of the world what kind of a mon
etary system they shall use and have
a monetary system iu our own couutry
that will be a benefit to ' us and not a
benefit to foreign capitalists. '
We've worried along for many a year,
Still trying the same old plan
! That kings have tried on the other side ,
Since time and the world began,
'.Ve're tired out with ways of doubt
Now listen to what I say:
We'll throw ths tea all over again,
And try the American way. -
Now, .in conclusion, let me ask ray
friend to consider these questions
which are of such vital importance to
the American people, and vote for Ills
own interests "and in the interests of
his posterity, and not in the interests
of foreign capitalists, and in November
we will have elected William Jennings
Bryan as president of these United
States. ' Free Silver.
Got Big Damages.
Judge Bennett has returned from
Dayton, Wash. .where be has been con
ducting a suit for damages against. E.
McNeil, as receiver of the O. R. & N.
Co. The case was brought by the
widow and children of Robert Walker.
an engineer in the employ of the road,
who was killed hi a wreck between
Boles Junction and Starbuck in Colum
bia county, Wash., and was for dam
ages caused by his death. The verdict
of the jury was that $40,000 damages
be awarded, tile largest damages ever
awarded in the United Slates in a sim
ilar case. The case will be appealed to
the Washington supreme court.
The Mayes Hybrid dewberry is said
to be the best and most profitable of
the blackberry species grown. It orig
inated in Texas, and owing to its great
value, has not been widely dissem
inated as yet.
. Election next. Tuesday.
History Repeated.
Hood River, Oct. 27, 1890. Editor
Glacier: The following, clipped from
an Eastern exchange, is a fair illustra
tion of history repeating itself. I re
spectfully ask space in your columns
for its publication. F. H. Button.
From McOauley's His Presidential Cam-
tory of England, vol paign, A. D. 1M.
6, page 9J, A.I). 1695; . Those politicians
Those politicians whose voice was fur
whose voice was for delay gave less trou-
delay gave less trou- ble than another set
ble than another set of politicians who
of politicians who were for a general
were for a general and and immediate . re-
immediate recoinaere
coinage, out wno in
sisted that the new
dollar should be
worth only 50 or 53c.
At the head of this
but who Insisted that
the new shilling
should be worth only
9 pence, or 9 pence
half pence.
At the head of this
party was William
Lowndes, secretary
of the treasury and
member of parlia
ment for the borough
of Seaford, a most re
spectable and indus
trious publicservant,
but much more vers
ed in the details of his
oflice than In the
higher parts of polit-
party was William
Jennings Bryan, for
merly memberoi con
gress from Nebraska,
but now candidate
for the office of presi
dent of the United
States,a most respect
able and industrious
public servant, but
much more versed in
the details of hisollice
than in the higher
ical nhllosonhv. Ho osonhv. He was not
parts ot political pnn-
was not In the least in the least aware
aware that a piece of that, a piece of metal
metal with theking's . with the piint's
head on it was a com- stamp on it was a
modity of which the commodity of which
price was governed the price was govern
by the same laws ed by the same
which govern the laws which govern
price of a piece of met- the price of a piece of
al fashioned Into a metal fashioned into
spoon or a buckle, a spoon or a buckle,
and that it was no and that it was no
more in the power of more in the power of
parliament to make congress to make the
the kingdom richer nation richer by call
by calling a crown a ing 50 cents a dollar
pound than to make than to make the na
the kingdom larger tion larger by calling
by calling a furlong a lurlong a mile. .
a mile. He seriously bcliev-
He seriously believ- ed. Incredible as It
ed, incredible as It may seem, that, if the
may seem, that, If the ounce of silver were
ounce of silver were divided into two dol-
divlded into seven lars and a half in-
shillings instead of stead of one dollar
five, foreign nations and a quarter.forelgn
would sell us their nations would sell us
wines and their silks their wines and silks
for a smaller number for a smaller number
of ounces. of ounces.
He bad a consider- He had a consider
able following, com- able following, com
posed partly of dull posed partly -of dull
men who really be- men who
lieved what he told lieved what he told
them, and partly of them, and partly ot
shrewd men who shrewd men who
were perfectly will- were perfectly will
ing to be authorized ing to be authorized
by law to pay 100 by law to pay $100
with 80. with $50.
Johnsmg Don't understand why a
sillier dollah isn't jist as good as a gole
dollah, hey? Let me 'lucidate. Now,
s'pose I borrowed a gole dollah of you
one day an' paid you back wid 50
cents, what would you say? Jacksing
Golly! I'd say I never expected any
of it back!
If Troubled with Rheumatism, Read
Annapolis, Md., April 16, 1894. I
have used Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism and found it to be all
that is claimed for it. I believe it to
be the best preparation for rheumatism
and deep seated muscular pains on the
market, and cheerfully recommend it
to the public. John G. Brooks, dealer
iu boots, shoes, etc., No. 18 Main street
Mechanicsville, St. Mary Co., Md.
I sold ti bottle of Chamberlain's Pain
Balm to a man who had been suffering
with rheumatism for several years. . It
made him a well man. A. j. McGill.
For sale at 50 cents per bottle by
Williams & Brosius, druggists.
. Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay 'required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. For sale at the Hood River
The Discovery Saved His Life. '
Mr. G. Cailloutte, druggist, Beavers
ville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New
Discovery 1 owe my life. Was taken
with la grippe and tried all the physi
cians for miles about, but of no avail and
Avas given up and told I could not live.
Having Dr. King's New Discovery in
my store.I sent for a bottle and began its
use, and from the first dose began to get
better, and after using three botiles was
up and about again. It is worth its
weiirht in gold. We won't keep store or
house without it." Get a free trial at the
Hood River Pharmacy.
Cure for Headache.
As a remedy for all forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure,
and the most dreaded habitual -sick
headaches yield to its influence. We
urge all who are afflicted to procure a
bottle and give this remedy a fair trial.
In cases of habitual constipation, Elec
tric Bitters cures by giving che needed
tone to the bowels, and few cases long
resist the use of this medicine. Try it
once. Fifty cents and $1 a bottle. For
sale at the Hood River Pharmacy.
If your children are subject to croup,
watch for the first symptom of the dis
easehoarseness. If Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy is given as soon as the
child becomes hoarse it' will prevent
the attack. Even after the croup
cough has appeared the attack can al
ways be prevented bv (fivins this rem
edy. It is also invaluable for colds and
whooping cough. For sale by Will
iams & Brosius, druggists. " .
Mt. Defiance was white with snow
Tuesday morning.'
or women to travel for responsible esUib
llshed house in Oregon. Salary $780,payable $15
weeKiy ana expenses, i-osition permanent,
Reference. Enclose self-addressed stamped en
velope. The National. Star Building, Chicago,
VV iXll LOU.."- fruit ranch (might as
sume small indebtedness) near Hood Klver,
for which I offer any of the following describ
ed properties free from incumbrance: ISOacres
partially improved, running water, 25 miles
south of Port land. 40 acres unimproved near
Roseburg. 22 acres fruit land, San Diego, Cal.
640 acres partially improved, running water
and level land, 8 miles from railroad town in
Kansas, Describe what yon have and write
M. Walton, 714 Cham, of Com., Portland, Or.
In the best and most artistic styles at the Old
Reliable Shoe shop one door west of post office.
Ladies' fine work a specialty. All work war
ranted. C. WELDS, Proper.
Notice to Stockholders.
Notice is hereby given to the stockholders
of the East Fork Irrigating Co. that if assess
ments Nos. i and 2 are pot paid by December
1st, we shall proceed to collect the same in the
way provided by law.
V. WINCHELL, President.
SAM. G. CAMPBELL, Secretary, .
SS35; perfect tone; without scratch or bruise;
Gothic tlnlsh. Apply to
olfi . Harness and Shoe Store.
Calves Wanted."
Wanted, for ensh, by November 1st, 50 head
of calves, yearlings and two-year-olds. Ap
ply to J. W. and C. D. Henrich, or at the
Glacier office. olti
heads and spears. Also, all
other tine Indian relics of
stone. Good prices paid for
fine specimens. Write to
me and tell me what you
have.sendtnsrromrh outlines
ot best specimens. Stone pipes warned. Ad-
aress a. tr. Hamilton, two tuvers, wis. zi
The Glacier
Post Office Building, Hood River,Or.
Baths Hot and cold, or salt and soda.
For Sale.
An Estey organ in first class condition at
half price. Also, a moquette bed lounge. Ap
ply to M. A. COOK,
S2J . Hood River, Or.
Is Your Title Clear?
E. E. Savage is prepared to examine ab
stracts of title to real estate and give opinions
on same. Charges reasonable. marti
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
administrator of the estato of Martha Purser,
deceased, has tiled his tinal account and re
port In said estate with the county clerk of
tr.e county oi w asco, state oi Oregon, ana mat
Monday, the 2d day of November, 1898, t
At the hour of S o'clock in the afternoon of
said day at the county court room in the
county court house in Dalles City, Wasco
county, Oregon, has been fixed by the honor
able county court of Wasco county, Oregon,as
the time and place for hearing objections to
said petition, if any there be.
All persons are hereby notified to appear at
said time and place and show cause, If any
there be, why said report and petition should
not in all things be fully ratified, approved
and confirmed, and whyan orderof this court
should not be made releasing and discharg
ing said administrator and exonerating his
bondsmen from further liability in said trust.
Dated this 22d day of September, 1891).
Administrator of the Estate of Martha Pur
ser, deceased. sz5o80
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 28,
18U0. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his"
claim, ana mat snta proei win ne maae De
fore W. B. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
oflice in Goldendale, Wash., on Dec. 10, 18D6,
Application to purchase No. 80S, under Act of
March ;i, 1887, for the east of northeast
and lot 4, section 23, township S north, range
10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
bis claim to said land, viz:
Howard C. Cook, Jacob E, Jacobson, Wm.
H. Overbaugh and Charles Bancroft, all of
White Salmon, Wash.
oj)0d4 GEO. H. STEVENStJN, Register.
- Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 10,
18tKi. Notice is hereby given that the follow-ing-nained
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles,
Oregon, on November 30, 1898, viz:
Hd. E. No. -4,00;!, for the northeast M section
31, township 2 north, range 10 east, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: '
W. E. Neff, Virgil Winchell, Hans Jochim
sen and M. F. Loy, all of Hood River, Oregon.
o27n27 , J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 14,
tSiki. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of their
claims, and that' said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver of the U. S.
Land office at Vancouver, Wash., Dec. 8,
18'Jti, viz: ' ,
. JJLtAINiV J1. t'OAlfi,
Application No. 83, under section 8, Forfeiture
Act, September 29, 1890, for the southwest H of
southwest section 13, township 8 north,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon. and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
August Wagnitz, Harvey J. Byrkett, Charl
A. Pearson and Severin Benz, all of Trout
Lake P. O., Washington. And
Application No. 579, under section 3, Forfeit
ure Act, September 29, 1890, for the southwest
M of northwest and west half of southwest
section 11, township north, range 10 east,
He names the followinff witnesses to nrove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
August Wagnitz, Frank M. Coate, Charl A.
Pearson and Severin Benz, all of Trout Lake
P. O., Washington.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, Oct. 8,
189H. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on November 21, 1896, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4127, for the lots 14 and 15, section
15, and lots 2 and 7, section 22, township 1
north, range 10 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John Henrichs, W. S. Grlbble, Albert Mc
Kamey and D. W. McCrory, all of Mount
Hood, Oregon.
o9ul3 . J AS. F. MOORE, Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 28.
1898. Notice Is hereby given that the foliow-
iiig-numeu seuier nas niea notice or nis
Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof willbemade
before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Nov. 10, 1896,
E. No. 8352, for the southeast section 17,
townships north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz: '
Henry Evans, Abe Groshong Lee Evans
and Mike Zimmerman, all of White Salmon,
o2n6 . Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Sept. 15,
IKUii. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will he made be
fore C. G. Green, Clerk of the Superior Court
for Skamania .county, Washington, at Steven
sou, Washington, on October 31. 1800, viz: .
H. E. No. 9m, for the east southeast sec
tion 22, and west southwest section 2,3,
township 4 north, range 9 east, W. M.
He names- the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
William Kennedy, George Tyrell, George
Berry and Edward Underwood, all of Chen
oweth, Wash.
s1g23 - GEO. TI. STEVENSON, Register.
Kay's Sarsaparilla. ,
A highly concentrated extract of the best
vegetable Alteratives known to science, com
bined with Iodide of Potassium. Prepared by
the most approved process from carefully se
lected drugs. It cleanses the blood of all Im
pure and poisonous matter, and by enriching
and stimulating it, renovates and builds 'up
the entire physical organism. Price $1.
Stanley's Celera-Kola
A restorative tonic and nervine. It quiets
the brain and nerves, restores vitality, renews
strength, cleanses and enriches the blood, reg
ulates the liver, bowels and kidneys. Price $1.
Kay's Penetrating Lin
iment. .
An efficacious remedy for rheumatism, neu
ralgia, swellings, lame back, sprains, sciatica,
stiff joints, chilblains, sore throat and pains
or bruises in any part of the body. Price 50c.
United States Pharmacal Company,
' ,. For sale, guaranteed arid recommended by s .
-Elood. Biver I!PIbLa,ritm.stc37V
J. H. FERGUSON, American Watchmaker, proprietor, Is still doing business at the old
stand. Watches cleaned, 50 cents; main springs, 50 cents. All work warranted. A fine line
of Watches and Jewelry for sale at bottom prices.
f Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House in the valley ,J
3Dr 3r G-oods, , ,, :
,s ..'.;! and ,;" ;;.;;;.:''.
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc
HOOD RIVER, ' - , - - ' OREGON
Sell only
.We invite trade of close buyers. '
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. '
Choice Fresh Meats,
y - Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - - -; OREGON.
;S T A B Ij B S . : ,
Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. ' Heavy dray
ing and transferring done with care and promptness. Also, dealers In ,
And Vehicles of All Kinds.
Call andjscc our stock and get prices; they are interesting.
Monroe's Cough Balsom
A prompt and efficacious remedv for colds.
coughs, influenza, croup, bronchitis, sore
throat, hoarseness and all affections of the
throat, lungs and bronchial tubes. Price 25c,
50c and $1.
Child's Castor Laxative
A vegetable remedy for regulating the stom
ach and bowels of babies and children, con
taining no opium, morphine or other narcot
ics. It is harmless, pleasant to take and a
most valuable remedy. Price 25 cents.
Ray's Little Cathartic
For constipation, headache, biliousness, in
digestion, sallow complexion and diseases
arising from disordered liver, stomach and
kidneys. Price 25 cents.
Wade's Worm Powders
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