rare or a locomotive. 8om careful experiments which have been made in England prove that the life of a locomotive is about 500,000 "train miles." In other words, that a locomotive of the latest approved pat tern will ran 500,000 miles before wear ing out so as to be useless. In making this run of 500,000 miles the fire box will have to be renewed three times, the wheel tires five or six times and the crank axlea from three to five times. In a Hurry, . Mrs. Howson Lot t The tax collector left a bill this morning. They have changed the name of the road iu front ' from a street to an avenue and doubled the tax rate. Howson Lott By Jove! I'll pay that bill at once, before they make another change and call it a boulevard. Judge. An Honest Confession, Etc. -, "Mr. Pitcher," said the gentleman's wife, in a horrified tone, "you are drunk!" "Guesh I mush be," assented n teher,' "or else I wouldn't, (hie) let you shee me In this c'dition." I'lnk "Un. At Last. ; "Mary," said the sick man to his wife, when the doctor pronounced it a case of small-pox, "if any of my creditors call, tell them that I am at lust in a- condition . to give them something." Port Jervls Gazette. Sinoe 1S81, according to Alulhall, Great Britain's stock of gold and silver baa remained nearly stationary. PEACE ON , EARTH. This is once more enjoyed bv the rheumatic wise enough to counteract their progressive malady with Hostetter's Stomach Bitters. No testimony is stronger than that which indi cates it as a source of relief in this complaint. It is also eminently effective as a treatment for kidney trouble, dyspepsia, debility, liver com plaint and constipation. Use It with persist ence for the above. In New York oity the percentage of deaths from apoplexy has quadrupled during the past thirty years. I shall recommend Piso's Cure for Con sumption far and wide. Mrs. Mulligan, Plumstead, Kent, England, Nov. 8, 1895. , HANDS For all kinds of work furnished free on short notice. Address HlR-ley's Employment Of Hce, 14'2 Third Street, Portland, Oregon. The life of William H. Eeward bag been written by Thorton K. Lotbrop (or the Amerioan Statesman Series. HOW'S THIS? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any ase of Catarrh that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known t. J, Chenev for the last 15 years, and believe- him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and Huaucially able to carry out any obligations made by their firm. West 9 Truix, Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O. WALDING, KlNNAN & MARVIH, Wholesale DrugnistB, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrh Cureia taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Testimonials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. Sold by all druguists. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Gladness Comes With a better understanding of the transient nature of the many phys ical ills, which vanish before proper ef forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts rightly directed. 'There is comfort in the knowledge, that so many forms of . sickness are not due to any actual dis ease, but simply to a constipated condi tion of the system, which the pleasant family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt ly removes. That is why it is the only . remedy with millions of families, and is everywhere esteemed so highly by all who value good health. Its beneficial effects are due to the fact, that it is the one remedy which promotes internal cleanliness without debilitating the organs on which it acts. It is therefore all important, in order? to get its bene ficial effects, to note when you pur chase, that you have the genuine arti: cle, which fs manufactured by the Cali fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by all reputable druggists. . If in the enjoyment of good health, and the system is regular, laxatives or other remedies are then not needed.. If afflicted with any actual disease, one may be commended to the most skillful physicians, but if in need of a laxative, one should have the best, and with the well-informed everywhere, Syrup of Figs stands highest and is most largely ,ed and gives most general satisfaction. HEAT. Make money by succssful (peculation In Chicago. We buy and sell wheat there on mar gins. Form- es have been made on a small be ginning by trsdlng in futures. Write for full particular. Best of reference given. Several rears experience ou the Chicago Board of Trade, and a thorough knowledge of the busi ness. Downing. Hooklns & Co., Chicago Board of Trade Brokers. Offi'jes In Portland Oregon and Spokane Wash. PSY TREATED FREE PomHIt ly Cured with Vegetable Remedial Have cured thousands of caaes. Cure owes pro nounoed hopeless br bestphyBiolaos. From flrstdoM lymptoms disappear; In ten daysatleast two -third all symptoms removed, tend for free book testimo nials of miraculous cure. Ten days' treatment free by mall. If yon order trial, send 10c. in stamp or par postage. Dh. H.H.Oriin &SoN8,Atlanta,Ua. If jou order trial return this advertisement to iu MAILED FREE To any address, our ....Special Price 1.1st of HOUSEHOLD COODS, ETC. This circular is issued for the benefit of our country customers who cannot avail themselves of our Dally Special Sales, Send us your ad dress. You will find both goods and prices right WILL & F1NCK CO., 818-820 Market street. San Franolsco, Cal. dUKb UUKt FOR f l.Lco Itching and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Pile, yllkl at once to DR. BQ-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. suP. itoh- ins, alworoi tumor. A po.ulvu cure. Circular, .ent few. Prtoo W. SruHi.uaruuvU. UU. llOBAMvU. fhUaw, Pa. PORTLAND LETTER. Chancel That Have Been Wrought Within the Year Iu the Thriv ing' Metropolis. - pecial Correspondence. Portland, Or,, Oot 21. Suoh weather as Portland has been having all during the Exposition, is simply delightful. Never warm, at any time. I have not at any time felt the need of an overooat. The nights have been clear, and the moon beautiful. With such weather, it has been pleas ant to wander about the oity of nights, and look in the windows of the big stores, many of which are lighted even when olosed to business. Sinoeyou were here Portland has four elegantly paved streets. Morri son street and Third and Washington have fine, Bmooth, asphalt pavements, and Fourth street from below the new ojty hall, up to Union depot nearly, is paved with wooden blocks which are on a oonorete and sand foundations. The wood pavement is an experiment. The blooks are of a soft fir. The chinks 'between the blooks are filled with tar. It makes a smooth and "givey" roadway. If it shall prove to wear well it will be the pavement for this section as long as our fir forests exist. Ben . Tillman, the Sonth Carolina senator, spoke here last week for Bryan, and Ben Bntterworth, ex-member of congress from Ohio, followed the next Dight for McKinley. The former is a rugged, quick, vigorous, dashing cam paigner; the latter is as smooth, genial, cosy and persuasive in manner as what Marian says I used to be. It takes all manner of men to make a world. From the gallant Sonth we find in -Oregon a man as rough as a miner in earlier days, whilst from the middle West, Ohio, Oregonians are listening to a Chesterfield in manners, and one who evidently thinks a soft answer tuineth away wrath. Both had large and enthusiastio audiences. Tillman had an open air meeting, and fully 5,000 people heard him; Butter worth spoke indoors to a packed house with 1,500 seating oapaoity, but hun dreds were turned away unable to get standing room. . The exposition olosed Saturday night the 17th inst. without any particularly special feature unless it be the small ness of the orowd. The campaign and bard times were , rather disastrous financially. Whereas, last year the guarantee fund was returned to sub scribers, and a surplus of $4,000 left over, this year there is a defioit of about $2,500. Yet the entertainment provided for visitors this year quite equalled last. There Were eight big speoial nights for the various secret orders this year as against three last year; yet the exoitement of the cam paign, the oounter attractions of elo quent speeches to be heard free, coupled with the stringency of the times, com bined to make the gate reoeipts too small, "by several," to oover the ex penses. However, Portland is a plucky town, and no doubt next years' exposi tion will be a suooess such as was last year's. This is truly a great campaign of education. On many oorners right in the heart of the oity there are gathered crowds of men, from ten to even 100, listening to disputes on the money question. The listeners "put in" every now and then, and the debate growing general often beoomes warm, but never boisterous. ' Nor are these gatherings composed of only idle men of the poorer people; by no means. As a rule the crowds are made up of rather well-dressed men, and not in frequently men of position and means take a turn at solving a stioker, or of proposing a crasher. The corwds most ' always seem to be in good humor, and the American's love of fair play is never more conspicuous than when the opponents in these street corner gather ings get to thumping one another with what eaoh considers knook-down argu ments. Competition is the life of trade, we are told. Portland now has two tele phone companies, and one has to have two phones' to reaoh the people who would all patronize one oompany were there only one. The rival company ; brought down rates, but when one pays both oompanies he finds that that kind j of competition has oost him more than be bargained for. It is such facts as these that give rise to the agitation for municipal ownership of telephones, gas, street oars, etc.; but on the merits of that I express no opinion, as the editorial columns of ypur paper are ex clusively for expressing opnions.'V A correspondent should at least let the editor do his own editing Almost as many women here ride the bioyole as men; and my belief is that about each of one-twentieth of the population has a bioyole. , The folks with money, "keep np the style" in bioycles. Their '96 wheel is turned right over to the dealer for some small sum, probably one-quater of . the ori ginal retail oost, and that amount de ducted from the '97 model. This makes second-hand machines of last year, almost as good as new, sell for about half prioe. Yon see, it would not do for one of these tony riders to be seen next spring astride a '96 model; that would exclude him or her from his or her '97 model set. Well, after all, it is those kind of folks that give employment to labor, and oheap, good bikes to poor people. EZEKIEL. .A Heavy Failure. Hartford, Conn., Oct. 21. Judge Henry E. Taintor, receiver of the as signed banking firm of Q. P. Bissell & Co., today filed in the superior court a partial inventory, whioh shows 800 de positors, with total deposits of $290, 000. All assets that could be found make a total of $307,236, but the re ceiver is unable to give any approxi mate statement of the liabilities and assets further than the failure is known to be a heavy one. A WAR REMINISCENCE, Scenes at Hatcher's Creek and Peters burg Recalled. John B. Scace B peaks to a Reporter of Stirring; Seenea Escaped With a Slight Wound, but, Like Other Veteran, Baa 'Suffered Sinoe A Story That Read! Like ' a Page From History, from the Albany, N. Y., Journal. When one enoonnters in print the life story of some scarred veteran of the civil war, a feeling of admiration and sympathy is the certain result. Accustomed though- we are to tales of heroism and suffering in every day life, there is something peculiarly attractive about these old war reoords, serving, as they do, as a sacred passport to the heart of every true Amerioan. Thou sands found their rest on the field of carnage or in the hospital, but their comrades, when the struggle was over and the victory won, returned to their homes and began anew the battle of life. ' John B. Scace, the widely known contractor and building-mover of Al bany, N. Y., has an unusually interest ing life, and when seen by a reporter reoently at his home, No. 15 Bradford street, told of bis many experiences and adventures while serving under the old flag in the late war. Although having endured all the hardships and privations of life in the ranks, Mr. Soaoe bears his more than half a cen tury of years with an elastio step and a keen mind, taking an active interest in private and publio affairs. Mr. Soaoe is a member of Berkshire uoage, no. oss, i. u. u. a: no en listed in the army in 1862, in Company A, Fortv-ninth Massachusetts Volun teer Infantry, serving under Col. W. F. Bartlett, First Brigade, First Divi sion, Nineteenth Corps, with whioh he participated in some of the hottest bat tles of the war, inoluding Port Hudson, Donaldsonville and Plain Store, where he was wonnded. His time being out, he was discharged, but soon re-enlisted as sergeant in Company A, Sixty-first Regiment, Massachusetts Volunteer In fantry. He was in the battle of Hatoher's Run, the fight about Peters burg and the battle of Sailor's Creek. After his honorable discharge, June 4, 1865, Mr. Soaoe returned to Albany and settled down onoe again to his business and social interests. He has resided in the oity ever sinoe. It would seem that now, of all times, his peace and happiness would have been uninterrupted. Such was not to be the oase, for four years ago, while engaged in superintending the raising of the immense smokestack of the Albany Eleotrio power house, the lever of a loosened windlass struck him a heavy blow across the back. The effect of the blow was not at first apparent, he being able to leave his bed in a few days. But the worst was to follow, for without warning he was seized with soiatio rheumatism in all its virulenoe. Untold agony followed. Said Mr. Soaoe, . I could not sleep for the pain. No one will know the tortures the rheumatism gave me. I don't known how I lived during those days. I became little more than skin and bones, and it seemed' like life didn't have anything but suffering in it. Cures? ; I tried every so-oalled rheumatio cure that was ever invented. I gave all of them a good trial before I stopped taking them. My friends and neighbors recommended remedy after remedy that they heard of. but my rheumatism went on just the same. W ell, after I had almost had the life tortured out of me I came across a newspaper aooount of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I thought I might as well add another name to the list as not, so I ordered some of my druggist. 1 tell you, I was glad in those davg to hear of anything that oonld give me any hope at all. Yes, I got them, and before I had taken two boxes that pain began to leave me. Why, I oouldn't understand it. , I oouldn't imagine my self being oured. But before I had taken a half-dozen of those boxes I was oured. The suffering whioh had made my life almost unbearable for so Ions had disappeared. I was a new man. "I began to get strong. I pioked up in flesh, and I went back to my business with all the vigor and vim of a young man. I think everyone who knows me will tell yon what it did for me. Pink Pills is the grandest medi cine ever discovered, and if my recom mendation will do it any good I want yon to use it. I hope others will hear of it and be benefited as I have been. Everyone should hear of it. I can't say too much for them," Mr. Scaoe ex claimed, enthusiastically, in conclu sion. This ia but one of the many cases in whioh Pink Pills have taken suoh a benefioent part in the history of hu manity. Mr. Soaoe is now enjoying the fruits of an unusually large business, managed soieiy Dy nimseir, and cover ing almost the entire eastern portion of the state. Mr. Soaoe is also an ivory oaryer of marked ability, whioh You know coffee is used fresh - roasted Tea ought to be for the same reason the taste. Ours are the only tea firing works .in the United States; Schilling 's Best is always fresh-fired when it leaves our hands. A Schilling It Company 6aa Francisco f!t he follows solely for his own pleasure. Many little trinkets carved by the light of the camp-fire, attest his skill in this direction. Far from being solicited to recom mend the curative whioh had taken luoh a load of misery from his life, in his gratitude his praise for it is un stinted and unceasing. And from his own statement one may easily see that when he does oease to sing its virtues it will be to answer the las mustering in. ' - ' Dr. Williams' Pink Pills oontain, in a oondensed form, all the elements nec essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves They are also a speoiflo for troubles pe auliar to females, suoh as suppressions, irregularities and all forms of weak ness. . In men they effect a radioal lure in all cases arising from menta worry, overwork or exoesses of what ever nature. Pink Pills are sold in boxes (never in loose bulk) at 50 oentt box or six boxes for f 2. 50, and may be had of all druggists, or direot by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Company. Soheneotady, N. Y. CURRENT EVENTS. Cynthia (looking at photograph) Hi ram, Just turn your head a little. ' Hi ramYou have turned it already, Cyn Shia. New York World. He It's reported around that we are neaged. She Well, you know it's a mistake. He Yes; I called to see if 1 :ouldn't rectify It. Puck. Arthur Are you sure she loves you? Jack Yes. When I told her I had no money to marry on she asked me If :ouldn't borrow some. Puck. , Sometimes, ' said Uncle- Eben, "er man puts on er long face an' says he's discouraged when he's simply too lazy ter try again." Washington Star. She Everybody says you married 1 r 1 r t t, r I me uiiijr iur uij uiuuej. ne out i didn't, dear. I know you look it, dear, but I didn't. Indianapolis Journal. Her Father Has my daughter given you any encouragement, sir? Suitor Well, she said you were always a very generous parent Philadelphia Ameri can. Mame I hope , you didn't let. that Mr. Hugglns put his arm about you? Mabel Why? Is there anything the matter with his arm ? Washington Star. Mrs. Elmore I wonder how many Btops that new organ of De Smyth's has got?. Elmore Only three, I should Judge.' One for each meal. Buffalo Times. "I see they are applying ball bearings to a great many things now." "Yes; they have a ball bearing sign down where I keep my watch." Washington Times. ' : , Stern Parent You say he Is a genius. Geniuses seldom amount to much. Daughter But, pa, he promises that he will not work at It arcer we are. mar ried. Boston Transcript. Hoax Poor B Jones has to run all the errands and cook his own meals. Joax What's; the trouble? Hoax He was foolish enough to buy his wife a bir cycle. Philadelphia Record. When in the brassy skies above No hope nor help I see, . I gladly seek the girl I love She's always cool to me. -Cleveland Plain Dealer. i Spirit (at Lily Dale seance) Don't you know me? I'm the spirit of your mother-in-law. Investigator You can't fool me. My mother-in-law always brought her trunk with her. Buffalo Times. ' "I suppose you know all about the financial question?" said the Intimate friend. "I don't say that I know all 'about it," replied the candidate, "but I know enough not. to talk about It." I Washington Star. Miss Chllledame Don't you know that nature rebels against laziness? A ' man can get nothing in this world with 'out labor. Wresting Offen Humph! Can't he? He can git hungry, I guess. Harper's Bazar. Peasant I spoke to our herb doctor and he advised me that I should Doctor (interrupting) Oh, he gave you some Idiotic advice, I don't doubt Peasant He advised me to see you. Humorlstische Blaetter. "Has your wife learned to ride a wheel?" "Nup; but she has been tak ing cooking lessons, and about every morning she goes Into the kitchen and has a scorching competition with the cook." Indianapolis Journal. , "Isn't . it too bad about Charlie Newed? I understand that since his marriage he and his wife have been living from hand to mouth." "Oh, I guess they're all right. It's her fath er's hand you know.'WNew York Press. Nell Miss BJones uses French phrases In the most peculiar manner. Belle Does she? Nell Yes, Indeed! Why, at breakfast yesterday I asked her how she liked her eggs, and she said they were very chick.-rPhiladel-phla Record. "Have you got it on you yet?" asked little Petey of his sister's bestest best "W w what?" Inquired ' the three night a week beau.- "Why, a move. Sister said the other night she wished you'd hurry up and get a move on you."1 Philadelphia North American. "I say, captain," said a young Eng lishman onboard an American clipper, "that flag of yours has not floated in every breeze and over every sea for a thousand years, has it?" "No, It ain't," replied the captain, "but it has licked one that has." Youth's Compauion. Fenderson I consider It a good rule, and it's one I have tried to follow, to say bright things only once In a while; in that way my good things are remem bered. If I was all the time get tins oft bright things they wouldn't be no ticed. Fogg A very good rule; but. Fendy, don't you think you observe It too closely? Boston Transcript - , The Iron Dafcc. As the Duke of Wellington was stand Ing, one day, opposite his house In Plc dadllly, waiting an opportunity to cross the street an, entire stranger to him of fered his arm to the duke to assist him In crossing. Although Wellington bated assistance of any kind, he accepted the stranger's arm, and the latter, having secured a passage by signing to the drivers of the vehicles to, stop, con-, ducted the great man in safety across the street. "I thank you, sir," said the duke, releasing his arm and proceed ing to his house-door. But the stran ger, instead of moving off, raised his hat and delivered himself to the follow ing effect: "Your grace, I have passed a long and not uneventful life, but never did I hope to reach the day when I i might be of the slightest assistance to the greatest man that ever lived." "Don't be a damned fool!" responded the duke, and turned on his heel. Mazeppa Residence in Decay. The estate of Vaturino, the old histor ical residence of Mazeppa, the Hetmar of the Ukraine Cossacks, in the Gov ernment of Kieff, once famous for its beauty and splendor, has now fallen into ruin and decay. Blackwell's Genuine BULL DURHJl Yon will And one coupon Inside each 2 ounce Buy a nag, reaa me coupon ana see how to get j JL It's Pure j j , ill Cocoa is Pure it's all I MUjftl Cocoa r no filling no chemicals. WALTER BAKER & CO., Ltd., Dorchester, Moss. ' " "Big as a Barn Door' 5 For 10 cents vou as much "Battle Ax" as von dn nfl other high grade goods. Before the I days of " Battle Ax " consumers mtd JO cents for a small quality. JNow. " batt e Ax7' Hi vh- est Grade, , twice the true economy "We will Leave it Entirely In your hands." If you rjurchaHe a Herculks Uab oft Gasolink En- PjSoiKK, and If It does notdo all wesay- ll win, you can reiurn u at our Eense. Bend for Catalogue and Price list to American Type Founders' Co, Second and Stark St., Portland, Or. N As r r y. Or silver dollars invested iii Hood's Bar saparilla at this season will yield large returns in the greater strength and better health of mind and body which will fol ow the use of this medicine. A -run down system at the approach of colder weather will hardly be able to withstand the chilling blasts of winter. Hood's Sar saparilla makes rich, red blood, and strengthens the entire system. ' Get Sarsaparilla The best in fact the One True Blood Purifier. UnnH'e Pillc Cllre Liver Ills; easy to CiUUU S rtlia taite, easy to operate. 26c. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Feel Well." 5DLIVER PILLS ara the One Thine to una. Only One for a Dose. Bold by Druggists at SSo. box Samples mailed free. Addresa Dr. Bosanko Med. Co. Phila. Fa. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. bag and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag. your share of 1250,000 In presents. mm . set almost twice oW of the same quantity That's RlinFK WHi-UC an EISC 1115 Best Cough Byrup. Tastes Good. Use I m i:mew ooia py arnffffists. I P NTJ No. 672. 8. F. N. TJ. No. Y