The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 23, 1896, Image 3

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    r i Glacier
RJUJAY, OCTOBER 2;-!, 1800.
The mall arrives from Sit. Hood ot 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts "ie same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves aix A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at ii o'clock P. M. .
From White Kalmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Luke and Glen wood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. G. .V. R., meets at .School
House Hall, llrst Saturday of each month
u.t 2 o'clock p. m. AUG. A. II. members in
vited to attend. The ladies of the Relief
vorpa meet at same time in the adjoining
room, i
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
' M. P. Isknuero, Adjutant.
Waucoma Ixidfco, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
. . : V. H. Bishop, C. 0.
. Ji B- JlUNT, K. of R. A 8. -
Riverside Lodge, No, MS, A 0. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. F.Watt, Financier.
, H. Li Howls, ltecouler.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107,1. O. O. F., meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
. O. B. HAKTLKY, N. G.
- jL. B; Morsk, Sec'y. - ' .
Sweet apple-ckler at the bakery. ' ;
WrreaVlui'y for stileby Mt. S. & I,. Co.
Tin cans and wax strings at Dallas.'
Bed lou nges at S. E. Bart mess' for f 7.50.
Plenty of harness oil at the harness
shop now ,.
Captain Coo came up on last Tues
day's local. - ' .
Bert MeCrory moved to the Locks
Old papers, 2o cents a hundred, at
the Glacier orliee. , , '
The'hew' butcher shop opened up for
business last Saturday. j .
xFirst-class meals served t the bak
ery. Lunches at all hours. ;
Two small tract of land for sale
bargains. See T. It. Coon.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Batbs Hot and cold, or salt and
sodii baths at the barker shop.
Cash paid fur pine wood by the Moun
tain Stage and Livery 'Company.. .
New hats and new goods at Mrs. C.J.
Hunt's. Ladies, please call and see.
For Sale A good as new 45-00 re
peating rille, cheap. Call at this ollice.
Mrs. Kline, who was visiting her
sister, Mrs. Bone, returned to Portland
Mayor L. N. Blowers, wife and chil
dren "went to The Dalles Tuesday on
t he local.
Mrs. Grant Evans and child are both
getting better. Mrs, Maitie Oiler has
ti.een their nurse. ,
lieft'd the new ad of Williams &
Broskisand learn something about, the
JS'tw Century liemedies.
The Bryan headquarters is open at
all times at E. V. Husband's, where
campaign literature can be had.
' Mr A. Nollner, editor' of t lie Port
land Dispatch, passed through Hood
"Kiveron Tuesday's leea! train.
Saturday and. Monday will be our
igiiiiding days during the fall aid
. 'winter. Haebisun bnos.
,V. J. Campbell and Judge" Kent
x- went overland to The. Dalles on Tues
day -to bear Senator Tillman speak.
- Call at the Backet Store and get
knock down.- price on ail kinds , of
genis, ladies and children's underwear.
The fine weather of the past few
weeks has been favorable to the new
biii.diWs going up in town, and enn
tmclOis have rushed their work along.
Mr. E. E. Savage will be at the office
of K. L. Smith ou Saturdays prepared
to draw conveyances, examine abstracts
of title, write rire insuranco, negotiate
sales of real estate, etc.. .
JCext week the Glacier will be in
its new fjuarlei's iieross thestreet. Who
will bf 'Wl'e .first to pay his or her sub-,
scriptfeiiiv ' rDoii't- nil speak at once.
Comeieai'ly and avoid I lie rush.
M. P.' Isenberg addressed a McKinley
nieetiiig at White- Salmon Monday af
ternoon, and Fred Wilson ' of . The
Dalles addressed a like. - gathering at
the same place Monday evening. I
' In buying fruit trees, good roots are
the most important item to look after.
Tillett is careful, in taking his trees
from the nursery rows, and will not
send out any but well-rooted trees.
The O. Kv 'N, Oo's timetable for
Hood Kiver isjfbllows; , Westbound
overland, a. m. ; easttiound 'over
laud, 8;4'5. p'i tu.; local passenger east
bound, 10:55 a. m.; lotial passenger
westbound, 2:17 p. ni.
Write to Davenport Bios.' Lumber
Co. fiir delivered prices ou all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber, on hand, good arid dry. (Jail
and get our. caste prices' before purchase
jug elsewhere. - . -
The Darlington, Wis., 'Journal says
.editorially of a popular patent, med
icine: "We know from experience thivt
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Di
' arihoa i' all that is Claimed
for it. as on two occasions it stopped
excrutialing pains and possibly saved
us from an untimely grave. We would
not rest easy over night without it in
the house." This remedy undoubtedly
saves more pain and suffering than any
other medicine in the world. Every
family should keep it in the house, tor
lb is aiuo
For sale
1 Kbit.
to tie needed sooner or Int'r.
by .Williams it Brosius, dru
The Dufur.Dispatch denies the story
in our item of tw o weeks ago about the
grasshoppers'-'.-in that pait of 'WusSco
county and intimates tnat our inform
ant, Mr. 'B. Pealer, prevaricated or was
under t!ie influence of "tordrbug juice!'.
while in that neighborhood. Mr.Peal
er is not that kind "of a num. This
week he brought to this office a bunch
of twigs cut from cherry and peach -plum
trues in orchards on the divide
between Eight-mile and Fifteen mile,
and almost in sight of Dufur. These
t'vigs show plainly the ravages of the
i Iioppers. Mr. Peaier snys the orchards
at a distance look as if. I he trees were
dead, a nd he believes i most of them
will die. He also says the grasshoppers
rue quite numerous just beyond the
Hood Biver hills on the. road to The
Dalles, where they operate Ou (he ash
and maple trees, and be fears they will
Visit Hood River vallev next seasm.
WfN. West returned from a trip to
reports that Hon. Thos. Harlan of Ho
sier was billed to address a Bryan meet-
I ing at that place last Monday evening.
Great preparations were made to ie
j ceive him. A brass band was engaged
i and the Bryan club marched to the de-
pot carrying torches, bonfires were lit,
anvil, salutes were hred, and every
thing was done to give the speaker a
royal reception. The hour for bis ar
rival passed and still no speaker. In
quiries were made by telephone to The
Dalles and it Was learned that he had
left that place on a freight train due at
Arlington about 7 o'clock." But lie
failed to come and the big crowd was
disappointed. It was afterwards learned
that, when Mr. Harlan got as larosBu-
tus he learned that T. T. Geer was to
make a speech there that evening and
he stopped off to hear him speak.
The Travers literary elub met at Mrs.
Biirtmcs' last. Monday evening. After
the literary exercises the nentlemen
opened a millinery establishment and
'trimmed hats. Prof. Miller took first
prize and A. P. Bateham booby prize.
Mr. Barlmess was highly compliment
ed by the ladies on the talent displayed
in his work, and would have received
first prize if the committee hadn't
deemed it. .best to let the honors go
away from home.
' City Marshal Evans took up a three-year-old
colt last week, and last Satur
day it was sold at public auction to t he
highest 'bidder. Mr. Blocher bought
the animal for $2.00. The city marshal
had posted notices of the sale, and
made inquiries to find the owner, but
he was not . found till afler . the sale.
The animal proved to be - the property
of Mr. B. Warren, 'who-recovered, the
horse by paying Mr.; ' Blocher the
amount he paid at the auction.
The first half mile of the big ditch
will be completed, before the' .first of
November. The lumber is cut to .fin
ish t he first half mile. '' A half mile of
ditch will be completed-each month
while the weather is lit to keep the
force of men at work. . Twenty-eight
men are now at work. -lit the liead of
the ditch, and more are wanted. All
who want-to work out'theirditch stock j
should apply to Frank Davenport orj
. J l. iJistiop.-
. The building to be erected on the
present site of the Glacier office will
be occupied by Henry York with a
stock .of drugs and ' medicines, and
Hood Biver will have another drug
store! Mr. York came down from The
Dalles Tuesday .and commenced exca
vating for the work of removal of the
Told building. James A. Langille will
biive charge of the construction of the
new building.
The following persons went to The
l Dalles Tuesday to hear the speech
of Senator Tillman: Claude Copple,
Doug Paytoh, W. J. Campbell, Judge
Kent, Lee Morse, E.V. Husbands.H.A.
York, C M. Wolf'ard and wife, ("apt.
Jackson, Will Jackson, G. C- Sears,
('arl Johnson. Wm. Johnson, Marion
Cooper, Levi . Monroe.
The local train that passed" up Tues
day had moie celebrities aboard than
are usually found on one train. There
was Mayor Blowers, Lee Morse, M. P.
I sen berg, ex-Governor Moody, Tony
Noltner, Congressman Scluxinmaker
and Senator Ben Tillman, all in one
cur. .
Mr. .I. W. IlenrichWof. tins East Side
brought to this otlice last Saturday a
Baldwin apple that measures 14;
inches in circumference and weighs
just eighteen- ounces. - He said this
was about the average size of his Bald
wins For beauty of color and size this
apple is hard to beat. '
iiie new orticc tor the ulacikr is a 1
neat little building and will' tie quite I
an ornament to the street. J. C.
Dallas and eveyy one connected with
with its building deserves praise for the
good workmanship anil taste displayed
in its construction. .
Last Monday the governor belt at
Davenport's planer flew off' and the
cosine "run ayay" -and broke the balance-
wheel. in consequence, the
planer is stopped till repairs can be
made. - ' " ;'"
' A, letter was-dropped Info the Hood
River post office, during the week ad
dressed "'404 FTifih street" Junt. that
and nothing more. . Another wasdrop
ned in without any addiess.
L. N. Blowers and wife, M. P. Tsen
bcrg, W. O. Stranahan, E. S. Olinger,
Will Lluigille went ui) to hear F. X.
Sehoonmaker speak at - The Dalles
Tuesday' evening. . .
Politics are lively at White Salmon.
A citizen of that place informs us there
has been political speaking there near
ly every evening for t lie past two weeks.
Mr.. Joseph Purser informs us that'
there are now 15 acres in strawberries
on Hardscrabble ranch, and several
more acres will be set in the spring,
Messrs. Sears & Porter of the East
Side raised some fine squashes this sea
son. Two of them weighed 4!l and 4"
pounds, grown without irrigation. .
The Union Christian Endeavorso-'
cicty will hold their consecration ser
vices at the U. B. church next Sab
bath evening, nt 7.30.. .' ; ; .
The ladies of the Congregational
church will give a dinner at the
Champlin housc'on election day. Bill
of fare next week, .
Improvements at the Backet. Store.
Mr. Jackson lias a carpenter at work
putting in shelving for his fall stock of
goods. . ' - -
AThe Diamond' Mills at The Dalles
were paying 75 cents for blue stem
wheat, Tuesday lust, and 73 cents for
club. ' . -
1 C. IT. Cromwell and Dr. H. L. . Pow
er of Portland are in town to organize
an assembly of United Artisans. ,
A church notice mailed at The Dalles
October 18th, reached this ofilce Hon-'
day mornirlg, October 19th.
Of the 81 names drawn to serve at
the next term of court, 10 are said to be
from Hood Biver.- . ' ' . .
Mrs. Langille has been sick for the
pat few days, but is much better again.
M. A. Cook now offers that elegant
organ at half price on easy installments
Mr. Emile Schanno came down. from
The Dalles yesterday on the Bcguiator.
F. H. Button has taken up a stray
horse, a bay, with two white feet.
, Have you heard of Tucker's $4.25
all-wool suits? Bead his ad.;
Circuit court . commences- in The
Dalles Nov. 9th. - .
Mrs. C. il. Bone left last night, for a
visit to G rati Is.. - "
Flour has gone up to $4.50 a barrel
in Hood Kiveiv "''.'.'
Mrs. Iddings is reported sick.
Death of D. I. Rogers.
Daniel D. Bogers died at his home
two miles west of Hood Biver,. last
Sunday morning, aged 81 years and 8
months. Deceased came to Hood
Biver in the spring of 1878 and built
the first grist mill iu the valley, located
on Phelps creek. He was' born at
Troupsburg, Steubeu county, New
York, February 4y 1815. His aged wile,
now nearly 80, survives him. Two
sons, E. C. and Charles Bogers, out of
a family of ten children, are left withJ
the widow to mourn Ins loss.. Grand
father Bogers was a kind-hearted, in
dustrious old man, liked by his neigh
bors and respected by all. For the
past year or two his health has been
onif.K feeble, imf be kent no snd was
iutumt- rill u m-i.tiL- tv t.u-o hufhia Iiie
Lucy Foss Haskin, wife of Mr, Frank
Haskin, died at the Good Samaritan
hospital in. Portland, Oregon, October
15, 1896. She was the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. William Foss, born at Dan
ville, Illinois, September 17, 1872. The
family moved to Oregon in 1874, where j
they have since Jived.
When- but a
4-k . .. i
child she gave herself into the care and
keeping of the Good Shepherd. In
1888 she Was wedded to Mr. Haskin.
Two little boys, with a devoted hus
band and large circle of friends, mourn
her Joss; not, however, as those with
out hope, but with the assurance that
in God's good time the severed tie will
be united and broken hearts made
whole again . '
" She sleeps; yot far upon that crystal sea, .
Her heart is waking, waking, Lord, with
' Thee!"
- Married.
At Cloverdale, Oregon, October 14,
1S90, at the home of the bride's parents,
Dr. E. T Cams and Miss JVIartha E.
Gatchet. '
- Dr. Cams is Hood River's popular
dentist, and the happy couple have
taken up their permanent, residence
here. The Glacier joins in congrat
ulations. , , ' -
In Hood "River-, valley, Oct. 17, 189u,
to Mr. and Mrs. J. E. limns, a son.
In Hood River valley, Oct. 17, 1890,
to Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Lyon, a son.
When you get a good thing, keep it.
Ciderisa good thing, and when you
lay in a supply for the winter, keep it
from fermenting by using our Cider
Preservative. It will keep it pure and
sweet. It is perfectly harmless, and
a package, just the size for one 'barrel,
eoiits 25 vents tit. r
' ; Kood River Pharmacy.
The picture of McKinley looks like
Lyman Smith. , , -
Wm. Tillett shipped a carload of
wood yesterday from Viento. He .is
nmkiiig up another carload and will
pay cash for eight cords of fir or pine.
A Yt'oiiian'ji Idea of Politics.
Did you over hear such din and noise ,
In all your livelong days?
It's politics from morn till night,
And men are well nigh crazed.' '
Our platform is divided now.
In parties one, two, three: v" '
Some are asking for "sound rnoney,"
Some clamoring for silver free. .
, If you ask a man his politics,
- IIo'll slowly scratch his head; .
If a McKinley man he'll smile,
If a populist, talk loud instead; : ;;
A democrat draws down his face .
And looks so very wise,
. While solemnly he answers you,
"We never compromise."'
' The populists cry "Down with gold -And
bring the tariff low." 1 .'..
Their standard is 18 to 1,- '
: And say laborers have no show. : .
The gold bugs say high tariff ;
'.V ill bring us better limes; f
. And an international silver base
Will still furnish us dollars and dimes.'
Bryan speaks with eloquence .
Of the great tlnaneial curse.
And tliinks jrjen fools who advocate
Free silver will make times wuise.
The "lioy Orator" they call him, ,
A miglitier Ijincoln he . ' ' . '..'
Than the hero of our country
' Who gave us. our liberty.
Women are supposed to have . .
'. Much weaker minds thun men;
But for protection she will stand
: Talk It, too, nine out of ten;
Slio can see with half an eye .
What men can't seo with two. ' '
They'll have, to wdrk much harder
And make. less money. do. . ..
She may hot understand the power
;That "makes the wheels go 'round,"
Nor he able to discuss at. length,
A subject so profound. . '
But she knows McKinley is the. man
And for him sho would vote;
And strangle -foreign monopoly
By grasping free trade's throat.
If you aiJ populist,
Your head is full of wheels; '
If you are a democrat, . ' , .
You know how Bryan feels." . .
. For McKinley is ahead we know,
And soon will win the day; . . . .. .,
lie Js not opposed to silver,
But thinks gold is better pay.
Hood River, Oct. 23d. '
W. r. Pien-e is biliod to spptik for
the ck'Uiocrats at Hood Kiver, Oct 80th.
Church Notices.
Methodist Episcopal Church, II. K.,
Hi nes, D. 1)., Pastor Weekly services:
Sunday, 10 a. m., Sunday school; 11
a. m., preaching; "::i( p. m., Junior
League; 7 p. m., Epworth League; 7:45
p. m., preaching. Thursday, 7:80 p.m.,
prayer meeting. Everybody welcomed
to these services.
Congregational Church Bev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, Will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening
All who attend these services will be
made welcome. -
Sunday school at the' M. E. church
every Sunday, at 10 a. im A wel
come to all. Supt.
The Time to Subscribe.
The old newspaper saying, "Now is the time
to subscribe." was never more true-than at
present. The times are so full of incidi nt, so
many important national and state amiir
are shaping t hemselves for a change, that no
one can nliord to he without, a metropolitan
daily or weeKi-. ino st. louis uermuue. UK
greatest, democratic newspaper, is makiufr a
' spe" ' offer of its daily and Sunday paper for
l-three months at SI. 50. It is S( a year by mail.
The Twiee-a-Vv reek Republic is sent two times
aweea KH papers lor only one uollarayoar.
In addition to all the political news, it prints
every day a spread of general news and feat
ures noi equaieu by any oilier paper. .
-or women to travel for responsible estab
lished house iu Oregon. Salary 4780, payable
Sid weekly and expenses. Position perma
nent. Reference. Uncloso sol f-ad dressed
stamped envelope. The .National, Star liuil-j,-
ing, Cliiougo. . sep-l
For an AU-Wdbl Suit of men's clothing. AVill
take your mensure and suaranlee satisfac
tion. The American . Woolen Mills have two
or three thousand broken suits, that have
been selling for &S and up -arris, which they
now offer at. the above price. Call on me and
k;avc your measure for one of these suits
while the offer holds aood. which will be up
to the 1st of November.- I have received a
new sample book with new and reduced
F rices on everything. Also, do not foreet that
can supply teas, coffee and everything in
the grocery line of the best prrades and cheaper
than the cheapest. A little money buys a
heap of goods when you patronize
Fruit Ranch for Sale.
Eighty acres, ft miles from town, on county
road. About -100 fruit trees, mostly apple; 85
acres cleared; good improvements; H sliares of
ditch stock. Will sell 40 acres in tracts to suit
purchasers 5. 10 or 20 acres. Apply to '
o2d -.- H. 1;. CltArPER, Hood River.
la 'what this valley was made for, and the
growing of fruit Uws wl plants is what 1 am
here for. The' best. v;ir,M;tioM of Hood River
grown trees, and the larest stock of Hmall
fruits, etc., in the country, can be found at the
: H. C. Bateham, Prop'r.
' ; Pig'3 for, Sale. '
I have a nice lot of young pigs for sale. A
crass between Poland China and Bei-kvhire.
I'l-iee f 1.50. it. 1. OASTNKll.
Assessment No.
The Board of Director of the Valley Im
provement Company levied an assessment of
10 per cent on the subscribed stock at a meet
ing held- August 2-1. 189'i. The assessment is
due and pavable at the post ollice on Sept. 1st.
L. Ii. MOUSE, Treasurer.
'Strawberry Plants. 1
100,000 strawberry plants for sale. Taken up
and trimmed for $ I. '25 per 1,000.
sl8 - H. C. IIALD', Hood River.
My Photograph Gallery is open every Sat
urday. Popular prices. All work, warranted.
When not convenient to pay cash, will take
anything in trade I can make use of. i .
Kll V, K. 'i;iF: Hood Kivcr.
TiiricG' a-week Edition.
Eighteen pages a week, 150 papers a year. Is
larger thnu any weekly or seiai-weekly paper
published and is the only important demo
cratic 'weekly" published in New York city..
Three times as lar,-;eas the leading republican
weekly of New Vork city. It wilrbe of espe
cial advantage to you during the presidential
campaign, as it is published every other dav
except Sunday, and lias all the freshness: in i
timeliness of a daily. It combines alt inc.
news with a long list of interesting depart
ments, unique features, cartoons and giaphic
illustrations, the lalter being a specialty. AH
these improvement have been made without
a ny Increase in the cost, which remains at one
dollar per year.
We otter this uneqnalod newspaper and the
Glacier together one year for $2.15 cash.
I intend going East about Oetober S?Clh. All
debts and notes now line and notpae.i ia ...o
bythat date will be placed in the hands of an
attorney for collection. C. A. HKi.vI.
Ripans Tabules. ,; . ,
. Ripaas Tabules cure nausea.
. Ripana Tabules: at druggists.
- Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.
Ripaas Tabules cure headache.
Ripari3 Tabules cure flatulency. '
.Ripana Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ripans. Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tabules cur bad breath. .
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules: getlc cathartic
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation. i
;. Ripan'3 Tabules: for sour stomach'.
..' Here's a Bargain..
.Forty-six and one-half acres, 3f acres' In cul
tivation, 10 acres heing in orchard; ;;oo 8-year---old
nd VUCr 2-year-ohl appls trees; plenty of
eh!rrioK. jcuney, pears, peaehe.s, and n'inie:- .
fir.w sioal! ffijjts tor family use. Good farm
bvtiidinrii. besides a rod team and harnep,E-, .
wortJi TiO. ; One light and I heavy wason, 1
cow jvnd farming i i'o pi iments.. The best hr y
in Hood Kiver va'lev. PrieJiW eash. 01
on or addi-ess. J. Ii. HUNT, Hood Elver Or.
..iiB mmm "30?
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce .Bougnt and -Sold.
4 WI AM tS. It
Kitchon Furniture,
Pruninj? Tools. Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS is now located 'in Hood
Kivor. First-class work' at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Ollice in the Langille
House. jylti
All work given him will be clone cor
rectly and promptly. He lias a few
good claims upon which he can hcate
parties; Doth lurnnng aim timber lands.
February, 1894. .
Itepairod and all'kindsof
' Sold by '. .
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
Irrigating Notic. .
Owingj to the limited junonnt of wnter that
can be furniKhod tor jrritffitton, the Kood
Hi ver spring Wnttr Co. has adopted the
following regulations:
Parties living south of Oak street will irri
ate trotn 5 to 1) o'clock, p. m., and those liv
ing north of same street, fc-om 5 to 9 a. ni.
in irriifatintr.the regulation halt-inch riozzle
must he used mid tlie water applied in the
form of spray or sprinkle antl'in no other
manner. . . . '
. All water for irrigating must be applied and
paid for before using.
Any violation of t hese rules will subject, the
parties so offending to forfeiture of the privi
lege of irriaf he),
' Jul tf
Lessons in Piano Music. !
Miss Anna Smith has renumed the teaching !
of Music. Her prices are .OO'ctnts a lesson, j 10 i
..Harbison- Eros., Prop-as,
" Tvlanufaeturers of
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceieals ground.
;V Whole WheatGraham
' , - a specialty.
HOOP RIVER,- - - - -- -' OHKGON.
Mt. Hood. Saw Hills,
- TOMLIXSON BHO&., Prop're.
Of the best, quality always on hand at priees
to suit, the times. jy--i
Jintirey A
A brand Jutitc
Successor of the
" Vnabrldged."
Standard of the
TJ. S. Gov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
ot nearly ail the
Varinly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of , Schools,
and other Educa
tors almost with-
Si A Culierro President write: "For
ease -filth trbluh the eyo finds the ;
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The Ono Great Stnnrlnrrl Authority.
V. J. Brewer, Jnstiee of the U. S..
Supreme Conrt,write9 : " The International
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I commend It to ail as the one great staud-
5 ard authority.
1 - R?A saving of th ree cents per day for a
year wiil provide more than enough money gj
to pnrehaKO a copy of the International..
Can you afford to be without it? h
G. & C. MESRFAM CO., Fnblisliers,
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Freight Rates Greatly
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Low Rates to 'All East
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..Leave Portland every five days for ;.
K. McNEII.J.,.;Pres;dc'tit. '
For fu!! details call on O. R. & K. Agent,
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., W. H. HURLIilJirj;
; jen'i I'asy. A-ient, .
1 ' - . ' ' I'ortiand, Or. . '
G. T. Pkathek,
Notary Public.
.H.. C. Cok.
airu UluuiiiliuU
3 Oak St., bet. 2d and Sri.
We have lots, blocks and acrettpe in the
town of Hood Biverjiilso, fruit, hay ami oerry
farms and timber claims in the moi dewii h
hle iora.tion's in tlie valley. If you have any
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if yoii want to buy, give as a eall.
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We will aiso attend to legal business i!i jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents forJ3QUTH WAi:JM.t -property.
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, PRATH.EK & CO E, : '
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TS Becosvl St.,. :.
And Leaders ot Fashions.
The lar'eest nnd' rno.-if eomoletp ussorinient
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spect tstock nod gwt priees. -
Business Suits, ; .
' from $18 to $25."
,- Suits room $25 to f5tii
Chamberlain's E79 f.nd Skin Ointment;
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Rlieulii, Soald lie;ui, Sore Jiinnlcs, Cii!ppec
iiitnds, i.eliinT l'i!e?, 1'uniB, Frost Jiites,
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j For sul5 by druggUtit ut 25 cents lr box. 4
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- For putting a horse in a line heultliy con
(iition try J.):-. Cad.v's Condition Powilors.
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For Ettikf bv V illianis & Bi Oii'us.'