The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, October 02, 1896, Image 1

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    The Hood River Glacier.
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
NO. 19.
VOL. 8.
From All Parts of the New
World and the Old. :
' Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening! of tbe Fast Week
Called From the Telegraph Column.
Augustus Jaussand, a ranober, liv
ing near Tia Juana, Cal. , while draw
ing a loaded shot gun from his wagon,
was killed. ,
Gold has been discovered in paying
quantities on the farm of Babne Luoke,
near Gommanohe, la. ' An assay shows
about $18 aggregate value td the ton.
Thejdeposit is from six to twenty-five
feet deep. ' '
Manuel Gregory, colored, was shot
in Chattanooga, Tenn., while attempt
ing to rob a house. The bullet, fired
at a distanoe of twelve feet, struok
Gregory in the head and flattened out
as it if had been made of paste. The
negro is not seriously injured.
Hon. William Collins .Whitney and
Mrs. Edith S. Randolph, were married
at Bar Harobr, Me. It was an in
formal affair. There were no brides
maids and no best man. The entrance
to the ohuroh was a mass of roses,
laurel hydrangeas and potted plants.
D. M. Browning, controller of Indian
affairs, has made his annual ' report to
the, seoretary of the interior. He says
that with no outbreak or disturbance
during the year, the progress of the In
dians in general education andoiviliza
, tion has been uninterrupted and sub
stantial. The main effort now, as for
many , years, must be to put tbe In
dian upon his allotment, teach him to
support himself, proteot him from en
croachment and injustioe, and eduoate
his ohildren in books and industries.
The steamer Umatilla,, from San
Francisoo to Puget sound, struok on
the rocks off Point Wilson promon
tory, in Disoovery bayt near Port
Townsend. All of the passengers were
landed safely by means of small boats.
The starboard bow of the steamship
was stove in badly and the steamer is
leaking seriously, but rests above the
water supported on the ' rooks. The
cause of the disaster is attributed to
the fogs so prevalent in Northern wa
' ters at this season.
The Cuban junta has reoeived an
offer from an English . syndioate of a
, loan of $6,000,000 for $60,000,000
payable in twenty years. President T.
Estrada Palma and the other members
of the junta held a conference as soon
as the offer was received. The presi
dent was asked what aotlon was taken
and stated: , "We have taken no de
oided aotion as yet," he said. "We
' have reoeived a number of similar
offers' from bankers, who see that we
are almost oertain to win, and we
have them all under advisement. AVe
will probably accept the best terms, the
offer of the English syndicate seems to
call for a very large interest, but the
faot that they may never get it back
must be considered. During the last
year of the Mexican war for independ
ence Mezioan bonds sold for $3.50 on
the hundred."
In a collision between an express and
an excursion train on the Great East
ern railroad, near London, seventeen
bersons were seriously injured. .
A terrifio gale has swept the ooast
of the United Kingdom. The storm
played havoc with the trees in London
parks, and oaused great damage among
ooast and fishing craft The loss of
life is reported slight.
The Clyde line passenger steamer
Frederiok DeBarry, New York to Jack
sonville, was wrecked at Kittyhawk,
N. C. The orew of, seventeen men
were taken off by a life saving boat.
There were no passengers or cargo
In a pitched battle between a squad
of policemen and a gang of hoodlums,
at Philadelphia, Pa., Miohael Pizza
was shot and killed and five others,
three of whom were offioers, were seri
ously injured. The soene of the affray
was a dingy three-story brick house in
the heart of the Italian district.
Charles Pfeifer, living at Bright
wood, Ind., out his wife's throat and
banged himself. Both are dead.
Pfeifer was an operator on the Big
Four. The couple were married a
year ago and lived happily. It is be
lieved that Pfeifer was temporarily in
sane. The boiler of a ninety-ton ten-wheel
locomotive on the Big Four road burst
at Pekin, 111, hurling' the engine more
than 100 feet, partly demolishing a
factory, killing the fireman and break
ing nearly all the glass within a quar
ter of a mile of the soene. Pieoes of
the engine were pioked up 1,000 feet
away and one of the big drive wheels
was hurled 400 feet from the traok.
The turnpike rioters are out again
in Lawrenoeburg, Ky., and have de
stroyed twenty of the twenty-four toll
gates in Anderson oounty. The county
last fall voted to make the pikes free.
Proceedings for appraisement con
demnation and purchasing have been
made, but the people did not wait for
relief in that way. Under the laws of
Kentucky the oounty will have to make
good the loss and damage by the mob.
A Negro Boy's Awful Crime. .
One of the most heinous murders in
the history of Louisiana was oommitted
by a negro boy named John Johnson
in a farmhouse four miles south of In
dependence Joe Cotton, his wife, her
brother and two sisters were killed,
the first by a pistol shot and the other
four with an ax. The fiend who oom
mitted thii quintuple murder is a negro
boy who has been in the employ of
Cotton since April 3. He was allowed
to sleep in the same house. The mo
tive is a mystery, as no attempt at
robbery had been made. Tbe only
member of the family who esoaped
was little Maud Miller, 14 years old.
She darted from the house and gave
the alarm. ' She says she saw Johnson
begin the butchery by striking her
mother with the ax. The murderer is
still at large and is being traoked with
bloodhounds by a mob. He will prob
ably be lynohed if oaught. , .
One Killed, Three Injured.
' By an explosion of gas at the Phila
delphia & Reading Company's Middle
Creek colliery, near Tremont, Pa., five
men were burned. Two of the men
died two hours later from their in
juries. Two of the others cannot re
cover. ' Fatal Accident at Sea.
The ship Pythomene, from Sydney
whioh has just arrived at San Fran
oisoo, reports the death at sea August
18 of Henry B. Moyingham, an 18-year-old
apprentice, who fell from the
foreyard to the deok. He lived forty
eight hours, and was buried at sea.
Fisherman Indicted.
.' True bills have been returned by the
grand jury at Astoria against four
fishermen for inoiting to riot and as
sault with dangerous weapons, the
orimes being alleged to have been oom
mitted at Booth's oannery during the
reoent strike of the fishermen.
A Young Bear Hunter.
Louis Hartwig, a 18-year-old boy
living at Astoria, killed an, old bear
and a cub in the outskirts of that city,
after an ' exoiting battle with the
mother bear, in whioh the daring
young Bimrod narrowly esoaped being
killed. -
A Thouiand Armenian Killed.
It appears that a thousand Arme
nians have been killed in a recent
massacre at Egin, in the Kharpoot re
gion. It is reported that a hundred
Armenians have been killed at Divrig,
in the same villayet ,,,
Oil Tank Burned
Ten large tanks of oil belonging to
the Waters-Pieroe Oil Company,- of
East St. Louis, were destroyed by fire.
Many thousand barrels of oil were
burned, causing a loss of $40,000.
A Horrible Crime.
Joseph Bash, of Cleveland, O., for
some unknown reason, conoeived the
ghastly idea of killing his whole fam
ily, and, securing a crowbar, repaired
to the room where his wife and two
daughters were sleeping. With one
blow he crushed the skull of his wife
and then turned to the oradle of his
youngest ohild. The 19-year-old
daughter in another bed awoke and
sprang to arrest the fiend's arm, but
tbe blow fell aoross the infant's face.
A desperate fight between. father and
daughter took place. The girl's
screams brought assistance and the
man fled. The woman is at the point
of death, but the infant may live.
A Destructive Blaze.
The Missouri military academy, situ
ated about a mile south of Mexioo,
Mo., burned to the ground, causing a
loss of $75,000 on the building and a
heavy loss in personal effects. The
insuranoe is $87,000. Hundreds of
students were in the building when the
fire, broke out, but no lives were lost.
Many had narrow esoapes and received
injuries. The fire is thought to have
been of inoendiary origin
y Swift Vengeance.
James Hawkins, a negrj, outraged
a 6-year-old white ohild in Gretna, La.
When the officers attempted to capture
him they fired into' a crowd of negroes,
killing Alexander and Arthur Green.
Hawkins was later lodged in jail. A
mob broke through and took him out,
hanged him and threw the body into
the river; ". ' '-
i Rate Again Advanced.
The governors of the Bank of Eng
land have again advanoed the mini
mum rate of disoount one-half per cent
to 8 per oent. This is an advanoe of 1
per oent in less than a month. Good
authorities say that this will but tem
porarily oheok the large gold with
drawals for shipment to the United
States. ' '
Explosive In Church.
Three bottles of nitrio aoid, two bot
tles of sulphuric aoid, fourteen pounds
of glycerine; two vessels for the manu
f aoture of . explosives, some printing
type and some threatening letters were
found in an Armenian ohuroh in Con
A Schooner Lost.
The South sea missionary schooner
of the Josephites, Evanella, foundered
at sea, and the missionaries and orew
took to boats and were saved.
Preparing to Celebrate. .
Newfoundland is organizing to cele
brate the fourth oentennary of Cabot's
disoovery of the island, which occurs
next year.
One Person Cremated and
Several Badly Burned.
Escape From the Upper Boom Wa
Cut off Before the Inmate Real
ized Their Perilous Position.
Burke, Idaho, Sept. 80. Burke was
visited by a disastrous fire this morn
ing, which for a time threatened the
destruction of the town. Besides de
stroying over $10,000 worth of prop
erty, it resulted in the death of one
man and the narrow escape of seven
others, all of whom were more or less
When the cook at the Tiger hotel
left the kitchen for a moment, a pan of
grease on the range ignited, scattering
flames all over the kitchen.: Almost
like a flash the fire spread throughout
the lower floor. Before the sleeping
inmates of the hotel oould be alarmed,
the flames had oonmunioated with the
upper floors, outting off escape from
the stairway, except to a few who were
easily aroused.
A soene of intense excitement fol
lowed. Men ran from one room to an
other in their terror, seeking some
means of escape from the flames, whioh
were rapidly rushing upon them. But
few bad time to clothe themselves,
aside from their night wraps. In five
minutes' time the first and second
floors were all ablaze, and the frenzied
guests were compelled to seek the top
floor of the building, but not before a
number were badly burned.
The hotel is built upon the side of
the canyon, the ground in the rear be
ing only ten feet from the windows of
the third floor. The fire was almost
within reach of them when some one
bethought himself of this fact. Win
dows were dashed out and the im
prisoned and imperiled inmates suc
ceeded in esoaping by jumping to the
William Q'Mara, a miner, was over
come by heat and smoke before he
oould escape from his room, and per
ished before aid could reaoh him.
Later his body was found, with the
bead burned off. Those who had their
esoape out off and got out from the
rear were: Annie Johnson, domestio;
Joe Coburn and B. L. Searles, carpen
ters; Martin McHale and Patriok Mo
Hale, blaoksmiths; T. Smith and Abel
Danielson. Coburn and Searles are
seriously injured. The former is badly
burned about tbe head and body; the
latter, besides being burned, had three
ribs broken in jumping from the build
ing. Others are more or less burned
and injured, but not seriously.- All
the injured were taken to the hospital
at Wallaoe. .
In twenty minutes the hotel and all
its contents were reduced to ashes,
nothing being saved.
From the hotel the fire communicated
to a warehouse and shed adjoining,
whioh were oonsumed. .
But for the iron roofing on the oon
oentrator, it also would have burned.
The flume oaught from a spark, and
but for the prompt work of citizens in
getting water on it, the entire - town
would now be in ashes.
Te Tiger hotel was a three-story
building containing forty rooms, and
was the property of the Tiger Mercan
tile Company. It was put up at a oost
of about $6,000. Tbe furnishings oost
$5,000. Insuranoe to the amount of
$5,500 was oarried on the property. -
Ameiioan Planter Brutally Assaulted
by Spanish Soldier.
Santiago de Cuba, Sept. 80. Vice
Consul Hyatt has entered a protest in
the case of Peter Riveria, an Amerioan
planter maltreated by Spanish guerril
las on bis ooffee estate, at La Esper
anza, near St. Louis. During his pro
test to the Spanish offloer in command
of the guerrillas against the destruc
tion of his fence and . property by the
latter's foroes Riveria! was abused and
led out to be summarily shot. The
timely intervention of a Spanish soont,
who pleaded with the officer and
vouohed for Riveria's neutrality, alone
saved him. Even then the guerrillas
were so enraged that in defianoe of the
offloer's orders, they brutally beat Ri
veria with their machetes, and before
leaving his plantation tore down the
Amerioan flag waving over his resi
dence, warning him not to display it
again. '
All Americans, the guerrillas said,
were either Mambis or rebel spies, and
if not opnely aiding the revolution
were doing so secretly, consequently
they ought all to be shot wherever
found by Spanish troops.
Riveria was born in New Orleans.
He is of Frenoh extraction, and oame
to Cuba some years ago to - assume con
trol of his property, left him by his
grandfather who died in Martinique.
He is highly respeoted by the higher
finanoial element and is nowise suspect
ed of sympathy with the revolution.
. Tbe Spanish oolonel in oommand of
St. Louis, apologized to Riveria for
the outrage done him, and expressed
his personal regret at the insubordina
tion of the unruly guerrillas in the
field. . : -
Murderer Drowns Himself to Escape
Being Lynched.
Cleveland, O., Sept. 80. Just before
dark last night Edward Wald, a ship
carpenter, narrowly escaped lynching
at the hands of an infuriated mob of
West Side citizens.
Wald came home under the influence
of liquor, quarreled with his wife and
Anally struck her. Their 14-year-old
son, Edward, seized his father's arm
and entreated him to be quiet, where
upon the brute became enraged and
threw the boy down the stairway lead
ing to the street, a distanoe of twenty
feet. The little fellow rolled out of
the open doorway into the street, writh
ing in convulsions and frothing at the
mouth. Dr. Turner was summoned to
attend the boy, and a crowd quickly
oolleoted to revenge tbe brutal outrage.
The Rev. John MoHale, a Cathoho
priest, hastened to the scene and ad
ministered the last rites to the dying
Meanwhile the orowd increased to a
mob, which was goaded into fury by
the sight of the Atelpless ohild strug
gling in oonvulsiohs on the pavement
until tbe clamor lor revenge swelled
into an ominous roar. Forty men
forced their way into the house to.drag
out the inhuman father and others
were dispatohed for a rope. Wald had
looked himself in a bedroom. The
door was broken open and the brute
dragged into the street, fighting des
perately. The polioe arrived before the
rope appeared. The mob gave battle
to the polioe determined not to allow
Wald to escape them.
During the sorimmage the prisoner
broke loose from those who were hold
ing him and ran away down an alley
toward the river. ' The mob was close
at his heels, and when the f ugutive
reaohed the river he plunged into the
cold, muddy water of the Cuayhoga
and was drowned. The boy will die,
and the wife's injuries may also prove
fatal. -
- 1
A Spanish Scheme to Prevent Future
' Havana, Sept. 80. The Spanish
press of Havana is engaged in a heated
editorial discussion of the proposition
to expel from the island all Cuban ne
groes, as soon as the triumph of the
Spanish in the present struggle shall
be assured,and will follow up this step
by enoouraging white immigration
from the poorer provinoes of the island.
The negroes would be allowed .to vol
untarily embark for ports of the United
States and Central and South America,
but failing to so leave after reasonable
notice, would then be forcibly trans
ported in government ships to the ooast
of Africa. With their departure from
Cuba, it is alleged, the future peace of
the island would be assured.
El Commeroio, a conservative Span
ish organ, defends the black man and
maintains his right to remain here un
molested while certain liberal papers
give taoit approval to the proposition
for his expulsion. Negro labor will
be indispensable, the Commeroio de
clares, in the agricultural construction
of the island after the war Bhall be fin
ished, and the blame for the present
revolt, it says, cannot .be laid exclu
sively at the blaok man's door, those
really responsible being his Cuban and
alien leaders, whites and mnlattoes:
Butte Now Without a Place of Amuse
ment. Butte, Mont., Sept. 80. Maguire's
opera-house, erected at a oost of $50,
000 and opened to the public only
seven years ago; is tonight a mass of
ruins, as a result of a disagreement
among the stockholders, and the oity,
with a populaiton of 45,000, is without
a plaoe of amusement. James A. Mur
ray has been deoreed by the supreme
oourt to be the owner of the building.
There were numerous judgments for
mechanics' liens, and the Grand Opera
House Company was given the ground
under a mortgage. The oompany re
fused to buy tbe house at any price,
and also refused to sell the ground,
and this morning Murray put a big
force of men to work to tear down the
handsome building, and tonight little
but the walls remains.
Very Successful Beginning Made ;Yes
' terdav in North Yakima
North Yakima, Sept. .80. The
Washington state fair opened today
with a greater attendance than ever
before for the first day. The pavillion
exhibits, while very creditable, are not
all in place yet, and there is a busy
scene in that department. The excur
sions from the Sound and other points
will not arrive until Wednesday, but
the advices indicate that they will be
larger than ever. .
To Survey Klamath Reservation.
Washington, Sept. 80. The presi
dent appointed William H. Callman,
of Rich Hill, Mo. , and Ivan D. Apple
gate, of Klamath Falls, Or., commis
sioners to investigate and determine as
to the correct location of the boundary
lines of the Klamath Indian reserva
iton in Oregon,' and such other duties
as are provided in the Indian aot of
June 10, 1896. .
Gladstone's Solution of the
Turkish Problem
Better Received on the Continent Thai
In England The Turkish Ships
Are Near the Bosphorus. '.
London, Sept. 29. The wearisome
Armenian question has almost absorbed
public attention during tbe week.
The proposal of Mr. Gladstone to with
draw the Birtish ambassador from Con
stantinople and dismiss the Turkish
amabssador here, is disousssed by all
the newspapers, but finds little favor,
and is looked upon as being simply a
polioy of crying "boo," which will
have absolutely no good effect upon the
All eyes are now tunred toward Bal
moral, where the arrival today of the
Marquis of Salisbury, it is hoped,
marks a turning point in Great Brit
ain's position towards the powers.
The British ' premier will stay several
days at Balmoral, and there is little
doubt that he will utilize his time in
endeavoring to win from the ozar a
recognition of the disinterested charac
ter of Great Britain's polioy toward
Turkey, and arrange a basis for joint
aotion, which will render further mas
saores impossible.
On tbe Continent Mr. Gladstone's
speeoh was received differently in the
various countries. The French press
expressed unusually favorable opinions
of it and even the notorious Anglo
phobe organ gave it a generous praise.
The Libre Parole describes it as tbe
finest Mr. Gladstone has ever made and
one vchich stigmatizes most magnifi
cently the orime of European diplom
acy in past years. In faot, the com
ments of the press generally indicate
that France has at last awakened to the
enormities of Turkish rule, and she
will welcome an understanding be
tween Russia whioh will enable them
to take joint and effective action at
In Austria and Germany, however,
tbe newspapers scoff at Mr. Gladsotne's
proposal regarding the ambassadors,
which is characterized as fanatical and
The remarkable violenoe of the Eng
lish agitation whioh has been oonduot
ed against the sultan is shown by tbe
oharacter of the epithets which have
been hurled at him by the usually moderate-speaking
English people. Mr.
Gladstone's epithet of- "the great as
sassin" seems to have set the fashion,
the Duke of Westminster following
with 'fiend inoarnate," Earl Spencer
preferring "representative of a diaboli
cal and atrocious government. " '
The term applied by William Wat
son, the poet, "Abdul the Damned,"
in his series of sonnets on the Armeni
an question, perhaps finds the most
frequent repetition of any of them.
The press is not behind in its sensa
tional dealings with the subject by the
most lurid headlines in the newspapers
and posters to advertise them. The
Chroniole is printing a series of "mur
der maps" on the subject.
Miss Willard's Appeal.
Chioago, Sept. 29. A cablegram
from the London ' International
Women's Christian Temperanoe Union
says Miss Frances E. Willard sent out
the following call to the 10,000 local
unions in the United States: .
"Comrades: Theoup of wrath is
full. In these two terrible years, when
the massacre of the innocent had been
done under the eyes of our paralyzed
rulers in Christian lands, we have
thought men alone could help, but it
is women who are dying two deaths in
the bloody East, and we, their sisters,
cannot longer wait - You have nobly
responded to my earlier appeal in the
name of Christ and humanity, of home
against harem, and I earnestly and ten
derly call upon you to organize meet
ings in every locality, urging our gov
ernment to co-operate with "England in
putting a stop to the massaores and giv
ing protection henceforth to Armenian
homes. Let those meetings be ad
dressed by pastors, business men and
the most capable women. Let money
be raised by systematic visitation as
well as by collection, and forwarded to
our national treasurer, Miss Helen M.
Barker, Woman's temple, Chioago,
and may God deal with us at least as
we deal with our Armenian brothers
and sisters and thejr little ones, in this
hour of their overwhelming calamity.
Yours for God and home and every
lanS. Frances T. Willard."
At the Mouth of the Bosphorus.
Berlin, Sept. 29. The Frankfurter
Zeitung's Constantinople correspond
ent confirms the report that tbe Rus
sian Black sea fleet has been cruising
at the mouth of the Bosphorus. Com
munication with the Russian embassy
at Duyukbere is maintained by oarrier
pigeons. -
The porte has forbidden the circula
tion of any foreign newspapers contain
ing Mr. Gladstone's speech at Liver
pool Thursday . .
A serious outbreak of Bubonio plague
has ooourred in Bombay, 800 deaths
having already ooourred..
downing, Hopkins' & Co.' Review of
Trade. ,
Portland, Or., Sept. 80. The wheat
situation is gradually hardening, and
there is a steady inorease in confidence
along the line. - Operators who were .
not inclined to take the buying side
three weeks ago, when prices for De
cember were around 58c, have during
the past week become convinced that
the market has intrinsic value, and have
bought at 61o and above. Since the
first of September prioes have advanoed
nearly 10 cents. ' It has been mainly
owing to the situation being the strong
est in years. In faot, the position of
the wheat market as to the demand and
supply has not been as strong in years.
There is everything favorable ; , for
higher prioes.
Liverpool led the market last week,
and since the first of the month prioes
there have advanoed faster than 'here.
Traders have waited for years, for the
foreigners to take the initiative on the
buying side, and, as they have accept
ed about all the cash lots offered, and
also bought futures both in Chicago
and at the seaboard, tbe bull feeling
naturally inoreased, and prioes here
advanced about 5'c, and at Liverpool
a trifle more. Foreigners have lighter
supplies than for years, and within the
past three weeks have largely replen
ished them. There is also a sharp de
mand for all the oasb offerings at Chi
cago, millers and elevator men buying.
About all the hard winter has been
sold, and Kansas City parties, who
have sold a great deal in the past, are
now offering none, and hold the wheat
at a price that prevents Chioago buy
ers from getting it. . At Galveston,
there is abont 1,000,000 bushels, await
ing shipment, but as steamers are
scarce there is a delay in the export.
All the ocean-room at the Atlantic
ports has been engaged np to about the
first of the year, and rates to Liverpool
advanced 4 Jd from New York.
We are exporting at the rate of over
8,500,000 bushels wheat and flour per
week whioh aooording to the most care
ful estimates of supplies will , take all
our surplus before the end of the pres
ent cereal year.
From January 1 to September 1 1
they aggregate 100,000,000 bushels
and exceed last year for the same time
11,000,000 bushels. We are shipping
to Europe more than any other coun
try and will oontinue in the lead for
months so that gold will oomethis way
from Europe freely. The American
visible supply of wheat shows a de
crease of 940,000 bushels from lastjweek,
now totaling 48,715,000 bushels.
Turned a Wedding Feast Into a Shoot
' ing Party. ,
San Farnoisoo, Sept. 80. Yesterday
afternoon Frank Carnivalli and Filo
mena Campologni were married. '
Shortly afterward the bridegroom
fired into the wedding party, seriously
wounding one of the guests and scatter
ing the others in all directions.
The wedding party had adjourned
from the ohurch to the house of the
newly married couple to join in tbe
wedding feast. The health of the
bride was toasted, then that of the
groom. The wine oup passed freely
and the meiry jest. Things were go
ing along famously when George Zitka
did sometihng whioh displeased Carni
valli. He also said something intend
ed to be funny, but Carnivalli failed to
see the joke and from the pistol pocket
of his wedding garb produced a big re
volver. Leveling it at Zitka, he jtulled
the trigger twice.
The doors were not big enough to
give exit to the affrighted guests as
hastily as they obose to leave. The
bride and her female friends fainted.
A policeman arrived at this juncture
and arrested Carnivalli for assault with
intent to commit murder, while Zitka
was taken to tbe reoeiving hospital,
where it was found that he had been
hit by both bullets, one having entered
his right side, the other shattering his
right wrist.
A Terrible Crime.
Newport, Ark., Sept. 80. The dead
body of a girl was found in the river
near Jaoksonport two weeks ago, and
her identity until today was a mystery.
Today, it was learned she oame from
Foromsa, Van Buren oounty, and that
just before election day had nineteen
men arrested for assault. ' When the
oase came up, her testimony was so
horrible that offioers doubted her state
ment, and discharged the prisoners.
Since the finding of the body, evidence
has been seoured which reveals the
truth of her statement, and show that,
she was outraged and afterward mur
dered by some of the men whose arrest
she had caused,
. Tom Watson Threatened.
, Nashville, Sept. 30. An Amerioan
speoial from Atlanta says: "Tom Wat
son has given out an anonymous let
ter, purporting to come from Cali
fornia. In part the letter reads: .
" 'If you had a partiole of manhood
about you, you would have resigned
long ago, when you saw that you were
not wanted. ' One hundred of 'us have
sworn to put you off the tioket, if you
do not go off of your own accord before
Ootober 15. A word to the wise is
"General opinion is that the letter is
a praotioal joke.." r . 1