The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, September 25, 1896, Image 4

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    Sales naturally result from the (treat merit whlea
makes the thousands ol wonUerful cures by
' The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. H.
Hood's Pills cure all liver 111a 26 cent.
Wealthy Tutti-Frutti Maker Sued for
Breach of Promlae.
,- Among the most success! ul entertain
erg on the Eastern vaudeville gtage is
Miss Myrtle Thurlow, who though but
20 yskrs of age, haibeen somewhat of
a public favorite for gome five or six
years. Recently she commenced suit
' againit Thomas Adams, Jr., the chew
ing gum millionaire, for$100,000 dam
ages, charging him with having broken
his promise to marry her. The fact
that Mr. Adams already has a wife
does not aeem to have deterred Miss
Thurlow from instituting legal proceed
ings. The plaintiff, who Is a tiny per-:
. son, with fair hair, regular features,
and soft blue eyes, is reserved of man
ner and gentle of tone until she gets to
discussing what she calls the perfidy
. of the wealthy gum maker. The latter
asserts that the suit Is simply an at
tempt at blackmail. This Miss Thur
low and her -mother indignantly deny.
The young woman's eyes snap when
: she speak of this charge. Adams, she
says, visited her often and sent her a
great many letters full of endearing
, phrases. At length she discovered he
wag already married and had a fam
ily. He assured her, she says, that he
- would soon obtain a divorce. This he
, appears to have failed to do, and the
, result is the suit for breach of prom
ise, '
A Lad of Bellevue, Kentucky, Has a
Queer Birthmark.
A 10-year-old boy in Bellevue, Ky.,
hag on his back the Imprint of a hand.
It is a birthmark and Is not discolored.
It is as if a fair-sized hand with longlsh
fingers had struck the flesh when It
wag soft, but Instead of being an In
denture It is gently embossed on ti
boy's person. At the ball of the thumb
two or three of the lines that are run
Into the palm are slightly marked, but
the line known as the life line is the
clearest and longest. Two 'attempts
have been made to photograph the
hand on the boy, but the slight em-
bossment causes some sort of disturb-!
ance go that the negative secured gives
little idea of a hand. The boy is not;
sensitive about the Impression on his!
body, but there Is a compact that his'
name shall not be given out.
Let . any man lose a good office, and,
become poor, and he has many of the
symptoms of an anarchist.
A Sugar Coated Conscience.
United States Treasurer Morgan has
received the following letter from West
ville. Conn., inclosing 80 cents in post
age stamps :
' 'I was a soldier at the time of the re
bellion. I was on guard over the com
missary stores and thoughtlessly took
lumps of sugar from an open barrel to
eat I did not tae much in quantity,
but violated the principle of striot hon
esty.. It is impressed upon me after all
, these years that I ought to make resti
tution. I send postage stamps to cover,
I think, the value of all that I took,
. with interest" . ' ;
The stamps were turned into the con
science fund. Washington Post '
r ItobtDg BDd Blind, Bleeding or FrotrndinK Pile, yield at saM (
' DR. BQ-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. 8u. itck-
, ins, slrtorb. tumor.. A positive oure. Circular, .rot freo. Frio
too. llruul.uorsulu UU.llUHA.MvO. f Ua.. Pa.
iv s" iiiniro uiiunr ail rici CaiiQ
Best Cough byrup. Teui Goo4. tN
threatened Aaaault of Striking Miner.
Bas Begun.
Leadville, Sept. 22. At 1 o'olook
this morning, three heavy explosions
aroused the sleepers in the eastern part
of the oity for blocks around the Coro
nado mine, wbioh is the one that first
resumed operations, and which was
heavily barrioaded, and well stocked
with provisions and arms.
The explosions were followed by a
fusilade of rifle shots, apparently from
within the barricade, and rapid but ir
regular shots from the outside, ap
parently from a widely soattered at
tacking foroe, who were on hand to
proteot the retreat of the dynamiters.
' The shooting lasted for ten minutes,
and all was silent for about five min
utes, when desultory firing was re
newed and kept up until daybreak.
: Ten minutes after the first explo
sion, a telephone message from the
'Uoronaau bjihwju wjuu uuuuuj uibiu.
ibarrioade had been injured.
The telegraph offloe is watonea Dy
several bands of men grouped in dark
corners and alleys, and this may mean
they propose to prevent any communi
cations. The oity is in a panio of fear.
County and oity offloials are out look
ing after the work of the polioe and
sheriffs. Bullets frequently whistle
over the offloe from whioh this message
is being sent. x
At 2 o'olook a fire has broken out
and is believed to be the oil tanks in
side the barrioade at the Coronado
shaf thouse. A telephone message just
received from the mine says that none
of the defenders have been hurt as yet.
1 2:10 A. M. The sights and sounds
beggar description. All the whistles
in the oity are blowing,' and two or
three steam sirens add disoord to the
dark night's alarming ohorus. The
sharp oraoks of rifles punctuate the
tooting at irregular intervals.
Citizens have gone to the soene with
whatever arms they oan gather, and a
militia oompany bas just marohed to
ward the Coronado under arms.
The whistle whioh calls out all citi
zens: in case of emergency , has just
sounded, and the, streets are full of
rushing men, crying women and chil
dren. v
2:15 A. M. Another heavy explo
sion has just ooourred. Five minutes
ago, the Coronado telephone bore the
message that the defenders were too
busy to answer questions.
As soon as the fire broke out, the fire
department went to the soene and the
flames seem to be dying out, indicating
effeotive work by the firemen.
It is said that a fireman named
O'Keefe, when he started to turn on
water at the fire, was shot. Shots are
still heard at infrequent intervals.
8:00 A. M. The first Herald-Democrat
reporter to return from the fire
states that besides Fireman O'Keefe
two unknown men are dead. Be can
not tell as yet bow many have been
wounded, and is not sure that this is
the list of dead.
8:10 A. M. It is now reported that
John Mahoney, who works at the Big
Four, while on his way from the mine,
and near the Emmet mine, was shot
through tha stomach and is believed to
be - dead. Another man had all his
olothing torn from bis body, but es
caped with his life.
The miners' strike, of wbioh to
night's lawlessness is. the outcome, be
gan three months ago yesterday, when
at 11 o'olook at night the men in two
or three of the leading mines walked
out. The nnion scale of wages in
Leadville was $3 for everybody, but in
1898, when the prioa of silver dropped
below 60 oents an ounoe an agreement
was made that $2.50 should be.accept
ed for some olasses of work until sil
ver should return to 83 oents. Tins
agreement the miners afterward de
blared was nnfair, as many of the
mines paid, large dividends. It was to
enforoe the original scale of f 3 that the
men struck. About 8,000 men were
involved. Within the last two weeks
several mines have resumed work, and
this week the output has been 1,200
tons daily, against 2,000 tons before
the strike.
A dipsacth from Denver states that
Governor Molntyrs has ordered out the
entire state militia to quell the riot.
A Startling Discovery Made in a Chi
cago Lodgiug-House. -
Chicago, Sept. 22. Joseph Bestman,
said by the police to be an anarchist,
left at 18 Sedgwiok court three years
ago this fall, a trunk oontaining suffi
cient dynamite to have destroyed an
acre of property in Chicago, and to
have killed hundreds of people. The
discovery was made by aooident. . Best
man was not found, but the polioe re
ceived information in the afternoon
that he is living in Dallas, Tex. , and
wired the ohief of police there to arrest
him at onoe. The discovery of this
enormous' quantity of explosive ma
terial and the story of Bestman him
telf, so far as now known to the polioe,
brings to light a tale of anachistio plot
tings suoh as Chioago has not revealed
sinoe the dark days of 1885, when
the existenoe of the oity was threat
ened, and Spies and his oomrades were
swung on the gallows for the bomb:
throwing at the Haymarket massacre.
Muoh correspondence with the con
demned anarchists was also found.
London and Liverpool are both at
the level of the sea.
An Engineer's Carelessness.'
San Franoisoo, Sept 22. The tug
Ethel and Marion was sunk this morn
ing, owing to the carelessness of her
engineer, who attached a hose to her
water tanks and then went off up town.
Before he returned the tanks and hull
were filled, and the tug is now at the
bottom of the bay near the wharf where
she was moored. v -
It is estimated that a lightning flash
is only visible 1-20,000 part of a
seoond. ,
To Prison for Life.
San Francisco, Sept. 23. Olivet
Winthrop, the chief conspirator in the
abduotion and robbery of James Camp
bell, the Hawaiian millionaire, was
this monring sentenced, to life im
prisonment for his crime. ' Cambpell
was one day last month inveigled into
a cottage at the west end of California
street where he was robbed of all the
money he had on his person and kept
for two days, the robbers, of whom
Winthrop was the leader, making re
peated attempts to foroe the aged' mil
lionaire to pay a ransom of $20,000 to
seoure his release. This Campbell re
fused to do, and the conspirators finally
released their victim for fear of being
detected in - their crime. Winthrop
was subsequently arrested, at the insti
gation of Camnbell, and was tried with
the above result
Would Set. Bp a Republic,
' New York, Sept. 28. It is whisper
ed around the oity that an influential
and farramifying conspiracy exists to
overthrow the dynasty of China and es
tablish a republic While the Chinese
empire is in no imminent danger, there
is an organization with headquarters
in New York which has for its ulti
mate object its overthorw, but will
oontent itself for the present with an
agitation looking to the betterment of
the Chinese people. This organization
has its headquarters in New York and
a large and influential offshoot in San
Francisoo, and branohes in every oity
where Chinese abound. Its members
are banded by solemn oaths, and no
Chinese are admitted who are not in
telligent and of good moral character.
, Ei Crane's Suicide.
Rochester, N. Y., Sept 82. Ed
Crane, onoe a noted pitcher of the New
York ball team, committedj suicide at
the Congress Hall hotel here last night
by taking a dose of chloroform. Crane
had been in hard luok of late years,
and was penniless and despondent.' He
was 82 years of age. A widow and
one child survive him.
Serious Times Ahead for Soma of the
' Western Lines.
Chicago, Sept, 23. Unless the stock
holders of the Western roads soon take
aotion similar to that which resulted
in the formation of the Joint Tariff
Association among tha trunk lines of
the East, there are serious times ahead
for some of the Western lines. The
situation among Western roads has
never been worse in their history than
it is today, and it is telling severely on
their revenues. Eaoh line is putting
in reduoed rates to seoure business as it
offers, and indications are that rates on
all commodities of oonsequence will
soon be down to bedrock. The daily
bulletins issued by the agent of the
roads in 'Washington show that the
tariffs issued are failing in their reve
nues to the roads, and in the opinion
of some of the conservative traffia offi
cials of the Western roads, the only
thing that will remedy the situation is
aotion by the owners and investors in
the road and a demand that the presi
dents take aciton that will, in a short
time, end the demoralization.
The Western Freight Association is
the latest oragnization of the roads in
freight matters, and Commissioner
Midgley, of that organization, found it
necessary to issue last week a personal
appeal to the roads to inform his office
at this same time the information is
sent out to the interstate pommerce
commission, of the proposed reduoed
rates. Numerous instances have oc
enrred where members of the association
have given the commissioner no notice
whatever of their intention to cut
rate and his information has come
from the agent at Washington. He
asked the roads, to notify him simul
taneously with the notiog sent tP the
commission, and to continue the prac
tice until better conditions can be in
augurated. One of the prominent
offloials of one of the great Western
lines said today: -
''I am eonvjnoed that if the stock
holders and investors do pot interest
themselves in this matter before Jong,
some of the lines will have great diffi
culty in avoiding bankruptcy."
Tha Public Throngs the Great Expo
sition Building.
Portland, Or. , Sept. 22.The Ore
gon Industrial Exposition was opened
Saturday night amid a blaze of splen
dor and glory that more than insured
its snooess, and the verdict of the pub
lio which attended, 8,000 strong, was
that it merited the claim of being the
greatest and most attractive exposition
ever held in the Northwest. This ver
dict was not difficult to arrive at, as
the marvelous transformation that the
big building ,has undergone has made
it a hundred fold more attractive than
the bleak, barrack-like struoture, light
ed by "glarish aro lamps, that is remem
bered of former years, The people
weie surprised; the new music hall
and the new promenade surprised them
exceedingly, but it was , an agreeable
and happy surprise, and they went
away delighted. Mayor Pennoyer for
mally opened the exposition with a
brief address,, and pressed the button
which started the machinery in motion.
The fair will oontinue until October
17, and the various nights will be re
plete with attractions.
Four Powder Mills Blown T7p.
; Springfield, Mass., Sept 82. Four
powder mills at Hazardville, Conn.,
were blown up today. Lightning
gtruok one, causing the explosion. No
one was killed or injured. Thousands
of panes of glass were broken in town.
Sixty Cents in Trade for Wheat, .
Mosoow, Idaho, Sept. 21. Mercan
tile firms of this oity are offering sixty
cents a bushel in trade for wheat.
The oash prioe is thirty-six oents.
Wheat is pouring in here.
Octave Chanute's Int ention Has Proven
a Great Success.
Chicago. Sept. 21. The first free
test of . Ootave Chanute's albatross
soaring machine, invented and oon
straoted by William Paul, was made
ac Miller, Ind., last evening under fa
vorable conditions, while the machine
was heavily loaded with ballast, so as
to prevent it from flying any great dis
tance, and was anchored by four ropes,
each 200 feet long. The three points
whioh the trial was to deoide, first, as
to whether it would leave the chute
-ivenly; second, whether it would right
itself in the air; third, whether, when
it commenced to desoend, it . would
move downward slowly, and alight
easily, were all determined in a manner
gratifying both to the inventor and
owner. The flight was less than 100
feet, hut the descent and final alight
ing on the sand were as graceful and
even as though the bird from whioh
the machine was patterened.
The trial proved the maohine perfect
ly safe, a proof which was the more
acceptable, inasmuch as it has been
asserted that the maohine was danger
ous, and that an attempt to fly would
be sure to result in death to the operat
or. Another test will be made soon
Broke the World's Record for a One
Hour C orapetition. Paced Race.
New York, Sept. 21. James
Michael, the Irish wonder, smashed all
the American reoords for one-hour com
petition (paced) raoe this afternoon at
the first annual national circuit meet
ing of the Quill Wheelmen at Manhat
tan beaoh. Twenty-seven miles and
1,690 yards stands to the oredit of the
foreigner for one hour, but Frank Star
buck, of Philadelphia, was only thirty
yards behind him at the finish, And
only for some bad blundering on the
part of his pacemakers shortly after
the fifth mile,' would have given
Miohael the race of his life. Starbuok
lost a little more than a half mile in
the early part of the contest by having
no pacemakers, but in the last twenty
minutes even at the terrino gait both
were traveling, snooeeded in ,not only
passing his competitor as they spun
around the track, but had nearly caught
him at the finish, having gained over a
lap and a half. " Some of the credit of
this wonderful exhibition of enduranoe
and speed was due to Starbuck's paoe
makers, who. evidently tried to make
up for their early blundering, and in a
gieat part succeeded.
Remarkable Performance of Star Pointer
at Mystic Point. .
Medford, Mass., Sept. 21. - Star
Pointer, at Mystio Point,' this after
noon, not only beat two aooredited
faster borsesKobert J. (2:01 and
Frank Agan (2:03) but paced the
three fastest heats ever made in compe
tition, the time being 2:02 , 2:03 13
and 2:03, an average of 2:03. He
also lowered the world's reoord for the
fastest heat ever paced 2:02 3
well as the reoords for the fastest quar
ter and half 29 and 59, respec
tively. The race between the three
pacers was phenomenal, for, while in
the first heat Robert J. was beaten by
ten lengths, in the next two he was
close on the leaders, coming in second
in the third heat. Frank Agan in the
whole raqe was never a length behind,
and at one time was a nose to the
good. Star Pointer, however, man
aged to go under the wire first in every
heat, and must have had something in
reserve, for MoCarthy never raised bif
whip in the three timea,
3, B. Perry Found Guilty of Man
slaughter at Murray, Idaho.
Wallace, Idaho, Sept. 21. It is re
poited from Murray that the jury
found J. E. Perry guilty of manslaugh
ter. Perry , is the young man who
killed his mother with a hatchet in
Walaoe early one morning last April.
There were no. witnesses to the tragedy,
although there were a number of per
sons in the immediate vicinity of the
shanty where the killing was done,
and any violent quarrel would have
been heard After the tragedy Perry
fled, carrying the hatchet, but was cap
tured, after a fierce resistance, He had,
twice been an inmate of asylums for the
insane in Colorado and Washington.
The defense sot up a plea of insanity
at the trial.
A Unique Epistle.
Washington, Sept. 21. The person
al letter from the Emperor of China to
Tz-vSident Cleveland, which formed
lie credentials of Li Hung Chang, ban
been plaoed on exhibition in the library
of the department of state. The letter
is written on a scroll of lemon-colored
parchment paper about five feet in
lentgh by a foot and a half in width,
a portion being in ancient Chinese and
part in Chinese characters with the
royal red seal and the emperor's auto,
graph in the oenter. The envelope it
unique, being a great sheet of yellow
satin embroidered in gold and silver,
with exquisite workmarship, with fivs
large Chinese double dragons, conve
niently arranged,
It is said that bees oan fly 80 pet
cent faster than pigeons.
Valparaiso, Sept. 81. Months ago
the press and several members of con
gress denounced the government's man
agement of the telegraph lines, alleg
ing gross frauds. The matter was sup
pressed, but now oharges are again
made to the same purport It is re
ported that an investigation will be
made and surprising revelations are ex
pected. Friends of President Monat in
the house and senate are preparing a
demonstration in his honor before he
leaves the executive chair.
With malarial disease, but with prodlgous vio
lence afterwards, ii you neglect immediate
measure of relief. The surest prevent! re aud
remedial form of medication is Hostetter's
Stomach Bitters, the potency of which as an
anti-lore to miasmar-ic iotaon hus been demon
strated for over forty years past. The liver
when disordered and cousrsted, the bowels if
Constipated, and the kiilm-ya, if inactive, are
promptly aided by it, aud it Is Invaluable for
aytpepsia, nervous debility and rheumatism.
Part of a oornfield at Joplin, Mo.,
whioh has never been undermined, has
settled twenty feet
I know that my life was saved by Piso's
Cur for Consumption. John A. Miller,
Au Sable, Michigan, April 21, 1895.
No fewer than 1,000,000 men,
women and ohildren die yearly in In
dia from starvation.
100 REWARD, 9100.
The readers of this paper will be pleased to
learn that there is at least, one dreaded disease
that science has been able to cure in all Its stages
and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is tue
only positive cure now known to the medical
fraternity. Catarrh bins; a constitutional dis
ease, requires a constitutional treatmeut. Hall's
Catarrh Cure Is taken internally, acting directly
upon the blood and mucons surfaces of toe sys
tem, thereby destroying the foundation of the
disea-e, and glviug tne patient strength by
building up the constitution and assisting ua
ture iu doing its work. The proprietor have
so much faith iu its curative powers, that tuf y
otter One Hundred Dollars for any case that ft
fails to cure. Send lor list of testimonials. Ad
dress, F. J. CH KNEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druuglats, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best
There were but twenty-eight for
eigners naturalized in Mexioo the last
fiscal year.
Yoa will find one con post
Inside each (wo ounce bag,
and two coupons tmalde each
four ounce bag of Black
well' Durham. Buy a bag
of this celebrated tobacco
aud read the coupon which
gives a list of valuable pres
exits and how to get them.
1 GENUINE , ' 1 1 K . 1 ' j E E
!d , If "La Belle Chocolatiere" isn't on ft
. I t the . can, It isn't Walter Baker & Co.'s P r
; J 3 Breakfast Cocoa.' . . , , , I g :
w "Takes
, You may have " money to
burn," but even so, you needn't
throw it away For 10 cents you j
get almost twice as much "Battle j
Ax" as you do of other high grades I
for the same money i
Make money by successful speculation la
Chioago. We buy and sell wheat there on war
gins. Fnrtnues have been msde oq a small be
ginning bj trdlngin fut'tres. Write for full
vartlculitrs. fiest of reffrenie given. Several
year experience on the Chicago Boara of
Trade, and a thorough knowledge of tfee busi
ness. Dowiin?. Hopkins & Co.. Chicaro Board
of Trade-Brokers. Offices u Portland Oregon
and Spokane Wash. '
MAILED FREE 2! L.'iflTeofaYica' of
This circular is issued for the benefit of our
country customers who cannot avail themselves
of our Daily Special Sales, Send us your, ad
dress. You wlllflud bothgoodsnnd i.ri:esrighki
WI14. F1NCK CO., 7
818-820 Market street. San Francisco, Cal. ;,
"Just Don't Feel Wall."
ars the One Thing to tine. -Only
One for a Dose.
Sold by Druggists at 25o. a box
Samples mat)d free. Addresa
Dr( Bosanko Med. Co. Phil. Pa.
Walk Right in; Take a Seat.
Yes, plenty of time to talk since 1 got th
self, you know. Kngineorf No, Jam the
Engineer; start It and It goes sight along.
You want oner Write for Catalogue and
Pr!',e List to the
, American Type Founders' Co.
Second and Stark Sts, Portland, Or.
sale by all Drngglsta. tS Ceats a battle.
N. P. N. TJ. No. 668.-8. F. N. U. No. 745
the Cake