The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 21, 1896, Image 4

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    v lea Water for CHjr fifi-eeta.
The ancient idea of flushing the
era and gutters of city streets with sea
water is being vigorously disouBsed in
many places. In England it has oome
into- such favor that a proposition is
now put forward to supply the city of
London with sea water. The water
would be taken from the sea at a spot
not far from Brighton remarkably free
from pollution. It would be pumped
into a reservoir of 10,000,000 gallons.
Thence it would be forced into another
1 reservoir, from which it would gravi
, tate to London. The present oonsump'
tion of water in London is 200,000,000
gallons a day, of which 40,000,000 gal
,. Ions is , used for municipal purposes.
This might be saved for domestio pur
poses by the introduction of sea water.
The cost of the project is put at $2, 250,
000, and the sea water would be sup
plied by meter for piiblio purposes at
fraction of the present cost of fresh wa
ter. One watering of the streets with
sea water is said to be equal to two, or
even three, with freshwater. It pre-
vents the decomposition of street refuse,
it is effective for flushing sewers, and
particularly valuable for the extinction
of fire. Of its value to health there is
no doubt, and it would be easy to sup
ply it to. hospitals and to schools for
swimming baths.
Last and always advertised as a true Mood p'
Her, the most wonderful cures on record
made and the greatest sales are
Be sure to
get Hood's,
only Hood's
Hood's Pills core all liver Ills, biliousness.
M. M. Nicholson, who lives at the
corner of Curran and Anderson Sts., At-
- lanta, Ga., had a cancer for years,
It first appeared on his lip . and resem
bled a fever blister, but spread rapidly
and soon began to destroy tne nesn.
His father and uncle had died from
Cancer, and he sought the best medical
aid in different cities, but it seemed im
possible to check the disease. Several
operations were performed but the can
cer always returned. This continued
for years until the partition in bis nose
and his entire up
per lip were eaten
away. All treat
ment having proved
futile, he . looked
upon death as the
only relief,
"Some one re
commended S.S.S
khe says, "and
la few bottles afford-
Bed some relief; thus
encouraged I con
tinued -it, and
it was not long be
fore the progress of
the - disease seem
ed checked. I persevered ' ' in its
use, and remarkable as it may seem,
am completely cured, and feel like
have new life. S.S.S. is the most re
markable remedy, in the world, and
everyone will agree that the cure was a
wonderful one." . . ,
A Real Blood Remedy
Cancer is in the blood and it
is folly
to expect an operation to cure it.
(guaranteed purely vegetable) is
remedy for every disease of the
a real
Books mailed
free; address
Swift Specific
Co.,. Atlanta,
Ga. v .
Featherbone r
has a strip of Featherbone stitched
'in one edge. It both flares and
binds the skirt and holds it away
irom the feet ; the newest of the S.
tl. & M. bindings.
, , If your dealer will not
- supply you we will.
Samples showing labels and materials mailed free.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy," a new 72 paps
book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladles' Home
iournal, tells in plain words how to make dresses at
tome without previous training ; mailed for 25c.
3. H. & M. Co., P. O. Box 699, N. V. City.
Its wearing qualltiesare unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Fret
from Aiilmsl Oils. fiT THE GKMJINK.
and Dealers generally.
Ponltlv ly Cured with Vegetable Remedial
Hare cured the usan da of eases. Cure eases pro
oounoed hopeless by bestphyslclans. From nratdoM
symptoms dlsappear;ln ten days atleaat two-thlrdj
all symptoms remored. Send for free book testimo
nials of miraculous cures. Ten days' treatment
free by mall. If you order trial, send 1O0. In stamp!
or pay pontine. Dr. H.H.Ghkn A8oNB,Atlanta,Ga
If jou order trial return this advertisement to US
"Just Don't Feel Well,"
impbovedLIYER pills
are the One Thing to use.
Only One for a Dose.
Sold by DruR-gists at 25o. a box
Samples mailed free. Address
Dr. Bosanko Med. Co. Phila, Pa.
For sale by all Bi-urs-UU. 85 OeaU a bottle.
I Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
m lima eoia py aruggiBts.
Hood s
His Lio Gone
R. .1
Result of the Fusion In the State of
Last week, at Ellensburg, the Demo
crats, Popnlista and free silver Repub
licans of the state of Washington held
their respeotive conventions. After
mnoh debate and concessions on the
part of the three conventions, a com
bined ticket to be called the "People's
Party;' ticket, was agreed upon . and
placed in the field. It is as follows:
For governor John E. Rogers, of
Pieroe, Populist.
For lieutenant-governor Thurston
Daniels, of Clarke, Populist.
For seoretary of state Will D. Jen
kins, of Whatoom, Populist.
For state auditor Neal Cheatham,
of Whitman, Populist.
For state treasurer C. W. Young,
of Whitman, Populist.
For commissioner of publio lands
Robert Bridges, of King, Populist
For justice of the supreme oourt
John B. Reavis, of Yakima, Democrat.
For attorney-general Patrick Henry
Winston, of Spokane, Silverite.
For state printer Owin Hicks, of
Thurston, Demoorat. '
For superintendent of publio instruc
tion F. J. Browne, of King, Silverite.
For congressmen James Hamilton
Lewis, of King, Demoorat; W. C.
Jones, of Spokane, Silverite.
- For presidential electors H. K.
Caton, of Whitman, Demoorat; I. N.
Maxwell, of Whatoom, Demoorat;
Charles E. Cline, of Whatoom, Popu
list; B. A. Newman, of Spokane, Pop
Democratic Platform.
Following are the three platforms
adopted at Ellensburg:
Seotion 1. The representatives of
the Demooratio party of the state of
Washington, in convention assembled,
do hereby reaffirm our allegiance to the
principles of the party as formulated
by Thomas Jefferson and firmly main
tained by Andrew Jackson. We be
lieve that a constant recurrence to those
fundamental principles of a' free and
popular government, based upon indi
vidual liberty and the consent of the
governed, is neoessary, especially when
the oontrol of this government threat
ens to fall into the hands of aristoo-
raoy, monopoly and despotism.
'Sea, 2. We greet with hearty ap
proval the new declaration of indepen
denoe enunciated by the Demooraoy of
the United States of America at the re
cent convention in Chioago; indorse
every prmoiple of its platform, and
pledge our united support to the candi
dates there seleoted. We recognize in
the nomination of William Jennings
Bryan and Arthur Sewall an inspira
tion from the Supreme Ruler of Na
tions, by whose favor our country has
Bed through every hour of trial and
of peril and has ever found leaders
equal to the oooasion, grand, as the op
portunity, sufficient to the ; struggle.
great as the greater need required.
'Seo. 3. We demand the free and
unlimited coinage of silver and gold at
tbe ratio of 16 to 1, without waiting
for the oonsent of any other nation on
earth. - We denounce the pretense of
Republican international bi-metalism
as a subterfuge; an attempt to estab
lish a gold aristooracy with the aid of
those who may be duped by a meaning
less phrase. . -
See 4. We denounce, the present
Republican administration of our state
as extravagant, corrupt, scandal-breed
ing and a willful abuse of the people's
rights. With a pretense of honoring
the memory of the great names of cham
pions of the people, it now bows down
to politioal bosses and has not enrolled
upon its banner the name of any man
unsubservient to the dictates of the
money power.
Seo. 5. We oall the attention of
the common people to the perpetuation
in our state of the gigantio Repulbican
ring, which uses the publio patronage
to control future "eleotions to perpetu
ate itself in the oontrol of the public
purse; uses the gigantio earnings of
corporations (by the methods of . Federal
receivership?) to diotate the eleotion of
our representatives in congress and the
senate; abuses the franchise of the pub
lio press by opening tbe oolumns of its
newspapers to but one side of publio
discussions; demands of and receives
from its votaries absolute prostitution
of individual liberty to the dictates of
machine politicians.
Seo. 6. We invite tbe serious at
tention of . the laboring classes in our
state to the attempted oontrol of the
elective franchise by threats on the part
of the Republican - leaders. They do
not hesitate to threaten their employes
with discbarge unless they submit to a
sale of the free voting right guaranteed
them by the constitution. ' Nor will
they stop at threats, but will openly
carry out the shameful abuse of power
unless ohecked by the righteous indig
nation of a free people.
"Sea '7. We pledge the people of
this great state that when given the
oontrol of its government we will re-
duoe the burden of state taxation to the
lowest limit consistent with a just and
careful administration of the govern
mental funotions. We will stop the
present squandering of the great pub
lio domain. We will, so far as now
remains possible, use tne publio lands
for the benefit of the whole people, and
not for the purpose of pulling the
purse-strings of private corporations.
We will reduce the burdens laid upon
production by the greed of transporta
tion companies, aided by legislation
purchased from Republican legisla
tures. To this, end we favor a law pro
viding for' freight rates not exoeeding
those of the Helm bill, and we favor a
8-oent per mile passenger fare. We
will endeavor to make possible the car
rying out of our system of publio
sohools, now dosed as the result of Re
publican extravagance. 'Free common
sohools are the nursery of good govern
ment.' They should when necessity
demands, be preserved even at the ex
pense of every other f unotion of govern
ment. The Republican control of the
towns, cities, counties and state has re
sulted in the bankruptcy of our sohool
distriots, and we demand the ovethrow
of suoh control.'
. "Seo. 8. We condemn the refusal of
the Republican party of this state to
divide it into congressional districts,
and pledge our party to fair division of
the same. -
Seo. 9. We oondemn our present
eleotion laws, contrived to throttle op
position to the ring in power; pledge
our party to their unconditional repeal,
and the enactment of suoh laws as will
enable eaoh voter to vote as he pleases
and have suoh vote oounted.
Seo. 10. Whereas, the railroad
companies of this state have from time
to time issued free passes to legislators
and other publio offloers, thereby influ
enoing their aotion, we demand that
the legislators shall promptly pass ade
quate laws to enforce the constitutional
provision against the granting of free
passes to publio offloers and the use of
same by suoh officers.
Seo. 11. We demand better laws in
relation to mortgage foreclosures; the
abolition of deficiency judgments, and
that the possession and use of real prop
erty remain in the mortgagor during
the full period of redemption. Pro
vided: That suoh laws shall not inter
fere with the obligation of existing con
Seo. 12. We pledge ourselves to
place before the people amendments to
the contstitution reforming the present
extravagant judicial system and system
of state commissions.
We recognize in the coming eleo
tion a crisis in the affairs of govern
ment. Free government is self-government
We are threatened with a de
struction of the prinoiple of self-government.
The national banks, the
transportation and manufacturing cor
porations, the gold manipulators of
Wall street and Lombard street claim
the right to govern us. Democracy
wears no collar; it serves no master; it
has on its side the plain, every-day peo
ple of the country and state, and to
them we appeal with an unquestioning
belief that in this hour of trial and
tribulation right will conquer, wrong
will be dethroned, ever-controlling
masses will overthrow classes, the peo
ple will again assume authority and
prosperity return, heralded by the an
nouncement of a 'government of the
people, by the people and for the peo
The Populist Platform.
We, the representatives of the Peo
ple's party of the state of Washington,
in convention assembled, reaffirm our
allegiance to the principles enunciated
at Omaha and St Louis, and most
heartily oommend them to the favor
able consideration of all lovers of free
Firmly believing that the present
system of representative government is
inadequate, and that it enables the few
to oontrol the policy of the government
to the detriment of the interests of the
people at large, and further believing
that no permanent relief will be pos
sible until the people oan speak more
directly on laws which they are re
quired to obey, we demand that the
people shall be given a direct vote on
all important legislation, and that all
offloers shall be made the servants of
the people, subject at any time to recall
or dismissal, and not, as at present, the
masters of those who oreate them.
We demand the enactment into
law of the following propositions. The
material reduction of excessive salaries
of all exeoutive, legislative and judicial
offloers; lessened freight, passenger,
telephone and telegraphio rates within
the state; the adoption of the Torrens
system of registering land titles; a
general system of non-interest bearing
warrants, receivable for taxes through
out the state; that school books be fur
nished to the people's pupils in our
publio sohools at the expense of the
state, that in case of sale of property
under foreclosure decrees the debtor
shall retain possession of the property
throughout the rdemption period, and
the prohibition of defloenoy judgments,
and that the period of redmeption
shall be two years instead of one; lib
eral exemption from taxation of per
sonal property and improvements in
or upon land; that tbe next legislature
shall take the neccessary legalssteps to
submit to the electors of this state to be
voted upon at the next regular election
an amendment to the state constitution
conferring the elective franchise upon
women oitizens of this state; that the
legislature pass a law in conformity
with our state constitution making it
a felony for any county, city or state
officer to ' accept or use a railroad or
other transportation pass, and that the
law shall also be applicable to those
who offer such passes, and we condemn
all oity, oounty and state officers who
may have aooepted and used such
passes as betraying the trust reposed
in them by the party and as violative
of their duties as citizen?.
We oondemn the ohief exeoutive of
this state for his ill considered and un
just vetoes of the deficiency judgment
bill and the free text book .bill, after
having recommended it in bis former
message. " ; J .
Free Silver Platform.
We believe that the widespread
prostration of our industries, the de
cline in agriculture, the embarrassment
of our commerce and the ever-increas
ing distress of all our producers, the
conditions and existence of which is
admitted by all, are directly traceable
to a contraction of the currency result
ing from the demonetization of silver,
and we demand the immediate restora
tion of silver by a law requiring its
free, unlimited and independent coin
age at the present legal ration of 16 to
1 at our mints. We call the attention
of the publio to the faot that tbe people
of the United States produce and con
sume of all the important products of
industry more than one half as much
as all the balance of the earth com
bined; that the tonnage of our rail
roads exceeds by 60,000,000 tons an-
nually the tonnage of all the foreign
railroads added to the entire water
traffic of the world, and that as a con
sequence of suoh enormous - industrial
energy our people annually transaot
fully one-third of the entire volume of
tbe world's business, and we therefore
denounce as oowardly, pusillanimous
and un-American the declaration of the
national Republican platform that this
country cannot regulate its own finan
cial system without foreign aid or in
terference, and regard the suggestion
of an international agreement as in
sincere and contemptible, and we de
mand the repeal of any and all laws
authorizing the destruction of the legal
tender quality of money , by private
VWe demand the foreclosure of the
mortgage held by the government on
the Union Pacifio railroad, and should
the government, through suoh fore
closure come into the ownership and
possession of the same, we favor its
operation by the government"
Motorman at Buffalo Hakes a Distress
ing Blander. '
Buffalo, N., Y. Aug. 18. Early this
morning fire truok No. 6, with a crew
consisting of Lieutenant Hedden and
seven firemen, while responding to an
alarm, collided with a trolley oar at the
corner of Woltz avenue and Sycamore
street. The truok was stretohed aoross
the street-oar track when the trolley,
which was running at full 'speed,
struck it. Every fireman on the truck
was injured. John F. Clark was
pinned under the wreck and crushed
to death, his lungs being perforated by
the ronnd of a ladder. Fred Jackey
went under the truok and received oon
cussion of the spine. He. cannot re
cover. The others injured are: Lieu
tenant Hedden, hip bruised; Miohael
Rosenberger, left leg sprained and con
tusions; John W. Bcchtel, arm sprain
ed; Nicholas Noeller, hip bruised; An
thony JUannard, bruised. The motor
oar was smashed to pieces, but the mo
torman seoaped with but slight injur
ies. Both the motorman and conduotor
of the car have been arrested. . James
Cowan, the motorman, says he heard
the fire gong but did not slow np, as
he thought he could cross the street
ahead of the truck.
Fifteen Persons Killed and Others More
- or JLess Injured.
Selma, Ala., Aug. 18. News was re
ceived here today from Augustine,
Perry oounty, fourteen miles from a
telegraph station, that a terrible and
most destructive tornado swept over
that plaoe la&t evening, leveling every
thing in its path. Twelve negroes and
three white people were killed by
houses falling in on them, and ten
other persons were more or less injured.
Twenty-four ' horses and mules were
orushed to death by falling barns. The
tornado was followed by the heaviest
rain that has fallen in that section in
fifteen years. Creeks and branches
were oonverted into raging torrents,
sweeping away cotton, corn and other
crops, causing heavy losses to planters.
This Was the Time the Desperadoes
Were Captured.
Detroit, Aug. 18. A special to the
Free Press from Charlotte, Mich., says:
A speoial stook train whioh went
east on the Chioago .& Grand Trunk at
12:80 'last night was boarded by four
men at believue, thirteen miles west
of here, all masked and heavily armed,
and at the point of their guns oompelled
the two men in charge of the stock to
empty their pockets of all money, and
a number other artioles of small valuer
The robbers esoaped, but were all
captured by a posse this afternoon, and
lodged in jail here. They gave their
names as James O Donnell, Frank
Wright, Ed Marlow and Frank Edison,
and ages from 18 to 22 years.
""flc ;
Durra rUo Have Been Insane.
San Framwo; Aug. 18. The latest
theory in connection with Theodore
Durrant is that he was insane at the
time he committed the murders of
Blanche Lamont and Minnie Williams,
in the Emanuel Baptist church. Some
time previous to the murders, he was
sick and confined to his room for six
weeks, being delirious part of this
period. His friends now say he had
not recovered from this attack at the
time he committed the murders. It is
still uncertain when the supreme court
will consider his appeal, which is now
formally before that body. Durrant's
attendants at the county jail ridioule
the idea of insanity. .
Fearful Beat In Texas.
Dallas, Tex., Aug. 18. The sun
went down last night upon a parched
and withered earth, the meroury regis
tering 105. It came up boiling hot
this morning, and at 10 o'olook reached
105. At 10:30 tho mercury registered
108 degrees, the hottest weather on rec
ord for this seotion. Men panted like
tired hounds from the chase, and
sought in every way to avoid tile intol
erable heat. At 11 o'clock a little
shower of rain with a gust of wind
came up, and gave the people relief.
This was the closing day of the most
extraordinary heat period ever experi
enced in Texas. -
Loss of 8100,000 by Fire.
Creckford, 111., Aug. 18. Fire gut
ted tbe Woodruff block, on Seventh
street, early this morning, causing a
loss of over $100,000. T. L. Goldman,
who conduoted a department store, is
tbe principal loser, his loss being esti
mated at 155,000, with an insurance of
$35,000. The loss on the building is
$25,000, partly insured. ' .
Roughness is needless cause of dis
content Severity breedeth fear, but
roughness breedeth hate.
Which of these have you selected as a meant
i vrnveu no matter, wnicnever it is recol
lect jhat (or sea-slcknes", ditorders of the stom
ach, liver or bowels, engendered by rough lo
comotion and bad food or water, and for
malarial troubles. Hostetter'B 8tomach Bitters
Is the most useful specific you can take with
yuu. it is HivaiuaDie also tor rheumatism, kid
ney complaints and nervous trouble.
The only gem in the world whioh
cannot be counterfeited is the opal.
Its delioate tints defy imitation.
Piso'B Cure for Consumption is the only
cough medicine used in my house. D. C.
Albright, Mifliinburg, Pa., Deo. 11, '95.
There Is more catarrh in this seotion of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last iew years was supposed to be
incurable. For a great many v ars doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed local
remedies, and by constantly failing tocure with
local treatment, pronounced it incurable.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitntion
al disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon
Jul. It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to num. Henri far
circulars and testimonials. Address,
a . r. F- J- CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O.
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills are the best. ' ' ', '
FITS. All fits stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after the first
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 2 00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,
981 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ;
. ; . ; j
A woman is the engraver of medals
in the royal mint at Stookholm,
Sweden, and has been for many years.
. It is said to ; be possible to draw
platinum wires so fine that two of them
twisted could be inserted in the hollow
of a human hair.
The most effeotive way to capture a
whale is to spear it with an eleotrioal
harpoon, when it is once shocked into
Prominent citizens of Charlestown,
Mass., have urged that the Bunker Hill
Monument should be illuminated with
eleotrioity, '
A new globe, for all kinds of light,
inoreases the illuminating power ten
per cent It is grooved vertically in
side and horizontally outside.
Miss Agness Adams, of Whitman
College, won the highest honors at the
first annual oontest of the Intercollegi
ate Oratorial Association of Washing
ton. ; ,
The Best
: SmoklngTobacco Made
Greatest Highest 5malest
Quantity. Quality. Price. -J
The largest piece of strictly
high grade tobacco ever sold for
the price. Not the large size of
the piece alone that has made
"Battle Ax" the most popular
brand on the market for 10 cents,
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding'' of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that bo many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
,ed and gives most general satisfaction.
This circular is issued for tbe benefit of pur
country customers who cannot avail themselves
of our Daily Special Sales, Bend us your ad
dress. You willfind bothgoodsand prices right
818-820 Market street. San Franeleco, Cel.
EIUUDg Qd Blind, BledlQf or Protrudlns Fltei yield a mm
?lRm?AHmKP'$ .P"-e REMEDY. Btopt M- -g,
absorb, lumen, A pajnlre cure. CirouUri lent rros. Prloft
W. Cruuliu or mtU. DK. BOSANItO, I'kU, Pa.
N. P. N. V. No. 663. S. F. N. TJ. No. 740
To Bo ; -
Giwen Am
this year in valuable
articles to smokers of
You will find one coupon in
side each 2-ounco bag, and two
coupons inside each 4-ouncc
bag. Buy a bag, read the coupon
ana see now to get your share.
j: :