The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 21, 1896, Image 2

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    ,3o6d Iiver Slacier.
The New YorK .Lumber 'lrade Jour
nal says: "To a man who has no
money there are several ways to get it,
viz: (a) Beg it; (b) steal it; (c) borrow
it; (d) secure it by gift; (e) trade some
thing for it. And if all the silver in
the, world is coined Into money you
can not get a cent of it except by a, b,
c, d or e, above referred to." If this be
true, those of us too proud to beg, too
honest to steal, with no credit, no rich
relations and nothing to trade, are in a
bad fix. We will have to go back on
free silver if sliver money is not to be
freer-free to all who ask for it. The
sub-treasury plan, with the government
Joaning out money to all who ask for
it, even at 2 per cent interest, is better
than this. "Free silver" will have to
give way to "free money" for our bat
lie cry. '
The name of the Oregon Railway
and Navigation Company is now
changed to the Oregon "Railroad" and
Navigation Company; The old com
pany went out of official existence last
Monday at midnight and took on a
new name ancTan improved way of be
ing conducted. Receiver McNeil is
now President McNeill. . In a short
time the a flu Irs of the company in the
courts will be cleared up and the new
management will be in full charge.
Mr. Fred Wilson has resigned as ed
itor of the Dalles Chrouicle, in order,
he says, to pay closer attention to
other pursuits be has in view. Mr.
Wilson has ably edited the columns of
the Chronicle for the past 15 months,
and his coiaborers of his exchange list
will regret to learn of his resignation.
Oregon's senior senator has kept ve-y
quiet Bince the national conventions.
He has probably been on the fence and
didn't know which way to jump. But
he has finally come down on the Mc
Klnley side. Events will soon prove
to him whether or not he jumped on
the right side for Mitchell,
The executive committee of the na
tional democratic party has Issued an
address calling for a national conven
tion at Indianapolis, September 2d.
The address defines true democracy
and presents good reasons why demo
crats should not feel botilid to support
the Chicago nominees.
Li Hung Chang, the Chinese em
bassador, with his suite, will arrive in
New York Friday, August 28th, and
will be received the following day at
Governor's Island by Presideut Cleve
land. There will be a naval review
und great showing of pomp.
A Pennsylvania paper says: "This
campaign will be a 'buggy' affair. The
10 to 1 men are silver bugs, the prohi
bitionists are water bugs, the women
suffragists are lady bugs,-the sound
tvtrttiov mon on (vrtlH - Kimvq - i n I tlio
mugwumps are humbugs."
It has been discovered that the nu
merous free silver orators that have
len traveling over the country, and
of whom Oregon has had its share, are
in the pay of a syndicate of silver mine
The Opinion of a Woman.
Editor Glacier: The more one
reads on this money question the less
they know. It seems to me that the
gold bugs need one crutch and a cane
and the silverites need two crutches, if
not more a lameness on both sides.
It seems to me that the whole trouble
with this nation today is that we have
lorgotten tne very principles upon
which this government was founded.
We talk with pride about our Pil
grim fathers. Are we their sons? This
(ireat financial depression is the effect,
not the cause. Now, if we find the
cause and remove it the effect will take
care of itself. If we want the respect
of other nations we must not allow
ourselves to be a chess board for them
to gamble on. We allow them to come
here to gamble on our lands, which
should be held by actual settlers. We
allow them to gam Lie on our produce,
and last, but not the least, we sell our
daughters to the sons of these men, and
to our shame, we know some are sold
too dearly. We have enough roguery
and dishonesty in high places iu our
own ountr.v without invitinir in the
foreigners. We bear the cry of too lit-
lie money want more silver, and co
on; but if there was more, -with the
present plan, there would be more for
. II 1 i -,.n x . ...i.i. .i
make more- millionaires. We have
forgotten that God is a God of Nations.
We have proved ourselves unworthy
of the trust We have as a nation
failed to walk in His statutes and to
keep his law. A. L. II.
. . Certificates Granted.
The board of examiners for teachers'
certificates met at The Dalles last week.
Besides the examination of teachers,
the board had the' work of examining
the applicants for cadetships at West
Point and Annapolis. - Twenty teach
ers were present for examination, of
wnien nuuioer 14 weregrantea certifi
cates, as follows:
First Grade--Ida Omeg, Emma Si
Second Grade Katie E. Davenport,
Rachel Morgan J. H. Hill, F. H. Isen
berg, Lois A. Helm, Mabel Omeg,
Mabel P. Riddell.
Third Grade Edith Lindsay, J. W.
Britain, Edward D. Baldwin, fMamie
A. Driver, H. C. Johnston. :
. 'A candidate to receive a third grade
ounty certificate, good for one year
nnlu lit till fllWir urlmA tuaiinil ttniot
make a general average of not less than
First grade percentage. .Second grade percentage.
70 per cent hi all branches, and must
not fall below 40 per cent in any one
branch. '
A candidate to receive a second grade j
county certificate must pass exatuina-
lion in all branches required loratnira i
irrude certificate, and must make a I
general average in all brunches of not
less than u per cent, ana must not iau
below 60 per ' cent in any one branch.
The candidate for this grade shall have
taught successfully not less than three
school months, and said certificate
shall be good for two years.
A candidate to receive a first grade
county certificate shall make a general
average of not less than 90 per cent of
all branches required, and shall not fall
below 70 per cent In anyone branch.
This certificate is in force for three
Any person having received a first,
second or third grade county certificate
in one county shall not be granted a
second paper of -the same grade in any
county in the state, and raid county
certificates are good only in the county
where issued. -
A persoii having received a third
grade county certificate and going to
another county to teach, must puss ex
amination for the next higher grade,
or, second. Teachers are required to
advance in the grade of certificates.
A teacher may teach one year under
a third grade, two years under a sec
ond, and by failing to gain the re
quired standing for a first grade, be
dropped from the list of authorized
teachers. .
Oregon Industrial Exposition.
The exposition will open September
19th and close October 17th. B. S.
Pague, chairman of the committee on
state and county exhibits, is sending
out the following circular:
Portland, Or., August 18, 1893 Dear Sir:
The success of the exposition of 1895 was in a
large degree due to the public spirit mani
fested by the citizens of the stale and of
Washington, shown In their contribution of
products, which were so extensive as to at
most bewilder all who saw them. The man
agement of the exposition this year Is prac
tically the same as It was last year, and we
feel that even greater success will attend our
efforts this year, than which was obtained
last. We cannot make It a success without
the aid of the people of Oregon and Washing
ton, and this Is addressed you to ask for your
co-operatlon. .
We have live distinct departments and so
licit your interest In all or at least in the one
that you can help In. The department on
mineral, which includes gold, silver. Iron,
copper, clnnlbar, lead, tin and other ore, coal,
building stone and articles manufactured out
of the natural products of Oregon. The for
estry department Includes wood of all kinds
and articles of any and every description
made out of wood. Grain and grass depart
ment includes everything under this head,
Including vegetables, hops, flour, corn, and
all growing things and articles manufactured
from the same. Fruit department, which
will consist of f.'ulU green, dried, canned,
and fruits of all klndsin all forms. Fish de
partment will Include an exhibit of canned
fish, fresh and dried fish, a hatchery of sal
mon, Ashing tackle, etc. There will be a mis
cellaneous department of articles not men
tioned in the above. Can we have your as
sistance and cooperation? We will transport
all exhibits free of charge to this city, and
such as you wish will be returned at the close
of the exposition free of charge. Kindly
write me, a postal or a letter, if I can expect
your co-operation, and If you will co-operate,
I shall further communicate with you and
give.airecuons lor shipments or exhibits.
B. 8. PAGUE,
Chairman Com. State and County Exhibits.
1 Hood River's Wealth.
"Hood River valley Is the garden
spot of the Northwest" is a common
expression heard from everybody who
visits that section, and this idea is cer
taoily justified by the output of that
wealth-producing and fertile valley.
wr. jyi. r. isennerg explained to tne
T.-M. reporter how the fruit products
of Hood River serve as a sort of "end
less chain" to draw money from the
outside world, first comes the straw
berry in May and June; beinirof ami
perior quality it goes to the remotest
part of the country and commands
fancy prices. JNext the prune and
plum crop is harvested and adds an
other link to the chain; following this
comes the blackberry, which is' supe-
rmrviany line oerry in ine world ana
is a source of additional revenue; the
pear crop then comes in for attention
and brings a whole lot of money to the
producers; ana last or an is tne tiooa
River apple, which stands pre-emi
nently as the best seller on the market
and draws money even from the "four
hundred" of New York. Thus it is
that the harvest season beirins in Mav
and lasts till November, and draws
money fro m tne entire country to the
little valley in the mountains. The
crop this year has been a little short in
almost all lines, but it is sufficient to
draw some $100,000 from the fruit con
sumers of the nation.
A Good Cherry Tree.
Several statements in regard to the
value of the cherries produced by sin
gle trees this season have been pub
lished of late. And now comes Mr.
Glafke, who resides in the outskirts of
town, on the iL,at bide, and deposes
ana sunn, mat, ironi one itoyai Ann
tree on his premises, he, this season,
picked and fold for shipment East,
cnerries tor wincn lie received $o0 40,
and further, that thereafter he sold
more cherries from the same tree to
the value of $8, making the value of
tne cnerries proaucea ny tnis tree,
$58.40. Hie man who tells the first
never did stand any show in the Wil
lamette valley. Oregonian.
Senator Thurston publishes a card
accepting the denial of W. J. Bryan
that he was ever in the pay'of the syn
dicate of silver mine owners.
Since 1878 there have been nine epi
demics of dysintery in different parts
of the country in which Chamberkun's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy
was used with perfect success. Dysen
tery, when epidemic, is almost as se
vere and dangerous as Asiatic cholera.
Heretofore the best eflbris of the most
skilled physicians have failed to check
its ravages. This remedy, however,
has cured the most malignent cases,
bot h of children and adults, and under
tne most trying conditions, which
proves it to be the bett medicine in the
world for bowel complaints. For sale
by Williams & Brosius, druggists.
A young man named Mark Vu n bib
ber was drowned in the Columbia at
The Dalles, Thursday of last week.
Captured the "Bear" AlUe.
. Winans, Or., Aug. 18, 1896. Editor
Glacier: Last week a Dalles man was
oat bunting, and hearing an unusual
noise in the brush in a canyon, crept
up cautiously and satisfied himself that
he had discovered an Immense bear
breaking the hazel brush and eating
the nuts: but the man being afraid to
shoot at the bearalone, hurried to camp
to iret a friend to come ana snoot it.
The friend happened to be out bunting
in another direction, and W. Ross
Winans was accidentally met with,
who, knowing that his 14-year-old son
was digging an irrigating ditch near
where the man said he saw the bear,
took his gun and went along to see
that no harm befell the boy. Another
one of the campers also went along to
see the bear tight. All approached
cautiously, and when the man pointed
out the hear, which could easily be
seen moving about among the bushes,
Mr. winans reaauy recognized nis son
working in the irrigation ditch, un
conscious of his peril of being shot for a
bear. The noise the man had heard
was the boy throwing rocks out of the
ditch with bis hands, the rocks falling
among the brush. Part of the time the
boy was stooped over, working, and
while in this position, and seeing his
black hat and brown shirt, the Dalles
man concluded he was a bear, and no
doubt would have killed him had be
bad tbe nerve to shoot at a bear. Mr.
Winans considers it more than luck
that he went back with the man In
stead of the other party, for they would
not have known that the boy was
there, and being fully convinced that
it was a bear, this bear story would
have had a more serious sequel, prob
ably one or more funerals.
Many forest fires are raging in the
haunts of the campers and trout fish
ermen. The sheep men are not in it;
no fires ehowinit in their ranges. I
think it is all a mistaken idea that
sheepmen fire tbe woods, there being
plenty of feed for the sheep without it
and too much clanger ot burning up
their entire bands Sheepmen should
not be allowed to eat up settler' crops
and ranges with their sheep, butought
to be allowed to make use of the tens
of thousands of acres of waste lands.
The reserve should and will be thrown
open to the stockmen, and if closed to
any one, better exclude the few tramp
tourists and fishermen, and thereby
have less forest fires. W. R. W.
Wild Camels in Spain.
Camels have domesticated them
selves in Southern Spain the only
spot in Europe where they may be'
seen in a wild state. Some forty years
ago a herd was brought over from Af
rica, and as no use coQld be made of
tbe creatures they were turned loose to
shift for themselves. The camels flour
ished and increased, and now seem
quite at home in the district between
(Seville and Cordova. It will be ob
served that Spain has had a similar ex
perience with camels to that which
Arizona experienced, and the fate of
the Spanish drove may ultimately be
like that which has been roaming th"se
many years along the eastern borders
of the Colorado desert to furnish beef
Cor the mining camps. San Frauclsco
Examiner. .
Free Pills.
Send your address to H.E. Bucklin &
Co.,Chicago.and get a free sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits. These pills
are easy in action and are particularly
effective in I he cure of constipation and
sick headache. For malaria and liver
troubles they have been proved inval
uable. They are guaranteed to tie per
fectly free from every deleterious sub
stance and to I purely vegetable. They
do not weaken by their action, but by
giving tone to stomach and bowels,
greatly invigorate tbe system. Regular
size 2Hc per box. Sold by the Hood
River Pharmacy.
He Was for Silver.
A respected citizen of Nortonville,
Kansas, died a few days ago. At the
funeral, after the minister had finished
his discourse, he called for remarks
from friends of the deceased. After a
brief silence a neighbor arose and spoke
of the many excellencies of ''our de
parted friend." He told of his kind
ness as a neighbor, of his advocacy of
temperance, his charities and his
church work, and feelingly alluded to
"his zeal in the cause dearest to the
people, the free coinage of silver at 16
tol." -
Oregon's Game Law.
Game and fish can be killed only
during the following seasons: Grouse,
Mongolian pheasant and quail, Sep
tember 1st . to December 1st; prairie
chickens, July 1st to October 1st; wild
ducks and water fowls, September 1st
to March 15th; deer, mountain sheep,
etc., August 1st to September 1st. Kill
Ing for hides or part of carcass only is
Erohibited; killing spotted fawn is pro
ihlted. East of Cascades it Is unlaw
ful to kill at any time, Chinese pheas
ants, quail or Bob White. Trout.April
1st to November 1st; salmon, December
15th to November 1st. Explosives to
kill fish are prohibited.
Cadets Appointed.
In the competitive examination of
applicants for. appointment to West
Point and Annapolis, held In Tbe
Dalles last week, Ed W. Johnston won
the West Point honors and his brother,
Huntington Johnston, tbe appoint-j
merit at Annapolis. Both are residents
of Portland. Those receiving the sec
ond highest standing were Clarence B.
Sewall of Portland for West Point and
Darcey C. Bard of Piedmont for An
napolis. ' '
: - All Free.
Those who have used Dr.KIng's New
Discovery know Its value, and those who
have not have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your
name and address to H.E.BucUlin iCo.
Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr.
King's New Life Pills free, as well as a
copy of Guide to Health and Household
Instructor, free. All of which is guaran
teed to do you good and cost you noth
ing. Hood River Pharmacy.
A raw egg swallowed immediately
will generally carry a fish bone down
that can not be removed from the
throat by the utmost exertion, and has
got out of reach of the fingers.
5 Acres for Sale.
Five acres of land, one mile from pity lim
its, for sale at a sacrifice. Spring branch
water the year round. Call on
au21 Hood Klver.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.. A'.ig. 17,
ISHti. Notice Is hereby etven that the follow
ing-named settlers have tiled notice of their in
tention to make final proof In support of their
claims, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver of the U. 8.
Land office at Vancouver, Wash., Oct. 7,
18iMf viz
' ' JACOB HUNT (Indian),
H. E. No. 8055, for the lots 8 and 4, section 2,
township 8 north, range 10 east, and south W
southwest section 85, township 4 north,
range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
John Slowtle, John Quaempts. John Purser
and R. D. Cameron, all ol White Salmon,
H. E. No. 8231, for the southeast section 85.
township 4 north, range 10 east. W. M.
He names the, following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
R. D. Cameron, A. H. Jewett, John Slowtle
and Jacob Hunt, all of White Salmon, Wash.
Is what this valley was made for, and the
growing of fruit trees and plants is what I am
here for. The best varieties of Hood River
grown trees, and the largest stock of small
fruits, etc., in the country, can be found at the
H. C. Bateham, Prop'r.
Contract Wanted.
I am prepared to take a contract for cutting
cordwood, grubbing land, or any kind of a
Iob requiring labor. Call at Chinese wash
louse, Hood River. J. SING.
$16 a Month
Will buy a house and two lots In Hood River.
Also, organ for sale cheap, and household
furniture. . S. R. HUSBANDS. ,
Fruit Farm for Sale.
1 will sell mv nlace. 2 miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain
ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong
spring, wind mill, acres in orchard,
acre Ml suawuei ries, uii jwjueu, xur ffiuuv.
nl FRED HOWE, Hood River.
- Irrigating Notice.
Owlner to the limited amount of water that
Mn he furnisher! for Irrigation, the Hood
River Spring Water Co. has adopted the
following regulations:
Parties living south of Oak street will lrrl-
?ate rrom o to v o'ciock, p. in., ana tnose nv
nor north of same street, from 5 to 9 a. m.
In irrigatlng.the regulation half-inch nozzle
must be used, and i the water applied In the
form of spray or sprinkle and in no other
All water for Irrigating must be applied and
paid for before using.
Any violation of these rules will subject the
parties so offending to forfeiture of the privi
lege or irrigation.
Jul tf
Paper Hanging.
E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
In the business of painting and paper hanging,
Is now prepared to do this kind of work for
citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the
paper and put It on your walls at Portland
prices. .
WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock.
He has tne only stocK or tne
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
tne xenow jewtown.
I have aboul 20.000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are graitea irom tne oesi stocK in
jiooa itiver. jeio,
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. July 1.
1896. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing namea settler nas niea notice ot nis in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Kegister ana Receiver at The JJailes, Oregon,
on oepwjmuer o, iooo, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4218, for the southeast section 82,
township 1 north ranee 10 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion or, said lanri, viz:
Mrs. Anna Rese. William Rodenhlser. Da
vid R. Cooper and A. H. Tleman,all of Mount
noon, Oregon.
Jy24a20 ' Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 18,
1896. Notice is hereby Kiven that the follow
ing-named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to mane nnai prooi in support ot nis
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
omce in uoiaenaaie, wasn., on sept. 3, iswu,
H.,E. No. 7977, for the southwest V of north
west V and west J of southwest section 17,
and northwest ot northwest section 20,
township 4 north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Henry stacker, James FItz, Lewis C.Wright
and John R. Hensell, all of Lyle P. O., Wash.
Jyl7a21 , Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 9,
1896. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office,
at Vancouver, w asn., on August zi, ibhj, viz:
H. E. No. 8227. for the southwest section 17,
township 4 north, range 11 east. W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Timothy George, Johnnie Slowtie, Hen
nix and George Gilmore, all of '.Vhite Salmon,
Wash. Also, ,
H. E. No. 8881, for the northwest section 12,
township north, range lOeast, W. M.
He names the following witnesses 10 prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Johnnie Slowtle, Cox, James Butler and
Joe Williams, all of White Salmon, Wash.
H.E. No. 8053. for the south southeast M
section 84, township 4 north, range 10eost,and
lots 1 and 2, section 3, township 8 north, range
10 east, W. M. .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Joe Williams, Charlie Kunkl, Johnnie Slow
tie and Jacob Hunt, all of White Salmon,
Jyl7au21 Register-
' ' ' . : ''- ' ' .
J. H. FERGUSON. American Watchmaker,
stand. Watchescleaned, 50 cents; main springs, fiO cents. All work warranted. A fine line
of Watches and Jewelry for sale at bottom prices.
Fruit & Produce Commission Merchants
uonsignmenis solicited. .tt.ei.urns promptly nmue, we cun reier w uie nuuu rvivcr
Fruit Growers' Union, for whose strawberries we netted last season the highest average price
vuvy uui-uuieu 111 any iimiH.t;i(, aim mo tj muxiv
and The Dalles, who ship to us each season.
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley. J '
IDr3r Qoods, Clotl3-Izi.g
I AND ' "' .. ' , ,
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
Sell only for CASH at
We Invite trade of close buyers.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
All the best variety of Apples, Including Yakima, Gano, Arkansas Block, et., and all
Other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage. We are here to stay.
H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery.
Choice Fresh Meats,
Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game
HOOD RIVER, - - - 7 - - - - ' OREGON.
; S T B ."Hi B S -
Comfortable conveyances to all parte of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray
ing and transferring done with care and promptness. AUo, dealers in
And Vehicles of All Kinds.
Call andjsee our stocknd get prices; they are interesting.
Ml Kali for Sale Cton
Situated 4Vi miles west of the town of Hood
River.on theColumbia, Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose beloneine to place. Call at Glacier
office or at ranch. F. R. ABSTEN.
Here's a Bargain. ;
Forty-six and orie-half acres. 85 acres in cul
tivation, 10 acres being In orchard; 800 8-year-old
and 700 2-year-old apple trees; plenty of
cherries, prunes, pears, peaches, and numer
ous small fruits for family use. Good farm
buildinzs, besides a good team and harness,
worth S 250. One Htrht and 1 heavy waaron. 1
cow and farming impllments. The best buy
in fiooa tuver vaney. rrice sww casn. uau
on or address J. B. HUNT, Hood River Or.
proprietor, is still doing business at the old
luuiviuutti suippciB iu uwu mci, wuwcii
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., Ang. 1,
1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his
Intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash., on Sept. 19, 18Wf,
H. E. No. 8218, for the northeast section 15,
township 8 north, range 11 east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land, viz:
Lyman E. Lindsay, Henry Johnston, Will
iam B. Jones and Jacob K. Jacobson, all of
White Salmon, Klickitat county, Wash. ,
a7sll GEO. H. STEVENSON, Register.
Harness Repairing.
t will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken In trade. Leave harness for repair
lngat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides, d20 E. D. CALKINS.
0 -,