The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 07, 1896, Image 4

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Muscles, steadv nerves, food annatitn.
refreshing sleep come with blood made pure by
The One True Blood Purifier. AU druggists. U
Hood's Pills are the best after-dinner pill
Byzantine Art.
Not only hundreds of admirable Syrl
Mi churches, but St. Sophia itself, had
been completed before the early ChriS'
tian basilica at Perigueux was begun.
Whon we think what this must have
been, with its wooden ceiling and scant,
barbaric attempts at ornament, and
what St Sophia is, with the most beau
tiful dome that has ever yet been cm
structed and a richness of finely devised
and perfectly wrought adornment that
has never yet been equaled, can we mar
vel that any kind or degree of contact
with Byzantine art deeply " impressed
. western eyes and often guided western
hands? Can we wonder that the churches
of Constantinople were copied at Raven
na, or that Charlemagne copied Ravenna
it Aix-la-Chapelle and sedulously en
touraged the immigration of Byzantine
artists? Or is it surprising that, in the
tenth oentury, the Venetians, perpetual
ly in commercial contact with every
eastern port, imitated a Constantinopolr
tan church amid their own lagoons? Be
tween the sixth and the eleventh centuries
western art Romanesque art was not
even sure what it wanted to try to do,
while in the sixth century eastern art
Byzantine art had already conceived
and perfected some of the most marvel
ous monuments of human intelligence
and taste. M. G. Van Rensselaer in
The Philadelphia Record tells of a
schoolteacher who was instructing a
class of boys in geography. Everything
went well until, in order to make the
matter plainer, she took an ordinary
globe and, pointing to the portion con
taining the United States, asked her
class where she would come out if she
should start from Philadelphia and go
straight through the earth. She kneW
they would all say China, but she
wanted to see which of her scholars
would answer first She waited fully a
minute and no answer came. Away back
in the room a grimy hand was , finally
held up. "Well, David," she asked,
"where would I come out if I should go
straight though the earth from here?"
The silence was growing thicker every
second. "Please, Miss Maude, you
would come out of the hole," was the
reply, and the class in geography was
dismissed for the day.
Mr. E. D. Jenkins, of Lithonia, Ga.,
.. ..... f ... . j
says tnat nis aaugmer, iaa, muerueu a
6evere case of Eczema, which the usual
mercury and potash remedies failed to
relieve. Year by year she was treated
with various medicine!, external appli
cations and internal remedies, without
result. Her sufferings were intense,
and her condition erew steadily worse,
All the so-called blood remedies did not
seem tc reach the dis
ease at all until S.
S.S. was given, when
an improvetn ent
was at once noticed.
The medicine was
continueca witn lav
orable results, and
now she is cured
I sound and well, het
i skin is perfectly
clear and pure and
she has been saved
from what threat
ened to blight her life forever.
S.S.S. (guaranteed purely vegetable)
cures Eczema, Scrofula, Cancer, Rheu
matism, or any other 1 blood trouble.
It is a real bloc d remedy and always
cures even after all else fails.
A Real Blood Remedy.
Take a blood remedy for a blood disease;
a tonic won't cure it.
Our' books
on blood and
skin diseases
mailed free to
any address.
. Swift Specific
Co., Atlanta,
your skirt edges, with -
It keeps them dry and whole and it
never fades.
If your dealer will not
supply you we will.
Samples showing labels and materials mailea fret.
" Home Dressmaking Made Easy." new 72 paee
book by Miss Emma M. Hooper, of the Ladles' Homo
Journal, giving valuable points, mailed for 25c.
S. H. & M. Co., P. U. Box 699, N. V. City.
"Just Don't Feel Well,"
re the One Thing to use.
Only One for a Dose.
Bold by Drugsrists at 26c. box
Sample milled free. Address
Df. Bosanko Med, fin. Phila. Pa.
I Best Cough Byrup. Tuskm Good. Use
S in time. Bold hr drumariniH. s
' 1 n &
n n n
vrr-1 F$k iffflsv sa
111 Her Life.
HU Opinion of the Transvaal and Its
Southampton, Aug. 4. Samuel
Clemens (Mark Twain), with his wife
and daughter, arrived today on the
steamer Norman from Table bay, Cape
Colony. Although he started out on
his tour of the world in feeble health,
being obliged often to take to his bed
between the delivery of leotures, and,
notwithstanding an attack of sickness
in India, Mr. Clemens looked the pic
ture of health when he landed here.
He hag gone far and seen much, in the
Sansdwioh islands, Australia, India,
South Afrioa. He expressed himself
as charmed with what he had seen in
South Afrioa.
"I oonsider the Transvaal the coun
try of the future," said Mr. Clemens,
"It has a delightful olimate and bound
less natural wealth. I had presented
to me in Johannesburg a little nugget
with figures on it showing the . euor
mous lnorease of the gold output The
bulk of trade there is in the hands of
English and Germans, but Amerioans
should be able to oommand the lion's
Bhare of the trade in machinery, the
largest portion of the maohinery in
the Transvaal being American. Mr.
Hammond, the reform leader convicted
of treason, but whose sentenoe was
commuted, intends to bring baok from
the states with him 1300,000. The
majority of Amerioans in the Trans
vaal are engaged in mining and en
gineering. The Amerioan element is
small, but the mass of the Boers make
no distinction between Americans and
English. Indeed, all foreigners, with
the ezoeption of Germans, are deferred
"The excitement over the Jameson
raid and subsequent . trial of the re
formers has ' subsided, but all the re
formers are agreed that the oause of
political reform has been retarded a
decade by the Jameson flasoo."
It Is Estimated That 4,000 Chinese
Shanghai, Aug. 4. News of a most
terrible disaster, whioh ooourred on
Sunday last in the province of Kiang
Sn, has just been brought to this city.
An immense tidal wave, fully five
miles in length and of great height,
swept in from the sea upon the coast
of Hayehan, whioh ia in the southeast
ern part of the province, inundating
the entire country and destroying
numerous small villages in its path.
At present it is estimated that 4,000
people were drowned, but it is probable
that when a full investigation has been
made, that number will be inoreased.
In addition to the great loss of hu
man life vast numbers of cattle were
drowned. Bioe fields were submerged,
and the orops almost totally destroyed,
and a famine is feared in the distriot
during the coming autumn. Great
numbers of people who escaped the
fury of the waves are left utterly desti
tute, without food or shelter or the
means of proouring it
Hai Chau is situated opposite Yu
Chan island, on the ooast of Eiang Sn
province, whioh is on the Whang Hai
or Yellow sea. The surface is mostly
level, whioh may aooount for the great
loss of life. Eiang Su is one of the
most fertile provinoes of the empire,
and exports more silk than any other
provinoe of China. . The Yang-tse-
Kiang enters China through this prov
inoe, the prinoipal city of whioh is
Washington Lumbermen Mot- Afraid
That It Will Be Broken.
Taooma, Wash., Aug. 4. Manager
W. H. Hanson, one of the proprietor!.
of the, Taooma Mill Company, said
that the story sent oat from. San Fran-;
oisoo, that there was likely to be a dis
ruption of the lumber oombine, is with
out foundation. .
'The millmen tt this coast," he
said, "have been losing money long
enough, and present prioes are but lit
tle higher than the aotual cost of pro
duction. 'If 'the retail dealer of Oakland or
any other city sees to fit to out rates,
that is his business, but he oanhot ex-
peot millmen to get in any out rates t
them. My opinion of the whole
trouble is that several of the retailers
have been after the same business, and
some of those who failed to get cer
tain orders out under their more suo-
oessful competitors to try and get the
business away from them. , .
'It is safe to say there will be no re
duction in oargo rates, for two reasons.
There is no neoessity for cutting, and
the present rate will not stand it, as
the inoreased prioe for stumpage and
the greater distanoe the mills have to
go for logs would make any suoh cut
ting a loss to the millman. , ,
Killed by a Falling; Building.
Birmingham, Ala., Aug. 4. At Co
lumbus City, Ala., Maynard Covans
was esoorting Miss Dovie Proctor, and
Delia Bishop, daughters of prominent
families, out for a walk, when a wind
and rain storm came up, and the trio
stepped into an old building out of the
storm. The wind inoreased in fury
until the building collapsed, and all
were oaught in the debris. Covans and
Miss Proctor were instantly killed, and
Miss Bishop so badly injured that
death will result
A Mew Kiteflying- Record.
Boston, Aug. 4. All reoords of
kiteflying were broken at the Blue
Hill observatory today. A kite was
sent 7,883 feet into the air. This is
,000 feet higher than the top of
Mount Washington, and BOO feet high
er than a kite had ever been sent be
fore. Fifty members of the Appala
chian Club witnessed the exhibition.
Glass houses of a very substantial
kind can now be built.
Express Crashes Into an Ex
cursion Train.
Wreck Ooourred at a Railroad Cross
Ins;, and the Excursion Train Was
Literally Cut in Twain by the Express
Atlantio City, N. J., Aug. 3, A
railroad accident, horrible in its details
and sickening in its results, ooourred
this evening, just outside of this oity,
and as a result about 100 persons are
either killed or injured. "
. The Reading railroad express", which
left Philadelphia at 5:40 o'olook this
evening for Atlantio City, crashed into
a Pennsylvania railroad excursion train
at the seoond signal tower, about four
miles out from here.
The Pennsylvania train was return
ing to Bridgeton with a party of excur
sionists from that plaoe, Millville and
neighboring towns. . It was loaded
with passengers, and a rough estimate
of the killed and injured at a late hour
plaoes the number at 100. ' It is hoped
that this is an exaggeration, but the
number is undoubtedly more than fifty.
At the seoond signal tower, the
tracks of the two roads diagonally
oross. The Beadirg train was given
the signal to stop, but the brakes either
failed to work or the speed of the ex
press was too great to be checked in
time. It oaught the excursion train
broadside and ploughed through, liter
ally cleaving it in twain. The engine
of the Beading train was shattered to
pieces. Every oar on the exoursion
train was jammed to its fullest ca
pacity. As soon as the news reaobed Atlantio
City, the utmost consternation pre
vailed, but the authorities weie equal
to the emergency. Belief trains were
dispatched to the soene, loaded with
oots and bearing staffs of surgeons.
As quick as the bodies were recovered,
they were carried into the looal hos
pitals and undertaker's shops. .
A general fire alarm was sounded,
and the department promptly respond
ed, and aided in the heartrending work
of digging for the victims. Fear grew
into despair and horror as the vigorous
work of the relief gangs revealed the
awful extent of the disaster.
The first Beading relief train bore
into this oity twenty-seven mangled
oorpses, men, women and children.
The next train, not an hour later, car
ried fifteen of the maimed and wound
ed, and two of these died soon after
reaohing the oity.
As train after train plied to the
scene of the wreok, and came baok
with its ghastly burdens, the Sani
tarium, which does duty as the oity hos
pital, quiokly found its oapaoity over
taxed. Meanwhile others of the dead
and injured were being carried to the
private hospital at Ocean and Pacific
avenues. .
Eward Farr, engineer on the Bead
ing train, was killed outright, as was
another railroad man who rode on the
engine with him. This man, whose
name has not yet been learned, saw the
collision coming and leaped from the
cab an instant before the orash came.
Almost at the same instant the engine
out its way through and caught him
directly in its path. His body and that
of Farr were found under a heap of
debris, but the engineer lay in what
remained of the oab, and his right
hand still clasped the throttle. He had
been faithful unto death, and met it at
his post
The fireman on that train leaped A
few seconds before and esoaped with
trifling injuries.
Samuel Thornton, baggage-master
on the Beading train, is among the
Jame M. Bateman, a Bridgeton un
dertaker, is known to be killed. He
was in the third car, and his hat was
found lying among the mass of broken
Richard Trenchard, a Bridgeton ma
chinist, and his wife are both dead. - '
Conduotor Kelly, of the Pennsylva
nia train, had both arms and legs
broken, and Was internally injured.
Albert J. Mosebaoh, of No. 18Torth
Eighth street, Philadelphia, was on the
Reading train. He esoaped unhurt.
The excursion train was made up of
fifteen oars, the foremost of which was
a baggage oar. This and the next two
coaches oaught the full force of the
orash, and were utterly demolished.
What remained of the third oar was
tumbled into a ditch at the roadside.
The responsibility for the aocident can
not now be fixed.
William Thurlow, telegraph operator
in the tower-house, was arrested to
night and held, pending an inquiry.
Dragged to Death. ,
The Dalles, Or., Aug. 8. A distress
ing aooident happened late last even
ing, whereby Frances Elizabeih Kreft,
the eldest daughter of ex-Mayor Paul
Kreft, was killed! The young lady, ac
companied by her younger sisters, was
out driving, when the horse became
frightened and ran away. . The younger
Bisters were thrown out, and the elder
one stayed in for a time, when she,
too,, was thrown from, the vehicle.
The young lady was .dragged for over a
mile and fearfully laoera ted. , ...
Europeans massacred..-.
Paris, Aug. 8. Advices from Ma-
junga, Madagascar, report that a cara
van of two Frenchmen and three Eng
lishmen have been massacred by the
JTahavalos, near Ambolipiana. j
T Succeed Satolll.
Borne, Aug.-. 8. Father Martinelli,
prior-general of Augustinians, has been
appointed suooessor to Monaiguore Sa
toEi as papal delegate to the Roman
Cnl holio ohuroh in the Unitod States.
More Salmon Than the Lower River
' Canneries Can Handle.
Astoria, Or., Aug. 8. The receipts
of salmon at the various lower river
canneries oontinue unusually heavy
and are far in excess of the oapaoity of
several of the paoking establishments.
Today the fish were so plentiful that
one of Kinney's men delivered nearly
100, and near Sand Island it was re
ported that the water was almost alive
with large ohinooks. Many were re
ported to have been taken with gaff
hooks by some of the men who found
themselves in the midst of a great
school of fish. At one or two can
neries, where too many fish were re
ceived, the loss is heavy. Tons of the
fish are being thrown overboard at
Kinney's on acoount of the laok of
means to preserve them until they oould
be canned. As many as possible have
been salted for the winter use by the
citizens in the west end of town, and
were freely given to all who would
carry them away.
Fishermen assert that never sinoe the
canning industry began has suoh a run
been seen. If it continues until the
close of the season, the ohances are fa
vorable for a muoh larger pack than
had been anticipated. An unusual
feature of the situaton is the quality of
the fish, which is fully equal to those
taken in June, the flesh- being excep
tionally red and firm and the quality
of oil abundant.
Texas Man Slays Ills Family and Dis
poses of Their Bodies.
Austin, Tex., Aug. 8. T. E. Belt,
a member of one of the most respect
able families, murdered his wife and
two children, aged 2 and 4 years, last
Friday night, and plaoed the dead
bodies in a cistern. He left the oity
Saturday night following the terrible
deed, after advising several neighbors
not to drink the water in his cistern,
as it was polluted. His relatives be
came alarmed at the disappearance of
his family, and began an investigation,
resulting in the finding of the bodies
today. . Burt bound his wife in a
blanket, after tying her feet and neck
together, and then dropped the body
into the cistern. Both children had
their brains knooked out. His brothers
have offered a reward of $800 for his
Burt was at one time a prominent
furniture dealer in this oity, but gam
bling got the best of him, and last year
he failed and was indicted for embez
zlement, but his brothers succeeded in
getting him out of the trouble. The
governor has offered a reward for his
arrest. Nothing is known as to Burt s
whereabouts, although telegrams have
been sent all over the state and to out
side cities. ' No motive for the crime is
Grass Valley Suffered a Severe Loss
,-,s From the Flames. ; .
Grass Valley, Cal., Aug. 8. At 8:20
o'clook tonight, an alarm of fire was
sounded for a blaze in the opera house.
The fire started under a store oooupied
by Ismert and Webbe, and spread with
great rapidity. Soon the whole build
ing was enveloped in flames, and the
adjoining buildings oommenoed to burn
and, despite the work of the firemen, it
looked as though the whole center por
tion of the town would be destroyed.
The fire department of Nevada City
came over to assist the local depart
ment, but a scarcity of water hindered
them so they were of little servioe un
til an extra head of water was turned
In to the supply ditoh. The two de
partments did great work and confined
the fire to the block bounded by Neal,
Church, Auburn and Bank streets.
The loss .will exceed f 100, 000, it is
thought. Insurance in most oases is
small, and the blow is a hard one to
the city. 0
'" -
'An Indiana Tragedy.
Vinoenhes, ' Jnd., Aug'. 8. Thomas
Prather, a' farmer, and Miss Maud
Delay, daughter of a wealthy farmer,
eloped from Sanborn, this county, and
drove to this oity and were married.
They then drove back to Sanborn, when
an altercation took plaoe between
Prather and Clyde Delay, a brother of
the bride. Prather fatally shot '. the
new brother-in-law in the abdomen.
The elopement was planned some time
ago, but Prather's marriage license
was forcibly taken from him by men
tors of the young woman's family.
. Neutrality Proclamation.
Washington, Aug. 8. The president
has issued a proclamation bearing date
of July 27, again commanding citizens
to observe the neutrality laws in re
spect to the Cuban insurrection, and
giving notioe that all violations will
he vigorously prosecuted. The presi
dent cites the deoision of the supreme
court in the Wiborg case in order that
citizens may not be misled as to the
meaning of the military laws.
' Oil Tank Exploded.
' New York, Aug. 8. Two men were
fatally injured and three others se
verely burned by the explosion of a
tank at the Standard Oil Company's
!works, at Cravens Point, Jersey City,
today. The fatally injured are: Rich
ard Cunningham, and John Goldsmith.
The works were set on fire by the ex
plosion, but the flames were extin
guished before muoh damage was done.
Driven Out by Cretans.
Athens, July 80. A large body of
Mussulmans supported by ' Turkish i
troops while engaged in pillaging the
Adomati distriot of Crete were attacked
by 1,600 insurgents. The latter drove
the Mussulmans and Turkish troops
out of the distriot inflicting serious
. A machine has been Invented by
some genius which will do typewriting
and the addition of figures at tha same
time. ,
Rising at morning or evening from some low
lands, often carries in its folds tbe seeds of ma
laria. Where malarial fever prevail no one is
safe, nnless protected by some efficient medi
cinal safeguard. Hostetter's Btomaob Bitters 1b
both a protection and a remedy. No person
who Inhabits, or sojourns in a miasmatic
region or country, should omit to nroenre this
fortifying agent, which is also the finest known
remedy tor dyspepsia, constipation, kidney
trouble and rheumatism. v .
There are 1,549 machines or devioes
for the manufacture of oordage twine
and string. t
My doctor said I. would die, but Piso's
Cure for Consumption cured me. Amos
Kelner, Cherry Valley, 111.. Nov. 23, '95.
At Burlineame, San Mateo County. Cal..
is one of the most thorough, careful and
practical "Home Schools" to be found on
the Paoitio coast. It prepares boys for any
university, technical school, or for active
business; is accredited at the State and
Stanford Universities, and under the able
management of Ex State Superintendent
Ira O. Hoitt, Ph. D., ranks among the first
Bchools in the United States. Re-opens
August 4. Mining and Scientific Press.
There is more catarrh in this section of the
country than all other dit eases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to. be
incurable. For a great many vt ars doctors pro
nounced it a local disease, and prescribed 1 011I
remedies, and by constantly failing to cure witn
local treatment, pronounced it iucurab e.
Science has proven catarrh to be a constitntiou
al disease, and therefore requires constitutional
treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured
by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is the only
constitutional cure on the market. It is taken
internally in doses from 10 drops to a teasDoou
ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous
surfaces of the system. They offer one hundred
dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for
circalars and testimonials. Address,
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O.
Sold by Druggists, 75c.
, Hall's Family Pills are the best.
FITS. All flls stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after tie first
day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and f2 00
trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline,
931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Fa.
The net profits of the South Carolina
dispensary system for the quarter end
ing March 1 were (54,452.
ILj ' - '--fe.l
rvEST with a big B. Blackwell'a Genuine Bull
r Durham is in a class by itself. You will find one
coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou
pons inside each four ounce bag of
Genuine Dugi
Smoking Tobacco
Buy a bag of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon
WHICH gres a iiawJi vaiuauiepretseuus uuu uuw w bul iuvuu
Off for a Six
m I BATTLE M jMk ' - 1
If . PLUG K?wl!l J I
1 hit, i P?
it ; 1- l4$ Jll n v ;-; ' m
, No matter how much you are
charged for a small piece of other
brands, the chew is no better than
"Battle Ax' For 10 cents you
get almost twice as much as of
other high grade goods
Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually
outlasting two boxes of any other brand. Free
from Animsl Oils. 6KT TBI! fiEvuiKK,
and Dealers generally.
Itching Dd Blind, Bl.eding or ProtrudlnR Piles Yield at vuee u
DR. BQ-8AN-KO'S PILK REMEDY, stop, itch-
Ins , "taorot tumor. A positive cure. Cirouler, wut tree, Prica
to. Druuuuarauu, lli. UOSAKtiO, rails., Pa.
Gladness Gomes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant efforts
rightly directed. There is comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sicknesp are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. That is why it is the only
remedy with millionsof families, andis
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, which is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the enjoyment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Figs stands highest and is most largely
v4sed and gives most general satisfaction.
Months' Trip.
imii rn curr T ny stress, 0ur .
mA.LC.LI rrLL Special J'rl.e List of
This circular is issued for the benefit of our
country customers whoennuot avail themselves
of our )ally Sp jcial Sales, tend ns your ad
dress. You will And botb Koo lsanrt rrlcesright.
818 820 Market st'Pet. San Prannlsco, Cal.
;1S. WiiiSLOW'S vW0!
, Frftaleby :t Irg-!sU. 5 CcnU bttl J
if .
N, P. N. U. No. 691. S. F. N. U. No. 738