The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 07, 1896, Image 3

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    3(ood liver Slacier.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts Se same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 0 P. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
fcrrlves at o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Frldavs.
Canby Post, No. lfi, G. A. P.., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
a 1, U A II i A L n.KHut
Kb . u viuvn j. ill miu. A-id iimiuifciii in
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
ALP. Isknbkrg, Adjutant.
Waueoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
Uielr Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
W. H. Bishop, C. C.
J. B. Hunt, K. of R. S S.
' Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. TJ. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier.
H. Xv. Howx, Recorder.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets
la Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
O. 13. HARTLEY, N. G.
L. E. Morse, See'y.
Bacon 7je, lard 8c,at B.Rand & Son's.
Sugar $5.25 per sack ut It. Baud &
Hats cheap at Mrs.' Hunt's for cash,
but no credit. .''...
Arbuckle's coffee at 22Jc per package
at B. Baud & Son's.
Two small tract! of land for sale
bargains. See T. B. Coon.
Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Baths Hot and cold, or salt and
soda baths at the barber shop.
- Wanted To trade lumber for a fresh
cow. Apply to Frank Davenport. .
Lawrence Blowers has leased his 40
acre tract for three years to Joseph
' t tii i. : 1.1 ......
were passengers on Monday's local for
Tlie Dalles.
Fishermen on the sand bar below
town have lately been catching a good
lot of salmon.
John B. Nickelsen has sold a one
half interest in his blacksmith business
to VVm. Hay lies. ,
W. T. Phillips, wife and child of
Portland are visiting . Mr, and Mrs.
IS. V. Husbands.
Mrs. E. J. Haynes returned home
Monday afier a month's pleasant visit
in Portland and Oregon City.
Col. O. B. Hartley returned Friday
of hist week from Alaska and went on
tp Wasco, where his family are visit-
Station agent Henn is taking his an
nual vacation, and Mr. Mooney is act:
n in his place, while James Ellison
Is the night operator.
The regular quarterly examination
for teachers' certilicates will be held at
The Dalles, beginning Wednesday,
August 12th, at 1 o'clock.
Now is the time to lay In your sup
ply of firewood while it is dry. H.' O.
Bateham hits some 40 ricks of 18-inch
wood, which he offers to sell at cost.
The M. E. Columbia River confer
ence,, which embraces Eastern Ore&ron,
Eastern Washington and Northern
Idaho, will convene at North Yakima,
August 2Gtb.
For Sale Twenty acres within 1
miles of the Hood River postoiflce; one
acre in apple orchard and one acre in
strawberries'. Price, $700 cash. Apply
at this office. .
Mr. B. Rv Tucker has the agency for
the sale of a boob thatougbt to be read
by every voter. It gives t lie views of
leading statesmen on the questions
now agitating the public.
Notice to Irrigators I will be at
livery stable office Saturday afternoons
to receive payment of water rent for
season 1890. U. J. Gessling, Treasur
er Hood Biver Water Supply Co.
Jas. E. Hanna arrived In Portland
Friday of lust week and went to Eu
gene to join his family. We learn it is
his intention to return to Juneau,
Alaska, and take his family with him.
Mr. Hanna and family arrived in
Hood Biver laat night.
The . Yakima apple belongs to the
"Baldwin family," and therefore is a
sure bearer. Tillett has a fine lot of
young Yakimas growing in his nur
sery. He also has the Klickitat, a red
tipple that will keep till August.
The O. B. N. Co's timetable for
Hood Biver is as follows; Westbound
overland, 5:50 a. m.; eastbound over
land, 9:45 p. m.; local passenger east
bound, 11:12 a. m.; local passenger
wesiDouna, p. m. y
Pror. Ferguson passed through Hood
Biver Monday from White Salmon,
where he gave an entertainment to a
good audience last Saturday night.- He
expects to return to Hood Biver soon
and give another of his inimitable per
formances. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before purchas
ing elsewhere. , .
W. T. Hansberry and family attend
ed the Adventist camp meeting at
Goldendale, and returned home Tues
day, after being gone two weeks. There
was a large attendance at. the camp
meeting and several additions were
made to the church. ,
Hood Biver Chapter. No 27, Royal
Arch Masons, which has been working
under a dispensation for the past six
months, was formally instituted last
Friday iiight, under a regular warrant,
with a membership of thirty. The
principal officers are'E. E. Savage,
jiigh priest; G. E. Castner, king; E. L.
Smith, scribe.
Six weeks ago I suffered with a very
v severe cold; was almost unable to speak.
My friends all advised me to consult a
physician. Noticing Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy advertised in the Saint
PaulVolks Zeitung, I procured a bot
tle, and after taking it ashorttime was
entirely well. I now most heartily
recnmnie-id this remedy to any one
f uft'erlng with a cold. Wm. Ke'il, 078
Selby ave.,' St. Paul, Minn. For sale
by Williams & Brosius, drugg'sts.
D. A. Turner, while riding by Para
dise farm, yesterday moruiug, on his
way to the planer, spied the sleepers of
the old barn that Dr. Adams had re
moved last winter, lying along side
the road. These sleepers were hewed
out bv Mr. Turner and the late Wm
Odeli in the fall of 1801. The timbers
were cut on Phelps creek. This was
the first job of work these men ever
did after their arrival in the state a
short time previous. Paradise farm
was them owned by Wm Jenkins, who
took it up as a donation land claim.
E. C. Bogers is circulating a petition
to the county court for a road from F.
H. Stanton's place, runningsouth one
mile, thence east one-quarter of a mile,
thence southeast about three miles to
sections, thence south two miles to
the center of the south side of section
17. This road will open up the
country on the headwaters of Neal
creek, M osier creek and Rock creek.
About 15 claims have been taken up
since last April, and there is plenty of
land left.
Rev. P. B. Williams and wife of
Portland, who have been visiting Mr.
and Mrs. J. Wickham, left on the after
noon train Wednesday for their home.
Mr. Williams is an uncle of Mr. Wick
ham, and the two had not met for 26
years. Mr. Williams preached at the
Clapper school house last Saturday
night and Sunday afternoon. He is
the field agent of the National Chris
tian Association for the Pacific coast,
and a minister of the U. B. church. j
Nickelsen & Haynes last week man
ufactured for H. C. Bateham a circu
lar knife, with spade handle, for cut
ting strawberry runners. By its use
the runners can be trimmed from an
entire hill with one stroke of the knife, j
J. W. Morton hud a hoe straightened
by the blacksmiths, which, when
sharpened, makes a good instrument
to cut runners. Cush Luckev used a
pair of scizzors operated by two long
me entertainment ana Dasicet so
cial at the Valley Christian church for
the benefit of the organ fund tvas well
attended, about 200 people being pres
ent, and was a decided success. The
music class of the district, under the
leadership of Prof. McCauley. furnished
the entertainment with singing. The
net receipts of the evening amounted
to over $12, receipts from the saleof the
baskets amounting to $10.50.
Canby post, G. A. R., i ad a good
meeting last Saturday. The post is in
flourishing condition. L. Henry,
quartermaster, reported that from pres
ent Indications the post would lie able
to reduce the dues, which are now $2 a
year, to $1.50 or $1 next year. The
post recently purcmisea a hanritome
silk flag, which did duty for the first
time at the last meeting. . 'A
Mr. J. M.' C. Miller, an old news
paper man, but now promoted to the
rank of school teacher, is stopping in
Hood Kiver. Mr. Miller edited and
published the Pacific Express in Port
land from 1888 to 1890.
Mrs. ' Jf. A. Monroe arrived home
Tuesday from Portland, where she has
been visiting for the past five weeks.
Her sister, Mrs. Knowles, from Penn
sylvania, met her in Portland and ac
companied her home.
A good many of our subscribers have
shown their appreciation of our reduc
tion in the price of subscription to $1.50,
when pairt in -advance, and . have
called and paid up old scores and paid
for a year in advance.
Mr. John Hinrichsof the East Side
was hurt a couple of weeks ago by his
horse falling with him. The- horse
fell on his left leg and bruised it so
that he has been badly crippled ever
Mrs. Pratt Whitcomb and daughter
Gertie, who have been spending the
summer with Mrs. Hutton, Mrs. Whit-,
comb's mother, returned on the Regu
lator to Portland Friday morning.
Mr. Harry Watkins, presidential
elector for the people's party, will ad- .:
dress the citizens of Hood Kiver in the
interest of his party, Wednesday even-'
ing. A ugust 12th, at 7:30. ; r,
Dr. Miller and W. M. Stewart of
Portland and Dr. J. F. Watt and El
mer Kaud went out yesterday for u
fishing trip to the headwaters pf the
west fork of Hood river.
Mr. E. Martin and daughter Clara,
Mrs. C. J. Wheeler and children, and
Mrs. F. K. Bullock, all of Portland,
came up on the noon train Tuesday. :
Kev. F. C. Krause expects to leave
us about the 20th of this month for
Oakland, Cal., where he will enter the
Pacific Theological Seniminary.
Mrs. Rich rallied for a few days last
week, and her friends had strong hopes
of her ultimate recovery, but for the
past few days she lias not been so well.
The threshing machine run by Hin
richs, Lage and McCrory will begin
operations at Harbison Bros.' place
next Mouday or Tuesday. 1
Mrs. E. H. Meeker, who has been
the guest of Mrs. Blythe for a week,
left on the Regulator tliis morning for
her home in Portland.
The Hinrichs baler finished work at
D. A.Turner's place Wednesday. They
baled 18 tons for John Hinrichs and lb
tons for Mr. Turner.
' Mr. Newcomb is building a residence
on the land he recently purchased of
G. A. Lindsay. A Portland carpenter
is doing the work.
E. L. Rood is painting the new
Methodist church and will complete
the whole job in another week if the
seats are made.
' Mr. Samuel Clark of Mosrow, Idaho,
a former resident of Hood River, came
in on the morning train Wednesday.
A parcel, addressed to Lieut. H, H.
Riddell, care of National Guard, re
mains uncalled for in the Hood River
post office. a
Mr. H Henn started for the McCoy
creek mines yesterday morning, where
he will put in his vacation prospecting.
Just received, at the bakery, a nice
lot of soda water from Northrup &
Slurgcs. Kept on ice at 5c a glass.
Jim Coventon was in town Wednes
day. He has taken up a ranch an the
Columbia river below Lyle. S
Mr.John Wilson has a book con
taining the New York Tribune Alma
nac from 1838 to 1808.
A fine rain last Saturday laid the
dust and cleared the atmosphere of
Mr. and Mrs. E. V. Husbands spent
Sunday and Monday last in Portland.
For Sale A good Studebaker wagon,!
cheap. Apply to in: J. t. watt.
Read Captain Ferguson's new ad
t':e G&ACIEB, . ,
... - t
Wo are agents for the American Woolen Mills and are now prepared to offer bargains In
all kinds of woolen clothing cheaper than ever before offered to the people of Hood Kiver
valley. In other lines of goods, also, our prices defy competition. When you wish to pur
chase anything in the line of clothing or household goods, call and get our prices and exam
ine sumples. We can take your measure for a suit and guarantee satisfaction.
Observe Some
Caasimere Suits for men t 4 45
and up over 100 samples to select from.
Men's Pants 1 95
and up hi samples.
Spring and summer overcoats 10 50
uoys' suits . l w
Ladies' cloaks 1 95
fames' ete suits ana aresseooas.
Five different styles of Bicycles, each 85 00
A 1 cr rwern -r a an A nil lrlriH nf mnislr(l i n at. 111
glassware, lamps, guns and pistols, cutlery,
me suin aura auxnors, cooKing ranges, neaung
If You Don't See what
And Tucker will furnish It
B. R.
A Horrihle Nightmare,
A merchant of Hood Kiver had a
dream the other night that gives him
a nervous chill whenever he thinks of
it. Having great faith in the honesty
and integrity of this merchant, a good
j many of our farmers make him their
banker and deposit with him their sur
plus earnings, he transferring the same
to the Portland banks for safe keeping.
This merchant takes a deep interest in
politics and is a firm believer in sound
money. He isastrong McKinley man,
and until his dream the other night
never' doubted that McKinley would
lie our next president and that the
money of our country would.-remain
one dollar as good as another. He
dreamed that the election had taken
place and that his faith in the succpss
of his favorite candidate remained with
him to the last. But alas! the other
man was elected. As soon as the re
sult was announced and free silver was
declared triumphant, . trouble com
menced. The worst fears of the gold
bugs were realized. ', The financial
panic of 1893 wasn't in it compared
with the state of affairs that existed in
his dream. Every bank in the coun
try was besieged by anxious depositors
who wanted their money, and banks
were busting everywhere. .Our mer
chant's depositors called for their
money. He hurried to the bank in
which he had made his deposits and
was rejoiced to find its doors still open
and the good old bank doing business
at the old stand. He presented his
certificates and asked for his money.
The paying teller, commenced to stack
up rolis of silver dollars upon the
counter in front of our merchant, who
attempted to stop him by saying that
he had deposited old and wanted gold
in return. The teller blandly told him
to take a. look at his certificates and
see what they called for. He did so,
and they called for current funds. 1 It
then dawned upon our merchant, in
all its startling significance, that the
money of our country had got to a sil
ver basis, and silver money was now
"current funds." There was no help
for it; he had to take silver or nothing.
The value of the dollar of our daddies
had fallen way below 50 cents and was
lioverinar near the two-bit mark. The
twenty-dollar gold pieces that had been
received tor our strawoerry crop were
now about to be exchanged for twenty-
dollar rolls not worth more than one-
fourth as much. Our merchant was
terribly perplexed and didn't know
what to do. The teller had no time to
parley, as there was a long' line of de
positors waiting tueir turn to get tueir
money. He finally decided, and called
a dray to haul his silver to the depot.
Arrived home, he proceeded to pay off
nis depositors with current muds, nut
here his real trouble commenced. Men
who had insisted upon his taking their
money for safe keeping refused to take
silver. They howled for gold, and
what seemed to him to be the strangest
part of his dream was that the men
who had voled and shouted for "free
silver now howled the loudest for gold
and refused to be comforted with ''cur
rent funds." Our merchaut was in
sore distress, but, fortunately, relief
was at hand he awoke, and the hor
rid nightmare was banished. He
thinks t lie memory of that dream will
haunt him as long as the agitation of
the silver question lasts. .
Price List of Sprays.-
No. 1. Lime, sulphur and salt, perewt...$ 4 00
No. 2. lyime, sulphur and blue stone, " 5 00
No. i. Boap.sulphur.sodaandnotash " 00
No. 4. Kcsin and sal soda, " BOO
No. 5. Whale oil soap " 0 00
"Acme" compound "10 00
No. 7. Bordeaux mixture. " 0 00
London purple.l iti,30c; 10 Iks, $2.50: 25 Its, 5 00
Paris (jreen, 1 lb, 40c; 10 lbs, 8.00; 25 lbs 7 50
Blue stone, per cwt 5 00
Hesin. per cwt 5 00
Kulphur (ground) per cwt , 2 00
Sal soda, per cwt 3 00
We can furnish at short notice any
thing in our spray or sprayer catalogue.
If you have not received one, ask fcr it.
Williams & Brosius,
Hood River Pharmacy.
Newspapers in the Campaign.
In the present campaign the newspapers
will be the greatest of educators In teaching
the voters of the land the proper way to view
the political questions of the day. The Re
public of Ht. Louis is without doubt the most
able instructor published on the democratic
side, us it explains in almost every issue, by
editorial or learned article, why the mass of
the people should vote for the democratic
presidential candidate. In addition, it prints
all the news of the doings of both parties and
all the speeches of statesmen. The Republic
ls only .i a year, $1.50 lor 8 months, or 05 cents
a month by mail.. Semi-Weekly Kejuiblic $1
a year. '
Now is the time to order your trees
for planting next fall. Cail and see
Tillett at the Hood Kiver Nursery. ,
. Bor::. . :
In Hood River valley, July 25, 1890,
to Mr and Mrs. J. H. Koburg, a ten
pound son.
Tn Hood River valley, August 1.1806,
to Mr. and Mrs. J-. A. Cook, a son. '
In Hood River, August 5, lS9(i, to
Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Hershner, a son.
; .
of Our Prices:
Rewing machines....
Puggies, for
R )ud cart, for
Three-spring wagon, for
Open buggy, for
13 00
9 50
89 CO
80 00
Harness, lor..
6 95
Morgan saddles 2 00
5 50
Baby buggies
4 95
mpn fa fnrnUnro -f aTarr A nartrininn irnnb orr
spoons, clocks and watches, jewelry, books by all
stoves, gasoline stoves, uoora ana snoes, etc.
You Want, Ask for It,
at an astonishlsng low price.
TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Church Notices.
The churches of Hood River will
conduct a union service at the U. B.
church on Sunday evening, at8o'clock
Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach the
Rev. T. L. Eliot of Portland will
preacruat the Congregational church
hunflay at 11 a. m. INo evening service,
Tent meetings of the Advent Christ
ian church will be held in a large tent
near W. T. Hansberry's place, two
miles south of town, beginning Fri
day, August 14, and holding over two
Sundays. All are cordially invited to
aiiena tne meetings. ,
Eld. J. F. Anderson,
;;';: .Evangelist.
The fourth quarterly conference of
seimoiit circuit will be held at Bel
mont August 9th at 2 p. rn.,by Rev. R.
C. Moter, P. E. The preaching will be
held at Pine Grove the same evening
and at Belmont, Sunday morning at
11 o'clock. Everybody welcomed to
all of these services. s
Troy Shelley, pastor of East Hood
River church, will preach on the sub
ject, "Seventh Day Sabbath," at Odell
school bouse, 3 o'clock Sunday. Au
gust 9th.
TJ. B. church services will be as fol
lows every Sunday unless otherwise
announced: Sunday school 10 a. in.;
preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En
deavor 4.30 p. in.; Senior Endeavor 7:30
p. m.; preaching services 8 p. m.
F. C. Kkausk, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood; second Sunday; Belmont at 11,
Crupper school house at 3, and Pine
Grove at 7: third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
F. L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, witli
preaching, will he conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome. ' ,. .
' Sunday school at the M. E. taber
nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A
welcome to all. . Supt.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. . For' sale at the Hood River
Pharmacy. - '
For Sale.
A good gentle family horse, will work
double or single; 8 ears old. For terms, ap
ply to II. L. CEAPPER,
jyltt Hood Kiver. Or.
. . I WantTWork.
I am prepared to set strawberry plants after
August 1st. Will use my planter and agree to
set 15,1100 plants a day on good gronnd for 83 a
day and board. For reference call on A. P.
Bateham. , C. D. MOOHE.
: iiTBiraEiFeeu StaWes.
Are prepared to do all kinds of hauling and
draying for town or country, and can take
parties to the mountains or fishing grounds
at short notice. myl
Boy Wanted, r
To work in nursery. Apply to Wm. Tillett.
New Jewelry Store.
Charles Temple. German .watchmaker; has
located in Hood River and opened a shop in
Jv'ickelsen's store. Watches, clocks and Jew
elry repaired at reasonable rates and all work
guaranteed first class. c
Mainsprings , fl 00
Cleaning ; ; I 00
Ripana Tabules
Ripans Tabules
cure nausea,
at druggists.
Ripans Tabules:
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
cure dizziness,
cure headache. - 1
cure flatulence. :
cure dyspepsia,
assist digestion,
cure bad breath.
: pleasant laxative,
cure liver troubles,
cure biliousness.
: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules
Ripan's Tabules
Ripans Tabules
: one gives relief,
cure indigestion. '
cure torpid 'Aver,
cure constipation-
Ripans Tabules
Ripans Tabules
: for sour stomach.
Pigs for Sale.
Younc pigs. Berkshire and Poland China
cross: 81.50 apiece. For;saleby
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
P$lfflE ' "TABJ-KHED 84 j
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS is now located "in Hood
River. Firstclass work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langllle
House. Jylii
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; Dotn farming ana timber lands.
February, 1894.
. Repaired and all kinds of
.-..'. . ' Sold by -
Also, Boots and Shoes, repaired.
H. -C. Coe.
Notary Public.
Real Estate ana InsnrancG,
93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blocks and acreage in the
town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and oerry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If yon have any
thing In the real estate Jine to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business in Jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
. ap27 , . . ', ,
H. E. 3ALCH '& CO.,
! 78 Second St.,
And Leaders of Fashions.
The larcrest and most complete assortment.
of American and imported Kngltsh woolens
ever shown In the city. Latest patterns in
spring and summer suitings. Call and in
spect stock and get prices.
Business Suits, '
from $18 to $25.
Dress Suits foorn $25 to $50.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Her prices are 50 cents a lesson, jld
Harbison Bros.,' Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Oregon Liter
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of ceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
HOOD RIVER, - - - - - - -. OREGON.
Wanted to Trade.
A few choice work horses for cedar posts,
wood or lumber. Address J. L. KELLY, box
281, The Dalles, Or.
Mt. Hood Saw Mills,
Of the best quality always on hand at prices
to suit the times. Jy21
Some Bargains,
100 acres, 50 In cultivation; good house and
barn; 100 bearing fruit trees; well watered.
Price, $20 an ac re.
60 acres, si acres cleared; 10 acres deadened,
ready to burn; new barn; perpetual stream of
water running 00 rods through the land.
Price, $10 an acre. . JOHN MONROE,
,1y24 ' Hood River, Or.
A hydraulic rain, No. 6. Apply to
. . Hood River, Or.
' ", ., . . THE
Tiie Dalles, PorOanfl liimi
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily liet. Date "ed PcilM
All Freight Will Come Througrh
Without Delay.
One way........ ... -;..$ls6i
Kound trip a 58
Freight Rates Greatly
. ' W. C. ALLAWAY, "
General Agent.
E. MCNEILL, Receiver, .
Gives the choice of
Minneapolis' OMAHA
AND - AND '.
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rat os to. All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days .for
For tell details fall an O. C & X. Ajei ,
Hood Rix-4 or address .'
W. IL irtritLISURT,
x Gcu'l Pane. Agent,
Portland, Or.
ScIsntiCo American
Agency for
TRADE muttas.
lor inronnauon ana rreo wanaDooK write to .
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