The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, August 07, 1896, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 8.
NO. 11.
From AH Parts of the. New
; World and the Old.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
1 ant Happenings of the Past Week
Galled From the Telegraph Columns.
. A detaohment of company I, who
were guarding the Brown hoisting
works, near Cleveland, O., fired upon
" a mob of strikers and wounded one of
them. Exoltement ' runs high, and
more trouble is feared.
. A special from Madrid says a great
fire rages at Rueda de Medina, a town
of about 4,000 inhabitants, twenty -five
miles 'southwest of Valadolid. Hun
dreds of buildings are said to have been
destroyed. The inhabitants are report
ed as being in a state of panio.
The syndicate of foreign bankers
whioh came into existenoe to check the
drain on . the United States treasury
reserve exerted by Europe has been sig
nally successful in its efforts in that
direotion, but the withdrawls of gold
for shipment to Canada continues.
James Fulton Shepard, a one-legged
- boy of Alameda,' Cal., saved a 12-year-..
old lad named Durant from drowning
' in the tidal canal. Shepard rescued
Durant as he was sinking for the last
time. The boy had swallowed a quan
tity of water, and it required an hour's
hard work to bring him to.
' Another rebellion is reported from
, China. Two powerful bandit societies
are in revolt. Several villages have
been captured. Helpless inhabitants
have.. .been foully murdered and their
homes destroyed. Foreign missions
have been attacked, and two Frenoh
priests narrowly esoaped with their
Governor Molntyre, of Colorado, has
reoeived a letter purporting to be from
William Smeiduth, for the murder of
whom Columbus B. Sykes is serving a
life sentenoe. What were supposed to
be Smeiduth's remains were found on
his ranoh, near Dallas, Colo., Maroh
13, 1894. The chief of police of San
Franoisoo has been requested to find the
man claiming to be Smeiduth, who
writes that he is staying at the What
Cheer house on Saoramento street, San
Nothing in years has 'caused suoh a
flurry in commercial oiroles as the col
lapse of Moore Bros, in their efforts to
maintain oontrol of the Diamond Matoh
Company and the New York Biscuit
Company. A striking feature of the
failure is the fact that the Chioago
stook exohange for the first time in its
history adjourned indefinitely without
doing a dollar's worth of business.
The following notice was posted:
"The Chioago stook exob.ange.has ad
journed, subjeot to the aotion of the
governing committee. Wilkins, sec
retary." Storms in West Virginia have ore
ated great havoo and railway traffic
has been suspended. -
The members of a camping party
near Oakland, Cal., were forced to
. limb trees, while a madened bull de
stroyed their oamp.
, E. L. Harrison, who was formerly
1 traveling auditor for the Northern
Paoifio railroad, committed suioide in
Taooma, by Bhooting himself in the
mouth, "the bullet from his revolver
penetrating to the brain and killing
him almost instantly.
A freight train on the Vandalia rail
road ran through a bridge near Craw-
, (ordsville, Ind., killing Conductor
McEenzie and Fireman John Herber
and seriously injuring Boadmaster J.
3. Brothers and Engineer Bowman.
The wreck was daused by washouts.
Rev. Geo. P. Enapp, who was ar
rested in Bitlis, Eastern Turkey, on the
oharge of conspiring against the Turk-
' - ish government, and who was onoe lib-.,
era ted, but refused to leave the country
before his innooenoe was established,
has again been arrested and will be
tried on a oharge of inciting riot.
E. L. Moody, a logger, made a cow
ardly attempt to murder Mrs. H. J,
Bunn in a hotel kept by the woman's
husband at Elma, V ash. . Moody
stabbed his viotim in the wrist and in
the right breast with a knife, and then
fled, leaving Mrs. Bunn seriously if not
fatally,, wounded. , Moody is still at
large. . '
A Havana' dispatoh says the polioe
have captured a collection of maps of
the island, highly colored, showing the
supposed ' insurgent headquarters in
Cubitas, the rebel flag and pioturing
various chiefs of the insurrection. The
maps bear the imprint of a Barcelona
Arm. The Havana stationer, Don Fer
nandez, in whose possession they were
found, was arrested.
The two daring navigators who left
New York June 28, in a sailboat but
eighteen feet long, to oross the Atlan
tic, are all right. They were sighted
on July 19 in latitude 53, longitude
81.55, by the Amerioan liner Indiana
and asked to be reported. They ap
peared to be in the best of spirits and
required no assistance whatever from
the Indiana, although provisions and
water were offered them.
Victoria to Retire
- The rumor that Queen Viotoria in
tends to retire in favor of the Prince ot
Wales is again ourrent in London. It
is added that oourt oirotes are greatly
troubled regarding the condition of the
queen's health. Suoh reports have fre
quently appeared recently, only to be
semi-offloially contradicted later, but it
seems that there may be some aotual
foundation for the statements made.
It is added that - her majesty has de
cided to spend her time in future at
Balmoral or Osborne, and will give the
Prince and Prinoess of Wales the use
of Buckingham palaoe and Windsor
castle. . ' , , .
Is Deaf, Duinb and Blind.
An interesting experiment in educa
tion will be commenoed at the deaf,
dumb and blind institution at Berkley,
Cal. ,' on the opening of the sohool year
in August Grace C. Sperow, aged 10
years, who was been stone blind from
childhood and is now almost deaf and
dumb, is to be made a speoial student
and eduoated at the expense of the
state. This ohild will be given a nine
years' oourse and will receive instruc
tion from a speoial teaoher employed
for that purpose. This will be the
first attempt to eduoate a deaf, dumb
and. blind person and in consequenoe
great interest oenters about the case.
, Behrader In Texas. '
August Shrader, the so-oalled divine
healer, put in an appearanoe in Dallas,
Tex., where he treated 2,000 persons in
four days. Some reported they had
been cured. He left suddenly, leaving
the following note: "I am called
from here, and obey my Father's will."
' Successful Filibusters.
Passengers from Havana, arrived in
Key West by the steamer Masoott re
port a rumor of the suooessful landing
of a filibustering expedition in the vi
cinity of Cienfuegos. The expedition
is believed to be under the oommand
of Captain Cabrera.
Oregon School Census.
The state school census, whioh has
just been completed by Superintendent
Irwin, at Salem, shows that there are
in Oregon at present 129,623 oihldren
of sohool age. ...
Republican State Convention. .
The Republican state committee oi
Washington . decided to- hold the state
convention at Taooma on . August 28.
The convention will be attended by
486 delegates. - '. ,
Judge Carpenter Dead.
Word oomes from Holland by cable
that Judge George M. Carpenter, of the
United States distriot court. for the dis
trict of Rhode Island, died of paralysis
of the heart.
Epidemic of Suicides.
Driven to despair by different oausep,
six people attempted to end their own
lives by suioide, in Chicago in one day.
Devastated by the Storm.
The most destructive storm in the
history of Sunday Creek valley oc
curred at Gloucester, a mining town
twelve, miles north of Athens, O. , re
sulting in the almost total destruction
of one of the principal thoroughfares of
the town. The fury of the wind is
almost indescribable. Buildings were
toppled over, trees torn from their roots,
and the town is a scene of desolation.
Nearly every building in the town is
damaged. ' To add to the horror, Sun
day oreek is a sweeping, raging torrent.
Several houses have been washed away,
and word was reoeived that the list of
dead will reaoh fifteen.
Mine Burned by Strikers.
The mine of the old Pittsburg Coal
Company, at Hymeau, Sullivan oounty,
Ind., has been burned. A committee
from the miners' organization visited
the mine and sought to induoe - the
miners to quit work. The watchman
was captured,' carried some distance
and the works burned. . The loss is
Italian Warship Destroyed.
The Italian armored wraship Rola,
of about 5,800 tons displacement, was
struck by lightning near Rome.. The
flames - spread rapidly - threatening - to
reaoh the magazine. It was found ne
oessary to sink the ship by discharg
ing torpedoes.
Both Are Dead. 1
. Robert Stark and Abe Tinkey, the
former a merchant, the latter : post
master at Seqnim. Wash., attempted
to acquire a cheap jag on wood aloohol.
The effect was such that within a few
hours after drinking the fiery decoo
tion both men died.
Its Glory Has Departed.
. The great auditorium in whioh the
Republicans and Populists held their
national conventions in St. Louis, will
be turned into a Madison square garden
for horse shows, bioyole meets and
other great indoor sporting enterprises
the ooming fall and winter. '.
Heavy Damage In South Dakota.
Dispatches from Melitte and other
points in South Dakota state that a hail
storm devastated a stretoh of country
sixty miles long and five or six miles
wide. The damage amounts to hun
dreds of thousands of dollars.
A Terrific Explosion.
A special from Vienna says an ex
plosion in a powder magazine at Fuen
fkirohen resulted in the death of five
persons, injuring eighty others and
wrecking the town hall.
A Dramatic Incident in a
Steamship Voyage. ;
A British Ship Abandoned at Sea The
' Rescue Was ' Accomplished . by a
French Crew During a Heavy Storm.
New York, Aug. 5. Twelve dis
tressed mariners, whose rescue in mid
ooean last Tuesday from a- water
logged . and slowly sinking, wreck,
formed a dramatio incident of La Bour
gogne's voyage to this port from Havre,
arrived here today on board that steam
ship. Their own vessel, the German
bark Ernst, from Wales for New Brus
wiok, has gone the way of the storm
The resoue was made during the
height of a heavy gale, and under cir
cumstances whioh severely tried the
oourage and seamanship of the rescuers.
It was witnessed by 850 passengers of
the big liner, who olung a to reeling
taffrail, and heedless of the fearful,
rolling of the ship and the storm's
spray, whioh dashed in their faces,
watched with blanohed cheeks the
struggle of the life-savers to reaoh the
wreck. ' .
The bark signaled for assistance and
Captain Le Boeuf ordered the launch
lowered, with Lieutenant Lotay in com
mand. Within a moment it was over
turned and its crew thrown into the
water. ( "They were saved with life
lines, and then nobly volunteered a seo
ond attempt, whioh was suooessful, the
smallboat having been in like manner
launched, they went in company to the
Ernst, but owing to the high seas it
was impossible to get nearer than 100
feet of her.
The wreck was only 200 yards away,
but it took the boat nearly an hour to
traverse that distanoe. The little boat
stood on end at times, then was flung
skyward on a boiling orest, and at in
tervals would disappear for so long a
time that those - who watched them
feared they had been swamped outright.
Finally they showed close under the
leeward of the sinking bark, whioh
seemed just able to keep her drowning
decks above water. One , by one the
ofew of the Ernst jumped overboard
and were picked up by the life-savers
and taken into the boats. All but three
were rescued in this way. They re
fused to trust themselves to the sea on
the chance of being saved by the boats,
and after vain expostulations and many
urgings by the two French officers, the
boats put back to La Bourgogne, leav
ing the three men behind.
The exoited passengers watohed their
progress with breathless interest, and
many willing hands were ready to as
sist the resoued on board.
A dozen times the first boat tried to
get alongside, and as many times it
was swept away by the big seas. The
steamship had swung into the trough
of the sea and every wave that swelled
against her railing came nearly flush
with the 86a. Then would follow the
wild, windward roll, and a score of
feet of her sheating would be hove into
view. Boarding a vessel under these
ciroumstanoes is a perilous undertak
ing, but good seamanship finally "pre
vailed , and the men were taken on
board, exhausted and wet and trem
bling from their exertions and , the
perils they had esoaped.
Lieutenant Notay was washed over
board again while trying to climb a
sea ladder, but a line was thrown to
him and for the seoond time he was
resoued. But there were still three
lives in danger. It would not do to
abandon the men who had been left
on the bark, and after another effort,
in which the boatswain Of the Ernst
took a prominent part, all three were
Captain Pahrens was master of the
wreoked bark. To Captain Le Boeuf
be said he had sailed in ballast from
Carnarvon, Wales,"June 80, bound for
Shedlao, N. B. He met a succession of
gales from the start, and fifteen days
out from port sprung a dangerous leak.
The pumps were kept going night and
.day, and by strenuous efforts the leak
was kept from gaining. July 26 the
pumps became choked with sand, and
there was ten feet of water in the hold
when La Bourgogne was sighted. The
crew of the Ernst was sent to Ellis
island, and will be turned over to tho
German oonsul.
Largest Lock la the World Opened.
Sault Ste. Marie, Mioh. , Aug. 5.
The new 800-foot look was officially
opened this afternoon at 1:80, when
the revenue outter Andrew Johnson
and the river and harbor improvement
steamer Hanoook were locked through.
No official programme marked the
opening of the largest look in the
world, and the completion of one of
the greatest engineering feats in the
history of the country. The lock was
commenoed in 1889. It is 800 feet in
length between gates; . 1,100 feet in
length over all; 43 feet high; 100 feet
wide, and will accommodate boats
drawing 21 feet of water. '
Rolling Mills Relume.
Niles, O. , Aug. 5. All rolling mills
of this plaoe will resume work at onoe,
giving employment to about 2,000 men.
Held Up by Two Masked Highwaymen
-v and Robbed.
Oregon City, Aug. 5. An exoited
messenger came galloping into town
this evening with the news that the
Wilho'it stage, whioh left this city to
day noon had been robbed.- A dozen
to twenty shots were fired, two horses
were killed and the pockets and bag
gage of the passengers rifled. It is not
known how much property was taken.
The robbers were interrupted, in their
work by two farmers, who exchanged
several shots with them, and drove
them into the woods. , . ,
The robbery took plaoe within 200
yards of the Milk oreek bridge, where
the. last of last year's hold-ups occur
red.:The same driver, Bill . Mattoon,.
held the reins of the four-horse team,
and as he rounded a turn in the road,
two masked men stepped from the
brash and commanded him to , stop.
Two of the horses were frightened by
the sudden appearance of the men at
the roadside, and they started to run.
The robbers promptly took three shots
at the . team, bringing - the leaders
down, each horse having a front log
shattered, and having also a shot in tho
back. - - :
Of oourse, that stopped the stage,
and the robbers at ' once ' began the
search for booty. They had pretty
thoroughly scared the driver, as well
as the passengers, and when they called
to all hands to "shell out and be quiok
about it," all bands "shelled out."
The driver gave up his revolver and a
little coin, and the passengers, Mr.
and Mrs. Hidinger and daughter, of
Portland, and a Chinaman, delivered
their valuables, but the amount is not
reported. Then the robbers turned to
the baggage and went through that,
taking whatever they found that pleas
ed them. It is supposed they did not
get much from the baggage. '
While the robbery was in progress,
Thomas Duffy, who oarries the mail
between ' Oregon City . and Molalla,
came along, and the thieves took a
oouple of shots at him, sending him
away in a hurry. He told ; Phil M.
Graves and Mr. Woodside, two farm
ers whom he met, about the affair, and
they went at once to the resoue, open
ing fire on the robbers, who retired,
after answering with several shots.
The wounded horses were put out of
their misery, and a posse was organized
on the spot and started in hot pursuit.
. The oourse taken by the robbers was
up Milk oreek in . a rugged country
leading to the mountains. The coun
try is fairly well settled by ranohersi
however, and the robbers will have a
hard time to get away. Chief of Po
lioe Burns, of this city, and Deputy
Sheriffs Noblitt and Samson started
from town this evening to push the
hunt for the men.
No description of them is given ex
cept that they are both tall, roughly
dressed and apparently young . men.
Their oloth masks prevented a view of
their features. The hold-up took place
about 4 o'olock this afternoon, and the
pursuit of the thieves was so prompt
that it is thought their ohances of es
oape are slim. The stage oontinued on
to Wilhoit The horses that were
killed belonged to Liveryman Noblitt,
and were valued at $60.
Last season the same stage was held
up twioe not far from the spot where
today's robbery ocourred. ' No shots
were then fired, and the amount of the
plunder was small. The affairs then
were, conduoted similarly . to that of
today, exoept that one man did the
work. . ' ..;
With It He Located Fabulous Treag
- ure In California.
Alameda, Cal., Aug. 5. William
Shafer, of this city, believes that be
has located a gold mine with a divin
ing ; rod upon a spot in ' Contra Costa
oounty, which his wife saw in a vision.
Shafer says he has struck a bonanza,
and that he will be a millionaire if he
oan secure possession of the land where
the precious metal lies hidden.
Two, weeks ago it- was- related- how
Mr. Shafer had a divining rod and his
wife had a vision, and he had started
out to locate the mine in Contra Costa
county. Shafer took with him a lot of
prospecting tools and his wonderful
steel dip needle. This needle has such
a powerful affinity for the precious
metala that it can soent a 50-oent piece
100 feet away. It was made especially
for Shafer by a friend, who expended
three weeks labor upon it. With a
similar instrument a very rioh mine
was looated in Death valley. " The
mine is now owned and operated by the
Redlands Mining Company.
Since ; the story of Shafer' s novel
prospeoting tour, as a result oi his
wife's vision, was published he has re
ceived letters from six states. All
kinds of propositions have been made
to him to locate mines. Several beg
ged for sittings with Mrs. Shafer, that
she might go into trances and locate
gold mines. Next week Shafer is go
ing on a prospeoting trip for several
men in San Franoisoo. All his ex
penses will be paid and he will be
given a good salary.
"I think I shall go into the business
of locating mines with my divining
rod," said Shafer.
A maohine has been Invented by
some genius whioh will do typewriting
and the addition of figures at the same
Report of the Bureau for the
Last Fiscal Year. ' .
17 1.
The Receipts Show a Trivial Increase
Over the Preceding, Tear Some of
the Items -Approximate ' Expense.
. Washington," Aug. 4. The commis
sioner of internal revenue has submit
ted to Secretary Carlisle the prelimin
1 "I, reprt 'JJJUmuuMbiok gave-Oatesimajority ,
ending June '807o'sHdwi"TEaTihe re:
oeipts of internal revenue for the year
aggregated $146,830,610, an increase
of $3,884,645 over the reoeipts of the
preceding fiscal year. The expense is
approximated at $4,044,810. The per
centage of the cost of collection will be
2.7, a reduction of 1.8 as compared with
the preceding year.
From spirits, the receipts were $80,
670,070, an increase of $803,771. The
largest item of increase under this head
was from fruit spirits, the reoeipts of
$1,684,879 being $488,863 increase of
last year. Retail liquor taxes in
creased by $221,106, reoitfiers' taxes
$49,485 and wholesale liquor dealers'
special taxes $46,243. The only de
crease noted were trifling. '
Tobaooo brought in a revenue of
$30,711,629, or $1,006,721 more than
was derived from this source in the,
preceding year. There was a general'
inorease in all items under this head,
the largest being in cigarettes under
three pounds per thousand, the reoeipts
from whioh were $2,021,191, or $374,
876 more than in the preceding year.
Chewing and smoking tobaooo brought
in $15,220,028, or $323,804 more than
in the preceding year. . Cigars and
cheroots, over three pounds per thou
sand, realized $12,713,267, or an in
crease of $221,800, and snuff .afforded
a revenue of $752,615, an inorease of
From fermented liquors there was
derived taxes aggregating $38,784,825,
or $2,144,617 more than during the
preceding year. All beers and similar
liquors brought in $33,139,181, an in
crease of $2,094,826. .
There was a falling off of $189,778
in the taxes realized from , oleomargarine,"-
the revenue" from" which
amounted to $1,219,430. Thedeorease
was general in all the items under this
head, the largest being $112,817 in the
direot tax on oleomargarine, while re
tail dealers' taxes shrunk $57,215, and
the wholesale dealers' taxes $26,520.
The miscellaneous receipts dimin
ished $182,600 during the year, the
largest item being $122,549 decrease
from playing cards, from whioh only
$259,839 was reoeived.
During the past year, 167,089,910
gallons of . spirits were distilled from
other materials than from fruit, a de
crease of 7,413,129 gallons as oompared
with the preceding year. Cigarettes
to the number of 4,042,891,640 were
drawn out, whioh was 14,897,850 more
than were consumed during the preced
ing year. The number of cigars and
cheroots withdrawn were 4,237,755,
948, an increase of 73,788,508. Chew
ing and smoking tobaooo were taken
out to the amount of 253,667,137
pounds, an . increase of 5,897,499
Illinois returned more internal reve
nue than any other state, the total col
lections there being $31,973,133. New
York came next in order with $21,620,
470. Ohio and Pennsylvania were
close together with $11,974,740 and
$11,145,548 respectively. Indiana had
$7,692,245 ; Missouri, $6,953,915 ;
Maryland, $5,968,069, and Wisconsin,
. Nine of the remaining states readied
the $5,000,000 mark in the returns. .
Number of Dead in the Atlantic City
Wreck Positively Fixed.
muob perplexity resulting from many
cases of mistaken identity, the number
of dead as a result of the awful col
lisions on the Meadows was this after
noon positively fixed at forty-four.
The impression prevails that the re
sponsibility for the aooident rests upon
the ' dead engineer, . Edward Farr.
There is no dispute that the signal to
go ahead was given to the West Jersey
excursion train, and if -so the , danger
signal must necessarily have been given
to the Reading' track by an automatic
arrangement. The theory is that Farr
did not slow up and could not stop in
time when he saw the West Jersey
train approaching. It is said he had
been laid off for two weeks not long
ago for not making good time, and it is
supposed he was trying to make up for
this by running at a high rate of speed.
; ' The Deadly Chutes.
Enoxville, Tenn , Aug. 4. A ter
rible fatality ocourred at Lake Ottozee,
a summer resort five miles from this
oity, this afternoon. A Sunday-school
picnio was in progress, and the re
cently erected "chutes" were doing a
good business. As one of the boats
oame down the chutes, having aboard
thirteen small children, a rowboat
crossed its path as it struck he water,
and four oocupants of the rowboat were
killed or injured.
The State Carried by the Usual Demo
cratic Majority, .f': '
Montgomery, Ala., Aug. 5. The
size of the Demooratio majority seems .
all that remains in doubt, with regard
to the result of today's eleotion. : Be
cause of the slow counting ' under the
new ballot law, returns are necessarily
slpw in coming in, but there is no ;
doubt of a complete Demooratio vic
tory. Incomplete returns from about
half the oounties so far received indi- -cate
Demooratio gains in all but Mo
bile and Macon. . In the former,- the
Democrats appear to have lost some
500 votes by stay-at-homes, but the
county is still in the Demooratio col
umn by 500 majority. in Macon
of 800 in 1894, the result is 'close and
doubtful. " - ' . ,'.
The Populists, on the other ' hand,
have carried Tusoaloosa oounty by
1,000. majority. It gave Eolb 200 ma
jority two years ago. Marshall county,
whioh went for Kolb "by 600, is olose,
and probably- Demooratio. Lee oounty,
whioh had a Pppulist majority of 600, '
is like Marshall. Chambers oounty,
with 400 majority for Eolb in 1894,
is in the Demooratio column. Talla
poosa oounty, with 600 : majority for
Eolb at the last election, is close, and
may be Democratic Fayette, another .
Populist oounty, . is in the doubtful
column, as are. also Coosa and DeEalb.
In the counties whioh Governor
Oates carried two years ago, there have
been increased majorities in all so far
heard from, exoept two.- -' '
The Astoria Road Contractors Connot
. Get Enough Men, i
Portland, Or, , Aug. 6. Mr. Hugh
Glenn, of the - contracting firm of
Honeyman, DeHart & Glenn, who is
constructing a portion of the Astoria
Goble railroad,, is at the St. Charles.
He has just returned from Seattle,
where he went to employ laborers. He ,
wants 300 more .men, principally ax-.
men and station men, but finds it hard
to secure them. ,
"I have advertised for men," be
said, "and pay them $1.50 per day,
which is ten oents more than paid by :
the railroad companies and other con
tractors for the same class of work; yet
it seems impossible to get them. .
"It is our purpose to give everything
possible to Portland,- and we still hope
to get men here, and oh the Sound, in-.
stead of having - to go to San Fran
oisoo." - ' . -, .-'
The firm yesterday ohartered the
steamboat Eehani for nine months, to
be used in the transportation of sup- '
plies and camp equipage. .Two other
boats are similarly employed. '
The Cubans Thoroughly Whipped the
Spanish Troops.
Havana, Aug. 5. A hot engagement
is reported to have ocourred between '
Guayamas and Melones, in the district,
of Manzanillo, in the province of San
tiago de Cuba, in whioh the loss suf
fered by the Spanish troops was exceed
ingly heavy. The offioial report gives
the number of Spaniards as 100 pitted
against 1,000 insurgents.
The official report further states that
Lieutenant Gonzales and Pintados, of '
the Spanish foroes, were killed, to
gether with fifty privates.
Colonel Marco has had a fight with
the band of Sanguilly on the planta
tion' of Condesa, provinoe of Matanzas.
The insurgents lost eleven killed and
took many side arms. - The troops - had
two officers and nine soldiers wounded.'
The insurgents have burned the plan
tation of San Joaquin, at Abanose, in
Matanzas, causing a damage estimated
at $400,000. The insurgent bands are
conoentrating near the southern portion
of the trooha, and it is reported that,
they intend to attack it before long.
TheEnglneerJSllled and Rigjtt Passen- .
gers Ij ared. ... . . j
Topeka,'-Ean. , Aug. 6. Santa Fe
passenger train No. 1, which was due
in this city at 4:27 this af ternooon, col
lided with east-bound looal passenger
No. 18, near Bean Lake,, Mo., shortly
before noon today, . Fred Heady, of
Topeka, engineer on train No. 1, - was
killed. Eight were injured.
No. -1 was ordered to wait at Bean
Lake lor the Kansas City looal, but, '
instead, proceeded to Bosworth. The
collision occurred about half way be
tween the two plaoes. . The dead and
injured were brought to Topeka ' to
night. The injuries of Joseph Hiokey,
of San Jose, Cal. , are not bo serious as
at first thought. His . collar-bone is
fraotured. Express Messenger Bulway
cannot live. The oollision threw both
locomotives from the. track, and they
rolled off into the ditch. The smok
ing oar, in whioh all . the passengers
injured were riding, was telesooped by .
the express car. : v
Des Moines River Overflowed.
Des Moines, Aug. 5. Due to reoent
heavy rains, : rivers here have risen
from four ' to seven feet. The Des
Moines is going over its banks, destroy-!
ing many fields. ' Parts of the Eeokuk
& Western railroad bridge over the
Raojoon in this city went out last
night- Today's rains north are ex
pected to increase the flood. - -.