Sheriff and Robber Found - .Dead in' the Woods. HE TOOK DESPERATE CHANCES The Sheriff, Singletaanded, Went After the Highwayman, and Brought Blm Down, but Died la the Attempt Nevada, Cal., July 29. Sheriff David Douglass went out yesterday to eearoh for a highway robber. Not re turning and his horse and buggy being found tied up half a mile from town, this morning a searching party went out. The Bheriff and ,the robber were both found dead about a mile from town and only a few feet from eaoh other. Five ohambers were empty in the sheriff's revolver and he was snot through the heart, in the right eye and through the hand. The highwayman was also shot three times through the heart, in the abdomen and hip. The robber had a rifle, but it did not ap- . pear to have been used. - It 1b thought Douglass was killed by a pal of the dead robber. There is great ezpitement over the affair. Several parties iden tified the dead robber as the man who held tip Policeman Gibson and Charles Sladky, of San Franoisoo, naar here about two weeks ago, and who is sus pected as the person who has commited ' other robberies in this section of late. The bloody work took plaoe some time yesterday afternoon or last even ing. There have been a number of bold highway robberies lately, all evi dently the work of the same man. He has worked without assistants, but his capture seemed impossible, although the sheriff and his deputies made every effort to oatoh the thief. Finally, Sheriff Douglass determined yesterday to attempt the oapture of the highway man alone. The sheriff started with a horse and buggy, accompanied only by his dog. Nothing was heard from the sheriff during the day, but when no word was reoeived after nightfall, his friends'" grew uneasy, espeoially as the dog oame baok alone late in the even ing. At daybreak today a large party of deputies and friends started in search of the sheriff, traoing him to Wells' ranch, two miles from town. The horse and buggy had been found near Wells' tied to a tree last night. The horse had evidently been there several hours. The vehicle was owned by Sheriff Douglass and was easily identi fied today. This aroused the fear of the searchers, who divided into small parties and oovered the surrounding oountry thoroughly. About 10 o'olock, half a mile from where the horse had been tied, in the woods baok of Wells' ranoh, was found the sheriff. He was dead, but he had got his man. Not five feet from the sheriff lay the dead body of the muoh-sought robber. MISTAKEN FOR A BURGLAR Chicago Man Shot and Killed by His, , . Chicago, July 28. Daniel Shroyer, a well-known resident of Park Ridge, was shot and killed early this morning by his son-in-law, George B. . Pottin ger, a prominent Chioago real estate man, who mistook him for a burglar. The shooting took plaoe in Pottinger'a house in Ingleside arenue. Mr. Shroyer had been a guest at the Pottin ger home for several weeks.1 Mr. Pot tinger was aroused at 3 o'olook this morning, and, 'thinking burglars were abroad, took his revolver and started to investigate. He was about to enter the kitohen, when he saw the form of a man approaching, and, raising his revolver, fired. The man gave veut to a startling exolamation and Mr. Pot tinger reoognized-his father-in law's voice. The bullet struck Mr. Shroyer in the groin and he died in an hour. Pottinger is almost distracted, and his wife is prostrated. : A Dog's Ievotion. ' San Francisco, July 29. The doleful whining of a dog near the Scandina vian plat, in Laurel oemetery, attract ed the attention of Mrs. S.. C. Oyer yes terday afternoon. She took a path leading to a dump of bushes, when a small fox terrier ran toward her. "She tried to pet the dog, but the animal kept out of reaoh. Not seeing any thing, she turned away, but the dog followed her, finally pulling at her skirts. . She turned once morend the dog, a paoe or two ahead, led the way into the brush. A few steps farther and she was startled to see the body of a man. She leaned over and saw that he was dead. The dog cuddled down and licked the face of the corpse. Mrs. Oyer at once left the plaoe and notified the superintendent of the oeme tery, who in turn notified the morgue. When th wagon reached the spot the dog was Btill by the Bide of his late master. Deputy O'Brien and Messen ger MoGinnes fook the reoeiver and started to lift - the body. The dog jumped at them and had to be driven away. When the body was plaoed on the receiver the dog jumped in and had to be lifted out. The dog followed the wagon some distance, but was finally lost. There were no papers or any thing on the' body that would lead to its identification. The deceased was a man apparently 60 years old, with a short ohin beard and grayish hair. The Dead Officer! Blamed. London, July 29. The board of in quiry has deoided that the loss of the steamship Drummond Castle, off Ushant, June 16, resulting in the drowning of about 250 persons, only one passenger and two seamen being saved, was due to the fact that she was not navigated with proper seamanlike oare in view of the prevailing condi tions. , The ropes on a first-class man-of-war cost about f 3,000. A POOL TO SUPPLY GOLD Flan of New York Banker to Check : Export. lew York, July 27. The Evening Post says the oommittee , of foreign bankers appointed at the meeting yes terday to, formulate , a plan for the oheoking of the exports of gold during the next two months is not expected to report for two or three days. It is the intention to arrange a pool by which all demands for exporting may be sup plied during that time. This morning there was a decline of one-half cent in the posted rates for sterling exchange. The bankers present at yesterday's meeting today referred all questions to J. P. Morgan. An associate of those present said, in speaking of the result of the meeting: , ,. " "The report that foreign bankers have agreed to sell exohange not to exoeed 15,000,000, and have promised not to ship gold for, two months, is hardly correot. We have, however, been assured 15,000,000 in the next two months, to be provided by a syndi cate comprising powerful looal and in ternational interests, at a price lower than the cost of exporting gold to Eu rope. The details of this agreement have not been arranged. " Seventeen million Deposited. New York, July 27. The subtrees nry ofiSoials and staff were rushed to day receiving and keeping tally of the deposits of gold , made by the New York banks in exohange for green backs. All indications point to an ag gregate aooumulation Of the precious metal from banks and institutions in this oity and from outside financial centers fully up to the estimates made in these dispatches, (25,000,000. The oorreoted official total of deposits at the subtresaury from the inoeption of the movement to the olose of business today was 117,755,000, the deposits bringing the treasury guarantee in the reserve up to approximately $102, 564, 525. . AFTER ORIENTAL TRADE. Chicago is Mow Working for a Trans Faolfiq Xilne. Chioago, July 27. The publication of the negotiations between President Hill, of the Great Northern, and Mr. Masujima, of Tokio, for a steamship line between Puget sound and Japan has developed the faot that Chioago men already have practically oompleted arrangements for such a line of steam ers, whioh it is expeoted, will give them almost oomplete oontrol of the business between the United States and the Orient. , .- ' 1 v In the venture of the Chioago men, It is understood the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe railroad has an interest and the company is ready, if necessary, to break its alliance with the " Southern Paoifio and the Huntington interests in order to carry out the new scheme. The value of the trade with the Orient is appreciated fully by all the trans portation and commercial interests of the oountry, and there is no fear that there will not be traffio enough to make the new line profitable San Diego is the- present terminus of the Santa Fe road, and if it could carry freight to the docks of a trans-Paoiflo steamship company there its tonnage would be vastly inoreased. SHOT HIMSELF IN THE MOUTH Suicide In Athena of Judge Edward Depeatt, . Pendleton, Or., July 27. Judge Ed Ward Depeatt was found dead in his offloe in Athena at IP. M.. today, having oommitted suicide. He was missed at home Tuesday night, and his family thought he had oome to Pendle ton. They telephoned here Wednes day, and, learning nothing of bis whereabouts, commenced search. To day L. D Leavely and Deputy Marshal Dhalson entered his office through a window, and found him lying on a lounge. His arms were aoross his chest, the right hand holding a re volver, the muzzle of whioh was in his mouth, the bullet having passed through the roof of the mouth and lodged in the brain. The room was quite dark, the curtains being drawn. At the inquest it was foundhat the cause of his death was a gunbsot wound inflioted by his own hand on or about the night of July 21. He was known to have threatened to commit suicide several times, and had been drinking heavily. , - He was 50 years . old. He leaves a widow and. three children. ' The de ceased had been six years in, Athena, having gone there from Southern Ore gon. A 'Deathbed Marriage. New York, July 27. Howard F. Benedict, a young Wall-street broker, the son of James H. Benedict and a nephew of F. C Benediot,' the banker and personal friend of President Cleve land, died yesterday, a few hours after he had married Miss Margaret Lloyd, a sooiety belle of Cincinnati. Mr. Benedict had become engaged to Miss Lloyd in Maroh. When it, became known a few days ago that Mr. Bene dict's condition was oritioal, a tele gram was sent to Miss Lloyd. She reaohed the oity yesterday. ,' Soon after, in company with a physioian, she went to the bedside of Mr. Benedict. He. was sinking fast, and it was at his earnest request that the marriage oere mony was performed. ? Astoria, Or., July 27. Two fisher men named Hollatz and Laben drifted on the end of Sand island at 8:30 P. M. Monday night, and their boat was swamped in the traps.. A high sea was running at the time, and their lives would have been lost had not the Can by life-saving crew rescued them and cared for them two days. The boat was broken, but the life-saving orew helped them repair it and reoover the nets. The boat was one of George & Barker's. . , Sad Ending to a Vancouver ; Picnic Party. ' J - . ': THE BOAT UPSET IN AN EDDY Corporal Edson, Private Morris, Miss Laura Guard and Miss Emma Young Lost Their Lives Bodies Were Found. Vancouver Wash., July 27. Cor poral Edson, of the Fourteenth infan try; Private Charles Morris, of the Fourteenth infantry band; Laura Guard and Emma Young, two girls of this city, while out on a boating excur sion on the Washougal river, in this oounty, all drowned this forenoon near Fleming's mill, by their boat upsetting in an .eddy. The details of the drowning were learned form Private Irvin, Fourteenth infantry, who reaohed here about 4 P. M. A party of young people crossed the Washougal this morinng, and went blackberrying. They started to return about 10 o'clock. - Four got into the boat, whioh dipped water, frightening the inmates, and in some way the boat upset. Mrs. Lipscomb, the only wit ness of the acoident, heard the screams of those upset all;the way from the camp. She rushed out and saw Morris and Miss Guard clinging to the up turned boat The others had already sunk. Before she oould reach the bank, Morris and Miss Guard too had gone down. .1 The bodies were in the water over an hour before the other members of the party returned to oausp. . . The bodies were plainly seen on 'the bottom, through the clear water. Young Morris and Miss Guard left yesterday to join the oampers. . Washougal creek is not pver forty feet wide where the drowning took place, and about sixteen feet deep in the eddy at the foot of the falls. All were well known here. Henry L. Edson enlisted in the Fourteenth infantry four years ago( at Seattle. He was a member of Harmony lodge, A. O." TJ. W., and of the Regular Army and Navy Union. Charles Morris, son of .William T. Morris, a musician in the Fourteenth infantry band, was a member of the Fourteenth infantry band, and was 21 years old. Laura Guard was the daughter of Mrs. Peter Guard, whose husband died here a few weeks ago. Emma Young was the daughter of Henry Young, a prominent farmer in fchis county. The news was telegraphed to Colonel E. P. Edson, a prominent Seattle attor ney who is a brother of Corporal Edson, and the parents of Young Mor- ris at Fort Sherman. The hospital ambulanoe and an escort wagon were dispatched to the scene tonight, to bring the bodies to this oity.' . ANOTHER JAPAN LINE. Agents of the Toyo Kisen Kalsha Will Visit Portland. Seattle, Wash., ' July 27. Follow ing closely i.n the wake of the Nippon Y risen Eaisha, whioh announced Seat tle as its American terminus only a few days ago, oomes the accredited repre sentatives to this oity of another Ori ental steamship line, the Toyo Eisen Eabushiki Eaisha, which is also seek ing American oonneotions. The party consists of Sochira Asano, president of the oompany; H. Okawa, director in the Oji Paper Company, near Tokio; Shunjiro Tomika, a captain in the ser vice of the steamship company, and Hirouyki Eobayashi, interpreter for Mr. Asano. The visitors, who represents great wealth, came to the oity quietly, spent the day in making an inevstigation, and left' this evening for Taooma. Thenoe they go to Portland for a day, thence to San Franoisoo. From the latter, point Asano will proceed to Lon don and plaoe contracts for the con struction of twelve 5,000-ton vessels, to be used on the line, whioh will run from the American terminus to Tokio and Hong Kong. The result of the day's investigation, while nothing definite has been an nounced, leads to a belief that the terminus will be either Seattle or Portland. ' , .. Terrible Spanish Brutality.. Key West, July 27. Private, letters from Matanzas, Cuba, to responsible merchants in this city, give shocking details oonneoted with the capture by the Spanish of rebel hospitals located in that provinoe. Dr. Izquerdo, sur geon of the Cuban army, with assist ants and corps of nurses, were all, it is alleged, put to the maohete while the helpless sick and wounded were assas sinated in their oots and the buildings then burned over their heads to cover up the crimes. Bios and Montanera, the two men who were imprisoned on aooount of the disoovery of arms in San Rafael street at Havana yesterday, have been barbarously whipped by the Spanish police. The first one was tor tured. A woman was arrested who has been confined for three days in a oell. A Fatal Accident. "-'' '. Chicago, July 27. By the falling of a portion of the interior dome of the old postoffloe building N. B. Smith, a workman, was instantly killed, . and Amos Stringer perhaps fatally crushed. Fire at Ls Grande. 1 . La Grande, Or., July 27. The most destructive fire La Grande has experi enced in several years was one whioh broke out in the Huntington building, on Adams avenue, at 8 o'olook this morning. The Huntington building is a one-story brick, cut into three store rooms, that were oooupied by G. M. Riohey's music store, D. F. Pierce's harness shop, George H. Curry's department store. The building was almost totally wreoked. TRAVEL WITH A FRIEND Who will protect you from those enemies nausea, indigestion, malaria and the iiickne s produced by rocking on, the waves, and some times by inland traveling over the rough beds of ill laid railroads. Such a friend is HostetWs Stomach Bitters. Ocean mariners, yachtsmen, commercial and theatrical agents and tourists testify to the protective potency of this effect ive safeguard, which conquers also rheumatism, nervousness and biliousness. In the days of ' Queen Elizabeth each guest at a dinner party brought his own knife and spoon. . , Piso's Cure for Consumption is our only medicine for coughs and colds. Mrs. O. Beltz, 4398th ave., Denver, Col., Nov. 8,'95, HOITT'S SCHOOL FOR BOYS At Burlingame, San Mateo County, Cal.. is one of the most thorough, careful and practical "Home Schools" to be found on the Pacitio coast. It prepares boys for any university, technical school, or for active business; is accredited at the State and Stanford Universities, and under the able management of Ex State Superintendent Ira G. Hoitt. Ph. D., ranks among the first schools -in the United States. He-opens August 4. Mining and Scientific Press. There is more catarrh in this section of the country than all other diteaBes put together, and until the last few years was supposed to be incurable. For a great many vtars doctors pro nounced it a local disease, and prescribi d local remedies, and by constantly failing to cure with local treatment, pronounced It incurab'e. Science has proven catarrh to be a constitution al disease, and therefore requites constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by i. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, Ohio, IB the only constitutional cure on the market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoou ful. It acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the- system. They offer one h undrtd dollars for any case it fails to cure. Send for Circulars and testimonials. ' Address, F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 75c. , Hall's Family Fills are the best. I never used so quick a cure as Piso's Cure tor Consumption. J. B. Palmer, Box 1171, Seattle, Wash., Nov. 25, 1895. . FITS AUfl's stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits af ter tt e first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $'2 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. MISS CROCKER'S ROMANCE. Cleveland Heiress to Marry the Man Whose . Life She Saved. ' ' Cleveland's wealthiest society girl has thrown over a baron who is an officer in the German army and chamberlain to Emperor William for an American gen tleman. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Crocker announce the engagement of their only daughter, Miss Laura T. Crocker, to William Hayes Acklan of Washington. This is the outcome of something of a romance. , Several years ago, when Miss Crocker was. traveling in Europe, she met Mr. Acklan, then in the diplo matic service, in a Fronch city. , The next winter the acquaintance was re newed at St Augustine, and Mr. Ack lan came to Cleveland to visit the Crock era in June. Miss Crocker, who is a superb horse woman, saved Mr. Acklan's life during a runaway. Both were severely injured. The young man was nursed back to health under the Crocker roof and,fll in love with his rescuer. The next win ter they met at St. Augustine, but Bar on von Eichtriz, a German nobleman of fine appearance, was also there and tried to win the heiress. He lingered, but at last was compelled to return to Germany alone. ; Miss Crocker "went to Washington, where she. was the guest for several weeks of Vice President and Mrs. Ste venson. She met Mr. Acklan again and consented to become his wife. Miss Crocker is 22 years old and has traveled extensively. Mr. Acklan is the author of several books. New York Journal. A FAMOUS CASE. The Davis Will Case . to Be Reopened In ' : Montana. 7 Mrs. Elizabeth Bowdoin of Spring field, Mass., has filed a petition in the Eighth district court of Montana for the purpose of reopening the famous will case contest involving the many millions left by the late Judge Andrew J. Davis. Mrs. Bowdoin is a sister of the dead millionaire, and site asks the court to revoke the probate of the old will, over which the contest bythe . Root faction was oarried on for years, and which was finally admitted to probate about a year ago under some private arrangement for the division of the estate, but which arrangement did not include some heirs-at-law who had taken no part in the original contest. Mrs. Bowdoin was one of these.' - In her petition she alleges that the old will, executed in 1866, in Salt Creek township, la. , when Davis was a poor man, was a forgery; that the body of the instrument and the signatures of Davis and three witnesses were forged. The principal point raised in the peti tion is the allegation of the fact that in 1880 Davis exeouted a will, by the pro visions of whioh all former wills were revoked, but this will was subsequently destroyed. Mrs. Bowdoin, however, claims that the fact that it was destroyed did not revive the old will, even if the latter was genuine. The estate involved, in spite of the great litigation, has con stantly increased in value, and is worth probably $10,000,000.--Chioago Times Herald. : " , .. l At the Zoo. 1 Grandpa Don't get frightened, Wil lie, the tiger is about to be fed; that's what make him Jump and roar so. , Willie (composedly) Oh, I ain't afraid of him, grandpa; papa, behaves Just like that when his meals ain't ready. Exchange. r itediclnal value, more skill, care, expense, more wonderful cures and more curutive power In Sarsaparilla Than any other. Be sure to get only Hood's. Hood's PIUS cure biliousness, Indigestion, SURE CURE- for PILES Itching and Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plies yield at onee to DR. BO-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. kP log, atwort. luiuora. A uoiitive cure. Circulars sent free. Price Uf. Vruwlauw null. 1K. UUBAMiO, I'-IIa., Pa. IymMwimAj minima,. Blackwell's Genuine Ton will find one coupon inside each t onnoe Buy a bag, read the coupon and see how to -Absolutely Pure - 'Big as a Ul.,1 pi ... u .1 f V-l."l'l ,1,?,' U r"S H ti n n m 1 i '"; i 11 it m m m msr m m r- nr. v For 1 0 cents you get almost twice as much "Battle Ax " as you do of other high grade goods Before the ; days 1 of " Battle Ax consumers paid JO cents tor a small plug of the same I quality. Now, "Battle Ax" High- M est Grade, twice the quantity. That's 1 true economy. I AMERICAN fPE FOUNDERS' I Electrotypers Stereotypers... ., --' ' . '; Merchants in Gordon and Peerless Presses, Cylinder Presses, Paper Cutters, Motors of all kinds, Folders, Printing Material. Patentees of Self-Spacing Type. Sole Makers of Copper'Alloy Type "We will Leave It Entirely In your hands." If yon purchase a HKBCUI.KS OAS OR GABQLINB EN- oink, and if it does notdo allwesay it will, you can return it at our ex- Eense. Bend for Catalogue and Price ,1st to American Type Founders' Co. '. Second and Stark SU., Portland, Or. MDC WINCinUU'C Sooth 1 no llllld. IIIIIOLUII u SYRUP - FOR CHILDREN TEETHING Far sale br all DroerlaU. 5 CeaU bttl. , FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Feel Well," mriovEiLlVER PILLS r the One Thing tonne. Only One for a Dose. Sold by DruffglatB lit 25c. box Bam plea mailed free- -Addresa Or. Bownko Mef, Co. FhUa, Fa. This is the very best Smoking Tobacco made. bag and two coupons inside each 4 ounce bag. get your saars of 1360,000 la presents. DGliGious - Nutritious The Breakfast Cocoa MADC BY Walter Baker & Co. DORCHESTER, MASS. COSTS LESS THAN ONE CENT A CUP. NO CHEMICALS. J ALWAYS ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Walter Baker &Co's. Breakfast Cocoa made at bears their trade mark la belie ch0colatiere ON EVERY CAN. AVOID IMITATIONS t' . y Barn Door 1 n SMS- v T$tf)i$ ivbat ails you?! Have you a feel log ' of weight la the ' Stomach Bloating ( a iter eating Beico lng of Wind Vomit- ( lnoof Food Water- brash Heartburn- Bad Taste In the Mouth Id the Morn ing Palpitation of' th; Heart,duetoDla-4 of Stomach Cankered Mouth - Gas In the Bowels t Loss of Flesh , Fickle Appetite , Depressed, Irritable 1 Condition of the t Mind Dizziness Headache Constlp- j ation or uiarrhaea Then yon have DYSPEPSIA In one of Its many forms. The one positive cure I ior wis distressing complaint is Acker's Dyspepsia tablets, by mall, prepaid, on receipt of as cents CHARLES RamseT. Hotel ImTtertal. New YnrV. I says: "I suffered horribly from dy&iiepsla, bntJ , ACKER MEDICINECO., 16 A 18 Chambers St, N.Y. Mill Til To addresB, our ...... lllalLLU rntt Special FrKe List of HOUSEHOL D COOPS, ETC. This circular is issued for the benefit of onr country customers who cannot avail themselves of our Kaily Bp-cial Sales, Fend 11s yoot d diess. You will find both coon's and TTlresilgbt. WILL & FINCK CO., 818-8.10 Market street. San Trannltco, Cal. CllkFS WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Best Cough Byrap. Tastes Good. Uee in cime. twin dj aruffffiflts. SrMBWJaMMgP ltd sP?t!Sa US N. P, N. U. No, 660.-S. F. N. V. No. 737