The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 31, 1896, Image 2

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eod Iiver Slacier.
FRIDAY, JULY 31.'' 1896.
The populist convention ut St. Louist
nominated Wm. J. Bryan for prvsl
'ent and Thomas K. Watson of Geor
gia for vice prtsideut. Mr. Bryan said
he would refuse the nomination unless
Mr. Bewell also was endorsed, but the
nomination of Watson was made unan
imous. Democrats and populists have
fused on Bryan, but each party has a
candidate for vice president. We are
at a loss to know how they will vote
for vice president with two rouididates
and one set of electors. .
The Pacific Northwest Immigration
board, with headquarters at Portland,
is making niraiiKeirients to collect a cur
load of Oregon products, to form an ex
hibit for display at St. Paul during the
meeting of the Minnesota state fair
unit national encampment of the Grand
Army the first week in September,and
, nt Minneapolis during the convention
and conclave of the Knights of Pythias.
Here is a chance for Hood River to
make a display of fruit. The railroad
' companies will furnish free transporta
tion . ' '
Astoria will hold its third annual re'
gattafrotn August 18th to 22d. The
Oregon State Press Association will
hold their annual meeting there at the
same time, the battleship Oregon and
flagships 'Philadelphia will be present,
and the state fireman's association will
hold its annual tournament. Astoria
U making great preparations for the
Hon. J. Sterling Morton is being
boomed by the sound money democrats
, of Nebraska for the nomination for
president. There is no show for the
flection of a sound money democrat,
much less for one who parts his name
in the middle.
The supreme court of Oregon has de
cided that the land of a homesteader is
exempt from liability for all debts con
tracted prior to the actual issuiiiK of
the patent by the government, whether
contracted before or after the date of
final proof.
The Eastern Oregon papers that are
showing up Bryan's free-trade-in-wool
record are making votes for the demo
p ipulist candidates. We are not all in
the wool business; some of us are con
sumers. ' ' '
Mayor Peunoyer expects to save the
city of Portland $100,000 this year In
the reduction of salaries of city officials.
Jiotes and Xews.
Thomas B. Iiced has been renom
inated for congress.
Stevenson is havingsomeexeitement
over reported rich discoveries of gold
and silver quartz mines ten miles nortli
of that place, on Bock creek. The
Pioneer says everybody in Stevenson is
either preparing to go to the mines or
has already gone.
Col. Enos, government storekeeper
nt Grants, has been visiting in town
the past few days. Before the demo
cratic convention-be was shouting for
pound money, but now is shouting for
Bryan and free silver. If Bryan is
elected lie exjxscts to hold onto his job.
Goldendale Sentinel.
A newspaper in La Grande recently
said: "The prettiest girl in this city
does not carry herself straight enough
when promenading." For a week af
terwards all the young ladies of the
town walked about like so many bean
poles, and every girl said: "That hor
rid old paper! Ma, don't I walk
straight?" Welcome. .'
It is stated that Senator Mitchell is
coming home in a couple of weeks to
take an active part in the campaign,
and will stump the state for McKiuley.
The fellow who put this report in cir
culation evidently has not turned a
cathode rayon Mitchell's brain, or be
wouldn't have made such a statement.
Mitchell will not jeopardize his
chances of elect ion by taking part one
way or the other in the campaign.
Old fishermen believe that the salmon
, which ascend the river never go back.
As evidences of their belief they say
that none are ever caught in their nets
from the upper side; and that ln'clear
streams like the Rogue river, where
they are always seen to be swimming
up stream, never down. That they
swim deep is evidenced by the fact that
they are sometimes caught on sturgeon
hooks, 800V feet beneath the surface.
-" The 60th anniversary number of the
Scientific American, New York, just
ut, is a really handsome and vuluable
publication of 72 pages. It reviews the
progress of the past 50 years in the va
rious sciences and industrial arts; and
the various articles by the best scien
tific writers of the day are racily writ
ten and richly illustrated. The editors
have accomplished the difficult tusk of
presenting a compendium of informa
tion that shall tie at once historical,
. technical and popular. Price, 10 cents
jer copy. ,
. New Edition of Mining Laws.
We have received the niuth edition
(Just out) of Copp's Mining code, pub
lished by Henry N. Copp, a lawyer of
Washington, D. C, who has given
many years to 'trie study nt mining
laws, it is a book of more than 200
. pages, and will be found of great in
terest to mine owners ami prospectors,
as it gives the United states mineral
land laws and the official instructions
thereunder, the various state and terri
torial mining laws, miners' liens,
rights of way, etc., numerous forms for
use from the locution to the patenting,
lease and sale of a mine, and also a
large collection of abstracts of court
und land office decisions and rulings.
Every enterprising mining man will
secure a copy. The Sun Francisco
News Co. handles Mr. Copp's publica-
tions on the Pacific coast. This book
is for sale by the principal book s'ores
and by the publisher lu Washington,
D. C. Price, 50 cents.
The Populist Idee.
In a recent scientific publication ap-s
peared a paragraph which states that
by treating ordinary cow's milk, add-
ing to it alum and sulphate of iron
(cooperasl, then subjecting the mix
ture to pressure and baking, a substance
maybe obtuined which, for all prac
tical purposes, will pass for ivory. One
of our populist friends spelled out this
paragraph, the other day, and immedi
ately conceived an idea. After pro
tracted labor he was delivered of the
Say, John, I've bin a thtnktn' an' I've got a
new idee . ,
On t his question of monometal and blmetallty;
It seems the politicians on gold or stiver can't
So what's the matter o' makln' money out o1
But Ivory, you are sayln', Is mighty hard to
Yes, I know, if you're thlnkln' o" the old
fashioned kind;
Bat last night we was a readin' in the paper,
don't ye mind, )
That we f irmers can make Ivory whenever
we feel Inclined.
You've only get to take a quart o' milk or so,
An' heat It till IU 'bout as thick as ordinary
An' mix it with some alum and some cop
peras, don't ye know, ' -
An' when ye've got it baked an' pressed, yer
Ivory's dune, by Joe!
Now, let Cleveland take a chip and paint his
picture on one side,
On the other the screamin' eagle, with his
feet securely tied, ' :
An' print on it "one dollar" with its trust in
God relied.
An' ye've got the purtlest cheap money that's
ever et been tried. ' ,
Say, John, I'm a thlnkln' this here's a grand
An' if they'll send "me down to Washington
I'll make the people see
That if they can have two moneys, they can
Just as well have three,
An' the cheapest kind o' money's thiB Dew
fangled Ivory.
Why, John, yon and I 'ud buy us a new hat;
We'd wear a stan' up collar an' a blue an.
white kervat; "'
We'd strut around like city folks, are ye real-
izin' that?
For money'd be a plenty 8' long 's we'd keep
old '-Brindle" fat."'
An' mother, she should hev a bran new silk
dress, '
An' we'd buy a parlor organ for little sister
We'd move off from the plantation and into
town, I guess, ,
For our supply o' money 'ud be simply co
. pious.
Then what's the useo'kcepln'up this infernal
With the banks around us bustin', half of 'em
busted now.
Why not make a lot o' money out o' Ivory,
Since It's to be had in plenty by simply
milkln' of the cow?
Yes, the more I keep a thlnkln' about the
The more beautiful and practical the idea
-seems to be.
If we can have two moneys, we can Just as
well have three,
An' the cheapest kind o' money's this new
fangled ivory. "
The Original Bryan Man.
The original Bryan man lives at
Lamed, Kansas. Dr. 8. F. Mercer was
a. practising physician at Salem, III.,
and was the attending physician when
Win. J. Bryan was born. He says the
boy came into the world howling and
kicking, and that he has kept it up
ever since. Dr. Mercer is a republican,
but under the circumstances thinks he
will vote for the young man.
C. R. Swan, a druggist of Hutchin
son, Kan., lived in Jacksonville, III.,
when William J. Bryan attended
school at that place. Miss Carrie E.
Curtis whs also attending school there
and living with an uncleJ Bryan and
Swan were herardent admirers. Brvan
was the favorite with her uncle, byit
Miss Curtis could not be easily per
suaded. She fell in love with the drug
slerk and. soon became Mrs. Swan,
much to the chagrin of young Bryan.
Swan says he knocked Bryan out In
that little love affair and will assist in
doing it again in November.
' Political Superstitions.
It is generally the case that no sooner
is a candidate nominated for the pres
idency than the hunt is at once begun
for omens, good or bad, to suit the feel
ingsor prejudices of the one who is in
search of them. The fact that some
admirer of Mr. McKiuley had called
him "the Napoleon of American pol
itics" made the fact that he was nom
inated at Nt. Louis cn the anniversary
of the battle of Waterloo a strikingly
significant one.' Indeed, manv smier-
stiiious persons who are warmly inl
favor of that gentleman's election
shiver as, they have tried to convince
themselves that there was "nothing in
it." But, on the other hand, there is
a bad omen hanging over Mr. Bryan.
He was nominated on Friday, which,
tvithont the least warrant lor it, has
become known the world over as the
most unlucky day in the calendar.
Chicago News. ,
Marvelous Results. ; .
From a letter written by Rev. J.
Gunderman of Dimondale, Mich., we
are permitted to make this extract: "I
have no hesitation in recommending
Dr. King's New Discovery, as the re
sults were almost marvelous in the case
of my wife. -While I was pastor of the
Baptist churchnat Rives Junction she
was brought down with pneumonia suc
ceeding la gripi'Aj. Terrible paroxysms of
coughing would last hours witu little
interruption, and it seemed as if she
could not survivB them. A friend rec
ommended Dr. King's New Discovery;
it was quick in its work and highly sat
isfactory in results," Trial bottles free
at the Hood River Pharmacy; regular
size 50c and $1.
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy cures
colds, croup and whooping cough. It
is pleiis-int, safe and reliable. ' For sale
by Williams &"Broslus, druggists.
Intense heat prevails in the East.
Better than Gold or Silver.
Hood River, July 29, 1890. Editor
Glacier: As your readers do not avail
themselves of your generous offer to
discuss financial questions in the col-
Umns of the Glacier, I wish to use a
little space to present a few facts and
thoughts in regard to the equitable
and economical distribution of a sub
stance of far more intrinsic value than
gold and silver, viz: Water. If all the
gold and silver in the world should at
once distippear, no appalling calamity
would follow; businefS would snon ad
just itself to the new conditions, with
possibly a diminution of the burdens
now borne by the toidmr masses. .
When I came to Hood River, in the
fall of 1894, 1 had a fair newspaper
knowledge of its resources, but when I
had a realizing sense of its sublime
scenery, its magnificent snow-clad
mountains, its noble river, i:s fruitful
soil, its UHtural under drainage, its pure
and bracing air, its comparative ex
emption from itisect pests, its remark
able adaptation to the production of
fruits of superior excellence, and last,
but not least, an abundant and appa
rently inexhaustible supply of the
purest and best of Water, of which
nothing but the selfishness or stupidity
of man could deprive its citizens, 1 at
once determined that my farmer boy
should share and work for success with
the citizens amidst the manifold ad
vantages of Hood River valley. When
I looked upon the commodious and
convenient school house, the number
and neatness of the churches, I in
ferred, as I had a right to infer, that an
intelligent and law-abiding people
most assuredly provided them. Well,
I bought, built, cleared and cultivated.
Everything was lovely, everyliody cor
dial, "property perfectly safe; even the
young people seemed devoid of any de
sire to cut up any harmful mischief;
hut when we bought water, oh! then
a change came over the ppirit of our
dreams. Our gauuer did not get
around, and supposing, in our ignor
ance or innocence, or both, that the
purpose of a gauge was to measure
water conveniently and economically,
we made one; it cost six cents and
worked perfectly. Finding it cheaper
to make gauges than to dig channels,
we made three more. Cost for the
four, about 35 cents; could measure
from one-half inch" up to twenty
inches and on either or both sides of
the ditch. They are at my place, sub
ject to the inspection of ali interested.
By and by the ganger came around;
said such gauges would never do af
forded facilities for stealing water.
Why, Mr. Ganger, this water costs me
only 10 cents a day. Who do you sup
pose would steal water for a day or
fraction thereof at such a price? 'Ob!
its not. the value of the water but the
crop the water will produce; that is the
temptation. Then golden visions of
lucrative crops danced before my eyes,
and in my gratitude at such nrospe'ets,
declared that anybody would be will
ing to pay another 10 cents a day for
double the amount of water and double
the crops again. He downed me,
though, declaring that almost every
body up and down were accused of
stealing water; he had iieen accused
himself. To say I was surprised was
to put it mildly. I had brought, my
boy into a den of thieves and lived
here six months without a loss or a
suspicion. He took my gauges out,
put an official gauge in, and then my
surprise became astonishment. It cost
a dollar! At least that is what I paid
for an extra one. It was gotten up in
violation of all laws which govern the
handling of water, and strange to say,
afforded peculiar facilities for stealing.
In addition' to openly obstructing the
main channel, one need only to nail a
piece of board in the bottom of the
main channel; when hidden from the
eyes of man it performs within certain
limits its nefarious work.
Mr. Editor, I have diligently Inves
tigated these stealing stories. There
may be a black sheep or' two in the
valley and quite a flock of careless ones.
This carelessness, exaggerated by the
malice of personnl disputes, is the sum
and substance of these stories, and on
these are based the rules of our little
lateral ditch company, that waste time
and money, kill enterprisedeaden am
bition and try patience. For instance,
a gentleman living in town has an acre
out of town, would buy an inch of
water, let a four-inch man have it'all
the week except one day, when he
would go "out and apply it. Set an
ambitious boy to work irrigating a field
of dry dust with five inches of water
reduced to three and a half by the offi
cial gage, and you will have occasion
to wonder before night where he has
gone; whereas, cut the ditch and give
him twenty inches, as we were enabled
to do by the kindness of our neighbors,
and he will work thirty-six hours with
out sleep or rest. Its excrutiating to
see a 200-pound man toiling puttering,
rather and patiently trying to coax
a tiny stieam of two inches, reduced as
above, down aj long channel. As it
stands now, we can remedy none of
inese ining- without violating the rufes
of the powers that control our Lateral
Ditch Co., I he statutes of Oregon and
the moral law. i
Messrs. Armor and Isenberg Inform
me that in their neighborhood they
have divided water on time for two
years and that the system works nicely;
Mr. Armor stating that he can secure
better results with three inches than
he could with five inches under then
old plan. Our one experiment demon
strates we can save three-quarters of
me moor aua secure mucn better re
suits. 4
Gentlemen of the Lateral company,
over which Mr. Luckey presides, ft is a
condition, not a theory, that confronts
you. I understand your annual elec
tion of officers is at hand. It is on you
the responsibility rests to sav whether
the present waste of water, time, crops,
money and patience shall continue for
another season. A little thought will
assure you that the plan of our neigh
bors mentioned is a sensible one. Im
prove on it if you can, and demonstrate
that all corporations, little and big,
can manage civilized communities bet
ter through their honor and intelli
gence than through fear and Ignorance.
John C. Wheeler.
No Use for Horses.
A farmer who cotildn't pay his taxes
wrote to President Cleveland, telling
him how sorry he was, but the only
property he had was some horses. If
the president could assist him in the
side of. the horses he would be grateful
and only too jlad to tu.n over the D'o-
Iceec'son the tax account. . The story
goes that the president replied that at
this progressive day the business of the
country was being done by bicycles;
the railroads were operated by electric
ity, and the government is being run
by jackasses, "so that, my dear sir, we
have not much use fpr horses."
Electric Bitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited
for any season, but perhaps more gen
erally needed when the languid, ex
hausted feeling prevails, when the liver
is torpid and sluggisfi and the need of a
tonic und alterative is felt. A prompt
use of this medicine has often averted
long and perhaps fatal bilious fevers.
No medicine will act more surely in
counteracting and freeing the system
from the malarial poison. Headache,
indigestion.constipat ion, dizziness yield
to Electric Bitters. Fifty cents and one
dollar a bottle at Hood River Pharmacy
$1C a Month
Will buy a house and two lots in Hood River.
Also, organ lor sale cheap, and household
furniture. 8. R. HUSBANDS.
Lateral Ditch Co.
Notice Is hereby given that the annual
meeting of stockholders of the Lateral Ditch
Company for the election of officers Is called
for Saturday, August 8, 189J, at 1 p. m. By or
der of the president, J. T. NEFF,
Hood River, July 27, 1896.
Fruit Farm for Sale.
1 will sell my place, 2 miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain
ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong
spring, wind mill, V? acres in orchard,
acre in strawberries, all fenced, for UldOO.
nl FRED HOWE, Hood River.
Wholesale dealers in
Fruits and Produce,
181-133 Front St., Portland, Or.
Consignments and correspondence solicited.
. Irrigating Notice.
Owing to the limited amount of water that
can be furnished for irrigation, the Hood
River Spring Water Co. has adopted the
following regulations:
Parties living south of Oak street will Irri-
f ate from 5 to t) o'clock, p. m., and those Hv
ag north of same street, from 5 to 9 a. m.
In Irrigating, the regulation halt-Inch nozzle
must be used, and the water applied in the
form of spray or sprinkle and In no other
All water for Irrigating must be applied and
paid for before using.
Any violation of these rules will subject the
Jiarties so offending to forfeiture of the prlvi
ege of Irrigation.
Jul tf
Is Your Title Clear?
E. E. Savage Is prepared to examine ab
stracts of title to real estate and give opinions
on same. Charges reasonable. - mart)'
Paper Hanging.
E. L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
in the business of painting and paper hanging,
is now prepared to do this kind of work for
citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the
paper and put it on your wails at Portland
prices. Call and see samples at the store of
jk. v. iiusuanas. mi
WM.T1LLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock.
He has the only stock of the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
the Yellow Newtown.
I have uboui 20,000 apple trefes of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stock in
Hood River. , Jel5.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July U,
18Wt. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bin in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on September 5, 1896, viz:
Hd. E. No. 4218, for the southeast section 82,
township 1 north range 10 east, W, M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Mrs. Anna Hese, William Rodenhiser, Da
vid R. Cooper and A. H. Tteman,all of Mount
noou, ciregon. ' -4.
Jy24a20 Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 18,
1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be-
lore w. K. uunoar, commissioner u. s. cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
omce in uoiaenaaie, vvasn., on sept. 5, issui,
H. E. No. 7977, for the southwest V ,of north
west and west or soutnwest 4 section 17,
and northwest i4 ot northwest y section 20,
township i north, range 12 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon und cultivation
of, said land, vJz:
Henry Stacker, James Fitz, Lewis C.Wright
and John R. Hensell, all of Lyle P.' O., Wash.
Jyl7a21 Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., July 9,
1890. Notice 1b hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his in
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver U. 8. Land Office,
at Vancouver, Wash., on August 21, 180,j, viz:
H. E. No. l227. for the southwest '4 section 17,
township 4 north, range 11 east. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Timothy George, Johnnie Slowtle, Hen
nix and George Gilmore, all of White Salmon,
Wash. Also,
H. E. No. 8881, for the northwest W section 12,
to' nshtp 8 north, range 10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses 10 prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Johnnie Blowtie, Cox, James Dutlerand
Joe Williams, all of White Sulinon, Wash.
H.E.No, 8053. for the south southeast i
section m, township 4 north, range to east, and
lots 1 and t, section 3, township i north, range
10 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tlon of, wvid land, viz:
Joe Williams, Charlie Kunkl.JnhnnteSlow-,
tie and Jacob Hunt, all of White .Salmon,
Wash. GEO, H. fiXEVEMSON',
Jyl7au2l Register, j
. . . . . ; y
"'.'''' "'"'.. ' ''. "-. . ..'"..
Keeps constantly on hand Fresh Bread, Pies, Buns, Doughnuts, Cookies and Cake, Ice
Cream, Lunches and Soft Drinks.
' ; j. H. GERDES. Proprietor. 1
Fruit & Produce Commission Merchants
Consignments solicited. Returns promptly made. We can refer to the Hood River
Fruit Growers' Union, for whose strawberries we netted last season the highest average price
they obtained in any market, and also to mauy Individual shippers In Hood River, Mosier
and The Dalles, who ship to us each season. ,
, Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established House In the valley .J ,
JDjc-y G-oods,,
: . - ; ' '.' "' AND' :."'.--'-
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
HObD RIVER, - - - - - - ORECON
Sell only
, - We invite trade
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company.
.All the be&t variety of Apples, including Yakima, Gono, Arkansas Black, etc., and all
Other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damnee. We are here to stay.
(. , H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery.
IkesP sJ' , 1 - bj yTM '- ya 4S2& h
Choice Fresh Meats,
.:' v:'Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray
ing and transferring done with care and promptness. Aloo, dealers In . (
And Vehicles of All Kinds. t I"
Call andjsee our stockjand get prices; they are interesting.. " '
Mt Rail for Sale (ton.
Situated 4 miles west of the town of Hood
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to place. Call at Glacier
office or at ranch. F. R. ABSTEN.
Here's a Bargain.
Forty-six and one-half acres, 35 acres in cul
tivation. 10 acres beins in orchard: SlOO 8-vear-
old and 00 2-year-old apple trees; plenty of
cherries, prune, pears, peaches, and numer
ous small fi uits f r family use. Good farm
bnildin ?s, t.esioes a good team and harness,
worth $250. One light and 1 heavy wagon, 1
cow and farming impllments. The best buy
in Hood River valley. Price SW00 cash. Call
on or address . li. HUNT, Hood River Or.
for CASH at
of close buyers.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, July 7,
18WS. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on August 18, 189J, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8957, for the northwest southeast
section 2', township 8 north, range 10 ea.,t,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
T. E. Wickens, B. Warren, Fred Howe, and
E. D. Calkins, all of Hood River.
JylOauH JAW. K. MOORE, Register.
Harness Repairing.
will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken in trade. Leave harness for repair,
ingat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. J20J . E. D. CALKINS.
I '!