The Hood iver Glacier. ' It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. . ; ;v: ! ;:.'::"-r'-'' ,'"--.:::v VOL. 8. HOOD RIVER; OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 31, 18. . NO. 10. i win ieek From All Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import ant Happenings of the Fast Week Culled From the Telegraph Columns It is rumored that the Turkish gov ernment contemplates an issue of paper money. ,, . In Viotor, Colo., fifty pounds of giant powder exploded, causing $5,000 worth of damage. . Many people were cut by glass, but none killed. In Sedalia, Mo., Mart Crawford, a section foreman on the Missouri Pa oiflo,, was hanged by a furious mob for the attempted rape of a 16-year-old girl. The Booialist congress, whioh met in London, proved to be a noisy gather ing. Scenes of violence were enaoted and a free fight was narrowly averted. The coming year it is said wines will come high, owing to the failure of Cal ifornia's grape crop. Little wine will be exported from the golden state this season. ' A New York dispatoh says Senator Hill is now in favor of a third tioket. The information, it is said, comes di reot from a personal friend of the sen ator, who is a prominent Democrat. A stockman named John Lawrence was found dead upon the range near Union, Or., with a bullet in his head and a pistol lying a few feet away, It is supposed that he committed suioide. The trial of the South African raid ers has ended in London, and Dr. Jameson has been given a sentence of fifteen months imprisonment without labor. The others reoeived light sen tences. - . ;', . In Quinoy, 111., five fatalities by drowning or1 otherwise ooourred in forty-eight hours. James McLean was killed by an aooidental fall from the roof of the Rioker National bank; Her bert Harrison, a school teacher, Fred erick Gross and Fred Baumgarten, sons of prominent oitizens, were . drowned in Bear creek; Qeorge Betero, another youth, was drowned in a pool south of the city limits, and his two brothers were saved only with great diftioulty. Pennsylvania was visited by a disas trous hurricane, resulting in loss of life and property. Steeples were blown from ohurohes, adjoining buildings were orushed, houses were unroofed," and trees broken ofT or torn up by the roots. Great havoo was caused by the heavy rainfall. Two lives were lost, thirty-six injured, some fatally, and property damaged to the amount of $100,000. A boarding-house neartteoil, Washington county, was washed away and its oooupants, fifteen coal miner, were drowned. Seven of the bodies have been recovered. Eight are still missing. ' ; News oomes from the Washington state Republican headquarters that the .state convention will probably be held at Taooma, some time between August IS and September 15. Hon. Samuel Layman, a prominent and well-known Oregonian, died at his home near Woodburn from the effeots of injuries whioh he sustained some weeks ago by falling from a oherry tree. Mr. Layman was 63 years of age. A meeting of representatives from the large foreign banking-houses was held in New York, to consider plans for the protection of the treasury gold reserve. It is understood a plan was arranged to ease the exohange market until the crop movement Btarts the balance in our favor. A San Franoisoo dispatoh says: Ed win B. Webster, the young paymaster who was reoently court-martialed at Mare Island and found guilty of a charge of embezzlement, does not in tend to abide by the judgment of the oourt. He will appeal to President Cleveland for clemenoy before the navy department shall have an oppor tunity to pass upon the reoently found verdiot. Three members of the revolutionary : committee have just arrived in Athens from Crete on a speoial mission. In the course of an interview they made tne loiiowing statement on an auwiur ity of their oommittee: "We wish to say it has been deoided . that we must hova ornnt.Arl tn Tin thfl ' (tan-ianda Vfl have sent to the sultan or else we shall fight. The powers mast either give us autonomy or see us orushed. Should our demands be neglected, then within fifteen days of July 15, the date at whioh they were made, we shall break the armistioe. " Advices from Hong Kong say that (mnaflal nhinAcA tmnrta vara rnnfintlv '"'t1 - sent to Lanobou to suppress the Mo hammedan rebels, who had risen against the authorities. The rebels! BUX1UUUUQU UO llUIVk AC VJ SVS0 MUU . seem to have totally annihilated them, ', although the imperial troops were bet ter provisioned and equipped. There were 6,000 troops sent to subdue the rebels and all are either killed or miss ing. The rebelB are now mad for blood, massaoreing all in authority, killing and pillaging on their triumph ant march through the country. AMERICANS EXECUTED. Shot as Filibusters by Spaniards in ',; Cuba. Key West, July 29. Twelve of the filibusters recently landed in Cuba by the steamer Three Friends have been killed by the Spaniards, aooording to letters reoeived here. They were land ed near Havana. A small band of in surgents were in waiting and took the arms to the mountains. While wait ing they were discovered by a Spanish column. The filibusters fled into the forest and for four days were without food. On the fifth day, after some had died of heat and exhaustion, they met some insurgents who undertook to "guide them to a plaoe of safety. Soon after meeting the soouts they ran into a Spanish column and were forced to scatter. Gabriel Offall and Louis Payroll, of Key West; James Floyd, of Columbus, O., and Pearoe Atkins, whose relatives are a Jacksonville family, are among the killed. The names of the others killed have not been heard. The other members of the expedition reaohed an insurgent oamp. REGISTRATION FRAUDS Wholesale Violation of the Law In Ban ' Franoisoo City Hall. San Franoisoo, July 29. Unmistak able signs of fraud have been discov ered in the registration at the main office in the city hall, and it has also been found that many of the successful applicants for plaoes on the preoinct boards resorted to falsehood to make themselves eligible. . The frauds in registration were discovered by Regis trar Hinton's deputies, and the discov eries concerning the preoinct appointees was made by men employed by the Demooratio and Republican committees, under the supervision of Max Popper and T. J. L. Smiley. Doubtless much wrongdoing of the same kind will be disolosed. The grand jury's attention was called by the eleotion commission ers today to fraud already ascertained. Mr. Smiley said there were perhaps 50 oases of men having registered as resi dents in preoinots wherein they do not live, so as to get appointed on registra tion boards. ' WORK OF WRECKERS. Laid Trap for Passenger' Train, hut Caught a Freight. San Francisco, July 28. An attempt was made to wreck a passenger train on the Southern Paoifiu, near Niles, to day, but instead, a looal freight train was toppled over a fifty-foot embank ment. The, engineer, fireman and brakeman were badly but not fatally hurt. Three cars went over with the engine. A rail had been plaoed so that when the engine struck it it would be lifted off the track and sent down a steep embankment. I? is thought the intention was to wreck the passenger train due two hours later. - The injured are John Edwards, engineer; Fireman Hurd, Brakeman Wright. The rail road oompany immediately sent a wrecking train to the scene and a force of deteotives is investigating ' the wreok and scouring the oountry to cap ture the misoreants. Had the passen ger train gone over, the loss of life would have been large, as the spot is a dangerous one. IN A NARROW GORGE. Brnsh With Matabeles in the Mutoppo Hills. London, July 28. The following Buluwayo dispatoh has been reoeived by the Ghroniole: Nicholson's patrol, 300 strong, was yesterday oheoked in a narrow gorge at the north of the Matoppo hills, leading to Laugus' stronghold. The enemy in great strength oooupied an impreg nable position, and they were fully equipped with rifles and ammunition. The straightness of their shooting was remarkable. The Cape "boys" (with Nioholson's patrol) cleared the neighboring heights of the enemy, killing twenty of the rebels, but a gallant attempt to force a passage was oheoked by a heavy fire from the caves studding the mountains, delivered at olose range. Nicholson lost but five troopers and two Cape "boys" in a few minutes He therefore withdrew his forces, and returned to the camp. A MOTHER'S CRIME. Drowned Her Two Children and Tried to Follow Them. Camden, N. J., July 29. Mrs. Mary Hermann, 80 years old,' of 931 South Fourth street, drowned her two infant ohildren and tried to drown herself to night in the Delaware river. She tied the hands of one child and the feet of the other and took a large dose of car bolic aoid.. Then, holding a child in eaoh arm, Bhe leaped overboard. Two boatmen saw her jump, and dragged her out of the water as she was going down tor the third time. She cannot live. Domestio troubles caused her wish to die. When Mrs. Hermann's husband heard of her orime, he at tempted to commit suicide by cutting his throat, but the polioe wrested the weapon from his hands before he in jured himself. He was looked up. ' The oldest national flag in the world is the that of Denmark, whioh has been In use sinoe the year 1219. THE SILVER CONVENTION. Bryan Nominated - for President and Bewail or Vice-President. St Louis, Ma At the first day's session of the silver convention not muoh headway was made. The pro gramme of the conference was all ar ranged in advanoe. . It included simply the adoption of a 16-to-l platform and the nomination of Bryan and Sewall, but those in charge of it deemed it good policy to go slow in the belief that they might, by remaining in sesson, be able to exeroise an influence in shaping things in the Populist convention. To this end, they appointed a oommittee of seven, headed by Judge Scott, of Cali fornia, to meet a similar oommittee of the Populists for the purpose of reach ing a common plan of action. The convention was called to order by Na tional Chairman Mott, who introduced Francis B. Newlands, of Nevada, as temporary ohairman. Mr. Newlands addressed the convention - at some length, and was followed by other speakers setting forth the claims of the silverites. . The Second Day. The second day's session of the silver convention was given over to speeches and songs. No business of any im portance was - transacted. The ladies were in evidenoe, and the assembly was addressed by Mrs. Helen Conger, of Indiana, who denounced the gold bug monopolists as "Wall street plu toorats" and "English bond sharks" and said the only salvation of the peo ple from serfdom was to deolare for the free coinage of silver. The Third Day. It was ten minutes to 11 o'clock when Chairman St. John oalled the silver convention to order. G. W. Baker, of . California, said that the People's Party convention had appoint a conference oommittee and moved that the convention defer action on the platform and postpone the nom ination until 8:30 P.M. The motion prevailed. .No business was transacted during the day, the time being taken up in the rendering of . silver speeches, poems and songs. . Friday night, after the oommittee of seven appointed to confer with the Populists, had reported that no agree ment could be reaohed, the convention proceeded to olose its business. The platform was read and adopted with out ohange. A motion was then made to nominate Bryan and Sewall by ac clamation. Amid much excitement the motion carried. The convention then adjourned sine die. - . The Platform. The demonetization of silver in 1873 enormously increased the demand for gold, enhanoing the purchasing power and lowering all prices measured by that standard, and sinoe that unjust and indispensable act, the prioes of American produots have fallen upon an average, nearly 50 per cent, carrying down with them proportionately the money value of all other forms of prop erty. Such fall of prioes has destroyed the profits of legitimate industry, in juring the producer for the benefit of the non-producer, increasing the bur den of the debtor, Swelling the gains of the creditor, paralyzing the productive energies of the Amerioan people, rele gating to idleness vast' numbers of willing workers, sending the shadows of despair into the home of the honest toiler, filling the land with tramps and paupers, and building up colossal for tunes at the money centers. In the effort to maintain the gold standard, the oountry has,, 'Within the last four' years, in a time of profound peace and plenty, been loaded down with a $262,000,000 of additional interest-bearing debt, -under suoh cir cumtsances as to allow a syndicate of native and foreign bankers to realize a net profit of millions on a single deal.' It stands confessed that the gold standard can only be. upheld by so de pleting our paper currency as to foroe the prioes of our produots below the European and below the Asiatic level, and enable us to sell in foreign mar kets, thus aggravating the very misery of whioh our people so bitterly com plain, degrading American labor and striking at the foundations of. our civ ilization itself. The advocates of the gold standard persistently olaim that the cause of our distress is overproduction; that we have produoed so mnoh that it has made us poor; which implies that the true' remedy is . to close the factory, abandon the farm and throw a multi tude of people out of employment, a dootrine that leaves us disheartened and without hope for the future. We affirm it to be unqestionable that there oan be no suoh economio paradox as overproduction and at the same time tens of thousands of our fellow-citizens remain half-olothed and half fed, and who are piteously clamoring for the common necessities of life. Inasmuoh as the patriotic majority of the Chioago convention embodied in the financial plank of its platform the principles enunoiated by the American bimetallio party, promulgated at Wash ington, D. C, January 22, 1896, and herein reiterated, which is not only paramount, but the only real issue in the pending campaign; therefore, reo ognizing that their nominees embody these patriotio principles, we reoom mend that this convention nominate W. J. Bryan, of Nebraska, for presi- jdeg. and Arthur Sewall, of Maine, ( forvToe-president. The "Boy Orator of the Platte" Is Thrice Chosen ON A FREE SILVER PLATFORM Bewail, However, Was Mot Acceptable, and Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia, Is Given Second Plaoe on the Ticket. William Jennings Bryan, of Ne braska, who was nominated by the Demooratio national convention at Chi oago, a fortnight ago, was, Saturday, at St. Louis, made the standard-bearer of the People's party by a vote of 1,042 to 821. The Demooratio candidate was nomi nated in the face of his own protest, in the shape of a telegram, directing the withdrawal of his name, sent to Sena tor Jones, after Sewall,' bis running mate, had been ditohed for the vice presidential nomination Friday night, and Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia, had been named for the seoond plaoe on the ticket. It was also made in the face of an opposition so bitter that, after the convention adjourned, some of the radicals held a "rump" conven tion. "' ' The last session of the convention, which lasted from 9:30 o'olock in the morning until 6 o'olock in the evening, was marked by soenes of turbulence and noisy excitement, which several times bordered on aotual riot, and whioh almost precipitated personal col lisions. The Texas delegates headed the opposition and olung to the middle of the road to the last. The Populist Bryan managers deoid ed , early Saturday to disregard Mr. Bryan's telegram of Friday and to nominate him and straighten out the tangle afterwards. They started out to rush his nomination through before any other candidate could be put in the field. -. General Weaver, of Iowa, the Popu list oandidate in 1892, in a masterly address, plaoed Bryan in nomination, and General Field, of Virginia, who was formerly Weaver's running mate, after a brief speeoh, moved to make the nomination unanimous. About fifty seconding speeches were then made, and some of them were both eloquent and brilliant. . The middle-of-the-road, contingent insisted upon knowing at every oppor tunity whether, in view of his tele gram, Bryan wou'd stand on the plat form and acoept the nomination. But all these pointed questions were neatly parried. Judge Green, of Nebraska, and others, vouched for Bryan's sym pathy with Populistio . principles, but that was all the satisfaction the radi cals could get. A roll-call by states was taken, ani when it was oompleted, it was found that Bryan had 1,042 out of the 1,347 votes in the convention, Frank S. Norton, of Chicago, was the only otbei oandidate. Ignatius Donnelly, of Min nesota, and General Coxey, of Ohio, were nominated, but their, names were withdrawn. Norton reoeived 821 votes, Debs 10, and Donnelly 1. Norton got the majority of the solid, vote of Texas, Michigan, Missouri, Rhode Island and Wisconsin, and a respeotable portion of the votes of Alabama, California, Kentucky, Illinois and Ohio. The demonstration when Bryan wai declared to be the choice of the conven tion lasted fifteen minutes, and was fully as enthusiastic as that tendered the Nebraska man at the Chicago con vention. Saturday morning a motion was in troduced and carried that the national oommittee be given plenary power is all things oonnnected with the party. The Vice-Presidential Nominee. Thomas F. Watson, of Georgia, who was a member of the Fifty-first oon gress, and who, in the Fifty-seoond and Fifty-third congresses, unsuccess fully contested Colonel Black's seat, was nominated for vice-president bj the convention on the first ballot, short ly after midnight Friday night. The nomination was made unanimous be fore the result of the roll-call was an nounced. , ' . The nominating speeches occupied exactly six hours. - ' , The convention adjourned after Bryan had been declared the nominee. WJBrya ' POPULIST PLATFORM. Adopted by the National Convention Held at St. Louis. Following is the Populist platform, as agreed upon by the oommittee on resolutions and adopted by the St. Louis convention: . ' - j . -. The People's Party, assembled in na tional convention, reaffirms its allegi anoe to the principles deolared -. by the founders of the repnblio, and also to the fundamental principles of just gov eminent as enunoiated in the platform oi tne party in icsuz. we recognize that, through the connivance of the present and preceding administrations, the country has reached a crisis in its national life, as predioted in our dec- laration four years ago, and that prompt and patriotio aotion is the su preme duty of the hour. We realize that, while we have political independ enoe, our financial and industrial in dependence is yet to be obtained by re storing to our oountry the constitution' al control and exercise of the funotions necessary to a people's government, whioh funotions have been basely sur rendered by our publio servants to cor porate monopolies. ; The influenoe of European money ohangers has been more potent in shaping legislation than the voioe of the Amerioan people Exeoutive power and patronage have been used to corrupt our legislatures and defeat the will of the people, and plutooraoy has thereby been . enthroned upon the ruins of demooraoy. To re store the government intended by the fathers of the oountry, for the welfare and prosperity of this and future gen erations, we demand the establishment of an eoonomio and financial system whioh shall make us masters of our own affairs and independent of Eu ropean oontrol by the adoption of the following declaration of principles: Finance. :' First -We demand a national money, safe and sound, issued by the general government only, without the interven tion of banks of issue, to be a full legal tender for all debts, publio and private; a just, equitable and efficient meanB of distribution direot to the people and through the lawful disbursements of the government. , Seoond We demand the free -and unrestricted coinage of silver and gold at the present legal ratio of 16 to 1, and without waiting for the consent of foreign nations. Third We demand that the vol ume of circulating medium be speedily inoreased to an amount sufficient to meet the demands of the business and the population of this oountry, and to restore the just level of prices and la bor production. . Fourth We denounoe the sale of bonds and the increase of the publio interest-bearing debt, made by the present administration, as unnecessary and without authority of law, and we demand that no more bonds be issued exoept by specifio aotion of congress. - Fifth We demand suoh legislation as will prevent the demonetizing of the lawful money of the United States by private contract v Sixth We demand that the govern ment, in payment of its obligations, shall use its option as to the kind of lawful money in whioh they are to be paid, and we denounce the present and proceeding administrations for surren dering ' this option to the holders of government obligation securities. , Seventh We demand a graduated inoome tax, to the end that aggregate wealth shall bear its just proportion of taxation, and we regard the recent de cision of the supreme court, relative to the income-tax law, as a misinterpreta tion of the constitution, an invasion of the rightful powers of oongress on the subject of taxation. ' ' ' , - Eighth We demand that postal sav ings banks be established by the gov ernment for the safe deposit of the sav ings of the people and to facilitate ex ohange. Transportation. FirstTransportation being a means of exohange and a publio neoessity, ,the government should own and operate' the railroads In the interest of the people on a nonpartisan basis, to the end that all may be aooorded the same treatment In transportation, and that the tyranny of political power, now exeroised by the great railroad corporations, whioh result in the impairment, if not the destruction of the political rights and personal liberty of the citizen may be destroyed. Suoh ownership is to be accomplished gradually in a manner consistent with sound publio polioy. Seoond The interest of the United States in the publio highways built with publio moneys and the . proceeds of extensive grants of land to the Pa oifio railroads should never have been alienated, 1 mortgaged .or sold, but guarded and protected for the general welfare as provided by the laws organ izing such railroads. The foreclosure of existing liens of the United States on these . roads should at once follow default in the payment thereof by the debtor companies, and at the fore closure sales of said roads the govern ment should purchase the same, if it becomes neoessry, to protect its inter ests, or if they can be purchased at a reasonable ; price, and the government shall operate said railroads as publio highways for the benefit of the whole people, and not in the interest of the few, under suitable provisions for pro tection of life and property, giving to all the transportation interests equal privileges and equal rates for fares and freights. , Third We denounoe the present in famous sohemes for refunding the said debts, and demand that the laws now applicable thereto be executed and ad ministered aooording to their true in tent and spirit. Fourth The telegraph, like the post office system, being a neoessity for the transaction of news, should be owned and operated by the government in the interest of the people. ' . Land. . . First The true polioy demands that the national and state legislation shall be suoh as will ultimately .enable every prudent and industrious citizen to seoure a home, and therefore the land should not be monopolized for speculative purposes. All lands now held by railways and other corporations in excess of their aotual needs should, by lawful means, be reclaimed by the government and held for aotual settlers only, and private land monopoly, as well as alien ownership, should be pro hibited. Seoond We condemn the frauds by whioh the land grants to Paoifio rail road oompanies have, through the oon nivanoe of the interior department, robbed multitudes of bona-fide settlers of their homes and miners of their olaims, and we demand legislation by congress which will enforoe the exemp tion of mineral land from suoh grants after, as well as before, patenting. , . Third We demand that bona fide settlers on all publio lands be granted . free homes, as provided in the national homestead law, and that no -exception be made in the oase of Indian reserva tions when opened for settlement, and that all lands not now patented come under this demand. Direct Legislation. We favor a system of direct legisla tion through the initiative and referen dum, under proper constitutional safe guards. -- --' - . : - General Propositions. First We demand 'the eleotion of president, vice-president and United States senators by direot vote of the people. Seoond We tender to the patriotio 1 people of Cuba our deepest sympathy in their -struggle for political freedom and independence, and we believe the . time has oome when the United States, the great republio of the world, should recognize that Cuba is, and of right ought to be, a free and independent state. . ; . Third We favor home rule in the territories and the Distriot of Colum bia, and the early admission of the ter ritories as states. Fourth All publio salaries should be made to correspond to the price of labor and its produots. Fifth In times of great industrial depression, idle labor .should be em ployed on publio works as far as prac ticable. . Sixth The arbitrary course of the court in assuming to imprison oitizens for indirect contempt and ruling them . by injunction . should be prevented by proper legislation. v ; - ; . - Seventh We favor just pensions for . every disabled Union soldier. Eighth Believing that the eleotion franchise and untrammeied ballot are essential to a government of, for and by the people, the People's party con demns the wholesale system of disfran chisement adopted in some of the states as unrepublioan and undemocratic, and we deolare it to be the duty of the sev eral state legislatures to take suoh ao tion as will seoure a full and free and fair ballot and an honest count. ' Ninth While the foregoing proposi tions constitute the platform whioh our party stands upon and for the vindica tion of its organization will be main tained, we recognize that the great and pressing issue of the pending campaign upon whioh the presidential eleotion will turn, is the finanoial question, and upon this great and specifio issue between the parties we oordially Invite the aid and co-operation of all organi zations and oitizens agreeing with us upon this vital question. ' " , : Fired on an American Ship. The sohooner Governor J. Y. Smith, Captain Patriok, from Gibrara, Cuba, to Wilmington, N. C, has arrived at quarantine, at Southport N. C. The sohooner left Gibrara July 14. Two days later, while off ! the Cuban ooast in the neighborhood of Neuvitas har bor, she . passed a Spanish gunboat about a mile and a half away. The gunboat opened fire on the sohooner, sending a solid shot - over her deok. The shell fell in the sea a quarter of a mile to starboard, doing no damage. Captain, Patriok ; immediately ran up the Amerioan ensign . and left the neighborhood - as quickly as possible. He was not able to learn the name of the gunboat, which remained station ary, firing no more shots. It is ex pected that Captain Patriok will make . an official report, as the sohooner is entered at the custom-house. According to recent experiments by Weber the normal temperature of : the incandescent eleotrio lamp is between 1,665 degrees and 1,585 degrees. - In India there is a speoies of butter fly in which the male has the left wing yellow and the right wing red. .The oolors on the female are vice versa. : . The first modern bridge of which his tory makes mention was tha famous Sublioian bridge of Rome. : It was ereoted in the seventh oentury.