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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (July 24, 1896)
Hood River Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. 8. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY. JULY 21, 1896. NO: 9. The r IKflFIIEl From AIL Parts of the New World and the Old. OF INTEREST TO OUR READERS Comprehensive Review of the Import' ant Happenings of the Past Week Gulled From the Telegraph Column Chinatown in San Francisco is in a '' fever of ezoitement and another high- -binder war has been declared. . ,.; j) ' Cloolin's sawmill, situated on Deej creek, near Medical lake, Wash., was . burned to the ground. The loss it $3,500. Cholera ia abating in Egypt Bat tles in Crete are almost of hourly occur rence, and the Turks have Buffered heavy losses. The remains of Ed Moran were found floating in the Puyallup river. Moran is supposed to have drowned himseli on June 80 last , - By the reopening of an old vein in the Gwin mine, in Calaveras oounty, Cal., the mine has become valuable, and the owners now hold it at $8,000, 000. The storthing, the representative . body of Norway, has defeated the bill for the temporary increase of duties on petroleum and sugar, and for the imposition of a duty on meat. Mrs. T. H. Tofree, who was Grover Cleveland's seoretary while he was mayor'of Buffalo, oommitted suicide in Mojave, Cal,, by drinking oarbolio aoid. It is supposed she was temporarily in- sane. ' ' . Adjutant General Tuttle has received from the seoretary of the state of Ore gon a warrant for $5,917, with whioh ' to pay the militia boys for their serv ices at Astoria during th4 recent fishing : troubles. , ' On the anniversary of the birthday of the queen regent'of , Spain, which ooours the 28d inst.7 General Weyler . will release many prisoners. The an niversary will be made an occasion of unusual clemenoy. - ; Near Dryden, Mioh. , George Swayne, ;a farmer, about 45 years old, killed his three small children and set lire to his 7 house, then blew his brains out. His wife died a short time ago. It is thought that this deranged his mind. The two-story briok building, occu pied by H. Wolf & Brother, at No. 80 Front street, Portland, Or. , as a whole sale gentleman'B furnishing goods house, was completely gutted by fire, and the stock is a total loss.' The stock was valued at upwards of $60,000 and is partly oovered by $28,000 insurance. The barkentine Herbert Fuller, Cap tain Nash, from Boston for Bosario, has put into Halifax, Novia Scotia. There had been a mutiny on board. The captain, his wife and the second mate were killed in their berths in the night The first officer, who was on '' watch, knew nothing about the affair. The murderer or murderers crawled aft to the cabin, desoended, and with axes ohopped the victimB to death. Upon the arrival of the barkentine all ; the orew were locked up in the police station toi wait trial. : Rioters are again rampant at the Brown Hoisting Works, in Cleveland, O., and serious trouble is feared. . Cincinnati and vicinity have been visited by heavy thunder storms and at several plaoes there is reported loss of life and property. Near Portsmouth five persons took refuge in a shed, which was struok by lightning, killing .. 11 of them. " Captain-General Weyler has issued a deoree that all . foreigners in the island are to register in a -special book in the government's charge previous to their being justified in appealing to ar . tide 7 of the deoree relative to foreign . citizenship in November, 1894. . James Harvey Sherman, a famous ' spy in the war of the rebellion, who resided near Charlotteville, Mich,, is , dead. Before the war broke out Sher man resided in Virignia, where he ac cumulated a fortune, whioh was after wards entirely swept away by the war. Albert Olsen, 85 years of age, an em ployee of the Willamette Casket Com pany, of Taooma, was oaught in the machinery, whirled rapidly around the , revolving shaft and instantly killed. The body was horribly mangled, the left leg and right foot being torn off completely. ' A little boy of Marshall, Miuh.j when herding cattle, tied two of his sisters, 4 and 5 years old, and another little girl with a rope, the end of which was attached to the saddle on a pony. The pony ran away, dragging ho three girls half a mile. Two of ?he girls were killed and ' the other badly injured. v . The oolored people of Cincinnati held a memorial meeting in honor of Harriet Beeoher Stowe. It was in this oity that she , wrote "Uncle Tom's Cabin," also spending her early life here when her father was president of TLane theologioal seminary. She was married in Cincinnati, Professor Stowe being oonneoted with Lane seminary, fie was 76 years old and leaves wife and six ohildren. Fired on the Tur, It is rumored at Astoria that the tug Relief, while on a trip from Astoria to Port Townsend, was fired upon by some fishermen whose nets the tug had just passed over. Jolt Maoeo Killed. Private dispatohes from Havana say that General Jose Maoeo, the Cuban patriot leader, was shot through the head and instantly killed during an attaok whioh he led upon the Spanish forces in Gato Hills. The report says that Colonel Caratagena, another in surgent officer, and several members of Maoeo's staff, were killed at the same time. - - Mysterious Poisoning. (.'PCrqinnati an unknown blonde wuman wag : uunu uy a xurs iiiuman soldier lying imoonscious on the ground on a farm;within a few feet of the spot where the beheaded body of Pearl Bryan was left by her murderers. The girl was taken to Newport, where it was found she had either been drugged or had taken poison herself. Ex-Governor Busaell Dead Ex-Governor William E. Russell, of Massachusetts, was found dead in bed in a fishing camp near Grand Pabos, Quebec When he passed through Mon treal on his way to the salmon grounds in Gaspe, he was in the best of health. It is supposed he died of heart disease. He was well-known in.publio life, and took a prominent part in the national Democratic convention reoently held in Chicago. Banged at Folsom. John E. Howard was hanged in the prison corridor at Folsom, Cal., for the murder of Martin PeLanina, in Tulare oounty, in June, 1894. Only twenty persons besides the priBon offioials witnessed ' the exeoution. Howard walked firmly to the scaffold and stood calm and composed till the drop fell.. A slight . twitohing of the hands gave the only, evidence of agita tion. Mew Steamship Line. A St. Paul dispatch says S. Iwanaga, of Tokio, Japan, general manager of the Japanese Mail Steamship Company, limited, has just signed a oontract with the Great Northern Railway Company for the establishment of a steamship line between Tokio and Seattle. Thus the Great Northern system extends its operations into the far , east, and its bills of lading are in force from Tokio to Buffalo, N. Y. v An American Bark Ashore. : A dispatoh from Zanzibar reports that the American bark John D. Brewer, went ashore at Pangawani, The government has sent a vessel to the assistance of the Brewer. Scraped From the Band Wagon. The band whioh accompanies Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show attempted to drive under a bridge in Massillon, O. All the men were scraped off. Five or six are reported dead or dying and in jured, 'v, ,. : Poisoned by Drinking; Lemonade. . News has been received of the fatal poisoning at Santiago, Minn., of a family of nine children, caused by drinking lemonade. The children died one after another, and - the parents are not expeoted to live. A Fatal California Fire. Fire broke out in the residence of John Coyle in Fresno, Cal. Coyle was in the house asleep at the time and. was burned to death. He was a pioneer ' citizen of Fresno oounty and possessed of considerable means. Fiendish Woman Banged. : News from Coeburn, Va.t says that Mary Snodgrass was hanged there for the murder of a 6-months-old child by burning it in a stove. Tiia woman was 28 years old. The Snodgrass woman was a disreputable woman and was compelled to leave Pikeville, Ky., on that aocount. ' Bond Investigation. Senator Harris, chairman of the sen-, ate oommittee to investigate the reoent bond issues, says he has not yet deter mined whether the oommittee will wait until the fall before going on with its investigation or will complete its work, frame its report and make it publio this summer. The last meeting adjourned subject to the call of . the obairman. r- The Messenger Crucified. A London dispatoh from Wady Haifa reports that the messenger who oarried the news to Khalifa at Om duran that his army had been defeated at Firket, was immediately put to death by oruciflxion. Khalifa an nounced that the same fate would be imposed upon any one who mentioned the Firket in his hearing. A Prominent Lawyer Dead. John Cameron Simmon ds, formerly of Chioago, and a member of the bar, died at the Ward island insane asylum, New York. : His business interests were largely in the West He was in terested in mining and railway con struction in California, but did much of his business in New York, and was well-known to Wall-street bankers. Mr. Simmonds was an authority on criminal law and wrote a great deal on that subject His writings on prison reform have also made him noted. IIWIfllOFlD New York Banks Prepared to Assist the Subtreasury. NEARLY $4,000,000 TAKEN OUT Bankers Bee No Cause for Alarm, Nor Are Treasury Officials the Least Dis turbed by Decreasing Gold Reserve. Washington, July 22. The gold reserve went below the ninety -million mark today for the first time in many months, and the aotual figures were $89,761,886, a reduction of ' $3,706,800 for the day. Of the withdrawals, $3, 000,000 were for export. Treasury offioials look upon this heavy gold drain as entirely abnormal, and are confident that it will not continue. They say there is nothing in trade oiroles to war rant the exports, adding that, although exchange is at a point above the ship ping point in normal times, the condi tions are suoh, in their judgment, as to make it unoertain whether it can be profitable at present. . - ' In the absence of Secretary Carlisle, who will not return to the oity from his jaunt down the bay until tonight or tomorrow, no one oan speak author itatively respeotmg the probability of another issue of bonds to replenish the reserve in the near future, but the gen eral trend of opinion was that suoh a thing was not to be expeoted. The rumor reaohed the' treasury late in the day that the New York banks had deoided to oome to the relief of the department, and pledget themselves to maintain the reserve at the $100,000, 000 point. There was no offioial back ing to this report, but offioials profess to see other hopeful signs even if this promise fails of realization. Among them is the prospeot that the demand for money in the West will oblige New York banks to deposit gold with the treasury in order to obtain the neces sary paper. This will add materially to the protection of the gold reserve. , The department has already accumu lated in the general balanoe of $261, 618,883 no less than $84,286,016 of the old legal-tender notes and $35,118,019 in Sherman notes. This leaves the whole amount of legal tender notes outstanding of a kind that can be used under the "endless-chain" plan, to draw out the treasury gold at once, $345,000,000, and very much of this is aotively circulating in the course of daily trade. The national banks held of this total $147,000,000, and, so far as the treasury offioials know, they are not generally lending themselves to the present raid. ' As to other conditions, ' the offioials are satisfied with the manner in whioh they have gotten so far through the month of July. This is always a try ing month, the beginning of the fiscal year letting loose a lot of appropria tions for miscellaneous objects, as well as for rivers and harbors and pensions. The payments on aooount of the latter have amounted so far to $9,827,000 this month, while the quarterly inter est charges on the 4-per cent bonds and others have aggregated $6,479,000. The total expenditures for the month have reaohed $31, 118,000, whioh leaves a defioit of $12,091,294; but this is no more than was expeoted, while the encouragement is found in the fact that the reoeipts have averaged well up to a million dollars per diem, and that much of this inorease is composed of internal revenue reoeipts, an indica tion that whisky in bond has been at . last drawn upon. SUIT TO FORECLOSE. Brought Against the Oregon Improve ment Company. SeattifiKWash., July 22. In the United States court in this oity, the first mortgage bondholders of the Ore gon Improvement Company have brought suit for the foreclosure of their mortgage and the appointment of. a receiver. Judge Hanford ordered the new suit, nnnnnlidntftd with tha nnifca already pending, whioh were brought by the holders of the consolidated bonds, or rather by their trustee. He also gave an order appointing C. J. Smith, the present reoeiver, as receiver under the new suit ' - ' . The immediate occasion of the new foreclosure suit, as set up in the bill of complaint, is that a default of interest on the first mortgage bonds took plaoe June 1. Under the terms of the first mortgage, this default rendered the company liable to a suit for foreclosure. . It is understood that the first mort gage bondholders were not sorry of this opportunity to plaoe themselevs in a position where they may have a voice in the reorganization of the oompany. If the other bondholders should now refuse to aooede to their terms, they will press their foreclosure and. the consolidated bondholders would have to put up cash for the first mortgage bonds. Two Toung Men Drowned. Dayton, Or., July 22. Walter and Rubs Atkins, 20 and 18 years old, while swimming in the Willamette river yesterday afternoon, a few miles south of here, near Wheatland, were both drowned. One of them had just come from the East to visit his parents. The 4is lave not yet been reoovered. STORROV'S BRIEF. Venezuela's Case Presented in an Able Manner. '-. Washington, July 22. The first part of a brief prepared by James J. Stor row, of the counsel for Venezuela, in conjunction with Mr. Soruggs, the le gal adviser of that government, has just been oompleted and submitted for the consideration of the Venezuela boundary commission. The brief is framed as an answer to the general summary of the British bluebook de voted to the Venezuela dispute, and, like that, is an argument based upon the evidence obtained by the agents of the governments interested. The brief is regarded at the state department as a. most important contribution to-, the British-Venezuela question, as Mr. Storrow is a Boston praotitioner on whom Seoretary Olney places muoh re liance. Mr. Storrow devotes muoh of his brief to an attempt to combat what he regards as an attempt to extend the claim beyond occupation, and, applying the laws and facts as he finds them, he declares that they give no support to the British olaims, but are affirmatively and specifically fatal to it Mr. Storrow then turns his attention to the Sohomburgk line, against the running of whioh Venezuela protested, and he says that every British ministry, except that of Lord Salisbury, recog nized that it was monstrous and diplo matically inadmissible upon such : a flimsy olaim, whioh the British now oalled the Dardanelles of the Orinooo, and offered to agree to lines whioh they deolared would secure to Venezuela the undisputed possession of the mouth of the Orinooo. Lord Salisbury's olaim, " however, says Mr. Storrow, grew every time he reourred to the subject, and he then proceeds to point out in great detail how, after Sohomburgk's death and forty years after his survey, the British oolonial office discovered that all these maps were wrong and that Sohom burgk's line went around by the big bend of the Cuyuni, and compelled the engraver to change all of his maps to correspond, taking the Sohomburgk line far westward from the original oourse. Says Mr. Storrow: "This is perilously near the altera tion of anoient landmarks and spolia tion of records. It evidently deoeived Lord Salisbury, who, on February 18, 1890, asserted it to be the line surveyed by Sir R. Sohomburgk in 1841. He did not survey this line in 1841, or in any other year." ' :., BRYAN'S MAIL. Some Advice to Letter-Writers ' Who Bave Been Pestering Him. Lincoln, Neb., July 22. Eaoh day, the pile of letters at the home of Wil liam J.. Bryan increases in size. In stead of catching up with his corre spondence, the Democratic presidential oandidate gets farther behind. More letters oome in eaoh day than he and his wife and his seoretary oan open and read. In order to let the people who have written to him know about the oondition of affairs, Mr. Bryan has given out the following: "To the Publio: My daily mail has grown so large that I find it impossible to reply at length to each. Those who are interested in the success of our oause will appreciate the situation and pardon me for making the following suggestions: : V ' , "First As time will not permit a full disoussion of the prinoipal ques tions in so large a number of private letters, I snail, in order to avoid dis crimination, res9rve all suoh disoussions for publio oocasions. "Second All offers of services and suggestons as to the oonduct of the campaign should be made to the na tional committee representng various states and territories. All requests for campaign literature should be adressed to the seoretary of the national oom mittee at headquarters as soon as head quarters are opened. If my friends will be kind enough to observe these suggestions, I shall be able to devote my time more fully to the work of the oampaign. W. J. Bryan." . The Gold Democrats. ' St. Louis, July 22. Prominent gold "standard Democrats of this oity today took the first step toward repudiating the ticket and platform of the Chioago convention. ' They deoided to issue a call for a convention of the gold stand' ard Democracy of Missouri to determine whether a third tioket shall be put in the fluid, whether the fight for gold shall extend into the congressional dis tricts or whether the bolters shall oome out openly for McKinley and oentralize their efforts on him. Colonel James O. Broadhead, ex-minister to Switzer land under Cleveland, presided. A resolution was adopted : providing for the naming of a committee of seven by Broadhead to fiend out a call for a con vention of gold-standard ' Demoorats. Circulars will be sent all over the country to gold-standard leaders asking them to co-operste or be present at the meeting. Postmaster Skips Ont. Vanoouver, B.V-. July 22. A. B. Buie postmaster at Lytton, has skipped out, and is believed to have crossed the boundary. He is said .', to be about $5,000 short in hl accounts, and also owes personal debts for a considerable amount, having bCjrowd from every one he oould. Writs were issued at the instance of seveial creditors, A Resume of Events in the Northwest. ' EVIDENCE OF STEApY GROWTH News Gathered in All the Towns of . Our Neighboring State- Improve ment Noted In All Industries Oregon. A young cyclone passed through the timber near Fox valley last week, and a great deal of timber was blown down. . .', ', ,: i 1 The ordinances preventing cows from running at large and for cutting thistles will be strictly enforced in The Dalles. Aocording to the report given the oounty court by George Tregaskis, stock lnspeotor, there are over 110,000 sheep in Harney county, not inoluding lambs. Bandover & Co. propose putting in a mill at their Olalla, Doulgas oounty, mine. The firm has sunk a shaft ten feet, and at that depth the assays run from $9.50 to $50 a ton, it is said. The Long Creek Ealge, of Grant oounty, is informed that over 200 sheep are dead on the range between the mid dle and north fork of the John Day river, the result of poison on the range. . The Umatilla county grand jury cau tioned justices of the peace against issu ing warrrants for the arrest of persons charged with petty offenses, unless the judge should be satisfied that the evi dence is sufficient to oonvict or that the accused is attempting to leave the coun ty or state. C. B. ;Wade, cashier of the First Na tional bank, of Pendleton, sasy, after a personal inspection of seventy-five wheat fields in Umatilla county, and npon oareful inquiry, that the damage to the wheat crop in Umatilla oounty, done by hot weather, has been on the average, 60 per cent. ':.'.' ' It looks as though Salem and Marion oounty were to become famous by rea son of the newspaper sketch artists produced from that section, says .the Statesman. ' F. F. Bowers, a bright and conscientious cartoonist, has been summoned by telegraph to the offioe of a San Farnoisoo ; paper and to assume the duites of a valuable assignment. K The directors of The Dalles, Port' land Astoria Navigation Company visited the Cascade Locks, where they met the governor, seoretary. of state and state treasurer, who were looking over the state portage. " The portage was damaged but little by the high water, and will require only slight repairs before it oan be operated. The repairs will be made ss soon as he water goes down sufficiently to allow The Dalles City to land at the lower end of the incline. . ; . v The oounty court of Union county has reduoed by one the deputies in the offloes of sheriff and clerk. In the matter of the deputyship for the school superintendent's office, whioh in a pub lio way has been ' conferred on Miss Nellie Stevens, it is stated that the oounty court will not favor- her ap pointment in that oapaoity, the board taking the grounds that disqualification as to the prinoipalsbip also disqualifies her from discharging the duties of the offioe as deputy. . Washington. The city counoil of. Puyallup has ap propriated $25 for outting the thistles in the streets and highways of that town. " ',' , ' . ' ' During the month of June the Eggert & Johnson Company at Getohell, in Snohomish county, . out 2,175,000 shingles. -.. Government Architect Aaron E. Johnson, who will have oharge of building Spokane's new army post, has arrived in that oity to assume his duties. '' i 1 According to the report of the di rector of , the mint, Kittitas oounty took the lead in mineral produotion in Washington last year, and produoed one-third of the gold of the state. -. George B. ' Lowe, a Georgia melon planter, has booked an order to ship two carloads of the green-above-the-red fruit to Seattle, 8,000 miles. The freight oharge is $350 per carload. ' Captain Kingsbury, who has been employed as engineer of the Yakima reservation ditch, reports that the channel will oarry 164 feet of water per seoond, sufficient to water 40,000 aores of land. The oyster men of Mason county have all been notified by the state land commissioners that their deeds for oyster lands are ready for them, and they are happy, as the work of years is bearing fruit , At the Day logging camp, at Oak Point, in Cowlitz county, a logging railorad is being built. It will be about five miles in length, and will tap a large body of excellent timber; heavy steel rails will be used, and the track will be standard gauge. , A few weeks ago a quantity of flax straw, grown on Puget sound, was nipped by the Seattle ohamber of com merce to Barbour & Sons, of Lisburn, Ireland. The manufacturers report that the samples are exoellent, and very similar to that grown in the Courtral district in Belgium. A POOR YEAR FOR FRUIT. Unfavorable Report by the Agricultural Department Washington, July 22. The gener ally poor oondition of fruit throughout the oountry is announoed in the agri oultural department report just pub lished. ' Apples declined in oondition from 71 to 64.6 during June. Prospects for excellent crops still oontinued in New England, New York, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Iowa. Conditions are also very fair in Nebraska and several of the mountain states. In other parts of the country the oondition of the crop is far below the average, being lowest in the Atlantio coast states, where the percentages are genearlly below 50.' In the Ohio valley and certain of the Western states, not yet referred to, the figures are somewhat higher, but no where above 67, whioh is the percent age reported for Illinois 'and Missouri. . The peaoh crop promises to be of good proportions. During the past month a fall of 12.9 has taken plaoe, leaving the general average now 51.8. Good crops are expeoted in Delaware, Mary land, Miohigan, Illinois, Indiana, Ken tucky, Missouri and Kansas. The orop has suffered considerably in Cali fornia, as is shown by the oondition of -77, whioh is lower than in any July since 1890. In New Jersey the fruit is falling badly. The Connecticut and New York orchards promise very little fruit, and in Pennsylvania the condi tion is no better than in contiguous New Jersey, standing at 52. In the European oountries throughout the last month the conditions were highly favorable to growing grain. , A , UNIQUE WILL. Disposition of the Property of Harriet Beecher Stowe. ' Hartford, Conn. , July 22. A unique document is the will of Harriet Beech es Stowe, offered for probate today.: Under date of November 8, 1895, it is signed by Charles F. Perkins, Mary Russell Perkins and Arthur Perkins. The large silver inkstand, the gift of the women of England, is given to her son Charles. The silver waiter and the silver basket given her by the women of England are given to her two daughters, Harriet and Eliza. . The gold braoelet given to Mrs.. Stowe by the Duchess of Sutherland is be queathed to her daughter Georgiana, (Mrs. Allen, of Boston), now deceased. In the residuary clause one-third of all the property is given to her son, the Rev. Charles E. Stowe, of Simsbury. Major John C. Parsons, of Hartford, is made trustee of the remaining two thirds and the inoome is to be divided between the daughters Harriet and Eliza. In -a oodioil dated May 18, the Forest-street house, whioh was Mrs. Stowe's home for so long, is bequeathed to her daughters Harriet and Eliza. The inventory of Mrs. Stowe's estate toots up to $42,858. He Forgot His Name. ' Philadelphia, July 22. The identity of the young man at the Philadelphia hospital who on the night of Maroh 6 gave himself up to the police and said he did not know his name or where he oame from, has been at last disolosed. He proves to be Herbert C. Spencer, the youngest son of Solomon C. Spencer, a wealthy oitizen of Lawrenoe, ; Kan. The discovery was made last evening by Dr. J. C. Robinson of Lawrence, Kan.,, an old friend of Spencer, who came to the hospital July 1 as resident physi cian. ' Young Spenoer went to New Orleans two years ago, and up to Jan-, nary 19 last corresponded regularly with his relatives. Since then they heard nothing from him, except that he had been seen in Washington in Feb ruary. It is tnougnt one or bis brothers will be here soon to take him home. ; For Smuggling Opium. Seattle, July '22.--Margaret Morri son, the woman smuggler, was today sentenced by Judge Hanford, ' of , the federal oourt, to eight months in the King oounty jail and a fine of $50. Mrs. Morrison lived at Port Townsend, and was arrested November . 23 last on the steamer Sehome, plying between Viotoria and Seattle, for bringing un stamped opium across the boundary. The opium was purohased in Victoria, and Mrs. Morrison had given part of it to herl"0-year old daughter. The rest t of it, six pounds, was found on her per son. She was indioted by the federal grand jury last Decmeber, but has been seriously ill sinoe, and for a time it was thought she would not live. ' - New Cruiser for Spain. Madrid, July 22. The Spanish patriotio league of Argentina offers to present the Spanish government a cruiser of 4,600 tons displacement, oost ing an approximate of 8,000,000 pese tas. The league representative, Senor Gonzales Sainsa, was interviewed by the government yesterday on the sub ject. The cruiser will probably be built at Glasgow. The opposition are strongly opposed to the Rothschilds, and the tobaooo questions being rushed through the oortes. They desire to force the gvernment to assemble the oortes again in October or November for their copsideration, Senor Canvas is hot disposed to give way. As it is he threatens to resign if the estimates are not passed.