MISS GARRETT'S HEALTK Kimon a to Her Condition Flatly Con- tradloted. Miss Mary Garrett, who, until recent ly, -was considered the richest woman in America, and who, notwithstanding her losses incident to the receivership of the Baltimore & Ohio railroad, still pos sesses a vast fortune, has left Baltimore for a visit to Bryn Mawr college, near Philadelphia. A letter from her states that she is confined to her bed with ton- silitis. . V Miss Garrett closed her magnificent town house, corner of Cathedra and Monument streets, Baltimore, some i months ago, and since then, with half a dozen male and female attendants, has been living at the Mount Vernon hotel, two doors above her residence. She left there, taking a number of trunks, leaV' in? no word as to where she was going or where she could be found. On the night of the crisis in Baltimore and Ohio affairs, when the thunderbolt of failure was announced, rumors spread tnrortgn out the city to the effect that Miss Gar rett had sucoumbed, and that her health was impaired. The reports were false, as she was then snugly ensconoed at the Mount Vetnon hotel. Philadelphia Press. PRAYS ALL THE TIME. Andrew Stoke Won't Stop Even to Eat or Sleep. Andrew Stoke of Pottsville, Pa., is laboring under a most peculiar halluci nation, and his case has baffled the pby sioians. A few weeks ago he was an in dustrious miner, but about seven days ago he declared that he was intensely wicked, and since that time has prayed incessantly, not stopping to eat or sleep. Be imagines his bedroom is filled with angels and spirits of departed ones. Ha declares he must keep praying in order to keep the evil spirits from seiz ing him. . When he steps into his bed' room, he holds his Bible with a death' like grip to his breast, fearful lest it be wrested from him. To raise a debt of $000 upon theMeth odist church at Winside, Neb., the pas tor, Rev. William Hatheral, has secured 60 acres of land for the coming year from members of the oongregation and obtained pledges of labor from others to plant it with wheat. When the crop is harvested, it will be sold for the benefit of. the church. He is now asking the brethren for seed wheat. When the planet Mars Is nearest the earth it is 86,000,000 miles away. AN APPEAL FOB ASSISTANCE. The man who Is charitable to himself will listen to the mute appeal for.asslstan e made by his stomach, or bis liver, in the shape of uiverB u cpfjini! qutums auu uneasy enae. Hons In the rexluiis of the arlandB that secretes his bile. Hostetier's Stomach Bitters, mj-Oaar mi, or luminal us me case may oe is woat you require. Hasten to UBe. if you are troubled wiih heartburn, wind in the stomach, or note that your skin or the whites of your eyes are lasing a saiiow nue. ' Some St. Louis physicians insist that the anti-toxine treatment will cure the consumption as well as the diphtheria. DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUBED By local applications, at they cannot reach the diseased portion of toe ear. There is only one way wj uureueaiuess, auu cuai is oy constitution al remedies. Deafness Is cmued by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of Eustachian Tube. When this lube gets Inflamed you have a rumbling sound of Imperfect hearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, aud unless the inflammation can be taken out aud this tube restored to ft normal condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten - are caused by catarrh, which la nothing but an . Inflamed condition oi the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of DeafDess (caused bv catarrh) that can not he cored by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend lor circulars free. K. J. CHENEY A CO., Toledo, O. Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hull's Family Pills are the best. I believe Piso'j Cure is the only medi c'ne that will cure consumption. Anna M. Ross, Williamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, '95. FITS. All fl s stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great. Nerve Restorer. No fits after the first dav'sufe. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2 00 tv.al bottle free to Pit caes. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Trt Gbbmxa ior breakfast. , Katnrally, have a good appetite, keep yon? blood pure and your nerves strong by taking Sarsapa.il la The best In fact the One True Blood Purifier. Hood's) Pills cure biliousness, headache. 26c. T$ti)i$ ivbal alls you? Have yon a feeling 1 of weight In the Stomach Bloating after ea tin g Belch' Ing of Wind Vomit- Ing of Food Watt r brash Heartburn i Bad Taste la the Month In the Morn ing Palpitation of the Heart, due to Dl tension of Stomach Cankered Month ' Gas In the Bowels Loss of Flesh Pickle Appetite , Depressed, Irritable ' Condition of the , Mind Di nines Headache Constlp , atloa or Diarrhea? 1 Then yon hare . DYSPEPSIA In one of Its many forms. The one posltlr car or to is uuirossing complaint is . , Actor's Dyspepsia tablets, bj mall, prepaid, on receipt of j cents r,, . i..-w iini t.ii xt vv IsayBt "I suffered liorribly from dyspepsia, bui A ok or s i anieis,uiKen aiiermea.ts,navecurea me. j b ACKER MEDICINE CO., 16 & iS Chambers St, N.T. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Feel Well," SLIVER PILLS ara the On Thing touts. Only One for a Dose. Bold by .Druggists at ftSo. a box BamplM mailed free. AddroM Pr, Botanko Med, Co. Phil. Pa. TRUMPET CALLS. , . Ram's Horn Sound a Warning Note to the Unredeemed. EVERY sin suffer ed to remain In the heart, raises a family. . The Lord gains nothing ' when good men wear long faces. ' A s soon ' a s Adam named the animals, be had a language. The lore of the beautiful is a gift that comes from God. ,' In one way the egg of a wren is bigger than a turkey cock. When the mother of Abraham Lin coln took her babe to her breast, she lifted e race. The Bible Is the most attractive book in the world, when we know how to tell what Is In It , Men are alike in nature, but different in character. They are one family, but many children. To make home a dismal place on Sun day, Is to invite the devil to come and get the children. The man who has no use for the gold en rule In a horse trade, had better be watched everywhere. One shot in the wing means a wound ed bird, no matter how fast It may be flying when It Is hit. . .. . Love Is the greatest tl ing In the world, and yet nine people out of every ten are after money. , . The man who can say, "The Lord is my strength," will always be able to easily carry his burden. The acorn that makes the forest Is bigger than the forest, but we fall to realize It, as we pick It up from under our feet. ' Some parents fall in leading their children to Christ, because the subject of religion Is never mentioned in the home except at prayers. ; , Jesus never preached any higher, about anything that he lived. He em phasized every sermon by showing what It meant in his own life. A star is added to the soul winner's crown when an old man is saved, but when a child is put into the arms of Christ, It may mean a whole Milky Way. . THE TRUE HERO. Brave , la Presence of Damajer, bnt . . Careful of Unman Mte. ' Mr. Archibald Forbes in bis biogra phy of Lord Clyde, better known as Sir Colin Campbell, the bero of the Sikh wars, draws unconsciously, a sharp contrast between physical and moral courage. Sir Colin was the son of a carpenter In Glasgow, named Mac liver. His mother's brother, Colonel Campbell, took the boy at fifteen to the Duke of York, and asked fop: a com mission for him. The duke (assented, and remarking, "Another of I the clan, I suppose?" wrote his name (down as Colin Campbell. When they werin the street again, Colin anxiously said, "He dldvinot get my name Macliver." "Bide a Campbell," said his uncle, gruffly. "It'U.pay better among fight ing men." - And Colin.' Campbell he remained while he lived. - The lad's strongest wish was to prove that he bad courage enough t& do honor to his Campbell blood and adopted name. His first battle was at'Vimieras when he was sixteen. His battalion baited under a fierce fire of artillery, but his company was protected, being In the rear of the column. His captain, at the lad's desire,.' took him out to the head of the battaSlon, and walked with him through the rain of bullets for several minutes. It killed the coward In him. When he was an old man he told' the In cident, Baying: : : . , 'I have been, grateful to that man all of my life." .t At a. subsequent assault he .was se verely wounded In both legs, and sent to the hospital; but finding that a battle was ' Imminent; he deserted from the hospital and llmnped back to his com pany, taking command without leave. His courage. was so marked In the fight which followed that he "was promoted, while he was severely reprimanded for bis disobedience. . ' : But Sir Colin, grown oM .and wiser, and at the head of the English forces In the Punjab, was curiously tender of human life. He begrudged' every man that fell In a battle, and planned so resolutely to save, them tHiat he was dubbed "Old Kubtoerdar 01d Take Care) by his officers, v ! i , ' He was urged by the- Punjab govern ment to Invade the Swat territory, where the number of the swarming en-' emy would, have brought annUhlllatlon on his troops. "With reinforcements, yes,'.' 'was his reply. . . They were refused. "Then I' will not go," calmly replied the old soldjler. Lord Dalbousle branded ' htm as a coward; but the stern veteran persisted In his refusal, resigned and returned to England, to receive the (rewards, and honors of a grateful country!. The lad. marehlne aimlessly lntriifire. had physical courages, but tihte old man, returning in disgrace rather than sacri fice his troops to no purposie, possessed moral bravery and was.tbej true hero. An Echo of the Truckee Smash-Up The Shah's Jewel Qruu-t Measure. The jeweled quart measure, owned by the late Shah of Persia, was sold In London a few days ago for 2. ': The Shah used to measure his diamonds and pearls In It It Is called In Persia the "dek tzanlnek," and waa In the royal family for ninety yeains. The Shah's grandfather had another one, but lost it overboard, together with a quart of rubles and meralds. -,. Many Will Recall This Sad Affair Which Happened in 1892. Mr. B. Watklos, of This City, Who Waa Injured In tbe Wreck Tells of His . .Terrible Bufferings and Final Cure. From the Examiner, San Francisco, Cal. Mr. H. Watkins lives at 2008 Geary street, San Francisoo. , He is a railway postal clerk, and has been in that business for years. When Been at his home he gladly told his experience with Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. He narrates the faots leading up to his trying them, the benefits he has enjoyed by their use and the re sults of recommending them to others. He said: "I have suffered from rheumatism for years. At times I have been so bad that I could not raise my arms over my head. No one bad worse rheumatism than I had. I got it first in the Truokee smash-up. I was laid on the snow in the wreck and then taken to the railroad hospital. Ever sinoe then I have suffered at times terribly, that is to say, up till a year ago. Once at Redlands, in San Bern, ardino county, I thought I should die, and at Promontory I was so crippled that I had to be carried to the mail oar. No one who baa not had it can understand the agony.' I was not able to get out of bed at times. I had to orawl on hands and knees from the bedroom to the kitchen. "Occasionally when I tried to rise in the morning the pains would seize me and I had to be caught to prevent my falling. I tried every kind of medi oine. The only thing that helped me at all up to a year ago was some fear ful stuff an old Mormon gave me when I was taken down in Utah. It was horrible stuff to take and only eased me for a short time. "About a year ago I went into the 'No Percentage Pharmacy,' on Market street While I wag there an old man named Cowen, of Vallejo Junction, oame in. He told me be waB going to get Pink Pills for his rheumatism. I told him if 'they could do him good they might help me too. He had been up to Byron Springs and was nearly doubled up with rheumatism. The doctors told him just as they had told me, that medioine would do him no good. Well, I didn't give up. 1 am a young man and you would not expect me to give myself up as a hopeless rheumatio at my age. I was ready to try anything. I bought two or three boxes of the pills and began to take them.' The way in which they took hold of me was simply wonderful. I did not take many of the pills either, and of course, I am careful not to ex pose myself. I have' never been lame since and have never lost a night's sleep from rheumatism. ' I recommend ed the pills to my friends and I have yet to bear from the first one who has not been benefited. As for myself, I would gladly make affidavit to the good they have done me, in fact I am only too happy to do so, for I cannot say too much for the benefit I have re-' oeived. ' "Going through Vallejo Junction on my train one day I saw the old gentleman, Mr. Cowen, and I oalled out to him 'how are the Pink Pills. ' He replied they are fine.' "I was down in Los Angeles and oalled upon a postal olerk, a friend oi mine. He told me that his wife was s great sufferer from rheumatism. I told her to try the Pink Pills, and now there is no one in Los Angeles whe thinks more of, the pills than Mrs. Carr, that is her name. I don't thml she had rheumatism quite so badly ai I, but she was just as anxious to get ric of it, and she is just as grateful to be well again. , "I always keep a box of the pilli handy just in case I should need them, though my wife will tell you hovt rarely I use them now. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, ir a . condensed form, all the elementi necessary to give new life and richnest to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing specific for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St Vitus' dance, soiatioa, neuralgia, rheumatism, nerv ous headaohe, the after effect of Is grippe, 'palpitaiton of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms ol weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent postpaid on receipt ol price, 50 cents a box or six boxes foi 2.50 (they are never sold v in bulk oi by the 100), by addressing Dr. Wil liams' Medioine Company, Shenectady, N. Y. He Waa Not at Gettysburg-. "People sometimes ask me," said an old soldier, "If I was at Gettysburg, and when I tell them tbe fact that ' I was not, do you know jthat I sort of im agine that some of them think that then Ioouldn't have been very much of a sol dier? I suppose it's natural enough too. It is perfectly natural that people should be most impressed by the greatest bat tles of tbe war, and natural enough to get an idea that the greater the battle the greater the danger and the greater the call for bravery, but as a matter of fact, a man can be killed just as dead in a little fight as in a big one. " New York Sun. It is now claimed that foods stored in an atmosphere of carbolic acid gas are preserved indefinitely, tbe fresh ness and flavor . being retained better than by tbe use of dangerous antisep tioes or of ice. Oxalate of lime is found in the bark of trees. The strange discovery has recently been made by Dr. Kraus, in Germany, showing that there is a steady loss of these crystals during tbe winter season, . ' VERY QUEER LAKE. Puzzle to Geolosrleta in the Bine Graaa ; Region of Kentucky. Sinking Creek, in the northwestern part of this county, is not a running stream or creek, as one would imagine from its name, but It is a large lake, which forms only In the spring of the year, when thaws and rainfall produce an overabundance of water, says a NIcholasvllle correspondent In the Cin cinnati Enquirer. The formation of a lake covering over 200 acres of land and sometimes over 300 comes with the suddenness of a rise in the Mississippi River. The lake Is formed in a hollow entire ly surrounded by gradually inclining hills of blue grass fields and meadows, These hills are at first imperceptible to the eye on account of the gradual and even slope of the surrounding country. A closer examination of the country for miles around it all gradually in clines to the place where the springtime lake forms, but the place Itself is mere ly a slightly rolling tract of land, over which various fences, trees, and shrub beries are seen. As the lake depends on the rainfall for Its supply of water, it Is larger some years than others, and has been known to cover 350 acres of land, and the water all the way from five to thirty feet deep. This body of water Is a veritable Mecca for duck hunters at the time of the year when ducks pass through Kentucky on their way to the Northern lakes. . There is no outlet above the earth iri the way of a creek or hollow. There is no cave or sink hole on any of the land which is covered by water through which the water may , escape. . Yet within one month thfs immense amount of water disappears. After the disap pearance the earth, which Is covered, Instead of being a wet, marshy place, as Is the case of an ordinary spring time rise in water, is a beautiful, fer tile blue grass vale, over which blooded Kentucky stock roam during the sum mer months and fatten on the rich pas turage. No appearance of a marsh or water weeds, etc., is found after the lake has gone. Exactly what causes the "sinking" of the lake has never been determined, al though various geologists have visited the scene. It is a well-known fact that quicksilver thrown into a pond or lake will cause it to soon sink, and it is claimed that the water forming this lake, as It Is drained down from the surrounding hills, brings with it a com position of Bome kind simfjar to mer cury or quicksilver In Its action on sink ing a lake, and that tl.s is the key to the mystery of Sinking Creek. PERSIA'S ROYAL HAREM. Bealdence of Wives and Concnbinea i of, the Seaplendent 6hah. The harem of the Shah of Persia at Teheran, the capital of the country, Is & magnificent palace, and embodies In Its architecture many modern Ideas. It PERSIA'S SOTAli H1BIM. ' ' is dellghtfuly situated amid most agree able surroundings, and Is, as far as the resources of almost unbounded wealth can make, a veritable paradise., .; , Taught a Dog to Sing. ' John Porter, a New York Central en gineer, has a dog that he Is teaching to sing. Roger, the dog, has been trained to perform every time a member rf the Porter family opens the piano. In showing off the other day be kept time to the accompaniment ' His style of singing was by yelping in time to the notes played on the Instrument. When it ran soft and low, his voice sank al most to a growl; when the notes rose in, loud strains Roger pointed his nose to tbe ceiling and sang a wild, long wail of pathos in such treble as was never heard. When-it was all over and the last note of tbe music bad sounded, he wagged his tail and walked around to each one of the company for con gratulations. '; It was several months ago that tl.c Porters first learned that they had shel tered this musical prodigy, and they and their neighbors have been having infinite ' amusement with him ever since. By dint of all the practice they have given htm, Roger has Improved vastly. He has learned songs and can distinguish from the first few notes of the accompaniment what selection Is expected of him, and he sings them with all the feeling that a dog could have, and vastly more that some peo ple seem capable of. There Is only one thing that will stop him in the middle of a song, and that Is to be laughed at. If he Is laughed at he stops short, eoea back under the piano and stares con temptuously at the ill-mannered peo ple until they go away and leave him. St Louis Globe-Democrat . : 1 . ' ' Have to Go Home.' The Sultan of Turkey, to the disap pointment of many young men, has Issued an trade calling home all Turks now studying at foreign universities at the expense of the government. - The reason given Is the tendency of the students to take part in revolutionary movements after their return home. Tbe world is funny enough without any professional humorists. HOITT'8 SCHOOL FOB BOYS. (Tibm Commences August 4th.) "An excellent institution, beautifully situated at Burlingame, Ban Mateo Coun ty, Cal. Having had occasion to investi gate the management and methods of Hoitt's School, we are satisfied that for carelul supervision of boys and thorough moral, mental and physical training it has no superior. It has fairly earned its in creasing popularity." 8. Ft Evening Post. : A temperature of 4,000 to 6,000 de gress oan be produoed only between the oarbon points of an eleotrio arolight. The next hottest plaoe in the world is in the crucible of an eleotrio furnaoe. MS il 11 rAA vu.ra. II H H I III work on 11 El 1 i ,11 thU dl8- tl H li 1 11 n 1 ease, which Aom r.SVovrnoi JTaJtefM JTOI. W. n. reek, who makes a specialty of Epilepsy, has without doubt treated and car ed more cases than any living; Physician ; his success Is astonishing. We have heard of cases of so years' standing curea ty him. He larcrA tint- tie ot his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may aend their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a cure to address Prof.W. H. FZEKZ. 7. D.. a Cedar St. Hew Tor LVD The highest claim for other tobaccos is "Just as good as Durham." Every old smoker knows there is none just as good as i n n rmiiRrmn-n iiOaUitfeliacco You will find one coupon inside each two ounce bag, and two cou pons inside eacn tour ounce bag of Blackwell's Durham. Buy a bag of this cele brated tobacco and read the coupon which rives a list of valuable presents and how to get them. IOR one hundred and fifteen years Walter Baker & Co. have made Cocoa and Choc olate, and the demand for it increases every year Try it and you will see why ' ( : "Walter Baker & Co., Ltd-., Dorchester, Mass. p o "Knocks Out'Ail Others." 2 y The Large Piece and High y (J. Grade of "Battle Ax" has injured the sale of other brands of higher p a pntcs auu smaucr pieces uou i V allow the dfaW to 'tmnns( on voii by saying they are "just as good" as "Battle Ax' for he is anxious to work off his unsalable stock 2 9 The very remarkable and certain relief given woman by MOORE'S RE VR A T.ET) PRIWRDV ham oivan it the name of Woman's Friend. It is i s T uniformly success ful in relie vine the backaches, headachea I I I I Up which burden and shorten a woman's " " life. Thonsanda nf women testify for it; It will give health and strength ataM mmm and make life a pleasure. For Bale by all druggists. ir C J l J BLUMAUEB-FBANK DRUG CO., Portland, Agents. A AGENTS WANTED, Ladles or Gentlemen, In every town, for one of the DSBt selling articles made, Used by every man, woman and chiJd, Fredericks e anitary Tooth Brush with Tongue Cleaning: Attachment. Endorsed bv all the leadinff- rjhvsicians and demists. Send 15o. for sample. Retailsfor 26c and 60c. WILL & FINK CO., 818-820 Market Street, Ban Francisco, Cal. SURE CURE for PILES ItotliBK ind Blind. Bleedlna? or Prntrnrllns? PHB TUidatt unn tA DR. BQ-SAN-KO'S PILE REMEDY. - log, Morb. tuuion. A poiiliro our.. CiroolKrt aeot fre. PrlM Urussuu ar auu. OK. UOAMtO, fkUa., Pa. MDC WINCinWC SOOTHING - FOR CHILDREN TEETHINO For sale br all Dtby1U. SB Cleats a fcattl. ( 1 4 Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good, tree prf N, P. N. U. No. ens. s. F. N. U. No. 735