The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 10, 1896, Image 1

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    iver Glacier.
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 8.
NO. 7.
Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings or the Past Week
. J Culled From the Press Dispatches.
A dispatch to the San Franoisoo Mer
chants' Exchange says ' the bark Mo
have from Vanoouver for Santa Rosalia
is ashore at Sooke inlet, and will prob
ably be a total loss. The orew was
In Walla .Walla fire destroyed two
one-story buildings and the upper floor
of a two-story building on Main street
between Fourth and Fifth. The fire
was oaused by a lamp exploding in the
rear of a millinery establishment
Yale was defeated, but not disgraced
in the third heat of the Grand Chal
lenge oup, which was rowed at Henley
on-Thames. Leander won by one and
three-fourths lengths in 7 minutes and
14 seconds. The reoord is 6 minutes
and 61 seconds. ...
The rush of tourists to Alaska this
season is remarkable. The Queen
whioh has - just sailed, carried as pas
sengers 180 flrst-olass and almost as
many more in the steerage. All the
glaoiers and points of interest are visit
ed during these summer trips.
From advioes reoeived by the Austra
lian steamer Miowera, whioh has just
arrived in ' Vanoouver, B." O., it now
seems probable that the Queensland
government will join , New South
Wales and Canada in granting a sub
sidy to the Canadian-Australian steam
ship line. Captain Bird, on behalf of
James Huddart, managing owner of
the line, . reoently interviewed the
Queensland government, and it is
said . the government will reoommend
that parliament grant a subsidy of
6.000 per year for three years. The
company is. at present negotiating in
England for the construction of larger
steamers for the line. -",
At the first day's session of the na
tional Democratic convention but little
was accomplished. The convention
was oalled tq order . by Chairman Har
rity, of the national oommittee, who
reported Hill as the ohoioe of the na
tional oommittee for temporary chair
man. v The announcement was greeted
with great cheering from all parts of
the house. Clayton, of Alabama,
representing the silver foroes moved
that the name of Daniels be substituted
for that of Hill, and on a roll call by
states his motion prevailed, the silver
men thus sooring their first victory.
The temporary chairman was esoarted
to his seat amidst the applause of the
vast crowd. . I
Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe died at
Hartford, Conn. Members of the fam
ily were at her bedside.
A touohing appeal comes from the
Greeks asking for relief for starving
women and - children. It has ., been
suggested that the United States send
a vessel to resoue them.'
Captain-General Weyler has yielded
to insistent requests to extend until
August the time for remaining in the
island allowed to Jose Yznaga, the
Amerioan newspaper oorrespendent sen
tenced to banishment.
Bufus Buok, Louie Davis, Lucky
Davis, Maomi July and Sam Sampson,
comprising the "Buok gang," were
exeouted in Fort Smith, Ark., Presi
dent Cleveland refusing to interfere.
They were convicted of murder and
criminal assault. . '
, Brazilian oommeroial oiroles are not
favorable to a treaty of oommeroe with
Argentina, not regarding the advan
tages to be bbtained as of sufficient im
portance. Purely Brazilian firms are
favorable to renewal of the treaty of
reciprocity with the United States.
Within a. few weeks will be com
roenoed one of the most gigantic opera
tions in the history of the war depart'
men't' Fortifications more powerful
than those existing anywhere in the
world will be built in New York har
bor, the cost of the work being about
110,000.000. . ,
' A special from Helena, Mont., says
the Cheyenne Indians have donned
their war paint and are holding pow
wows preparatory to a general uprising.
Several troops of the Tenth cavalry
have been ordered from Fort Custer to
the Cheyenne agency at Lame Deer,
' Custer oounty, Mont
A letter reoeived in Havana gives
the details of an important engagement
in Pinar del- Rio, near Cayo Redondo.
The rebel leader,' Brigadier Frani and
his thirteen followers were killed and
many wounded. They were carried
from the field. The insurgents were
put to flight The feeling in Pinar
del Rio is now one of alarm.
The New York World publishes the
following: The Postal Cable Com
pany has arranged for an extension of
. its lines into Southern territory, where
it has not had a single wire. .. The
Postal Telegraph-Cable Company, of
Texas, has been formed, and an agree
ment entered into with the New York
company for the transaction of business.
Wires will be strung to reach the lead
ing points, and ultimately will extend
into Mexioo,
. A '
Attempt on Baldwin's Life.
During the prooess of Lillian Ash
ley's suit against E. J. Baldwin for
$75,000 for seduotion, in San Fran
oisoo, Emma Ashley, a sister of Lil
lian, tried to shoot the millionaire de
fendant. She fired at Baldwin, but
the bullet missed. Emma Ashley is
believed to be insane. During the
trial she has spent her time in court
reading the Bible. When taken to jail
she sang ''Nearer My God, to Thee"
in a loud voice. Baldwin was crazy
with rage and wanted a chanoe to fight
some one. His hair was singed by the
powder and the bullet passed within
an inch of his head.. His escape is
ascribed to the woman's inexperience
with firearms. The pistol was thrown
upward by reooil after the trigger was
pulled. - '- ;
Wheeling Injures Women.
A remarkable oiroular has been is
sued by the Women's Resoue League
of Washington, D. C. It is signed by'
Charlotte Smith, president, and Vir
ginia N. Lount, seoretary of the legis
lation oommittee, and it calls attention
in a most sensational manner to what
these ladies oonsider the manifold,
moral and ' physioal ill effeot of the
riding of bioyoles by women. The oc
casion of the issuance of the oiroular at
this time is that next week there will
be a bioyole parade in Washington in
whioh it is .thought that fully 40,000
, wheels will participate. Of the 45,-
000 bicyclists in the city at least 15,
,000 are women. . . ; . .
Counterfeiters Canght.
A St. Louis deteotive has suooeeded
in oapturing a gang of counterfeiters.
A complete set of tools was found in
their possession. Those' arrested have
hitherto borne good characters, one of
whom is a regular practicing female
physioian. .There was also found by
the c eteotive a photograph lo engrav
ing of a $20 bill, some of the bills, the
copper plates and all neoessary para
phernalia for etching the plates.
v.. .
Jury Disagreed.
The jury in the case of John D.
Hart, Captain John O'Brien and the
others of the steamship Bermuda,
oharged with violation of the neutral
ity laws by aiding and abetting a mili
tary expedition to Cuba, have rendered
a sealed statement of disagreement to
Judge Brown. They were disoharged.
Resolution In Bolivia.
Dispatohea reoeived : from La Paz,
the capital of Bolivia, announoe . that
a revolution has broken out at Snore,
an important city, whioh was the capi
tal of Bolivia until 1869. Election
troubles are supposed to be the oause
of the uprising.
. The Lone Highwayman.
Another stage robbery is reported
from California. The Sonora coaoh
was held up by a lone highwayman.
He seoured a few registered letters, one
of whiob was valuable. He then made
good his escape.-.
Canadian Pacific In It.
It has been deoided that the Canadian
Paoifio railway shall, at least tenta
tively, beoome a party to the joint
traffio agreement.
News From Pern.
' Severe earthquakes are reported as a
daily occurrence ; near Lima, Peru.
Muoh damage has been done to build
ings. ' -
. Cholera In Egypt.
. A dispatch from Cairo says that the
oholera returns for June show 4,419
oases and 3,698 deaths. '
Squadron Drills.
Washington, July 6. -In the execu
tion of the broad plans for the instruc
tion of our naval officers in squadron
drills and combined maneuvers, formu
lated by Seoretary Herbert, the summer
drills of the North Atlantio squadron,
whioh will begin on the 15th inst,
will find their counterpart in a series
of squadron movements, target praotioe
and fleet drills, to be oonducted by the
Paoifio station by Admiral Beardsley.
Because many of the ships naturally
attaohed to his station, have been nec
essarily transferred to the Atlantio sta
tion, Admiral Beardsley will not have
as many vessels available for his drills
as will Admiral Bunoe, on the Atlantio
coast Consequently, in order to be
able to oarry out a programme of any
value, from an educational standpoint,
he must make the most of suoh ships as
he can command, and it wll be impos
sible, therefore, this season to with
draw any of the ships, even temporar
ily, from the squadron to attend the
local oelebrations at various points on
the Paoifio ooast, as has been custom
ary in the past ,
English Company Shut Out.
New, York, July 6. The Hearld's
correspondent in Rio Janeiro, tele
graphs that despite the presidents of
the English Cable Company, the Bra
zilian government has granted' to an
other oompany the privilege of estab
lishing a land telephone service to con
nect Rio with all ports north of Para
The concession is heartily supported by
the press. ' .
Troops for Cuba. .
Madrid, July 6. The first portion
of the troops destined . for Cuba will
embark on twenty steamers at the end
of August. These troops will consist
of 85, 190 infantry, 467 cavalry, 283 ar
tillery, 1,169 engineers, and several
battalions of volunteers.
How He Escaped An American
Revenue Officer.
Sailed for Canadian Waters, Where Be
Ordered the Collector to Dltembark
The Officer Was Compelled to Do So.
Rat Portage, Ontario, July S.-A
large excursion left Rat Portage on
Friday, and upon , arriving at the
mouth of - Rainy river, the Canadian
captain went ashore and got from the
Amerioan customs office clearance to
touch at Long Point, about twenty
miles west of the mouth. The refresh
ment buffet of the steamer was not
olosed, as it should have been, upon the
arrival at the Amerioan shore. Among
those 'present was a revenue officer,
who seized the craft as a smuggler and
put every British sailor and passenger
under arrest. The official called to his
aid 12 fishermen, who boarded the boat
and remained there all night.
' Yesterday Captain McRithie was or
dered to ' sail for the mouth of Rainy
river. The captain, instead of going
to the mouth, made straight for British
water. There ' Mr. Carpenter, the
revenue collector, was politely told he
must disembark at onoe and take his
men aboard the small tug Ethel, whioh
Captain McRithie had towed behind
from Long Point for the purpose. As
the Canadians outnumbered the Ameri
cans ten to one, Carpenter eventually
ordered all his men to get aboard the
Ethel, whioh then sailed for Rainy river,
leaving the steamer Monaroh to pursue
her way to Rat Portage. .
, The revenue officer made the mis
take of serving E. W. Bridges, part
owner of the steamer, with seizure, in
stead of the captain, who alone is re
sponsible for the boat. The matter
will now have to be settled between
Washington and Ottawa.
Bight Hundred Fishermen Outwitted
: the Cannerymen.
Vanoouver, B. C, July 8. A num
ber of fishermen arrived from River
inlet today, and aooording to their
story, fishermen to the number of 800
walked out from the canneries. Last
season they reoeived pay at the rate of
6 cents per fiBh, but olaimed that
amount was insufficient to live on.
The canners wanted work on the same
terms this season, but were refused, the
men demanding 10 oentsper fish. The
canners in turn refused to aooede to the
demand, and, aooording to the latter,
attempted to play a freeze-out game on
the fishermen, closing all the stores,
thinking that, as the men had no
money, they would have to give in.
The fishermen, however, found allies
in the Indians, who joined the strik
ers, and who offered to feed them and
bring them to Vanoouver in canoes.
Men, to the number of 800, oamped at
the head of the inlet and waited for
several days to see if the canners would
give way, and then . started for Van
oouver, the majority coming down in
sloops, and the others in Indian canoes.
The Indians have nearly all gone home
and say they will not fish this season,
while the whites will fish on the Fraser.
The men claim that no aots of violence
were committed, and that, while they
were willing to compromise, the man
agers refused to .meet them in any way.
Good Work Done at the Le Rol -A Min
ing Swindle.
Spokane,' Wash., July 8. The Le
Roi mine, at Rossland, the greatest
mine in this district, is sinking 250
feet more of shaft As the work pro
gresses on the new shaft, the charaoter
of the ore goes to show that the prop
erty is rioher than ever. - Already $2,
000,000 is in sight in the old work
ings, and, if the developments hold up
to those already shown by the time the
shaft is completed, there will be $7,
000,000 worth of ore ready to be taken
out. The mine is shipping 100 tons
daily, averaging between $40 and $50
per ton, and is taking out ore, faster
than the smelter oan handle it. '
A Rossland paper prints an article
that the Green Crown mine, which has
floated a large number of shares in
Spokane, is no mine at all, and owns
not a foot of property. 'The allegation
is made that the Crown grant never
was issued, and that properties on
either side own all the property which
the' Green Crown claims. Owners of
the stock in Spokane, mostly poor peo
ple, inoluding working girls and
clerks on small salaries, are muoh ex
ercised. . Steamship Wrecked.
New Orleans, July 8. The steel hull
steamship E. L. Peten, Captain Charles
F. Hardie, whioh sailed from New Or
leans July 4, for Guatemala, via La
guna, in tow of the Norwegian steamer
Franklin, capsized at 4:30 a. m.,
about 85 miles west of South Pass. The
crew was rescued by boats from the
Franklin. The E. L. Peten was re
oently built for the Guatemala trade,
registered 620 tons net, and was valued
at $200,000.
Three Friends" Pursued .
Key West, July 8. The steamer
Three Friends passed here at 9 A. M.,
pursued by the Spanish warship Alfonso
XIII. Both vessels were under full
steam. The Friends was between
eight and ten miles ahead of the war
ship. Observers say the warship fired
upon the Three Friends. The warship
is cutting the three mile limit very
olose, and is trying to head off the
Three Friends. It is reported the
United States . warship Maine, and
United States cutters are , getting up
steam preparatory to intercepting both
vessels. ' .Great excitement prevails. -
Ugly Feeling Prevalent.
Cleveland, July 8. Contrary to po
lioe fears, there was no violent demon
strations last evening after the funeral
of William Rettger, the striker at the
Brown Hoisting & Conveying Company
who was shot by a nonunion man.
There was, however, a great deal of
feeling manifest, and the authorities
think the prospect for trouble tonight,
when the men in the works go home,
are fully equal to those of the preced
ing nights. The militia is still in its
armories waiting orders. The funeral
was an immense affair, fully 10,000
union men being in line.
General Young Dead.
Washington, July 8. A dispatch
was reoeived by the state department
today announcing that 'General Pierpe
B. Young, United States minister to
Guatemala and Honduras, died at New
York at 11:80 today. General Young
arrived in this country June 24. He
submitted to an operation at the Pres
byterian hospital, New York, and
never reoovered. He was a native of
Georgia, and had a distinguished record
for service in the Confederate army.
Earthquake at Cyprus.
Genoa, Italy, July 8. Just arrived
reports from Larnica say the island of
Cyprus has been suffering from earth
quake shocks since July 1. A general
panic is said to prevail at Larnioa. The
goverment and military authorities are
providing tents for the affrighted peo
ple. . The town is deserted.
For Union With Greece.
London, July 8. A dispatoh to the
Standard from Athens says that the
Cretans yesterday eleoted a provisional
government, and deoided to proolaim
the union of the island with Greece,
and, if pressed hope that autonomy
will be granted to the island under
surveillance of the powers.
Horrible Double M order.
Santa Barbara, Cal., July 8. A hor
rible double murder has been commit
ted here. The bodies of Mrs. H. R.
Riobardson, aged 60, and ber daugh
ter, Ethel, were found. They had
been stabbed and beaten with a club.
Intense excitement prevails. There is
no olue to the murder, y?
Walling Sentenced.
Newport, Ky. July 8. Alonzo J.
Walling, convioted of the murder of
Pearl Bryan,, was sentenced today to
be hanged on August 7. V
The School Population.
Washington, July 7. The total en
rollment in eduoational institutions of
all kinds in the United States for the
school year of 1893-94 was nearly 16,
000,000, aooording to the report for the
year just promulgated by Commissioner
of Education Harris. Of these all but
400,000 were in the regular schools, an
increase of about half a million for the
year. The percentage of total popula
tion enrolled in the schools was 20.53.
School property gained in value during
the year over $26,000,000, and 1,103
more sohoolhouses were in operation.
In the past twenty years the South has
increased 54 per cent in population,
but its school attendance has inoreased
180 per oent, more than twice as fast
as the population. In the twenty
years from 1874 to 1894, the value of
school property in the South inoreased
from $16,000,000 to $51,000,000.
Higher education has also made a
good record. The report inoludes Spe
cialist McDonald's criminological in
vestigation. The latter seeks to' prove
that there can be no rational treatment
of crime until the causes are investi
gated. He estimates nine-tenths of the
crime to be due to bad social conditions.
Turkey's Policy Condemned.
' Philippopolis, July 7. The consuls
of the European powers are sending
pessimistio aooounts of the way in
whioh hostilities are being conducted
in Crete. The situation is suoh that
should the porte insist in its oonduct,
Frenoh men-of-war may land troops on
the island. The Armenian patriarch,
Isemin, has asked permission to resign.
Further outbreaks seem inevitable.
The Turkish battalions at Jeddah, who
mutinied on account of reoeiving no
pay, have deserted their arms. There
are no troops - available to pu4 down
this revolt. The porte, foreseeing com
plications in Greece, Maoedonia and
Syria, is about to mobilize all the
troops of the bediff, or landwehr.
The bones of the skull are arched
because in - that form ' the geatest
iiterngth is . combined with the least
weight and quantity of material.
V Satolll's Successor.
Rome, July 7. Aooording to a
newspaper statement, Bishop Falconio,
of Aoerenza, will replace Cardinal Sa
tolli as papal ablegate to the United
States. Bishop Faloonio was once en
gaged at St Buenaventura oollege, Al
legheny, N. Y.
A Resume of Events in the
" Northwest. :: :-
News Gathered In All the Towns ol
Our Neighboring State4 Improve
' ment Noted in All Industries Oregon.
Strawberry shipments have abo-at
ceased at The Dalles and Hosier.
A barbers' union has been formed in
Salem, the object being to establish
uniform rates and uniform hours on
Sundays. ' .: ' . . ' ,"
The sawmill on Lobster creek, in
Curry counnty, will soon . be at work
cutting lumber with whioh to build a
fish hatchery. '
The' streets of Westport have been
under water, because of the flood, and
the inhabitants have been .compelled
to travel on elevated sidewalks.
A telephone line is being constructed
from Willamina, through Sheridan and
Ballston, to MoMinnville, where it will
conneot with the long-distance line.
Mrs. Malinda Cole, aged 69, a well
known pioneer of Baker and Malheur
counties, died at her home on William
creek in Malheur oounty last week. ;
Philip Brogan, jr., who lost a num
ber of sheep from poisoning in Dry
Hollow, near The Dalles, has f onnd
that '600 bead, instead of 150, as was
at first thought, were killed.
A. Field found a young sea bird in
bis spring four miles below The Dalles
last week, apparently enjoying a bath
in fresh water. He thinks the bird
was blown over the Cascades by the
high winds.
The Goodale. logging crew have com
menced scaling and rolling logs at Co
burg. The drive will consist of be
tween 4,000,000 and 5,000,000 feet.
It is not known just when the run will
be oommenced. r- - '
Charles Raymond and R. S. Radford,
two Southern Oregon miners, are re
ported to have made a rioh strike on
the Umpqua divide, near the head of
Salt creek. Their discovery, it is said,
is a large porphyry reef, whioh shows
up rioh in free gold and will, aooord
ing to reports, run from $200 to $500 a
ton. . .;' ,
County Treasurer Kern, of Umatilla
oounty, has remitted $2,000 of state tax
to Treasurer Metchan, at Salem. This
makes $27,000 whioh has been sent to
the state treasurer this year, leaving
$5,500 yet to be remitted to satisfy as
sessment of state tax upon Umatilla
oounty of $33,000, as oompared with
$28,000 for last year.
The Southern Paoifio oompany is re
pairing the roadbed of its lines through
out the valley. A train of twenty-nine
flat cars, carrying about 7,000 ties, are
being distributed between Portland and
Salem along the main line. Other
trains are distributing ties along the
branches and south of Salem, and as
rapidly as possible the material will be
used in repairing bad places along the
line. . , -,vv
A hop oontract was recently signed
by Salem growers in whioh they agree
to furnish a Cincinnati firm 10,00(
pounds of hops, for which they are to
be paid 1 cents per pound for the
first year's orop, and 8 cents for the
two following years. An advance of 4
cents is to be made annually at pick
ing time, and the pordnct is to be de
livered at Gervais not later than Octo
ber 15. , , ' : ;
The first annual fair of Paoifio coun
ty will be held at South Bend Septem
ber 28, 24, 25.
The directors of the Adams County
bank, at Ritzville, oontemplate increas
ing its oapital stock to $50,000.
The Spokane river apparently has
reached about its highest for this year.
It is still three feet below high-water
mark. -
; Colfax's school population has in
creased to 734 from 631 since last year,
according- to the school census just
taken. 1
The oounty commissioners of Paoifio
oounty have . been officially notified
that that county is entitled to a free
scholarship at the state agricultural
oollege at Pullman. - . ,
, One thousand cords of wood burned
near Hartford, on the Monte Cristo
railway last week. The forests were
on fire in that vioinity and much valu
able timber was "burned'. ; . ,
The oargo shipments from fourteen
mills in Washington during May were:
Foreign Lumber, 15,266,687 feet;
lath, 1,105,670. Coastwise Lumber,
20,747,608; lath, 4,511,600. ;
' Large quantities of cedar and spruoe
siding, and cedar roofing and siding are
being shipped from New Whatcom to
Eastern . points. , The spruoe siding
sells in some seotions for white pine.
The hot wave whioh has been preva
lent in the Walla Walla valley has re
tarded ' the shipments of fruit to a
marked degree. It is said that the
strawberries have been ripened so fast
that they will not now stand shipment
to a market at anygreat distance, and
will barely hold up to points as far as
A Woman and Her Daughter Killed .
Near Santa Barbara.
Santa Barbara, Cal., July 8. A
double inurdek was : committed last
night in the Monteoito valley, the vic
tims being Mrs. H. C. Riohardon, aged
65, and her 17:year-old daughter Ethel.
.' A workman dissovered the body of
the daughter in a vacant field near the
Richardson house, and her throat had
been cut and there were several wounds
on her head. Near the body was a
olub, which had evidently been broken
in the hands of the murderer. The
news of the crime soon roused the whole
oountryside. .
The Riobardson house was found
locked, and when an entranoe was
forced, the coroner and sheriff found a
trail of blood leading from the front
door to Mrs. Riohardson's bedroom.
Near the bed lay the body of Mrs.
Riohardson, face downward, in a pool
of blood. ' A bullet hole in the head of
the bed and one in the- window-casing
told of her efforts to escape the pistol
of her . assasin. Below the woman's
left eye was a bullet hole, and there
was another through the left hand.
About the face and forehead were deep
gashes and the back of her head had
been beaten by a stick loaded with
lead. When found Mrs. Richardson
was still alive, 1 but did not reoover
consciousness and died at noon.
The murder was probably oommitted
last night, the victims being in their
night-clothes. Citizens are greatly ex
oited, and the murderer, if oaught, will
undoubtedly be lynched.
The suspicions that the offioers first
entertained, throwing the blame on
Thomas A. Riohardson, were entirely
dispelled by the startling developments
tonight. If Cyrus Barnard was the
man who murdered the Riohardsons,
he was certainly brought to a swift
reckoning for his crime. While re
sisting the attempt of Officer W. W.
Hopkins to arrest him tonight, and af
ter he had shot twice at the offioer, the
latter returned the fire, killing him in
stantly. :; Barnard was under strong
suspicion of having commited the
orime, and was kept under close sur
veillance. About 9 o'clock tonight, :
Hopkins saw Barnard , on his way
home, and followed him. Approaching
him just as he was entering his house,
he called to him, asking him to go to
his office. Barnard at first, objected,
but finally agreed, telling the officer to
wait until he left a package in his
house. The offioer followed him to the
door and struck a match. Almost in
stantly two shots were fired and two
bullets whizzed by the officer's head. -Hopkins
fired one shot, the ball pass
ing through Barnard's head, killing
bitb instantly. ;:.
Report of What They Have Done Dur
ing tne Last Six Months. .
Salem, Or., July 8. Tho board of
railroad commissioners was' in session
at the capitol today. Anew freight
and passenger schedule for the seashore
railroad is being considered. Now that
trains are being run, freight handled
and passengers carried from Astoria to
the seaside, instead of from Young's
Bay bridge, as before, it is neoessary to
make some changes. , ,-. '.: ,
Since its last meeting, the board has
made its semi-annual inspection of the
roadbed, trestles, bridges and equip
ments of the Oregon Central & Eastern
Railroad Company. The commission
found that a great deal of work had
been done sinoe the last inspection. .
The bridges and trestles east of Albany
are in fair condition, and new ties are
being put down rapidly. The bridges
and trestles from Albany to ' Yaquina
have been overhauled and strengthened,
and a number renewed entire. New
ties have taken the plaoe of old ones,
and many more are distributed along
the line of the road ready to be put in.
A foroe of bridge and trackmen was
found at work. The road is in very
fair condition for the summer travel.
. During the last week of June, an
official inspection was made of the
Coos Bay, Roseburg & Eastern railroad.
This road extends from Marsh field to
Myrtle Point, ..having a branoh ' to
Beaver Hill, a town of 600 inhabitants,
where are the Beaver Hill ooal mines.
The railroad is ' about 32 miles in
length, and has been built about three
years.. It is well constructed, and the
track is of 66-pound steel. The bridges .
are uniform standard, well built and
substantial. The motive power . and
equipment are sufficient for the traffio
demand, and are kept in good condi
tion. The road was found to be in
very fair oondition throughout. When '
the road is extended to Roseburg, 63
miles from Myrtle Point, the present
eastern terminus, it will give rail o on
neotion to a thrifty section of a now
comparatively isolated oonntry. ;
: , Floods in West Virginia. '
Wheeling, W.' Va., July 8. Traffio -on
the Baltimore. & Ohio River roads
is practically suspended, many bridges
having been washed out between here
and 1 Parkersburg and l: Grafton. The
bridge at the passenger station of the
Baltimore & Ohio in this oity has just :
fallen, and the " Ohio river railroad
bridge is in great danger.
' , An Official Inquiry. .
ilkesbarre, Pa., July. 8. Offioial
investigation into the Twin shaft dis
aster began today by three inspectors
appointed by Governor Hastings.