Won derful, exclaimed a druggist, How the psspls sticks to Hood'i Sarsapanlla. They all want Sarsaparilla The One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. fL Hood's Pills cure all Liver Illi. 25 cents. Too Much Knife I The use of the surgeon's knife is be coming so general, resulting fatally in such a large number of cases, as to occasion general alarm. The press al most daily announces the death of some unfortunate whose system could not withstand the shock of an operation, and whose life was cruelly sacrificed to the keen blade of the surgeon. Of course, in some instances an operation is necessary, and is the only means of saving life, but such cases are exceedingly rar$. So many deaths occur under these conditions, however, that the public is. beginning to realize that the doctors are too hasty in resort ing to the knife, and if such a state of affairs continues, there will before long be a general uprising against such meas ures It is but reasonable to believe that the majority of operations are unnecessary, but when the fatal mistake is discovered too late, only the doctors ever know of their error, and though a precious life is given ap, the public is , assured that death would have resulted in spite of the operation, and who is ever the wiser ? The folly of resorting to the knife in cases of cancer, is demonstrated every time it is undertaken. Tike disease is in the blood and the cancer or sore is but the outward manifestation of a terrible condition of the entire circula tion. To cut out this sore, therefore, does not in any way effect the disease, and it can easily be seen that the only correct treatment is to get at the seat of the disease, and purify the blood; the sore will then heal up naturally. S. S. S. is the most powerful blood remedy made, and is the only cure for caacer. . '- MR. WILLIAM WALPOtS.' ' To submit to an operation, is to volun tarily endanger one's life, without the slightest hope of being benefitted. Mr. William Walpole, is a wealthy planter residing at Walshtown, South Dakota, and is well known all over the state. - Under date of January 20th, 1896, he writes; "About three years ago, there came under my left eye a little blotch about the size of a small pea. It grew rapidly, and for the past year, shooting pains ran in every direction. I became alarmed and consulted a good doctor, who pronounced it cancer, and said that it must be cut out This I would not consent to, having little faith in the in discriminate use of the knife, though I was alarmed at my condition. Reading of the many cures made by S.S.S., 1 determined to give that medicine a trial, and after I had taken it a few days, the cancer became irritated and began to dis charge. This after awhileceased, leaving a small scab, which finally dropped off, and only a ' healthy looking little scar remained to mark the place where the destroyer had held full sway .Words are inadequate to express my gratitude to the great blood purifier, S. S. S., and I write this hoping that it may be the means of leading other sufferers to a cure." Cancer is not incurable, but the only means of curing it is to rid the blood of the disease. S.S.S. never fails to do this, but it is the only remedy to be re lied upon. It is guaranteed purely vegetable, and cures Cancer, Scrofula, Eczema, Catarrh, Rheumatism and any other disease of the blood. Other blood diseases often develop into such alarm, ing conditions that the doctors think an operation necessary. Scrofula, for in stance, often diseases the glands of the neck to such an extent that an operation is looked upon as absolutely the only relief. This is also a grave error, as the ' disease is in the blood and a real blorl ' remedy is the only cure. An operation never did cure a blood . disease. Beware of the knife I Send for our books on cancer and blood diseases, mailed free. Swift Spe ciiic Company, Atlanta, Georgia T$lW$wbat ailsyou?! Hav you a feeling J 01 weight in tbe 1 Stomach Bloating after eo ting Belch IngofWlnd Vomit- ( lng of Food Water brash Heartburn Bad Taste la the Month In the Morn 1 lng Palpitation of ' the Heart,duetoDiv tension of Stomach Cankered Month i -Gas In the Bowels 4 Loss of Flesh ( Fickle Appetite ( Depressed. Irritable ' Condition of the , Mind DiMiness Headache Constlp- , atlon or Diarrhoea? ( Then 70a have DYSPEPSIA In one of Its many forms. The one positive rare I lor tuts autrcssing complaint u JIcKcr's Dyspepsia Cablets, by mail, prepaid, on receipt of 05 cents ) says: "I suffered horribly from dyspepsia, but Acker's Tablets.taken after meals.havecuredme," j V n AH L C. JHIWl HI! pClM!, A VI IV., W ACKER MEDICINE CO., 16 ft 18 Chambers St., N. Y. ' SURE CURE for PILES Itching and mind, Bleeding or Protrudlait Pile. rUld at mm to DR. BQ-SAN-KO'8 PILE REMEDY, atop, ltoh- log, aboro tuiuora. A po.Uiv our.. Citcultiri lent trn. Prigs UN. UruuUuuuaU, IMUliOtAflKV, rails.,.? . HI ddls TREASURES IN OLD BOOKS. Valuable Document Discovered by a Becona nana ueaier. . In reply to a query from a correspon dent a London second-hand book-seller said: "I frequently make finds In books I buy. It4is extraordinary the number or things that are slipped be tween the pages of books for a mo ment and afterward entirely forgotten. Letters without number I have found, and flowers, locks of hair, unmount ed photographs, bank notes, checks and many other things, too. "I bought a volume of a well-known work from a lady some years ago, and when she had gone, while turning over the leaves, came across a will which disposed of some thousands of pounds' worth of property. I put the will care fully away, and the following day the lady returned In a frightful state of ex citement and wanted to buy the book back at my own price. I guessed what she really wanted, but thought It rather strange that she should ask to buy the book Instead of merely asking to be allowed to examine It, which would have been just as effective. : However, I told her I had found the will, and supposed that that was what she want ed. She looked confused, but confessed It was, so I handed It to her and she went away. Up to this time that will has not been filed, so I have learned, and I have not the slightest doubt that It has been suppressed for the purpose of depriving some one of the property which It disposed of. But the most In teresting case In which I have been con cerned In this way happened not, long ago. . "A well-dressed gentlemanly man bronght me three bulky volumes and wanted me to purchase them. As they were of a class of books the value of which varies considerably, acordlng to the condition and edition, and I was very busy at the time, I asked him to leave them that I might examine them, and call the next day. This he con sented to do, and went away. When I looked at them I. came across a large number of bank notes. They were evidently quite new, and there was something about them which made me doubt their authenticity. I compared them with notes of my own, but could not discover the faintest dissimilarity. However, to make sure of the matter, I sent them to be paid Into my bank. Naturally when my messenger came back, having passed the notes without the slightest difficulty, I concluded they were all right "The next morning I received a mes sage from the manager of the bank saying he would like me to call upon him. I went round, and was not very much surprised when he said that ev ery one of the notes I had banked the day before were forgeries. I explained the matter, and we wired to Scotland Yard. That afternoon I had a new as sistant In my shop. ' Toward the close of the day the owner of the three vol umes came sauntering Into the shop and asked If I Intended to buy them. At a sign from' me my new assistant a detective pounced upon him and hurried him off. Scotland Yard had been looking for him for a long time, it appeared. I have still the books In my library. I keep them as a memento of the occurrence." Cassell's Maga zine. ' - .' How "The Bells" Was Written. John Sartaln, well known as the first great American engraver, and, more over, as a man of letters, the half -owner and managing editor, in the forties, of Sartain's Magazine, the friend of all the great literary men of his time, still lives quietly in Philadelphia. Mr. Sar taln was a firm friend of Poe. In his wild moods, frequently, It was Mr. Sartaln only who could control the out burst. Mr. Sartaln used tobuy Poe's hasty lines and thus furnish the poet with a dinner sometimes sadly need ed. It was In this way that he bought "The Bells." One day Poe, very ragged, rushed into the office of the magazine, with a bit of verse that he wished to sell. Out of compassion for his ap parent suffering,' the editor bought the poem. After the writer had rushed out, he read It, without much admira tion; and filed it away. This is the poem: The bells, hear the bells, The merry wedding bells, , The little silver bells, How fairy-like a monody there swells From the silver-tinkling cells of the bells. The bells, ah, the bells! The heavy iron bells, Hear the tolling of the bells; Hear the knells; How horrible a monody there floats From their throats! ' , From their deep-toned throats; . How I shudder at the notes From the melancholy throats Of the bells, of the bells! Presently Poe, very wroth, asked why the poem had not been published. Being informed, he wrote a second, more elaborate version, and when that too had been refused he wrote a third. This was the form In hlch the poem at last appeared. Boston Common wealth. Diamond Saw for Granite. One of the greatest Inventions ever added to the granite business Is being given a test In Montpelier, Vt. The ma chine Is for sawing granite, and if it proves satisfactory it will go down In history with the cotton gin. The ma chine contains $4,000 worth of dia monds, and the total construction costs In the neighborhood of $10,000. No Need of Pity. Walter Poor Bibble! They say he got a pair of beautiful black eyes late ly. I feel sorry for him. . Tom You needn't. He got a very handsome girl with them. Answers. A Fine Attitude. "That is a very fine attitude," said the dog to the Indignant cat, "but it doesn't deceive me for a minute. You never rode a bicycle in your life." Indianapo lis Journal, - , A Small Fortune for . Medicine Mrs. Leek Spends $4,000 In the Effort to Regain Health. Mr. Sanity's Experience With Nervous Prostration and Its Attend '.. tag Evils. ',' '. -. From the Examiner, San Francisco, CaL "Why everybody knows the good that Dr. Williams' Pink Pills did me," was the cheerful generality with which Mrs. Francis Leek, of room 29, 1206 Market street, Ban Frauoisoo, Cal., answered the question whether she had taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. As she looks the picture of health her story was the more sur prising. "You would hardly believe it," she oontinued, "but I was an invalid for ten years. I spent $4,000 being treated in hospitals in Chioago for rheuma tism, neuralgia, nervous prostration and fibrous tumors, and then to think that I spent only $6 in Pink Pills and am a well woman. It makes me mad to think I spent so much and then got well for $6, still I am glad I did get well. No one could ever guess how II came to take the pills. I have a little granddaughter, at least she calls me 'grandma,' though I am not really her grandmother. One day we were rid ing in the cars in, Chicago and she be gan to read, 'Pink Pills for Pale Peo ple. ' It seemed to tickle her and she would rattle it off just as if she had learned a line of poetry, and sometimes she would get it turned about and say, 'grandma, what is Pale Pills for Pink People for?' . "Well, you see I got familiarized with the name of Pink Pills and one day when I got a little book about them I sat down and read it all through. I was not good for much else but sitting down or lying : down, and I thought I'd give them a trial. I guess there is not much more to say. Look at me. I don't look much like an invalid today, do I?" It was perfectly true that Mrs. Leek did not look muoh like an invalid, and it is no secret that she was married only about six months ago. She said that she always keeps the pills by her bed side, and produced a I handful of the little round boxes as evidenoe of her faith in them. VI have had it on my mind to write to Dr. Williams direct and thank him for all the good they have done me; but one thing and then another oame up and I have not writ ten yet. 1 have recommended them to scores of people and probably that did more good than writing. Oh! yon can put me down for the Pink Pills every time. I believe in them- and I can tell the genuine pills, too, right off. .There is nothing that is 'just as good' for me I want the real pills every time." Mr. Franois Shulty, of 712 Taylor street, said: "Yes, the Pink Pills did for me all that was claimed for them. I used them for about five months.' They were reoommended to me by a druggist on the corner of Oak and Oough streets,. the Eagle drug store is the name, I think. I was run down, very nervous, and suffered from indi gestion. The dootor said my blood was thin and that I needed change of air and all that kind of thing. Well, I oouldn't do that, and this frienJ of mine just told me kind of off hand to try the Pink Pills. 1 have tried pills before that were supposed to cure ev erything and I did not have much con fidence, but when a man is sick he don't care what he tries if there is a chance to get well. I got the pills one box, that ia. It did me good, I began to feel better right away and I kept on with them. I have got over all my nervousness and I must say they did me a world of good. " Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, in a condensed form, all the elments neo essary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are an unfailing speoifio for such diseases as locomotor ataxia, partial paralysis, St Vitus' dance,, sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous head ache, the after effect of la grippe, pal pitation of the heart, pale and sallow complexions, all forms of weakness either in male or female. Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will be sent post paid on reoeipt of price, 50 cents a box, or six boxes for f 2. 50 (they are never sold in bulk or by the 100), by addressing Dr. Williams' Medioine Company, Scheneotady, N. Y. Frenoh wheelmen have adopted a code of signals' by whistle. The whistle is much used in Paris in preference to the bell. ' 1 '.' '; V DEAFNESS CANNOT BE CUBED By local applications, as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one nay to cure deafness, and that is by constitution al remedies. Deafness 18 caused by an inflamed condition of the mucous lining of Eustachian Tube. When this tube gels inflamed you have a rumbling sound of imperfect bearing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is the result, and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to it. normal' condition, hearing will be destroyed forever; nine cases out of ten are caused by catarrh, which is nothing but an inflamed condition of the mucous surfaces. We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for circulars free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. . Sold by Druggists, 76c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Piso's Cure for Consumption has saved me large doctor bills. 0. L. Baker, 4228 Regent 8q., Philadelphia, Pa., Dec. 8, '95. HOITT'S SCHOOL FOB BOYS Will commence its sixth year August 4th. It is a first-olaBs Home School and pre pares boys for admission to any Univer sity, or Technical School, or lor active business. Full information and catalogue can be had by addressing . IRA G. HOITT, Ph. D., Burling amb, Cal. FITS. All flta stopped free by Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. No fits after tte first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and 2 00 trial bottle free to Fit cases. Send to Dr. Kline, 931 Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tat Qxbmra tor breakfast, IS THE END NEAR? Are Consumption, IMphtner'a, Ty phoid, Etc , Overcome at Last? The experiments being made by the Chicago professors, Pi'att and Wight man, to determine positively whether X rays will kill the germs of deadly diseases, continue to prove satisfactory and the experimenters are more firm ly convinced than ever that the Uni versal panacea has at last been found. These men, wlio are scientists with na tional reputations, declare that "bacilli which they placed under the cathode rays were completely destroyed. Since then they have made further disebver ies. The germs of consumption, diph theria, typhoid, cholera, pneumonia, anthrax, glanders and influenza have been tested. The first three were al most completely annihilated. After be ing exposed tc the rays ia sufficient length of time efforts were made to re vive the germs, but they were stone dead. The cholera germs were stunned for fourteen days, but were not killed. Neither were the breeders of pneu monia, influenza, anthrax and glanders killed, but they were barely able to resume work after the exposure, and the professors believe that these missed slaughter merely by reason of being Improperly placed in the test tubes. Having demonstrated to their own satisfaction that the X ray Is the dead- PKOr. H. WIG HTM AN. PKOF. H. P. PBATT. ly foe of bacteria and that when expos ed in tubes and placed under the direct influence of the rays the germs perish, Profs. Pratt and Wightman are now experimenting with inoculated germs. They have taken the germs of consump tion from the lungs of a man who will die within three weeks and Injected them into two sound and healthy guinea pigs. The bacili are now at work on the pigs, and within two weeks, if the poison does its normal work, the ani mals will be well along on the road to death. When the disease lias become firmly rooted, the animals will be placed under the Influence of the rays and the experimenters said they will be well and sound as ever within two weeks thereafter. If this experiment proves successful tjien the. efficacy of the cathode rays will have been firmly es tablished. ' , KAISER'S NEW YACHT. Came Ont of Her First Racing Tests with Flying Colors. Emperor William's new yact, Meteor, passed through her first racing tests and came out of them with flying col ors. Sis Majesty's cutter was designed by Mr. Watson, the famous marine architect, and built by D. & W. Hender son. Of the other big boats In the Royal Yacht Club regatta, the only one which stood any chance of holding its own with the German monarch's yacht was the Britannia, which Isowned by the Prince of Wales. The behavior of the Meteor immensely pleased the yachting critics, who say that she Is the greatest yacht for a light wind ever turned out in England. Her builders and designer designed and built Val kyrie, and Meteor is infinitely speedier and better fashioned. Experts hold that In a blow the Meteor would be a ! dangerous craft for any racing vessel . afloat. Great things may be expected ! of her before the aquatic season Is at an end, In her second race Meteor was well in front at the finish, and Britan- THE METEOR. nla was again second. In view of her fast sailing qualities it was believed the ! Emperor would enter his boat for the America's cup, but her : master says ' Meteor will not sail In any but Euro-' pean waters. ' " I "There's one thing," he said, Jeering ly, "men never get together and talk ' about one another the way women do." "No," she answered; "I don't think they do. There Is nothing interesting to say about them." Washington Star. I . "This Isn't the smoking car,- is It?" said a man who had Just entered to an other passenger. "No," replied the lat ter, as he looked about and saw several pairs of jaws in operation. "This Is the chew-chew car." Pittsburg Chronicle. "I wonder why the weather man has heated things up like this?" "Probably he has taken off his annels and does not want his wife to make him put them on again." Chicago Record. Applicant I understand, madame, that you desire to employ the services of a chaperon for your daughter. Mrs. Croesus Yes, I do. Can you ride a bi cycle? Somerville Journal. , Everyone should make it a habit to stay at home more, and become ac quainted with the good points of his kin. '.'... If a man remains poor all his life it is because he failed to take advantage of his constant association with fools. W MX JSSf' ' KVa'H ft Yi V ROME WASN'T BF1XT lit A DAt. Neither are the obstinate maladies, to the re moval of which the gi eat corrective, Hostetter' Btomaah Bitters, is adapted onrable la an hour. To persist in tbe use of this standard remedy is no more than Just. Biliousness, constipation, malaria, rheumatism, kidney complaints and nervoui-ness are among the complaints which ft eradicates. Of the 40,000 species of beetles widely diffused over the earth's sur face not one is known to be venomous or armed with a sting. ' Dooly is the most prosperous county in the state of Georgia. It has as sessed no county taxes for two years and has just completed an $8,000 jail. BLACKW ELL'S Yon will find one coupon Inside each two ounce bag, and two coupons Inside each four ounce bag of Black well's Durham. Bay a baa; of this celebrated tobacco and read the coupon which gives a list of valuable pres ents and hovr to get them. iyii Prof. Babcock, "I find that Walter Baker & Co.'s BreakfasfCocoa is absolutely pure. It contains no trace of any substance foreign to the pure roasted cocoa-bean. The color is that of pure cocoa; the flavor is natural, and not artificial; and the product is in every particular such as must have been produced from the pure cocoa-bean without the addition of any chemical, alkali, acid, or artificial flavoring sub stance, which are to be detected in cocoas prepared by the so-called 'Dutch process" i (t Takes (12) You may have " money to bum' but even so, you needn't throw it away. For JO cents you get almost twice as much " Battle Ax" as you do of other high grades for the same money it the name of Woman's Friend. It ia ful In relieving the backaches, headaches which burden and shorten a woman's women testify for it. It will give health and strength and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. BLUMAUER-FRANK DRUG CO.. Portland. Aienta. Eighteen Amerioan women bear the title of princess in Italy, and Russia and other continental countries. FOR PEOPLE THAT ARE SICK or "Just Don't Feel Well," fM::livcr pills axe the-9u faing rm. Only On for Dose. Bold by UrXiffgiai at 2So. a box Saaraias maiUd frss. ddria- Bt, Botanko Med. Co. Phil, fa. I - FOR CHILDREN TKTHINQ - tret.Vr.U. fem. cakes a spa EDlleoay. has Vkhont 7 doubt troattd and ow ed morecaeoa than any living Phygioian ; hie snocs8 is astonishing. We have heard of cases ol ao years' standing curea dy him. Ha publishes a valuable work on this dis ease, which ha sends with a larira bot tle of his absolute cure, free to any sufferers who may send their P. O. and Express address. We advise any one wishing a curs to address ?rol.W. H. PEEKE. I. A Cedar St Hew York ITS alt a.. tkkJ I WANT , HAM 0 NO OTHER. SEE? "Walter Baker & Co., Lti., Dorcliester, Mass. the Cake' Th very remarkable and certain relief given woman by MOORE'S REVEALED REMEDY has given uniformly succest- and weakness life. Thousands of AGENTS WANTED, Wa r tafa : In every town, for one of the best selling articles made, Used by every man, woman and child, Fredericks Is unitary Tooth Brush with Toncus Cleaning; Attachment. Endorsed by all the leading physicians and den fists. Send 15c. for sample. Retsllsfor 25a and 50c. WILL & FINK CO., 818-820 Market Street, San Francisco, CaL ,5 ytiMjir; VH7 TfltWHtSWHtHt ALL ELSE FAILS. t I . J Beat Cough Byrap. Tastes Good, Use f tLJ to time. Sold by druggists. w N. P. N. V, No. 656.-S. F. N. TJ. No, 788