The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, July 03, 1896, Image 3

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    3(ood Iftver lacier.
FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1896.
The mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts he same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at H A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at 6 P. M.
For White .Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. 16, G. . B., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'elock p. m. All G. A. K. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isenberg, Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. SO. K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A. Soksbk, C. C.
Geo. T. Prather, K. of R. s 8.
Riverside Lorge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier. i
i H L. Howe, Recoider.
,4dlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. 0. F., meets
In Fraternal ball every Thursday night.
T. R. Monfiic. Rftrt'v.
Genuine summer weatber.
ilea iouugesaio.Ji,..tsurtmes ior$.ov.
Mason fruit Jars for Bale at the
Hats cheap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash,
bit no credit.
Found A ladles' watch chain. Call
for It at Bart mess.'
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
River, Oregon.
Mr. M. Willis returned on Tuesday
from a trip to Wasco. , . '
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
An Al Jersey and Holstein cow,
gentle, for sale by M. A. Cook.
Lost A green lap duster. Finder
will please return to S. J. La France.
J be Foley started for Crook county,
Monday, to be gone about two weeks.
Blank promisary notes and notices to
. trespassers for sale at the Glacier
Mrs. J. H. Valentine and two child
ren nf Vnrtlnnrl upa atrtnnlnnr lit 1 ra
Parker's for the summer.
E. V. Husbands has made another
cut In price for Pierce's stock of shoes.
Big reduction this time.
A large supply of wall paper just re
ceived at 8. K, Burliness', with prices
iower than ever before offered in Hood
Farmers on Phelps creek are engaged
making hay. The wheat crop is not
first class, but the clover and timothy
are excellent. .
" Knnluv evetilntr rntn foil nr. Tlnfnr
Mild Kingsley in sufficient quantities to
lay the dust and to be of benefit to
growing crops.
Wolfard & Ferguson are selling flour
at $3.85 per bbl. 85 cents a sack.
C ill oil, 20 cents a gallon. Other (roods
iu proportion. Cash counts with them.
: The birds are very destructive on
cliards taking all the sweet and juicy
cherries about as fast as they ripened.
An error In Rand & Son's ad last
week caused them to say they were
helling 50 pounds of stock salt at 50 cts.
It should have read 100 pounds for 50
Hood River will have no general
celebration of the Fourth. Several pic
nics will be held, and there will be
plenty of opportunity for the patriotic
to keep the day sacred from labor.
For the Fourth of July, the O. K. &
NCo. will sell excursion tickets at
one fare for the round trip to all points
within 800 miles. Tickets sold on
July 2d, 3d and 4th, good returning
until July 6th.
Big reduction on photographs! Up
toJulylSthl will tak? photos for $1
to $1.75 per doz. View work reduced
accordingly. Gallery open every Sat
urday, opposite Blowers' store.
W. E. Neff, Photographer.
The Yakima apple belongs to the
'Baldwin family," and therefore is a
sure bearer. Til let t has a fine lot of
young Yakimas growing in his nur
sery. He also has the Klickitat, a red
apple that will keep till August.
TheO. B. N. Co's timetable for
Hood River is as follows; Westbound
overland, 5:50 a. in.; eastbound over
land, 0:45 p. in.; local passenger east
bound, 11:12 a. in.; local passenger
westbound, 3:23 p. m. .
Jack Lucky has three li't'epigs he1
is raising on the bottle. The mother
sow refused to care for them, and after
she bad killed all but three of the litter,
Jack concluded to try to raise the three
on the bottle. The, pigs are doing
well. 1 ',
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before purchas
ing elsewhere. -
Mr. J. H. Cradlebangh and partners
in the Mazama mining company, who
started last week for their mines on
McCoy creek, returned to Hood River
Monday evening. They got as far as
Steamboat mountain, where they
found the snow too deep for travel.
There will be no encampment of the j
Third regiment at Hood River this
year. The governor has ' decided to
convert the funds that were intended
to defray the expenses of an encamp
ment here toward paying the expense
of the picnic of the First regiment at I
Astoria. ;. j
Mrs. Rhodle Noah of this place was
taken in the night with cramping
Jiains, and the next day diarrhoea set
n. She took half a bottle of black
berry cordial but got no relief. She
then sent to tne to see if I had any
thing that would help her. I sent her
a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, and the first j
dose relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a
week and tried different remedies for
diarrhoea hot kept getting worse. I
sent him this same remedy. Only four
doses of it were required to cure him.
He says he owes his recovery to this
-wonderful ' remedy. Mrs. Mary Sib
)ey, Sidney, Mich. For sule by Will
iams & Broslus, druggists,
A correspondent from the East Side
sends the following story of a remark
able cow: "There is a cow on the east
side of Hood River valley that supplies
ner owner's family (a lamny ot six
grown persons) with plenty or milk
and butter and a surplus for sale that
supplies the cow with grain, a span of
norses witn nay and gram, two nogs
witn gram, two dozen cmcKens with
grain; also, the surplus supplies three
women witn snoes. And tnis cow's
grazing is pine grubs and fern." Now,
if any one is curious to know the value
of the products of the cow, if handy
at figures they can figure it out all but
tne cost or supplying tnree women
witn snoes.
Mr. M. A. Cook went to Salem on
Thursday of last week, where he met
his wife and took her to Portland for
treatment at the sanitarium for ner
vous diseases. Mrs. Cook's health was
found to be so delicate that the exam-
ination had to be postponed, and she
was left for treatment. The doctors
sav she is in a verv nrecarious condi
tion and that it will take skill and
gentle nursing to bring her back to
health. Mr. Cook returned to Hood
River Sunday.
Mr. W. H. Perry discovered a spring
Just above the road on the south or his
place mat win turnisii water sumcient
to irrigate a couple or acres. ie put m
an inch and a quarter pipe to bring the
water across tne road, but round it was
not big enough, and he has siuce built
a flume. He dug for the water on the
side bill and found the SDiing lust as
otners nave neen round and dug out or
side mils iu tnis locality.
The Mountain Stage Co. got home 15
neaa or tneir norses rroin nnerman
county during the week. Wednesday
the company received a carload of bar
ley and a carload of hay, and are now
prepared to haul mountain climbers to
uioua jap inn or any otner part or tne
country. . '--
The Regulator will arrive here with
The Dalles excursionists, 4th of July,
about 10 o'clock. The boat will pro
ceed to Cascade Locks, taking passen
gers from here for 50 cents for the
round trip; and making landings on
both sides of the river. The boat will
return here about 5 o'clock.
T he Valley Improvement company
will be ready to receive bids after the
6th ot July for building the ditch. C. A.
Bell and L. E. Morse will go over the
line of the ditch next Monday, and all
persons who coutemnlate bidding for
contracts are Invited to accoiupauy
them on the trip. -
Mr. H. Henn, our station agent, sent
a crate of Mr. T. A. Teuipleton's straw
berries to Buffalo, New York, and they
arrived there in fine shape. This
shows that Hood River strawberries
will sometimes staud shipment to New
York better than to East Portland.
The board of directors of the Port
laud schools have reduced teachers'
salaries 10 percent. Prof. Rigler has
been appointed city superintendent in
place or Prpf. Pratt, who is given the
principalship of Failing school.
The Dalles band will give an excur
sion to Hood River tomorrow. They
will give a concert before and after
dinner, and a ball game will be played
tietweeu The Dalles and Hood River
Miss Ida Foss returned borne from
The Dalles Sunday. Her school, on
Mill creek, closed last Friday for the
spring term. She will teach the same
school again in the fall.
Mrs. Margaret Sax'uian talked enter
tainingly on Alaska at the Congrega
tional church last Sunday evening.
concluding by singing a hymn in the
ivuitat dialect.
For Sale Twenty acres within 1J
miles of the Hood River post office; one
acre in apple orchard and one acre in
strawberries. Price, $700 cash. Apply
at this offi'-e.
The Mountaineer says about 600 In-
dians who. had Jieen In Hood River
nicking berries were in The. Dalles
Wednesday investing the money they
had earned.
John Dark and Hank Ladahoff, who
started with the Cradlebaugh party for
the mines, did not turn back but went
on, accompanied by four others, to the
ml ues.
Mr. C. R. Bone returned from Mon
tana last Friday, where lie did good
work in selling the shipments of straw
berries by the Hood River union.
Miss Irene Calllson's school. In the
Odell district, closed for the term last
Friday. Miss Callison left yesterday
for her home in Lane county.
M. H. Nickelsen has a large supply
of flags, (Ire crackers, candies, nuts,
lemons, oranges, bananas, dutes, etc.
on hand for July 4th.
Strawberry growers in the Frankton
neighborhood have finLshid. picking
and are now engaged iu cutting off the
tops of their vines.
Our terms for the Glacier will re
main at $2 a year when not paid in
advance.., If prepaid, a year's sub
scription will cost $1.50.
Mr. Wood worth and family and Mr.
Andrews and family, from Sherman
county, are camped at the big spring
on Teuipleton's place.
Revs. C. F. Clapp, F. C. Krause, J.
L. ner and Deacon McCoy will go
out to Trout lake ou Monday for a
week's outing.
The ladies of the M.'E. church will
serve ice cream on the Fourth in the
Champlln building. Ice cream and
cake 10 cents. '
George T. Pratlier went to The
Dalles Tuesday to take part iri the ded
ication services of the new K. of P.
Miss Mary E. Frazier has been reap
pointed as teacher in the fifth grade of
the Failing school, Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Eddy, who have been
stopping at Mrs. Parker's, returned .to
Portland Tuesday.
The Portland Millinery store will
close for this season July 11th. Ail
hats reduced.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Luckey of Port
land are visiting Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Luckey. - '
The Isenberg band will furnish mu
sic for the picnic at Neal creek tomor
row. . ,
Mrs. Pratt Whitcomb of Portland' is
visiting her mother, Mrs. S. A. Hutton.
H, W. Wait killed another coyote in
Dr. Adams' pasture last week.
4th of July racket at the Racket store.
' ' .
The young people of the Valley
Christian church have arranged with
We are oeents for the American Woolen
all kinds of woolen clothing cheaper than ever
vaoey. in oner lines oi gooaa, aiso, our prices aeiy competition, wnen you wisti to pur
chase anything in the line of clothing or household goods, call and get our prices and exam
lne samples, we can take your measure for a suit and guarantee satisfaction.
Observe Some of Our Prices:
Caaslmere Suits for men 8 4 45
. add up over 1U0 samples to select from.
Men's Pants 1 95
and up lti samples.
Hprlng and summer overcoats 10 60
Boys' suits 1 MO
Ladles' cloaks 1 95
Ladles' complete sulu and dress goods.
Five different styles of Bicycles, each...- 85 00
Alan twetarta and nil trlnrln nf mitelwl ItutmmAnta AimlfnmAr.nA.v ilumlnttnn a aaLa .
glassware, lamps, guns and pistols, cutlery,
tne sianaara autuors, coomng ranges, neaung
If You Don't See what
And Tucker will furnish It
V B. R.
Elder J. W. Jenkins to deliver ihree
lectures In the church next week, Julv
8th, 0th and 10th. . The subjects will be
" l ne Island or Jamaica," Tne people
of Jamaica, their Manners and Cus
toms" and "The Religion and Super
stition of the People of the West In
dies." The island is rich in historical
interest and oicturesque beauty, and
Air. Jenkins, during his stay or three
and a half years on the island, made a
special study of the island and its peo
ple ana will jrive a granule discnutlon
of both.
Tickets for the course will be sold for
twenty-five cents or ten cents a piece.
The proceeds will be used in paying for
tne organ purchased tor the wunday
School. Inspiring music, eloquentand
entertaining lectures, a worthy purpose
and a full house is tne motto ot tnese
energetic you ug people. Don't forget
tne dates, J uly bin, Uth and lUth,: aud
encourage thein by your presence.
; Outrageous.
A gentleman engaged in strawberry
growing in Hood River picked and
packed a nice crate of strawberries and
shipped them to a friend living in a
suburb of Portland. There being an
express office at the point of destina
tion, tie was informed hy tne agent
here that the berries would be forward
ed from the office in Portland. The
berries were the best in the patch and
were picked and packed with great
care. Every box in the crate con
tained 62. ot the choicest of Hood Kiver
strawberries. The unusual size of the
oerries necessitated nailing strips on
the top of the crate to allow the lid to
be nailed on rue addition to tne top
of the crate made an opening that per
mitted a view or the berries by any one
curious enough to lift the paper cover.
Two days after the berries should have
arrived at their destination a postal
card was received by the person to
whom tne berries had been shipped
stating that the crate of berries was
iu the Portland office and would not be
delivered.' Immediately on receipt of
the postal the party called at the ex
press office for the berries, when he was
coolly informed that the berries had
been sold to we them from spoiling!
The sender of the berries will lay the
mutter be tore the superintendent of the
express company, and we hope be may
not let up till the person who swiped
the berries is dismissed from his posi
. ' Notice.
Fire crackers will not be allowed to
be fired within the fire limits of Hood
River. The west boundary of the fire
limits is the street west of the U. B.
church to the O. R. & N. railroad; the
south boundary, the street back of the
Congregational church; the east boun
dary, 'the embankment east of Mrs.
Oiler's residence; north boundary, the
U. K. JN . railroad.
I will be in town to see that the law
is enforced. E. S. Olinger,
, . City Marshal.
Clieap For Cash.
Here are a few prices for your con
D. G. sugar 85 60
liox Savon soap 7a
Rice, per lb 6
Beans, per ft ... , 2J
Bacon, per lb , 7
Lard, per lb , , 8
Arbuckle's coffee, per tb ..... 22
Schilling's Best. Java and Mocha 85.
60-Ib sack table suit 60
100-ib sack stock salt...- W
5-tb sack salt 5
Flour, per sack 85
mason fruit jars, quart.per aoz ; 7U
Mason Fruit Jars, gal., per doz.... ' 95
Shoes, dry goods, furnishing goods
at cost for cash R. Raxd & Son.
Price List of Sprays.
No. 1. Lime, sulphur and salt, percwt...S 4 00
No. 2. Lime, sulphur and blue stone, " 6 00
No. 8. Boap.sulpnur.sodaand potash " 6 00
No. 4. Resin and sal soda, " 6 00
No. 6. Whale oil soap " - 00
"Acme" compound " 10 00
No. 7. Bordeaux-mixture. " 6 00
London purple,! tb, 80c: 10 lbs, S2.50; 25 lbs, 6 00
Paris green, 1 lb, 40c; 10 lbs, $3.50; 25 lbs 7 50
uiue stone, per cwt o uu
Resin, per cwt 5 00
.Sulphur (ground) per cwt , 2 00
Hal soda, per cwt - 8 00
We can furnish at short notice any
thing in our spray or sprayer catalogue.
If you have not received one, ask fcr it.
Hood River Pharmacy.
List of Letters
Remaining in the Hood River, post
omce uncalled tor July 1, 1890:
Boynton.Mrs Onie Jones, Mrs P
Caimlchael, D R Robinson, Geo
Halveison, Harry1 Stacy, G O
Himes, Set) ' . Wilder, McCoy
ldleman, C R
Picnic on the Fourth.
There will be a Fourth of Julj' picnic
on the old camping ground on the old
Corum, place on Neal creek, given un
der the auspices of the Columbian Ed
ucational Club of Pine Grove. There
will be swings, races, refreshments and
fun for everybody. ,
Mills and are now nrennred to offer barcralns In
before offered to the people of Hood River
Sewing machines '. IS 00
Buggies, for 89 00
Road cart, for 9 50
Three-spring wagon, for 89 00
upen Duggy, ior uu
Harness, for J. 6 95
Morgan saddles 2 00
Sidesaddles 6 50
Baby buggies 4 95
spoons, clocks and watches, Jewelry, books by all
stoves, gasoline stoves, coots ana snoes, etc.
You Want, Ask for It,
at an astonlahlsng low price.
TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Church Notices. ;
Supt. C. F. Cl, D. D., of Forest
Grove will be iu Hood River over Sun
day. He will preach at the Consrreifa'
tional church at 11 a. m. and at the
U. B. church at 8 p. m. No other
preaching services win be ueid in town.
U. R. church services will be as fol
lows every Sunday- unless otherwise
announced: Sunday school 10 a. m.j
preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En
deavor 4.30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor 7:30
p. m.; preaching services 8 p. m.
F. C. Krause, Pastor.
M. E. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
of the first and third Sabbaths of each
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
the second aud fourth.
J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood: second Sunday, Belmont at 11,
Crapper school house at 8, and Pine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
F. L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J.' L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meetinir and Sundav school conference
on Wednesday evening. ' Christian
endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome.
Sunday school at the M. E. taber
nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A
welcome to all. SUPT.
Jones He Pays the Freight.
Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide,
with latest reductions and market prices
Sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point on Colum
bia river readied by Portland boata.
Jones' Cash Stoke,
105 Front St., Portland, Or.
1 London Purple
Is chieflv arsenite of lime, a resldueob
tained in Ihe manufacture of aniline
dyes. It does not contain quite so
much arsenic as Paris green, and by
being a by product, it is not so constant
in its constitution. According to an
analysis by the chemist of the U. S.
department of agriculture, it has 43 per
cent arseuous oxide. A later analysis
by the chemist of the Vermont agri
cultural experiment station, it has
Arsenic (arsenous ox.) parts 4R.73
Lime 21.35
Iron and alumina 1.31
Sulphuric acid Ill
Nitrogen 1.K6
Moisture 8.37
Paris green and London purple are
both dangerous poisons and are pecu
liarly in the province of the pharma
cist, for he is the poison retailer and
usually the' only one having the facil
ties for guaranteeing their quality. We
keep only the best qualit ies.
v Williams & Brosi us,
. Druggists.
: Bicycles at Cost.
. Do you want a bicycle? If so, here's
your chance. We have $3000 worth of
wheels on hand, new and second band.
To reduce our stock we will for a stiort
time sell our present stock at cost.
Victors, Waverieys, Cresentsand other
makes. Write us fur prices.
, Mays & Crowe, ,
The Dalles, Ore.
Important to Farmers. .
5 W:akelee's Squirrel Exterminator.the
original and only article of its kind
giving complete satisfaction, now re
duced from 50c. to 30c. per can at Will
iams & Brosi us.' . 42.
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 ets
per box. For sale at the Hood River
Wood Saw For Sale.
A first class steam wood saw for sale cheap
for the next ten days at reasonable terms.
Address, "0", care of Uacibb oillce.
Ripans Tabulea.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
'Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ripans Tabules assist digestion.
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
Ripans Tabu,les cure biliousness. , .
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. :
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty,
' Notary Public.
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located 'In Hood
River. First-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office In the Langllle
House. - . Jylu
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; Dotn tanning and timber lands.
jveoruary, ihhi.
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by '
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
h. c. cok.
G. T. Fratjter,
Notary Public.
lis anfl Ii
93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d.
Wa kotra Into r1r.ilra a-nA nMnnn In Un
town of Hood III ver: also, fruit, hay und oerry
farms una timber claims In the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If you have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or i
if you want to buy, give us a call. j
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed. I
We will also attend to legal business in jus- I
tlces' courts. !
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOM A I
. ap27
, 78 Second St.,
And Leaders of Fashions.
The largest and most complete assortment
of American and imported English woolens
ever shown In the city. Latest patterns in
spring and summer suitings. Call and In
spect stock and get prices.
Business Suits,
from $18 to $26.
Dress Suits foom 125 to $50.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music, iar prices are 50 ctuta a lesson, j 10
$5 Reward.
St-ayed One gray horso. branded square
and compiles on leftshonlder; one sorrel horse,
branded P. O. on left, shoulder. Five dollars
reward will be paid lor their delivery to West
Bros., Hood Blver. S. W. CUJRRAN.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of .
Oregon Liter
Dressed and
r -
Flour, Peed and all kipds ofceieals ground.
. Whole Wheat Graham ?
' a specialty.
Harness Repairing.
t will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm product will
be taken in trade. Leave harness for repair
incat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. d20 E. D. CA.LK.INa
Draying and Teaming.
The undersigned have formed a partnership
and are prepared to do draylng and geuerat
delivery pustness ,in Hood River and sur
rounding country. Headquarters at Hart
ley's barn. J. H. DTJIvKS,
niyl W. T. HIBBARU.
- . .. . :. Till';- ,
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
1 Passenger Line.
1. Dalles aifl Pitted
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way $1 59
Round trip a 59
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agerrfc,
E. MCNEILL, Receiver.
To tlbLe East,
Gives Uio ctioice of
S O IT T E 3
Mm PaclEr.
Minneapolis OMAHA
j ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days lor
For full details call on ). It. A X. AmiA,
Hood Itlvc-r, or addivs.-
w.j-r. inmLiujfvji,
uen'l Pirn. Assent,
I'lwtfiiRd, Or.
TDArtB Mnrre
vhwsviiv r r t tig r
xor mmrmation ana rroe JianmooK writo to
MUNN & CO.. 361 Broadway, Nkw Yon.
Oldest bureau for securfnfc patents in Atj!ricfL
Kvery patent taken out by us is brought br
the public by a notice given free of charge lit th
MtntUk JmniOT
Largest circulation of any si-lentlflc paper In tti
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No iw.'lliu'f ;it
man should be without it. Wocklv, ;! (l i
year; $1.50 six months. Addrf'ns, MU"NX & (XI.,
Pciu-isukbs, 361 llroadway, iitiw Voik City.
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
commo"h every-day
ills of humanity.
Sclentifio American
UDf yTTj
Chamberlain's Eye and Stin Oisitmeirt
Is iiiieqH.'ilted I'm' I'czenm, Tetter, Pali
Rlicura, iScaiil Mend, Sore tipples, ('!i;:pic
IIiukIr, Itching- I'iles, Jiiirus, Frust Jiileii,
Clit'oiiieriore KveRiiwt irmm3,'!Hj;i Kye Lids,
For sale ly druggists at 20 tout; pi'i' ixix.-
to eouse'o'wtsers. -
For jinltinfr a horse in a fine liciutiiy con
dition try 111' Citdv K C oniiitiim I'mvdurs.
Tliey tone i t tie svstem, aid lii.-(?tilion, euro
losH4if nppetitc, relievo couslipmii n, correct
kiilr.ev ditxmters and destroy worms, giving
new life to an old or over-worked horse. 2
cents per m'k:igft. J'or sale ly tltugints.
For sale ly Yiniairr & Urosiuii.