iver Glacier. It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. VOL. 8. HOOD RIVER, OREGON; FRIDAY. JULY 3, 18. NO. 6. The Hood v E-.. THE EVENTS OF THE DAY Epitome of the Telegraphic News of the World. . ..- . OF INTEREST TO ALL READERS Comprehensive Bevlew or the Import ' Ml Happenings of the Past Week 1 Culled From the Press Dispatches. Catherine Rosohey, an inmate of the insane asylum at Salem, was killed by jumping form a third-story window of the farm building of the asylum. Great excitement has been caused in ReddiDg, Cal., by the receipt of a let ter there containing news of a threat . ened uprising of the Pitt river Indians. The British steamer Santarenz, bound for Para, Brazil, was sunk in a collision with the four-masted British ship Dundonald, from San Francisco. No lives were lost AtOig Harbor, Wash., the Shingle mill owned by E. S. Prentiss, together with 1,000,000 newly-made shingles, was destroyed by fire. The loss is 2,600, with no insurance. Two young men, named Riley and Young, had a quarrel at Mossy Rook, which ended in Young being struok on the neck - and badly out with an az whioh was manipulated by Riley. A report from Walla Walla says that the wheat orop in that section, whioh it was feared had been injured by the hot weather of last week, has not been damaged to any considerable extent, and a full yield is confidently expected. The run of salmon in the Columbia river continues light, no large oatohes haying been made of late by any of the boats. It is th )ught that small catches will be the rule now until the regular July run begins, whioh will be in about a week or ten days. Nathan Phillips, a pawnbroker of Monte Cristo, Wash., was fatally shot by David Leroy, who attempted to rob Phillips of a satchel full of Jewelry whioh he was , carrying, and upon be ing resisted, opened fire upon the pawnbroker with the above result. Leroy escaped. As a result of the conference between the president and Seoretary Lamont or r ders have been issued by the war de partment for the immediate execution of the provisions of the river and har bor appropriation bill, with the ex ception of those sections providing for the making of contracts for the con tinuation and completion of the work. v The opposition has decided to re ' quest the Spanish government to in troduce a bill providing for sufficient resouroes to proseoute the campaign in '-Cuba.-' "Miss Lansing Rowan,' an actress, of the Frawley oompany, playing in San Francisco, has challenged Champion Corbett to meet her in a scientifio spar ring contest. . ,' Henry Gardner, a farmer, living near Mount Dale, Washington oounty, Or., was accidentally killed by being struck in the stomaoh by a falling tree whioh he had just out down. A cyclone swept a seotion of country four miles south of Clayton, Wis., and a number of dwellings and barns were demolished. One man, name un known, was fatally injured. A Constantinople dispatch says dis turbances of a serious oharaoter occur red at Van. Many Armenians were killed. Many sought refuge at the British consulate. It is estimated that 400 persons were killed on both sides in the rioting last week. It is now believed that the skeleton reoently discovered at Dry oreek, near Pendleton, is that of J. Keith,, who, about a year ago started with Ben Bowers to go to the higher mountains and was never seen again, although Bowers soon returned. The two men are known to have had some trouble over a woman. A London paper says that Great Britain and the United States have agreed to publish simultaneously, within a fortnight, all the arbitration correspondence exohanged between the ; governments of the two countries. Its ' publication has been delayed pending " the arrival of Seoretary Olney's latest communication. ' In a collision between Chioago, Minneapolis & St. Paul and Chioago & Burlington trains at Davis Junotion, 111., in a deep out, thirty-five oars were piled in a heap and burned fieroely all day. Thomas F. Moran, a fireman, was instantly killed, and Fred Blair, a brakeman, fatally hurt. Engineer Daly was injured. Controller Eckels, a Washington dis patoh Says, has undertaken an extensive inquiry to learn the various kinds of credit instruments and money held by all the banking institutions in the United States. , He has sent out 31,000 letters to national banks, Btate and pri vate banks and loan and trust com panies asking for information on these points. A year ago the controller marie an investigation of this kind, but ht confined it to the 6,000 national banks The returns will be published in his annual report wihoh issues in Decern - Scrip Made Good. At Baker City Judge Eakin decided that the warrants issued by Baker oounty were valid, and thus made good about $300,000 worth of oounty scrip. Accident to a Miner. Andy Benson, a miner, in attempt ing to fire a salute to Colonel Taylor, a mine-owner, who was passing on a train near Glendale, accidentally ex ploded a stiok pf giant powder in his hands and was so badly mangled that he will probably not reoover from his injuries. Unknown Floater Fonnd. An unknown floater was fonnd near the Morrison street bridge in Portland. The remains were fearfully decom posed, and almost fell to pieoes as they were beingplaoedina receiving casket. The body bears the appearanoee of having been in the Vater . several months. Revolt in Armenia. Another sanguinary outbreak has oc curred at Van and 400 are reported to have been killed. The Persians are promoting the disturbances and foment ing ' the revolt throughout Armenia, The Druses have now reoeived Bedouin support and are driving out the Turks. Diplomatic press is being brought to bear on the porte, increasing the ohanoes of peaoe. Wife-Murderer Hanged. Carl Aubreoht, the wife-murderer, was hanged in the jail yard at Marsh field, Or. Life was pronounced ex tinct within a few seoonds after . the drop fell. The execution was the first that ever took plaoe in that city, and was witnessed by those legally entitled to be present. Aubreoht retained bis nerve to the last. He left word of good-by to bis friends. A Lady Suffocated in a Vault. Miss Rosa Caudill, of Barbonrsville, Ky. , was looked in her father's vault for fifteen minutes and when taken out was unoonsoiouB, but under the care of physicians soon reoovered. A gentle man friend locked her in for a joke, but not having ' the combination, was unable to release her until her father was found. His action is generally condemned, and he is considered a fit subject for the fool-killer. . Failure, Then Death. The body of Joseph C. Powell, a stu dent in the Oregon medical college, was found floating in the river, oppo site the O. R. & N. freight warehouse, in Portland. A ' rope was fastened around the neok, to whioh was firmly attaohed a granite rook, weighing about 13 pounds. Powell was one of a olass of students in the.medioal college that was presented for final examina ion last Maroh. He failed to pass, and in despair, committed the rash. act. He had been missing for three months. ' ' ;" ' A Big Bailroad Deal. . The Chioago Evening Post has a sensational pieoe of railway news to the effect that Henry Vilard, backed by European capitalists, has about completed a deal whioh will give them a through line from the Atlantic to the Pacifio seaboard. The intention of the Villard syndioate is to buy the North ern Paoifio road, then the Baltimore & Ohio, at the receivers' sales. It is said that the syndioate has already prao tioally obtained control of the Chioago & Great Western road, the oonneoting link between the Baltimore & Ohio, and the Northern Paoifio. Photography In Colore. Photography in colors is assured. James W. MoDonough, of Chioago, and Professor Joly, of Dublin, who were, attempting to seoure patents, agreed that the successful one should pay the other a fee, and the capitalists in the undertaking would support the success ful man. MoDonough won after a con test. A oompany has now been incor porated in Riohmond, Va., with a capital of $700,000 for the purpose of pushing the new invention. A Cloudburst in Ohio. A cloudburst took place near Mari etta, O. .The water oovered a wide area of territory and was the most de structive ever known there. Houses were swept away, stock drowned and many persons narrowly escaped death. In some streams the water rose .twenty feet in ten minutes. The flood came almost as suddenly as did the Johns town flood. Crops are ruined on the Little Muskingum for twenty miles, and on many small tributaries of the Ohio above there. , He Wat a Clever Swindler. Edward Trask, a former partner of Murderer Holmes, and who was sen tenced to the penitentiary from Chi cago in 1893 for eighteen years for his gigantio real estate swindles, is dead. He suooumbed to consumption. Trask was notorious for the daring of his ventures. ( Lyman Trumbull I. Dead Ex-United States' Senator Lyman Trumbull, the distinguished ju-ist, died in Chioago. He - had been ill a long time, but rallied at intervals, causing hope that he might eventually teoover. Crop, a Failure. Reports from Polk oounty, Or. , say that the apple and prune oorps of that seotion are . almost a total failure this year, and that there is a large shortage in the yield of other fiuits. Latest Plan of the Insurgents in Cuba. HAVANA IS TO BE BLOWN UP A Circular Making Thli Announcement . Distributed at the Houses of Well-to-Oo People In the City of Havana. Havana, July 1. The revolutionists have formally served notice on the people of Havana that plans have been oompleted and will be carried into exe cution this summer to wipe out every vestige of the city by means of dyna mite if it be necessary to go to that ex treme, to drive Spain off the island. Copies of a oiroular conveying this announcement have been left at the houses of, well-to-do people of the city. It is entitled "Dynamite Ciroular to Cuban Families," and reads as fol lows; ' ' "The summer oampaign is to be sup ported in large towns by the revolu tionists residing therein, and to this end terrible means must be resorted to the employment of dynamite. "The inhabitants of Havana are fully aware that the announoement of this is no vain threat, as the plans agreed upon for the explosions have already begun to materialize. The edifioes doomed to be blown up have been se lected and one after another shall fall. The revolutionist party oannot retrace its steps, and if it is neoessary to to tally destroy the city of Havana for the purpose of expelling Spain, it shall be destroyed. "Therefore, our oompatriots' families must beoome fully aware of the im portance of hurriedly abandoning the oountry, and to those who oannot, we charge them to be ever on the alert and employ oonstant and indefatigable vigilance proper to those who find themselves next to a mine loaded to the utmost" Anxious to Come Back. Taooma, July 1. William Hutohin son returned today from Cook's inlet, Alaska, where be spent two months. He came down on the sohooner Norma, which left Eodiak June 16, with thirty two passengers, all she could oarry, though ninety wanted to oome. Hutch inson says there are 1,760 people on Six Mile creek, and about as many on Resurreotion creek. About ' 750 of them are making from $3 to $15 per day at placer mining, but the rest, he says, are absolutely helpless and unable to find enough to keep them alive. As a rule, the gold oonsists of such light flakes that a breeze blows them away. Some of the prospeotors, and many of them are old miners, would like to go to the Yukon oountry. That, however, is 300 miles away, and it is currently reported that the Copper river Indians, wno live Detween, are on tne warpain. j A Burglar's Confession. Colorado Springs, Colo., July 1. A confession has been made by Patriok Coyne, a pal of William H. Clark, the man who killed Officer Bish, and then committed suicide in order to avoid arrest. Coyne says that he and Clark started out for the purpose of commit ting burglary, and while examining the rear entrance to Wilber's dry goods store were accosted by Offioer Bish, who ordered them to surrender.' Bish dis armed Coyne, but failed to get Clark's gun. Just as the offioer ordered the prisoners to start for the polioe station, Clark shot Bish. Coyne said that be and Clark ran in different directions, be going home and to bed, expecting momentarily that his partner would ar rive. Clark and Coyne were regarded as honest laborers, but Coyne admits that they had served terms in prison. No Trouble Anticipated. Madrid, July 1. The statement con tained in the Daily Mail telegram to the effect that the platform adopted by the St. Louis convention causes uneasi ness in Spain, and that it-is feared that a oonfliot with the United States has now almost a fixed date, is misleading. While there does exist a certain feeling of unrest, on aooount of the deolaration of the convention touching the Cuban question, it must not be imagined that it is diotated by fear, but rather springs from a very natural desire to know the worst at onoe. . ' American Bicycles. London, June 80. The Field this week publishes a long comment article on the wheels ' manufactured by some of the leading American manufacturers. Land and Water expresses regret at the fact that English manufacturers allowed foreign competition to step-in, saying: "For weeks past it has been impossi ble to get a bioyole or even civil treat ment from any English dealers. Some of the worst trash ever produced was put on the market. The Amerioans have opened a vigorous oampaign, and one new arrival advertises a consign ment of a thousand machines, offers to supply anything required within four teen days, and promises there shall be no more waiting for machines to be built . In price and finish the Ameri oans are quite on a par with our best, and in weight they out us dreadfully." RESCUE IMPOSSIBLE. Unavailing Efforts to Bring Up the En tombed Miner. Wilkesbarre, Pa., July 1. It is a settled fact tonight that, of the small army of men who entered the ill-fated Twin shaft at Pittston on Monday, not one survives. Not only is every ap proaoh to their dark tomb barrioaded by enormous masses of rock and debris, but it jls known that in the mine there is a large quantity of water, whioh is increasing in volume every minute. Thus the chances of reoovering the bodies are more remote than ever. Prominent offioials say that weeks or months may be consumed in clearing away the fallen coal in order to reach the .bodies of the victims. ' A mine superintendent of thirty-five years' ex perience thinks the unfortunate men have met the same fate that befell the twenty-six miners who perished in No. 3 slope of the Susquehana Coal Com pany in December, 1889. The men were caught in a "rush" of culm and water from the surface. The bodies were buried nnder a mountain of coal refuse. .Three hundred men labored for more than two weeks to resoue them, but the more debris they took out the more rushed in from the surfaoe open ing. As the task was a hopeless one, it was finally abandoned, and the por tion of the mine where the men died was olosed. Exoitetment at the Twin shaft in Pittston, where nearly 100 miners are entombed, continues today. At the mouth of the shaft, besides the wives and children of the entombed men, there are hundreds of persons, not resi dents of Pittston alone, but visitors from Soranton and Wikesbarre. The wives and children of the entombed men stand near the opening of the death chamber rrging the rescuers to greater efforts. Praotioally nothing has been ac complished toward the recovery of the men. There is scarcely an old miner about the opening of the mine who does not believe the men are all dead. The resouing party which went into the mine at 1 o'olock came out at 7. ' 'The foreman reports that the timbering is going on as rapidly as possble. The work is necessarily slow, owing to the danger cf falling rooks loosened by the explosion. It is hardly possible that the actual digging will begin before late this afternoon. If the slope is not completely choked with debris, the res cuers may possibly be able to reaoh the men within twenty- four hours. Other wise it may be two or three days. FELL INTO HOT WATER. A Child Scalded In A.toria-Two Fish- ennen Reported Drowned. ( ' Astoria, Or., July 1. The infant son of T. Raokkonen a fisherman of this city, met with a shocking death this morning., Shortly after the breakfast hour, the child's mother made prepara tions to give him a bath and half filled the bath tub with boiling water after whioh she left the room temporarily. A few minutes later the shrieks of the child were heard and hastening to the bathroom the mother found her child had fallen into the tub and scalded himself in a terrible manner. His in juries were such that medical aid was of no avail and he expired a few hours later." ', - - A boat belonging to the Scandinavian Paoking Company was reported to have been capsized in the breakers today at Peaoook spit and the oooupants lost The acoident was witnessed by the men in another boat but before the life-saving crew could be notified the breakers had added two more to their list of vic tims. ' ' ' . ' . This afternoon, Roy Ferguson, a 13-year-old boy, fell from Exchange street to the beaoh, a distanoe of twenty feet, and had a miraculous' escape from death. In falling the boy turned a complete somersault alighting upon his feet and escaping with a badly sprain ed ankle. Jefferson's Granddaughter Married. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., July 1. Amid showers of flowers and unaer the spreading canopy of a large marquee ereoted on - the most prominent and beautiful elevation of land on the shore of Buttermilk bay, Miss Josephine, daughter of Charles B. Jefferson, and granddaughter of Joseph Jefferson, ac tor, and Charles J. Rolfe, son of Will iam Rolfe, a Shakespearean scholar of Cambridge, were married today. There were about sixty guests, inoluding Jo seph Jefferson and Mrs. Cleveland. ' Sawmill Boiler Burst. Plaoerville, Cal., July 1. A boiler j explosion occurred at the sawmills of Snow Bros., about four miles from this city. . The mill building was torn to pieoes, but miraculously only one man of the four in the building at the time was seriously hurt Daniel Eenirk, of this plaoe, sustained injuries about the head, a broken jaw and a fraotured hand. '' 1 - : v A Pier Collapsed. Boston, July 1. The pier at Marine Park, used as a. landing for ferry-boats that ply between City Point and Gov ernor's island, was overcrowded today, and collapsed. . There wrre more than 100 persons on the pier. Thirty were thrown into the water; twenty-eight were resoued, and two were drowned. A Resume1 of Events in the ( ., Northwest. EVIDENCE OF STEADY GROWTH News Gathered In All the Towns of Our Neighboring States Improve ment Noted in All Industries Oregon. The Dalles Chronicle says that a set tlement has been effected with the Mo Coy ditoh laborers for 60 cents on the dollar.'..-;.-'-'.-:.',' 'J: The Southern Paoifio Company has put in eleotrio lights at its plant at Latham, and now runs the oreosoting works day and night The bicyole track north of the town of Coquille City has just been com pleted. The traok is five laps to the mile, and is an excellent raoing course. There are two companies engaged in egg gathering near Port Orford, and the rocks are being hunted very olosely, over 1,000 dozen having already t been gathered. t ; Millions of young grasshoppers have made their appearance on Tygh ridge, and farmers in that seotion fear they will do considerable damage to grow ing orops before the "critters' ' wings are sufficiently large to oarry them out of the oountry. Joseph Adams, a son of John Ad ams, an Indian living on the Siletz, was one of the graduates of the Carlisle Indian school this spring. Mr. Adams has graduated as a full-fledged dootor of medicine, and will praotioe his pro fession in the East. - An old soldier tramped through The Dalles last week, bound for the Soldiers' Home at Kansas City. He was old and feeble, but was neatly dressed, and wore a pair of new, but cheap shoes. He proposes to walk the enire distanoe, unless invited to ride. The lessees of the plant and plaoer mines of the Siskiyou Gold Mining Company, on Elliott creek, commonly balled the "Joe Bar diggings," have fully oompleted the opening and equip ment of them, and are piping day and night with assurances of an uninter rupted water supply. The sales of cattle from 'the Eagle valley range have been quite active re cently, and upwards of 1,300 head will be delivered in Baker City during the next few days for shipment to Montana and Wyoming. The sales amount to about $16,000, a very neat sum in the hands of the stookraisers of one local ity.. .; Assessor Cowan, of Union county, is assessing all property in the county be longing to religious organizations and not used exclusively for worship; that is, only churoh . buildings and the lots upon whioh they stand are exempt Heretofore all property belonging to the church, inoluding houses, sohool buildings, town buildings, town lots and farms, have been exempt Private sohool buildings and property will also Reassessed. -. ' Washington. President Cleveland has been asked to pardon Mrs. Morrison, convicted of smuggling opium in the federal court at Seattle. ..: At Barlow Pass, the buildings are being put in order as rapidly as pos sible to acoommodate the traffio to the Great Lake mines, and supplies are coming by every train. ' The diploma and medals awarded the Seattle sohool exhibit at the world's fair have been reoeived. The exhibit is now.- at the Philadelphia eduoational museum, and has led to many inquiries for information . of the oity superin tendent Elder Van Dusen, of Spokane? who has been visiting Lewiston, says that in driving along any road out of Lewis ton to the reservation, prairie sohooners and other vehicles oan be passed, all loaded to the guards, and all bound for the reservation. . Mr. Wooten, of Starbuok, says that he has discovered a new variety of win-' ter apple in his orchard, whioh he thinks is going to take the lead in the Northwest It is a large, red apple, fine flavored and a good keeper. He planted the seed five years ago. Last year the tree bore 160 pounds of apples. A conference of commercial bodies, at Taooma, aooepted the offer of a Phil adelphia museum for a display of the state's resources. A committee of three, one from Seattle, another from Taoom, and a third from Gray's har bor, will be appointed by President Mottet to prepare a lumber exhibit Another' committee will be appointed to prepare a general exhibit The injunotion whioh was asked was denied and the work on the reservation ditoh near North Yakima will now go forward. In denying the application, Judge Hanford stated that the peti tioners were not entitled to oome into court, inasmuch as no one of them showed a claim of $3,000. Judge Han ford also said that he knew of no case in whioh an Indian had been allowed to bring suit against the government, whioh was his guardian. A RESERVATION TRAGEDY. Two Murders and a Suicide the Besult of a Black'oot Affair, Helena, Mont, June 80. -Two men and one woman dead and a man under arrest as aooessory to the murder, is the result of a woman's unfaithfullness and a man's perfidy. The dead are: Paul Vinette, a half-breed: his wife, and Took-a-Fine-Gun, a full-blooded Indian. The man under arrest is Makes-the-Fire, a brother of the dead Indian. The scene of . the murder was the Blakfoot reservation. Took-a-Fine-Gun had been paying attention to Vinette's wife, in spite of Vinette's protests. Friday, he caught the oouple together, and took a shot at the Indian, who esoaped uninjured, vowing ven geanoe. . Next day, Vinette mounted his horse to hunt for missing cattle. He had not prooeeded far when two shots were heard, and Vinette's horse came back riderless. . Took-'a-Fine-Gun and Makes-the-Fire rode up, saying they had killed Vinette. - Then, with Mis. Vinette, the trio rode away. Mounted polioe followed, and the next morning two shots were heard in a clump of bushes. An investigation re vealed the bodies of Mrs. Vinette and Took-a-Fine Gun. He had killed her by shooting her through the head, and then committed suicide' in a like man ner. Makes-the-Fire was oaptured later. ' ... ' ' . . Death Caused by a Scorcher. Chioago, June 80. Three-year-old Ernest Schlickwein, the son of Franz Schlickwein, a German truck farmer, living about four miles southeast of Hinsdale, met his death in a manner hitherto unheard of. He was following his mother along a path beside the roadway whioh fronts their home, when they were passed by a wheelman tiding at his best speed. Shortly afterwards Mrs. Sohhckwein missed her son.. Hastening baok she discovered him prostrate in the path, while an ugly wound in bis left temple was bleeding profusely. A physioian was summoned, but the ohild died be fore he arrived. A jagged stone weigh ing about four ounces, lying at the point where he had fallen told the story. It had been snapped from under the wheel of the soorohing bioyclist with sufficient foroe to . cause .death. The wheelman, who was of oourse en tirely ignorant of the aooident, passed on, and no clew to his identity re mains. Mrs. Schlickwein is prostrated and may pot reoover. - - - , A Soldier's Bevenge. Valentine, Neb., June 80. Fort Niobrara was the scene of a murder, and the almost instant exeoution of the murderer under military orders today. Private Weaver shot and instantly killed First Sergeant Livingstone, of -company D, who was passing along the roadway in front of oompany C'a quar ters. When the sergeant dropped, four men ran and pioked him up, when Weaver fired four shots at them, fore ing them to drop the sergeant and run for shelter. Weaver then fired several shots, aiming at anyone who happened to oome within range of his rifle, but without effect. Then First Lieutenant Clark ordered Private Strine to shoot Weaver, which he did, the ball strik ing Weaver's rifle near the butt, shat-1 tering it and afterwards entering his body, from whioh he died within an hour. , ' "',''' " ; . ' ' - McKinley Formally Notified. Canton, O., July 1. Ex-Governor MoKinley was officially notified today of his nomination by the Republican " party for the office of president of the United States of Amerioa. ' The notification speech was made by Senator Thurston, who was wildly ap plauded during : the course of his re marks by the vast crowd whioh had gathered from far and near to do honor to Ohio's favorite son upon this, the occasion of the greatest triumph of his life. Governor McKinley, in an able speech, responded to Senator Thurston's address, and heartily thanked the noti fication oommittee and the constituents of the Republican party at larye for the gracious honor tendered him. , Fell From a Balloon. ; Grand Rapids, Mich.", July 1. Hiram H. Cole, 36 years old, a profes sional aeronaut, living in Big Rapids, Mich., fell thirty feet from his balloon while making an ascension last night ' and died shortly afterward. ' A high : wind blew him against a building, severing his trapeze ropes and letting -him fall. He leaves a wife and 8 months' -old baby. -Several Persons Drowned. ' Boston, JuV 1. The small steam ferry-boat plying between Marine Park : and Governor's island struck an ob struction today and capsized. Several young people drowned. ' :"'v - , A Mob's Work. Baltimore, June 30. Joseph Cook ing, of Hilltop, Charles oounty, await ing trial on a charge of murdering his wife and her sister, Miss Daisy Miller, on April 33, was taken from the old jail at Port Tobacoo last night and ' lynohed by about twenty-five men. -i -. . 1 France Will Admit Corn. " ' Paris, June 80. M. Meline, the pre mier, speaking at Soissons on the dis- .. turbance of the world's markets by the monev crisis, announced that measures would shortly be taken for the tempor ary free admission into Franoe of corn. -