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About The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933 | View Entire Issue (June 26, 1896)
3f do'd Iiver Slacier. V FRIDAY, J UN .20, 1896, THE MAILS. The mat I arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesday and Saturdays; de parts e same days at noon. For Ciienoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives at 0 P. M. For White Salmon leaves cUlly at 1 P. M.; Arrives at o'clock P. M. From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer, Trout Lake and Qlenwood Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. . , , SOCIETIES. Canby Post, No. 10, G. A. R., meets at School xiouse nun, nrsi saiuraay oi eacn monin at 2 o'clock p. m. All G. A. B. members In vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief Corps meet at same time in the adjoining room. JOHN A. WILSON, Commander. M. P. ISENBKito, Adjutant. Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. J. A. Soehbk, C. C. Geo. T. Pkathkr, K. of R. & B. Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W., meets first and third Saturdays of each month. 8. J. LaFKANOE, M. W. J. K. Watt, Financier. ' H. L. Howe, Reuo der. ' ' Idlewilde Lodge. No. 107, 1. O. O. F., meets in f raternal nan every tnursaay night. O. B. HARTLEY, N. G, ":ffrB. Morse, Sec'y. BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. spi.ou a Year. After July 1st the price of the Glacier will be $1.30 a year If paid in advance. New sub scribers can begin at any time from this date iliiii i.iiHV will iih tiiKrirKfi iini v i r i mi inn 11 rwr. of July. " Genuine sutumer weather. : Rd lriiiinreant S R RHrt.mpssi'fnr K7 Aft. Mason fruit jars fur sale at the Backet Store. t , The O. R. & N. Co. are removing the old railroad bridge. Tom Pierce of Cbenoweth was in 1 town last Friday. Hats cheap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash, but no credit. Found A ladies' watch chain. Call , for it at Bartmess.' F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood River, Oregon. Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all , rew -(papers and periodicals. Lost A green lap duster. Finder . win piease return to s. J. Li ranee. Blank promisary notes and notices to trenpaswrs for sale at the Glacier E. V. Husbands has made another Jtllt It. nrlfO fif Piatvu'a Qtnok nf bIiaihi ' Big reduction this time. A large supply of wall paper just re ceived at 8. E. Bai'tmess', with prices . lower than ever before offered iu Hood River. 8. E. Bartmess' valuable Jersey cow was killed near the ice house Saturday afternoon by the west bound passen- ; ger train. . Monday forenoon was a very disa greeable day in Hood ' River. The west wind blew a herricane and filled tn e streets whii ciouas oi aust. . Tlie si washes had a blif freMor-all - nuw-wow hum uanue ut uw a imni (ill Tuoanuv Avurimiv A liapiro i.viwxfri gat hered to witness the show. The Glacier is in need of money. AH who know themselves indebted for subscription are Invited to call and Mettle before July 1st. j. Wolfard fc Ferguson are selling flour at f3.35 per bid. 85 cents a sack. Coil oil, 20 cents a gallon. Other iroods tu proportion. Cash counts with them. For the Fourth of July, the O. R. & rN.(V. will sell excursion tickets at " one fare for the round trip to all points within 800 miles. Tickets sold tin Julv2d, 3d and 4tb, good returning until July 6th. " . Big reduction on photographs! Up to July 15th I will take photos ft.rfl to $1.75 per doz. View work reduced u Mi .fit I i, .! f A.. 1 1 . . .... ni.jiM. Cit mvtiiuiiiKi.. vjaucij . ' i rr. 11 cCIJf (in l. urduy, opposite Blowers' store. W. E. Neff,' Photographer., The Yakima apple belongs to the !.. I. I... I f'., )l .....i II, f.,. t Ajuiimni iniiini Aim wji citii o its n sure bearer. . Tillett has a fine lot of young Yaklmas growing in his nur sery. He also has the Klickitat, a red apple that will keep till August. - TheO. RJ N. Go's timetable for Hood River Is as follows; Westbound overland, 5:50 a. m.; jeastbound over-. . land, 9:45 p. m.; local passenger east-bound,. .11:12 a. in.; local passenger westbound, 3:23 p. m. Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber i Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed. They have a large and good assortment of finishing lumber on hand, good and dry. ("all and get our cash prices before purchas-' lng elsewhere. ., The St. Louis Republic has made ar rangements to cover the political news of all parties in the coming campaign In a way that baa never been equaled "J " .rf...,-... ....V. ,C.J 1 tojieep posted should subscribe at once. . The Republic, daily and Sunday, has been reduced to $6 a year; $3 for six months, or 60 cents a month.- The Twiee-a-Week Republic is $1 a year. Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier re siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely afflicted with rheumatism but received prompt relief from pain bv using Chamberlain's Pain balm. He says: ; A fttv.Aa ..... ....,1.1 Anlw. ly that I could hardly raise up. If I had li, friitfon rfllof 1 wnntil mt ho hunt to write these few lines. Chamber lain's Palo Balm has done me a great deal of good and I feel very thankful for it.' For sale by Williams & Bro ius, druggists. If it required an annual outlay of $100 to Insure a family against any se rious consequence from an attack of N bowel complaint during the year t here tire many who would feel it their duty to pay it; that they could not afford to risk their lives, and those of their fam ily for such an amount. Any one can get this Insurance for 25 cents, that be ing the price of a bottle of Chamber lain's Cholic, Cholera and Diarrhoea ' Remedy. In almost every neighbor hood some one has died from an at tack of bowel complaint before medi cine could be procured or a physician pumninned. One or two doses of this remedy will cure any ordinary case. It never fails. - Can you afford to take the risk for so small an amount? For sale by Williams & Brosius, druggists. Hon. E. L. Smith and wife returned Thursday night from the niid-BUiumer meeting ol'tbe state horticultural society at Corvallis. The society held a series of Interesting meetings, and a number of valuable and able papers on frui were read by the members. The day sessions were held in the court house and the evening meetings iu the opera house, where they had specially pre pared piogrammes or songs and music. Mr. Smith and wife were iuvited to visit and and inspect the work of the students at the state agricultural col lege located at that place, where Mr. Smith made a short address to the stu dents. Mr. Bloss, president of the col lege, gave a reception to the members of the society one evening. Willamette valley people were highly delighted witti the Hood Kiver strawberries Mr. Smith took do n u with him.'- The sea- sou at Corvallis is so backward that strawoerries there were just ripening. Fruit iu the Willamette valley, is very scarce, especially apples and prunes Whole orchards of apple trees, Mr. Smith says, will have hardly a uusnei ot truit. Messrs. Winchell, Monroe, Jackson, Crosby, Knox and DeVoid went up to lue Headwaters ot the n,at bide im gating Co's ditch Wednesday to begin work. This looks like business. Here tofore no work was done on the ditch except iu the, winter when the ground was frozen or covered with snow and the furmers had no use for water. At this time of the year the farmers said they couldit work on the ditch be cause money was scarce and they had to Hind some way of earning some, but now they have come to the conclusion that the best way to get rich is to get tlie dltcn tliiougu first and then tne money will come fast enough to the successful farmer. The ditch company are not going to make any rasn prom Ises, buy they expect to get wuter through for use next season. Sherman county sheep are again be ing lierded on the lulls In the upper pari ot our valley. Jtilteeu thousand head are reported at the forks of JNfeal creek, completely wiping out the last bit of range for the stock belonging to i ne iariuei s on tue Jiast Bide. I ne set tlers iu the Mt. Hood neighborhood are literally beinir eaten up bv the sheep. A number of the bands are al so oeing lierded on tne reservation at tne bae of Mt. Hood. One of the sheep owners, when told he was tres-pas.-mg on the government reserve, naiigtiiy retorted ttiat it would lake more than President Cleveland's proc lamation to keep him, off tlie reserve.' lue pure, unadulterated gall or the sheep men surpasses that of a govern ment mule! Langille. Bros, completed setting the poles Saturday for the telephone line oetween towu and Cloud Cap Inn. The brackets and wire arrived thin week from 8au Francisco and the tele phone will soon be put in operation. The Langille boys are now plowing snow on the grade above the Elk Beds, and getting the road to the Jun in shape for travel by the 4lh of July, when Mulcoin Moody and party from The Dalles expect to take an outing to Mt. Hood. ' Mrs. Langille will go up to the inu Sunday. Hon. J. 11. Cradlebaugh, president of the Mazama Mining Co., left Mon day morning for Hood River, where he will bo Joined by other members of the company, and they will proceed to their mines near Mt. Adams. The company expect to begin operations as soon as ihey reach the mine, and that they will ue rewarded is almost as sured, for the prospects so far obtained Indicate an abundance of gold iu the gravel. Mountaineer. Rev. J. M. Deni8ou of Hood River will deliver the oration iu Mora on July 4th. The Observer highly compli ments, Mr. Deuisou as follows: "Mr. Denisou is conceded to be one of the most able men in the pulpit in the Iu laud Empire. . He is a man of excel lent ability, a keen, logical and concise speaker, and will unquestionably 1 Or nish the people a brilliant oration in Moro. lie was formerly pastor of his church in Wasco, so is not entirely a strauger here." ' All danger from high water has now passed. The Columbia river readied its highest Sunday morniug, and since then the water has been receeding at about the same rate it rose. The max imum height reached. ut The Dalles was 42.H feet. As the low water stage of the Columbia at this point has never ueeii mariveu iue exact rise cannot ue given, but tlie estimate is about 34reet. At any rate it came within 13 teet ot the 'U4 register. The west bound passenger train was Ave hours late iu reaching Hood River Monday morning, on account of a por tion of the track being washed out by the high water eust of The Dalles. Tne damage was Immediately ra paired and trains again run on schedule time. Chris Dethmau has recently pur chased a Deering self-binder for use on his farm, Mr. Dethman has 30 acres in grain wheat and barley. He ex pects to begin cuttiug his barley crop next week. The Regulator will make three trips per week until further notice. Will leave The Dalles at 7 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, and will make through connection. Miss Winnie Champlin, accompanied by her friend, Miss Anna Murray, came up from Portland one day last week and went out to her grandfather's place to spend the strawberry season. N The Misses Mary and Maggie Frazier came up 'from Portland Wednesday moining to spend tlietr summer vaca tion with their parents. John Castner returned home on Wednesday's noon train.' John says bate ball on tlie Sound is dead. He expects to start soon for California. Mrs. Whortlugton, a twice of Mrs. Alfred Woods, come out from Daven port, Iowa, last Friday, for a visit of a couple of months. . M. H. Nickelseu has a large supply of Hags, tire crackers, candies, nuts, lemons, oranges, bananas, dates, etc. on hand for July 4th, - The Portland Millinery store will close the week following July 4th, for this season. All hats sold at reduced prices. Mr. H. W. Cuehitig came up from Portland on Wednesday's local, intend ing to stop la the valley about a week. Mrs. L. H. Adams came up from Portland Tuesday and is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H..Pugh. . Mr. (.VG. Hanson, conductor on the O. R. & N. Co's road, visited his family I here during the week. Tucker's We are agents for the American Woolen Mills and are now prepared to offer bargains in all kinds of woolen clothing cheaper than ever before offered to the people of Hood River valley. In other lines of goods, also, our prices defy competition. When you wish to pur- uuuiw uuy tiling iu tue line 01 ciotiiiiig or iiuusuuuiu goous, can ana get, our prices ana exa ine samples. We can take your measure for a suit and guarantee satisfaction. Observe Some of Our Prices: Caaslmere Suits for men .....$ 1 45 and up over 100 samples to select from. Men's Pants 1 95 ' and np lu samples. Hpring and summer overcoats 10 50 Boys' suits , i yu Ladles' cloaks 1 H5 Ladies' complete suits and dress goods. Five different styles of Bicycles, each 85 00 A Ion nwnna nnH all Irlnrfo nf mn.tMl I no, , glassware, lamps, guns and pistols, cutlery, the standard authors, cooking ranges, heating If You Don't See what And Tucker will furnish It B. R. Will Xaniiille came down from Cloud Cap Inn Thursday. H reports lots of snow on the grade above ibe i,lk Jtseds, and for a couple of weeks, passengers to the Inn will nave to ride a couple of miles on sleds. There is no snow ill the immediate vicinity of the Inn. The strawberry season Is nearly over. Shipments for the past week have been as follows: June 19th, 926 crates; 20th, 944; 21st. 630; 22d, 937; 23d, 663; 24lh, 241; 25th, 732; total tor the season, 11,533. The ice stored In West's Ice house is keeping in good shape, and Mr. West expects to have plenty of ice for the season. .... . - The ladies of the M. E. church will serve ice cream and cake on the 4th of July. Look for further notice in next week's paper. Henry McGuire was In' The Dalles Wednesday in attendance at Justice Davis' court in the Indian trial, 1 Dr. VanScov will lecture tonight at Belmont and tomorrow night at Hood Kiver in the tabernacle. Cheap For Cash. Here are a few prices for your con- $5 50 75 5$ lb 2i " . n " 8 " 22 '.' sideration: . D. G. Sugar , Box Savon Soap Rice Beans i Bacon Lard 4rouckle's Coffee Schilling's Best, Java and Mocha 35 " 50 60 5 85$sk 70 doz 95 " 601b sk Table Salt 5(irb Stock " 5 sk Sail Flour Mason Fruit Jars, ots Mason " ' ." i gal Shoes, dry goods, furnishing' goods at cost for cash R. Rand & Son. Picnic on the Fourth. There will be a Fourth of July picnic on the old camping ground on the old Corum place on Neal creek, given un der the auspices of the Columbian Ed ucational Club of Pine Grove. There will he swings, races, refreshments and fun for everybody. Bora. Tn Hood River valley, Sunday, June 21, 1896, to Mr. aud Mrs. Philip Kollas, a son. -' Hied. At Cheney, Spokane county, Wash., June 18, 1896, Mrs. D. F. Percival. Deceased was taken suddenly ill on Saturday, June 13th, and on the fol lowing Wednesday the doctors con sidered her case hopeless. Her hus band was in California on business at the time and was telegraphed for, but he was unable to reach his wife until after her death. Her brother, S. F. Blythe of this place was telegraphed of her dangerous condition on Wednesday evening, and he left the same night for her beiiside. He arrived the next day a few minutes before her death, but she died unconcious of his presence. Bicycles at Cost. , Do you want a bicycle? If so, here's your chance. We have $3000 worth of wheels on hand, new and second hand. To reduce our stock we will for a short time sell our present stock at cost. Victors, Wav,erieys, (.'resents and other makes. Write us for prices. - Mays & Crowe, The Dalles, Ore. Important to Farmers. Wakelee's Squirrel Exterminator.tbe original and only article of its kind giving complete satisfaction, now re duced from 50c. to 30c' per can at Will iams & Brosius.' 42 Bucklen's Arnica Solve. The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts per box. For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy. Wood Saw For Sale. A first class steam wood saw for sale cheap for the next ten days at reasonable terms. Address, "U", care of Ulacieb office. Wanted to Trade. A few choice work horses for cedar posts, wood or lumber. Address, Box 181, The Dalles, Or. J. L., KELLY, Rubber Stamps. I am now prepared to furnish Rubber Ktamps, Heals, Stencils, etc., at :he most rea- UDSDltf Jinres. OKO. T. PHATUKU. Sewing machines 13 00 Buggies, for 39 00 Hoad cart, for .'. , 9 50 Three-spring wagon, for 39 00 Open buggy, for 30 00 Harness, for , 6 95 Morgan saddles 2 00 Side saddles 6 50 Baby buggies , 4 95 man to .,....!., .. 1 1 spoons, clocks and watches. Jewelry, honks by all stoves, gasoline stoves, boots and shoes, etc. You Want, Ask for It, at an astonlshisng low price. . TUCKER, Tucker, Or. Church Notices. The Womans' Missionary society of tne congregational cnurch will give an open air meeting oil Sunaay evening atao'ciocK.- Mrs. j. h. jjukes ana Mrs. S. J. LaFrauce will read interest ing missionary selections. Mrs. Mar garet Saxman, a teacher in the Presby terian mission scnoois in Alaska, who is iu Hood Kiver visiting her brother, Mr. J. F. Armor, will speak on some phrases of educational and religious life in "Alaska. Appropriate music will be rendered. Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at the Crapper school house on Sunday at 3:30 p. m. The Sunday school wilt give a con cert next Sunday, June 28, at the Odell school house at two o'clock, p.m. Prizes will be given to the . pupils. Preaching at three o'clock. All are cordially invited. Pauline SHEi.LEy, ' Supt. U. B. church services will be as fol lows every Sunday unless otherwise announced: Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching services 11 a. in.; Junior En deavor 4.30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor 7:30 p. in.; preaching services 8 p. in. F. C. Khause, Pastor. M. E. services in Hood River every Sabbath evening, and in the mornings of the first and third Sabbaths of eacii month; at Mosier on the mornings of the second and fourth, J. M. Denison, Pastor, Belmont Circuit Appointments. First Sunday of each .month at Mount Hood: second Sunday, Belmont at 11, Crapper school house at 3, and Pine Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday, Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7. F. L. Johns, Pastor. Congregational Churchi-Rev, J. L. Hershner, pastor. Worship, with preaching, will lie conducted every Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., un less otherwise announced. Prayer meeting and Sunday school conference on Wednesday evening. Christian Endeavor society on Sunday evening. All who attend these services will be made welcome. Sunday school at the M. E. taber nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A welcome to all. Supt. Jones He Pays the Freight. . ', Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide, wit h latest reductions and market prices Sent free to any address. Freight on $20 orders paid to any point on Colum bia river reached by Portland boats. . Jones' Cash Store, 105 Front St., Portland, Or. London Purple Is chief! v arsenite of lime, a residue ob tained iu the manufacture of aniline dyes. It does not contain quite so much arsenic as Paris green, and by being a by product, it is not so constant in its constitution. According to an analysis by the chemist of the U. S. I department of agriculture, it has 43 per cent arseuous oxloe. A later analysis by the chemist of the Vermont agri cultural experiment station, it has Arsenic (arsenous ox.) parts 48.73 l.lme , 24.35 Iron and alumina 1.31 Sulphuric acid .11 Nitrogen l."5 Moisture 8.37 Paris green and London purple are both daugerous poisons and are pecu liarly in the province of tlie pharma cist, for he is the poison retailer and usually the only one having tlie facili ties for guaranteeing their quality. We keep only the best qualities. , Paris Green Is chiefly arsenite of copper. The In secticide efficiency of Paris green de pends upon th amount, of arsenious acid present, which is somewhat va riable, ranging from 54 to 61 per cent in an analysis of Ave samples obtained in the market. The chemist of die Maine state college found 54, 55, 54, 55 and 40 5er cent of arsenious acid respectively. Lt is a very stable compound, does not readily suffer deterioration and may be safely kept lu ordinary containers, iu a cool, dry place. . Williams & Brosius, Druggists. Ripans Tabules. Ripans Tabules cure nausea, -' Ripans Tabules: at druggists. . Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. Ripans Tabules cure headache. Ripans Tabules cure flatulence. -Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. Ripans Tabules: one gives relief. Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver. Ripans Tabules; gentle cathartic. : Ripans Tabules cure constipation- ; Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative. Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. A. S. BLOWERS & CO., DEALERS IN Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED, Country Produce Bought and Sold. AGENCY FOR rSROini rvo !!ctpa i rrifc t. if r LTinuLi. IT'IL I wrtLf bu; The biggest boot in the world T. C. DALLAS, DKALISIt IN STOVES AND TINWABB, Kitchen Furniture, PLUMBERb' GOODS. .-, Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty, O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public. MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON. DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNH Is now located 'In Hood Riven. Kirstclass work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Office In the Langille House. Iyl9 C. J. HAYES, SURVEYOR. All work given him will be done cor rectly and promptly. .He has a few good claims upbn which he can locate parties; Dotb farming and timber lands. February, 18U4. HARNESS4 Repaired and all kinds of HARNESS GOODS Sold by ; . E. V. HUSBANDS. Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. G. T. Prathkh, H. C. COK. JNotary rubllc. PRATHBR & COE, M W& anil Insurance. 93 Oak St., Set. 2d and 3d. u lie o ivrm, vrv rw cy iiu nvinfjc l villi town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and Berry farms and timber claims In the moat desira ble locations In the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or if you want to bny, give us a call. Deeds, bonds and morteaees cromntly and correctly executed. we will also attena to legal business injus tices' courts. We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA property. PKATHEK & UUC ap27 ; H.E.BALCH&CO., 78 Second St., THE DALLES, OREGON. MERCHANTTAILCRS And Leaders of Fashions. The largest and most comnlete assortment of American and imported English woolens ever shown In the city. Latest patterns in spring and summer suitings. Call and in spect siock ana gei prices. ; Business Suits, . from $18 to $25. Dress Suits foora $25 to $50. Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teachlns: of M usle. Her prices are 50 etn ts a lesson . J 10. . $5 Reward. ' Strayed One gray horse, branded square niifl compass on left shoulder: one sorrel horse, branded P. O. on left shoulder. Five dollars reward will be paid lor their delivery to West Bros., Hood River. S. W. CURRAN. , . myl5 PIONEER MILLS, Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, s ; Manufacturers of ' , Oregon L Dressed and , Undressed Flour, Peed and all kinds of ceieals ground. Whole Wheat Graham " farvnnlflltn HOOD RIVER, - - .- - - - - OREGON. Harness Repairing:. I will be ready for repairing and oiling har ness after January 1st. Farm products will be taken in trade. Lea harness for repair Insrat Blowers' store . Highest price paid for Hides. . d20 ., . E. D. CALKINS. Draying and Teaming:. The undersigned have formed ft partnership and aro prepared to do draylne and general delivery pusineos In Hood River ana sur rounding country. Headquarters at Httrt leybarn. .T. H. DUKKS. myi W. T. IIIflBARI). l1 THE- ( REGULATOR LINE." Tie Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. Through Freight and Passenger Line. All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. PASSENGER RATES. Oneway $1 SO Eound trip........... 2 50 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. W. C. ALLAWAY, :;. General Agent. THE DALLES, OREQON v E. McNEILL, Receiver. To tlxe East, Given the choice of T WO TllANSCONTINEN TA L EOU.T.E 3 VI Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA J AltU . . ASK , ' ( ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAMERS Lea Portland every Aw days for SAN FRAN CISCO. For fall details all n . R. K. Ag fit, Hood Kivr, or address W. H. IWRLB.17RT, i'l 1'ass. Act-nt. ..(.,' rarcittml, or. ' TRADI MARK9. DESIGN PATENTS, ror lmarmation ana rreo Handbook write to MUNN ft CO., S61 BnOiDWiY, NBW Kobk. Oldest bureau for securing patents In Aiaej ipa. Every patent taken out by us is brouoiit fctMont the publlo by a notice given free of charge ai tli 9-titniUk mtxitmi Largest circulation of any scientific paper In thu world. Bplendldly Illustrated, No lutrllij-'cjit man should be without It, Weekly, S.t.Od ;t year; $1.50 six months. Address, M UNN as UO Fublisheks, 361 Broadway, Hew York City. , R-I-P-A-N-S J,.;. - The modern stand. aid1 Family Medi cine : Cures the common every-day ills of humanity. Chamberlain'o Sye and fikla Ointment Is Unequalled fur lczenw, Teller, fcilt Rucmui, Would Mendjfcore Islpples, dttrppuo Hands, Itching l'ifes, Hums, Frost liites, Chronic Soue Kvesand GmnnlaUtl Eve Jiifia. For gale liy druggists. at i!j fenls er Ikvt, TOE0R8BOWNEES. For pulling a liorse iu a lino JhsuIiIjt con dition try l)r. Quly's Condition i'owdcrs, Tlicy tone up the sytilem, aid diHlion, cure kiss of appetite, rctiove constipation, correct ktdnev disorders and destroy worms, giving new Jife lo an old or over-worked liorsa 25 cents per package. Fornalo by druggists. - For sale ly Williams eV )rksli.a. 1