The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 26, 1896, Image 1

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    "' (
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 8.
NO. 5.
-Epitome of the Telegraphic
News of the World.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Fait Week
. Called From the Telegraph Column..
Twenty-four " hundred additional
Turkish troops are now on their way
to Crete.
It is thought the Turks are preparing
for another mssaacre. Houses of
Christiana are being marked by the
Turkish soldiers.
Sir Joseph Prestwioh, porfessor of
geology at Oxford, and the author of
valuable geological works, died in Lon
don, aged 84. ., ...'.,- , t
French officers were grossly insulted
! at Canea by Turkish soldiers. They
were cursed and reviled and swords
, were drawn threatening their lives.
G. H. Penderson, a fisherman of As
toria, is missing, and, as be was very
despondent previous to his disappear
ance, it is believed that he has com
mitted suioide. ; IV
i Notices have been" posted at all" the
collieries of the Lehigh & Wilkesbarre
Coal Company, of Pennsylvania, that
work is discontinued until further no-
tioe. Eight thousand ,. men and boys
are idle, . - r ''"'"';;
President Jordan, of ' the Stanford
university, has arrived at Seattle to
take oharge of the expedition whioh is
to sail on the steamer Albatross to in
vestigate the seal fisheries on the
- islands 6f the north, and study the life
and habits of the seals.
The largest single night's catoh of
''salmon whioh has been made for many
r years in the Columbia river, was taken
'' between midnight and ; dawn Tuesday
morning. The canneries were com-
polled to limit the boat to a oertain
' amount of fish eaoh, as they were un
' able to handle all 'that was brought in.
Unless" significant signs fail, the
squadron of United States warships,
just now : stationed in the harbor of
New York, will be dispatched soon on
an ' important mission. Those ' who
' should be in a position to know say the
destination will be the ooast of Cuba.:
; During . the last wek work on all tbe:
vessels has been doubled in response to
a special order received from the sec
retary of the navy. The nature of this
order dannot be ascertained
President Cleveland will take no ao
''. tion as to the Cuban rebellion. '.
., John M. Thurston, of Nebraska, was
made permanent chairman of the Re
publican national convention at St.
Louis. '..'
Adolpb Padelford is dead in Paris.
', He was the the husband of Bettina
Girard, the actress whom he paid
' 120,000 to drop her name; "" " '
The pump house of the North' End
Water Works, Taooma, was burned
down, leaving that entire section', of
the city without water for a dfcy. ; ;
. Sarah Blackburn obtained a verdiot
fat Oregon City from the Southern Pa
cific Railway Company for $2,000 for
the killing of Mark Blackburn, by a
train at a street crossing.
As a result of the rbcent warm
weather rivers and creeks in Idaho are
booming, and lands in many places
' 'are overflowed. It is estimated ' that
i damage' to the amount of $12,000 has
been done to the road between Wallaoe
and Osborne. j j V'j" - f -' t ;
. i Owing to' poor attendance ' and bad
weather, the Portland baseball club of
the Paoifio leauge, has been disbanded.
:The Seattle club followed suit. Ta
ooma wilX make an effort-to hold to
'" 'gether."" An effort will be"made' to
.' ,have desultory games throughout the
! John Connors shot Mamie Mulligan
, ;three times in the head, in Chioago.
He then shot himself through the right
temple.' He is dead. The girl is not
expected to live. The deed was com
mitted because the girl . would not
marry him. , Connors is 45 years old,
iand Miss Mulligan is 16. 5 ; ;.
' f, The British' steamer Drummond Cas
: tie. Captain ' N. M. Pierie, from Cape
.Town, for11 London, oollided with an
! unknown steamer near Brest, Franoe.
) She sank in three minutes with 144
1 passengers and 103 officers and crew on
i board. . Two men were picked up by a
'fishing boat. The fate of the steamer
; ''with whioh she collided is not known.
! News of a terrible earthquake, in
volving the loss of over a thousand
', lives, has reaohed Yokohama from the
'island of Yesso, which oontains the
j northern provinces of Japan. ' The
! subterraneous disturbance lasted about
! twenty hours, and during that' period
; the utmost terror prevailed. Ground
1 rumblings are described as resembling
;the roar of distant oannon. Shook fol
lowed shock almost in uninterrupted
i succession. In all it was estimated
'that about 150 shooka occurred. The
'whole town of Kumaishi is destroyed
by a tidal wave, which acoompanied
. 'the earthquake. Many disasters to
shipping are reported from the tidal
. .-wave. . .. ; , ; k
' Must Be lirougtit t '111.
'a Cape Town dispatch sys the sec
retary of state for the Transvaal has
telegraphed the British high commis
sioner there that, haviug in view the
welfare and peace of South Africa, the
Transvaal . government is convinced
that the proofs in its possession, which
are at the disposal of Great Britain,
now completely just fy and compel the
bringing to trial of Ceoil Rhodes, Al
fred Beit and Pr. Harris, all of the
British South Afrioa Company, and
oonneoted with the raid into the Traus
vaal. The seoretary adds that the
Transvaal secretary is obliged to press
this step on Great Britain, and also to
urge that all oontrol of ; the British
Chartered South Africa Company be
transferred to Great Britain.
.., The Juliet Wi pjwtdy. -Paul
Kamanne, a kanaka, was hang
ed in the prison corridor in Folsom,
CaL, for the murder of Mrs. Ellen
Robinson at Latrobe, Eldorado county,
on May 6, 1898. The execution was
deovid of sensational incidents, and
was witnessed by only the few persons
required by law. The murderer died
without a word or a tremor on the
scaffold. He was pronounced dead
exactly 1 1 minutes after the fall of the
drop, his neck being broken. It wap
the quickest execution on reoord, the
body being out down just 13 minuteB
after the prisoner left his cell.
Few Troops Will be Moved. .
The programme for the annual move
ment of troops has been definitely ar
ranged at last, and the neoessary orders
will go forward at once to department
commanders There will be much
disappointment over the fact that with
the exception of two companies of the
11th infantry, the movements are con
fined to two regiments. It is under stood
that lack of funds is the cause for
limited oLanges.' ' " .j .... .
Ten The sand Drowned. ;
A Yokohama dispatch says: It is
estimated that 10,000 people were
drowned by ' the tidal wave on the
island of Yesso, in the northern part of
Japan, whioh acoompanied a succession
of frightful earthquakes lasting about
t enty hours. In addition to the town
of Eumassia, whioh was wholly de
stroyed, many other ooast towns have
been washed away entirely or in part.
; The Strike Situation.
Every oannery on the lower Colum
bia river is in operation, some of them
t tied to their - utmost . capaoity to
h indie the catch of fish, and it looks
as if the fishermen's strike is about
over for this year. ( -7
:':"' Venezuela for Gold.
Minister Andrada, of Venezuela, has
received advices from Caraoas as to
the finals ratification of the constitu
tional amendment by which Vene-
ela adopts the gold standard.
'.!,"' Fortune' Favorite.
George Delong, who had been piok-
ing strawberries in Benton Harbor,
Mion , has fallen heir to a fortune of
1150,000 by the death of an uncle in
the St. Louis tornado.
'Five to Be Hanged.
Judge Parker, Of the federal court,
of Fort Smith, Ark.,' has sentenoed
Dennis Davis, George W. Wilson,,
Frank Carver. Jesse and John Nofice
to be hanged July 9, for murders com
mitted in the Indian territory. Carver
killed bis mistress, Annie Maledon.
This is the second time he and Davis
have been sentenoed. ;
' Borne Silver Statistics.
Of the silver bullion purchased un
der the aot of July 14, 1800, there are
now on hand 182,998,452 fine ounoes;
the cost of thia,bullion is 1119.941,055;
its coining value $172,641,414. The
total number of silver dollars coined
from bullion purohased under the act of
July 14, 1890, to June 1, 1896, was
46,104,651. Upon this coinage there
was a seignorage or profit of $10,
117,284. Patter.' n Wai Jfleo ed.
O. T. Patterson, of Taooma, has been
eleoted commander of the G. A. R. for
the department of Washington and
Alaska. ' : -
' Drowned In the Umatilla. !
A young son of A. B. Hogue, of Pen
dleton, while playing on a footlog over
the Umatilla river, lost his balanoe
and fell into the rapidly- running
stream and was drowned. , His body
has not been reoovered.
Burial of the French Family.
The burial of the French family, the
vlotims of the reservoir disaster at
Baker City, took plaoe in that oity, the
seven bodies all being interred in one
grave.' The funeral was the most im
pressive, and the bodies were followed
to the cemetery by a procession of car
riages one mile in length.
Outbreak of Natives.
A new outbreak of the natives of
Matabeland occurred between Umtali
and Salisbury.' At a meeting in that
Tioinity June 9, of a number of chiefs
under Makoni, all exoept four agreed
to revolt, and several whites were mur
dered. . ' .:
General DImond Is Dead.
General W. M. Dimond, of the Call
fornia National Guard, died at the
Gllsey house in New fork.
San ' Building Oollapied,
Burying Seven Per.ona.
' San Franoisoo, June 24. The three
story building at the oorner of Fifth
street and Mint avenue collapsed at 4
o'clock this afternoon, burying a dozen
persona in the ruins. Two bodies
have been recovered, and it is feared
there are others in the debris. The
list of dead follows:
Mrs. Ernstein Silverstein, of 205
Stevenson street.
John May, laborer.
The injured are:
Patrick MoKeown, proprietor of the
Brighton house, severe internal in
juries; may die; Richard Buoking, H.
Shepard, Dennis Griffin, Emeile Luen
berger, John Lyons, Simeon Dean,
Miss Sarah Byrne, skull fraotured,
right arm .broken, right thigh frao
tured; Mrs. Joseph Byrne, Mrs. J. L.
Mahler, Miss Bessie Wilson, Miss Pearl
Woodward. v r
To add to the horror a fire broke out
in the ruins shortly after the aooident.N
but it was extinguished Defore reach
ing any of the victims.
Carelessness of the grossest sort is
responsible for the collapse of the lodging-house,
and the loss of life it caused.
From the statements of aeveral people,
it is evident that the disaster had been
expected. Warnings were given and
unheeded. Contractor P. Gleason him
self, who had oharge of the construc
tion of the under-paving, or street
work, on whioh the building was
raised, says he explained to some of the
workmen several days ago that if they
continued operations along the line in
whioh they were working, there was
sure to be a collapse.
The resources of the receiving hos
pital were totally inadequate to the
care for the wounded. Nine people
were taken to that institution within
three-quarters of an hour, and while
two were being treated in the operat
ing room, the remaining seven were
huddled in the outer office, where they
writhed and groaned in agony, until
the doctors were able to attend them.
Two women gave up the only sofa in
the room to a man whose injuries were
so painful that he could neither stand
nor sit ,
Woodburn Announce. Two New Me
chanical Devices.
Woodburn, Or., June 24. Mr. A.
Ohlhoff, a civil engineer of Portland,
has been in Woodburn for the last ten
days making a drawing, plans and
specifications of a patent potato-digger,
originated and gotten up by Peter
Sohorbaoh, of this plaoe. . It is a won
derful piece of maohinery, and yet very
simple. It will dig, sort and sack the
potatoes, doing the work of sixty men.
It will require two teams and two men
to operate the madhine. One man will
handle the horses, and the other 'tie
the sacks. Already - agriculture firms
in the East are beooming interested in
this potato-digger, and one firm has se
cured an option on the patent for the
United States. Mr. Sohorbaoh leaves
today for Portland with his model,
whioh is a perfect brass one, drawings
and papers, where he will have them
upon exhibition for a few : days before
forwarding them to the patent office at
George Cathey, a 12 -year-old boy
and a son of Dr. B. A. Cathey, has in
vented a devioe for opening, closing
and locking any. gate whioh swings on
a pivot Mr. Ohlhoff says it ia the
best patent gate he has ever seen, and
thinks there is a fortune in it for some
body who will push it '
Locomotive Boiler Exploded, Killing
Seven and Injuring Other.
Woodville. Tex., June 24. At Dou-
cette, three miles north of Woodville,
today,' the tram engine boiler of the
Nebraska Lumber Company exploded,
killing seven men outright, and seri
ously, if not fatally, . injuring three
others. It seems the engineer was just
ready to start for the log camp, when
the explosion took place, some eight or
ten men being in the cab. . Some of
the viotims had their heads torn from
their bodies, and were otherwise muti
lated beyond .recognition. The killed
are: .-. ,.:', '
A. I, Douoette, president of the Ne
braska Lumber Company; Grant Ham
mersly, Charles Walforth, Charles
Smith; William .; Sargent; : a man
known about the mill ' as ' "Frenohy,"
but whose right name could not be as
certained; another unknown man. -1 -
The wounded are: Dan A. Harman,
fireman, arms terribly , laoerated and
painfully scalded about the face and
neck; D. C Sullivan, seotion hand,
badly soalded; Dowling, soalded
about the faoe and neok. " , .
The reports of just how the accident
happened are somewhat conflicting.
One reason given is that the engineer
let his water get low with a hot fire
and then turned on the injector.
S Two Were Killed.-'
' Montpelier,Vt., June 24. In a rear-
end collision on the Central Vermont
railway near here this morning be
tween a cattle train and the Montreal
express, J. Seskinde, of Chioago, and
Edward Brown, of Janesville, Wis.,
cattlemen, were killed.
eKinley' for; President, Ho
bart for Vice-President.
Thrilling Scene. In the Ball When the
' Re.ulte Were Announced -Silver Men
Bolted the Gold Stand ad Platform.
St Louis, Mo. The Republican na
tional convention has nailed its prin
cipals to the masthead and -placed, in
Dommani of the ship, which is to bear
It to fortune or disaster in November,
its popular idol, William MoKinley, of
Ohio, and Garret A. Hobart, of New
Jersey. ;
But there was mutiny aboard, and,
before the lines were caBt oft, some of
the members , of the crew . who bad
shipped on many a voyage refused to
subscribe to the new shipping artioles
and walked down the gang plank.
Vote by State for I're.ldent.
Connecticut .....
Illinois "
Kentucky ,
Massachusetts ..
Missouri .........
Montana ........
New Hampshire,
New Jersey.. ......
New York ,
North Carolina..,
North Dakota....
Pennsylvania ...
Rhode Island.....
South Carolina..,
South Dakota...,
Vermont ........
West Virginia...,
Wisconsin ,
Arizona ,
New Mexico......
Indian Territory,
Dist. of Columbia,
"Total ......... .... 92266184& 586136H
Cameron received one vote In the Moiir
tana delegation.
The last day of the convention was
held in session for. ten hours to accom
plish the work out out for it, and the
scenes at different times were ' tragio,
dramatic and inspiring. Fully 15,000
people were in the vast auditorium to
hiss or cheer by turns. f
The bolt of the silver men from the
West furnished the most dramatio in
cident of the day. Led by Senator
Teller, they had previously deolared
their intention of refusing to subscribe
to the gold plank in the platform, but,
after Senator Teller had made his final
appeal to the convention not. to take
the step whioh would drive him and
his colleagues out of the ranks of the
party whioh in the past honored them,
and they had delighted to serve, the
convention had voted, 818 to 105,
to stand by the gold declaration in the
platform. When Senator Teller made
his declaration, saying: "I must sever
my connection 'With the politioal party
whioh makes the gold plank one of the
principal artioles of its faith," he
paused and swpet his eyes aoross the
hall. The galleries rose' with a yell,
and mingled with the yell was a fusi
lade of hisses. There was a pathos in
the senator's voice, and those nearest
could detect a glimmer of tears while
he said there would be heartburnings
and grief in the, sacrifice he and his
oolleagues were to make for their con
sciences. "."':'', ::' 'v;'.'
Cheers then came' from . the silver
delegates and the gold men were on
their feet from the admiration of the
man, not of his cause. The hisses
were few this time.
. No one who witnessed the scenes will
forget them to his dying day, the pio
ture of Senator Frank Cannon, .' of
Utah, facing from the platform 10,000
irate, hissing, ' jeering people, as he
read the valedictory of the silver men.
The very oourage displayed by him
won for him the admiration whioh
compelled silenoe. When he had fin
ished he turned and shook hands with
the chairman and other friends on the
platform. ::':''' :
He then locked arms with Senator
Teller, and the two men left the stand
and moved . down between the walls of
yelling delegates to where the standard
of the Idaho delegation stood. There
they were joined by the handsome,
stalwart Dubois, and the three con
tinued their march to the main door,
their followers falling in behind them
as they left the building. V;
Carter and Mantle of Montana, kept
their seats, signifying their willingness
to abide by the plartf om.
The silver men who bolted imme
diately perfected plans to place Senator
Teller in nomination as an independent
silver candidate for president
After, this sensational ' incident the
convention turned to the work of
selecting the standard-bearers. It was
a foregone conclusion that McKinley
would be nominated.
', of Counoil Bluffs, nomi
nate d Allison, Senator Lodge nominat
ed Reed,' Hastings nominated Quay,
Depew nominated Morton, and For
aker, in a masterly effort whioh turned
the convention into bedlam, nominated
MoKinley. : :'
Save for the tumult that followed
Woloott'a speech placing Blaine in
nomination four years ago, the demon
stration had no parallel in the nation,
at least in length. The applause
lasted twenty-seven minutes.
Just at the close of 'the shouting
thousands were ready to sink from
sheer exhaustion. Altogether the Bcene
was a remarkable one, and testified to
the popularity of the oandidate who
had been plaoed in the field.
The ballot was then taken and Mo
Kinley 's vote ezoeeded the expectation
of his friends, as he received 661,
within a vote and a half of 200 more
tuan a majority, and almost three
times as many as his five opponents.
s iif ill ill I III ill k r
' ilk u
Major William McKinley. '
. The nomination was made unanim
ous with enthusiaBtio speeohes from the
representatives of the other candidates.
After the deoision of the Piatt forces
not to ' present the name of 'Governor
Morton, the nomination of Hobart, of
New Jersey, for vice-president, became
a certainty. : The MoKinley force Was
thrown for him, whioh was too potent
to overoome, besides, it was the general
sense of the delegates that the situa
tion required the . nomination of . an
Eastern man for vice-president. .' The
nominating speeches were brief. '-
Bulkley, of Connecticut; Lippitt, of
Rhode Island, and General Walker, of
Virginia, were also placed in nomina
tion, but it only required one ballot to
determine the result. Hobart received
680 votes, 90 more than a majority.
Evans, his nearest competitor, reoeived
280.. There were scattering votes for
Reed, Thurston, Grant, Depew, Morton
and Brown.
Protective Tariff, Reciprocity and the
'- .'' Gold Standard.
The platform adopted by the national
Republican convention is as follows:
"The republicans of the United States,
assembled by their representatives In na
tional convention, appealing for the popu
lar and historio Justification of their claims
to the matchless achievements of SO years
of republican rule, earnestly and confi
dently address themselves to the awak
ened intelligence, experience and con
science of their countrymen, in the follow
ing declaration of faata and principles:
"For the first time since the civil war,
the American people have witnessed the
calamitous consequences of full and unre
stricted democratic control of the govern
ment. It has been a record of unparal
leled incapacity, dishonor and disaster. '
"In administrative management, it has
ruthlessly sacrificed Indispensable revenue,
entailed an unceasing deficit, eked out or
dinary current expenses with borrowed
money, piled up the public debt by J262,
000,000 in itime of peace, forced an adverse
balance of trade, kept a perpetual .menace
hanging over the redemption fund, pawned
American credit to alien syndicates, and
reversed all the measures and results of
successful republican rule.
"In the broad effect of its policy, it has
precipitated panic, blighted industry and
trade with prolonged depression, closed
factories, reduced work and wages, halted
enterprise and crippled American produc
tion while stimulating foreign production
for the American market. Every consider
ation of public safety and Individual In
terest demands that the government shall
be rescued from the hands of those who
have shown themselves incapable to con
duct it without disaster at home and dis
honor abroad, and shall be restored to the
panty which for 30 years administered it
with unequaled success and prosperity, and
in this connection we heartily Indorse the
wisdom, patriotism and success of the
administration of President Harrison.
"We renew and emphasize our allegiance
to the policy of protection as the bulwark
of American industrial Independence and
the foundation of American development
and prosperity. This true American policy
taxes foreign products, encourages home
industry, and puts the burden of revenue on
foreign goods; it secures .the American mar
ket for the American producer; it upholds
the American standard of wages for the
American worklngman; it puts the factory
by the side of the farm and makes the
American farmer less dependent on foreign
demand and price; It diffuses general thrift
and founds the strength of all on - the
strength of each. In its reasonable appli
cation it is just, fair and impartial; equal
ly opposed to foreign control and domestic
monopoly ; to sectional . discrimination and
individual favoritism.
"We denounce the present 'iemocratlc
tariff as sectional, Injurious to the public
credit and destructive to business enter
prise. We demand such an equitable tar
iff, on such foreign imports as come into
competition with American products, as
will not only furnish adequate revenue for
the necessary expenses of the government,
but protect American labor from degrada
tion the wage level of other lands.
"We are not pledged to any particular
schedules. The question of rates is a
practical question, to be governed by the
conditions of the time and of production;
the ruling and unoompromlsing principle
Is the protection and development of
American labor and Industry. The country
demands a right settlement and then it
wants rest.
' "We believe the repeal of the reciprocity
arrangements negotiated by the lasj, re-
Subllcan administration was a national
Isgrace, and we demand their renewal
and exteneien on such terms as will equal
ise eur trad wit ether aatlani, remove
the restrictions which now obstruct the
sale of American products In the ports of
other countries, and secure enlarged mar
kets for the products of our farms, forests
and factories.
"Protection and reciprocity are the twin
measures of republican policy, and go
hand in hand. Democratic rule has reck
lessly struck down ooth, and both must be
re-established. Protection, for what we
produce; free admissions for the necessaries
of life which we do -not produce; recip
rocal - agreements , of mutual Interests
wnich gain open markets in return lor our
open markets to others. Protection builds
up domestic Industry and trade and se
cures our own . market for ourselves re
ciprocity builds up foreign trade and finds
an outlet for our surplus.
"We condemn the present administra
tion for not keeping faith with the sugar
proJucers of this country. The republican
party favors such protection as will lead
to the production on American soil, of all
ti.e sugar which the American people use,
and for which they pay other countries
more than 100,000,OUO annually. .
"To all of our products to those of the
mine and field, as well as those of the
sheep and the factory to hemp, to wool,
the product of the great industry of sneep .
husbandry, as well as to the finished wool
ens of the mill, we promise the most ample
protection. -
"We favor restoring the early American
policy of discriminating duties for the up
building of our merchant marine, and the
protection of our shipping Interests in the
foreign-carrying trade, so American ships,
the product of American labor, employed
in American shipyards, sailing under the
Stars and Stripes, and manned, officered,
and owned by Americans, may regain the
carrying of our foreign commerce. ' '
' The republican party is unreservedly :
for sound money. It caused the enact
ment of the law providing for the re-.'
sumption of specie payments In 1879; since
then every dollar has been as good as
gold; we are unalterably opposed to every
measure calculated to debase our currency
or Impair the credit of our country.
"We are, therefore, opposed to the free
coinage of silver except by international
agreement, with the leading commercial
nations of the world, which we pledge
ourselves to promote, and until such
agreement can be obtained the existing
gold standard must be preserved. -
"All our silver and paper eurreney must
be maintained at parity with gold, and we
favor all measures designed to maintain,
inviolably, the obligations of the United
States, and all our money, whether aoln
or paper, at the present standard, the
standard of the most enlightened nations
of the earth. ,
"The veterans of the Union armres de
serve and should receive kind treatment
aiid generous recognition. Whenever
practicable they should be given the pref
erence in the matter of employement, and
they are entitled to the enactment of such '
laws as are best calculated to seeave the
fulfillment of the pledges made to them
in the dark days of the country's perU.
We denounce the practice in the pension
bureau, so recklessly and unjustly carried
on;by the present administration, of re
ducing pensions and arbitrarily dropping
names from the rolls, as deserving the
severest condemnation of the American
"Our foreign policy should be at all
times, firm, vigorous and dlgnlfled and
all our Interests in the western hemisphere
carefully watched and guarded. The
Hawaiian islands should be controlled by
the United States, and no foreign power
should be permitted to interfere with
them; the Nicaragua canal should be built,
owned, and operated by the United States
and by the purchase of the Danish Islands
we should secure the proper and mnchr
needed naval station in the West Indies.
The massacres in Armenia have
aroused the deep sympathy and Just In
dignation of the American people, and we
Relieve the United States should exert all
the Influence it can properly exert to bring
these atrocities to an end. In Turkey
American residents have been exposed to
the gravest dangers and Amerloan proper
ty destroyed. There, as everywhere, Amer
ican citizens and American property must
be absolutely protected at all hazards and
at any cost. . . , ,
"We reassert the Monroe doctrine la Its
fullest extent, and we reaffirm the right
P, tha United States to give the doatrine
effect, by responding toi the appeals of any
American state for friendly intervention
in case of European encroachment. 1
"We have not interfered and shall not In
terfere with the existing possessions of any
European cower in this hemisphere, but
those possessions must not, on any pretext,
be extended. We hopefully look forward to
the eventual withdrawal of the European
powers from this hemisphere and fo the
ultimate union of all the English-speaking
parts of the continent by the free consent
of Its inhabitants.
"From .the hour of achieving' their c-vn
independence, the people of the Un.ted
States have regarded with sympathy the
struggles of our American people to free
themselves from European domination. We
watch with deen and Ahirilnor intar-aa ih.
heroic battle of the Cuban patriots against
-f.nm.tV 1 Tl Annraa.lnH .1 1 - . .
" viiyiEoaivil, B11U UUr Uet IIOVIMI
go out for the full success .of their deter
mined contest for liberty.
"The government of Spain, having lost
control of Cuba, and being unable to pro
tect the property or lives of resident '
American citizens, or to comply with its
treaty obligations, we believe the govern
ment of the United States should actively
use Its influence and good offices to re
store peace and give Independence to the
island. ,
"Tho peace and security of the republlo
and ithe maintenance of its rightful lnflu- .
ence among the nations of the earth, de
mand a naval power commensurate with
its position and responsibility. We, there
fore, favor the continued enlargement of
the navy and a complete system of harbor
and seacoast defenses.
"For the protection of the quality of our
American citizenship and the wages of
our workingmen against the fatal competi
tion: of low-priced labor, we demand that
the Immigration laws be thoroughly en
forced and so extended as to exclude from
entrance to the United States those wh
can neither read nor write. . . , ..
"The civil service law was placed en ithe
statute books by the republican party,
which has always sustained it, and we re
new our repeated declarations that it shall
be thoroughly and honestly enforced and
extended wherever practicable.
"We demand that every citizen of tho
United States shall be allowed to cast
one free and unrestricted ballot, and that
such ballot be counted and returned as
cast. ' '
"We proclaim our unqualified condemna
tion of the uncivilized and barbarous pra
tlce, well known as lynching, or killing;
of human beings suspected or charged
with crime, without process of law.
"We favor the creation of a national
board of arbitration to settle and adjust
differences which may arise between em
ployers and employes engaged in Interstate
"We believe In an Immediate return te
the free homestead policy of the republi
can party, and urge the passage by con
gress of the satisfactory free-homestead
measure, which has already passed tit .
house and is now pending in the senate,
"We favor the admission of the remain
ing territories at the earliest practicable
date, having due regard to the interest Of
the territories and the United States.- All
the federal officers appointed for the terri
tories should be selected from bona fide
residents thereof, and the right of sejf
government should be accorded as far as
practicable. ' , ''
"We believe the citizens of Alaska
should have representation In the con
gress of the United States, to the end that
needful legislation may be intelligently
enacted. , 1 -
"We sympathize with all wise and legiti
mate efforts to lessen and prevent the evils
of Intemperance and promote morality..
"The republican party is mindful of the
rights of women. Protection of American
Industries Includes equal opportunities,
equal pay for equal work and protection
to the home. ,
' "We favor the admission of women to ,
wider spheres of usefulness, and weloome
their co-operation in rescuing the country
from dmocratlo and populist miamanajv
meat and wisruls. . '