The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 19, 1896, Image 3

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    i V3fo0& liver Slacier.
Vk FRIDAY, JtTNE 19, 1890,
The. mWiarrlves from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. lu. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts ie fjme days at noon.
For Cheryeth, leaves at 8 A, M. Tuesdays
nd SatiwaT ; arrives at 6 P. M.
For Whir "Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at (rVclock P. M.
From Wilte Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays.
Canby Post, No. IB, G. .V. R., meets at School
House nail, nrst Saturday or eacn montn
ait 2 o'clock p. m. All (J. A. E. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time in the adjoining
room. .
JOHN Ai WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isknbebq, Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A. Soksbe, C. C.
Geo. T. Prather, K. of R. S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 68, A O. U. W.. meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. F. Watt, Financier.
- H. L. Howe, Recoi der. - '. ...
Idlewilde Lodge. ,No. 107, 1. O. O. P., meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
L. E. Morse, Bec'y.
$1.50 a Year.
After July 1st the price of the Glacier will
be Sl.oO a year If paid In advance.! New sub
scribers can begin at any time from this date
and they will be charged only from the first
of July. ' " '
; Potatoes at the Racket Store.
Musoii fruit jars for sale at tbe
Racket Store.
Hats elieap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash,
but no credit. . .
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
River, Oregon.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
V. H Button and Will Rand will
enter tUeir horses for The Dalles fair.
WnL Tiilett went to Sherman coun
ty, last wek, to sell fruit trees for fall
delivery. ..
ILiomas Harlan is in Montana, look
ing after the berry shipments from
Mosier. ;,
Tlie Dalles Degree of Honor will give
an excursion to Hood River on the
Regulator tomorrow.
E. V. Husbands ha9 made another
cut in price for Pierce's stock of shoes.
Big reduction this time. .
-A large supply of wall paper just re
ceived at 8. JS. Bat'tmess', with prices
lower than ever before offered in Hood
River. i
- Just, received at the Racket Store a
full line of famous ladies' and children's
hose. If you use them once you will
have no other. . '
;i The Glacieh is in' need of money.
All who know; themselves indebted for
( subscription, are invited to cull and
'settle before. Tilly 1st.
Wolfard & FeVguson are selling flour
at $3 35 per bbl. 85 cents' a sack.
Ooil oil. 20 cents u gallon. Other' eroods
. in proportion. Cash counts with them.
According to Joe Wilson's gauge,
Saturday the river fell 4 inches; Sun
day a rise of 6 Inches; Monday, a rise
of"; Tuesday, a rise of 10; Wednesday,
9 inches and Thursday 10 inches.
Dr.Lcavens' residence at the Cascade
Locks was burned Tuesday night. The
cause of the tire is lielieved to be from
children playing with matches In the
Big reduction on photographs! Up
to July 15th I will take photos for $1
. to f 1.75 per doz. View work reduced
accordingly. Gallery open every Sat
urda y, opposite Blowers' store.
W. E. NEFF. Photographer.
The Yakima apple belongs to the
"Baldwin family," and therefore is a
sure bearer. Tillett has a tine lot of
young Yakimas growing in his nur
sery. Ha also has the Klickitat, a red
apple that will keep till August.
The O. R. N. Co's timetable for
Hood River is as follows; Westbound
overland, 5:50 a. ni.; eastbound over
land, 9:45 p. in.; local passenger east
bound, 11:12 a. in.; local, passenger
westbound, S;23 p. m.
Write to Davenport Bros.1 Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rough or dressed. They have a
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before purchas
ing elsewhere.
A Challenge We, the undersigned,
hereby challenge any one or more per
sons owning city use ponies in Hood
River to run a race tomorrow (Satur
day) against our two saddle ponies.
Jackson Bros, 1
Indians from Yakima.
The SU Louis Republic has made ar
rangements to cover the political news
of all parties in the coming campaign
in a way that, has never been equaled
by any newspapen Those who wish
to. keep posted should subscribe at once.
.The Republic daily and Sunday, has
been reduced to $6 a year; $3 for six
months, or 60 cents a month. The
Twice-a-Week Republic is $1 a year.
Mr. James Perdue, an old soldier re
siding at Monroe, Mich., was severely
afflicted with rheumatism but received
prompt relief from pain by using
Chamberlain's Pain balm. He says:
"At times my back would ache so bad
ly that I could hardly raise up, If I had
not gotten relief 1 would not be here
to write these few lines. Chamber
lain's Pain Balm has done me a great
deal of good and I feel very thankful
for it." For sale by Williaius & Bro
sius, druggists. ,
If it required an annual outlay of
$100 to insure a family against any se
rious consequence from an attack of
bowel complaint during the year there
are many who would feel it their tluty
to pay it; that they could not afford to
risk their lives, and those of their fam
ily for such an amount, Any one can
get this insurance for 25 cents, that be
ing the price of a lottle of Chamber
lain's Choiic, Cholera and Diarrhoea
Remedy. In almost every neighbor
hood some one has died from an at
tack of bowel complaint before medi
cine could be procured or a physician
summoned. One or two doses of this
remedy will cure any ordinary ease. It
never falls. Cmi y'u afford to take the
risk for so small an amount? For sale
by Williams & Brosius, druggists.
Mr. J. A. Newell came up from
Portland on Weduesday to join his
family, who are summering in the
Barrett district. Mr. Newell was a
candidate for justice of the peace in
East Portland at the recent election
and was defeated by only three votes.
A recount gave his principal Compet
itor 12 votes ahead; but the principal
competitor acted as a member of the
returning board and actually counted
himself in. Mr. Newell believes
enough legal votes were thrown out to
elect him and has filed a contest. Mr.
Newell Is an old soldier aud served
with Lieut. Gushing in some of his
daring adventures in Charleston har
bor and at Wilmington.
The management of the two fruit
unions here have agreed to use but one.
agent in each market, who shall have
entire control of the Hood River straw
berries. C. R. Bone will control all
distribution and markets in Montana;
W. B. Webber of Salt Lake will be the
only agent for Hood River berries at
that point. A. W. Fisk of Denver will
be the aifent for that section. H. Car
tan of Omaha will be the agent for the
district tributary to Umaha una con
trol all shipments of Hood River ber
ries with Mr. Coon. It is agreed that
berries shall be held at even prices and
none consigned to commission houses
but delivered on orders.
'There is a good deal of complaint
about while pickers refusing to work
on Sunday. Our growers have not yet
discoverea how to keep their berries
from ripening on Sunday, and if the
vines are not gone over and tbe berries
picked every day, there are too many
ripe ones and the loss is considerable.
For the reason that squaws, Chinese
and Japs are always ready for work
seven days in the week, they are pre
ferred to white people by some of our
largest growers. .
Hon.E. L. Smith, president of the
state horticultural society, left on Mon
day, accompanied by Mrs. Smith,
for the meeting at Corvallis. He
took with him a crate of Hood River
strawberries, samples from different
growers, which he will exhibit at the
meeting. The berrie were furnished
by J. T. Neff, W. J. Baker, Axtel
Rabin, 8. D. Peyton, Dell Rand and
A. P. Bateham.
On Button's ranch there is In use an
aerator of the same pattern as the one
in use on Gov. Morton's fancy cattle
larrn at Hillershe. Gov. Morton sup
plies the Waldorf In New York city
with gilt-edjred dairy products, and the
Ml. Hood hotel at Hood River will not
be behind the Waldorf.
Mr. S. J. LaFrance will start next
week for San Francisco, where he will
again enter the service of Kohler &
Chase, the well-known dealers in mu
sical instruments. He has rented his
furm to Mr. Gore, who has had charge
of it since last fall.
Tltm rtain T.iftb-cmr, arirt Si' VV Tn.lrSi
son, Indians from Yakima, called at
the GLACJER office Wednesday. These
men are both farmers and educated.
They come to the annual gathering of
Indians at. Hood River to have their
fun with the boys.
The map of J. E. Scobee's orchard,
which lias been on exhibition at Geo.
Crowell's store, was drawn by G. C.
Bushnell. It is very neatly executed
and shows that Mr. Bushnell is no
amateur at this kind of work.
Joseph A. Wilson on Tuesday sold a
piece of land containing about 50 acres,
lying at the mouth of Hood River, to
the Hood River Lumber Co. for $500.
The land is now covered with water.
In 1891, Mr. Wilson bought it for $50.
John Castuer pitched for the Port
land base ball club, last Sunday, in a
game-with the Seattle club. The Ore
KOiiiau says he pitched a winning ball
for eight innings.. The game stood 10
to 11 lu favor of Seattle.
Mr. M. V. Harrison and family left
for their home in Eutrene last Friday,
after a couple of weeks' pleasant visit
with relatives and old neighbors in
Hood River. Little Florence Hanna
went with them.
Mrs. M. A . Cook, who is now at Sa
lem, with her mother, has not im
proved iu health since leaving here.
She will go to the soda springs at Wa
terloo, Linn county.
Mr. A. H. Tieman of Mt. Hood was
in town Saturday. He reports crops
of all kinds promising well iu his neigh
borhood, -tiis apple trees are loaded
with fruit. .'"
, Next Sunday there will be a running
race on the Stranahan track. George
Aleck expects to win back his blankets
and six bits he lost on the race Mon
day. '
The Indians celebrated the straw
berry harvest and the return of good
times by holding a now wow and dance
in A. B. Jones' barn Saturday night. -
A. B. Jones had shipped 500 crates of
strawberries up to Tuesday night. He
estimated at that time that about one-
third of his crop had been gathered.
Mr. L. R. Scobee of Portland, who
is In the employ of the Second street
electric railway company, was visiting
friends iu Hood Kiver last week.
Smith's box factory was made se
cure trom tire, Tuesday, by raising a
smoke stack about 40 feet above the
roof, with a fender on top.
The Regulator had on board about
fifty excursionists, Tuesday, for the
Cascades Dr. Brosius aud C. A. Bell
went from Hood River.
Mr. Chas. Early ret urned from Sher
man county Tuesday, where he puf
chased four fine horses for the Oregon
Lumber Co.
The rush of strawberries for ship
ment has necessitated 1he employment
of au additional express agent at this
place. ,
Miss Phoebe Newell went to Porti
land on Wednesday to attend the grad
uating exercises at the high school.
J. C. Oomstockof Andrews. Indiana,
wants to trade a $4,000-farni, well
stocked, for Hood River property.
Clarence English and his partner,
Oscar Sloth, came up from Portland
and spent Sunday in Hood River.
Mrs. W. C. Stranahan and two
'youngest children went to Portland,
Tuesday, to visit for a week or two.
Mrs. W. J. Campbell has been1 dan
gerously sick since Sunday, but at
present is feeling better.
Mrs. Jensen of The Dalles has been
visiting her parents iu Hood River du
ring the week. . ; ' f
Attorney Cradlbaugh was in Hood
River Tuesday. .
Mrs. E. Snow has brcii very sick.
We are agents for the American Woolen
au Kinas oi wooien ciounng cneaper uiaa ever
vauey. m otner lines or gooas. aiso, our prices aeiy competition, wnen you wish to pur
cnase anyming in me one oi cioining or nousenoiu gooas, can ana get. our prices ana exam
ine samples, w e can taite your meusure lor a
Observe Some
Caaslmere Butts for men $ 4 45
and up over 100 samples to select from.
Men's Punts... 1 95
and up lii samples.
Spring and summer overcoats 10 50
Boys' suits 1 90
Ladies' cloaks 1 95
Ladies' complete suits and dress goods.
Five different styles of Bicycles, each 85 00
Also, organs and all kinds of musical instruments, furniture of every description, crockery,
glassware, lamps, guns and pistols, cutlery, spoons, clocks and watches, Jewelry, books by all
the standard authors, cooking ranges, heating stoves, gasoline stoves, boots and shoes, etc.
If You Don't See what
And Tucker will furnish it
B. R.
The weather for the past ten .days
has been very warm and the strawber
ries are ripening rapidly. Reports from
Omaha state that Hood River straw
berries are arriving in that market in
better condition than ever before. The
fruit dealers there say that never before
were such berries seen in Omaha.
A. B. Jones made the largest one
day's pick of strawberries Thursday
ever made in the valley by any indi
vidual grower 98 crates. Mr. Jones
says if his pickers could have picked
overall his patches he would have had
at least 115 crates. ;
Dr. Van Scoy of Portland university
will lecture at 'Belmont, June 20th, at
8 p. m., and at Hood River on the 27th
in the tabernacle at the same hour.
Subject, "Men and Books." . Admis
sion free. Everybody come. ,"
For the Fourth of July, the O. R. &
N. Co. will sell excursion tickets n
one fare for the round trip to all points
within 300 miles. Tickets sold on
July 2d, 3d and 4th, good returning
until July bin. v
Frank Noble returned Thursday of
last week from his trip to the 'mount
ains. . He lounn tne snow too oeep ipr
prospecting on Mt. Defiianee and says
it will be too deep tilLafter the middle
of July.. - '
Louis Henderson arrived here Tues-
I day from Moscow, Idaho. He found
upon. Ins arrival that his uouse Dad
been entered by theives and nearly all
the bed clothing and other articles
The editor of the Glacier left for
Cheney, Spokane county, . VTash.,
Wednesday night, having received a
telegram stating that his sister at that
place was dangerously ill.
B. 8. Pague, the weather man, pre
dicts a rise in the Columbia river of 10
feet more. It. is now within four feet
of the railroad just east of The Dalles.
At the Arlington Fourth of J.uly cel
ebration there will be a tug of war,
goldbugs vs. silverite.
T here were 105 crates of strawberries
shipped from Hood River Thursday
night, making a total of 8,400 for the
season. .
. Born.
In Hood River, June 17, 1890, to Mr.
and Mrs. F. I. Hubbard, a daughter.
At The Dalles, June 11, 18,-)6. by Rev.
J. W. Jenkins, Mr. W. T. Hibba'rdand
Miss Lillian M. Richardson.
Both are well-known residents of
Hood RiVer. The bride Is the daugh
ter of Mr. J. F. Richardson and the
groom Is a member of the livery firm
of Dukes & Hibbard. The Glacier
extends congratulations. : .
Important to Farmers.
Wakelee's Squirrel Exterminator.the
original and only article of its kind
giving complete satisfaction, now re
duced from 50c. to 30c. per can at Will-
"MLianis & Brosius.' 42
Bncklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcere, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. For sale at tbe Hood River
Pharmacy. . ,
Administrator's Sale.
Notice Is hereby given that the undersigned
administrator of th. estate of Martha Parser,
deceased, will on the hereinafter de
scribed, on Saturday the IStli day of July,
1891, at the hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., of said day
sell to the highest bidder for cash in hand the
following described real estate belonging to
the estate of said deceased, to-wit; Lot num
ber one (1) in block '-C" In the town of Hood
River, Wasco county, Oregon.
Said sale to be made In pursuance of tbe
former order of the county court, for Wasco
county, Oregon, and subject to connrmation
by said court.
Dated this 18th day of June, 1W.
Administrator of the estate of Martiiu Purser,
deceased. Ju 19-Jul 17.
Ripans Tabules. . N "
Ripans Tabules cure nausea. V .
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
' Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. . 4
Ripans Tabules cure headache. '
Rifians Tabules enre flatulence. .
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia. V;
Ripans Tabules assist digestion. ;
Ripans Tabules curo.bad breath,
i Ripans Tabules cure bilipusness.
Ripans Tabules . one gives relief. :
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. .
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules:' gentle cathartic. '
Ripans Tabules cure constipation' ;,
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. "
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules -cure 11 var troubles.
Mills and are now prepared to offer bargains in
ueioro onerea to me
people of Hood Klver
suit uuu guarantee sausracuon.
of Our Prices:
Sewing machines ....
Buggies, for
Boad cart, for
Three-spring wagon, for ....!..
Open buggy, for .
Harness, for
13 00
39 00
9 50
39 00
30 00
6 95
Morgan saddles.,.. . 2 00
Kiaesaaaies ; 6 60
Baby buggies 4 95
You Want, Ask for It,
at an astonisbisng low price.
TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
Church Notices. !
U. B. church services will be as fol
lows every Sunday unless otherwise
announced: Sunday school 10 a. m.
preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En
deavor 4.30 p. m.: Senior Endeavor 7:30
p. m.; preaching services 8 p. m. :
' F. C. Kkause, Pastor.
M. E. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
or tne nrst ana taira oaobatbs or each
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
tne secona ana rourtn.
J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood; second bunday, ijelmontat Jl,
Crapper school house at 3, and Pine
Grove at 7: third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7,
F. L. Johns, Pastor.
' Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
bunaay, at 11 a. m. and p. in., un
less otherwise announced. Praver
Vmeeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who atleiyl these services will be
made welcome. ',
Sunday school at the M. E. taber
nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A
welcome to all. . Supt.
London Purple
Is chieflv arsenite of lime, a residue ob
tained in tbe manufacture of aniline
dyes. It does not contain quite so
much arsenic as Paris green, and by
being a by product, it is not so constant
in its constitution. According to an
analysis by the chemist of the U. S.
department of agriculture, it has 43 per
cent arsenous oxide. A later analysis
by the chemist of the Vermont agri
cultural experiment station, it has
Arsenic (arsenous ox.) parts 46.73
Lime , -. 24.35
Iron and alumina .'. 1.31
Sulphuric acid ; ,46
Nitrogen l.uS
Moisture 8.37
Paris green and London purple are
both dangerous poisons and are pecu
liarly in the province of the pharma
cist, for he is the poison retailer and
usually the only one having the faeil
ties for guaranteeing their quality. We
keep only the best qualities.
! ; Paris Green : ' '
Is chiefly arsenite of copper. The In
secticide efficiency of Paris green de-'
pends upon th amount of arsenious
acid present, which is somewhat va
riable, ranging from 54 to 61 per cent in
an analysis of five samples obtained in
the market. The chemist of the Maine
state college found 64, 55, 54, 55 and 40
per cent of arsenious acid respectively.
It is a very stable compound, does not
readily suffer deterioration and may be
safely kept in ordinary containers, in a
cool, dry place,
Williams & Brosius,
'' . . ' Druggists.
Jones He Pays the Freight.
Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide,
wit h latest reductions and market prices
Sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 orders paid to any point on Colum
bia river reached by Portland boats.
Jones' Cash Store,
105 front St., Portland, Or.
A Grmni Educator, "
Successor of the
" Vnabridged."
Standard of the
U. 8. Gov't Print
ing Office, the U.S.
Supreme Court and
of nearly all the
Warmly com
mended by every
State Superinten
dent of Schools,
and other Educa
tors almost with
out number.
A College President jrrites t - For
" ease -with -which the eye finds the
" word sought, for accuracy of deflnl
"tlon, f or , effective methods in lndl
"catlnff pronunciation, for terse yet
"comprehensive statements of facts,
" and for practical use as a working
"dictionary,.' Webster's International'
" excels any other singlo volume.' . '
The One Great Standard Anthortty.
Hoa. P. 3. Brewr, Justice of the V. 8.
Supremo Court.writes : " The International
.Dictionary is the perfection of dictionaries;
I commend it to all as the one great stand
ard authority." . ,
tJTA avinpr of three cent per day for a
year will provide more than enough money
to purchase a copy of the International.
Cannon afford to be without it?
G. fc C. XSItRIASt CO.j PaWshers,
Springfield, JT&ss., ViS.A.
afirofl to the pnbllher for f te pnmphW.
vo not Duy cceaa repnnw oi oueieni eumoss.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, ,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
i mux mark corrmuiTtr
Kitchen Furniture, :
Pruning Tools, Etc. 1
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now loi-ated Mn Wnorl
River. Firsts Ihms work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office In the Langille
.uouse. lyiH
All work given him will be done cor
rectly and promptly. ' He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; Doth farming and timber lands.
reoruary, isiw. .
Repaired and all kinds of
i Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
Q. T. Pbathkr,
H. C. Coe.
Notary Public.
Real .Estate anft Insurance,
93 Oak St., bet 2d and 3d.
town of Hood River: also, fruit, hav and nerrv
farms ami timber claims in the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If you have any
thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or
11 you want to ouy, give us a can.
Deeds, bonds and morteaEes promptly and
correctly executed.
We will also attend to legal business In Jus
tices' courts.
We are also aeents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
property. ' ,
, , . , ap27
78 Second St., ,
And Leaders of Fashions.
The larirest and most complete assortment
of American and imported English woolens
ever shown in the city. Latest patterns in
spring and summer suitings. Call and in
spect stock and get prices.
Business Suits,
from $18 to $25.
Dress Suits foom $25 to $50.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Rmith has resumed the teaching
of Music JUer prices are 50 ctnts a lesson.
$5 Reward.
Strayed One gray horse, branded square
and compass on leftshoulder: one sorrel horse,
branded P. O. on left shoulder. Five dollars
reward will be paid lor their, delivery to West
Bros., Hood River. S. W. CURBAN.
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, '
' Manufacturers of
Die Liter
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceicals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham -
a specialty, y
HOOD RIVER, - - - - - - OREGON.
Harness Repairing.
. t will bo ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken In trade. Leave harness for repair.
ineat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. d-JO 15. D. CALKINS.
Draying and Teaming.
The undersigned have formed a partnership
and are prepared to do drayina and general
delivery pusiness in Hood River and sur
rounding country". : Headquarters at Hrt
Uw'sbarn. .T. H. DUKES.
myl ' TV. T. BIBBARU.' -'
;" ' ' - ' ; the
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line. ;
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
O ne way . . .... ....... . 1
Bound trip ; -.... 2
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
To tlb-e 'East,
Gives the chttice of
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL; Kansas Ci$y.
Low Rates to ' All : East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every Ave .days for
For full details call on O. It. ST. Agent,
Hood River, or address ,'
. 1 Gen'l Pass. Agent,
' ' , ' IVtrUuixl. Or.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer in choice Nunsojy t-k
He has the only stock f the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper a
the Yellow Newtown.
I have aboui 20,000 apple frees of the best vn
rleties (trowing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stork 'a
Hood River. j l."t
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine: Cures . the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Chamberlain's Eye and Skin O'mtaoent
' Is une(Jiialled for Eczeiuit TefieiSffetfe
Bheniu, Scald leaL'$ore KippleS !lftjff
Hands, Itching l'iics-llurlis, Frost. tiles,
ChronicSore Kyesnml Granulated Kyc.Lids.
For sale by dntggiats at 2i cento iur Uox.
For'put4.inj;alioiso in a fine he;ilt!iy con
dition tryvlir. C'tidy's Condition l'owdi'is.
Tliey tone ui the system, aid digeU'u.m, ciira
loss of appetite, relieve ooiiBtiatiui, covrpct
kidney disorders and .destroy worms, giyjnjf
new life to an old or oreiVworfced hofse.'. 2
cents icr package. For sale hy di'iigjri-ts.
. Fct sal "y W'.Iliarcs A Btnsiua.
P il
: ' Via ."