The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 05, 1896, Image 3

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    3food River Slacier
" '",FRiDAlr, JUNE 5, 1S90.
The mail arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
. clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts 'le same days at noon.
Kor Clienoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays
and Saturdays; arrives at fl P. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.;
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
From White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil
mer, Trout' Lake and Ulenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays,
Canby Post, No. in, G. A. R., meets at School
Bouse Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock r. m. AUG. A. It. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Kellef
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isenberq, Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets In
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night.
J. A. Soksbb, C. C.
Geo. T. Prather, K. of K. & 8.
' Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W., meets
first and third Saturdays of each month.
.1. F. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Reco) der.
Idlewilde Lodge, No. 107, 1. O. O. F meets
In Fraternal hall every Thursday night.
L. E. Morse, Sec'y. . i
$1.50 a Year.
After July 1st the price of the Glacier will
' be SUiO a year if paid in advance. New sub
scribers can begin at any time from this date
and they will be charged only from the first
of July. . : - j
j. H.- Cradlebaugh will be in town
Bed loungesatS.E.Bartmess'for$7.50.
Hats cheap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash,
but no credit. . '
' F. I.' Hubbard, photographer, Hood
River, Oregon.
Geo. Rordan has three or four first
class milch cows for sale.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Gents' unlaundried, laundried and
percale shirts at the Racket Store. ,
Blank promisary notes and notices to
trespassers for sale at the Glacier
E. V. Husbands has made another
cut in price for Pierce's stock of shoes.
Big reduction this time.
Now is the time to order your trees
for planting next fall. Call and see
Tillett at t he Hood River .Nursery.
Prof. McOauley wishes to return
thanks for the kind treatment, he re-
A large supply of wall paper just re
ceived at 8. E. Bartmess', with prices
-lower than ever before offered in Hood
River. .
Mrs. F. E. Jackson, Theresa Morse
and Milton Wheeler leave Wednesday
for the it van d lodge Good Templars at
The Dalles.
Will Gruhnm left on the Regulator
Tuesday afternoon for Biggs Sherman
county, Oregon, intending to remain
aliout a mouth. . .
The first crate of strawlierriea ship
ped by the Hood Kjver Fruit Growers'
Union was sent to Lindsay fc. Co. of
Helena and sold for $8.40. . ,
Wolfard & Ferguson are selling flour
At-$3 35 per bbl S5 ce,nts a sack.
Coil oil, 20 cents a gallon. Other eroods
in proportion. Cash counts with them.
" Letters for the following persons re
mained uncalled for in the post office
June l,18f)(i: Thos. Brisentine, Frank
Cowens (Indian), John Jackson and
Edward Kilday.
W. E. Neff is prepared to do all
.......1. ............
take-i at residence. Views of straw
berry patches made a specialty. Call
and get prices. Gallery open every
The O. R. N. Co's timetable for
Hood River is as follows; Westbound
overland, 5:50 a. m.; eastbound over
land, 9:4o p. in.; local passenger east
bound, 11:12 a. iti. ; local passenger
westbound, 3:23 p. m. r
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of
lumber, rougli or dressed. They have a
large iftid good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. Call
and get our cash prices before'purchas
mc elsewhere.
Mr. and Mrs. M. V., Harrison and
daughter arrived on Thursday's local
from Eugene. They- have come hack
in the season when the luscious Hood
River Strawberry is at Its best. We
hope they will make a good long stay
and enjoy their visit.
Five men voted Monday in West
Hood River precinct who were voters'
before 1840. W. L. Adams, G. W.
Backus, W. G. Eastman and J., K. voted for General Wm. H.
Harrison In 1840, and D. D. Rogers
voted for Van Bureu In 1838 and again
in 1840.' J. K. Stranahan voted tor
Henrv Clay in 1832.
lvioioers win nnu v..uamoeriain'8
Cough Remedy especially valuable for
croup and whooping cough; It will
give prompt relief ind is safe and
pleasant. VVe have sold It for several
Jyearsand it has never failed to give
perfect satisfaction. G. :W. Richards,
JDuquesne, Pa. Sold by Williams &
Brosius, druggists. . j
Arrangements are being made by the !
officers of the C. E local union for a
very interesting meeting at the Valley
Christian church Sunday evening,.) line
14th, at 8 o'clock., Miss Aldrich's re
port of the Oregon City convention
will be given and good music is being
prepared for the occasion. An effort
will be made to provide ample convey
ances for all who wish to go from town.
. SKCT. .;
Mr. Willis Brown returned Monday
from Chicago, where he has been in
attendance at the national convention
of fruitgrowers and shippers. An or
ganization was formed called the
American Fruitgrowers' Union, which
brings into effective co-operation prac
tically all the minor associations of
fruitgrowers in this country and
Canada. The central headquaiters
will ha InputuH In flhb.ucyn anri (lirrtiirli
..... ... U.
fi system of bulletins, it is proposed to
keep '-the fruitgrowers and shippers in
very part of the country informed of
'the movements of the markets. By
this means it is hoped to distribute the
output more evenly and to prevent)
any gluts and consequent lossof money
oiid goods... ,. ,
The strawberry crop is still backward
ubout ripening. Wednesday night
something over 100 crates were shipped
to Montana The rain yesterday
morning interfered with picking, nud
pickers were not put to work till late
in the afternoon. Prices in the Mon
tana markets remain good for Hood
Hi ver berries. At Butte they were
selling for $7 a crate yesterday. In
some early localities the crop was in
jured by the frost and cold rains, but
on the whole the crop is better than
for several years. The prospect is good
for prices ruling as high as they did
last year turougnout tne season.
mi, i i i.i TJ
auc iwgumuir lias iweu iijattiug regmoresseS
ular trips to the Cascades for the past
few days, but the lower boat has not
been able to reach the portage road on
account of the swift current in the
river just below, and in consequence
tne boats are not making connections
with freight and passengers without
some delay and trouble. The ReguU'
tor will uot go (town tonuy, but may
maKe a trip tomorrow (Saturday). ;
M. A. Cook has fixed up Dr. Adams1
fountain, which has so long remained
unused for the reason that no one could
be found who knew how to set it up,
The fou li tain can now be seen spouting
a stream of water about 40 feet high.
The doctor has also had hiB large house
nit in shape tor summer boarders, and
dr. Cook did the plumbing for hot and
cold water. There is no prettier place
in iiooa Kiver tnan raradise farm
Indians from the Warm Spring res?
ervation are here in great numbers to
pick berries. They come with their
pappooses, cayuses, dogs and fleas. The
squaws are expert pickers, but" for the
reason that they are accompanied by
too many nangers on, tuey are not a
desirable class of labor.
Prof. Tripp arrived yesterday on the
local and lectured last night in Hood
River. Tonight he lectures at Belmont
church. Prof. Tripp has organized 20
Good Templar lodges in Oregon since
his arrival in the state last December,
and has been lecturing on an average
of o limes a week.
The Valley Improvement company
has now secured right of way all along
their line of ditch. ' Joe Purser was the
last to grant right of way, and the
company did not secure it till they had
given bonds that no Chinese nor Japa
nese labor would be employed on the
Every ballot of the 263 votes cast in
West Hood River precinct was counted.
All were made plain enough for the
election board to decide without
trouble how the voter wished to vote.
Only four voters were assisted in mak
ing out Iheir ballots, and two of these
were aged and feeble.
The condition of Mrs. -Alma Howe
remains about the same. She is still
bedfast. In the case of Mrs. Rich there
is said to be a decided improvement,
and hopes are entertained that she
may recover the use of her limbs.
The Travers Club will meet June22d
at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E. L.
Smith. Selections from "Midsummer
Night's Dream" will be dramatized
and members are requested to read over
the play. Pbksident.
Rev. W. J Hess, pastor of the Baptist
church at Goldendale, will spend next
Sunday with friends in Hood River.
He has kindly consented to preach' at
the Congregational church.
Miss Stevens, who went to Viento
last, week to teach the unexpired term
of school for Miss Watson, returned
home Saturday, sick, and the school is
discontinued until next fall.
Reports from the upper river' indi
cate that all danger from extraordinary
rise in the Columbia for this season is
over, although more than average high
water may be expected.
Frank Chandler, representing the
Oregon Fruit Union, telegraphed
yesterday from Butte that he was
offered $7.a crate for Hood River straw
berries on' that date.
Mr. Willis Brown was in Hood
River Wednesday. He says he saw no
good strawberries on his trip East. The
best berries he found came from Mich
igan. -
Have you read Tuckers ad? If not,
you will find it in another column, and
likely find where you can purchase just
what you want for the least money. ;
Mr. Chas. A. Pickett left for Port
land this morning, where he will take
the Canadian Pacific for the East and
his old home in Crawfordsville, Ind. ..
Mrs. Jos. Brant of Vancouver, sister
of Mrs. A. J. Graham, and her cousin,
Mrs. Howell of Snnnyside, are visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Graham.
Mrs. Seobee and two children came
up from Portland during the week and
have moved into the Galligan bouse
for the summer.
The Odd Fellows will hold their me
morial services at Idlewild cemetery
on Sunday, June 14th. Everybody in
vited. to attend.
Just received at the Racket Store a'
full line of famous ladies' and children's
hose. If you use them once you will
have no other.
We have received the programme for
the midsummer meeting of the slate
horticultural society at Corvallis,;
June 16th. i
Mrs. M. A. Cook went to Salem
Wednesday, to visit her mother, and
expects to remain away for most of the
Mr. O. It. Bone left Saturday night
for Montana in the interest of the
Hood River Fruit Growers' Union.
A telephone booth is being put In
at the drug store, headquarters for the
telephone service. ,
The ladies of the Degree of Honor
cleared $10 by their ice cream stand on
election day.
W. L. Morris and family of Center
ville are taking in the strawberry pick
ing season. ,
E. D. Calkins Is doing the harness
repair work for the Mountain Stage Co.
Further evidence of civilisation
Dallas has sold another bath tub. . .
Mason fruit jars for sale at the
Racket Store.
Hay for sale at the Racket Store.
Important to Farmers.
Wakelee's Squirrel Ex terminator, the
original and only article of its kind
giving complete satisfaction', unw re
duced trom 50c. to 30c. per can at Will
iams & Brosius.' 42
A reliable lady or gentleman to distribute
samples and make a house-to-house canvass
fur our Vegetable Toilet Soaps and Pure Fla
voring Extracts, ?40 to PT5 a month easily
aiudc, Address Croils Reed, Chicago, 111.
Memorial Day. "
1 he exercises on Memorial day.' were
attended by more than the usual num
ber of our citizens. The Grand Army,
80 strong, and the Relief Corps and
Sons of Veterans met at Calkins' corner
at two o'clock, and, preceded by . the
Isen berg brass band, marched to the
cemetary close by, where the impres
sive ceremonies of the Grand Army
were held over the graves of
their departed comrades, B. Hull and
Howe. After the ceremonies, the
. .. r .
from the ministers present,
Rev. J. M. Denison, the first speaker,
paid a glowing tribute to the old and
grizzled vetereus standing before him
and to those ot their comrades who fell
in the line of duty or who have since
crossed the dark river. He' was fol
lowed by Rev. F. C. Krause, who made
a short address brim full of patriotic
sentiment and love for the old soldiec.
and the cause he fought for. Adju
dant Hayes read a number of select
verses appropriate for the day. .Rev.
J. L. Hershuer followed with a brief
address, eulogizing the unknown dead
of the Union armies, and closing with
a benediction. The crowd then sepa
rated to their homes, feeling that the
day had been observed at Hood River,
at least, in a most fitting mauiiel'.
A Close CalL
Smith's box factory had a narrow
escape from lire last Friday afternoon,
Sparks from the engine ignited the
roof. The alarm was giveu and every
one in the immediate vicinity turned
out with buckets and hose and in
about two minutes a tire brigade was
organized aud the liames extinguished.
Fortunately a number of candidates
were present aud were prompt iu ren
dering assistance. If tne box lactory
Ltad burned, me wind was iu the right
direction to have swept all the lower
portion of the town. The strawberry
crates ot bolu tne Hood Kiver Union
aud Oregon Fruit Union w.ouid mostly
nave becu destroyed, aud it is doubltul
it ihey could Lave been replaced in
time lor the crop now being Harvested,
it was a close cull aud should serve as
a warning to our citizens mat our
most important need is the organiza
tion ot a hie company and a supply of
waler'foi such emergencies.
Stale Sunday School Convention. .
-' The annual state Suuilay school con
vention will be held June W-ll at Port
land, iu ilio Centenary Al. E. church,
ou me East Side. The programme
this year has been prepared especially
witu a view to giviug practical assist
ance to every scuool represented.
This is a mass convention to which
all Sunday school woiKers are invited.
Tile liumbei' of delegates from each
scbooi is uot limited. Free entertain
ment will be furnished alt who present
credentials as delegates trom their
superintendent or secretary, but names
ot ail such must be mailed at' once to
the stale secretary.
Delegates payiug full fair over the O.
R. & IN. Co's railway will be returned
at one-tilth fare. But note cacelully,
that iu every case the delegate must
take a receipt when payiug fare to
Portland, showing that tne holder is a
delegate to the Kunday scbooi conven
tion, and tiiis receipt must be counter
signed at the convention.
Copies ot ttie Oregon Sunday tscnooi
Tidings, containing the programme
and tutsther particulars, may be pro
cured by addressing the state secretary,
Mr. Jb . ii. UooK, al Portland.
Serious Accident,
The ten-year-old sou of R. McNeal of
Mosier was caught on the railroad
trestle just east of Mosier station by tbe
west-bound local passenger Mouday
afternoon. The boy, not having the
presence of mind to step aside upon a
projection of the bridge, started to run
to the end, but fell through and lodged
between the ties. The train passed over
him, the wheels of the engine crush
ing his left hand and inflicting a few
scalp wounds. The engine was stop
ped immediately and tne ooy picKea
up and brought to Hood River, where
he was placed under the medical care
of Dr. Watt. The doctor amputated
the boy's arm just above the wrist and
dressed his other wounds.
In Hood River, May 30, 1896, to Mr.
aud Mrs. J. E. Rand, a daughter.
Jones He Pays the Freight.
Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide,
with latest reductions and market prices
Sent free to any address. Freight on
20 orders paid to any point ou Colum
bia river readied by Portland boats. -
105 Front St., Portland, Or.
A man named Wm. C. King was
killed at the Cascade Locks Saturday
by falling from a railway bridge.
We are agents for the American Woolen Mills and are now prepared to offer bargain In
all kinds of woolen clothing cheaper than ever before offered to the people of Hood River
valley. In other lines of goods, also, our prices defy competition. When you wish to pur
chase anything in the line of clothing or household goods, call and get our prices and exam
ine samples. We can take your measure for a salt and guarantee satisfaction.
Observe Some of Our Prices:
Caasimere Suits for men .'....$ 4 45
and up overlOOsamplestoselectfrom.
Men's Pants ., 1 95
and up Id samples.
Spring and summer overcoats... 10 50
Boys' suits .... 1 80
Ladles' cloaks ,. 1 1)5
Ladies' complete suite and dress goods.
Five different stylos of Bicycles, each 35 00
Also, organs and all kinds of musical instruments, furniture of every description, crockery:
glassware, lamps, goiis and pistols, cutlery, spoons, clocks and watches, fewelry, books by all
the staudard authors, cooking ranges, heating stoves, gasoline stoves, boots and shoes, etc. -.
If You Don't See what You Want, Ask for It,
, And Tucker will furnish It at an astonishisng low price. . . ; i
B. R. TUCKER, Tucker, Or.
' London Purple
Ischieflv arseniteflf lime, a residue ob
tained in!' the- manufacture of aniline
dyes. -It does hot 'contaifl quite so
much arsenic as Paris green, and by
being a by product, it is not so constant
in its constitution. According to an
analysis by the chemist of the U. S.
department of agriculture, it has 43 per
cent arseuous oxide.' A later analysis
by the chemist of the Vermont agrr
cultural experiment station, it has
Arsenic (arsenous ox.) parts 46.73
Lime ,-.
Iron and alumina - 1.81
Sulphuric acid .4ii
Nitrogen , 1.05
Moisture.. ,8.37
Paris green and London purple are
botli dangerous poisons and are pecu
liarly in the province of the pliarma
cist, for he is the poison retailer and
usually the only one having the facil-
ties lor guaranteeing tneir quality, we
Keep only the best qualities.
. , Paris Green .
Is chiefly arsenite of copper. The In
secticide efficiency of Paris green de
pends upon th amount, of arsenious
acid present, which is' somewhat va
riable, ranging from 54 to 61 per cent in
an analysis of five samples obtained in
tne market, me chemist or t he Maine
state college found 54, 55, 54, 55 and 40
per cent or arsenious acid respectively.
It is a very stable compound, does not
readily suffer deterioration and may be
safely kept in ordinary containers, in a
cool, dry place.
. ' '"''' '.-' '.. . ''.,... Druggists...
'. Bucklen'g Arnica Salve. .
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion or- money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. For sale at the Hood River
Pharmacy. "
- .. Church Notices.
Rev. J. L. Hershner will preach at
Crapper's school house next Sunday at
3 o'clock.
Childrens' day will be observed by
the Congregational Sunday school on
Sunday,' June 14th, at 11 a. m. . ...
U. B. church services will bd as fol
lows every Sunday unless otherwise
announced: Sunday school 10 a. m.;
preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En
deavor 4.30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor 6.45
p. ru.; preaching services 7.30 p. m:
F. C. Krause, Pastor.
M. E. services In Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
of the first and third Sabbaths of eacli
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
the second and fourth. t
, J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments..
First Sunday of each month at Mount
Hood; second Sunday, Belmont at 11,
Crapper school house at 3, and Pine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 andBelmontat 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7. .
F. L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society ou Mouday evening.
All w ho attend these services will be
made welcome. !
Sunday school at the M. E. taber
nacle every Sunday,- at 10 a. m. A
welcome to all. . Supt.
Ripans Tabules. '
Rlpans Tabules cure nausea.'
Ripans Tabules: at druggists.
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness. '"
Ripans Tabules cure headache.
Ripans Tabules cure flatulence.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ripans Tabules assist digestion. ,
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. :
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. '
Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation.
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
78 Second St., j
the dalles, oregon;
And Leaders of Fashions.
The largest and most complete assortment
of American and Imported Kngllsh woolens
ever shown In the city. Latest patterns jn
spring and summer suitings. Call and in
spect stock and get prices.
Business Suits,
from $18 to $25.
Dress Suits foom $25 to $50.
Sewing machines 1.1 00
Buggies, for 39 00
Road cart, for 0 50
Three-spring wagon, for 00
Open buggy, for 8(1 00
Harness, for .-. : fl 16
Morgan saddles , 2 00
Bide saddles 5 50
Baby buggies ..: 4 95
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold. '
f Kitchen Furniture, .
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty,
Notary Public,
DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located HY, TTnod
River. First-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office in the Langille
House. Jvl9
All work given hira will be done cor
rectlyand promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; Dotu farming and timber lands.
February, 1894. , ,
Repaired and all kinds of :
.. - Sold by " - :
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
G. T. Prather,
H. C. Con.
JNotary rubiic.
M Estate and. tail
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
1.0 a 1 ... i. ItlnnVa n A nAAnA V. ..
town of Hood River; also, fruit, hay and Derry
farms and timber claims In the most desira
ble locations in the valley. If you have any-
ining in tne. real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.
we will also attend to legal business In Jus
tices' courts.
We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
Fruit Farm for Sale.
1 will sell my place, 2 miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain
ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong
spring, wind mill, 1 acres In orchard, yt
acre in strawberries, all fenced, including
stock and farm Implements, for 1800.
nl. FRED HOWE, Hood River.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Her prices are 50 cents a lesson. J10
$5 Reward.
Strayed One gray horse, branded square
and compass on ieft shoulder; one sorrel horse,
branded P. O. on left shoulder. Five dollars
reward will be paid lor their delivery to West
Bros., Hood River. S. W. CURRAN.
, mylo
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Onto Lite
Dressed and
Flour, Feed and all kinds of cereals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty. ',.
HOOD RIVER, -" - - - - - - OREGON.
Harness Repairing.
I will be ready for repairing andoiling har
ness alter January 1st. Farm products will
be taken In trade. Leave harness for repalr
ineat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. d20 E. D. CALKINS.
Wanted to Lease.
For a term of years, a place convenient to
town, with ground suitable for strawberries.
Address i-B," eare of this office, stating kxsa
tionand terms.
Draying and Teaming.
The undersigned have formed a partnership
and arc prepared to do draying and geucral
delivery pusiness in Hood River and sui
rounding country. Headquarters at Hart
ley's barnC J. H. 1HTKES,
niyl - W. T. HIBBAKIJ.
Pigs for Sale.
Young pigs for sale. 81.50 each, bv
CJIA.S. DAVIS, Tucker, Or.
TIieDallBSJorDajitl & AMtsiia
Navigation Co.
Through. Freight and
Passenger Line.
it Tlnllnn nnrl TlnTrfln
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way ..M 50
Round trip........ . 2 60
Freight Rates Greatly
General Agent.
E. MCNEILL, Receiver.
To tb-e Zast,
Gives the clxnoe at
Minneapolis OMAHA
AND . ANj,
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every flw days for
For full details call oa O. It. . Jf. HKfitit,
Hood River, or address
W. 11. HURLJilTKT,
4jUj,ri Puss. Agent, Or.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor,
Grower and dealer in fihoice Nurwv y Vtuuk.
He lias the only stock uf the -
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long n kpnr ret
the Yellow Newtown.
I have about S90.000 apple trees of the best va rieties
growing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are grafted Iruin the best Mi. If la
Hood River. .)).
ii -
i R-I-P-A-N-S
iC .
The modern staucl-
u aid Family Medl-
w cine : Cures the ;
common very-day ,
ills of humanity.
I '
Chamberlain'! Eye ttn.3 Shin Qixitzaaa
Is unequalled for Eczema, Teller, Salf
P. lieum, ScM Jleail, 'fcore Nipples, ..'liniW
Hands, Itching l'iUa, Hums, I'VoHt Ulxy
Chronic .Sore hvesaml Gninoltrieil Kvs I.ids.
For putiHig home ui a line health v-eua-dition
try l)r. Ciulv's Conililioa ,i'o'U'rfc
They lone up tlia xystcra, nid iijfKt.ii, etiw
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eon I s per povkajje. For sale hy druggista, .
'FoiSiile by Yilliii:m & i5i'oii.