The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, June 05, 1896, Image 2

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    7Aooi Jiver Slatier
Tlie vote in the second district shows
Northup only about 2,51)0 votes behind
Kills. If the sound-money republicans j
had voted true to their convictions,
Northup would have been elected by a
handsome, plurality. . But the fear of
ek'nting a populist caused many a
change to Ellis in every precinct out
wdc of Portland. If Quinn Is elected
ft "will be n great victory for t he pop
lilists, but it does not prove that a ma
jority of the voters,: in: the district are
in favor of free silver.- Nevertheless,
in estimating the relative strength of
the gold standard and free silver vote
Jn the distiict, all the votes cast for
Ellis, lU-n'ni'tt and Quinn will be
counted tor fit silver. 1 ,,
. The president vetoed the river qrjd
liarbor bill, and on Wednesday it was
as-d over his' veto by both houses of
i ongress. Our statesmen would not
ii Mow the only work they have accom
plished this session to be ruthlessly set
aside by a presidential veto,and prompt
ly rallied nearly unanimously to the
' relief ' of their constituency by voting
to override the veto. Time was when
4nen ,were sent to congress for their
knowledge of the affairs of government
and known ability as statesmen. Now
adays their ability to pile up appropri
ations higher than their predecessors
ranks them as statesmen of the first
magnitude. .
Next to being popular yourself is to
have a name that is popular. It has
.been suggested that the reason John
lUichell ran ahead of his ticket was
that a good many voters thought they'
were voting for John H. Mitchell for
fetiator. Mr. Michell's name, like that
of Judge Northup'a, was mispelled and
mispronounced all through the cutu
jmigii. Michell is pronounced Me
shell, with the accent on the last sylla
ble. Judge Northup!e name was more
frequently printed incorrectly (North
rtip) than ' correctly, " and some of our
' best speakers pronounced it .with the r.
Under the Australian ballot law the
number of voters in- a precinct is lim
ited to 250. West Hood River precinct
having cast 263 votes' at the recent
election, it will be necessary to form a
new precinct. As East Hood River
precinct polled but 117 votes, the boun
dary lines might be changed so as to
gi ve the east precinct a part of the ter
ritory now included in the west pre
cinct, and thus save for awhile the ex
)ci)sc of a new precinct.
Major MeKinley and his managers
are said to favor the adoption of the
Ohio convention's platform by the St.
Loui convention. After hearing from
the Oregon election, where the repub
lican platform was patterned after the
Ohio idea, they may learn that a plat
form that faces both ways is not al
ways a howling success.
The vote ,if Hood River shows that
oar people like to vote for Hood River
candidates,'-- Messrs. Cradlebaugh and
Gilbert, though not at present residents
Jiere, are well known by our citizens,
and the handsome vote received by
each is a flattering testimonial of the
confidence reposed in them by their
old neighbors. -
The lowei house of congress has
voted that each member shall have a
clerk throughout the year at a salary
of $100 a month. It is such proceed
ings that cause the election nowadays
pf the Vandeburgs and Quinns.
Returns from all the counties in the
second district except Grant, Harney
and Malheur, aliow the following re
sult: -Quinn, .10,257; . Northup, , 7,793;
Ellis, 10,365; Bennett, 5,362. :'
East Side Items.
Mr. Chas. Wells has moved to his
place on the mountain. '.
Mr. Boardman was home Sunday
from the mill at Chenowetb, where he
in working. .
Mrs. Robertson will have several
Indies up from Portlaud to spend the
summer with her.
Clearing has commenced for the new
church near the Pine Grove school
llOUSC , . : .. . ;
Harbison Bros.' mills started
Tuesday. - - "
Supreme Deputy Sherwood has been
secured by Hood River tent Knights of
the Maccabees to address a public meet
ing at the Congiegational church on
the evening of June 11, 1896, on the
principles and object of the order, this
being the 15tb anniversary of the order.
All cordially invited.
Mr. Ernile Schannn was in Hood
River during most of last week inspect
ing orchards. He reports that Harbi
U hi Bros.' orchards show the best
prospects for prunes of any be bas seen
m the valley.
All local express matter is now sent
from Portland on the local trains. Iu
' consequence, our paper was not re
ceived till 11 o'clock, hence the delav
in priuting the Glacier.
Joe, Wilson's' gauge at the railroad
bridge registers a rie in the Columbia
river of 82 inches fur the 4 days and 14
hours ending at 7 o'clock this (Friday)
lliorilillg. ;-,-;-,y. .. ; ' .- ',.
One hundred and twenty crates of
htrawberries were sliiuped last night,
150 Wednesday night, and a total of
C17 for the season, ." ? .
It was reported on the streets yester
day that the republican party hud the
Quinn-sy. . ' , s
The morning" train from (lie East
Was several hours lute this morning, r
. The Election.
Returns from the state showthat the
republicans have elected their enndi-
date for supreme judge and Mil have a
good majority in Hie legislatuie,; which
will stand about as follows: KepublU
cans, 5!); populists, 15: democrats, 6.
The result on the state ticket, so far
as returns are received, shows the fol
lowing vote: Bean, 35,338; Burnett,' 16,
494; Gaston, 22,371.
The result on the congressional vote
is still in doubt. Vandeourg and
Tongue are running neck and neck in
the first district and Ellis and Quinn
the tame in the second. It will take
the official canvass to decide.. Northup
carried Portland by 1200 plurality.
Pennoyer Is elected mayor of Port
land.. ' ' . ; '
Sherman county gave Cradlebaugh
831 and Jayne 387. In Gilliam county
their vote was about even. Crook
county returns have not been received,
but the vote of Wasco ahd Sherman
elects Jayne, and Cradlebaugh sutlers
defeat along with the balance of the
democratic ticket; '
Following is the official returns of
For Congress Bennett, 1009; vEllis,
895; McKercher, 31; Northup, 206.
Quinn, 446.
Supreme Judge Bean, 1454; Bur
nett, 702; Gaston, 542.
Prosecuting Attorney Cradlebaugh,
1179; Jayne, 1452. ; .
Joiut Senators Armswortby, 1015;
Michell, 1531; Dufur, I316j Moore, 1251.
Joint Representatives Huntingion,
1345; Jones, 1253; Henry, 014; Messing
er, 928; Coon, 219.
County J mitre Blakeley, 006; Mays,
1195; Taylor, 609.
Sherifl Driver, 1071; Roth, 38; Tay
lor, 451 ; Woodcock, 874. '
County Clerk Cates, 858; Howe,324;
Kelsay, 1421.
Trearurer Liebe, 834; Michell, 673;
Morgan, 306; Phillips, 913. .
Assessor Morgan, 1035; McCoy; 303;
Whipple, 1166.
Surveyor Goit, 1437; Schutz, 931. ,
Coroner Arnold, 452; Butts, 1404;
Williams, 646..
School Superintendent Frazer, 779;
Gilbert, 1476; Hansberry, 273.
Commissioner Doyie, 775; Kimsey,
1257.; Patterson, 449.-
Congress Bennett, 27; Ellis,' 136;
McKercber, 8; Northup, 29; Quinn, 67.
Supreme Judge Bean, 153; Burnett,
30; Guston, 70. . '
Prosecuting Attorney- 'radiebaugh,
134; Jayne, 119.
Joint Senator Armswortby,. 74;
Michell, 173; Dufur, 83; Moore, hiH.
' Representatives Huntington, . 136;
Jones, 125; Henry, 102; Messinger, 69;
Coon, 22. . '
County Judge Blakeley, 86; Mays,
116; Tayior, 48. .: -
Sheritt Driver, 144; Roth, 5; Taylor;
52; Woodcock, 53.
County Clerk Cates, 30; Howe,' 68;
Kelsay, 153.. 5 ' . '- ' .
County Treasurer Liebe, 28; Michell,
55; Morgan, 51; Philips, 111. .- ..-..'
County Assessor Morgan, 41; Mc
Coy, 59; Whipple, 149.. ,
School Superintendent Frazler, 36
Gilbert, 186; Josie Hansberry, XI.
Surveyor Goit, 170; Schutz, 53.
Coroner Arnold, '60; Butts, 161;
Williams, 26. '
County Commissioner Doyle,'- 29;
Kimsey, 156; Patterson, 63.
J ustice of the ; Peace Bishop, 84;
Prather, 155.
Constable Loy, 94; dinger, 151 .
Congress Bennett, 42; Ellis, 32; Mc
Kercber, 0; Northup, 10; Quinn, 29.
- Supreme Judge Beau, 43; Burnett,
37; Gaston, 35.
Prosecuting Attorney Cradlebaugh,
88; Jayne, 27. -.
Joint Senator . Armswortby, 61;
Michell, 45; Dufur, 59; Moore, 4a.
Representatives Huntington, 34;
Jones, 37; lienry," 62;- Messinger. 65;
Coon, 13. 1 i
County Judger Blakeley, 54; Mays,
32; Taylor, 25. ;
Sheritt Driver, 38; Roth, 1; Taylor,
26; Woodcock, 46,
County Clerk Cates, 42; Howe, 34;
Kelsay, 35.
County Treasurer Liebe, 43;Michell,
12; Morgan, 24; Phillips, 30,
County Assessor ivl organ, 50; Mc
Coy, 26; Whipple, 34.
fcnooi superintendent .brazier, zy;
unoeri, vi; josie nansDerry, 10. ;
-Purveyor Goit, 45; Schutz, 59.
Coroner Arnold, 34; Butts,- 40
Williams. 35.
County Commissioner Doyle, 34;
jutrisey, 41 ; Patterson, .
Justice of the :Peace Bishop, 54;
rratner, 46.
Constable Loy, 45; Olinger, 62
Condition of Fruit. :
The Oregon Weather and Crop Bul
letin for the week ending June 1st re
ports the condition of fruit as follows
There can now be no denying the
fact that the frosts of the lore part of
i 1 -I .L I 1 I , .
.Apm auu me cooi rains nave seriously
injurea most varieties ot iruits Ut the
prunes, the Italian appear to be the
most seriously injured. One corre
spondent reports that in his 40-acre
prune orchard there is not a bushel of
irum. - Borne orcnaras win nave a tair
crop of prunes, while others will have
none at all. .The current season is one
of those phenomenal ones, for it is a
very rare occurrence that fruit is in
jured by the weather in Oregon. The
peaches and upricots have been more
seriously injured than the prunes. The
pears have been injured, but yet not so
very seriously; in some sections, the
trees are fairly filled with pears. The
apple crop has also been artected, and
this is a most unusual thing in Oregon.
The cherry crop has been injured in
some localities, while iu others the)
trees are fairly well filled. Cherries are
growing rapidly and will begin to ripen
within the next two weeks. In 1895
cherries were ripening on June 1st, and
on Jflne 5th ripe Oregon cherries
were in the market. ..; All the fruit has
been injured by the weather, yet it
must in.t be understood that this
means a failure of the crop. '1 here will
be no market yie.ds in any hill fruits,
yet there Will be fruit of all kinds and
to spare. The small fruits and berries
have not been injured. Graces-have
been backward, but Ihey are now,
growing rapidly. . Some vines have
made .t-ix inches growth during the
past week., StrawU-rries are, ripening
rapidly, and before the close of toe cur-
jini. ween viegoii siruyi yernes wjh j,e i
j plentiful. ' Raspberries, blackberries
I and gooseberries are, as usual, most
j Prohnc- .
j ' It may not le, perhaps, the correct
thing to tell a large numoer or .voters,
but it is a fact nevertheless, that there
is not enough intelligence used in the
I ballot booth. A person who does not
possess enough intelligence to cast his
vote correctly unaer the Australian
ballot system without botching, bung-.
ling ana having a sample iiaiiot al
ready marked for him previous to en
tering the booth should be deprived of
the privilege. Troutdale Champion. -
Old People,' ,
Who require medicine to regulate the
bowels and kidneys, will find the true
remedy iu Electric Bitters. ' This medi
cine doen not stimulate and contains no
whisky nor other intoxicant, but acts as
a tonic and alterative. It acts mildly on
stomach and bowels, addiug strength
and giving tone to the organs, thereby
aiding Nature in the performance of the
functions. Electric Bitters is an excel
lent appetizer and aids digestion. Old
people find i- just exactly what they
need. Price 50c and 1 per bottle at
Hood River Pharmacy. , ,
The beauties of our election laws
were well illustrated yesterday when
a lot of transients who were elnployed
on the Oak Grove ditch were allowed
to vote and one of the oldest residents
of The Dalles was disfranchised be
cause his family is temporarily living
outside tb,e city. If Oregon needs one
thing more than another it is a strict
registration law. Mountaineer.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs.Phoebe Thomas of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors she had con
sumption and that there was no hope for
her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New,
Discovery completely cured tier, and she
says it saved her life. Mr.Thos.. Ethers,
139 Florida st., San Francisco,. suffered
from a dreadful cold, approaching con
sumption, tried 'without result every
thingelse, then bought one bottle of Dr.
King'sNew Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful. It
is such results, of which these are sam
ples.that prove the wonderful efficacy of
this medicine in coughs and colds. Free
trial bottles at Hood River Pharmacy .
Regular size 50c and $1.
At a Bargain.
Cottage and two lots for sale cheap for cash
or on time, Good well on the premises. Must
sell:' moving away. Call and see me.
Jeo" S. li. HUSBANDS.
Wholesale dealers In
Fruits and Produce,
.'184-153 Front st., Portland, Or. ' - 1
Consignments und correspondence solicited.
)u5 -
Irrigating Notice.
Owing to the limited amount of water that
Can be furnished lor Irrigation, the Hood
River Spring -Water Co. lias, adopted the
following regulations:
Parties living south of Oak street will lrri
gatia from 5 to 0 o'clock, p. in., and those liv
ing north of same street, from o to 9 a. m.
In frrigatlng.the regulation hall-inch nozzle
mutit; be used, and the water applied in the
form of spray or sprinkle and in no other
All, water for Irrigating must be applied and
paid for before using.
Any violation of these rules will subject ther
fiarlies so offending to forfeiture of the privi
es of Irrigation. .
'; Jul tf
Land Office at Vancouver. AV ash.. June 2.
18Sj. Notice Is hereby given that the loliow-ing-named
settlers have tiled notice of their
tniention to make final proof in support of
tneir claims, ana mat saiu prooi will De made
before the Kegister and Receiver U. S. Land
Office at Vancouver, Wash, on July 23, istw,
Hd. No. 8326, Rir the south southeast '-J sec
tion 83, and south southwest section 34,
township 4 north, i'ange 11 east, W . M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Sallie A. Capps, Henry Johnston, Sylvia
Zimmermun and Mike Zimmerman, all of
White Salmon, Klickitat county, Wash.
Also, , v
Hd. No. 8'.23, for the lots 8. 4, and south
northwest lt section 4, township 3 north, range
11 east, W. M.
She names the following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: - -
Henry Johnston, Mary Ann Collins, Sylvia
Zimmerman and Mike Zimmerman, all of
White Salmon, Klickitat county. Wash. ,
Hd No. 7CB3, for the northwest section 15,
township 3 north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
John Perry, Robert Merisir Clemens, Jowell
Thomas vwitite, Alexander Richard , Miler,
Sallie A. Capps, Mary Ann Collins, all of
White Salmon, Klickitat county. Wash. .
"' . - Register.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., June 2,
189ti. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settlers have filed notice of their in
tention to make final proof in support of their
clalms,nnd that sal A proof will be made before
W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner United States
Circuit Oourt for District of Washington, at
his office in Goldendale," Wash., on July 2i,
1890, viz: . . . . '
No. 8.182, for the lots 1 and 2 and east
thwest lA section 7. township 3 north.
of northwest lA section 7, township 3 nortl
range iz east, vv . ju,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Levi Smith, James Fitz. Fred H. Smith and
Frank Thompson, all of Lyle P. O., Washing
ton.. And ; 1
H.!E. No. 8915, for the east of northwest i
and west half of novt.heHsit. i section 28. town.
ship 3 north, range 12 east, W. M
3 3 north, range 12 east, W. M.
e names ine wiiowine witnesses to Drove
his continuons residence upon and cultiva-
tion of. said land, viz:
Frank Thompson, Fred H. Smith, James
Fltz and Levi Smith, all of Lyle P. O., Wash,
jeojylO- GEO. H. STEVENSON, -
-.- . Register.
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Mav 28.
1896. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on July 6, 1896. viz:
Hd. E. No. S968. for the south V. northeast
nd north southeast section IL town
ship! north; range 10 east, W. M.
lie names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vitt;
John W. Jlinrichs. Copley Hlnrichs, J. A.
Knox and H. D. Straight, all of Hood River,
Oregon. 1 , , . .
. m29jyS JAS. F. MOORE, Register.'
Bubber , Stamps.
I ftm now prepared to furnish Rubber
Stumps, Seals, stencils, etc., nt. he most i-en-
sQimWe priws.-
I Iand Office at "Vancouver, Wash,, May 20,
i t81Ki. Notice l hereby given that the follow
i ing-named settler has tiled notice of her In.
j tention to make tlnal proof in support of her
! claim, and that said proof will be inada
netore the Kegister ana iteceiveror ine u. .
Iand office at Vancouver, Wash., July 111,
18W6, viz:
Widow of Charles G. Byrkett, deceased, Hd.
No. 7842, for the southeast V section 9, town
ship It north, range 10 east, w. M.
8ne names the following; witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: -
Daniel M. Kaegt, John Peterson, August J.
Wagnitz and Benjamin Wagnltz, all of Trout
Lake, Klickitat county, Wash.
- Kegister.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 13.
1890. Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on June 30, 189(1, viz: . i -
Hd. E. No. 3849. for the west northeast.
and west southeast section 31, township 3
north, range 11 east, W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz:
C. Welds, J. P. Watson, Thos. Lacey and
J. N. Kevnolds, all of Hood River, Oregon.
, mJ15jel9 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
' Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 9,
189ti. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to commute and make final proof in sup
port of his claim, and that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver at The
Dalles, Oregon, on July 10, 189fi, viz:
Hd.' E. No. for the north northwest i
section 11, township 2 north, range 11 eat,
W. M. - . .
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Thomas Harlan, Lee Evans and Wm. Watr
son of Mosler. and Milton Hnrlnn nf ThH
f Dalles. JAS. F. MOORE,
myiojela - . Register.
' Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May 7,
1S9B. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of her in
tention to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore W. R. Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
office in Goldendale, Wash., on June 20, 1898,
(lormerly Emma Olsrn) H. E. No. 77(16, for the
north of southwest northwest of south
east H and south west 14 of northeast section
5, township 8 north, range 12 east, W. m.
She names the loll )wlng witnesses to prove
her continuous residence npon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
James O. Lyle, Joseph Silva, John R. Hen
sel and James Fltz, all of Lyle P. O., Wash
ington. GEO. H. STEVENSON, .
my8jul2 . Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 4,
1896. Notice is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of bis in
tention to make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
on July 10, 1891), viz: -
Hd. E. No. S82S, for the lot 7, section 2, town
ship 2 north, range 11 east.
He names the following witnesses lo prove
his continuous residence upon andultivatlon
of, said land, viz: -
William Watson. Lee Evans, E. J. Huskey
and Milton Harlan, all of Mosiert Oregon.
myrju!2 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
; Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May.
4, 1890. Notice is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice of
his Intention to make final proof in
support of his claim, and that said proof
will be made before Register and Receiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on July 10, 1896, viz:
Hd. E. No. 3564, for the northeast 14 southwest
lots 1, 2, 3, 6 and ti, section 2, township 2
north, range 11 east.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, suid land, viz:
Lee Evans, E. J, Huskey, William Watson
and Thomas Harlan.
my8juI2 JAS. F. MOORE, Register.
. Timber Land, Act June S, 1878.
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash., April 30, 1896. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
act of Congress of June 3, 18.8, entitled "An
act for the sale of timber lands in the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Washington
Territory," as extended to all the Public Land
States by act of August 4, 1892,
Of Chenoweth, county of Skamania, state of
Washington, has this day filed In this office
his sworn statement No. 1848, for the purchase
of the lot 4, of section 34, in township No. 8
north, range No. 9 east, W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought Is more
valuable for its timber or stone than for agri
cultural purposes, and to establish his claim
to said land betore the Register and Receiver
at this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Mon
day, the 20th day of July, 189(1.
He names as witnesses: John P. Gillette,
Charles A. Cook, Frank P. Browerand John
M. Coulter, all of Chenoweth, Skamania coun
ty, Wash.
Any and all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
their claims in this office on or before said
20th day of July,. 1896.
mySjylO ... GEO. H. STEVENSON, '
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., April 29,
1896. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and tnat said prooi win ne made be
fore C. G. Green, Clerk of the Superior Court
of Skamania county, Washington, at Steven
son, Washington, on June 16. 1898, viz:
Hd. No. 8K0, for the east southeast and
southwest southeast section 1, and north
east ;4 northeast section 12, township 3, range u easi, w . m.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tion ot, said land, viz:
hoi-ace '.Vitherwox and George Tyrrell of
unenowetn, wasn., and w. Marlon Locke
and Jacob M. Ijx-ke of White Salmon, Wash.
my8jul2 ... GEO. H. STEVENSON,
' ,-'. H. ' Register.
Interest in a Lumber
; Business For Sale.
An exceptional opportunity will be given to
anyone wishing to go into active business, to
trade property for enough Interest to coutrol
a well established and paying lumber business
that will stand Inspection, In Portland, Ore
gon, to the amount of 812,000 to ?lli,000. The
present owner is willing to retain an Interest
in the concern. A change of climate being
necessary Is the reason. For particulars, call
or address J. E. YOUNG, 434 Belmont Street,
Portland, Oregon,
Paper Hanging.
E, L. Rood, who has had 8 years' experience
in the business of painting and paper hanging,
is now preparea to ao mis Kino, oi worK lor
citizens oi nooa uiver, iie can mrnisn
paper and put it on your walls at. Portl
prices. Call and see samples at the store
Ei V. Husbands. ml
Summer PriCeS fOr Milk I
11 sell 20 riuart '
icr nuart until I
IT prrmv
ry I
Front and after May 1st I will sell 20 duart.
mini iicKeis lor yi o cents .per
lurtiiiT nonce. r
Keeps constantly on hand Fresh Bread
Cream, Lunches and Solt Drinks.
J. H. GERDES. Proprietor.
Fruit & Produce Commission Merchants
Consignments solicited. Returns promptly made. We can refer to the Hood River.
Fruit Growers' Union, for whoso strawberries we netted last season the highest average price
they obtained in any market, and also to ma.iy individual shippers In Hood River, Mosler
and The Dalles, who ship to us each season. . ,
Successor to E. L. Smith Oldest Established House In the valley.
Greater sul 3xEercUa.a,rxd-Ise,
Flour, Feed, Etc., Etc.
. Sell only for CASH at '.'
We invite trade of close buyers.
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for
Crayon Work and Enlarging at Moderate Prices.
r rare i rees
All the best variety of Apples, Including Yakima, Gano. Arkansas Black, etc., and all
other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage. We are here to stav.
. H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery.
Choice Fresh Meats,
Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
HOOD RIVER, - - - r - - - - OREGON.
Comfortable conveyances to nil parts of Hood River Vallev nnd vicinity,
ing and transferring done wltli care and promptness. Also, dealers In
And Vehicles
Call andjsee our stock and get
!!M Rail for Sale Gtep.
ml j
Situated 4 miles west of the town of Hood
itiver.on tnei oiuiiioia. r reeirom late irosts.
Eull crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch,
lne irrigating loellitles and water lor that
purpose belonging to place. Cull at (Under
oillce or at ranch. F. It. ABSTKN. '
Buns, Doughnuts, Cookies and Cake,
And dealer in all kinds
of Building Materials.
the Bridal Veil Lumber Company
B S -
Heavy dray.
of All Kinds.
prices; they a Interesting. . -
Will buy the Reynolds place, situated mid
way between the railroad depot and steomer
landing, in the town of Hood River, contain
ing S acres. An orchard of S09 trees, 5 to 10
years old; choicest, varieties of irnlt; plenty of
good spring v ater. 15x200 feet In northwest
corner reserved from sale. Terms, 8800 cash;
balance (Mu0) can remain on mortgage at 10
percent. Cull on or address
tttu2; iiuod Itlver, Or.