The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 22, 1896, Image 3

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    or in v . r-
nooa iiver Glacier.
FRIDAY, MAY 22, 1896.
The matt arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de-
parui ict same uays ar, noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at ft A. M. Tuesdays
ana Baturaavs; arrive ai r. M.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M.
arrives at 8 o'clock P. M.
Prom White Salmon, leaves for Pulda. Oil'
mer. Trout Lake and Olenwood Mondays,
Wednesdays ana rriaavs.
CanbT Post, No. 1(1, O. .V. R., meets at School
House Hall, first Saturday of each month
at 2 o'clock D. m. All (i. A. ft. members in
vited to attend. The ladies of the Kelief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isknbekq, Adjutant.
Waucoma Lodge, No. 80, K. of P., meets in
their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night
J. A. Boksbe, C. C.
Geo. T. Peathkr, K. of R. ft S. v
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W.. meets
Drst and third Saturdays of each month.
J. K. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howk, Kecoider.
RlDe strawberries.
Paper lead pencils at Niekelsen's.
Fresh cow for sule by B. Warren.
Bed loungesat S.E.Bartmesi'for$7.50.
M. H. Kickelsen has strawberry
paper. ! .
t-l n m i.niiH liltrit rt i v-i v-vci rf T TT
Nickelsen. -
Hats cheap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash,
but no credit.
S. E. Bartmess received a carload of
lime Monday. ,
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
River, Oregon. '
M. H. Kickelsen has a large stock of
Ashing tackle. v .;'
Found A glove buttoner. Call for
. It at this office; ,
Geo. Rordan has three or four first
class milch cows for sale.
A trio of guina fowls for sale at $3.
Inquire at Glacier office.
Lou Morse Is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Largest stock of crockery and Station
ary at M. H. Nickelsen' store. j
1 Blank promisary notes and notices to
trespassers for sale at the Glacier
office. '
. E. V. Husbands has made another
cut in price for Pierce's stock of shoes.
Big reduction this time.
Mr. Pratt Whitcorrib came np from
Portland last Thursday and will farm
Mrs. Hutton's place this summer.
' Now is the time to order your trees
for planting next full. Cail and see
Tillett at the Hood River JSursery.
A large supply of wall paper just re
ceived at 8. E. Bartmess', with prices
lower than ever before offered iu Hood
The Dalles concert band . have ehar-
toioH Ihit Btunmiip Rmriilutni utirf will
1 run the first excursion of the season to
the Cascade Locks, Sunday, May 24th
- If your strawberries show signs of
rust you must spray tnern. uet. a
knapsack sprayer at Mountain Stage
and Li I very J. '
To Trade Furniture, consisting of
bed room set, dressing case, etc. all
nearly as good as new, to trade for
good cow. Inquire at this office.
Lost A. new buck-skin glove, be
tween Tucker and town. Finder will
please leave it with Mrs. Alice Kemp,
or at this office.
net your fern sweeps to put on your
fine-loot h cultivators at the Mountain
Stage and Livery Co. They have a
stock on hand.
. Here is your chance to secure cheap
town nropertv: The Methodist congre
gation offer the tabernacle and the lot
on which it stands for sale at $3H). ,
Mrs. T. A. Tenipleton has not yet
fully recovered from the Injuries re
ceived in the runaway accident three
weeks aeo, when Mrs. Kirn was so
badly hurt. She still has a lame side.
Hon. J. W. Armsworthy, editor of
the Wasco jNews and democratic nom
inee for joint senator for Wasco, Sher
man and Gilliam counties,, and Joe
Marsh of Wasco were iu Hood River
TheO. R. N. Co's timetable for
Hood River is as follows; . Westbound
overland, 5:50 a. m.; eastnound over
land, 9:45 p. in.; local passenger east
bound, 11:12 a. m.; local passenger
westoouna, s:z3 p. m. ..
Subsoil plows at the Mountain Stacre
and Livery Co. at astonishing low
prices. , The time is here when every
fanner must have a subsoil plow to
loosen the ground 12 to 15 inches deen
without turning up so much wild soil.
Come and see them.
Write to Davenport Bros.' Lumber
vo. jir ueuvereu prices mi nil kiiiiis oi
lumber, rouch or rirPHserl. Thev havpn
large and good assortment of finishing
lumber on hand, good and dry. t;all
und get our cash prices before purchas
ing else w herd.
A Sunday school was organized at
the Frankton school house Sunday be
fore last, and the following officers
elected: Miss Madge Warren, superin
tendent; Mrs. W. S. Boorman, assist
ant superintendent; . Willie Warren,
treasurer and Eben Boorman, secre
tary. Sunday school will heheldevery
Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock.
ror every quaner in a man s pocKei
there are a dozen uses; and to use each
one in such a way as to derive 'the
greatest benefit is a question every one
must solve for himself. We believe,
however, that no better use could be
made of one of these quarters than to
exchange It for a bottle of Chamber-
laill'll flnlTrt. Phntarii nnrl "HlnrrhrtPA
Remedy, a medicine that every family
should be provided with: , For sale by
Williams & Brosius, druggists.
Mr. D. P. Davis, a prominent livery
man and merchant of Goshen, Va.,
has this to say on the subject of rheu
matism: 'I take pleasure in recom
mending Chamberlain's Pain Balm for
rheumatism, as I know from personal
experience that it will do all that is
claimed for it. A year ago this spring
my brother was laid up in bed with in
flammatory rheumatism and suffered
Intensely. The first application of
Chamberlain's Pain Balm eased the
pain and the use of one bottle com
pletely cured him. For sale by Will
lams & Brosius, druggists. , I
The interest taken In the meetings
of the Frankton literary society still
continues. The house was fufl again
last Friday night, when the society
disposed of the , following question:
"Resolved, That . Columbus deserves
more praise for the discovery of Amer
ica than Washington does as its de
fender." Willie Warren led the af
firmative aud Eben Boorman the neg
tive The judges decision was iu favor
of the negative by a uuanamous vote.
Mr. F. R. Absten's speech on the side
of the negative was well worth listen
ing to. Tonight the society will debate a
local question, "Kesoved, That the Japs
are a detriment to Hood River valley."
Will Ellis will lead the affirmative and
Wm. Isenberg the negative. j
'General" Coxey, of "keep off the i
grass" fame, accompanied by his wife,
arrived in Hood River Monday on the
Regulator from The Dalles. Mr.
Coxey made a two-hours' speech at the
armory in the afternoon and left on the
local for Portland. Coxey's presence
in town caused more excitement than
the arrival of a circus. Everybody in
the country, and a great number from
White Salmon, came to town turough
curiosity to hear him speak. The
"general" is a small, unassuming man
and looks very much like his pictures.
Hon. T. R. Coon has announced
himself an independent candidate for
joint representative for Sherman and
Wasco counties, having tiled nis peti
tion with the county clerk last Friday.
In his letter of acceptance, published
in The Dalles papers, Mr. Coon makes
the statement, that u given a seat in
the next legislature, he will cast his
vote for John H. Mitchell for United
States senator.
Iii the market report In Wednesday's
Oregonian was the following item:
"The first Oregon strawberries ot the
season appeared in the market yester
day. The lot weighed only a pound
and was sent iu from Hood River,"
Joe Wilson tried to find out who ship
ped them, and inquired or Mr. Menu,
the station agent, who said no one
bad vet shipped any strawberries by
Lindsay & Co. of Helena, Mont., in
a letter to the Hood KiverFruitUnion,
concerning the new berry box, say:" We
have had hemes shipped to us irom
the South in the Leslie hox, but our
trade does not Hake kindly to them.
The sounre. box is in general use all
over the West and as it seems to give
general satisfaction we do not think it
is desirable to attempt a change."
A petition was presented to the
county , clerk Monday morning
asking for the nomination or f. f.
Underwood for county school superin
tendent, iu place of Miss Josie Hans
berry, made ineligible by the late de
cisio'n of the supreme court. The peti
tion is from Mr. C. L. Morse, chair
man of the populist county central
committee. Chronicle. . ' ;.
, The case of Jas. Graham vs. Al Fos
ter, an attachment case for the recov
ery of debt, was argued -in Justice
Wishart's court at Mount Hood
Wednesday afternoon. Will Langille
acted as attorney for the plaintiff, and
Al Foster appeared in his own behalf.
Our reporter has promised full partio
ulars next week. '
Mr. Jos. Wilson says he has been
questioned forty-' leven times in re
gard to the premium of $8 offered by
the Oregon Fruit Union for the first
crate of ripe strawberries, and - be
wishes us to state again that the $6 is
a premium over and above the price
for which the berries will sell, ' x ;,
Mr. Frank Chandler left for Butte,
Mont., Saturday night, as a represen
tative of the Oregon Fruit Union from
Hood River. On his way up lie stop
ped off at Walla Walla, where he
reports the prospects good fur a big
crop of strawberries and cherries. : : p, J
(Preparations have begun for the ship- i
ping of our big strawberry crop. The O, '
Li. & iN. (Jo. have a number or reirig
erator ears iu readiness at Portland.
People are getting anxious and in
quiries for our berries are being received
daily.' -' ' ' . '
' The O R. & .N." Co. have - made a
slight change in the arrival of the
through pussenger trains. Note the
change in the timetable aud don't get
left when the train leaves.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. B. Welch of
Mount Hood went to The Dalies on
the Regulator Wednesday for a week
or ten days' visit with frieuds aud rel
atives: . , , . .
Hubbard, the artist, Is now located
In L. Neffs front yard in a tent, and
is prepared to do all kinds of work iu
his Hue. Call aud see samples.
We asked Mr. O. Fredenburg the
other day what the people were doing
at Mount. Hood. "Waiting for it to
stop raining," he replied. ,.
Mrs. w.j. ijaner uas oeen connnea
to her bed for oyer a month, but is im
proving slowly;' She was up for the
first time Tuesday. ! '
-Mr. J. A. Newell of Portland came
up on Tuesday's local to visit his
family, who are stopping at Mr. T. A.
Mrs. L. H. Adams of Portlandcame
up last Friday to visit her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. 11. Pugh, aud friends, return
ing 'Monday. . .
The railroad men are now working
on the approaches to the new bridge,
and trains will be crossing upon it
by Suuday. r .-'
Hon. T. R. Coon is expected to start
for the East, Saturday, in the interest
of the Hood River Fruit Growers'
Union. .
Louis Burkhart came up from Port
land Wednesday and went out to his
claim on the middle fork ot Hood
river. . : '.'.
Chris Nickelsen, while in The Dalles
on a business trip, paid a visit to his
parents in Hood River Wednesday.
James Hoag came down from Wasco
Tuesday. Mr.. Hoag is now iu the
livery business at Wasco.
The Mitchell men are wearing hut-
ton having the inscription "I am for
Mitchell, are you?" .' .
Miss-Rosmer Shaw of Portland spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W.J.Baker.
Oregon-grown strawberries were in
The Dalles market Saturday. ,
Any one wanting a good gentle cow
will do well to see li. Warren. ; ' ' '
Mrs. Rich was brought up from
Portland Tuesday. ;
Miss Mellie Rigby is teaching school
at Cheuowith.
Bert Langille went to Portland yes
terday. .. , .
Brownie overalls at the Racket store.
Hood River was. Invaded Thursday
by an army or candidates from both
sides of the political fence. Most of
them arrived on the noon train from
the Cascade Locks and were on their
way to The Dulles. Among them were
Hon. John Michell and J. B. Hunt
ington, republican candidates for the
legislature: Hon. Robt. Mavs. reoubli
can nominee for county judge; Judge
JJiarteiey, u. . Li. uates ana crank
Woodcock, democratic nominees for
county judge, clerk and sheriff; C. L.
Phillips and C. L. Gilbert, republican
nominees for county treasurer and
school superintendent.
If you want to make arrangements
for berry pickers don't wait until your
berries are ripe. We cannot guarantee
to get them, but if you let us know
how many you want in time, will do
our best. White people want 1J cents
per box. (Jhinamen are offering to
contract for 1 cents, but don't know
how many pickers they can 'furnish.
We prefer to furnish white labor, but
those who prefer to contract can make
arrangements with us. ,
; H.F.Davidson.
Hon. John Michell,. while in town
Thursday, made a call at the Glacier
omce anu "speiied" ine aevn ior a
while took his place at the case. Mr
Michell first acted in the capacity of
devil and mastered the intricacies of
the "art preservative" in a little coun
try newspaper offiice in Wisconsin. .
The Regulator company has not yet
completed arrangements with the tele-
Chone company tor placing a bulletin
oard at the drugstore, but in a letter
from Mr. W. C. Allaway to Mr. 8. R.
Husbands, he says the company will
see if they can make arrangements.
A twice-a-week mail service has beeiA
established between White Salmon,
and Trout lake, leaving White Salmon
Tuesday and Saturday at 7 a. m., and
leaving Troutlake Monday and Fri-
VIUJ- 41 I a. 1U fc
T T- II f T r ! . , . 1
j.u.r. vv. aj. morns ieiumeu io ijib
home in Centerville, Wash., Sunday.
Mr. E. D. Calkins accompanied him
aud will bring back the rest of his colts
when he returns.
Hood River Tent No. 19, Knights of
the Maccabees, will celebrate the 15th
anniversary of the Order, June 11,
18U6. - Further announcement will be
Mr. E. Moore arrived here on the
Regulator Wednesday evening from
Colfax, California, Mr. Moore ex
pects to spend the summer in Hood
River. . . . . ' '
Mr. S. C. Zeigler of White Salmon
brought the first box of ripe strawber
ries to town Wednesday. The berries
were grown on the old Brooke place.
Mr. A. J. Brigham of Dufur will be
iu Hood River on the 29th of May for
the purpose of speaking iu the niler-
WdW .X X.J.tVVUV.1 UUU 1 1 1 .? . t I
The post office at Drauo, SkamauiaX
county, Wash, has been discontinued.
and mail for that point will hereafter
be carried to Cheuowith.
Mr. E. C. Rogers will petition the
County court for a road from Troy
BUelley's place to his claim near the
head oi Neal creek.
The Glacier received a pleasant
call from Messrs D. L. Cates aud
Frank W oodctiek, democratic nominees
for county clert? and sheriff'.
J. R. Rankin of White Salmon came
to town Thursday wilh a box of ripe
strawberries the first for the Hood
River market.. "
Our editor has been at Spokane dur
ing the pust week and the Work of get
ting out the paper devolved tipon the
' -devil." - sv .
. Messrs. John H. Michell and J. B.
Huntington spoke to a small audience
in the A. O. W. hall Thursday after
noon.' .,
Prather & Coe give notice that they
can (uruish all the while strawberry
pickers needed for the crop of 1890.
Hans Lage was in The Dalles
Wednesday, attending to busiues iu
the probate court. :
The' Glacier yesterday received a
u ice box of strawberries from J. R.
Rankin of White balmon. ,
W. E. Neil' will open his photograph
gallery May U3d. All work guarauteed.
, The thermometer went up to 84
summer heat iu the shade, Thursday.
Mrs. J.'H. Shoemaker, who has been
quite sick, is rapidly recovering. . ,
Dr. Brosius' was called to Sprague
Lauding, Wusli,, Weducsday.
Gents' unlaundried, luuudried and
percale shirts at the Racket Slpre. :
The fishermen at the Morton ranch
are catching Jots of salmon. , '
Strawberries aud politics are all the
people talk on now. ,
Strawberries are ripe at E. Locke's
fruit ranch. .
: Important to Farmers. ' ; '
Wakelee's Squirrel Exterminator,the
original and only article of its kind
giving complete satisfaction, now re
duced from 50c. to 30c. per can at Will
iams & Brosius.' ''42
V Biickleu's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect Batisfac
tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts
per box. For sale at the Hood River
Jones Ho Pays the Freight.
Send for a copy of The Buyer's Guide,
wit h latest reductions and market prices
Sent free to any address. Freight on
$20 ordei's paid to any point on Colum
bia river reached by Portland boats.
Jones' Cash Store, :
' 105 Front St., Portland, Or.
How to Treat a Wife.
From Pacific Health Journal.
First; get a wife; second, be patient.
You may have .great, trials and per
plexities in your business, but do-not,
therefore, carry to your home a cloudy
or contracted brow. Your wife may
have trials, which, though of less mag
nitude, may be hard for her to bear. A
kind word, a tender look, will do won
ders in chasing from her brow all
clouds ,of gloom. To this we would
add, always keep a bottle of Chamber
lain's Cough' Remedy iu the house. It
is the best and is sure to be' needed,
sooner or later. Your wife will then
know that you really care for her and
wish to protect her health. For sale
by Williams & Brosius, druggists., :
Church Notices.
Remember the Sunday school picnic
to be given by the Congregational Sun
day school on Saturday at Prospect
Point, just outside ot the city limits.
This is not intended as the annual
Sunday School picnic, but just an out
ing for the children and their parents.
Such as wish, may gather at the church
at 10.30 o'clock. JLiet everybody come,
and dop't forget lunch baskets. v
Owing to the memorial service, there
will be no preaching service at the Con
gregational church on Bunday morn
ing, unristian iindeavor service win
be held at 6.30 aud the pastor will
preach at 7.30 .
U. B. church services will be as fol
lows every Sunday unless otherwise
announced: Suuday school 10 a., m.;
preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En
deavor 4.30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor 6.45
p. m.; preaching services 7.30 p. m.
F. C. Krause, Pastor.
M. E. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
of the first and third Sabbaths of each
month; at Mosieron the mornings of
the second and fourth,
, J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of eacli month at Mount
Hood; second Sunday, Belmont at 11,
Crapper school house at 3, atid Pine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove
at 11 and Belmon t at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
F, L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, 1 with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. in., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome.
Sunday school at the M. E, taber
nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A
welcome to all. Supt.
"Little Bloomers."
1 don't go much on iashions, .
An' all that kind o' thing,
"Willi dresses tuai's cut aeuultay,
' An' sleeves iiKe bar Is, byjiug!
' I don'i laiie stock in Uie noiiou
Thai women can't dress us tney please
Provniln', of course, tuat it's proper
. An' gives iheiu a I'eelin' oi ease.
Last fall I drove in with the wagon,
And our Kosie Jane come along
Puniest girl in the country,
Ho livel; , an' limber, an' strong;
Boys all inlyin' to win ner,
lu gal in tne valley her like
' - An' sue sported the turicey-red bloomers
uhe'd uiaue to wear on ner untu.
As we reached Tom's store 1 noticed
His kid was a-playin' near,
' When all to once come a snoutln' "
An' straight down toe road lopedasteer.
An' straigut ler the Kid he heauud;
Why, biaine me, if I couid yell
When soinetliing red wuizzed by me
A pedaiui' jusi iile weu,
Of course It was our Rosie; '
8ue rode past the cruler s head:
She knew tuat sue could turn null
When he saw tne turivey-red.
For a breuth I thougnt ne had her, '
My heart jist stoou stock still;
But, lawsey, now she douged mm
An' drew uim down the uiill
The boys come up a-runnln,'
An' we stood mere in a line
A-watcliin' them red bloomers
An' tiie crazy brute beuiu;'
At last 1 turned lae bosses
An' let 'em nave the whip,
An' down that breaK-necit Highway
We went a miguty clip. .
A mile away the poor critter,
Clean beat, had tumbled kurslump:
An' mere by her wneel, "Little iiiuuiiicrs'
Was restin' hurseli on a stump. .
I felt so blamed proud tuat i blubbered,
But Kosie jist said, Witu a grin:
"Hay, daddy, I've busted some gathers,
Please lend 'Little Bloomers' a pin."
That's why I'm mad when the fogies '
Think they've tne righ to assert
That womankind's scheme ol salvation
Depends on tue iengtn of tier skirl.
Seems to me that savin' a baby -
Beats petticoats, rooiny or small;
An' 1 guess tue angels '11 take itusie,
An' carry her in, bloomers 'n' all.
.. W. R. Rosk.
. . Scalps. - . V"
J. P. Jaegllng and J. S. Egan, on a Syracuse
tandem, set the pace for nearly alt the famous
riders at SHji.Frajicisco in the recent indoor
tournament, and ln'ci(lc.itty-piured, world
records for themselves as follows: iniie,.iS
seconds; mile, 1 minute and 2 2-j seconds;
1 nine, 4 minutes anu v i-o seconds.
W. A. Taylor, at Santa Barbara,, went 2
miles in 4 minutes and oli seconds on a "Crim
son Hin." , '
The girls also win on Red Birds. At St.
Paul, fjottie Faneswoster won the 6 day, 12
hour, womans' race, scoring 22 miles. She
also won the 6 mile handicap in li minutes
and 50 seconds.' Ida Peterson, on a Syracuse
Crimsom Rim, was second. The 3 mile race
was won by Miss Vllliarde (Crimson Kim) in
10:21; and the 6 mile open by Fannie Mack
(Crimson Rim.)
Williams fc Brosius can fit you In a wheel,
$100, $U5, too, etc. Easy payments if desired.
Wanted. '' .
A reliable lady or gentleman to distribute
samples and make a house-to-house canvass
ior our v egetaoie louet oaps anu fure Fla
voring Extracts, $40 to 75 a month easily
made. Address Crofts 4 Keed, Chicago, 111.
Ripans Tabules.
Ripans Tabules cure nausea.
Ripans Tabules: at druggists. -
Ripans Tabules cure dizziness.
' Ripans Tabules cure headache. .L
Ripans Tabules cure flatulsuce.
Ripans Tabules cure dyspepsia.
Ripans Tabules assist digestion. -
Ripans Tabules cure bad breath.
Ripans Tabules cure biliousness.
Ripans Tabules: one gives relief.
Ripans Tabules cure indigestion.
;, Ripans Tabules cure torpid liver.
Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic.
Ripans Tabules cure constipation- ;
Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach.
Ripans Tabules: pleasant laxative.
Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer In choice Nursery stock.
He has the only stock of the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
the Yellow Newtown.
I have aboui 20,000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery. All standard
varieties are grafted from the best stock in
Hqod River. Jel5.
$1 200
Will buy the Reynolds place, situated mid
way between the railroad depot and steamer
landing, in the town of Hood River, contain
ing 8 acres. An orchard of flOO trees, fi to 10
years old; choicest varieties of fruit; plenty of
good spring " atcr. li.5.2U0 lect in northwest
corner reserved from sale. Terms, SS00 cash;
balance (SJ00) can remain on mortgage at 10
percent. Call on or address
mui'2 j Hood River, Or.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
' ISTABtlSHED 1843
; .; DEALER IN ' '
Kitchen Furniture,
v -.."....
Pruning Tools, Etc. .
Repairing Tinware a Specialty.
Notary Public.
TT 1.' m -.ATJXTta : .. 1 . j t r .1
1. i.. UArvin i uuw lOCMLttU 'ill 4100U
River. Kirst-class work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. OUlce in the Langille
House. .. . 1 via
All work given hini will be done cor
rectly and promptly He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; ootu iarruiiig and timber lands.
February, 18U4. ; ; , v
Repaired and all kinds of
Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
H. C. Coe.
JNOtary public.
M Estate and taiicc,
93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d.
We have lots, blopks and acreage in the
town of Hood River: ilso, fruit, hay and oerry
farms and timber claims in the most desira
ble locations in the' vallev. If you have any
thing In the real estate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed, - . .
We will also attend to legal business in Jus
tices' courts. . -
Wo ;ifaisiietttsJ'or jSGUII WATJCOSIA
property. . " . "N .
, ap27
Fruit Farm for Sale.
I will sell my place, 2 miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain
ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong
spring, wind mill, 1 acres in orchard,
acre in strawberries, all lenccd. including
stock and farm 1 rnplements, for $1800.
nl , . FRED HOWE, Hood River..
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Her prices are 60 cents a lesson. J10
Is Your Title Clear?
E. E. Ravage is prepared to examine ab
stracts of title to real estate and give opinions
on same. Charges reasonable. marti'
Harbison Bros., Prop'rs,
Manufacturers of
Oreson Luier
Dressed and
Flour.Feed and all kinds of ceieals ground.
Whole Wheat Graham
a specialty.
Harness Repairing.
will be ready for repairing and oilincr har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken in trade. Leave harness for repair
lngat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. , . daO E. D. CALKINS.
Wanted to Lease.
For a term of years, a place convenient to
town, with ground suitable lor strawberries.
Address "B." care of this office, statin? loca
tion and terms.
To Sell or Trade.
I have SO acres '6f land in Clackamas con ntv
that I will sell or trade for Hood River prop
erty. Call on or address
. ;'.. U. O. HURINUiNU,
maris" Hood River, Or.
Pigs for Sale.
Young pigs for sale, 91 50 each, by '..;
. , CiiAs. DAVIj. Tucker. Or.
Tie Dalles, Pertlanfl & Aslork
Navigation Col
Through Freight and
.Passenger Line.
Daily bet. Dalles anfl Portland
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
Que way $1 50
Round trip 2 50
Freight Rates Greatly
: General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver.
To tli.o -East,
Gives the choice of
Minneapolis OMAHA
' ' AND ',. AND '
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every five days for
For full details call on
O. R. & N. Agdit,
! Hood River, or address
H. HURfvtfrMiT,
Pm'i 'him. Agent,
-. I'onlmul, Or.
or imormaiion ana rreo ManuoooK write to
MUNN & CO., S61 UltOAUWAY, NEW Yoaff.
Oldest bureau for securing patents in Amavlpd '
.Every patent taken out by us is brought befnre
the publio by a notice given free of chaise iu. the
Largest circulation of anv scientific pawr in tho
world. Splendidly Illustrated. No iuce'llzcnt
man should be without it. Weeklv. f.:i llUi
year; $1.50 six months. Address, MUSIN A 00.
PuBLismms, 361 Iiroadway, Mew Yori; city. '
R-I-P-A-N-S .
The modern stand
ard Family Medi
cine : Cures the
common every-day
ills of humanity.
Men Br.
':'.'. W
! ; ! -l ' :'' "' K' '."- V '' '.;7'-' -' . :
jk Scientific American
Chamberlain's Eye and Sfcin Oictmont
Is unci nailed for Eczema, Teller, ftalt
Itlieum, Mciiid Head, Soi-e Isipples, (Jluijijicd
Iliinds, Itcliiiifr l'iles, I'uriis, Frost liiles,
Chronic Sore JM esand CJriimiliik'il Kve Lids.
For sale byvlruggists at ' ce:i(d 1'tr oox.
. TO H0IlSEl)"WKER3.
For putliiiR a. liorse in a fine lieuHiiy con
dition try JJr. Cndy's Condilion l'otvdoni.
Tliey (one up tiie svstem, uiil ligc-stion, cure
loss of appet ite, relievo const ipaui.n, correct
kidney disorders and destroy worms, givinsj
new life to an old or. over-worked lioinc. 25
ccnta jior packnge.- For sale liy d;;ugg;ists.
For sale by Williams & Brositw.' v