The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 22, 1896, Image 1

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' v . , :; ;.: .- -.:, ' " ' ' ' . It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. .
VOL. 7. . HOOD RIVER. OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 22,1896. NO. 52.
3foed Iiver (5 lacier.
One year .........It 00
Six month...: ............ 1 W
Three months.. 60
BiiKieeopy tienv
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
8having and hair-cutting neatly done. Satli
action guaranteed.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happening of the Fait Week
Called From the Telegraph Column
At Home and Abroad, f
Dr. Salmon, the oldest Freemason in
the world, died in London. He was
108 years old.
According to the monthl crop report
just issued, the average condition of
winter wheat is 82.9 in May, 1895.
The last olean up of the Apollo
mine, at Unga, Alaska,' was $87,500,
the product of a three months' ran.
William Deering, the ' reaper manu
facturer, has made a donation to the
Northwestern univeisity amounting to
$315,000. The gift is in real estate
and bonds.
Miss Mazie Todd, aged 20, daughter
of Dr. Lyman P. Todd, was killed in
Lexington, Ky. , by a trolley oar while
she was bioyoling. She was a cousin
of Robert Lincoln.
The president has approved the aot
making provisions for the deportation
to Canada of the Cree Indians from
Montana, and their delivery to the
Canadian authorities. r
The Abyssinians in Massowah have
liberated the Italians who wore made
prisoners at Agama, and it is said that
-n ir ill 1 : 1 L U rt
saa xuangaBuia win uuvmm u io-
maiuder within a week.
Mathias Jensen, of Astoria, has in
vented a machine for the manufacture
of gillnets which, he olaims, will knit
00 fathoms of net in ten hours. He
intends to apply for a patent. v
Jaok B. Alexander, a great nephew
cf Jeff Davis, was shot and mortally
-wounded at his saloon in Paris, Ey. ,
ty John Steers, brakeman. He had re
fused to trust Steers for a drink. .
... . f
The' supreme oourt at Pendleton has
decided that women are not eligible as
candidates for the offioe of county
school superintendent. There are at
present fifteen women candidates for
this offioe in the state. , '
In Van Buren, Ark. , Jailer Stamps
was assaulted by two prisoners, who,
after beating him insensible, took his
keys and liberated five others. Stamps
is "probably fatally injured. The
prisoners were not captured.
While the 9-year-old daughter of
William : Ashby, of Pine valley, was
crossing : Pioneer creek on a footbridge
in company with another child, both
were precipitated into the water and
the Aghrjv cnviQ was arownea.
The inorease in the price of bolts
and nuts in the iron - trade the past
three weeks is the evidence of a re
ported gigantic pool Of manufacturers
in these goods, the organization of
-which is now in progress in Boston.
AtEau'deVie, Mo., while sitting
tip with her sick child near the open
fireplace, Mrs. John Edwards' clothes
caught fire, and the flames ' communi
cated to the cradle. The baby was ore-
tnihiii and thn vnmtn serinnolv hnrnad.
D. W. Watson, a wood-dealer, was
instantly killed in Seattle in a runa
way. In falling off his leg was
caught and torn off. His body was
dragged about 100 feet, his leg being
left behind. He died instantly.
A convention of the'Western Feder-
. . . -a r ; t. a T1 ril
aciou OI JKuners uxvii iu iouvm, iuiu.
Colorado, Idaho ; and Montana were
largely represented, and delegates were
present from most or trie western
states and from Britisn uoiumDia. .
Ex-Police Captain Edward B. Car
penter, of New York has been sentenced
to three months in the penitentiary and
to pay a nne oi f l.ouu. carpenter
. . . . i . j
pleaded guiuy io naving reoeiveu
bribes oi f l.uuu irom ine Liiquor ueai
ers' Association. .
In Yreka, Cal., Mrs. Henry Sowatka
and her 6-year-old daughter Irene were
hot to death by the Chinese oook at
their Butte-oreek ranoh. The China
man was dead when found, : and it is
supposed that he oommitted suicide
after killing the mother and child. No
reason oan be found for the deed.
The strike of forty-four firemen of
the Armour paoking plant, in Kansas
City, has assumed international propor
tions, and there is no telling where or
how it will end. The strikers have
already petitioned the naitonal council
of the Federation of Labor to declare
an , international boyoott against the
Armour products.
An effort was made to burn the large
Bunker Hill concentrator at Wardner,
Idaho. The oonoentrator was fired
and a portion of the flume blown up at
the same moment, extinguishing the
lights and stopping all the machinery.
The fire was promptly extinguished by
one of the mill hands. No arrests
have been made.
All roads in the Central Passenger
Association will hereafter carry bi
cyoles free.
Alfred C. Field, a negro, oonvioted
of the murder of Mrs. Randolph, was
hanged in Chioago.
Morin, the oelebrated Frenoh bi
cyclist, beat John S. Johnson, the
American, in both heats of the 2,000
meters raoe at the Velodrome de la
Seine in Paris.
The scohooner- Mary Ayer was sunk
in collision with the steamer Okano,
in Lake Michigan, off Grosse point,
and five of her crew were drowned,
two being saved. '.'
An explosion at Bida, in the Nupe
oountry, west coast of" Afrioa, on the
Niger, has razed to the ground the
palaoe of the Emir Meleki, and has
killed 200 people.
The Seattle, Lake Shore & Eastern
railroad was sold at auotion in Seattle
and was purchased by Judge H. G.
Struve, representing the bondholders'
committee, for $1,000,000.
Ties piled on the Chioago, Milwau
kee & St. Paul railorad at Waldo, a
few miles south of Milwaukee, Wis.,
derailed a south-bound freight train.
Three men were killed and two in
jured. . V
At the Eliot Square building in
Buffalo, N. X., Thomas Purdy and
Val Jenly were working at the bottom
of the elevator shaft when workingmen
at the top dropped down an iron bolt,
killing both.
In Queretaro, Mexioo, a cave-in oc
curred at the opal mines and ten men
were buried with earth and stones.
Word was brought from the soene that
four of the miners were killed and sev
eral others injured.
The Gaulois published in Paris, says
that Senor Canovas del Castillo, the
Spanish premier, is about to ask the
intervention of the European powers
with regard to the interference of the
United States in Cubna affairs.
At the Eleotrioal Exposition in pro
gress in New xorK a message was
flashed over the wires of the western
Union and Paoifio Postal oompanies,
oovering a distance of 15,000 miles,
and a reply received in four minutes.
The fruitgrowers of Snake river are
considering the formation of a union, so
that fruit oan be handled at smaller
oost than previously. ( The plan is to
have a Spokane commission house
handle the fruit direct from the river.
Fortv men were let out in the Gem
mines, in Wallace, Idaho,-and will not
be re-employed until development work
is finished. This is said by some to be
significant on aooount of the reoent
explosion at the Bunker Hill and Sul
livan mines.
Catherine A. Lacv. 83 years of age,
of Phoenix, Ariz. ,was burned to death.
She had risen at 4 o'clock, and in
licrhtinsr a fire ignited the. curtains.
From this her clothing caught, and be
fore help arrived she was fairly cooked,
dying in a few minutes.
A dispatch frois Vladivostock says:
Quiet has been restored at Seoul, Corea,
and the king will return to his palace
from the Russian legation, where he
has been sinoe the disposition and mas
sacre of the late ministry. The Rus
sian marines are returning to their ves
sels. .; . r .I;."".'..,'
Trouble between the Indians on the
Tongue river reservation, in Montana,
and the white settlers in the neighbor
hood is probable, and troops have been
asked to avert a possible outbreak.
This is the result of depredations oom
mitted by the Indians on the cattle of
the whites. '
The steamer Mexioo just arrived in
the Sound, brings the following Alas
ka news:. The North American Com
mercial Company's sohooner Seventy-
Six, which left Kodiak December 11
last for Wood, island, is lost with all
hands. A heavy gale sprung up just
after she left, and she has not been
heard of sinoe.
Thomas Reynolds, 17 years old, was
in the polioe oourt today, charged with
burglary. He says he was wrongfully
accused. William Riordan and Henry
Leopold took him to a barn, and, be
cause he would not confess to robbery,
tied a rope about his neok and hanged
him to a beam until he lost conscious
ness. He was horribly tortured, he
says, and was afterwards given to a
policeman, who booked him for bur
glary. 'His clothes were torn, off hit
baok during his struglges.
Rising; Water in Minnesota Compel
Many Families to Iieave Their Home
There Will Be a Great Loss oi
Kansas City.May 21. Twenty-eight
killed outright, fifty more injured,
some fatally, and property losses ag
gregating $1,000,000 is now given as
an estimate of the damage done by
Sunday's cyclone in Marshall, Nemaha
and Brown oounties, Kan. Further
reports may inorease these figures as
telegraphio communication with the
stricken parts is still imperfect and
consternation prevails. The dead are
distributed as follows: Seneca and
neighborhood, 8; Oneida, 6; Reserve,
5; Sabetha, 5; Morrill, 4. Seneca Suf
fered a property damage of about $350,
000, Frankfort, $100,000; Reserve,
$60,000; Sabetha, $50,000; ' Morrill,
$20,000. Thousands of dollars worth
of property was damaged in the ooun
try between these towns. Although
the peouniary loss at Frankfort was
great, no lives were lost there. De
struction and destitution meet the eye
at every turn. Men were rendered ab
solutely penniless, many victims es
caped with only the clothes they wore.
An appeal for outside aid has been
issued. . '
Rapidly Rising Waters.
Crookston, Minn., May 21. The
Red Lake river is rising at an alarm
ing rate and great fears are entertained
for the safety of the bridge and dam
whioh furnish power for the water
works and the Electrio Light Company.
A great many families have been com
pelled to move off the flats and lower
portions of the city, and Jerome addi
tion is flooded nearly as badly as at
any previous time in its history. At
the present rate of inorease, the water
will reaoh a point as high as it ever
has been in the history of the city.
General Indications Point to a Heavy
Yield. ' -
Washington, May 21. The foreign
statistics gathered by the agricultural
department show the crop conditions
throughout the year. The summary
is as follows:
Great Britain The crop outlook
everywhere is good, and promises a
harvest about two weeks earlier than
usual. This would diminish the im
ports for the remainder of the current
year by about 5,000,000 bushels.
France With normal weather until
harvest, the wheat crop will more than
suffice for home requirements. A sur
plus for export is confidently piedioted
by Frenoh agricultural journals and
statisticians. Some expect that it will
amount to 40,000,000. This quantity
would affect prioes, especially if the
French government should pay a boun
ty on exports..
Austria-Hungary Weather favor
able and crops promise well.
' Roumania The, cold' weather in
April retarded the crops, but the out
look is generally promising. ' v
Russia Excellent prospects of a orop
above the average in quantity and
quality are generally reported. The
unfavorable Maroh weather in the
south is found to have done no serious
damage. Spring sowings have been
completed under good conditions.
A Traveler Who Thinks Its Completion
- Certain.
; San Francisco, May 21. E. H.' Hin
ton, long and favorably known as a
traffic official of the Gould system of
roads, and at present general western
agent of the Panama Railroad Com
pany, with offices in this city, returned
home yesterday, after a six months' so
journ in Colon and the Central Ameri
can republics. Mr. Hinton spoke of
the work on the canal as follows:
"Several weeks ago I made several
trips upon the oompleted portions of
the canal. About two-thirds of its
length between Colon and Panama is
completed, but that does not mean that
two-thirds of the work towards finish
ing the big enterprise has been oom
pleted. The Culebra, cut midway be
tween Colon and Panama, and the
summit of the elevation to be overcome
in order to complete the canal, repre
sents a vast amount of work and great
expense. About 1,000 men are at
work on this out. ' The oompleted por
tions of the oanal are in good condi
tion and many parts of its bed, because
of the rocky formation, will ' endure
forever. As a layman, I am more con
vinced than ever that the completion
of the oanal is a certainty. It is un
questionably feasible and practicable."
. Arrested for Throwing a Kiss.
Wiohita, Kan., May 21. Mrs. M.
Ashoraft, a widow, has been arrested
on a warrant sworn out by T. A. Faw-
cett, a tailor, who charges that she
threw a kiss at him yesterday while
he was with his wife and that it was
done with malicious intent. Mrs.
Ashoraft says the kisi was meant for
!Mri. Fawcett.
The Czar's Manifesto. ,
London, May 21. The Chroniole's
Berlin correspondent says that the Ber
lin Tageblatt claims that the czar's
manifesto will give amnesty, partial or
oomplete, to Russian prisoners in Si
beria. Those sentenoed to a life of
penal servitude will receive mitigation
of the sentences, and offenders domi
ciled in Siberia will be permitted to
return to any part of European Russia
except St Petersburg and Moscow.
The sentences of those in jail in Eu
ropean Russia for serious offenses will
be ' reduced by one-third. A large
number of minor offenders will be par
doned. Numbers of those who left the
country for political relief will be par
doned, on condition of their taking the
oath of allegiance. The peasantry in
certain poor districts will be exoused
from arrears of orown dues. Even the
Jews will not be forgotten, and the
ill-starred Hebrew agricultural colo
nies at Ekatreinslav will also be ex
oused from arrears.
Blocked With Ice. ,
St. John's N. F., May 20. The Eng.
lish steamer Nimrod has returned from
Green's pond, where, with land in
view, she was jammed in the ice and
blocked sixteen days. She reports that
the whole ooast is blocked with ice and
that all the bays are full of it. Seri
ous destitution exists owing to the in
ability of traders to prooure supplies
from St. John's, navigation being im
possible. The people at many places are eating
their seed potatoes, and at others the
inhabitants are making a general divi
sion of their stores of flour and provi
sions, to make out an existenoe until
supplies are proourable. The blokoade
is having a damaging effect upon the
oodfishery, the fishermen being unable
to begin operations.
Fatal Runaway Accident.
Franklin. Ind.. May 20. Last niaht
Counoilman Frank Crowell left his rig
in front of his residence, mtendinc tn
take his mother, who was in the sur
rey, together with his wife and child
ren, to her own home. .
During his absence, the horses took
fright and ran away. The elder Mrs.
uroweii and tne e-year-old boy, were
thrown out, but Mrs. Crowell ' the
younger and her baby remained in the
rig until Water street was reached,
wnere tne surrey struck a rtole. and
they were thrown out on the brick
pavement, the child being killed in
Mrs. Crowell was dangerously hurt.
The elder Mrs. Crowell is hurt inter-
nally and her recovery is not probable.
The boy was internally hurt.
Debs For Presidents . ,'
Chinaeo. May 19. E. V. Ts i wna
named for the presidency of theTiiited
states by tne Chicago labor congress
today. ; The resolution nrovnUed h rlia.
oussion ' consuming three hours, and
was adopted by a slight majority. It
was recited in the resolution that, as
the corporations, svndiantea and tmat
are seeking to have presidential candi
dates nominated who are in sympathy
with the existing order of industrial
tnings, laDor, organized and unorgan
ized, should be eminllv nf
a man being nominated who is known
to be friendly to workers and wealth
producers. The oongress expressed the
opinion mat luugene V. Debs is fitted
to become the leader of the industrial
The Tawl Capsized.
Oakland, Cal., May 20. The big
yawl of the Von'Sohmidt dredger, with
four men on board, oapsized in Oak
land creek yesterday during the pro
gress of the raoes of the California
Yacht Club. One man was picked up
by the steamer Alameda and one man
aged to swim ashore and two are miss
ing. One of . them is S. H. Von
Sohmidt, oousin of the owner of the
dredger, and the other is a sailor.
1 Preparing to Leave
New York, May 20. A dispacth to
the Herald from St. Petesburg says:
Dispatches to the Novoe Vremya, from
Vladivostock, state that the Russians
are preparing to leave Corea. First,
however, they propose to restore the
king to power, under a strong guard
disciplined- by Russian?. A Russian
company has obtained a grant to work
for gold in Corea for twenty-five years.
Decision Affirmed.
Washington, May 20. The supreme
court decided today in what is known
as the "Jim Crow" car case of Plessy
vs. Ferguson, that the statute of Louis
iana referring to railroad oompanies
supplying separate coaches for white
and colored persons is constitutional,
affirming the decision of the oourt be
low. The Law Is Valid.
Washington, May 20. Justice Har
lan today delivered an opinion in the
supreme oourt in the oase of Henning
ton vs. the State of Georgia, involving
the constitutionality of the law pro
hibiting the running of freight oars in
Georgia on Sunday. The opinion held
the law to be valid.
C. Staser, chairman of the Adams
County Immigration Association, has
opened a correspondence with a view
to securing for that oounty a oolony of
Dunkards, who contemplate ooming to
Washington from Indiana.
The Great Northwest Furnishes Some
News of More Than General Inter
estDevelopment and Progress in
All Industries Oregon.
William Hunter, an old Linn oounty
pioneer, died at Brownsville last
week, at the age of 85.
The La Grande Bioyoling Club has
decided to build a bicycle track, one
third of a mile in length, to oost $500.
J. Comio, of Newberg, has sent East
for a quantity of peppermint roots, and
will experiment with the peppermint
plant in Oregon soil.
The oontract for building the First
Presbyterian church, in Brownsville,
has been awarded to Glass & Cox, of
that city, for $1,424.
Morrow county sheepnerders found a
dead lamb a few days ago that had
two bodies, eight legs, ' one head and
three eyes, says the Canyon City News.
Some of the papers in Coos oounty
are quite positive arrangments have
been made that will insure the estab
lishment of a beet-sugar factory in
that county. , '
i Eight Dalles horses will be taken to
Heppner to contest for the purses being
hung up by the speed association 'of
that place during the raoing season,
whioh begins on the 26th.
Indications are that no jury will be
impanelled at this term of oourt in
Grant oounty to try criminal cases, the
oivil docket being suoh that the court
will pass upon most of the oases.
The report of the treasurer of The
Dalles shows a total cash balance on
band of $5,729.55. Of this amount
$2,233.85 was received during the
month, principally from oity taxes. '
As the Coburg train on the Natron
branch passed Wilkins one night ' last
week, just at dusk, it received a lively
shaking up, and was nearly thrown
from the track. The oause was the
filling of the split switoh at that point
with rocks, undoubtedly with the in
tention of causing a wreck.
A larger body of ore is in sight in
the Virtue mine today than ever before
in the history of that now famous prop
erty. ' In faot they have opened up
suoh a body of ore as to crowd the ca
pacity of the mill. A number of men
have been laid off in consequene. , It is
said that two men can break down as
much ore in a day as ten men could
formorly. '
Oregon has several mining ex
changes, the latest being organized in
Portland. These institutions are not
Incorporated for tne purpose oi selling
shares iii oompanies, but for x the pur
pose of dispensing general mining in
formation by reports and maps, and in
advertising the mineral wealth of the
state. The needs of this kind of work
is daily becoming more and more ap
parent. Sheriff Henderson's tax. oollectioi
in Yamhill oounty for the current year
foot up $31,807.15, or about one-thud
of the total tax. This will pay all
state debts and enable the oounty to
make a call on warrants. The South
ern Paoifio Railroad Company 'last
week paid tax in . Yamhill county
amounting to $3,900. Treasurer John
Pennington forwarded $5,373.80 to the
state treasurer, it being the last install
ment of the 1895 state tax. ,
A complaint has ' been made out
oharging Mrs. May, of the Tillamook
academy, with assault in having too
severly punished some of the girls at
the academy. . Of this case the Tilla
mook Headlight says: "The matter
is being stirred up a litlte too far, and
developments may surprise somebody
yet. Of course, Mrs. May did not use
the best of 1 judgment in chastising the
girls, aocording to our belief, but no
doubt she regrets it, and has been suf
ficiently punished by the unpleasant
notoriety of the affair. "
It is said that the Greenhorn . range
will be oovered with ; prospectors and
miners during the summer. Its min
eral possibilities are great and all it
requires is the enlistment of oapital. to
render it one of the greatest mining
centers west of Colorado. The busi
ness men of Baker City little realize
the great undeveloped wealth at the
very door of their growing town and
the mining fraternity note with pleas
ure the determination of the Commer
cial Club to bring to prominent notice
this undeveloped wealth.
The people of Port Orford were
treated to the unusual sight of a water
spout at sea, May 1. It gathered far
out in the bay, and assuming the form
of an - immense writhing, squirming
serpent, rapidly asoended to the blaok
overhanging clouds, and, taking a
northeasterly course, and while gyrat
ing with extiaordinary velocity, it
moved rapidly shoreward, striking the
beach about two miles south of Port
Orford. Luckily, sohool bad just closed
for noon, and the ohildren all had a
fine view of the phenomena, in whioh
they took a great interest.
' Washington.
R. F. Jordan, of Wallula, put out
poison for squirrels, and let bia hogs
run in the same field. They ate the
poisoned wheat and fifty-two died.
Fairfield's cheese factory has started
up. .
Two bears were killed near Sealand
last week. ' "
Work is to begin . at onoe upon a
speed track for Port Townsend.
Waitsburg expects the largest straw
berry orop this year in its history.
Hog oholera in a mild form is preva
lent in the west side of the Kittitas
E. G. Grindrod, of Kittitas oounty,
is experimenting in the cultivation of
the Australian salt bush plant.
Mandamus proceedings have been
begun against the city treasurer of
Port Townsend to oompel him to use
the cash on hand to pay old warrants
The Auburn Argus says it is Safe to
say that not one-quarter of the hop ,
acreage will be cultivated this year in
the Green river distriot. as compared
with former years.
Mrs. Duloinea Ridgeway died in
Buckley May 12, at the age of 76. She
came to Oregon with her husband in
1852, and settled near Lebanon, where
most of her life was spent.
The Boundary Mining and Invest
ment Company has been incorporated,
with headquarters at Spokane. The
oapital stock is $50,000, and the pur
pose is to operate mining properties in
the United States and British Colum
bia, x - '
The American Lake road was sold
last week in Taooma to Robert Wingate
by Receiver Ellis for $8,400. The road
was originally built as the terminus of
the Union Paoifio . line in Taooma. It
will be equipped eleotrioally, and run
as a suburban line.
The deposit of the Whatoom oounty '
treasurer in the defunct Bellingham
Bay National bank was secured by a
$25,000 bond, and by a first mortgage
on the bank building, valued at $60,-
000, whioh, by the way, is the amount
of the oapital stock of the bank.
It is expected, if present arrange- -
ments are carried out, that the oannery
at Blaine will be well under construe-
tion, if not completed, by the 1st day
of June next. The cannery will have
a capacity of at least 500 cases per
day, utilizing two retorts and other -paraphernalia
for a oannery of this ca
pacity. The Hugh Gillighan will case, set
for hearing before Judge Arthur at
Spokane, was continued until June 8.
Gillighan was the miner who died at
Medical Lake and left $13,000 in the
Cheney bank, with a memorandum for
a will, dividing the money among
friends. His relatives resist the pro
bate of the dooument as a will. "
Idaho. .
The Lines company has three shifts
employed on the Mother lode. A sta
tion has been out and drifting will soon
be oommenced. The ore streak is six
feet and of good value.
The old Nicolia mining camp whioh
has lain comparatively idle for the
past seven years, will make quite a re
spectable output of ore. The originaf v,
Viola mine, owing to its being in liti
gation, will probably remain idle, but
there are other mines in that vicinity
which have produoed sufficient ore
during the- past winter to justify the '
letting of oontraots to freight the out
put to Dubois, where it will be shipped
to Denver.
The miners employed in the De La
mar mine are out on a strike, and ask
that their wages be restored to the
amount paid them before the out two
years ago. No disturbance is antici
pated and the Miner's Union says that
none will be tolerated by them. The
manager has submitted the matter to
the head offioe in New York.
The sale of the Yellow Jaoket mine
has been consummated in New York.
The price stated is $1,000,000 cash. -The
former owners still retain a large . '
interest in the property. The . prop
erty oonsists of thirty-six mining lode
claims, plaoer olaims, three mill sites
and in all 800 acres A town site is
being laid out on the placer claims.
Government patents oovering the entire -property
have recently been issued.
Montana. '
It is more than likely that Butte will
be honored by a visit of the mining
class of the Columbian Sohool of Mines
of New York some time in June.
Several shipments of ore from the
Homestake have been made to the Col
orado smelter the past week. The
shaft on this property will be sunk an
additional 100 feet.
The Western Mine Enterprise Com
pany, of Butte, are overhauling and
making extensive repairs in the old
mill at Bannock. The mill will be
started up just as soon as in condition
and will be run on ores from the com
pany's properties in that district.
There is a movement on foot to build
a smelter in Phillipsbarg and the citi
zens of that community are in a fair
way of realizing their fondest hopes.
It has long been known to the mining
fraternity that no distriot in the West
offers better inducements lor a plant
of this kind and it only awaits the ne
gotiations now pending between the
citizens and Butte capitalists.