The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 15, 1896, Image 2

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    fco'd jiver"Slacier,
FRIDAY, MAY 15, 1S96.
In Portland the republican bolters
liave named their ticket the ".Mitchell
jxpublican." In Wasco county we
liave "Mitchell democrats," as will be
aeen by the following report of a "dem
ocratic meeting" taken from the Dufur
" IMspaicli;
A large Hudicnoo inot Messra. E. B. Dufur
and J. W, ArmsWorthy last Saturday night
In the Odd Fellows' hall to learn what they
would do if they were elected to t he state sen
ate, . Both gent lomen were in the best of hit
inor.confldent of election, and had evidently
J Hid some experience in running for office, for
they a: e very "promising" speakers. .'
Eacli took for his text the "Free Silver of the
Democratic ritf;rm and the Reform Resolu
tions of Hue? last two or three Republican
-.. Platforms." and ttwV did each nart of their
A text justice " .
Pledges were given to allow no dead lock in
the legislature on United States senator and
10 vote for John H . Mitchell if the demoorats
ti ere in the minority, "after the usual compli
mentary vote to their favorites." Thespeakers
mere warmly applauded, both for the origi
- nality ot their pledges and theapparent truth
fulness with which they made them. .-. ... .
Hon. W. H. H, BuXur followed and handled
lils corrupt republican . associates without
gloves, and once more a spectator realized he
. was in democratic meeting. ' -
'J'he following from the Wasco News,
m-hose -editor, J. W.;; Armsworthy, is
; the democratic nominee for iolnt sen
ator from Wasco and Sherman eoun-
ties, corroborates the above:
, It will be necessary for the different candi
dates for the legislature this year to define
intjlr position regarding the choosing of a
U. 8. senator. Under existing circumstances,
when the country Is in suoh an unsettled con
dition, It becomes a question of more impor
tance than Is usual. In choosing a senator
this year we must have a man who can have
, influence enough in congress -to get certain
measures for Oregon passed. ' Ho must be a
man fa vjjj-ajjje to a bimetalic double standard.
"Were it possible for a democrat to be elected,
t he Mews would do all In lts r.power to -elect
him, but under Uie circumstances, believing
- it impossible for Oregon to send a man other
r than a republican, then let. the candidates
pledge themselves to support the man who
will do the most for the most of the- people.
of Its present state of chaos and put it once
more on the road to prosperity. . The demo
craile candidates are willing to do this very
thing. They will pledge themselves to work
for the wishes of the most people. They will
vote for a man, be he democrat or republican,
who will fill the requirements,- as demanded
iby the people. ... . .y ;;- ' - ,
Sound-money democrats of Hood
Kiver are stil in doubt about how they
will vole in the coming state election,
outside of their regular county ticket.
It will be a good day for sonde tf them
logo fishing. They are somewhat in
the same fix as the democratic editor
iii Indiana in 1860. When f he split ib.
the democratic party that yar resolt-
t'd lu the nomination Of two 'Candi
dates, Breckinridge and Douglas, it
yws hard for the , country editor tojde;.
ide which it would be the bps policy
to support. The writer, was then work
ing at the case on the Wabash Plain
dealer.. ' The editor, who. had opposed
Douglas . before the nominations, was
in a quandary, which to support. , He
finally sat down and wrote on one side
of a foolscap sheet declaring that Breck
inridge was the true democratic nom
inee iuicT denouncing Douglas as a
traitor to his. party. He then turned
. the sheet, and wrote on the other' side
in favor of Douglas, expressing his ap
preciation of .the 'Little Giant and
promising him the powerful influence
of his pen. The copy was then hand
ed to us and the. Douglas article was
put in type.-i Before the paper went to
press he look down the democratic flag
and hoisted that of Lincoln and Ham
lin and the whole republican ticket.'
The following table shows the
strength of the opposing currency del
egations so' far elected to the Chicago
convention: ,v'r": ' ...-,
, Mates. '. "' ':. '
ForlGto L
' Against.
. Oregon :.'..;..'..
Mi8sissippi.....'... .i.'.:;.'...'.... .
Colorado ...
' 18""
, 8
. : 28
i "
v 20
Rhode Island ...i..Y
Alabama ..i.;,..K..,;... :...'...
Michigan...!.;, (.ii...;.?...,.;,
Tennessee ........... ....,;......;.;
Hew Jersey..,.,, , ....
Total (uncontested).!.::.. .'11.122
Wasca county' has"" anotrjer news-"
paper. The Dufur Dispatch has been
recuscltated and is now. issued hy H. S.
Turner. The first number, May, 8th,
has been received at this office. Under
the editorial management of, M r. Tur
ner the Dispatch bids fair to be a good
local paper,- worthy the support of the
good people of Dufur. ., , - .
V. C. Ijewls of Cascade locks; dem
ocratic nominee for joint representative
from Wasco and Sherman counties,
has withdrawn.-, He says his with
drawal is in the interest of Mitchell.
This leaves the populist nominees
Henry and Messinger-a clear field for
populist-and democratic, votes. . :
It is estimated there are 1,500 vet
erans of the war in : the' second con
gressional district. Of this number
over fifty are residents of Hood JUver
,, . , , . I . .,v,.,-i .. ,.' , -
valley. - .. .: . ,
Judge North up, the sound-money
candidate for congress, was department
commander for Oregon of the'. Oianti
Army of the Republic about five years
agr. ; -
The Oiejfiii supreme court rendered
a decision last Monda y that women are
tint. limhlw for .th nffifS of - noiintv
school superintendent.; This decision
affects adversely fifteen candidates for
that position iu the state. The time
for filing certificates of nomination ex
pires todayl V ' ";
Major McKinley has now more than
a majority of the- delegates to the 'St,
Louis convention pledged to his sup
port, and his nomination on- the first
ballot Is considered a foregone conclu
sion. -
Congress has voted to adjourn next
Monday. " ' 1 ; ' !
st ''.' Mnuiorial Exercises. '
Editor Glacier.. The committee
appointed by the G.' A. R. and W.R.C.
to make suitable arrangements'-for
memorial . services on ' Sabbiith, May
24th, to be held at the Christian church
in the'Vv&liey, Nind ' the1 triemorial ser
vices of decorating : the graves of de
ceased soldiers and sailors on Saturday,
May 30th, at the cemetery near E. ,
CalKins' place, would respectf jlly sub
mit the following , ,.; j . . 7 ;
Forming Into Hne.of G. A. R. and
old soldiere. W. & C;. ahd S. of V.
all old
at church, at 11 a. in. ' ' ; '
,2. "Marching into church, G. A, R.
seated dnithe'left,. W.. Jtt. C. seated pu
the right.'" ..:.,t . ?.:. , , 's
3. Son by choir. ' ..
4. Invocation,, or Scripture reading.
6. Song by choir. ' a. -
' 6. 1'rayer. '
7. Reading of orders by W.'R: C. arid
G. a. r. '- V '
; 8. Song by choir.
9. Sermon by Rev. J. W. Jenkins. .
,10. Song by choir. :'
11. Benediction. , "
' Memorial services of decorating sol
diers' graves, May 30th, the following
.order will be observed: All are request
ed to meet at Mr. Calkins', near the
cemetery, at 2 . o'clock p. m. sharp,
when the litieof march lo the cemetery
in the following order will be expected,
and other exercises as given in. pro
gramme below:
1. Band. 'ff,-
2. G. A. R. and all old soldiers and
S. of V. -:-r-v,;;,-f "
.-, 3. W. R. !. :
4. Sunday schools with flowers. , -
5. Citizens. ,
6. On arrival at cemetery, decorating
the graves of soldiers by G.'A. R., W.
R. C. and S. of V, ; ' '
7. Reading or speaking, '. by f Miss
Agnes Dukes. ! . ,'v i. - !.
8. Short addresses by Rev. J. M.
Denison, J. L.' Hershner, F. C, Kraiise,
K. L. Johns, J. W. Jenkins nd Troy
Shelley. ' ' K: ' ' .
9.- Music by the band.' r ;
i 10, Closing. ' !-. N-t wf.'.v
The committee, would most cordially
invite the pastors . of the different
churches to fie presant.with us.on hoth
occasions' and take part in the solemn
services of honoring our noble, dead,
and especially do we want the Sabbath
schools to be. with' us; and ill the' lan
guage of our commander-in-chief, "Let
trusting childhood weave garlands for
them, and at their graves receive in
spiration that will keep them earnest
in loyalty,, pure in ; citizenship, ajid
! faithful, to' duty." ; Let nU'"come'and;
make it an occasion worthy of the ob
ject for which it was instituted
By order of the committee; '
'i C. J. Hayes, Secretary.
" K." of P.' Mcinoiial Services.
The annual memorial service of the
order will be held on May 17th, at 11
o'clock a. m., at, the Congregational
church, arid at the cemetery "at 3.p.r m.'.
urotner ivnignis win, meet atuiieir
,(ustlehall, iu Odd Fellows' building,
at 1 0.30'a.' m. ' Special meetihg Wi ll be
held Friday evening, at 8 p."m..,.at the
Congregational church. Members of
the order, whetlwr in good standing or,
not, are cordially iny-ited, to .meet with
vs and participate ,in the .ceremonies,
both this evening at-SpecialF meeting
and on memorial day. The public
generally are invited to attend the ser
vices both at church and cemetery.
L. N: Blowers, K. of R; andH..
w.haynes; c.c.
The lying Telephone. : :
John Roth'of Dufur was a candidate
before the late populist convention for
sheriff. For some reason his fitness
for that office was not recognized by
the convention and another was nom
inated, v The boys at Dufur, to have
some fun, induced Roth to' Come out
as an independent candidate. He was
in The Dalles the other day, looking
after ' his political fences, and f course
made his headquarters at the tfmatilla.
The boys in the telegraplv office .across
the' hall called him to -the telephone in
the hotel office. He was called from
Cascade Locks, Hood River, Mosier
and .other' places; all-: promising ' "bltn
the Support of the leadings citizens of
ekcli. Then ,the leading,, cMMim of
The'Dalles began to callhim jip and
ne iieceuea to- tne most ccf ermg. prom
ises ot support trom alls Wliile Jtsten-
ing to the nattering words of. Malcolm
Moody through the 'phouRoth- was
horrified to see Malcolm en ter tlre'door
of the hotel.-.:' He dropbed the "receiver
witti the exclamation "Mine Cott!''j'i
Council Proceedings. :ri'M
The common council met at the pffle
of the recorder May 8th, Mayor Blbwr.-
ere presiding.? Present Councilmen
Henry, Watson-,' Dukes, Bartmess and
Morse and Recorder Prather. -'
Minutes of .last regular meeting read
aud;approved. ' .v ,,
Ordinance No. 10 was read second
time. ' On motion of Morse, the ordi
nance was rejected. -' -,
v- Committee on streets and public
Croperty reported that a dog pens had
eeu built and is now in condition to
impound dogs. ' .. - - : -;
Bill of J. P. Watson for $1.90, for
labor and material for dog pound, was
read and referred to finance committee.
On motion of Henry, the, bill of J. P
Watson was .allowed and .warrant. or
dered drawn on general fund for the
payment of same. ............
On motion of Henry, the recorder
was authorized to purchase two dozen
dog Cheeks-or tags.- ... . .
;Oir motion, the mayor was Instructed
to notify the marshal that the council
had ordered' him to appoint one or
more deputies for impounding stock.
j Look to Your Lawns fjpxey's Coming,
MASiRll.LOlf. Ohio. . Mav 5. .. 18!)j8.r?
C. I-.Mr. J&cvK
Dear Sir: Ther;is' such a discfepaiicy
fin the hand-writing of two-letters bear-vjus
ing your nam e. that we are" at "loss to,
know what it yeans Hoyever,,jiro,
Morse, do not oppose your state com
mittee. : Mr. Coxey'is not under their
pay. He has" laid out a trip" through'
'Oregort on his own hook. He (lesiivs
to etuny botany as ne . goes along, anq
especially,; the., difierent. , r,e tna
thrive in voursoil arid under; vour cli-
uiuu,. - ...... J 1 V , I . - .... x, . ' ' ' J'
ping' places at Hood River; wilt arrive
there on the 18th; and if. whlle" iii thd;
vicinity, the natives, through Curiosity'
or otherwise, see ' fit to corner 'liirh' to
get a speech or explanation of his-meas-'
ures, why i guess ' it mightf'be done
without violating any' rules of party
discipline ' or endangering tiie--itrtho-doxy
of your populism. . He will be at
Hood River on the 18th. So warn the'
timid ones to move out and take their
lawns with' them. -'As a. reminder or
suggestion of what they may-expeet t;
see -when lie comes, we-enu. a iejv
lithographs.- Place, them as youri-di
cretioa best dictates, -but if the; traius.-;
stop at your town there is sure to be, a
Coxey visitation to Hood River. It is
well to be warned of these things,, and
Knowing iiuu. your peopus vu,uipie
ciate ia friendly tipi for tnere' is nro way
of escape so. far as I Can see. .now, I
speak (bus frankly. il'Uereare, feome,
things can lie stopped, some courses can
he diverted if taken iii time," but Cpxey
is out of that "'list entirely.-' I discov
ered that when I was with him two
years ago and sav Chief "Murphy of
Pittsburg ' try to keep Mm from enter
ing' that city. 'That's best we can say
now.; Pi Sj When ' the natives take
in their lawns, tell thew to- take in
their signs, too. , Yoursi
.Strawberries in the Willamette Talley.
Tuesday's Oregonian says: "The'con
tinuous cool, showery' weather is not
favorable to the early . development of
strawberries, and many are' anxiously
inquiring as to the prospects for the
strawberry crop this season. A report
er yesterday met 'Mr. 'N. ..B.; Harvey',
the well-known grower! of bewies'teti
Milwaukee, who is.-incliried,"tor, take
rather'a gloomy view of the sit'oatioiiv
He says that 'in not one of. tli (16
years he has been engaged in growing
-strawberries. liaVe;th.yiiies ;or' plants
looked so, unpromising . as-, at ptefenti
It) fact, they are not more .than half as
well grown as is usual at this time of
year, ano wuere iue". -plants matse a
poor growth he says, there eanmtt be
a big cropof berries. He says the fruit
will. he 10 days later , than usual : this
year. Generally fpeakitig hehas cm
menoed picking berries for market from
the 28th of May to the 1st of June, but
he thinks it will be June 10th betore
there will be any - picking done this
yearand then there will not1 be over,
halfa crop. ' :. ; 1 . ' (. '
" Mr.'S. 0. McOafferty of Hood-; River
and Miss Clara Wrage of Drano came:
down on the Regulator Monday in or
der to see-what kind of a n-uUrinionial
knot, Judge J Gray couW J tie. Tlw'y(
fouivaout.all right enough. - ; Arteit Aiw
tervlewing County Auditor Green and
procuring :, the -necessary i legal r,loju
ment, John Williams was started post
haste after the judge, who was at home
at work h his fartn.v' ;The.,ceremoyy.
was performed at the Nix hotel, but "it
was too late for the happy couple, to
take the bja -oc"'.hotneTSo--they v. re
mained 'in Ste'ensoii' until the next
moruing. Some of the. boys tried , to
'get up a chivari during tlie evening,
but the attempt was a faijure and the
young couple were allowed to .Jeat.ju
peace-Skamania Pioneer. ."
; The Discovery Saved His Life.
Mr. G. CaillouttedruceriMt. Beuvers-
ville,' Ilt,'flflyft':'"To Dr.'Iving''s "New 1
Discovery 1 owe., my life. ;, Was taken
,with la grippe .arid tried ail the, pHjsii
clans for ruilesabout.but of no avail and
was giveil up and told I could not'liVe.
Having Dr. King's New Discovery 1n
my store,I sen t for a bottle and began its
use, and frrrt the first dose began to. get
better, and after using three bottles was,
up and -about -agaihi , It, Is worth its,
.weight iii goi'd- jVVe won't keep storebtftl
bouse without tt.':'. JUet a free triaPftt'tbe'
Cure for Headachpi -:
As a remedy for al l forms of headache
Electric Bitters has proved to be the
very best. It effects a permanent cure?'
and the most dreaded habitual' sick
headaches yield to , its influence. : W
urge all who are afflicted to-, procure-a,
bottleand give this remedy a fair triaL
In casesof habitual constipation, Elec-:
trie Bitters cures by giving the needed;
tone to the bowels, and few cases long
resist the use, of this medicine. ".'Trv it
once. Fifty cents and $I'a bottle? For
sale at the Hood River Pharmacy,; y-
Why DidYouQomp Out
f r; Iridepfendent3?;! if
- At the- request of.niany friends ani jf(4era
f ol ttiU county, who believe, like myselOhat'
UiIb free country should, be .run by .the people
and not by. any-faction or poHttejii bosses of
t(ny party, tlittt wotild down a man because
they could not use htm. . , , y ...
Nox,,gehymen, I do n.oi,jr tti'inPre
tidn others have before nje, nd , have only
cjone my duty as a' faithful custodian of the
fpnds of this county, and shall continue to do
so as long as you say by your votes tflat I
shall stay -in the office -of treasurer! of Was!'
county. :, Notfavorinj the rich anymore tlinn
the man who tolls hard and long for his hard
oiarned dollars, I leave It for the voters of this
county to say If . a tried man Is not as good as
an untried man In this responsible office.
! I am ut your service. ' r '
3 ' , ' WM. MICIIELTv 1.'
'.') , : County Treasurer. -
Summer Prices for Mill?
From and aftr May 1st I will;, sell J20 urb
illl. A.M fl E ......... .......
further, not ice.
; $5 Reward.
.. v f'T
f?trayed-One Teray h-se. branded sqtlaTc
nhd compass on left shoulder: .one sorrel horse,
branded P. O. on left .shoulder. Hve dollars
reward will be paid lor their dellverv Ut West
Bros., Hood Hlve. ,. S.. W iJUKKANiv '
t mylo
' Rubber. Stamps. " v
1 I am now.: prepared-; to iftirnlsh Ruhtwr
Stamps, s'als,itencils, et;., ut " he most reitr
sonuble prices. GKO. T, l'KATHEK.
Secretary Carlisle's
...... u 11 IS
vernal sea-
IU1U ,A.v
journal, set in' fine Woe. It invoi?. From the
extensive i
marshalings of figured the varied
in groups up to thousands of. mtlLdua""1
set for .many arrays of percentages and re
quired for Its argument ratios and equations
Appertaining to wages, prices of commodities,
the fluctuations of depreciated currency and
voluminous comparative statistics affecting
labor and life In various countries. It was
delivered without manuscript or notes or ref
erehce to notes except In two Instances, one to
show the-vise- and fall of silver ahd wages In
Chill and a second to oite the report of a sen
ate committee covering wages and prices of
commodities for a designated period ln-the
United States. Chicago Times-Herald. v
Land Offlce at The Dailes, Oregon, May 13.
18W). Notice Is hereby given that the follow
ing named settler has filed notice of his In
tention to make fina'l proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Oregon,
oa June 80, 189B, viz: . -. ',. , - . ..
Hd. E. No. 884. for the west y, northeast
and-west southeast section 81; township A
Jiorth, range 11 east, w. M. , .
s He names the following witnesses to prove
hlb continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of said land, viz: :'- -
C, Welds, J. P. Watson, Thos. Iacey and
JN. Revnolds, all of Hood River. Oregi
myloJelB . ; JAS. F. MOORE, Regi:
" Lan Office at The" Dalles. Oreeoh. Mav S'.
,l(jyii. plotice Is hereby given that ttiefolfow-
-lng-namea seiner nas niea nonce oi nis mien-,
tlou to commute and make final proof In sup
port of his- claim, and. that said proof will
be made before Register and Receiver at The
Palles,' Oregon, On June 21, 1898, viz:
, . ' NEWELL HARLAN. . - ; ''
Hd. E.iNo. 4329, for the north y, northwest
section l-i, townsqip a norm, range ii eai,
W.1 M.. - .....
" He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Thomas Harlan, Lee Evans and Wm. Wat
son of Mosier, and Milton Harlan of Tne
Danes. , , JAS. F. MOORE,
myi5Jel9 ,. ) , , . ; .. , . .; Register..:
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash., May7,
189B. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has .filed notice of her In
tention to-make final proof In support of her
claim, 'and that said proof will be made before-
iw, Jt. .Dunbar, Commissioner U. S. Cir
cuit Court for District of Washington, at his
otllkfe in tfoldendale, Wash., on June 20, 18911,
'Vi4lJS'-.'M tv ....... j.., -.'..... .-. ,, .
h'. "X: J-;EMMA EIRICH, y'i ,
(formerly Emma Olsen) H. E. No. 7766, for the
north of south west H. northwest M of south
east and south west of northeast section
6, township 8 north, range 12 east, w. M.
She names the foil wing witnesses to nrove
tier continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of. said land.' viz:
. James (: l.yle, Joseph Silva, John R. Hen
eel and James Fltz, all or Lyie P. O., Wash-
) myxjul2 'i Register.
-Lah d "Office ut The Dalles, Oregon.-May 4,
18tt. Notice is hereby given that the tollow
ing.named settler has: filed notice -of his in.
Untiu lo make final proof in support of his
claim, and that said prool will be made before
Register and KeeolVera The Dalles, Oregon,
on June 17:, 1896, viz: j v --, ,
1 jfiTHOMAS HARLAN, .: .
H't.'B.:Noj'382, for the lot 7, section 2, town-
sinp 4 norm, range u east.
e names the following witnesses lo nrove
this uitmuoHs residence upon and cultivation
of, sam lanu, viz: - . -v - -. , .
William Watson. Lee Evans, E. J. Huskey
and Milton Harlan, all of Mosier. Oregon,
mwlnltt ' ' .tAH. MnOHE. RHO-Usler.
11 V,,V TTT1 T X f. . ,rS,
run runiiivaiiuix. .-.
Land Offlce at The Dalles, Oregon, May
4, 1890. Notice- Is hereby given that the
following-named settler has filed notice ot
his intention to make final proof in
support, of his claim, and that said proof
win oe maae Derore Register ana ueeeiver at
The Dalles, Oregon, on June 17, 1896, viz: -,
V. ' .. MILTON HARLAN,' ' ' ',
Hd. E. No. 3604. for the northeast i southwest
yt lots 1, 2, 8, 5 and 6, section 2, township. 2
norm, range ii east. .
.He names the following witnesses to prove
.his continuous residence upon and cultivation
Lot; said land, viz: ! ... -, i f.vans, f.. j. nuskey,. wnuam vv aion
ana Tnomas harian., -'--'
my8juI2 JAS. F. MOORE, Register. '
Timber Land, Act June 8, 1878. )'
United States Land Office, Vancouver,
Wash;, April 80,-1890. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions of the
a,..nfVnn..Af.TnnU Q IS U .,ltl. A r
,ftct for the sale ofiimber lands in tlie states of
caiyornia, Oregon, .Nevada,, ana wasnington
Teriitorv."'as extended to alt the Public Land
;.Btates by act.of August 4, 1892, ". .. ,, iur. )
v :l:--'-n WiLLIAM KENNEDY, ' : i- ;..
Of Ghe-noweth, county of Skamania, state of
wasnington, nas tnis aay niea in tms omce
his sworn statement No. 1848, for the purchase
of the lot 4, of section 84, in township No. 8
north, lange No. 9 east,' W. M., and will offer
proof to show that the land sought is more
valuable for Its timber or stone than for agrl
; cultural purposes, and to esbiblish his claim
to said land before the Register and Receiver
.at this office at Vancouver, Wash., on Monr
4ay the 20t.h day of July, 1891. - - .
He ' names' as: witnessesrvjohri p, Gillette,
Charles A. Cook, Frank P.'Brower and John
M. Coulter ,7all of Chenowh, Skamania coun
ty. Wash; ' - .: .-
Any und all persons claiming adversely the
above-described lands are requested to file
then claims In this office on or before -Said
L20th day of July, 1890; .
P mvtfvia- ".' -. OKI). M. ffTKVKSfUYItj V. ' '-
I .! ;,. ,y- : jieglster.."J
Land Office at Vancouver, Washt. April 29,
189ti.--Notice is hereby given that the follow-iing-named
settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion U -make final proof in support of his
'chtlnVind that said proof will be made be-fore-0.0i
Green, lerk of the Superior Court
Of Skamania county, Washington, at Steven
son, Washington, on June 1.1. 189B, viz: '
WESLEY LOCKE,. . .': ,!
Hd. No. 8160, for the east southeast X and
southwest M southeast section 1. and north
east i' northeast sectlon;12, townships
norx.n, range v easi, w . m.- 1 - - - i ,
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, vizr '
Horace WitherwoX and George Tyrrell of
f?henoweth. Wash., and W. Marlon Locke
and Jacob M. Locke of White Salmon, Wash.
iinytyul2 y: GEO. H. STEVENSON,
. . , : .i- . ;;j - . Register. .-
' Timber Land, Act June 3, 1878. .
Notice for, publication.
United States Land Office, Vancouver.
Wash., March ft, I89i. Notice is hereby given
that in compliance with the provisions ot the
aut of congress of June 8, 18.8, entitled "An act
for' the sale of timber lands In the states of
California, Oregon, Nevada, and Wasnington
Territory,;' as extended to all the public lands
hv net, of' A nirnst. 4. 189-2. Samuel W. Tinners.
lor Chennweth, county of Skamania, stale ol
Tvastnngton; nas tins aav niea in this office
tils sworn statement No.1812, for the purchuse
In the southeast southeast of section 12,
in township No. 8 north, range 9 east, S . M.,
and will ofler proof to show that the land
sought is more valuable for its timber or stone
than tor agricultural purposes, and to estab
lish his claim to said land betore the Register
and Receiver of this offh-e ut.. Vancouver,
Wash., on Saturday, the 28d day of May, 180;.
He names as witnesses: Nels Nelson.Samuel
II. 1 coles, W lllia.m Ingles and V red M. llroad
bent, all ol Chenoweth, Skalnunlu county,
Wash. -
And any and all persons claiming adversely
the above described . lands are requested to
ft le their claims in this office on or betore said
SM drtyof May, 189(1. '
iuai l8tnlii . -- XJEO.'H, STEVENSON,
- , - , Register...
This Tourist. " G0. : P CjEiOWEjJjIj9
Sl.tecesso, to' E. L. Smiths-Oldest Established House in the vattur.l
IDx-y Qoods,
Flcur, Feed,
; v ' . ; dealers in ; ' ' ''''
; ' - : ' ' :. ' Sell only for CASH at yi.' -.. .yU-l
, , n invite iiauc ui uiuac uujrcis ' . "
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. v -.J
.i' Crayon Work and Enlarging at Moderate Prices..
All the best variety of Apples, Including Yakimaj; Gano, Arkansas .Black, etc., and all
other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage.' , We are here to stay. .: i-..-i :t
v ? : H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nur3ery,(J..
i ....
Choice Fresh Meats,
: ' Hams, Bacon, Hard, 1
And All Kinds of GameT
1 - x ALSO, DEALERS IN ' ' 1
HOOD RIVER, , - - T - - - - . - OREGON. -'
;;&.';W" , ;" . - v'.'; . "
Comfortable conveyances' to alfTparts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy-dtjW-!i '
ing and transferring done with care'and promptness. Also, dealer In .,. ., ,. j .f.i,-,T::1..
; .v And Vehicles
Call' andsee our stock'and get
' -.; i And shall endeavor to merit custom
, 78 Second St., ! ' ' ' '
' And Leaders of Fashions, t.
The largest and most complete assortment
of American and imiwrted English woolens
ever shown m the- citr. - Latest patterns in
spring and summer suitings. ; Call and In
spect atock and get prices.
Business Suits,
' from $18 to $25.
; ;. , Dress Suits foom f25 to $50. i t
For Sale at Belmont.
The Ketehum "place, by E. C. Rogers. Also,
E. C. Rogers' place, cheap for cash, or one
halt down and balance on easy terms. . dU
..i'').';v.'..::C 'WEHAYEf.ADOPTEDTHE Wi'h'ti,
Etc., Etc.
-i'r. I
. '
IMK L t m t N I o
of All Kinds. ' .', ; ;;
prices; they are Interesting. 1
by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY.
I I I I I . I I II Ifl I H. -
vviLA. JL " - -JL" XJ XJ mL'-?.
Mt Ranclt for. Sain Ctep.,::;
Situated 4 miles west of the town of Hoodi,
River, on the Columbia. Free from late frosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch. -Fine
irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to. place. Gall at Glacier ,
office or at ranch, . F, U. ABSTEN.: ;
,,. Bargains in Land.'
200 acres of unimproved land for sale. on the 1
East Bide, 6 miles from town,7 tol0 an acre.
Other land, ahont half cleared. fHO an acre.
i "Well Improved land. S10 an acre. Plenty of
water for irrigation. Will sell in 20 or -10-acre
tracts. Inquire at Glacier olllcej rs Je22
Land for Sale..
..... . . , . . ', vj..-
Thlrty acres unimproved land 4V miles -southwest
of town. -Will be sold cheap,
Inquire of Frank Chandler, or address
. ' F. W. ANGUS, -
mar27 " . Hood Ulver, Or. v