The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 15, 1896, Image 1

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, It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 7. HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY. MAY 15, 1896. ; NO. 51.
' ' ' ' ' 1 .. Tin -- ...' - , iii i in i i 1. ' - i mi mi ii iii
3(ood Iiver fi lacier.
On yeM. f2 00
Six pionths , .... 1 00
Throe months , 60
Stifle copy ..(Cent
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor,
Shaving and halr-cuttlng neatly done,
action guaranteed.
Comprehensive Review of the Import
ant Happenings of the Past Week
Culled From the Telegraph Columns
At Home and Abroad.
George Haag, 25 years old, killed
himself, in San Franoisoo by taking
stryohnine. He was a member of a sui
oide club.
The controller of the currency has
deolared a dividend of 15 per cent in
favor ofvthe creditors of the insolvent
Stook Growers' National bank, of Miles
City, Mont.
At Alonzo provinoe, in Huelva,
Spain, a misoreant set fire to a build
ing in which a danoe was in progress.
Six persons were burned to death, and
many were injured. .,
A telegram received from Santo Do
mingo says that the president, Ulysses
Heureauz, has had the minister of
war, Castillo, and .Governor Estay, of
Maooris, shot for oonspiraoy.
Senator Kyle, from the committee
on forest reservations, has reported fa
vorably the bill authorizing the pur
chase of toll roads in Yosemite Na
tional Park, and'making them free.
Twenty speoiai agents of the general
land office in Washington, D. C, have
been ordered suspended from May 10 to
June 80, inolusive, on acoount of an
inadequate appropriation for the cur
rent fiscal year.
The Denver chamber of -oommeroe
authorizes the statement that no con
tributions for the Cripple Creek fire
sufferers from other states are needed.
The contributions in sight in Colorado
amount to nearly $50,000. .
" The "Northern Paoifto & Manitoba
Terminal bondholders have been ad
mitted to the Northern Paoifio reorgan
ization and have aooepted 50 per cent
In new threes and a like amount in pre
ferred stock as a basis of settlement.
The senate committee on pubho
lands has agreed to press upon the sen
ate steering oommittee consideration of
' the bill granting 5 per oent of the pro
ceeds of the sale of p'ublio lauds to the
states where tne sales have been or may
be made. -
All of the trans-Atlantio steamship
lines have advanoed the rate on gold
from 1-33 to 5-82. For some time past
the companies have held the opinion
that the rates charged were not fair to
them, considering the risks involved,
The opinion is expressed that this ad'
vanoe in freights may oheok the pres
ent outward 'J&vement of gold.
The New York Herald's correspond
ent in Salvador wirtes that oongress
has approved the treaty of Amalpa
which unites the republics of San Sal
' vador, Nicaragua and Honduras, whioh
will benoeforth be called by the name
Republioa Major de Centro America.
The American Medioal Association
met in its 47th annual session in the
Grand opera house : in Atlanta,- Ga.
The association has over 1,500 mem
bers, being the largest body of physi
cians and surgeons in Amerioa,
probably in the world. Dr. Bevej ly
Cole, of California, presided. .
The Herald's correspondent in Guay
aquill, Eouador, telegraphs that the
provinoe of Manabi suffered terribly
from earthquakes. In Puerto Viejo
houses were thrown down, maDy per-
sons were buried alive in the ruins and
many injured. The provinoe of Man
abi is in the northeastern part of Eoua
. dor. '
James Creelman, correspondent of
the New York World, and Frederiok
W. Lawrenoe,- correspondent of the
New York Journal, have been expelled
from Cuba, on the ground that they
: caluminated General Weyler, the gov-
' ernment and army, and attributed the
insurgents' crimes to the Spanish
armv. They have been ordered to
leave Cuba by the first steamer sailing
A monster sea lion, in quest of
salmon, became entangled in a fish
trap, near the mouth of the Columbia
river. The trap was badly wrecked.
The militia . patrolling the beach at
Ilwaoo, on acoount of the strikers, as
sisted in killing the lion, which is the
largest ever seen near the Columbia
river. It took eleven rifle shots to kill
the lion, whioh weighed over 2,100
Edwin F. Uhl, the new ambassador,
was formally presented to the emperor
of Germany. The emperor replied
briefly to Mr. Uhl's address, joining in
the hope the latter had expressed, and
speaking very appreoiatively and ad
miringly of the United States and
Amerioans. He trusted, he said, that
Mr. Uhl's activity would redound to
the better understanding and more in
timate relations between the two coun
J. Simons, the cook on the pilot boat
schooner San Jose, was washed over
board and lost while the sohooner was
crossing the Columbia river bar Jjound
in. The weather was rough outside,
and a havy swell on the bar tossed the
little schooner about considerably, one
huge wave striking her midships and
turning her over almost on her beam
ends. Simons was standing at the
time in the cockpit, and the reoeding
wave carried him over the side. The
crew was unable to render any assist
ance, the unfortunate man disappear
ing as soon a he went over the schoon
er's side. ' -
A fight between negroes and Hun
garians at Keystone, W. Va., resulted
in two negroes and one Hun being
killed. Wilson Worthington and Geo. J
Manard were also injured.
Rear Admiarl Kirkland has been or
dered to command the Mare Island
navy-yard in place of Captain H. L.
Howison, who is ordered to special
duty in connection with the Oregon.
Carl Albrecht, who killed his wife in
Marshfleld, Or., February 18 last, was
oonvioted in oircuit oourt at Empire
City of murder in the first degree.
The jury1 brought in a verdict after fif
teen minutes' deliberation.
The railroad station in' Florin, Cal.,
was entered by burglars, ine tmx
glars robbed the railroad station,! the
postofflce and Wells-Fargo express
office, which are all in the same build
ing. A small sum of money was taken.
Crazed with drink and brooding over
trouble which he considered a disgraoe
to himself and relatives, Frank Wal
ton, aged 80, threw himself in front of
an engine on tne JKock island tracK
near Lincoln, Neb. , and was ground to
a pulp. . " -
In the Canadian prohibition case,
the privy oounoil has deoided that par
liament cannot pass a general prohibi
tory law, nor can the provinoes abolish
the traffic in liquor, but they can pass
laws to regulate it by licenses, under
reasonable conditions.
It is said that the war costs Spain
$100,000,000 annually and 10,000 sol
diers every year
Notice has been given by the Soo line
of its intention to put into effect a
round-trip rate of f 60 from St. Paul
and Minneapolis to Kootenai points.
The tickets will have limits in both di
rections of forty days and final return
limits of ninety days. -' '
The city of L'Anse, at the head of
Kewana bay, Miohigan, has been wiped
out by fire. The L'Anse oompany's
lumber mill and nearly all the business
houses wero bunred. - Two hundred
persons are homeless. The total loss is
$250,000; insuranoe small. '.
A dispatch from Panama says:
Puerto Vijo, the capital of Manabi,
with a population of 10,000, has been
entirely destroyed by two earthquakes.
The shocks were succeeded by floods,
inundating the city. Many lives are
supposed to have been lost.
' In a boxing match between John
Houlihan and Pat Nolan, whioh came
off in Farmington, Conn. , Houlihan
was knocked out in the eleventh round
and rendered unconscious. He was not
resuscitated, and it is believed his in
juries will prove fatal.
It is stated in Kansas City that the
firm of Swift & Co. will shut down
their big packing plant at that point
for an indefinite period. " Their plant
gives employment to 1,800 men, and in
capaoity ranks second among tne pack
ing establishments of Kansas City. .
In Rome, N. Y.,' J. Watson Hil'
jT dreth, the boy trainwreoker, reoeievd a
...c- x TT; 1 Til .. i
me SttULcxIUO. AJ.1B uuiupamujua, ruiu
and Hibbard, who pleaded guilty of
manslaughter in the first degree, were
sentenced to twenty years' imprison
ment on two indictments, or forty years
in all
William Laverone and Jaok Roberts,
highwaymen, oaptured a few days
since, overpowered the jailer in Ma
dera, Cal., beating him severely over
the head with' a briok.. , They took his
koys and arms and esoaped. They are
desperate characters and it is feared
will kill some of the posse before they
are captured. '
News is reoeived of a brutal murder
oommited in Ooonto. Wis. , in a dis
pute between two farmers about
team of horses, in which a man named
Olsen shot one named Lissot. ' He
then , carried the body to a brush pile
and set it on fire. A deputy sheriff ar
rested Olsen and bad him handcuffed
by one hand, but by a desperate effort
the man esoaped and hid in the woods,
A Direct Violation of Laws Their Coarse
. Regarded By England as an Un
friendly Act Seriousness of the New
Cannot Be Overestimated.
London, May 14. A speoiai from
Shanghai says:
Russians, through an American agent
named Smith, have taken possession
of the disputed, territory of Chee Foo,
over whioh the British . claim rights.
Six Russian warships are there as well
as the Detroit, Yorktown, Olympia and
Machias of the United States navy.
Great exoitement prevails at Chee -Foo.
A dispatoh to the Globe from Shanghai
says the Russians seized lot 12 of the
British concessions at Chee Foo in de-
fianoe of all legal and treaty rights.
The Globe's editorial oomment contains
this remark: "The seriousness of the
hews from Chee Foo cannot be overesti
mated. The aotion taken is in direot
contravention of the existing laws and
treaties and cannot be viewed by Great
Britain as other than an unfriendly
act." ! : , ;
Herolo Equestrian Statue of General
Hancock Unveiled. .
Washington, May' 14. With impos
ing ceremonies, the heroic equestrian
statue of Major-General Winfield Soott
Hanoock was unveiled here this after
noon before an immense gathering
whioh inoluded President. Cleveland,
Vice-President Stevenson, and repre
sentatives of the supreme court, diplo
matic corps, oongress, and army, vet
erans, and oolleagues of the late gen
eral. The unveiling was preceded by a
military demonstration, in which the
second army corps, at the head of
whioh General Hanoock achieved his
greatest victories, participated.
Brigadier-General Brooke, command
ing the department of the Dakotas,
United States army, was grand mar
shal. The exercises opened with pray
er by Bishop Satterlee; of Washington.
The principal address was delivered by
John M. Palmer, of Illinois, major
general United States volunteers dur
ing the war. A salute was fired as the
statue was unveiled. . Seven hundred
invited guests were present, inoluding
many relatives of the dead general.
The statue stands in the heart of
the business district of Washington.
It is the work of Henry J. Elliott. Its
total height is 83 feet 8 inohes. The
proportions of the rider are such that if
standing erect, he would measure 10
feet in height.
Exciting Scenes Before the Missouri
St. Joseph, Mo. May 14. The Re
publican state convention almost turn
ed into a riot this morning before the
delegates were admitted to the hall.
At 10 o'olook 2,000 people were in
front ' of the Crawford opera house
clamoring for admittanoe. .
Filley, as chairman of the state oom
mittee issued tickets to his delegates
before leaving St. Louis. Kerns was
present with the contesting delegation.
The local committee on arrangements,
recognizing Kerns as boss, also issued
tiokets to the convention, and having
Obtained possession of the keys of (-the
uperu iiuuse, iciuseu iu nuiuic any uue
until Filley would consent to com
promise. ,
For over two hours the delegates
stood in the hot sun cursing Filley and
nerns. At ri O'olooK a crowd or men
wearing Filley hats congregated in the
rear of the theater and attempted to
smash in the door with a battering ram
The sergeant-at-arms telephoned for the
police and a patrol wagon full of offl
oers was sent.
Embezzlement Is Charged.
Sacramento, Cal., May 14. Shortly
before noon today a warrant was issued
for the arrest of Eugene J. Gregory,
ex-mayor of Sacramento. Complaint
was sworn to by Mrs. Bruce B. Lee,
who accuses Gregory of having embez
zled $9,000 belonging to her.
Gregory is one of the most prominent
men in California, and was once a Re
publican oandidate for governor. He
was once president of the state board
of trade and was a member of the
board of managers of the midwinter
. A Fatal Sham Battle. ;
New York, May 14. A dispatch to
the World from Caraoas, Venezuela,
says: In a sham battle here Sunday
bullets were secretly used by both
sides. As a; consequence one man was
killed and several wounded in the ex
oitement of the fray. The Caracas
Journal in commenting upon the affair
grimly observes: "We have bullets for
Englishmen." '"
' Students Were Riotous.
Rio de Janeiro, May 14. Students
of the polytechnic raised a serious dis
turbanoe on Monday and maltreated
their professors, shouting, "Death to
thedireotor," "Down with monarohy,'
and "Long live the republic!"
Routine Work of the Fifty-Fourth
ion Senate.
Washington, May 9. By a deoisive
vote today the ; senate decided to in
accurate an investigation of the bond
sales oonducted by the secretary of
the treasury during the last three
years. The resolution demanding the
investigation is very explioit. It re
quests that the committee on finance be
directed to investigate and report gen
erally all the material faots and cir
cumstances connected with the sale of
United States bonds by the secretary of
the United States treasury during the
years 1894, 1895 and 1896; what
amount of available funds was in the
treasury at the time of such issues; the
obligations of the government, and the
reasons lor tne withdrawal oi gold
from the treasury, and the classes of
persons who made such withdrawals.
Washington, May 11. All Oregon
and Washington items in the river and
harbor bill went through the senate
without opposition today, inoluding
the appropriation for the boat railway
at The Dalles and the Seattle canal.
There will be a fight on both items in
the conference. With the bond resolu
tion out of the way, the senate gave its
attention to the aooumulation of minor
measures before going - on with the
river and harbor bill Mitchell of Or
egon gave notioe that when the last
appropriation bill was passed.he would
press the joint resolution for eleotion
of senators by the people, not for the
sake of having further speeohes, but
to actually adopt the resolution. Bills
were passed to establish a classification
division in the United States patent
office, and granting permission for the
erection of a monument in Washington
in honor of Samuel Hahnemann, and
appropriating $4,000 for a foundation.
Washington, May 18. The Califor
nia deep-water harbor prbjeot was be
fore the senate most of the day, It is
seldom that a local improvement arouses
so much feeling among senators, man
ifesting itself in a d bate of unusual
animation and of considerable personal
feeling. Berry began the debate to
day, declaring that this proposed ex
penditure of $3,000,000 was against
the publio interest and in the private in
terest of C. P. Huntington, of the
Southern Pacific Vest and Caffery
took the ground that the appropriation
should not be made at present. Frye,
chairman of the oommerce committee,
replied to the strictures upon the prop
osition, and vehemently characterized
the criticism of Huntington as savor
ing of the slogan of the sand-lots."
House. V
Washington, May 9. The net re
sult of a three and a half hours' session
of the house today was the passage of
a bill to amend the act oreating the
oourt of appeals so as to .allow appeals
from the supreme courts of the terri
tories to the oourt of appeals. Piokler
attempted to seoure his revenge for the
defeat he suffered last night, when the
house refused to remain in session to
pass private pension bills, by blocking
legislation today. He made the point
of no quorum at every opportunity, and
finally the house, losing patienoe, ad
journed. Pickler threatens to keep
up his tactics until he accomplishes his
object, which he says is to seoure fur
ther consideration for private pension
bills. '
V ashington, May 11. The members
of the house voted themselves $100 per
month for clerk hire during the recesses
of oongress. Under a resolution passed
by the fifty-second congress, the mem
bers of subsequent oongresses reoeived
$100 per month for clerk hire during
the sessions. Today the proposition to
extend this allowance to members dur
ing the recesses of oongress came up in
the form of the Hartman resolution,
adversely reported from the oommittee
on accounts. It occasioned some very
sharp debate. ' It bad the support of
Cannon, chairman of the appropria
tions oommittee, but was opposed by
Dingley, the floor leader of the major
ity. Aldrich said it wonld involve an
additional expenditure of $216,000 per
annum. , The resolution was amended
so as to exoept members who are chair
men of oommittees, having annual
olerks, and as amended was passed
130 to 108.
Washington,. May 13. The session
of the house today was almost entirely
devoted to the consideration of District
of Columbia business. Bills were
passed to authorize the secretary of the
treasury to detail revenue out ers to
enforoe regulations at regattas; to
grant the Denver, Cripple Creek &
Southwestern railroad a right of way
through the South Platte and Plum
oreek forest reservations; to grant pipe
line rights of way over the publio do
main in Colorado and Montana; to
grant the Flagstaff & Canyon railroad
right of way through the Grand can
yon,, and to extend the charter of the
Dennison & Northern, railroad. ... A
preliminary conference report on the
Indian appropriation bill was agreed
to, and the title of Mr. Maddox, o
Georiga, to his seat was confirmed. ,
Pennsylvania engine No. 2,106 is
said to to have run 250,000 miles with
out once being taken to the shops for
repairs. '
Paper telegraph poles are in
A Budget of Interesting and Spicy
Mewl From All the Cities and Towns
on the Coast Thrift and Industry
. in Every Quarter Oregon.
An Oakville teacher whipped five
boys and one girl on a, recent forenoon.
Elgin has a new tent of Maooabees,
and will soon have a camp of Wood
men, i
F. W. Blumberg has been made sec
retary of the Albany board of immigra
Kern & Church are going to build a
cannery at the mouth of the Siletz
river. , ,
The Wollowa county grand jury re
turned a true bill for eaoh indictment
submitted to it
A. J. Knollan is gathering up 12,000
sheep at The Dalles, whioh he will
have driven aoross the country to East
ern markets.
Inorease to the flocks of 'Morrow
county will not be above 80 per oent
net, on account of the severe weather.
Shearing has just begun. "
Sheep are getting so numerous in
Lake county that unless 50,000-are sold
this summer the ranges will be covered.
The inorease this spring is expected to
be quite large. : '
E. Broughton came very near losing
his life near Athena by squirrel poison
a few days ago. He put a pocket knife
in his mouth that had been used to stir
a poisonous mixture.
Klamath Falls is to form a Crater
Lake club to oo-operate in the summer
exoursion and to induoe the Mazamas
to return to the valley by way of the
fort, agency and Klamath Falls.
The city marshal of La Grande pro
poses to strictly enforce the law pro
hibiting the riding of bicyoles on the
sidewalks. Union has a similar ordin
ance that is continually being violated.
It is stated on good authority, says
the Astorian, that about 200 gamblers
and all-around toughs have recently ar
rived in Astoria from Portland and
other cities from whioh they have been
shut out.
Cut worms are said to be doing con
siderable damage to growing crops in
Sherman county. A few warm days,
however, would put a stop to their
ravages, and set everything growing
in that county.
In the Albany schools one afternoon
they had a "bird day." Cages of can
aries filled the rooms, reinforced by
parrots, red-birds, owls, etc. A pro
gramme made the occasion useful as
well as entertaining.
Henry Conn, sr. ; died at his home
near Melrose, in Douglass county, last
week. He oame to Oregon and settled
in Douglas county in 1858. He was
buired under . the auspices of the
Masons in Roseburg.
J. H. Townsend, of Newberg, has a
prospect of making a contract with the
new immigration board of Portland to
go East with his stereoptioon and a se
lection of views, to be furnished by
the board, and in this way advertise
Oregon. . :
John Barto shipped four oarloads of
from Pendleton one day last
week, about 1,050 head, to Long Pine,
Neb. . He has already made contracts
for 6,000 bead- more, all of which will
be, shipped to different points in Ne
braska at an early date.
' The town marshal of Mitohell at
tempted the other day to arrest Frank
Stioe, but Stioe -drew a revolver and
ohased the marshal around the bar
room of the Central hotel. , Stioe was
afterward arrested, however, and held
to the grand jury in the sum of $500.
T. R. Sheridan has been appointed
administrator with the will annexed
of the estate of .Stephen Minard, of
Douglas county. The executor named
in the will, John H. Minard, died a
few days after his father. , The bond
of the administrator has been fixed at
$20,000.. :';;-; .';
J. H. Albert, of Salem, has a bible
250 years old, that has been in the
Albert family 175 years. :: It is bound
ii full calf, with stout wooden covers
and back, and is 15 inches long, 10
inches in width, 6 inohes in thickness,
and has a weight of 12 pounds, and
was formerly olasped with iron. The
old and new testaments take 1,180
pages of the volume, the remainder be
ing devoted to the publisher s preface,
glossary, indexes, the Augsberg oonfes'
sion, and to numerous biographies of
the Saxon prinoes, under ' whose pat
ronage the work was done.
Washington. ! ''
There 4 is much inquiry" throughout
the Yakima oountry for beef cattle.
; Seattle has contracted .'for the feed
ing of oity prisoners at 9 cents a meal,
' Many small thefts have been com
mitted at social entertainments in
Olympia recently. ,
The eighth annual session of the
state grange of the Patrons of Hus
bandry will convene in Vancouver
June 2. . .
At least 200 people have ' passed
through Pomeroy, on the way to North
ern Idaho this year. Many of them
come from southern Idaho.
The reoeivers of the Aberdeen bank,
have wiped out over $30,000 of the
bank's indebtedness, leaving only
about $4,000 more to pay off.
The contract for keeping the oounty
poor of Walla Walla has been awarded
to L. L. Hunt, for $1,700. The poor
will now be housed at Lakeside.
. The total receipts of the Spokane oity
water works for the three months of
1895 were $14,088.40, and in 1896,
$16,627.65, an increase of $2,689.25,
or 18 per cent
A sawmill, with a daily oapaoity of
8,000 feet is being built on Chinook
river, in Paoifio oounty, by Mr. Wil
son, of Clatskanie, Or., and will saw
to fill local demand.
Tommy Lane, chief of the Puyallup
Indians, was knooked down by a hobo
last week, near Puyallup, and robbed
of twenty oents, two pounds of beef
steak and an umbrella.
A forty -room hotel is being built on
Long Beach, a short distance from the
site of Tinker's hotel. It will be com
pleted in plenty of time to accommo
date the summer rush.
The oivil service commissioners of
Taooma have gone over to Seattle to
investigate the methods and familiar-
ize themselves with the workings of
the civil service commission of that
oity. : 4 ...
At Port Townsend an unofficial test
of the new revenue launch Scout show
ed her to be able to easily make four
teen to sixteen knots an hour. Reve
nue offioers are delighted to think that
the first government boat constructed
on Puget sound is such an eminent suc
cess. . ' : '
A few days ago, while a workman
was exoavating for the Stahl building
in Walla Walla, he found a coffin con
taining human bones, under the Albeit
building. The new building will be
lower than that of the adjoining struc
tures, and the coffin was exposed to
view when the excavators got below
the foundation of the Alheit building.
A number of sheepmen from Adams,
Whitman and Lincoln counties are in
Walla Walla to answer in . United 1
States court the restraining orders re
cently served upon them by United
States Deputy Marshal F. J. Parker.
The orders were issued by Judge Han
ford, on application of the receiver of
the Northern Paoifio oompany, who s
wishes to stop tresspass upon the com
pany's lands. . . v..
The Wyandotte Mining & Milling
Company, a Chicago oonoern, has
made ' arrangements to do a large
amount of development work on its
group of claims known as the Blaok .
Bear, in Okanogon oounty. A large
new hoisting plant will soon be erect
ed, and the properties extensively
worked from now on. . -
Mrs. James Walters, of Garfield, was
frying eggs for breakfast the other
morning. . She broke one into the fry
ing pan and was surprised to see a
small egg inside of it. Mrs. Walters
took a spoon and lifted it out and
found it to be a perfeotly ' shaped egg
nearly two inohes long and covered
with a shell nearly as hard as the
usual egg shelL It was inside the yolk
of the larger egg.
Judge Norman Buok, oommander of
che department of Washington and .
Alaska, G. A. R., has issued orders for
the observance of Memorial day, Satur
day, May 80, in compliance with orders
from national headquarters. The de
partment oommander earnestly urges '
every post in the department to invite
the Woman s Relief corps, the Sons
and Daughters of Veterans, the school
ohildren and all of the people. '
: Idaho, i
A four-foot vein of coal has been dis
covered within four miles of Montpe
lier. .
The big Boonville stamp mill will be
located .at De Lamar, and will cost
when completed, $100,000.
Parties ooming in from the - Nez
Perce reservation say that the rains
have made the roads impassable. .
The base of servioe supply for the
speoiai mail - servioe from Glenn's
Ferry to Roseworth, Cassia oonnty,
has been changed to Hagerman. ' ,r v
The Consoldiated - Tiger-Poorman
Mining Company is the Couer d'
Alenes have satisfactorily settled their
losses with the insuranoe oompany. ;
The new oable for the Bunker Hill
& Sullivan Mining & Concentrating
Company has arrived and is being put
in place. It weighs eight tons and is
8,800 feet in length.
Ten of Lew is ton 'n business firms
have become associated to exploit some
mining olaims on Snake river forty
miles above the city, twelve miles be
low the Salmon river, and just opposite
the Oregon and Washington state ,
boundary line. r
There is a prospect of the comple
tion of the . Palouse branch of the
Northern Paoifio railroad to Lewiston.
An agent of the oompany has been in
the field, looking over the prospeots
and gathering statistics. He filed the
right of way grant from the interior
department for a track aoross the reser
vation with the oounty reoorder.