x - :7: 3f ood Ifrrer 5laciei FRIDAY, MAY 8, 1896. THE MAILS. . Tha mat I arrived from ML Hood at 10 o' clock A. M. Wednesday and Saturdays; de part 'ib same days a. Kof Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M. Tuesdays and Saturdays; arrives at 8 P. ML For White (Salmon leaves dally at I P. M.; arrives at 6 o'clock P. M. Prom White Salmon, leaves for Fulda, Gil mer,' Trout Lake and (Hen wood Mondays, Wednesdays and Prldavs. SOCIETIES. Canny Post, No. 18, O. .V. meets at School House Hall, first Saturday of each month t 2 o'clock p.m. & Alio; A. R. members in vlted to arttend. Ttie ladles of the Rettef Corps meet at same time In the adjoining room. JOHN A. WILSON, Commander. L P. Isenbero, Adjutant, t Waucoma Lodge, No. 88, K. of P., meet In their Castle Hall on every Tuesday night. 3. A. Bofcsas, C C. Geo. T. Pratrbb, K. of K. A 8. Riverside Lod(fe, No. 68, A O. IT. W., meets first and third (Saturdays of each month, . .. -; . a j. lafranck, m. w. j. it; w att, r- inancier. H. I Howk, Recorder. ''.-.' v BRIEF LOCAL MATTERS. Fresh cow for sule by -B. Warren. .Bed lou nges atS. E. Bartmew' for $7.50, , .l adles', kid gauntlet gloves at tbe ' Racket Store. . . w ;-. Willis Rrowrrfcrnanatrer-nf the Oreoron Fruit Union .""Was-in: Hood: River Wednesday i? J 8. E;.Rartniess received a carload of lime Monday.;: :.,, : Bedpreadstind table linen at the .Racket store. F. I. Hubbard photographer, Hood Kiver, uregon. Lou Morse Is authorized agen t for al I newspapers. ana penoaicaw. 8. J. LaFrance has two four-year-old colts tie win trade tor luraoer. Mr. Everharl of Cascade Locks has bought a piece of land of Jos. Purser, Mrs. fiL. J.. La France and Mrs. John Parker went to The Dalles Wednesday. Degree of Honor, A. O. U. W., will serve Ice cream ana cuke election nay, Blank prnmisary notes and notices to trespassers for sale at the Glacier office. ..- . :. Mrs. Woodward and her mother. Mrs.vStevens, are stopping in the Hen derson, house. . i Rhv.' J.'R. Parker, presiding elder of the U. B. church, will spend Sunday in Hood Kiver. Win. Tillett received orders, Friday of last week, for $140 worth of fruit trees, to tie delivered next fall. " ' Now Is the time to order your trees for planting )ext full. Call and. see Tillett at the Hood River Nursery,:, A large bunply of Wall paper just re ceived iijS. JlHrtmeff"', with prices lowej tbau ever before offered in Hood River. , . . ' r Mr. C. D. Moore has promised to send us today a sample of ripe straw berries grown on his place at White fSulmon. . if y ur strawberries show signs of rust, you i ijiHJt Spray, them.; Oetjai kiVapsiicK itirayer at Mountain Stage n I Lively Co. . E. V. Husbands k now located In his new iiarters in ?tli Langille ltounf, where he will" continue to sell the stock: flf'slioes' left by D. F. Pierce. Here is your chance to secure cheap twn property: Tbe Methodist congre gation offer the tabernacle and the lot on which it stands for sale at $300. . , . ' Jr Ji Luclcey1 en! t snagged Itself one day laet week, while in tbe pasture, and when found was in bad condition. By careful treatment it is getting along all r:ght ind will recover. . ... - . : ' C- PhetpS, populist orator from 'Colorado, spoke in. Hood River Friday night of last week and again on Mon day niwht. Good audiences were pres ent to iear both speeches. The k K '- Niv,! Cb's? timetable for Hood Riwr is as follows; Westbound overland, 6:42 a. in.; eastbound over iand, 9l p: tin.j ;local passenger - east bound, 1 11:12 a. - in.; local passenger westbound, 3:23 p. m. Much Interest is being taken In the lijbatc on the silver question at the Frankton school house this evening be-tweeu;.Wi- J. Campbell and Wm. Isenberg, and they may expect a full house. .,. .p. -. - ' ' i Subsoil plows. at the Mountain Stage and Livery Co. at astonishing low 'prices. The time is here when every fanner must have a subsoil plow to loosen tbe ground 12' to 15 Inches deeD without turning up so much wild soil. Come and see them. . Write o "Davenport Bros.' Lumber Co. for delivered prices on all kinds of lumber, rough or dressed They have a large ands good assortment of finishing, lumber tn rhH)ri,.good and dry. Call and get Vur'cusu prices before purcbas luir etewtierek" - We learn from Mr. H. F. Davidson 'at the Japs will not come to Hood j . K v'er t his year to pick berries. Squaws JLwt Ai l Irliutr.hmfin will Ha 1111 nrilof m. ia 'ce, for berry pickers. . White labor' ' oftneriiflit kind ,is ,. always preferred,, and there will be plenty of work dur ' lug the picking seasoiV forjthose who re willing to accept tile wages'earned p this class of labor. , ' Mr..D. P:-pavr8, a:promliient livery man andinerchant of Goshen, Va., - . lias tliis to say on the subject of rheu v mntism: "I take pleasure in recoio-. nieuding Chamherlain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, as I know from personal experience.tt)at ,lt. ,wilL do all that is clitimed for it. 'A year ago this -spring my 1'roither was laid up la bed with in flammatory rheumatism and suffered intensely. The first application of Chamberlain's - Pain Balm eased the? pain atid -the use of one bottie eom- pieieiy.cureu . nun. jpor saie uy win ,; lams & Brosius, druggists. ' ' The stores of A. S. Blowers A Co. and R. Rand.. fc Son were burglarized ' ' last Saturday night.; Blowers' store: was broken Jnto by prying off the out-i V side lock , will) a pick. , Nothing was' taken from-this store, so far as could lie not Iced V?: The, .cash drawer wasfounii K' " to be empty, arid it is presumed money j v was what -the burglars wanted. At XA Rand's store they carried oflT the cash register, and taking it over' to E. L. Smith's bjrn,..bursted . it open and se cured $1.85. . The tools used by the u . btirglurs were secured by fii-st breuklni I v : into Johir iCXickelseu's blaeksutith Tlie strawberry season will soon be here. We imv not heard where the growers. will get tbeir pickers from this season. If Jack Frost is not too bard on aw, tbe crop of berries will be larger thau ever probably twice as many berries -will , be shipped "as were, ever chipped before from Hood River The young people of tbe valley should be looking after situations for tbe berry season the boy g-and girls to pick and tbe young' ladles to pack the fruit. Some of our young women have be come experts, at packing fruit, but there is not eoough of them tfiat know this business thoroughly. Every young person that can be spared from other pursuits should be trained iu the art of packing fruit. Hood River fruit ir rowers will need more of this kind of skilled labor every year. W; J. Baker has more orders for his; Yellew Newtown apples than he can fill. He is now shipping to Seattle and 8an .Francisco, where his shipments net him $2.45 and $2.50 a box.' v His obly kick nowadays is that be hasn't apples enough to supply the demand. He toys orders have been coming in for his apples so fast that he could ship 100 boxes u day at above prices if he had MrsfSV E. BartmeSB - and t little daughter Sally left Tuesday for Port land, where they will take the Great Northern railroad for her old home at La Fayette, Indiana, where they ex pect to visit for two or three months. f Mr.' Bartnuess and Meigs went to Port land on, tbe early morning train to pur chase' fckets and met them on the Iocal.-f . wt ' y ;- Farmers find no sale in Hood River nowadays for nice fresh butter. It is refused by .our. merchants for the reason that they have no means of disposing of it. - It shipped : U Portland it will not bring half price , in competition with creatnery butter,1'. .Fanners will now quit making butter, and iu a short time the summer boarders will be here and butter will have to be imported. Uncle Billy Eastman Vof Phelps creek WaS lit town' Monday. Uucie Billy cast his first vote for William Henry Harrison in 1840, and is proud to suy be has voted for every whig and republican, candidate since. He votes a straight republican ticket, but this time be says he will depart from the good old custom and vote for John H. Cradlebaugh for district attorney. Mr. A. P. Bateham has had the land on the Cue place fronting the state road, just below tbe residence, grubbed uiid plowed and is now getting it iu readiness to set strawberries. Under tbe management of Mr.. Bateham, it will no doubt prove more valuable as a strawberry patch thau it would to sell for town lots. Hon. J, S.- Messlnger, populist can didate ' for joint representative from Wasco and Sherman counties, was in Hood River yesterday. Mr. Messinger is an extensive farmer and stock raiser. living near Erskineville, - Sherman eou u ty. H has 2,000 acres in . wheat, wnicu promises a gooa crop for tlie coming harvest. , Sunday niirbt. the Enworth league of the M. E. church at Belmont elected the following delegates to atteud ' the district convention or tue leagues tnat meet at : Wasco iu June: Miss Madge Warren, Mr. Elleryaud Wm. Iseubertr. TlnS league voted in a number of new members at the same meeting. Mr. J.'W. Wallace came down from Deschutes yesterday. - He' says the high wind and drifting sands make life in that part of the country very disagreeable, and he don't see what can Induce people to remain in that country while there is a place like Hood River near at band. Please return the staraDS hold! n or your uunilier, which was furnished by tue jtiooa ltiver f run urowers u tiion last season, as the stamps will be used at theorttee this year. Atteud to this at once as it will save the union the ex pense of buying another stamp. Supervisor. Pratlier had a force of men at work Wednesday gradiug the foot of Second street. This will give teams a better chance in getting to and from the depot and prove a great benefit in strawberry shipments, now. close . at nanu. - r-; ; -: ... ' Tbe' Graham Bros, have alraut com pleted the warehouse for, the Oregon Fruit Union, which is located west of tbe Hood River Fruit Union's ware house. The building Is 80x40 feet iu size.' . Elliot & Son, fishermen at, the Mor ton place, three miles below town, are having a successful catch of salmon. Kallisl) & Duunini;, on the sand bar' above, have had poor luck so far. Louis Clark and Lou Morse and others started out Tuesday for the head ot tne improvement uo's Uitcu to sur vey tbe route tor the same and iret all ready for the lettiui; of contracts for its construction. S. E. Bartmess has purchased a hearse, which he will use iu connection with bis business or , undertaking. This is the first hearse ever brought to Hood River. Js ,f V . : Tbe following letters remain uncalled for in the "Hood River post office: Frank Cowiucb (Iiidiau), Louis L. Royal, and J. H, Towuseiid. , -The Juniftp Cf E. "entertainment Monday eveniflgWlled out a full house at the U,: B church,.: and the young people alt did welt. , Carpenter work on the new railroad bridge is uow completed and trains will be crossing on the same as soon as the grade is finished ou the east side' Get your fern-sweeps to put on your fine-tooth cultivators at the Mountain Stajre andibivery Gov. "They have' a stock ou baud. The first shipment of strawberries from Hood River lust season was made by Frank Miller, May 14th, from tbe Alortou raucu. Mr. E. J. Middleswart, who bought the Husbauds ranch at Mosier, arrived there from Montana with ' his family Wednesday.; Errick Johnson, a fisherman, was drowned at the Cascades, Monday evening, by falling into the cauul. - Judge L. Henry has been confined to his Uouse duriug the week by sick ness. ' ' - California strawberries are selling in The Dalles for 2-5 cents a box. Geo. Rordan has three or four first class milch cows for sale. J. .H. Cradlebaugh left The: Dalles, Tuesday, for Prlileville. Hats cheap at Mrs. Hunt's for cash, but no credit. . ' The Columbia river is rising rapidly. , Hn. E. J.n Davis of Milton, secretary or tiie Eastern Oregon Fruit urowers' Union, was in Hood River Wednesday. Mr. Davis was one of the "Immortal thirty" iu the last legislature and has been renominated bv his party r; in Umatilla county. .. . . , ..Dick Nealeigh is grubbing an acre and a half of land for John Sipma. He has figged up a grubbing machine of nis own maKe tnat does good worK. The machine is not handsomely fin ished, but it gets there just the same. Casli, and for Cash "Only. We will furnish at mill common rough lumber at $6 per thousand, and second grades,- $5. Other grades in proportion. Seasoned apple boxes in stock, will be kept through the season, 8 cents each. Terms spot cash or its equivalent. B. R. Tucker, -" Tucker, Oregon. , iV !. " How to Treat a Wife. From Pacllic Health Journal. ' v. First, get a wife; second, be patient. You may have great trials and per plexities in your business, but do not, therefore, carry to your borne a cloudy or contracted brow. . Your wife may l. . i .. I . V. 1 .. 1. Al. . 1. S I itude. ma!v be hard for her ta Iwnr. A kind word, a tender look, will do won ders fn chasing from her brow, all clouds of gloom. To this we would add, always keep a bottle of Chamber Iain's Cough Remedy in the houses It is the best and is sure to be needed, sooner or later. -Your wife will then know that you really care for her and wish to protect her health. For sale by Williams & JBrosius, druggists. ' Rlpans Tabules. . ' ; . : Ripans Tabules cure nausea. . Ripans Tabules: at druggists Ripans'Tabules cure dizziness. - ; . Rlpans Tabules cure headache. ,Ripans Tabulea cure flatulence. , Rlpans Tabules cure dyspepsia. Ripans Tabules assist digestion. . ' ; Ripans Tabules cure bad breath. '' Ripans Tabules cure biliousness. " ' Rlpans Tabules: one gives relief. ' : Ripans Tabules cure indigestion. . Rlpans Tabules cure torpid liver. ; Ripans Tabules: gentle cathartic. Ripans Tabules cure constipation- . Ripans Tabules: for sour stomach. ' Rlpans Tabules: pleasant laxative. ' , Ripans Tabules cure liver troubles. TT ' " ' '' 5' ' Jones He Pays the Freight. '!: Send for a copy of Tbe Buyer's Guide, with latest reductions and market prices Sent .free to any address. . Freight on $20 orders paid to any point on Colum bia river reached by Portland boats. ., ... ... Jones' Cask Store, .105 Front St., Portland, Or1. " ! Wheel Talk. j There is but one Crimson Syracuse. Rim it Is the Some people think Morgan & Wright are bluffing when they claim to make 85 percent., or I wo.t lilrds, of all pneumatic tires which are Used in the United States. But If they knew what proportion of the Importation of crude rubber Is for M. t W.'s account, they Would not think so. . i Morgan A Wright tires are good tires. . Whenever the face begins to flush and the heart to palpitate, it in time to check the .gait.. '." -. '. ! pe not decide you are a confirmed pessimist until you have learned 'o ride a "Syracuse" bicycle. That which appears to be a gloomy philosophy Is frequently only the need of ex ercise, ,,. . ". :.: -,. ' The pedestrian counts the steps; the "Crim son Kiau" .rides the miles,- T. .- ! . f ; Lille drops of water, 1 ' - " ' Little grains of sund, 4 ': ,. .- .--.v-..- Make the luckless cycler ' '. , ,-.-j:v. .1K the thing up grand, -f ; . - . '- V 1 Williams BrosluR can show you taking qualities in high trade and medium wheels; tlUO, B and Wt. Ladles or gents. Instalment plap, if desired. :, r -y- The "Little CoiiiitryTown. You may talk about your cities, ' :. ' And your big brick buildings tall, And your elevated railroads . ' ,' . And your foct'ries great and small; Htitit lie "rural rooster" lines up rj; Wlien It comes to count ing Joys, And the city chap's not In It ' i Witb tlie homespun country boys. ' ; AHbough we have no railroads, ,7 - Our quick transit can't be beat, ' : And wuen we want to travel , . , Why we get there with both fcet. ' Our-rirls don't dress in bloomers, Nr the boys smoke coffin nails, .', And we do all our drinking , ( . v , Fsora a spring that never fails. Yes we know that life In the cities ' ' ' Isnid to be all Joy, ' ' And to mingle witli the busy world The hope of every country boy. BuUas the years fly onward - , And the sands ol life run down, The. heart will turn in longing , , To that little country town, i And again you'll see the cottage , Nestling there among Hie trees, . .' , . . And the tinkling of the cow bells . ' Wsll come floating ou the brueie; 4'i And the sweetheart of your childhood, Long been gathered home to God - ' Who lies sleepiu' 'neath the greensward Where the ox-eyed daisies nod , , Will come to you in memory,. as you saw ner vc years ago. And again vou'l 11 hear the music .Kji wie sweet voice son anu low; . ,, .-t And as page and page you're scanning, " Yu will And a leaf turned down, Marked, "Some Loving Recollections ', -i-Ota Dear Old Country Town." ; - Hazel tlreen (Ky.) Herald. . I . Keep Posted. ;." ". It bdboayes every citizen In city, town and country to keep posted on the stirring events that will occur In this country and the Old World within the next nine months. The re sult wiill affect all, personally, directly or ln direotlfr, Ttiis .nation is on the eve of the most exolting presidential campaign In Its history., European politics are in a very coni plicated suite, and scientists are applying their discoveries to many lines that will pro duce startlingly new things. , ' To keep abreast with the world one should read, in addition to the local or county paper, a live metropolitan newspaper, such as the Twlce-a-Week Republic of St. Louis. It is the most progressive Journal in the United States, and in each issue It gives the latest political news of all parties in the field, the latest gen. eral news-of the world and many valuable special features besides, jnis mouel news paper is delivered twice a week by mail for my si a year, or less tnun one cent a cop.' . The price or the Daily and Sunday Repub lic lias recently been reduced to only ii a year by mall.. . . ' - - ' ,.-. . Wanted, 'A reliable lady or gentleman to distribute samples and make a house-to-house canvass for our Vegetable Toilet Soaps and Pure Fla voring Extracts, , S10 to $75 a month easily made. . Address Crofts & Heed, Chicago, III. Wanted to Lease. For a term of years, a place convenient to town, wlt.i 3,-ound suitable for strawberries. Addles ( -'II, ' cine of tills office, suiting loca tion and terms,' . ' ; ' ' $1200 Will buv ' the Reynolds place, situated mid way between the rallroai ud depot and steamer landing. In the town of Hood River, contain ing 8 acres. An orchard of 5C3 trees. 5 to 10 years old; choicest varieties of fruit; plenty of gooa spring water, jooxj leet in nortnwest Corner reserved froinj sale. Terms, SHOO cash; balance (1C3) can remain on mortgage at 10 per cent. Call on or address MRS. A. E. REYNOLDS, mar27 Hood River, Or. . - Church Notices. The Salvation army boys have re turned home to The Dalles. Orders from the captain must be obeyed. They expect to return to iiooa Kiver in ten days or two weeks. The third quarterly conference of the u. a. cnurcii win tie neia Saturday evening. U. B. church services will be as fol lows every Sunday unless otherwise announced: Sunday school 10 a. m.; preaching services 11 a. m.; Junior En deavor 4.30 p. m.; Senior Endeavor 6.45 p. m.; preaching services 7.30 p. m. ; - . F. C. Krausk, Pastor. , M. E. services in Hood River every Sabbath evening, and in the mornings of the first and third Sabbaths of each month; at Mosier on the mornings of the second and fourth. J. M. Denisox, Pastor. Belmont Circuit Appointments. First Sunday of each month at Mount Hood: second Sunday, Belmont at 11, Crapper school house at 3, and Pine Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pine Grove at 11 and Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday, Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7. : . F. L. Johns, Pastor. Congreirational Church Rev. J. L. Hershner, pastor. Worship, with preaching, will be conducted every Sunday, at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. in., un less otnerwise announced. Jfrayer meeting and Sunday school conference on Wednesday evening. Christian Endeavor society on Sunday evening, All who attend these services will be made welcome. ;.: , Sunday school at the M. E. taber nacle every Sunday, at 10 a. m. A welcome to all. Supt. : Important to Farmers. : Wakelee's Squirrel Exterminator.tbe original and only article of its kind giving complete satisfaction, now re duced rrom 50c. to 80c. per can at Will lams & Brosius.' 42 Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Tbe best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos itively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac tion or money refunded. Price, 25 cts per box. For sale at the Hood River Pharmacy. ; . .. H. E.BALCH & CO., "''.: . 7.8 Second St, THE DALLES, OREGON. MERCHANT TAILORS '. And Leaders of Fashions. The largest and most complete assortment of American and Imported English woolens ever shown In the city. latest patterns In spring and summer suitings. Call and In spect stock and get prices. Business Suits, from $18 to $25. '. Dress Suits foom $25 to $50. WM. TILLETT, Proprietor. : Grower and denier In choice Nursery stock. He has the only stock of the Yakima Apple, The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as tne Yellow mewiown. I have about 20,000 apple trees of the best va rieties growing in my nursery. All standard varieties are grafted from the best stock In Hood River. JelS. Praying and Teaming. - The undersigned have formed a partnership and are prepared to do draylng and general delivery pusiness In Hood River and sur rounding country. Headquarters at Hart ley's barn. J. H. DUKE8. myl ; W.T. HIUBARD. ; Paper Hanging. E. L. Rood, who has hod 8 years' experience In the business of painting and paper hanging, Is now prepared to do this kind of work for citizens of Hood River. He can furnish the paper and put It on your walls at Portland prices. Call and see samples at the store of E. V. Husbands. ml FOR SALE. The farm of Mrs. Alma Howe, containing 38 acres, 2 miles southwest of town, is offered for sale. The residence is new. large and roomy; good water; good barn; orchard of Dearing trees; i acres in cultivation, mut ated In the most desi ruble part of Hood River valley. For particulars, call on or address . 8. J. LaPHANCK, . ap24 , ' Hood River. In the Apple Belt. Home of the best apple land in Hood River valley. Improved or unimproved, for sale In lots of 10. 2b or 80 acres, Hltuatcd on the haxt Hide. (Jood stream of water nows through ;the, land. Terms cheap. Kor' further partio- nliira Innnlm ftt. J)hinlpr nffliw ' - 'ul7 For Sale. .160 acres of land 10 miles from White Sal mon, in Klickitat countv. Wash.: 85 acres in cultivation balance in pasture and under fence; 85 head or cattle and 4 horses. All the farm machinery and Implements to be sold .witn tne pjnee at a oargain. Auaress mer27 . PETSR ORTEIG, Gilmer, Wash. , PIONEER MILLS, : Harbison Bros., Prop'rs, ' Manufacturers of orepi Lite Dressed and Undressed Flour, Feed and all kinds ofceieals ground. , Whole Wheat Graham a specialty. ...'.'". HOOD RIVER, J ..... . OREGON. Harness Repairing. t will be ready for repairing and oiling har ness arter junuary 1st. rami products win , be taken In trade. Leave harness for repair-; ihgat Blowers' store Highest price paid for i Hides. . d20 E. D. CALKINS. To Sell or Trade, i I have 80 acres of land In Clackamas county that I will sell or trade for Hood River prop erty. Call on or address CO. HORNUNG, maris , , Hood River, Or. A S. BLOWERS & CO., -DEALERS IN- s Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes, FLOUR AND FEED. Country Produce Bought and Sold. AGENCY FOR - BRADLEY&METCALFCOl CELEBRATED B00TS&SHOES ESTABLISHED 1843 THE BIGGEST BOOT IN THE WORLD IUUt MASK COPrMGMTU- T. C. DALLAS, DEALER IN AND .T Kitchen Furniture, ' PLUMBERb' GOODS. Pruning Tools, Etc. Repairing Tinware a Specialty. O. FREDENBURG, Notary Public, MOUNT HOOD, - - OREGON. DENTISTRY. DR. E. T. CARNS Is now located lin Hood River. First-class work at reasonable rates. All work guaranteed. Office in thejLangille House. JylD C. J. HAYES, SURVEYOR. All work given bim will be done cor rectly and promptly. He has a few good claims upon which he can locate parties; both farming and timber lands. February, 1894. , s HARNESS Repaired and all kinds of : HARNESS GOODS Hold by ' .' . E. V. HUSBANDS. Also, Boots and Shoes repaired. ; ...i.iitr;- G. T. l'l'ATHKK, f Notary Public. H.-reoK PRATHEE & COE, M Estate aid tan, 93 Oak St., bet. 2d and 3d. We have lots, blocks and acreage in the town of Hood River: also, fruit, hay and oerry farms and timber claims in the most desira ble locations in the valley. If you have any thing in the real estate line to sell or rent, or If you want to bny. give us a call. Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and correctly executed. . We will also attend to legal business in Jus tices' courts. . We are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA property. PRATHER & COE. ' :-- ;' ' ; ap27 ." : : . Fruit . Farm for Sale. 1 will sell my place, '2 miles from the town of Hood River, near a graded school, contain ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong spring, wind mill, acres in orchard, acre In strawberries, alt fenced, including stock and farm I mplements, for $1800. nl ; FRED HOWE, Hood River. Lessons in Piano Music. Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching of Music II er prices are 50 cents a lesson. J 10 Is Your Titld Clear? E. E. Savage Is prepared to examine ab stracts of title ia real estate and give opinions on same., Ciiai-ges reasonable. ,; marO' WEBSTER'S 7 INTERNATIONAL . j aJW':?,, dictionary A Grmitd Mutator, " Successor of tha ' Unabridged." Standard of the V. 8. Gov't Print- ine Office, the U.S. Supreme Court and of nearly all tha Schoolbooks. Warmly com mended by every State superinten dent Of-t 8chools, and other Educa- ' tors almost with out number. A College ZVesIdent writes t "For " easa wltb which tha eye finds the " -word sought, for accuracy of defini tion, for effective methods in indi cating pronunciation, for terse yet "comprehensive statements of facts, " and for praetieal use as a working "dictionary, Webster's International " excels any other single volume." The One Great Standard Authority. n T n T.,a.lnA r.t .ha TT H Supreme Court, writes s " The International JJictlonary is me penectiou oi uienouanes. I commend it to all as the one great stand ard authority," . - fc'Jp-A saving of three cents per day for a year will provide more than enough money to purcnase a copy oi tne Anieraatiouiu. Can you afford to be without it? O. Jb C. NBRRIAM CO., Publishers, Sprlnt&eld, Mass., U.S.A-i mtlmnA tn thm nnhlLhfN-K for fffC WfTnTllllPt. Do not our cueap repnuu oi ancient euuions. riS "' ;: -'THE;- -. "REGULATOR LINE." IIUIULUIU W. XlUtUl.t Navigation Co. Through Freight and . : Passenger Line. Daily M. Dalles and Fornaca All Freight Will Come Through Without Delay. PASSENGER RATES. One way.... $1 60 Bound trip......... 2 50 Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. . W. C. ALL AWAY', : , (Jeneral Agent. THE DALLES, OREGON ' E. MCNEILL, Receiver. Tq,tlie Hast, - Gives the choice of , ' , . ....'' -- .-. .!' '' ., . ' TWO TRANSCONTINENTAL IS O TT T-E S it , - iira IcEy. Via Via SPOKANE, DENVER, Minneapolis OMAHA : AiSfi ST. PAUL. Kansas City. Low Rates to All East ern Cities. OCEAN STEAMEF3 f . Leave Portland every five days ir . SAN FRANCISCO. For full details call on O. It. fc X. Agent, Hood River, or addres W. H. -HURMiniT. . detrl Pas. A'nt, Portliini!, Or. Sclcntifio American Agency foe CAVEATS TRADE MAftsrff,, DESICN PATEWT: COPYRIGHTS, nt,. or mrormation ana Tree Handbook wri to tr MUNN & CO.,-fflil liKOADWAT. NBW YoKir. 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