The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, May 01, 1896, Image 4

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    " State Chemist, California:
The Royal fulfils all the require
ments; Our tests show it has greater
z leavening power
Independence of Janitors.
' The young man in dinner jacket has
forgotten his keys left them in the
pockets of his afternoon dress. Be is
pulling with all his might the bellknob
in the midnight air, saturated by rain.
In die basement drawing room the jani
tor is surrounded by blue spirals from
his cigar, as blond as the hait of a fairy
princess. The janitor's wife is reading
The North American Review. Their
daughter, Ada, whose neck is swanlike,
is playing a "Reverie" by Chopin on the
grand piano, painted in delicate repre
sentations of roses on a light green back
ground. ',:
In time the young man will break
the bellrope. Exchange.
' The Lone Juryman Not Unanimous.
In the trial of a case in Powell coun
ty not long ago the attorneys objeoted
to all the jurors who had been sum
moned save one. As no others were at
hand, it was agreed that the action
should be tried by the one remaining
juryman. After the evidenoe was heard
the judge told the lone juror to retire
and make up averdiot. He retired, and,
after staying out for over an hour, came
back and reported solemnly that the
jury had failed to agree upon a verdict.
Louisville Courier-Journal.
Gladness Comes
With a better understanding of the
transient nature of the many phys
ical ills, which vanish before proper ef
forts gentle efforts pleasant eff orts
rightly directed. There i comfort in
the knowledge, that so many forms of
sickness are not due to any actual dis
ease, but simply to a constipated condi
tion of the system, which the pleasant
family laxative, Syrup of Figs, prompt
ly removes. ' That is why it is the only
remedy with millions of families, and is
everywhere esteemed so highly by all
who value good health. . Its beneficial
effects are due to the fact, that it is the
one remedy which promotes internal
cleanliness without debilitating the
organs on which it acts. It is therefore
all important, in order .to get its bene
ficial effects, to note when you pur
chase, that you have the genuine arti
cle, whieh is manufactured by the Cali
fornia Fig Syrup Co. only and sold by
all reputable druggists.
If in the eniovment of good health,
and the system is regular, laxatives or
other remedies are then not needed. If
1 afflicted with any actual disease, one
may be commended to the most skillful
physicians, but if in need of a laxative,
one should have the best, and with the
well-informed everywhere, Syrup of
Vigs stands highest and is most largely
vsed and gives most general satisfaction.
' From early child-
Pit Mil hood until I was'
11 Z. l III II grown my famUyj
v spent a fortune ,
trying to cure me'
of this disease. I visited Hot Springs i
and was treated by the best medical I
, men. but was not benefited. When '
' all things had r 11 A 1 faded I de- J
I termined to fa K 1 1 E l try S.S.S.
and in four 1 1 U III months was
entirely cured. The terribh eczema
1 was none, not a sizn of it left My
general health built up, and I have I
i never naa any return ot tne disease.
any return oi tne disease. I
i nave oicen
I recommend
ed S.S.S. and
i nave never
. yet known a failure to cure.
unii. w. IK WIN. Irwin, tra.
Never rails to cure,
even when all other I
remedies have. Our
. treatise on blood and i
I skin diseases mailed
' free to any address. I
chcii puuiiu you ouy. oap is
offered for a limited time, so order
to-day. Yours very truly,
II you hav any difficulty
. soap, cut out tnis notice and send It with
your order to your wholesale dealer.
than any other.
The "Arabian Nights" Onoe More.
A large part of Cairo is very little
spoiled. It is still, to a great degree,
the oity of the "Arabian Nights." The
worst injury was done before England
took the reins, for it was Ismail who
recklessly ran streets through mosques
and anoient palaces in order to make a
straight drive to the citadel. In the
Boulevard Mohammed Aly we certainly
find the oddest jumble of east and west,
old and new. ' For example, just oppo
site the stately mosque of Sultan Hasan
at the head of this unsightly street, yon
see a cabaret with the signboard, Grog
Shop For Army and Navy next door
a Moslem school, as the inscription,
"Medresseh Mohammediyeh," shows.
Across the road stands the shape'
less mass of the unfinished Rifa'iyeh
mosque, ereoted at the cost of 950,000
by the mother of Ismail, and within
those unroofed walls, surrounded by
rotting scaffolding, lies the body of the
princely borrower himself. Under the
shadow of Sultan Hasan an Arab barber
is ontting hair with a modem dipping
machine. A gayly painted hanm car
riage stands in the road. On the panel
is a sham coat of arms. Solemn sheikhs
pass by without any sort of emotion at
these queer sights. Overhead the citadel
guns boom out a salute, for it is the
great festival, the Id-el-Kebir. Satur
day Review. V , '
The Tale Told of a, Doctor.
v Apropos of doctors' beards and mi
crobes, a lady writes: "Several years
ago I took the steam cars to and from
school. For a week or more our family
physician took the crowded noon train
always sitting very near me, and enter
ing into conversation. On questioning
his sister-in-law about his trips, she
said: 'Oh, he has a smallpox patient at
O. , and is afraid to take his carriage for
fear of communicating contagion. So
he takes the train. I always supposed
his professional eye looked on me as a
prospective smallpox patient. Boston
T. A. 8 locum offers to Bend Two Bot
tles Free of His Remedy to Cure
Consumption and All Lung Troubles
. -An Elixir of life.
Nothing could be fairer, more philan-
tnropio or carry more joy in its wake tnan
the offerof T. A. Slooum, M. 0., of 183
rear, street, mew xork. reriecuv conn
dent that he has an absolute remedy for
the cure of consumption and all pulmon
ary complaints, he otters through this pa
per to send two bottles tree to any reader
wno 18 sunenng irom lung trouoie or con
sumption, also loss of flesh and all condi
tions oi wasting, tie invites tnose desir
ous of obtaining this remedy to send their
express ana postotnce address, ana to re
ceive in return tbe two bottles free, which
will arrest the approach of death. Al
ready this remedy, by its timely use, has
permanently cured thousands of cases
which were given up, and death was looked
upon as an early visitor.
Knowing his remedy as he does, and be
ing so proof-positive of its beneficent re
sults, Dr. Blocum considers it his religious
duty, a duty which be owes to humanity,
to donate his infallible remedy where it
will assault the enemy in its cidatel, and,
by its inherent potency, stay the current
of dissolution, bringing joy to homes oyer
wnicn tne snaaow ot the grave has been
gradually growing more strongly defined,
causing fond hearts to grieve. The cheap
ness of the remedy ottered freely apart
from its inherent strength, is enough to
commend it, and more so is the perfect
confidence of the great chemist making the
oner, who holds out hie to those already
becoming emaciated, ' and says : "Be
The invitation is oertainly worthy of the
consideration of the afflicted, who for
years, have been taking nauseous nostrums
without effect ; who have ostraoised them
selves from home and triends to live in
more salubrious climes, where the atmos
phere is more congenial to weakened lungs,
and who have fought against death with
all the weapons and .strength in their
nanas. There will be no mistake in send
ing for these free bottles the mistake will
be in passing tne invitation by.
Mr. Wallace Is j our sister Alice an obliging
girl? Willie Obliging ain't no name lor it
She's all the time obliging me to do what I
ooiii ime. ,
Dear Sir: '"
You are entitled to receive
FR E E from your wholesale dealer,
' the . '
Blackwell's Genuine
Durham Smoking
Tobacco you buy. One bar
of soap Free with each pound,
whether 16 oz.f 8 oz., 4 oz., or
a oz., packages.
We have notified every whole
sale dealer in the United States
that we will suppty them with soap
to give you FREE. Order a good
supply of GENUINE DURHAM at
once, and insist on getting your
soap. One bar of Soap FREE with
In procuring your
Seizure of Property Would Bring Things
to an Issue Less Summary Measures
Would Give the Monopoly the Delay It
Wants Speedy Test Needed.
The statement of United States Dis
trict Attorney Wallace Macfarlane that
if it is possible to reach the coal combi
nation by federal statnte it must be by
the Sherman aot of 18U0 has called par
ticnlar attention to section 6 of that
law. The seotion provides that ooal in
transit from one state to another, owned
in violation of the provisions of the act,
may be seized and condemned by like
proceedings as those provided for the
seizure of property imported into the
United States contrary to law.
It is argued by those familiar with
the ways of combinations such as the
coal monopoly that if the government
intends to take steps against the deal
the most effective way would be by seiz
ing the ooal in transit. It wonld bring
the issue to the test quickly, whereas
proceedings in court to prevent shipping
wonld be tedious, and while pending
the combine conld go on victimizing
the public.
The seizure of coal In transit wonld
be a novel proceeding, of course, but it
is the opinion of lawyers that if any
part of tbe Sherman act is constitution
al the section providing for seizure is
also. . The coal combine would probably
fight the entire act on constitntional
grounds if proceedings were begun, and
they could thus delay matters. If ooal
were seized, the claim would be made,
of course, that the railroads have noth
ing to do with the combine, but that
the agreement was made by the produ
cers. This would place the burden of
proof on the government to show that
the produoers and coal companies are
identical and that the Sales Agents'
association, which regulates the output
and prices, is a part of the big system.
Of the roads carrying coal to New
York on which seizures might be made,
the Beading does the largest business.
It carried last year between 9,665,000
and 10,000,000 tons. Under the new
agreement and the mandate of the ooal
sales agents the road will carry 625,000
tons during February. The tying up of
a small portion of this by government
seizure would naturally bring matters
to a crisis, and a lively tussle in the
courts would follow.
The Lehigh Valley comes next in im
portance as a coal carrying road. The
percentage of the entire output? allotted
to it is 15.65, which is a decrease of
over 16 under the ratio of 1895. Under
the agreement it will therefore carry
891,250 tons during February.
. It is probable that the new combine
will be brought to the attention of the
attorney general of New York, but no
conclusion has been reached as to the
statnte under which it oonld be attack
ed. When the McLeod combination was
formed, the legislature appointed an in
vestigatmg committee, and sessions
were held at the Murray Hill hotel, New
York. Mr. McLeod appeared there sev
eral times to give testimony, but J.
Pierpont Morgan got in ahead of the
legislators in blocking McLeod 's game.
It is argued that there is just as good a
field for the investigation of the present
combine as there was of the one formed
by Mr. McLeod. New York Journal.
A Curious Photograph.
In connection with ' the statements
about the Roentgen discovery may be
mentioned an instance that came to our
notice on Tuesday last. . Commissioner
Dow ling of the labor bureau has recent
ly been investigating certain tenements
and alleged sweatshops in New York
and had photographs taken of some of
the places he visited. The photographs
were taken by flashlight by Alman of
Fifth avenue. One of the piotures is of
the interior of a cigarmaker's working
and living room. Mr. Wood of the Cigar
Makers union is sitting 'on a ohair in
front of one of the windows of the
room, and outside of the window is a
fire escape with its customary railing.
The railing, the window sash, the back
and the seat of the chair on which Mr.
Wood sits can be seen through his body
as plainly as if he had not been present
It is a curious picture and will have a
place in the commissioner's forthcoming
report. Kinderhook Hough Notes.
For the National Republican Convention.
It has been finally decided to hold the
Republican national convention in the
exposition building. The northern part
of the bnilding will be remodeled at an
expense of about $30,000 and will in
sure a satisfactory hall for convention
purposes. The hall will be bounded on
three sides by St. Charles, Thirteenth
and Fourteenth streets, thus securing
proper light and ventilation. Some of
the local committees were in favor of
erecting a wigwam, but at a meeting of
the Business Men's league last night
this was decided impracticable, as the
time is too short in which to build.
The Champion Midget.
The boy baby of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Maeley of Neilson street, New
Brunswick, N. J., is thonght to be the
smallest youngster in the United States.
Although 7 months old, the child weighs
only three pounds, but is healthy and
has a good appetite.
When born, baby was but a tiny mid
get, and for six weeks he did not grow
an ounca He was wrapped warmly,
bathed in cod liver oil and slept nearly
all the time. After that time he began
to grow a little. He is dreBsed in doll's
clothes. . ....
To Keep Cigarettes Out of Iowa.
By a vote of 81 to 11 the Iowa senate
has passed a bill making it a crime to
manufacture or keep for sale cigarettes
in tne state of Iowa. It is known as the
Phelps bill, and it will pass the house
by a big majority. It makes it unlawful
to handle cigarettes in any manner.
They cannot be given away. The pen
alty is a fine or imprisonment or both.
Senator John M. Palmer Tells of Their
First and Last Meetings.
"The first time I met Mr. Lincoln,"
said Senator Palmer of Illinois, "was
in 1839, when I went to Springfield to
be admitted to the bar. He was already
reoognized as a Whig leader. He wore,
I remember, a suit of linsey woolsey
that conld not have been worth more
than $8, even in those days. The last
time I saw him was in February of
1865. I had come to Washington, at the
request of the governor, to oomplain
that Illinois had been credited with 18,
000 too few troops. I saw, Mr. ' Lincoln
one afternoon, and he asked me to come
again in the morning. The next morn
ing I sat in the anteroom while several
officers were received. At length I was
told to enter the president's room. Mr.
Linooln was in the hands of the barber.
"'Come in, Palmer,' he called out,
'come in. You're home folks. I can
shave before you. I couldn't before those
others, and I have to do it some time. '
"We chatted about various matters,
and at length I said, 'Well, Mr. Lin
coln, if anybody had told me that in a
great crisis like this the people were
going out to a little one horse town and
piok out a one horse lawyer for presi
dent, I wouldn't have believed it. '
"Mr. Linooln whirled about in his
chair, his face white with, lather and a
towel under his chin. At first I thought
he was angry. Sweeping the barber
away, he leaned forward, and, placing
one hand on my knee, said :
" 'Neither would I, but it was a time
when a man with a policy would have
been fatal to the country. I have never
had a polioy. I have simply tried to do
what seemed best each day as each day
came."' New York Sun.
It ' is the old lesson a worthy pur
pose, patient energy for its accomplish
ment, a resoluteness undaunted by diffi
culties, and then success. W. H. Pun
shon. POT BOILING. '
From the running of the maple trough
in the Spring to the boiling of the apple
butter pot in tbe fall, and all the house
hold boiling between times, there are a
thousand chances of very severe scalds and
burns. In all household work, winter and
summer, in great lactones ana in nurseries
where careless children play with matches,
there is need of something to be always on
umiu m giicn emergencies, ana 01. jac.oos
Oil fills that want to the letter. With
careful attention to direotions for use.
there is nothing more soothing, healing
and curative than this great remedy for
Dain. It cures nromutlv. and. making a
new surface, leaves no scars. The pain of
scaias or Durns is acute ana torturing, ana
the relief by the use of the Oil is immediate
ana sure.
- .
Hark, the spr'ngtime poets si' g;
"I have seen ihe bluebird's wing;"
Yes the wretch but what of that?
On his sweetheart's winter hat.
LouiBville Courier Journal,
As the West is, it Is often malarious. But It is
pleasant to know that a competent safeguard
in the shape of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters
exists, which absolutely nullifies the poison of
mlesma. Western bound emigrants should bear
mis in mina. jMorsnoui i it De torgotten, tne
Bitters is a sterling remedy lor avBueusia. bil
iousness constipation, biduey and nervous
complaints ana rneumatum.
v An event: She You should have been at
church Sunday. The minister Drenched such
n Interesting sermon. He Indeed? She Yes
you enow it was Ms debut as a neritic fuck
As mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smell and completely derange the whole system
wnen entering 11 tnrougn tne mucous surfaces.
Such articles should never be used except ou
prescriptions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold to the good you
can possiDiy aeriye irom tnem. uairs uatarrn
uure, manuiaciurea oy jr. j. vneney a uo., To
ledo. O.. contains no mercury, and is taken in.
ternally, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be Bure you get the genuine. It Is
laiten lmernany, ana mnae in loieao, unio, Dy
r. J. uneuey k uo. jegtimomuis tree.
Sold by druggists, price 75o per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
FITS. All flts stopped free by Dr. Kline's
Glreat Nerve Restorer. No fits aftei the first
lav's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and S2.00
'.rial Dottie iree to fit cases, nena 10 lit, mine.
181 Arch St., Philadelphia. Pa.
We will forfeit $1,009 if anv of our pub
lished testimonials are proven to be not
genuine. The iriso uo., Warren, .Fa.,
Tby Girkba for breakfast.
People find just the help they so much
need, in Hood's Sarsaparilla. It fur
nishes the desired strength by purifying-,
vitalizing and enriching the
blood, and thus builds up the nerves,
tones the stomach and regulates the
whole system. Read this :
" I want to praise Hood's Sarsaparilla.
My health run down, and I had tie grip.
After that, my heart and nervous system
were badly affected, so that I eould not do
my own work. Our physician gave me
some help, but did not cure. I decided
to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. Soon I could
do all my own housework. I have taken
Hood's Pills with Hood's Sarsaparilla,
and they have done me much good. I
will not be without them. I have taken 13
bottles o( Hood's Sarsaparilla, and through
the blessing of God, it has cured me.
I worked as hard as ever the tast sum
mer, and I am thankful to say I am
well. Hood's Pills when taken with
Hood's Sarsaparilla heir verv much." "
Mrs. M. M. Messenger, Freehold, Penn.
This and many other cures prove that
Is the One True Blood Purifier. All druggists. SI.
Prepared only by C. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass.
rsil act easily, promptly and
HOOd S FlllS effectively. 26 cents. J
Itohinr and Blind. Bleed, nir or Protruding Piles vlali. at onee to
ius. aDiort). tumor.. A oo.lLltre Guru. Circular, nent Ir.a. PrlM
W. Vruwliu or auih KB. JBOBAMIsO. 1'nlla.. P-
The Great Financier Found Health in Palne's
Celery Compound.
Prominent among the New England
men whose brains and energy have
helped to make the western states rioh
and powerful is General David T.
Beals, president of the Union national
bank of Kansas City. Successful in his
many enterprises, he lives today in a
fine mansion at the oorner of Indepen
dence and Wabash aves. 1 r
The work and the responsibility in
cumbent upon the president of so im
portant a banking institution as the
Union national would endanger the
sturdiest health. Gen. Beals' clear
headedness ' and good sense were as
manifest in the choice of a remedy as
in his business enterprises. He
strengthened his tired nervous system
by the use of Paine's oelery compound.
Its invigorating, health-giving effeots
justified his expectations, and showed
in his own oase the remarkable power
of this muoh-disoussed remedy for thor
oughly restoring and strengthening the
"run-down" system. . :
,"I found Paine's celery oompound
an agreeable tonio and soothing to the
nerves," says General Beals.
These are the concise words of com
mendation oharaoteristio of the con
servative business man and the influen
tial banker, who has learned to weigh
well his words. , ,
The soanty sunlight and the stag
nant, used-up air of living rooms dur
ing the winter reduces the strength
and nervous energy, eBpeoially of per-
Chichested'8 English,
IaIm. uk Drnffeiit for Cltie.krxt&r'M
Iwitm MM.1M1 with hln. rlhrmn. Tab mn
All pUU to pasteboard boxes, pink wrappers, are danfferova counterfeits. At Druggists, or send OS
4. in stamps for particulars, testimonials, and "Relief for Ladle," in letter, bj return Mail
IO.OOO Testimonials. Name Paper, Sold bT aU Local Drafflrlsta.
CHICHESTER CHEMICAI. CO.. 8K81 Madison Sq.. I'll 1 T, .TF,T,PHTA. FA.
it the name of Woman's Friend. It is -a i . unif ormly success
ful in relieving the backaches, headaches yg j J I y' and weakness
which burden and shorten a woman's " life. Thousands ol
women testify for it. It will give health and strength mm a-
and make life a pleasure. For sale by all druggists. TT C J I J
BLUMAUER-FKANK DRUG CO., Portland, Agents; V'
Most Popular Novels.
The novel or story whioh has probably
enjoyed the largest term of popularity
is "Robinson Crusoe, " by Daniel Defoe,
published in 1719. This novel attained
great popularity from its first appear
ance and is one of tbe very few that
have continued to be popular down to
the present day, or for more than 175
years. Defoe died April 24, 1781. The
next most popular works of fiction were
the Waverley novels of Sir Walter Scott,
published in 1814-1881. So successful
have these novels been from then till
now that bo fewer than 80 men have
been uninterruptedly engaged by one
Edinburgh firm for the last quarter of a
century in producing them. Of Harriet
Beecher Stowe's novel, "Uncle Tom's
Cabin," published in 1851, more than
million copies in English have been
told. Philadelphia Times.
who tries to make you believe
some other skirt binding; is ; as
good as --a-
Bias Velveteen Skirt Binding
should be taught a lesson-4-
buy it elsewhere.
Look for " S. H. & M.," on the Label,
and take no other.
If your dealer will not supply you
we will.
Send for samples showlne labels and materials.
to tho S. H. & M . Co., P, O. Box 699, New York Citv.
sons employed constantly indoors. The
need the absolute neoessitv of a -
genuine ingivorator at this spring sea
son has impressed itself on the atten
tion of all thinking people.
In the famous laboratory of Dart-
month Medioal School, Prof. Edward
E. Phelps, M. D. , LL. D. , discovered
the formula of Paine's celery com
pound,, a remedy that has become the
standard nerve restorer, blood purifier,
and strengthener from one end of the
country to the other, a preparation that
stands unrivalled as the medioine that
makes people well.
It is a fact muoh commented upon
that men and women of national repu
tation and prominence, like Gen.
Beals, State Treas. Colvin of New
York, Mr. Carlisle's private secretary,
Mayor MoShane of Montreal, Rev. Fr.
Ouellet, Com. Howell, ex-Minister to
Austria John M. Francis, and a host of
others who are oareful what they em
ploy when sick, and have the amplest
opportunities for finding out what is
best, have of their own aooord sent let
ters describing fully their permanent
xeoovery from rheumatism, heart weak
ness, ; sleeplessness, debility, kidney
trouble, and diseases of the stomach
and liver. In all these oases Paine's
oelery oompound was the remedy that
was able to completely and perman
ently bring back health, make poor '
lil finil a rra i ji fi r.Vi anrl nuro anrl romi.
w.vwu ic" t 1 " o " t
late and build up the nervous system
U 1 nMJ JnnMJ
Red Cross
Th omlsr Safe. Sure. nd reliable Plu foraala.
BnaUah Diamond Brand ib Kd and Gold metallic
.thw blad. HrfttiK SubaHtitHona and Imttatlotu.
The very remarkable and certain
relief given woman by-MOORE'S
"Just Don't Feel Well,"
are the One Thing: to use.
Only One for a Dose.
Sold by Druggists at 250. box
Samples mailed free. Address:
Dr.Bosanko Med. Co. Phlla. Pa.
T$ tbi$ wbat ails you?!
Have yon a feeling
ot weight In tne '
Stomach Bloating
after eating Belch
Ing of Wind Vomit- i
ing of Food Water-
brash Heartburn
Bad Taste in the
Mouth in the Morn- '
Ing Palpitation of1
the Heart, due toDls-
tension of Stomach
'Cankered Mouth
Gas In the Bowels (
' Loss of Flesh
Fickle Appetite (
Depressed, Irritable '
Condition of the ,
Mind Dizziness
Headache Constlp ,
Then you hare
nuon or utarrncear '
i In one of Its many forms. The one positive cure
iur mis uiaurcssiiig comptainc is ,-
NJicRer'$ Dyspepsia Cablets,
' by mall, prepaid, on receipt of 95 cents
I says: "I suffered horribly from, dyspepsia, buO
ACKER MEDICINE CO., 16 ft iS Chambers St, N.Y. 1
MDC LVIMCinW'C Soothing
For sale br all Uratra-lst. 6 Cents a battle. ,
I&jg Best CotiKh Syrup. Tastea Good. Use
Ej In time. Sold bv druKslsts.
IN. X. JS. U. Ho. 647 S. F. N. TJ, No. 724