The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 13, 1896, Image 1

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1-1 ' . ,
It's a Cold Day When We Get Left. - - ; -' "r '" ' :' . . ; ; .
VOL. 7. - . 0 HOOD RIVER, OREGON, FRIDAY. MARCH 13, 1896. ' NO. 42.
2Xeed Tiver S lacier.
S. F. BLYTHE. . '
On, year 4 fi 00
Six months 1 00
. Three month!.. ..- t 60
Snicle oopy f Cent
. . , 1 ( .
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
Shaving and halr-cuttlng neatly done. Satis
actiou guaranteed.
In interesting Collection of Item. From
the Two Hemispheres Fre.euted In a
Condenaed Form A Large Amount
of Information In a Small Space.
Chief of Polioe Crowley, of San
Francisoo, has resigned. He has been
in service for nearly forty years.
' The Baltimore & . Ohio Railroad
Company, one of the oldest and moat
extensive transportation systems in the
' United States, has gone into the. hands
!-i -. of reoeivers.
Ballington Booth has announced his
N plans for an independent 'American
t ' Salvation Army; of whioh he and his
CVife will be leaders. He states-that
SV't will not oppose the former organize -
7 on.. ' - ' -
j General Lewis Merrill died inPhila
i.elphia; aged 65. He was one of the
mooted officers of the war, and was re
tired from aotive servioe on a surgeon's
, certificate of disability in 1886, after,
several years of frontier duty.
;J ' Two little girls lost their lives and1
two men were injured in a fire which '
partly destroyed the big double tene
ment at 158 Prospect street, Brooklyn,
i The origin of the fire is unknown.
, The loss will.nofc, , reaoh more , than
.' f2,500. . , " . . '
: , The British and French negotiations
' at Paris on the Niger question have
been temporarily ' ' suspended. '.The
; ' Frenoh representatives, aooused the
" British of trying to aoquire control of
territory within the Frenoh sphere, and
i there the matter ends for the present.
As a train on the Ferris & Cliff
House railway in "San Francisoo was
on its way to the beach, a tunnel near
the ocean terminus caved in. No one
was seriounsly injured, , in the" debris. r
Several passengers were bruised, and
the road was impassible for some time.
i The Very Rev. Father. Bergmeyer,
father superior of the Franciscan mis
sion, in Santa Barbara, Cal. , was fa
tally shot by a man who had been em
ployed at the mission for over' a year.
Three shots entered the priest's . body, ,
and one in the head. His recovery " is'
The British troops whioh formed part
of the Ashantee expedition returned, to
London in a dilapidated, though not
battered condition. They were enthu
siastically .cheered . as they marched
, through the oity from the dooks where
they landed to theilf' ; 'barracks In the
west part of London, ''-'' . '-"
AtRoine, Qa., a desperate- street
flghtfooourred between V. T. Sanford
And Policeman Mulky. Mulky is dead
and ex-Sheriff Matthews oritically
wounded. Several '' stray 4 shots ' took
effect in innocent spectators, one a young
lady. The, alteroa tion began beoause
Mulky clubbed a friend of Sanford. ::
The Sou&ern Paoiflo Ra'ilifoad Com
pany has reopened the ' rate war be--tween
Portland and San Franoisoo.
The out is a' radioal one, putting eq?
figures baok to where they were during
the early days of Deoember, namely,
$ 10 for flrst-olass passage; including
berth in the Pullman sleeper and $5
for seoond-olass in:' the tourist sleeper.
j Governor Clark of Arkansas, having
refused to further interfere in the oase
of Prewitt Turner, the negro who was
respited several week ago,( waB hanged
at Little Rock;. '.Turner wa convicted
of killing a young man : named Haw
kins, in Crawford oounty. He olaimed
-t. that he did the killing in self-defense.
In Chicago Wi ,BT.. 'Pearson, .known
as one of the youngest expert telegraph
operators in the West, held a long con
versation with Manager Stonier, of
y the Hyde Park morgue, in which he
practioally made all -arrangements ( for
having his .body embalmed, f. He then
told him he was going to commit sui
cide. He went to v the home of his
cousin, and locking all the doors, ad
justed a gas tube to a burner, turned
on the gas, swallowed five grains of
morphine, lay down on his bed and,
putting the other end of the tube in
his mouth, quickly ended his life.
St. James' Gazette, in commenting
upon the recent dismissal of Lord Dun
raven from the New York Yacht Club,
said: "The New York Yaoht Club
very properly expelled Lord Dunraven,
and we now only regret that the oredit
of British sportsmanship was ever
identified with a man who can behave
so badly. His oharges were improba
ble, and bis refusal to accept the deci
sion of the committee Was a sheer
piece of childish obstinaoy. "
Governor Lord, of Oregon, has been
notified that land olaimed by the state,
under the swamp land grant of 1868,
whioh afterwards passed by grant of
the state to the United States Military
Wagon Road Company, in 1866. has
been rejected by the commissioner of
the general land office, at Washington.
Attorney-General Idleman has the mat
ter under advisement, and will likely
appeal on behalf of the state to the
seoretary of the interior, Hoke Smith.
Alarming reports have reached Ber
lin from Buda Pesth of the most terrific
sand storms that have ever occurred in
Northwestern Hungary. The dis
patches say that several moving trains
on the Austria-Hungary railway and
many villages had been completely
buried nnder the sand. Many fatal
ities have resulted, the dead in some
villages reaohing into the hundreds.
The storm is desoribed as a constant
suooession of whirlwinds. The loss to
oattle and other property will be enor
mous. The rates of exohange in Brazil have
fallen lower than was ever known be
fore ; Grave fears are entertained that
a commercial crisis will result '' .
The Frenoh chamber of deputies has
adpoted the projeot for a new subma
rine telegraph line between France,
the United States and the Antilles.
The massaore of thirteen Armenian
families is reported from the district of
Moosh. Five Armenians are said to
have been killed at Kirchehir, in the
Angora district. '
Superior Judge Murphy, of San
Franoisoo, has granted another stay of
execution in the Durrant oase until
March 13. . The bill of exceptions is
not ready for settlement.
Three hundred tons of side armor for
the battleship Sebastapool were shipped
by the Bethlehem, Pa., iron works to
Russia. This is part of the. first order
for armor the company had reoeived
from Russia. '-, i ' r. -'-' f
A great ioe gorge has been formed
on the New York Central & Hudson
River tracks between Hudson and Al
bany. The road is oovered with ioe,
in some plaoes ten feet high and the
tracks and .telegraph poles for a dis
tance of. 700 feet are washed out- .-,
The steamer Clyde was burned to
the water's edge at Point Grey, just
outside the harbor of Vancouver, B. C.
Captain Woodworth and the orew had
a narrow escape. The steamer was
valued' at $2,000,', and insured for
$1,200 in the Western Insurance Com
pany. - . ;;',' ' ' ;"' ' ,
V Seoretary Lamont has issued an order
locating the military post at Magnolia
Bluff,- near Seattle. , . While this settles
the location, much remains to be done
before the site can be established. Se
attle must give a perfect title to the
site, and I then an appropriation from
oongress must be obtained.
A dispatoh. from St. Petersburg says:
The Novosti, in an editorial says that
Russia will maintain the independ
ence of Corea and that if Japan con
tinues intriguing Russia may be forced
to oooupy the peninsula. Japan; must
oonsider that if she wishes to aoquire
Corea this means war with Russia.:. ,
With the. subsidence of the waters
which overwhelmed a ; great part of
New England, figures of losses sus
tained in the seotion will be consider
ably more than 12,000,000. This does
not inolude the wages to laboring ' men
and women through suspension of
manufacturing - and other ., industries.
Six lives have been lost .v v -'
A dispatoh from Kobe says the king
of Corea is still at the Russian legation
in Seoul...; Internal nprisings oontinue.
It is rumored that Japan is making ad
vances to Russia with a view of arrang
ing dual oontrol in Corea. .. It is be
lieved the Marquis Yamagata, "while
in attendance upon the ozars', corona
tion, will negotiate a treaty of al
lianoe. ' J' ;'; - z..,:
Although the officials at Cramp's
shipyards in Philadelphia say they have
received., no speoial orders to rush the
three warships, the Massachusetts, the
Brooklyn and the Iowa, to completion,
because of the pending trouble with
Spain,' there is, nevertheless, an air of
aotivity about the' yard "whioh con
trasts strongly with the reoent dull
ness there. . ,
. Shipping oiroles of the world "are
greatly interested in the voyage of the
British ship Auspioes, 'bound from
Santa Rosalie, Mexico, to England
with a valuable cargo of copper ore.
More than eight months have passed
since she left port, and since then
nothing has been heard of the ship.
The underwriters are considering the
advisability of paying the insurance
on the oargo and vessel, amounting to
The Great Northwest Fnrnlihee Some
N.wi of More Than General Inter
estDevelopment and Progress In
all Industries-Oregon. '
Malheur has a school distriot named
"Fighting Seven."
The Bandon broom-handle factory
has started up again.
Sheepmen of Grant oounty are taking
their sheep to the hills.
A Umatilla reservation farmer will
have 1,600 acres in grain this year. '
The publio schools in Albany for
February had an average attendanoe of
565 and an enrollment of 603.
The whole cost of assessing Washing-
ton oounty for the year 1895, includ
ing field and offioe work, was only
$1,850. v
Fishermen predict there will be no
high water in the Colombia this year,
and anticipate a poor fishing season in
consequence. ,.
Brownsville is one of the few towns
in the state- where no oity tax is paid.
That oity has deoided eleotrio lights are
not absolutely necessary just yet
There is said to be a good prospect
at Astoria for the location of the rail
road depot at Smith's point, in case ne-
gotitaions for the Soow bay site fail.
The mill company's boom at Pitts
burg, in Columbia oounty, was broken
by a freshet, and between 150,000 and
200,000 feet of logs went down the
river.' ' .: "
A petition was circulated and signed
in St Helens laBt week and forwarded
to Senator Mo Bride to be presented to
oongress asking for an appropriation
for the improvement of Soappoose bay.
A man in Brownsville is putting out
8,000 fruit trees, the majority of whioh
are prunes. Almost seventy varieties
of fruit are represented, and being
placed in good soil will doubtless grow
to be an excellent orchard.
The Exploring Syndicate of Mines
and Mining in the . United States, the
Frenoh syndicate that has been buying
mines in Eastern Oregon, made the
first payment on . a plftcor -.claim ia the
Burnt river distriot, a short distance
from the town of Bridgeport.
Several hundred cranberry plants
have reoently been received by persons
on the Nehalem beaoh. Wild cran
berries have1 grown there for many.
years and there is no doubt that, with
proper cultivation, an immense crop of
the tame variety can be raised. .
.1. H. Honston has been ' bnvinff furs
at Klamath Falls for the oast three
months and is . now ready to make one
of the finest shipments that has ever
been made from Klamath. , His lot of
furs oonsists of martin, mink, wildcat,
skunk and badger, and the whole will
bring him in a neat little sum.
The Ashland woolen mills are ship
ping blankets to San Franoisoo as fast
as . they can be turned out Ah order
for 1,000 pairs of vicuna A blankets lor
a big San Franoisoo firm is now well
along. A portion of the goods has been
delivered, and they are so satisfactory
that the firm desires to increase the
order to 3,000 pairs at the, same price.
The taxroll of Lane county for 1895
has been turned .over to the sheriff.
It shows the following: State, oounty
and school tax, $108,881.38; poll, tax,
$2,891; Lebanon poll tax, $148; Leb
anon oity tax, $959.98; Halsey , city
tax, $143.63; Sodaville oity tax, $98.73;
Soio oity tax, $39.21; speoial sohool
tax, $8,886.15; total, $122,120.98. Of
the sohool tax, Albany's share will be
$3,685. -v ';.,'.': ' '"'r
A thrifty dairyman, near Ashland,
has figured up what he has realized on
a half-blood Jersey and Durham Cow
in the last nine years. He finds that
front the butter and cream and the
sale of ten calves she has raised the
amount foots up $995, or an average
of over $110 per year. This is the ao-
tual oash return easily traced, and does
not inolude any allowance for the skim
milk that during that length of time
has fattened a good many hogs. The
oow is now 12 years old and apparently
as valuable as ever as a money-maker.
Washington. '."
Recent rains have so swollen the
Yakima river that fording at any point
is difficult. ' J- :- i '-. '-; - 1
Work has been, commenced on a
Methodist church building at Chinook,
Paoiflo oounty, ,
The firemen of Walla Walla have de
oided to organize teams at once to take
part in the tournament,, to, be held in
Pendleton. '
The Seattle .capitalists who are put
ting in chlorination works on the
Upper Cle-Elum are moving in their
maohinery. "
The Washington aoademy at Colville,
has just closed its second term The
people are much gratified at the success
of this sohool
Columbia oounty commissioners have
ordered 1,000 ounces of strychnine for
distribution to the farmers for poison
ing squirrels, '' '
The general opnion in Eastern Wash
ington is that the reoent cold snap did
no damage other than slightly injuring
fruit trees that were far advanoed.
Colonel L. S. Howlett, commissioner
of arid lands, has gone to Washing
ton, D. C, where he will endeavor to
secure the passage of a bill granting the
government arid lands outright to the
state. . -. -. -v -"
There will apparently be almost as
great a rush to the Nez Perce reserva
tion this spring as there was last fall
Many will return to their olaims, and
others will go in the hope of finding
homes or work. v , .,
In Whitman . county during the
month of February there were 14 judg
ments granted, 26 foreclosure actions
brought; nine marriage lioenses issued
six returns, two divorces granted, 28
births and five deaths returned.
David Chambers died at his home on
Chambers prairie, near Olympia of
heart complications. He was promi
nently associated with the early history
of Washington. Sinoe 1848 he had re
sided on his farm east of Olympia,
where he amassed a considerable for
tune fattening stock.
Thousands of acres have been planted
to srain in Garfield count v the tiast
two weeks, and many farmers are well
nigh through , their early seeding, says
the East Washingtonian. The ground
is said to be in excellent oondition,
and on the pasture lands the grass has
been coming on rapidly. The recent
indications are that this is to be a pro
ductive year, and that the state of
Washington, will make such a record
in growth and prosperity as will bless
her people with abundance and plenty.
The loggers of Chehalis oounty have
organized a temporary Loggers Pro
tective Association. -, A committee
was appointed to confer with the mill
men of the haAor and, if possible,
agree , with them in the selection of a
man who would be acceptable to mill
men and loggers alike for appointment
as government sealer of logs, the inten
tion being to entirely do away with
private soaling of logs, all concerned to
aooept as final the figures of the sealer
who may be so agreed upon. : !
The exeoutive oommittee of the State
Immigration Association has doedied
to raise. $20,000 per year to carry on
the work. The amount was . appor
tioned as follows: King, $400 per
month; Pierce, $850;" Spokane, $300;
Snohomish, - : Whatcom and Walla
Walla, $100 eaoh; Thurston, Chehalis,
Clark, Skagit, Kittitas. Paoiflo, Whit
man and Yakima, $50 each; Island
oounty, $25. The next meeting of the
committee, will be held in Spokane
about the middle of March.
Prosecuting Attorney Ormebee, of
Walla Walla county, last week secured
a benoh warrant in Yakima county for
the apprehension of . J. K. , Edmiston,
the banker, oonvioted of receiving de
posits after full knowledge of the in
solvent condition of his bank,' and who
wtfe out on bail pending application for
a new trial.; The supreme court de
oided against him, but in the mean
time he had made his liberty 'doubly
sure, by .'.getting across the line into
British Columbia. The offense is not
extraditable. :.! : .
. .' ,, .. . Idahp. -, , ;
A restoration and increase in pension
has been granted George F. Lyons, of
Lewiston, Nez Perce oounty. ' .
The postofflce at Ley burn, Shoshone
oounty, has been discontinued, and its
mail hereafter must - be Sent to Fraser.
In Fremont and Bingha m counties
reoently a rabbit drive was had and
nearly 1,200 .rabbits were killed in one
lay. -,'.' : ;;';- -.- :.
A patent has been granted to James
B. Perkins, asignor of one-half to P.
Flannery,' of 'Lewiston, ,. Idaho,- on an
animal trap' ,', ''.' ;?,?-' : ' I ;.:
It is said on good authority that the
woolen mills of Desert, Utah, are soon
to be moved to Orchard, about thirty
miles from Boise. ' . ..
In the Star mail service operating
from Blaokfoot to Challis, Bryan post
office has been ordered to be supplied
without any change in the distance of
the route. c ' Bryan is between the
Blaokfoot and Aroo. The order be-,
came operative March 2. , , ,,
Harry B. Hall, ex-treasurer of Sho
shone oounty, has been sentenced to one
year in the penitentiary for embezzling
oounty funds. Hall was treasurer of
the oounty and cashier of a bank which
failed, and in "whioh .Van B. DeLash
mutt, of Portland, was one of the prin
cipal owners. County funds were in
the bank. All except $1,500 was re
covered by the county; Hall -was tried
for embezzlement for; failing to pro
duoe that sum. .s . t . -.'';..'.
.-, Montana. . . ' s ' '
The annual report of - the Boston &
Montana Mining Company for 1895
shows that this ooncern is in a most
prosperous condition. ' . , .
The hills around the Rabbit distriot
are fall of prospeotors and a number
of very good discoveries have already
been made.- The snow is fast disap
pearing, -v Several new copper dis
coveries have been made during the
past few weeks in the Nez Perce oan
yon, whioh , give good indications for
proving valuable. ,.'.--:'
Bioh Districts Seem to Have Been Fut
to the Torch and Reduced to a "Wil
derness Whole Towns Have Been
Obliterated. ,
Havana, Maroh 9. The reopening
of telegraphic communication with the
region of Pinar del Rio brings the first
detailed information of affairs in that
province for several weeks. The oon
dition of ' affairs disclosed is little less
than appalling. . The rich Vuelta Ab
aja distriot seems to have been put to
the torch, and is apparently reduced to
a wilderness. ; Whole towns have been
obliterated, and the inhabitants are
wandering helpless over the country,
many of them starving. The villages
and towns of Cabanas, Bethia, Honda,'
San Diego de Lnnez, Santa Cruz de los
Pinos, Los Palacios, Piso Real de San
Diego and San Diego de los Banos are
known to be reduced to ashes, and re
ports of others will bring the number
destroyed up to thirteen. All of these
were important and thriving centers
of population and business. The last
town to succumb to the insurgents'
toroh is San Juan y Martinez. . The
tobacco from this town is famous the
world over. ' -.
When the first cjlumn of Spanish ar
rived on the site of the town they
found only debris and smoking ashes.
A hundred desolate families had taken
refuge in poor huts outside of what
was once the town, and were waiting
helplessly , for assistance. They were
without clothes and without food.
The Excitement Throughout Italy es
Great as Kver.
Rome, March 9. The exoitement
throughout Italy caused by the defeat
of General Barateri reoently by " the
Abyssimans, with loss of from 5,000
to 10,000 men killed and wounded, ao-
oording to generally oredited reports',
shows little signs of abatement It is
true,, however, that, the disturbance
caused by the news of the great disas
ter and tbe consequent display of in
dignation against the government has
been greatly inoreased by the calling
out of the army reserves of the class of
1872, which calls 80,000 additional
men into aotive servioe. The great
majority of these reserves are married
men, whose families will be thus de
prived of their chief or only support
for an indefinite period. .Thus, at
Milan and other plaoes, serious rioting
has occurred when the reserves were
prepairng to obey orders, and in many
oases they have been prevented by
foroe. Women and ohildren lead the
trouble. , Railroad cars have been de
molished, rails torn up and telegraph
wires cut, and the polioe have been
beaten and stoned, into helplessness.
The soldiers have been attaoked, bayo
nets have been freely used, and men
and women, frenzied with wrath, have
thrown themselves on the naked steel
of the troops. " . : -v
Large numbers of arrests have . been
made, the troops everywhere are either
confined to barracks, or occupying the
streets, and night has been turned into
day by torohlight processions, indig
nation - meetings, 'riotous demonstra
tions in publio squares and in front of
many- of the . government ' buildings.
This is a summary of what has cocur
red in a greater or lesser degree at Mi
lan, Florenoe, Turin, Como, Terrera,
Beluna, Lodi, Varona, Parma, Ber
garmo, Naples, Bresia, Venice, Pazara,
Palermo; Cremona, .Catania and al.
most, any other town mentionable. ; ;
Injnnction In Branch-Asylum Case. '
' Salem, Or. Maroh 9. Another : ob
struction has been thrown in the way
to prevent carrying out the aot - of the
leigslature providing for a branch in
sane asylum to be located in Eastern
Oregon, - and appropriating' $16,000
therefor.' Injunction proceedings were
instituted in circuit oourt department
No. 2 today by , the state of Oregon,
upon the relation of James MoCaine,
distriot attorney for the third judicial
distriot vs. Phil Metsohan, state treas
urer, restraining him from paying a
warrant, issued in ;1 894; "in payment
of land purohased as a site for the pro-'
posed branch building. J ; v . ,
' New Warships for Germany.,,
Berlin, Maroh 9. The reiohstag to
day adopted credits to the amount of
5,273,000 marks for four cruisers and
torpedo division boat and for several
torpedo boats, after the minister of for
eign affairs, Baron yon . Bieberstein,
disclaimed that the government pro
posed a big navy programme. ; ; 4;
- The International Conference.,
London,' March 9. - The first lord of
the treasury, A. J. Balfour, answeniig
a question in the house of commons on
behalf of the government, -said he did
not believe anything would be gained
by Great Britain taking the initiative
in promising a' monetary conference. '
Several rich oopper veins have been
discovered east of Dillon, Mont.
More than ever before .now, Span
iards will win victories by cable.
Routine Work of the Fifty-Fourth
sion Senate. ,
Washington, Maroh 5. The senate
gave most of the day to the agricul
tural appropriation bill and passed that
measure, carriyng $3,862,000, without
material amendment. Another bill
passed during the day changes the lim
itations of fourth-class mail matter so
as to free the postal servioe from bulky
artioles heretofore sent free by the gov
ernment departments. Woloott, in
urging the bill, said roller-top desks
and eleotrio motors were among the
artioles sent as mail by( the depart
ments. Late in the day word came
from the house that the error concern
ing the Cuban resolutions had been
corrected. In its oorrected form, the
house resolution is an amendment pass
ed by the senate. As thus reported
back the subject was referred to the
oommittee on foreign relations.
Washington, March 6. In the sen
ate today Cannon introduced a resolu
tion, whioh was agreed to, asking the
seoretary of the interior for information
as to why the Unoompaghre Indian
reservation had not been opened to set
tlement, and when it would be done.
Allen called up his resolution declaring
that United States bonds and legal ten
der notes are redeemable in either gold
or silver ooin. Teller had expressed a
desire to speak upon the subject As
he was absent, the resolution was
passed over. The house bill regulating
proof in pension oases was passed.
Mitchell of Oregon then presented a
resolution reoiting that Henry Dupont
had been lawfully elected from Dela
ware, and made a speeoh in advooaoy
of Dupont being declared entitled to the
seat - , i
Washington, Maroh 7. For a long
time today it looked as if the Cuban
question would be finally disposed , of
in the senate by agreeing to the con
ference report accepting the house -resolutions.
. At the conclusion of Mitch
ell's elaborate argument of the Dupont
oase, Sherman presented the report of
the conferees and asked for immediate '
aotion. Chandler, who had not been
before heard on Cuba, declared himself
in favo? of not only recognizing but
of maintaining the independence of
Cuba, even if it resulted in war ; with
Spain. On acoount of the late hour
no aotion was taken. : . 1 . -
v.-,- -'".'House.
, Washington, March ijJ?hehouS3 - -spent
the entire day in debating ; the
amendment to the legislative appropi- "
ation bill to abolish the fee system - in '"'
cases of United States district attor neys
and Marshals. The salaries fixed
by the amendment , range; from $3,000
to $5,000. ' It was . indorsed by al-
most every ; member of the judioiary
committee. It was argued the amend
ment would reduce expenses of United
States oourts, Which have doubled since ,
1878, at least $500,000 for the fiscal ,
year, and would result in stopping the
pernicious padding of the business of
federal oourts. The house judioiary
committee voted to report a bill making - -it
unlawful for the United " States 1
court officers or other United States' "'
offioers to purchase directly Or "indi
rectly witnesses' , fees or; any claims' -against
the government. ' The penalty
fixed is removal from offioe and a fine '
Of from $50 to $5,000. . , : , i'
Washington, March 6. In the house
today a bill passed to authorize the -county
of Navajo," ' Arizona, . to issue
bonds for . the construction of county
buildings. " The conference report of
the army appropriation bill was adopt- " '
ed. The house then resumed consider
ation of the legislative appropriation
bill, the amendment to abolish mar-.
shals' and district attorneys' fees again' ..
ooming up. The request of the senate
for a conference on the Cuban . resolu.
tion was reoeived, but not acted upon
today.'. ,. ' '" ,. -' '
': . Washington, March 7. -After Hart
man had made a very . bitter attack J
upon the president in the house today,
a bill was passed, on the motion of
Grosvenor, to make the national mill- '
tary parks national fields for the ma
neuvers of the regular army and mili- -
tia - of . the states, under the. , regular '
Ham prescribed by the . seoretary of .
war. . The house then resumed The
consideration of the amendment to tbe
legislative appropriation bill to abolish '
the fee system in the case of United -States
attorneys and marshals... After
the committee rose, without complet- '
ing the consideration of the bill, a bill
was passed appropriating $96,000 for
the reconstruction of the Rock Island, ' '
111., bridge. ,
A Johannesburg dispatoh says when
President Kruger visits England it is
stated he will stipulate as conditions of :
granting to Uitlanders the franchise, '
the abrogation of the ' convention of " -1884,
and the substitution of a treaty '
of oommeroe and amity, recognizing -Great
Britain as the paramount power,
in South Afroia, and the inolusion of ..
Swasiland in the Transvaal; the guar-,
antee of the independence Of the Trans
vaal; that a pre-emptive right to Kosi '
bay and Delagoa bay be accorded the
Transvaal. ; ,; ---.' "
Among the directors of. the First
National bank of Huntington, Ind.,
are two women, and one of them, Mrs.
Sarah F. Diok, is the bank's cashier,