The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 06, 1896, Image 3

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    3(ood Iftver.&lacier
Th mall arrives from Mt. Hood at 10 o'-
clock A. M. Wednesdays and Saturdays; de
parts he same days at noon.
For Chenoweth, leaves at 8 A. M.; arrives at
r. oamraavs.
For White Salmon leaves dally at 1 P. M,
arrives at 6 o'clock P. M.
mor. Trout Lake and Glen wood Mondays,
yv eu.nesaays ana r riaavs.
Canby Post, No. IB, G. A. R., meets at School
House Hall, flrst Saturday of each month
t 2 o'clock D. m. ' All (i. A. R. members In
vited to attend. The ladles of the Relief
Corps meet at same time In the adjoining
JOHN A. WILSON, Commander.
M. P. Isknbebg, Adjutant,
Waucoma Lodge, No. SO, K. of P., meets In
ineir uastie nan on every xuesaay nignt.
J. A. Soksbe, C. C.
Gbo. T. Prathbr, K. of R. & S.
Riverside Lodge, No. 08, A O. U. W., meeU
first and third Saturdays of each month.
J. V. Watt, Financier.
H. L. Howe, Reco)der.
Twlce-a-week Republic and Glacier
i!.iu a year. . .
F. I. Hubbard, photographer, Hood
Kiver, Oregon.
J. & P. Coat's best, six cord thread
at the Racket Store.
Lou Morse is authorized agent for all
newspapers and periodicals.
Until after new crop, Saturday only
will be our grinding day.
- Harbison Bros.
Just received at the Racket Store, 10
different styles of corsets, ttie best line
in the city.
Mr. Bert Lansrille came up from
. Portland Tuesday and will remain here
tor ine present.
The sheriff has mailed postal cards
informing taxpayers of the amount of
tneir taxes ror 1B95.
A cougar and two cubs were killed
on C'henowith creek, seven miles from
The Dalles, last week.
, Stockholders of the Valley Improve
ment Co. will hold a meeting in town
(Saturday, Marcii 14th.
Jas. E. Huntia has bought. Capt.
Ferguson's interest in the livery busi-
, ness of the Mountaiati Stage Co.
Frank Caddy has pinch aned the old
Keene place, consisting of five acres
near the trunktou school bouse.
D. F. Pierce has left his shoes with
E. V. Husbands, who will sell them at
cost. Call and see them at the old
The body of the missing Mrs. Cody
or Tucoma was round in a thicket in
the suburbs of that city Monday, where
she committed suicide u month- ago.
Owing to the cold weather, the en
tertainment to be given by the Home
(social and Dramatic clui) was post
poned, and will now lie given Tuesday,
March 10th. Admission 10 cents.
Mr. C. Welds informs that" on last
Thursday night, about 8:30, when the
moon whs nearly full, he saw a rain
bow in the west, with all the colors,
though not so bright us the rainbow
by day.
Mr. L. N. Blowers, Wednesday,
traded residence property with Capt.
Coe. Mr. Blowers lias traded his resi
dence property for the house and lot
formerly occupied by Rev. J. L.
Hershuer. .
Waller McGuire, a brother of Henry
McGuire, came up from Woodburn last
week and will make his home in Hood
River for the summer. Mr. McGuire
has been lu the butcher business at
Woodburn. ...
- Call on Tillett at liis nursery, help
dig your trees and get good roots. He
has the Champion gooseberry at 50 cts.
a doz; apple trees, from 2J cents apiece
up. Also, pears, cherries, peaches and
everything in the nursery line.
Country subscribers to the Glacif.r
can have a little advertisement like
horses, cows or pigs for sale, or any
other ad that will not take up more
than half a dozen lines with bead in
serted for 25 cents a month, if paid in
advance. In the local column, 5 cents
a line for each issue.
The local union of the Christian En
deavor was held at the U. B. church
Sunday evening, March 1st, and the
following officers were elected for the
ensuing year: Miss Alice Cleaver, pres
ident; Rotiert Copple, vice president;
H. C. Bateham, secretary; Mabel
Richardson, treasurer.
Recently two meetings have been
held in the Congregational church in
the interest of Armenian sufferers.
Rev. Danial Staver, who lived five
years in Armenia, gave a very interest
ing address at one of these- meetings,
while at the other the time was occu
pied with appropriate and helpful
papers upon Turkish- persecutions in
Armenia. Collections amounting to
about $7 were lifted; of this sum about
$4 was sent to the Armenia relief fund.
W. R. Winans was circulating a pe
tition during the week to the county
court asking that body to appropriate
500 for the completion of the road
from Tucker's mill to Mt. Hood by
way of Winans. The petition received
60 names in the town of Hood River,
and will also be circulated in The
Dalles. This is the most direct road to
Mt. Hood, and it is hoped the commis
sioners will see the necessity of grant
ing, the petitiou.
"Simon S. Hartman of Tunnelton,
West Va.,bas been subject to attacks of
colic about once a year,and would have
to call a doctor and then suffer for
about twelve hours as much ns some do
when they die. He was taken recently
just the same as at other times, and
concluded to try Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. He
says, "I took one dose of it and it gave
me relief in rive minutes. That is more
than any thing else has done for me."
For sale by Williams fc Brosius.
H. W. Wait captured a coyote in Dr.
Adams' pasture lust Sunday. Two of
these varmints have been stopping in
this pasture of late and foraging on
the chickens 'of the neighboring
ranches. Sunday morning, while Mr.
Geo. Mcintosh and Mr. Wait were
milking their cows they saw the coy
otes and went after them with their
guns. After some sharp maneuvering
on the part of the coyotes and the hun
ters, Mr. Wait succeeded In killing the
larger one of the two after the bird
The Isenberg band has been - in
Sherman county, where they attended
a Grand Army camp fire at Wasco on
last Saturday. Mr. M. P. Isenberg ar
rived home Tuesday. The balance ot
the family will come overland in their
own conveyance.
Please do not forget that the profes
sors from the state agricultural college
will address the fruit growers of Hood
River next Saturday, . March 14fh.
Place of meeting will be given next
The fasclnati-ig and highly intellect
ual game of pitching quoits is indulged
in by many of our citizens. A fine day
will see several games running at one
time on our principal street.
The latest word received from Mrs.
Alma Howe was to the effect that she
was improving slowly and expected
sooa to walk on crutches. She, is still
in the hosnital.
. I will deliver my lecture to young
men cn next Sunday evening, begiu
ing at 7:30. Everybody Invited to at
tend. J. M. Denison.
. Miss Irene Callison returned from
Athena, Oregon, last Friday.
The latest in curling irons at the
Racket Store. .. .
The Weather.
The weather wise, who predicted
during our pleasant weather in Febru
ary that we would "catch it yet," were
happy during the past week. Satur
day last was a squally day.with several
showers of snow flakes, enough to
whiten the ground. Sunday we bad
a cold east wind, and March came in like
a lion. For three days the merciless
east wind came driving down the Co
lumbia and made everybody unhappy,
except the weather prophets who could
say, "I told you so." Weduesday
morning the mercury got down to 13
degrees above zero, the coldest for the
winter. 'The cold wave extended all
over the Northwest coast. At Walla
Walla they had two feet of snow and
iu the Willamette valley the ground
was covered by several inches. The
trains east of The Dalles were detained
by sand drifting on the track, in one
place covering it to the depth or two
feet for 800 yards. The weather since
Wednesday has moderated, and we
may expect spring and wild flowers
again in a few days. Fruit men say
the iruit is all right.
School Elections.
At the election, Monday, in the town
district, C. M. Wolfard was elected di
rector; M. H. Niukelsen was re-elected
clerk for the third time. Clerk's re
port showed 172 children of school age
in the district.
In Frank ton district, E. Locke was
elected director and W. H. Perry re
elected clerk. Number of children of
school age, 104. A motion prevailed
nstructiiig the directors to divide the
time of the terms of school evenly bo
tween t lie , first and second grades.
This will give the primary department
a chance to have a three months' term
in the spring, when the weather is good.
and the older scholars can go to school
for a longer term in the winter months.
lu the Crupper district John Miller
waft elected director and J. Wickbam
re-elected clerk. The district has 42
children of school age. ,'
lu the Barrett district, John Parker
was elected director and C. E. -Mark-
ham clerk. Children of school age ill
ditrict, 9.
Rich (I) Strike at Goldendnle. ,
Hood River, March 2, 1896. Editor
Glacier: That is what they say.
'Seventeen dollars a day to the hand"
is the repojt we had at Hood River.
So my partner and I got the fever, as
both of us have had experience in
mining. We put on the wagon bows,
threw some Lucon, a rusty railroud
pick, piece of an old shovel and a milk
pan into the wagou beside our blank
ets, hitched up "Old Barney," familiar
to every one in Hood Kiver, and bead
ed for Trail Creek mines, iu British
Columbia, via Goldeudale, expecting
to take in those mines as we went
Our trip was oue of sunshine. I
The roads were Hue, aud we imagined
we were pioneers of the West aud that
where the white mail had never I rod.
We poked, old Barney along, but be
had more sense than we had, for he
wanted to turn buck or iro iu at everv I
gute he cume to. , ;
x'liiaiiy we univeu at vxoiuunuuie, on
February 25th, at 11 a. ni., and pulled
up at the neat residence ot Mr. aud
Mrs. Warner, acquaintances of my
partner, who received us with a most
cordiui welcome. Mr. Warner is tbe
leading blacksmith of Goldeudale. We
were then intormed we hud arrived u
the end of our road, it being impossible
to proceed further on account of tbe
snow in the mountains, bo we con
eluded to take iu the famous Gulden
dale mines.
After seeing aud testiug to our own
satisfaction tue ore which we could
rind in town, we visited the office of
one of the ablest attorneys aud mayor
of the city, he being also an acquaint
ance of my partner. Through his
kindness we were shown to the print
ing office of the Agriculturist, where
we were shown ore that assayed iZ to
the ton, but we are of the opiniou that
the ussay was "salted."
On the JflHu, Mr. iirooK turnisued us
with a tine livery turnout, aud with
his company, Mr. Warner, my partner
and myself visited the so-called mines.
The Href claim was the Ked Horse.
This mine has been worked for several
years and is down lo a depth of 70 feet.
it shows a fine grade ot volcanic griud
iugs, but not the slightest trace of min
erals. The next, further up the moun
tain, bad leeii prospected by small
boles being dug here aud there, with
one shaft 17 feet, which shows cement
gravel and soapstone. The next was
on the opposite side of the mountain,
which is owned by several parties.
They have a: cut running into the
mountain, the deepest pluce at a depth
of 8 feet, and shows' cement gravel aud
volcanic rock (not ore). .
While at the mines we were shown
the place the sample came from -which
assayed $72 lo ttie ton. ' The prospect
looked so discouraging we concluded
we hud seen the "white elephant," and
formed our opinion that the ussay
should have been reported 72 tons to
the dollar.
If such rock as that will pay, then
Hood ' River is rich, as there is any
(luaulitv of such rock to be found here.
Hie rich specimen Mr. Poiuter has we j
did not see, but were told it came from
some outside camp. It is true the
country is all located, but it was done
by the farmers of the valley. Outsid
ers bad not come in yet, and as fur as
the mines go, they liad better stay out
M. F. Sloper.
Items from Snow-Clad Mt. Hood.
The snow that fell recently was mix
ed with alkali dust from the prairies of
Eastern Oregon, and was blown here
by the strong east wind that has been
prevailing for tbe last few days.
Wm. Hess of Canby, Oregou, arrived
here tbe first of this week to spend the
summer with his sou Sam.
P. F. Fouts went to Portland last
week to be examined by the doctors.
Mr. Fouts has been in poor health re
cently, owing to an injury sustained
three years ago. Tbe Portland doctors
however give him no encouragement,
Work was begun on . the Mt. Hood
Water Supply Co's. ditch, but the re
cent cold snap has suspended further
operations. , .
W. S. Gribble is down with inflam
matory rheumatism and neuralgia.
The annual school meeting passed
on very quietly lust Monday, some
thing unusual for this place.
S. M. Baldwin is a free man, tbe first
time in 10 years. At tbe beginning of
the present year A. 8. Billings was ap
pointed his successor to the road super-
visorship, and at tbe annual school
meeting Wm. Rodenhiser was elected
bis successor to the directorship.
E. W. Gribble and Wm. Cooper are
completing quite an extensive contract
of slushing for Jas. T. Cooper. ,
Al Foster has contracted with Tom-
linson Bros, to haul 50,000 feet of logs
this spring. keporter.
The annual school meeting in dis
trict No. 6 was held at the usual hour
in the district school house, on the
first Monday in this month, as re
quired by the school laws of Oregon
Every member of the district wai
present, accompanied with a smiling
lace. . m. Baldwin toon trie chair,
while our old friend and genial clerk,
Fredenburg, reeled off systematically
the usual report of the state fi
nancially and otherwise of the district.
The meeting then proceeded to elect
district officers which resulted iu the
election of Mr. Wm. Rodenhyser di
rector for the term of three years, and
the re-election or O. fredenburg as
clerk. The meeting then adjourned
and homeward turned, with the glo
rious thought and happy smile that
the accustomed tax, which seems to in
vade nearly all other districts .and
means dander and not economy, has
not us yet found space or favor, but by
judicial and good management
smothered in the onset; and we rejoice
that we are free from debt or tax.
And while thus fortunate we are
further impressed with the belief that
our most worthy directors have used
fine sense and superior judgment in
selecting and securing the services of
Miss Josie Hansberry as teacher for the
term of three months, commencing on
the first Monday in April. Miss Hans
berry taught two terms in this district,
two years since, and is remembered as
one who never shunned her duty as
an educator. Loved and respected by
her scholars, her advent as teacher will
be one grand welcome by all in the
district. XXX.
' Republican Primary.
The primary for the election of six
delegates to the county republican
convention will be heldtor West Hood
River precinct, March 21st, at armory.
Every republican should turn out to
this, tbe beginning of one of the great
est campaigns ever known.
M. P. Isenberg,
CountyCommitteeman of Precinct.
Bucklen'g Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped bunds, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and pos
itively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is Guaranteed to Give uerfeet satisfac-
tion or money refunded. Price, 2-5 cts
per box. For sale at the Hood River
They Stay Dyed
Stockings, Feathers, Gowns, Cloaks
Of other articles dyed with
will retain their color '
no matter how often
they are washed or ex-
posed to the sun. A J
package of Diamond a
Dyes costs only ten
cents and plain direc
tions for using accom
pany it. .No pre
vious experience is
necessary to get
the best results.
Williams & Brosius,
i Druggists.
For Exchange.
Work Horses to Exchange for Wood,
Lumber or Posts.
1 block 4-year-old gelding, 1200 ftsl m
1 brown 0-year-old gelding, 1200 tbs 8Pan'u w
2 mares, flyearsold, 1100 tbs, ' 70 00
2 mares, H years old, 950 lbs, ' " 25 00
2mares,12yrold,veryeentle,1000tbs, " 25 00
1 mare, 6 yr old.pony built, 1100 lbs, - HO 00
I span small mules, 4 years old, 100 00
At W. M. HARNETT'S, Wasco, Or.
To Fruit Growers.
The Fruit Growers' Union will furnish
strawberry crates to such growers as do not
wish to make their own arrangement. It
will not be necessary to get crates through the
Union, but no fruit will be shipped unless It
Is In clean, neat boxes. For additional In
formation, see the secretary,
Prof. U. P. Hedrlck, horticulturist of our
State Agricultural College, will address the
fruit growers of Hood River valley on Satur
day, March 14th. at 1 p. m. Prof. Hedrick
will probably be accompanied by either the
chemist or entomologist of the college, and an
Instructive meeting may be anticipated. It
Is hoped that there will be a general attend
ance at this meeting. E.L.SMITH.
. Pres. Osn. State Hor. Society.
Fit Glows, Atteii!
Kate M. Johnson, daughter of D. W,
and Jennie Johnson, was bom in Web
ster county, Ky., August 22, 1870; was
converted in her 14th year; was mar
ried to Abe Groshong, in North Yak
ima, November 28, 1888: joined the
First Baptist church of White Salmon,
June , 1895. Bister Oroshong was
taken sick January 11, 1896, and died
at her home at White Salmon, sui
rounded by her family, husband, two
children, father and mother, three sis
ters, besides many sorrowing mends.
The funeral was one of the largest ever
attended In this section of the country-
Ill the absence of her pastor, the ser
vices were conducted oy the writer,
Kev. U. W. WHITE,
Pastor M. E. church,
Church Notices.
Rev. C. F. Clapp of Forest Grove
will preach at the Congregational
church next Sunday at 11 a. in. and
7:30 p. m. Mr. Clapp is superinten
dent of the Home Missionary society
tor Oregon and is a forcible and enter
taining speaker. ,
M. E. services in Hood River every
Sabbath evening, and in the mornings
ot the nrst and third Sabbaths of each
month; at Mosier on the mornings of
the second and fourth.
' J. M. Denison, Pastor.
Belmont Circuit Appointments.
First Sunday of each month at Mount
flood; second Sunday, Belmont at 11,
Crappec school house at 3, and Pine
Grove at 7; third Sunday, Pins Grove
at 11 and .Belmont at 7; fourth Sunday,
Belmont at 11 and Pine Grove at 7.
F. L. Johns, Pastor.
Congregational Church Rev. J. L.
Hershner, pastor. Worship, with
preaching, will be conducted every
Sunday, at 11 a. in. and 7.30 p. m., un
less otherwise announced. Prayer
meeting and Sunday school conference
on Wednesday evening. Christian
Endeavor society on Sunday evening.
All who attend these services will be
made welcome.
U. B. church F. C. Krause, Pastor.
Sunday school at 10 a. m.; preaching
at Ji a. m.; junior bnideavor at 3 p.m.;
preaching at 7:30.
Two Lives Saved.
Mrs.PhoebeThoma8of Junction City,
111., was told by her doctors she had con
sumption and that there was no hope for
her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New
Discovery completely cured her, and she
says tt saved her lite. Mr. Titos, loggers,
139 Florida St., San Francisco, suflered
from a dreadful cold, approaching con
sumption, tried without result every-
thingelse, then bought one bottle of Dr.
King's New Discovery and in two weeks
was cured. He is naturally thankful. It
is such results, of which these are sam
ples, that prove the wonderful etneacy of
1 1. :, i : . . : .. .. 1 .. i. i .1 .. T .
mis liiruicmc 111 i'uu);nn ami cuium. c ree
(rial bottles at Hood Jiiver Pharmacy.
Regular size 50c and $1.
Is Your Title Clear?
K. E. Savage is prepared to examine ab
stracts of title to real estate and give opinions
on same. Charges reasonable. marit
A -MM Jew M.
Service fees only one dollar, but payable at
time of service. GEO. RORDAN,
f28 Hood River, Or.
To Whom H May Concern:
I have been Informed that a road net It Ion
has been gotten up by A. Boorman and others
for a road running across my place, as fol
lows: Between the northeast and the sout h
east H of section 33 to which I object, from
tne fact that I have given a road running
down the west side of the creek on my place,
which road has been in constant use for
twelve years. X. E. WICKENS.
nood Kiver, r-eD. a), isuo.
WM. TILLETT, Proprietor.
Grower and dealer in choice Nursery stock.
He has the only stock of the
Yakima Apple,
The best of red apples, and as long a keeper as
me leuowjNewwiwu.
I have aboul 20,000 apple trees of the best va
rieties growing in my nursery. Ail standard
varieties are grafted from tbe best stock In
Hood River.. Jel5.
A competent person to act as book agent.
Good pay. . For further Information address
f21 ' Mount Hood, Or.
Grubbing Machine.
The undersigned have a complete outfit for
grubbing land and are now prepared to make
contracts for clearing at reasonable rates.
Parties aesinne work or tnis Kina. apply to
Wn.r.fA MU At 1? V ITT I
f2t ' Hood River, Or.
Boy Wanted.
A orood bov. 12 or 18 vears of acre, can find a
good home, where he will be sent to school In
winter, ana in summer oe expeciea to mane
himself useful On a farm. Address
f2l Hood River, Or.
Harness Repairing.
I will be ready for repairing and oiling har
ness after January 1st. Farm products will
be taken In trade. Leave harness for repair
ingat Blowers' store Highest price paid for
Hides. fd20 E. D. CALKINS.
Repaired and all kinds of
. Sold by
Also, Boots and Shoes repaired.
Forty acres unimproved land, on the east
side of Hood river, 5 miles from town. Price
810 per acre. Inquire at -Glacier office.
For Rent
valley, about one mile from depot, in excel
lent condition for putting out plants this
spring. Running water for irritation. Will
rent on reasonable terms. Address
J81 ' .Cascade Locks, Or.
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Country Produce Bought and Sold.
lnr,?N. established isu
int. OlUUtil BUUI IN l Hi. WUKLU
Kitchen Furniture,
Pruning Tools, Etc.
Repairing Tinware a Specialty,
Ml Ml fir Sale Ctap.
Situated 4K miles west of the town of Wood
Rlver.on theColumbla. Freefrom latefrosts.
Full crop of all kinds of fruit now on ranch.
Fine Irrigating facilities and water for that
purpose belonging to Dlace. Call at, (ilac.ler
office or at ranch. , F. R. ABSTEN.
(Special attention given to Land Office prao
Rooms 44-45 Chapman Block,
Notary Public. '
DR. E. T. CARNS is now located In Wood
River. Flrstrclass work at reasonable rates.
All work guaranteed. Office In the Langllle
House. Jyio
All work given him will be done con
rectly and promptly. He has a few
good claims upon which he can locate
parties; ootu farming ana timber lands.
.f enrutiry, 1J4. '
Land Office at The Dalles. Oregon. Jan. 28.
189(1. Notice Is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his Inten
tion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made be
fore Register and Receiver at The Dalles, Ore
gon, on March 14, 189U, viz:
Hd. E. No. 8521. for the southwest section
81, township 2 north, range 10 east, Av . M.
iiv names uie intiowmg witnesses io prove
his continuous residence upon and cultiva
tion of, said land, viz:
Wm. Buskirk and E. W. Winans of Hood
River. Oregon, and J. P. Buskirk and A. Wi
nans of The Dalles. Oregon.
jaimB JAS. f, MOORE, Register.
O. T. Prathkr,
H. C. Cok.
Notary Public.
Real Estate and tone
93 Oak St., bet, 2d and 3d.
WTa linn. Int. - AAHAnn ln . 1,
farms and timber ciatms in the most desira
ble locations In the valley. If you have any
thing in the real testate line to sell or rent, or
if you want to buy, give us a call.
Deeds, bonds and mortgages promptly and
correctly executed.. v
we win also auena to legal Dusiness injus
tices' CQurta.
we are also agents for SOUTH WAUCOMA
' p27 -
Fruit Farm for Sale.
1 will sell my place. 2 miles from the town
of Hood River, near a graded school, contain
ing 40 acres, good house and barn, strong
spring, wind mill, 1 acres In orchard,
acre In strawberries, all fenced, Including
stock and turm Implements, for J1800.
nl , . FRED HOWE, Hood River.
Competent Nurse.
Ladles needing a competent nurse, on rea
sonable terras, apply to
Hood River, Oregon.
Lessons in Piano Music.
Miss Anna Smith has resumed the teaching
of Music. Her prices are .30 cents a lesson. J 10
For Sale.
Two large Wind Mills, two No. 4 Pumps and
one No. lORam. GEO. T. PRATHER,
For Sale at Belmont.
The Ketehum place, by E. C. Rogers. Also.
E. C. Rogers' place, cheap for cash, or one
half down and balance on easy terms. dl.S
In the Apple Belt.
Home of the best apple land in Hood River
valley) Improved or unimproved, for sale in
lots of 10, 20 or 80 acres. Situated on the hast
Side. Oood stream of water flows through
the land. Terms cheap. For further partic
ulars inquire at Glacier office. ml7
"THE - , 1 -
iWaflGS,Pi)rtM Hirii
Navigation Co.
Through Freight and
Passenger Line.
Daily bet. Dalles mil Portias
All Freight Will Come Through
Without Delay.
One way : ......$1 50
Round trip 2 SO
Freight Rates Greatly-
General Agent.
E. McNEILL, Receiver. v "
To tli.e East.
Gives the choice of
Minneapolis OMAHA
ST. PAUL. Kansas City.
Low Rates to All East
ern Cities.
Leave Portland every Ave days for
For full details call on O. U. A N. Agent,'
Hood River, or address
W. II. nURLlHTflT.
' Gen'l Pass. A vent,
Portland, Or.
TRADE! MAnsrft.
xurininrmaiionann rrce Handbook wnto to
Oldest bureau for securing pntcnts in America.
Kvery patent taken out by ufl is brought befora
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