The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, March 06, 1896, Image 2

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    3esd Iiver Slacier.
The Valley Improvement Company.
. The Valley Improvement company
was organized under the present arti
cles of incorporation on Nov7 15, 1895,
l.y O. A. Bell, L. E. Morse, J. E. Han
na, C. M. Wolfard, J, H.Ferguson, P. A.
'Snyder, F. Davenport and H. F.
Davidson, by. whom a majority of the
capital stock, $20,000,, was subscribed.
The matters of securing the right of
way and other rights and privileges
were pushed ahead ar, fust as was prac
ticable, until tnerigntor way was se
cured all nlong the river bluff out as
far as to (he land owned by M. P.
Isenberj:, near where Mr. S.W. Arnold
now reside, mid nil parties holding
land below tliia place are very willing
to give the right of way as soon as the
route is definitely located.
The survey has been made and stakes
lire set on the line of the proposed ditch
as far as it is necessary to have any sur
'.;' veying done, and all la in readiness to
cro to work. -
. The expense of the. legal work. and
surveying are all paid, so at the present
time any assessments which might be
ditch and flume, as soon as a suf
ficient amount is collected to justify
oiaklnga start.
The demand for water is an impera
tive one, as t his season the applications
for water fiom the present water sup
ply company have been double the ca
pacity of the ditch, and with a" mere
prospect for a full supply another sea
eon the demand would be trebled, as
me general ciamor is ror -iviore wacen
. and how and when can we get It?"
As a business proposition, this enter
prise is certainly desirable, especially to
those who have real estate or business
, interests in the valley. . ."'..'
The Water Supply Co. have paid
over $8,000 for their ditch system and
have for sale 250 miner's Inches of
wutwp pnfittnrr lit liA rafa nf mrat 39
per inch, and the stock in the company
has never sold below par. By the new
ditch 3000 miuer's inches will be
brought into the valley at a maximum
cost of $25,000, making the property
worth, on the basis of the present water
i-niimn n v. SOfiflOO. Ttufc nreamnlncr
I fc , T ' I O
that the demand for water for the year
after the completion of the ditch would
not exceed 1,000: inches, the property
. would then be worth $32,000,., or about
$7,000 more thin actual cost, and will
pay a good income on the iuvestmeut
with a certainty of a gradual increasing
demand until the entire supply will be
used. When we say there is a de
mand next year for 1,000 inches of
. water we mean at the rate of $5. per
inch, which is the price now realized,
una at a reuuceu rate mucu more would
be asked for for irrigating meadows,
pastuies, etc., while the $5 rate might
- 1... ..... I.-I. n
water for these purposes and the water
v. use confined principally to irrigating
fruits and vegetables.
l tie stocit doors are open now; anct
jn the hands of the postmaster, L. E.
Morse, for the purpose of receiving sub
scriptions to the capital stock by those
who feel able and willing to help push
this matter forward. :'
The kIzh of th nnrlpi-f-nkina' u-tll nf
course necessitate the very strongest
' effort on the part of every individual
in tne valley or interested in the pro
gress of the valley, in the line of giving
Huusiaiiuat aiu. x ue more general tne
stock is taken up the faster the work
will be put forward. It is reasonably
certain that the ditch will be built, and
the time it will take depend) upon the
. liberality of support. ,.
There will be a meeting of the sub'
ecribers to tbe capital stock in Hood
River, on Saturday, March 14th, at 2
p. m., for the purpose of giving thesub
ecribers at that time an opportunity to
choose a board of directors and make
such recommendations as they wish
carried out. , Let every person make
himself a committee of one to see to it
mat no person wno is aoie to give this
, proposition help fails to do so and en-
f Hble himself to take part in the election
of officers; and help Id making the Im
mediate progress of the valley a matter
i of Importance to home-seekers. ' j
, Both houses of congress have passed
resolutions, by nearly unanimous vote,
recognizing the belligerent rights of the
Cubans. This action may cause .war
between the United States and Spain.
Congress jseenis disposed to get us into
' a war with some foreign power before
they get through, and, strange to say,
its action is backed . by the great ma
jority of the people of all parties.
Kcarly everybody seems to be "in favor
of the next war." Our statesmen could
better subserve the interests of the
country by making provision for coast
defenses and improving our navy be
fore passing resolutions that may: re
sult in war with even as weak a nation
as .Spain. : ,
The contractors-tit the locks say that
It will take several weeks yet to com
plete the vork. , If it, should lie decided
to constant, retaining walls for tho
middle lock, a month will probably be
occupied in this work. ' -
McKiuley seems to be the f.ivorite
presidential candidate with the repub
licans of Oregon, as he is with the re-.
jiublicans of most of tlje Western States
without a favorite son of their own.
Morrison seems to lead with the dem
ocrats of the West. ,The avowed can
didates of the republicans are making a
hard fight for the nomination, as if
it was worth fighting for. With the
democrats and populists the office is
seeking the man, and It may not find
him in these parties in 1890.
It is a wonder some enterprising free
silver statesman didn't move that a
free-silver amendment be tacked onto
the Cuban resolutions.' "'"' '
Some " Old Fashioned Gospel.''
" The mills of the gods grind slow,) ;(.; ...
'But thoy grind exceeding fine."'"','
Editor Glacier: In the last (it At
cier some Insect has come buzzing
around my ears. ;He seems to be hun
gry for blood. He signs himsejfRv EV
H '.', , This was too .'touch, of
a puzzle for trie to solve.'.-' T tic women
folks all gave .it. mfe Our :TDoywnoae
mind seehis to -run 'hiuohly to uritave'l-i"
ing knotty questions, after ' scratching
his head over it for awhile, referred to
the Wasco County. Directory. and- felt
sure he had -found, it Ha, said; the, tail
of seven stars' siood, for seV-enllour;,
sacks sent onee ori'a tirae'with a'grist
to a mill and were never returned,-,
I inclined to recei ve" this interpreta
tion, as the captain of a vessel had told
me that in unloading his cargo rm a
wharf sometheJ'ejitjSrurkey,' he asked
the burgomaster Ttb 'send a police force
to ' prelect the merchandise from
thieves. The burgoinaster' refused to
do so, saying, "Your goods are perfect
ly safe, on ; the whartj for there isn't' -a
Christian nearer, thai) 300 , mile.4, from
here, and he is a missionary-running a
small grist mill too far away, sir, to
even pack off your empty sacks." ,:
.f errnit me now to tender my respects
to your correspondent not tnat i ex
pect to make any good impressions' on '
an "Ephraim joined to his idols," but
with the view perhaps of getting a little
aid-fashioned gospel before such of our
young people as are not hopelessly tan
gled in his gospel drag-net., . ,-'.', ,
..' Dear Bro. B. Iwailt Ko address you
that way just for short, as your kite
with that.long tail-to it: tabes, up" too
much precious -space in-the U-LAtliEB.
I call you "brother," because1- we' were"
taught in Sunday school that the
Ashantee nigger and the king of Da
homey, bath cannibals, -when .Sitting
on the ground and gnawing'lneat fiptu
the bones of a dead nigger's leg, remind
you of the pictures . of Adam and Eve
In their innocence and beauty, taken
by a photographer in .Eden. .. Perhaps
you have noticed, yourself, a striking
family resemblance when comparing
the pictures of those people with, your
photo and mine, embellishing he, cen-.
ter of the group, forcibly 'reminding' us
that we all sprung from Adamiiiia are
all near of kin all brothers. ! There
might be this difference . between us:
While our brother in Africa preferred
his meat raw, you might Call. for yours
cooked rare, while I might say, "Tnank
you; no janitor In mine.", i.We should
not fall outaboutsuch "non-essentials."
as a niatter-of taste. NOW) ' brother,
lets .to business. .
I fear from yoiir ; cpi'stlej 'tla't She
"heaven ly do ve" ' that flew 'out of the
window. left open by,,the janitor ndve'r
found a- resting- place in youv;boS()m.
If it had," you "would" have" taken : the!
advice Of Josiah Allen's'ife-7"In
writing or speaking be flrra but carm.'!.
You certainly had not held' your head"
under cold water to produce a "carro."
state of mind, or you would not have.
indulged in such expressions as: "Such
case-hardened specimen as W; L, A. ;"
"in one breath they "rave, fat .their,
maker;" "any trace of decency that
may have ever dwelt in their systems;!'
"if their progeny end on the gallows,"
etc; "a lotof parasites like by W.L.A.'!
."roar of intolerance, rage and ridicule;"
"fire away, old man, for thy days are
numbered;" "venomous reptile;" 'ex-
cresence among men ." -
Bro. B., such ebullitions of wrath,'
while not affecting me; injure you rself
with all decent men In your-own
church; and such m.embers'as yo'u:.will
deter people of refinenieuttfrom endur
ing your smell, and the. poor' Janitor
will be called on;' by a unanimous -vote
to leave the windows "upon both sides
of the house" and a door open at each
end. Then, Bro. B., why cannot you
write without lying about your betters?.
If all liars shall have their part in a
lake of fire and brimstone, you ought
to tremble .when you read the follow-'
ing choice statements in-your 'letter:
"1 have met such persons (as W.L.A.)
in many places. In .one breath they
rave at; their maker and revile all the
efforts which their fellow men make to
restrain evil and lift the fallen;" "he
refers unfeelingly to "the death of New
ton Thomas;" "if I am not mistaken,
the sermon was reprinted entire in
Eastern papers." If it.were rep'rinted.
East, where wasi.t printed, here first?-.
Your informant .'has . slandered' Dr.:
Thomas, and you have gladly fathered
the falsehood, as you" have knowingly
and; wilfully -falsified: in ." every1 -Statement
quoted above..,, , , i-
But, Bro B.; I see'jiu aj;e a praying
man "We . havercason to thank God
that such case-hardened: specimens as
W. L. A. do not predominate." I once
read of one of your sanctimonious an
cestors who ''went Jiito .the"temple to
bray "1 thank God J am -not as other
men." xiie poor publican-: made a.
short prayer, which reached the palace
royal of the universe "God be merciful
to me a sinuer." . We meekly "suggest
to you, Bro. B.,Tas neitlier you nor any
of your kind have ever had a petition
answered yet you should,; leave off
braying like a Pharisee and go to brav
ing the prayer of . the publican.' ,
Again, "mere, ,.m en inext time
write are enough .of them in existence
to cause a running sore in every com
munity." Ulaa,l've. got. arunningJ
sore on you., as a pnysiciau, 1 have
always endeavored to get a. running
sore on patients suffering froni poison
ous blood, venereal taint and other bad
disorders. Bro. B., lust keep that sore
running, till your blood ttets lii tietter
condition. Don't. put a piaster on it .
keep it running; your health depends
on it.
"If their progeny (such as W. J Ji.
end on the gallows, who will be to
blame?" Weep, not for me, Bro. B..,
but for yourself and your own children".
My "progeny"' are taught that every
crime carries a sure punishment. They
are taught that the Wretch who goes to:
the gallows witli the blood and hair of,
an innocent- "unconverted1.' daughter I
ravished und. murderer), sticking to the
haft of his butcher knife, cannot bei
translated toplory by kissing a crucifix, j
or by the mighty intercession of a car-!
son with the Deity, to have ins bed jn j
hell assigned to the murdered victim, I
while tho murderer goes to mansions
hastily prepared fo! liim; with eider
down accompaniments, just after ttie
parson had . telephoned . up-from thi!
scaffold "Get ready for another saint."
"Allowing .that Christianity is
mere chimera, as W. L. A. would liave
us believe, what a blessed .thing it Ls
aiter an. vv no wants to j?ei a way
from it?" Your kind of Christianity is
not found in the Bible. What you call
Christianity I call rt sanctified tiiijtfr'
stition. .The murderer, on thiPgalknv.S
Will J"u JlllI JULll jhuii, ws
long as you think there Is any danger,
of being hung. You may not fear
death on the gallows, but you do not
wish to '"get away from it" for the
same reason a boy over 00 years ago
gave me, when I asked him why he
didn't cure his'itch "I don't want to
cure it; it. feels-so good to scratch!"
Scratch on, brother, and be sure to
keep that fore running.
"They tell (such as W. L. A.) of thei r
fine old Covenanter ancestry; tacitly
admitting that any trace of decency
that may have ever dwelt in their sys
tern8:had its origin in Christianity.
"No . one will .deny that in ages past;
much evil has been done in the nania.
of religion, but in those darkened days:
bigotry was a power and temporal su
premacy was the end -sought after.,'.''
Have you ever taken a look at tha-hoki
of the pit from which you re so proud,
you'were diig!? 'Have you evor .sinelt
when roasted at the stake by flafnes
kindled by John Calvin's Covenanter
disciples, urged on to their diabolical
work bv John Calvin- himself? Have
you ever read the" blue laws of Con
necticut, whore a woman was fined for
kissing her baby on the Sabbath, where
a woman was liable to be imprisoned
for making mince pies on even a vveek
day? Have you ever 'read hov your
boasted' ancestors - in- - New'i'Ehgland
killed witches banished Quakers andj
tied - a woman behind a cart, strioned
to the waist, and whipped her,; while1' j
sne was dragged tnrougn snow, tin tne
blood from ; her. snow-white bosom left;
a trail of gore along . the whole route
over which she was dragged--a 'Cov--;
ejianter" punishment for her crime of
being a Baptist? ; Do you sav that this
brutalityi, prompted. by a. sanctined su!
Sabbath' daws of I. ArkansasZ-HvliicH
dragged -Seventh-day : Baptists froni'
their families and kept thein iri jii-il 'tint'
"iiv, Aiaitu tD niilr (4UU-VIIiUf C 11 Ulir HUH-
ily he had,r died,-he. ;being released to'
meet his wife at the gate, being carried
out in a- coffin, ' to be laid side by' side
with, their darling babe; and then to!
cap the Climax Of your-kind of Christ
ianity, .the sheriff levied on and sold
his lat. . cow to -pay - jail" expenses?
What do you think of Georgia, where
Sam Jones says the governor is so pious
he will wre-stle with a sinner !"who iS!
struggling to "get religion" all night at
the mourner's bench a state Sam
Jones "considers a . modern i Christian;'
commonwealth, where a conductor
running a. train into the.state on Sim-
day - is arrested and .made i to looter
through the iron bars -of a prison
where men and women'' convicts are"
limade to. toil ia. undorgi'tijiid;pj;ial:iiiinot
With a ffuard reauytosliooc then.dowll
if one ot-themvcomes to the front' a ty'
ment to get. fresh, air. ,vD6 iipt.uudeiVj
stand that I meat) . to say all church
members are bigots many of them are
liberal-minded gentlemen and nearly
all of the "big preachers" are as liberal
as I am. These little' 'fellows, with
about three months' ' schooling-, whof
maul rails till they get tired.-. und -sit:
down on a log and come to the concilia
sion that they have A "call" 'to , save
souls, eat yellow-legged' chickens
nug tue sisters, are the fellows Who,
when-they find they' are , powerless to
persuade people to adopt their views,
begin to call on the legislature toorce
them to do so. : .
But this article is so long I will have
to defer some important gospel for the
present. In my next I w'iit substitute
tor san-tified superstitioh-a-gosftel thai
ho. good,, pure, noble person can be dis
gusted with a gospel warranted.. to
save and muko ihappy e'very.-loiref whfHd.7sptortlis6(itiiH rJorthwest Ji south.
emoraces ana practices it; a religion
which ' makes peace in everv heiirl
hood; a religion that wduld do a wav
with every superfluous building1 called
a ' church:", a religion which-nonfe buKT'
a good and 'noble Artran could t embl'acefj
a religion which purities, ennobles and
elevates, and prepares a man for hapi
piness in this world and fits him: to
shine like . a star in the firmament for
ever and' ever; a religion which, ifi
aaoptea in iiooa Kiver, wouia do in
finitely more good than would be a
God-sent shower of heavenly soravinsr
mixture that would kill very fruit
pest for all time; a religion that would
so soften : the heart that it would re
move all the sanctified . Sunday school'
venom out of the poor little fellow who.
since Bro. B.'s last article in tha-GLA,-Cier,
has .ftegua; 5bo shove - my' Orego
nian into the post office marked "A.
Dams.'" vl came not; to. bring 'jpeac
hut a word,',! said Christj and I seem
to be followingln his footsteps. -Iwilr; '
however (the -Lord .willing), prove the
truth of my religion beyond the possi
bility :of cavil from,. the Bible, a portion
of the book almost ' entirely overlooked
! V I i J ,J.
alluded to in modern pulpits. Haviugl'll
spen t ten years of my life in ransacking
the musty and bloody pages of church
history, and having been a preacher for
aoout iz years, i ieei pretty wen quai-
iueu w giappie wim me suDiecD." .'
- :., . ' - W. L. A
. ; . Old Popie, ; ;
Who require -Aiedicine to regulate the
bowels and kidneys, will find the true
mmoHv in Ti71ooti! TtffMa .-PMo mo;)iii
flint Assxn inf':tiririlVil.l'A a 4 liJfVt' W"
atonic and alterative.'; It acts liiilf.oiAHNO Vll I'OK
stoniacn ana Dowels, aiKUug streuirtu
and giving tone to he, organs, thereby
aiding Nature in the-pe'rfrtrii'iaifce 6t the
functions. Electric" Bitters'lii an excel
lent appetizer und aids digestion -'Old
people And ih just exactly what they
need. - Price 50c und fl &V l),.lll!e la Ooldendale, Wash.,
Hood River Tuarmacy. r, .,;,., t , -j jamls ella
"?' Lint of Letters
Remaining in the Hood River post
office uncalled for March -1, 18!)G: 1
lirisendine Thos Scales Mrn. W. A.
Chariinmi IiKtlunY Steytlert Clieonhile )
Grubb Mis-. E. J. 2 btluual. Jf ltd
Roslov. U- H.
Sound Monky our plea; .
Oilr eountry, t;1s of thee;
, ITse our own labor free;
No free silver gull! ' L
' Despair not ttt all.
, Make every word count; for .
' .Ours is the day.
None other can win,
blue all signs fall - -
y)env of Republicans .- - - -
And victory all along tho line.
1 No solid south .
- Disturbs our dreams. 1 .
I Trotkctjon - . .. .
!'' Runs in our blood, -. . -,;
! o'er all our fair land, ... , .j ..v-
True to our nation's heart.
-, ff'-'Eqully Just to all, ' "' .
- '! Collect our revenue. -
; -r Time's on the wing! - -
Innocent thing. - ' :
Onward speed our course to the
National house of congress.
Author: Chronic Oillce feeekei". Yours truly,
' J. W. Mokton
r "Kenneth Clair."
Apropos of the Incident of the babe left on
the doorstep of Mr. Farley at The Dalles, with
the name '-Kenneth Clair" pinned to Its
clothes, Mr. J. 11. (Ii adlebaugh has written the
following verses, which are taken Iroin The
Danes papersj:
U s rather early to make a call
On lolks that I do not know at all; '
And though social rules are new to me, -
1-Toni the wav 1 in lelt tis nlaln to see :.
That the folks inside are not aware -
i OI the gent Just come Irom " w ho Knows
Where," .!
ifWltl.tlie modest tit,l8 of Kenneth Clair.
tt - - - . ..
The name's allMshfcas-far as It noes."
Hut when the same wiu pinned on. my clothes
i use one wora more, it seems jo mo,
V oulil have solved a needless mvsti-ry;
Would have started me out, a deal more
" , square;
Been proper and right, and only fair, '
V lth tny papa name alter Kenneth Clair,
I cannot, rirrj;, and I cannot knock,
Wo I fear that some one will get a shock
If I lurk at the door in this silent way,
Hut I -neither know what to do nor say.
,1 wonder, I do, If I really dare
To try my lungs in this morning air ; - -
And see if these folks know Kenneth Clair.
Just where I came from I cannot say,
Unless it was out of the Yesterday. '
The shirs may know, and I can't but think
That perhaps they do, from the way they wink.
I guess I came from the Anywhere,
Maybe from the big red star up there; ,;'
But the. matter's too deep for Kenneth Clair.
I wish i knew these folks.lnslde, r
For this-tix I'm in quite wounds my prlde-
Rolled' upin a shapeless, helpless bunch;' -'
Like the. worthless .remnant of some one's
r lunch :
And I feel these people are going to Stare' . "
Ml!petbeylook on the doorstep and tjnd hie
(OkM mA. "Whp the d)clrensis Kenneth Clair?',')
t know for a mite of such tiny slise ' ' ' ' ''!
I am going to-cause a-great surprise. ' -
And the neighbors will call to take a peep , :
At the little waif, who will be asleep;
Ana cney u.wonuer unu guess; ana maybe
.'. declare ; - ., ; ; -. .
That the thing fs strange, and hardly fair
To the party in interest Kenneth Clair. , .
Ah! Kenneth Clair, the world i.i wide,':"
And the gotid and the bad go side by side.
And stronger than you may faint and fall,
Tint The mercy of tiud is for us all.
For He ever listens to Dlaint and Braver.-
And the plea of the helpless from everywhere,
4i en ine wan oi a.miie sucn as Kennetn Cluir.
Night passes.and morning will set things right,
For a woman's heart is inflnlte; . .. .,. ..,
And tor yon will be the old caress ' ' .
That conies Irom the measureless tenderness.
For the heart of a mother can spare: - -For
the motherless a generous snare; '. : '
And certainly some for Kenneth Clair.- .
. "Vill iak the season of 1898 at '! -' -'
' Hood River Or.1 ii'f ';
Algomaj by Altamont: a world champion,
being the only trotting-bred stallion that has
ever sired tine 2:10 performers; grandslre of
j. nullum
with recoras of 2..80 and better.
Algoina's dam Bell Rooney. by Young
Bashaw, sire of Major Linn,
' Terms, K20, with usual return privileges."
Pasturage during the time necessary for
breeding purposes will be furnished at n per
month. , Accidents and escapes, at owners'
risk. - - F. H. BUTTON,
marO ' Hood River, Oregon.
Land Office at Vancouver, Wash.', March 8,
181K). Notice is hereby, given that the following-named
Bettler has tiled notice of his inten
tion to make final proof-in stirmort of his
i oUUm, and that said proof will be made be-
Of Skamania county, Washington, at Steven
sOu, 'Waslitngtoh, on April 21, mo, viz:
west Vi fflortheastsiij'and. nortliwest mUt-
WKStM section 1, .tpwnship 8,.nor-ih, .range 8
.east, w. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz: , -.
Berry and Oeorge 'w!
William Kennedy, Charles Myers.George M;.
ftrrv and ifirfrn W. Kisihftr, nil tt ChAmi.
weth, Wash. . .
marfialO . , . GEO. H. STEVENSON,"
',-'' . - "" , ' . . - ".; ' . Register. .
Land Offleo at Vancouver, Wash., March 8,
18. Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed ,i.,i,lceol hls lntn
tion to make final proof ,i support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
C. G. Green, Clerk Superior Court of Skama
nia county, Wash., ul Btevenson, Wash., on
-April 21, lMS, viz:'. , '.' " " ..
f- GpORGE XT. BERRY, , -lid.
7949, foirihe east southeast section 10,
and northwest H souuiwest 5i ana southwest
M northwest section IVtowiiship S north,
4-Hnif. Anwi. . W.M.'. .' 1 . .- .
lib names the fol owfnff Witnesses in nrove '
his continuous residence upon and uultivatibn
.of. said land, "vl';.: ' -o '
.. Horace WitherwoxWilliam Kennedy. Geo.
W. Fislier and Chilries Myers, all of Cneuo
weth. Wash. fUliO. H, K'x'EVJNSON,
lnanialU Register..
Land OfBce at Vancouver; Wash., March 8,
Mj, .Notice Is hereby Kiven that tne lollow-
tiLr-nnmpd RptMftr hti.. tilRrl nol.i.p ,if hla hilpn.
jion to make final proof In support of his
claim, and that said proof will be made before
C. 01. Green, Clerk Superior Court bkamania
comity, Wash., at Stevenson, Wash., oil April
21, 180ti, viz: .-.
'1 i : -U7-TT.T T A tr-n-xr-Nrn-rtV " .
Hd. 7864, for the south southwest north
jeast 34 southwest y4t and southwest. south-'
east 34 section 11, township 4 north, range 9
east, wVM. .
' -Ho names the following witnesses to prove,
his continuous residence upon and cultivation
of, said land, viz.: . .' - , .
Ueorge M. Berry, Horace Witherwosc, Chas.
Myers und George W. "Kisher, all of 'Cheno
weth, Wash. GEO. H. tjTJv'KNSON,
niarlialO y-:'?...' - " .' : Itefe'ister.
Land Oillce at Vancouver,-"Wash., Feb. 27,
lhWi. Nonce is hereby, given that the iollow-
his. in-
tention to mylte final proof In supMrt of. his
claim, mid that Saul proof will be made ber
lllg-llUfllt'U BUlLiei. 1JHS J11CU. flOtUMi .01
lore W. K. Dunbar, Commissioner b. S. Oi
cult Court for. District of W ashington, at his
on April 22, 1XUU,
t H. Fi.Kn.S02S, for the southeast of northeast
section & and north ' of north west and
j southwest oj nortiiwcst section 2d, to.wn
: slup 4 north, range 12 east, . M. - -1
lie names the iollowlng .witnesses to prove
; his continuous upon- and cultlvu
; lion ot. said land, vl.:
' -loseph imttnu', ltobert hnldcr, F
J"mu Mu-"" mlVICn
itooert isnioer, i- red ismitu,
ingTou. -
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps, '
. Staple and Fancy Groceries,
The Largest and SVIost Complete Stock
Orn von Work and Enlarging at Moderate Prices.
T XL B L E S .
. Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity,
ing and transferring done with care and promptness. Also, dealers in
And Vehicles
; Call and see our stock and get
Choice Fresh Meats,
' Hams, Bacon, Lard,
And All Kinds of Game.
J::A;H:r:B:A SIS!!
. AndshallendeavortomeritcustombyQUALITYaswcllasQUANTITY. '
Hood IlTrer,
' Sells only for CASH at
, ' " We invite trade of close buyers. -
Wall Paper, Paints, Oils,. etc,, etc. Agent for
All the best variety of Apples, including Yakima, Gano, Arkansas Black, etc., add all
other kinds of nursery Btock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy
your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damaue. We are here to stay.
H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery.
Successor to E. L.Smith Oldest Established
House inhe valley. , ,, . ,-
Dry Goods, Clothing,
V, ' .... AND .I.'
General Merchandise,
V 1
and Feed. Etc..
hood river, - - - oregon:
Heavy dray-
of All Kinds.
prices; they are interesting. .
- - - - OREGON.
And dealer In'all kinds
of Building Materials..
the Bridal Veil Lumber Company,
Administrator's Notice.
Notice is hereby gi ven that the undersigned "
has been July appointed by the honorable
county court, of Wasco county, Oregon, ad.
mlnistrator of ttie estate ol Martha Purser, de
ceased. All persons having claims against"
said estate am notified to present the same tt:.t
me In Hood River,-, Wasco county, Oregon,,,
within six months of the date ol this notice.
Dated November 11, ISMS. , . .
Administratorof the Estateof Martha Purser,
deceased. nlOdlii
Bargainsin Land.
200 acres of unimproved lnnd for wile. on the
friiHt hidc 6 miles from t4wn( ?7 to ft 10 nn acre,
other land, about halt cleared. 20 nn acre.
Well Improved land. ;) an acre. Plentv of
water lor irrigation. Will sell in 20 or 40-nero
tracts. IiKjmre at Glncnor office, Je2 .