. . 5cod Jiver Slacier. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 1S90. No hard times with Hood River Bpple growers. Here is a statement from J. M. Hixson & Co. of Seattle on n consignment of 24 boxes of apples shipped by Mr. II. Frigge, which ought to be considered satisfactory. We publish the statement and letter in full, m follows: j 8katti.e, Wash., Feb. 24, 1890. Mr. H. Prigs, Hood Hiver, Or., In iiccount with J. M. Jilxson A Co.: (bJ2 bxs 4-tler Baldwins, gold ?2, $ 4 00 5 bxs 6-tier, $1.75..... 8 75 bxs5-ticrSpitzenber(5S.2... 18 00 Q bxs4-tlerSpitz 4soldatJ2, and i at $2.25..... 9 00 Total .... 47 75 Freight $7.45, hauling 50c,com.,$4.80, 12 75-85 00 Veb. 25 Chec. : $35 00 ; Dear Bin All we can nay Is, your apples on hand not reported on are going at about the Duine an those reported. The lint shipment is - l the depot, arrived a few minutes ago. Will get them up soon. If you have more Spitz, italdwlns, or iifuct any apples you raise, we cun get the top price. We want some Yellow Newtown Pippins, to show these follows what can be raised at Hood Klver. , They all think Yakima and Walla Walla excel with that va riety, Wenatchee beats Hood River on Ben pavls. You beat all on Baldwins and Spitz. J. M. Hixson fc Co. The friends of the tariff" bill in the senate have given up all hope of its passage during this session. Five free silver republicans refuse to vote for any tariff bill unless a free-silver measure is first adopted by the senate. And prob ably if these free-silver senators needed more votes to defeat the tariff bill they could get them from among the repub lican senators from the Northwest. Oregon's senior senator still votes for tli tariff bill,' but his successor's elec tion Is not far off, and he can't afford to take any chances. It will be a long time before the Wilson hill will be re filled in its entirety, and if the income tax feature of the bill had been allowed to stand, there would be sufficient rev enue to run the government and our "infant industries" would not suffer for protection. Th Fossil Journal tells of a "Mother Hubbard" dance held at Winlock school , house, where the boys carried too much tangle foot, and a free and easy fight was the consequence. One of the boys got a rap on the breast bone from a 1 pistol in the hands of an old lady and bad to be carried to a neighbor's, where, at lust accounts, he was under the care of a doctor. Soon after the fracas, sup per wus called, and all hands sat down and njoyed a ' first-class repast, as if nothing out of the ordinary had taken pliK', After supper everything went well, there being only one more fight, and the dance was enjoyed greatly by Mil present. ' . A meeting of the republican county central committee was held at The Dalles lost Saturday. It was decided to hold the county convention on Sat urday, March : 28th, and it was recom mended that country precincts hold their primary conventions on March 21st, at '2 p. m. The basis of represent ation was fixed at one delegate at large for each 25 votes or fraction of over oue-half thereof cast for Governor Lord at the last general election. . 1 The deficiency in the revenues of ' the government amounts to about $30, 000,000 a year. The Income tax, if it had been allowed to stand, would have covered this, and there would be no need now of tariff tinkering to increase' the revenue. The Wilson bill complete would have been all right as a revenue producer. ; 1 "' ' ' ' '' Although the time for the nominat ing conventions of the different polit ical parties is close at hand, we have heard no' mention of any one for a county office xcept Captain Blowers i for county judge. Hood River candi dates nay be plentiful enough when the conventions meet.' , Senator Dubois says the silver repub licans of the Northwest will' permit no tariff legislation in this congress or any ither that does not recognize free sil er, and the same issue will be raised the St. Louis convention. Hon. Johb Michell of The Dalles - will address the lepublicans at Grass Valley; Sherman county, March 7th. "Bill Nye," America's greatest (hu morist, died at his home in North Car olina, last Saturday. . Soldiers' Pensions In the Homes. Hon. W. R. Dunbar of Goldendale, member of the board of trustees of the soldiers' home at Orting, Wash., fur ulshed the Agriculturist with the fol lowing information: -. "Some criticism having been made of the management of the Washington Soldiers' home at Orting, and it being asserted that in most ' other states the pension of the inmate was turned over to him entire,, we have taken the trouble to ascertain the facts from the report of General Franklin, president of the board of inspectors of homes in the states. But two f tates, Illinois and Michigan, take none of the pensions of inmates; Kansas, Nebraska and Ver- niont take all. Minnesota, New Hampshire, Massachusetts and Rhode Island take all but $2 to $4 per month. South Dakota and Connecticut take all for dependents, if any, and balance to home.- Wisconsin and New Jersey have a graded assessment for the home. , Pennsylvania takes 80 per cent. Ohio charges for postage, etc., and takes half the pensions. Iowa appropriates all but one-tenth.' New lork takes all i but $6 per month. Washington takes j but one-fourth, and this Sum is Used to i pay such inmates as can do light work in the home and hospital for their ex j tra duty; provided the pension is more than $4 per month. Jt only M or less, he retains it for his own use; and pro vided further, if the pensioner has a family he is required' to send to his family the whole of it. . The board of managers of the national homes rec ommend that the pensions of all in mates of homes cease entirely during such time as they continue inmates, but no such action has been taken, and the boards of all .homes are given dis cretionary control of pension money of all inmates so long as they continue inmates." .' . -. . , In Answer to W. L. A . : Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Matt, vii., 10. .'." Editor Glacier: In your last issue you permit W. L. A. to draw Ills aword and throw away the scabbard, so, as master of ceremonies, you will no doubt allow an obscure champion to ariscand enter the lists. We have reason to thank God that such case-hardened specimens as W. L. A. do not predominate among the human kind; nevertheless there is enough of them in existence to cause a running sore in every community. I have met such persons in many places, and a curious lump of contra dictions they always are. In one breath they rave at their maker and revile all the efforts which their lellow men make to restrain evil and lift the fallen. In the next breath they tell with pride of their good mothers and of their fine old Covenenter ancestry; tacitly ad mitting that any trace of decency that may have ever dwelt in their systems had its origin in Christianity. What will descendants owe to such progenitors? If their progeny end on the gallows, who will be to blume? If, by the grace of God, they rise superior to their training, what a pang it will cause them when they contemplate the rotten link that once existed in their chain of antecedents. '. Allowing that Christianity is a mere chimera, as W. L. A. would have us believe, what a blessed thing it is, after all. Who wants to get away fr.im it? Only a short time ago I talked with a man who lias nearly the same antip athy for churches and religion which W. L A. seems to have. We lives nearer 'a church than 1 do, and in the midst Of poorer soil, but lie assured me that because of his church environ ments, land was selling like hot cukes in his neighborhood, for "you know people like to bring up their families under the Influence of such things." No one will deny that in ages past much evil has been done in the name of religion; but in those darkened days bigotry was a power and temporal su premacy wus the end sought alter.. But how often, I ask, have great re forms been conceived and carried out in the name of anything besides Christ ianity? How much do we owe to in fidelity and agnosticism? Who -does not owe a debt to Huss, Luther, Mel anchthon, William the Silent, and the stern old stock which has always ex isted throughout the world? Each and all have added a word, and some a page to our Magna Charta of religions and political liberties. Now comes a lot ot parasites like W. L. A., reudy to profit by the toil and conscientious work of others. At the same time, like a venomous reptile, they are ever ready to sting the hands .of , their friends. Who shall say that such are not an excrescence among men? Who shall Bay that they will not finally reap what they have sown? What a rejoicing and clapping of hands always takes place among the W. L A.'s whenever an occasional minister's son or a Sunday school scholar goes astray; but the heathen origin of the thousands of criminals who throng our jails or roam at large to prey upon society goes unques tioned. He refers unfeelingly to the death of Newton Thomas. If I am not misin formed, the sermon was reprinted en tire in Eastern pnpers by the special request of Dr. Thomas. If any one under such an affliction does not wish their dead to have Christian burial, why do they engage a' minister? There is nothing to hinder them from carting away the remains of their departed ones and dumping them into a hole alongside the carcass of the family horse or pet clog. If they persist in having a Christian minister and he offers the words of comfort usually em ployed on 'such occasions, they should make the best of it. Without doubt this contribution will bring forth an unusual roar of intol erancy, rage and ridicule; but fire away, old man! All the evil you can ever do must be done quickly, for thy days are numbered. R. E. H . Taxes Xearly Due. The tax roll is about completed, and will be placed in the hands of the sheriff for collection tomorrow. ' The law provides that the rod shall be com- fleted by the countv clerk by March st, but Mr. Kelsey is oftener a little ahead than behind time. A glance over it showed it to be of unusual ex cellence, as regards descriptions, so much k that the data from it would be sufficient to convey title, without legal aid. Taxpayers will all be noti fied within three or four days of the amount of their taxes, which may be remitted by mail, in case the payer has not the time or inclination to make a trip to town' for the purpose. Taxes will become delinquent by April 1st, and a disposition is apparent this year not to extend the time. Chronicle. Officers of the Third Regiment. The present list of officers of the Third regiment, O. N. G., is as follows: Colonel Geo. T. Thompson. ; : ' ' Lieut-Colonel J. M.. Patterson. Majors J. H. Booth, W. S. Bowers. Inspector rifle practice Captain Ad. Kellar. Surgeon Dr. O. C. Hollister. Adjutant Lieut, H. H. RiddeU..' Quartermaster Lieut A. N. Varney. Commissary otlicer Lieut." E. F. Sharp. Signal officer Lieut. A. Winans. Assistant surgeon Lieut. ,; F. C. Brosius. : ,!. A teachers' institute convened at Dufur yesterday and will be iu session three dnys. Report on Hood River Union. Please allow me space to give inquir ers and others sonic account of t lie workings of the Hood River Fruit. Growers' Union, which Is a local asso ciation and managed as a co-operative concern, no attempt being made to 'do a commission business. We ship straw berries in carloads. We own a ware house on the side track aud boxes are kept on hand for the accomodation of our members. ' ; The success of last year's business may be judged from the following statement of average net returns,' stated In periods, as follows: May 14-19, $4.15; May 20-24, $3.03; May 2.5-29, $2.45 jMay 30-June 3, $2.03; June4-B, $1.77;Jime 0 -13, $1.51; June 14-18, $1.75; June 19-23, $1.10; June 24-29, $.98. '. - The total average for the season was $1.85 cents per crate. This is about 13 cents more per crate than the average secured by the Oregon Fruit Union for the Hood ' River berries handled by them. 'Had we quit shipping at the same time with the Oregon Fruit Union our average would have been about 20 cents better. '; Our Union ex penses amounted to five and two-fifths per cent on net returns. A good share of this went to pay for the warehouse and to create a reserve fund of about $300, with which to start next s-eason's business. The writer was sent East to make dis position of carload shipments.' The expense of agent did not exceed 1 per cent on net returns. A single day's work in Omaha is known to have sav ed more than the entire expense of the trip through Utah, Colorado, Nebraska, and as far as Kioux City, Iowa. The whole amount lost by failure to collect was less than $20. This was made good to growers out of the union fund, i Mr. H. F. Davidson is the effi cient secretary and shipping agent. . A Portland bank is the depository of the funds and growers receive checks at any time for amounts due them. " Shipments are usually billed to the union itself and it would puzzle a bu reau of information to know the final destination, as a car may be diverted at any time. We prefer to get our own information and try to see that "our folks" are not outgeneraled. Our experience goes to show that a local union is all there is any use for. It should maintain its own individual ity and independence and "refuse to surrender.'! The great majority of our growers now believe in the local union. - We were. incorporated in 1893. Of course nothing succeeds like euwess. , . T. R. Coos. Pres. H. Li. F. U. U. ; ' Memorial to Congress. ? . ; The committee of The Dulles Com mercial Club, consisting of Messrs. Bradshaw, 'MacAUister, Schanno, Laugh lin and Whealdon, met Satur day afternoon and formulated the fol- lowing memorial to be presented to the present congress at once: '.!' To the Honorable Senate and House of Representatives i u Congress assem bled: , Your memorialist, The Dalles Commercial Clab, of The Dalles, state of Oregon, through our senators, Hon. John H. Mitchell and George Wi: Mc Bride and our representatives, - Hon. Binger Hermann and W. R. Ellis, re spectfully represent that from the best information we have been able to se cure the date of the opening of the Cas cade locks of the Columbia river, to navigation, is still a matter of doubt and uncertainty. : Large agricultural, horticultural, wool lumber and transportation interests are involved, and we believe thousands of dollars daily will be realized by the in habitants of the Columbia river basin as soon as the transportation companies can depend on passing their steamboats from the lower to the middle Colum bia. 'Therefore' your memorialist de sires to urge upon the attention of your honorable body and pray that you will consider favorably: First: The urgent need of the ap propriation of $179,597 asked for by the chief of engineers of the U. 8. A. whpse report for 1895 says, "and can be profit ably expended in the fiscal yearending June 30, A. D., 1S97," to construct the walls between the first and the second locks of the canal, and to protect from the powerful force of the falls the break ing of the outer walls of the lock by erosion. Second: The importance of the con tinuing an organized body of mechanics and artisans, who can economically and expeditiously complete the work, also the expense of housing aud replac ing the large plant required. Third: The great loss to commerce should the locks remain closed for an other year by reason of a few weeks de lay in making this appropriation-for which we will ever pray. v - A Tender-hearted Deputy. , Charles and Phil Warren of Viento were arrested last week by Deputy Marshal Humphrey and taken before the United States court at Portland on a charge of cutting timber on govern ment land. The Oregonian says: "He went to Hood River and took a car riage and drove nine miles down the river and there he found the Warrens, right iu the act of cutting the timber. Of course, he arrested them, but as he had seen Mrs. Warren out helping to use a big crosscut saw to cut the trees into cord wood, and found that they had been living on the land four years, and always intended to homestead it, but could not until it was surveyed, aud saw that Mr. and Mrs. Warren had seven children, the oldest 14 years of age, ana learned that they were cut ting some cordwood to. buy some food for those children, Humphrey's heart failed him. He' had to bring his pris oners down here, but instead of taking them to jail, he sent them to a hotel and yesterday he made such strong representations to United States At torney . Murphy that he moved the court jto let the'm go on their own re coguances." , r , " A Kansas tax payer who also pays tax in Marion county, Oregon, fur nishes evidence that there are other regions worse t han Webfoot for drain ing purses. His tax on Graham Co., Kansas, farm lands foots up 5(S.20 mills against 15 mills on similar property in this state. He can sell his property here for more than he paid for it, while for his Kansas properly there is . no tale at all at half its original cost to him. Moro Observer. The Frnit Pest Law. I Fruit Commissioner Dosch of Portland has received so many complaints from orchard Ists who try to keep their trees sprayed and free from pests in regard tu their nclghbwrB' scale and caterpillar infested trees thnt he has about decided to enforce the law in every case reported to him by quarantining the premises complained of. A very stringent law for the protection of the horticultural Industry was passed by the last legislature, and by this law, if persons having trees Infested with scale, caterpillars or other pests, refuse or neglect to cleua them up, the fruit commissioner is empowered to place their premises under quarantine, and to have the work done by the county, which is an expensive buisness. The law provides ihat every member of the board ot horticulture or the secretary thereof shall forthwith, upon complaint of Interested parties, inspect or chards, nurseries and other places suspected to be infested with fruit pests or infected with contagious diseases injurious to trees, plants or fruits. If upon the report of any member or t he secretary the board shall be of the opinion that any locality, district, orchard or place Is infested with fruit pests or infected with contagious diseases Injurious to trees, plants or fruits, and are liable to spread to other orchards or localities, to their damage or injury, so as to be a public danger, said board shall, by an order, entered upon its minutes, declare such place to be under quar antine. A willful violation of any quaran tine or other regulation of said board, neces sary to prevent the Introduction into the state, or the shipment, sale or distribution of any articles so infected as to be dangerous to the fruit-growing interests of the state, or the spreadj of dangerous diseases among fruit trees or orchards, shall be deemed a misde meanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a. line of not less than So nor more than S100 for each offense, or by fine and imprisonment not less than five nor more than thirty days. . .' From this It will be seen that a person can not at his pleasure maintain a number of old, infested trees on his place, to breed pests to destroy his neighbor's fruit. Those having trees worth the trouble of saving will do well to have them attended to at once, and those who have only a few of no particular value will be wise to cut them down and burn thctn, Fruit as a Medicine. ' As a medicine I look upon fruit as a most valuable ally. When the body Is In that breajting-up condition known as scurvy, the whole medical profession look upon iruitand fresh vegetables as the one and only known remedy. I believe the day will come when science' will use It very much more largely than it does now In the treatment of the many of the everyday ailments. Impure blood means gout, rheumatism, skin diseases, rickets and other troubles. As it is proved that fruit will purify and improve the quality of the blood, it must follow that fruit is both food and medicine combined. In fevers I use grapes and strawberries, giving them to my patients in small but frequent doses oranges and baked apples If the others are not obtain able.' For rheumatism, plenty of lemons are invaluable. White girls with miserable, pal lid complexions, want a quart of strawberries a day; where these are not obtainable,, ba nanas, which contain much iron, are a good substitute. Probably of all fruits, the apple stands unrivaled for general purposes in the household; cither raw or cooked It can bo takeo by nearly everybody, and It contains similar properties to the other more delicate fruits. To my mind the pear is more easily digested than the apple, and for eating un cooked is superior to It. Dried fruits should be used when green cannot be obtained. If soaked for a few hours before cooking, they make a capital substitute for fresh fruits, and they come cheaper to the consumer. For preserving fruit I look upon bottling In glass bottles as the coming thing. Not by the use of chemicals, suph as salicylic and boracic acids, and the various preservatives made from them, but simply by protecting it after cooking from the fermentative germs in the atmosphere. It keeps for years, turns out even more palpable than green fruit, is equal ly digestible and contains all the virtues of freshly cooked fruit. Canned fruit Is not so good; the acid of the fruit dissolves up tin, and I have seen very serious cases of illness as a result. Besides, fruit should be sold much cheaper in bottles than in tins, as the bottle can bo returned and used again. Pop ular Science Monthly. 4 , . ' i ' ' ' Free Pills. . Send your address to H.E.. Bucklin & Co.,Chicago,and get a free sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy in action and are particularly effective iu the cure of constipation aud sick headache. For malaria and liver troubles they have been proved inval uable. They are guaranteed to be per fectly free from every deleterious sub stance and to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giving tone to stomach and bowels, greatly invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by the Hood River Pharmacy. All Fits. '. .'..'.'., "': Those who have used Dr.King's New Discovery know its value,and tho'se who have not have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist aud get a trial bottle.free. Send your name and address to H.E.Buck lin &Co. Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaran teed to do you good and cost you noth ing. Hood Rivr Pharmacy. , The Western Packing and Fertiliz ing Co., located at Linnton, Or., and engaged in slaughtering range horses, have closed down their plant until the cayuse gets more beef on his ribs. They have slaughtered 6,000 horses ' since their-opening last July, and are now taking an inventory of business. The works will start up again in May. , "Hiram," said Mrs. ; Corntossel, "which kind o' money do you favor?" "Well, 'Mandy," re plied the old gen tie man, "ler tell ye the truth I kinder hate ter express my opinion. I've seen a lot o' fellers sit down and worry 'bout makin' a ch'ice, an' the fus' thing they knew they didn't hev' none of neither kind." Exchange. We are sorry if we offended any of our populist .brethren, last week in making what we supposed would be considered a liberal proposition in their interest to spell out and print? their no tices gratis. Laws a inassa; no man is perfect. They aren't worser 'n R. D. Williams, up in Grant Co., who wants to run on the democratic ticket for "scool" u superintendent. Moro Ob server. ''".; . ..''' , ' ' . "They say eyjrs should always come in layers.". "Yes, and onions in tiers." Brooklyn Life. DEALERS IN- Goods, CloiMiig, Boots, Shoes, Mats and Capo, Staple and Fancy Groceries, , FLOUR, FEED AND SHELF HARDWARE. The Largest and Most Complete Stock IN HOOD RIVER. FBEBERICK HOOD RIVER, OREGON. Crayon Work and Enlarging at Moderate Prices. MOUNTAIN STAGE AND LIVERY CO. OF HOOD RIVER.SOR., WILL CONDUCT GENERAL 1 ' i3 rjJO ZEB jCLj ZHj 3 Comfortable conveyances to all parts of Hood River Valley and vicinity. Heavy dray ing and transferring done witn care and promptness. Also, dealers In AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS . v - And Vehicles of All Kinds. Call and see our stock;and get prices; they are Interesting. . - ;'. KEEP CONSTANTLY ON HAND Choice FresL. Meats, , Hams, Bacon, Lard, ... ' And' All Kinds '-of 'Game. ALSO, DEALERS IN , FRUITS MID VEGETABLES. HOOD RIVER, - - - - - . .... - - OREGON. Take ' WE HAVE ADOPTED THE C'-A-SH: B.A S IS!! And shall endeavor to merit custom by QUALITY as well as QUANTITY. ' WILLIAMS & BROSIUS, Hood IlTrer 3nLQ,3:zxLa,C3r- C. M. WOLFARD, DEALER IN . Sells only for CASH at . . . ' 1 We invite trade of close buyers. WE WANT YOUR TRADE. El UNDERTAKER AND EMB ALMER 0rA BufidilfJ '"teriafs Wall Paper, Paints, Oils, etc., etc. Agent for the Bridal Veil Lumber Company. , All the best variety of Apples, including Yakima, Gano, Arkansas Black, etc., and all other kinds of nursery stock kept constantly on hand. Prices will be made satisfactory. Buy your trees at the home nursery and save expense and damage. Wo are here to stay. - H. C BATEHAM, Columbia Nursery. GEO. P. CROWELL, Successor to K. L. Smith Oldest Established House in;the valley. DEALEB IN- Dry Goods, Clothing, . . AND ' . . ' ' General Merchandise, Flour and Feed. Etc., HOOD. RIVER, - : - '- OREGON. I. HUBBARD, Ja24 Administrator's Notice . : " TO CREDITORS. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly appointed by the honorable county court of Wasco cortntv, Oregon, ad ministrator of the estate of Martha Purser, de ceased. All persons having claims against said estate aro notllied to present the same to me In Hood Hiver, Wasco county, Oregon, within six months of the date ot this notice. ' Dated November 11, A. 8. BLOWERS, ' ; Administrator of the Estate of Martha Pnrser, deceased. nlodKi Bargains in Land. 200 acres of unimproved land for salo.on the East Side, 6 miles trom town, 87 to S 10 an acre. Other land, about hall cleared, 820 an acre. Well Improved land. $10 an acre. Plenty of water lor irrigation. Will sell in 20 or 40-acre tracts. Inquire at Glacier oUlce. Jcfel 0