The Hood River glacier. (Hood River, Or.) 1889-1933, February 28, 1896, Image 1

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It's a Cold Day When We Get Left.
VOL. 7.
NO. 40.
3feediver Slacier.
One yer..... ft 00
Six months 1 Or
Three months .... t W
BiiRle copy i Cent
GRANT EVANS, Proprietor.
Shaving and hair-cutting neatly done, Sa tit
act ion guaranteed. .
An Interesting Collection of Items From
the Two Hemispheres Presented in a
Condensed Form A Large Amount
. of Information In a Small Bpaoe.
The Cramp Shipbuilding Company,
of Philadelphia has been awarded the
contract for building revenue cutter
No. 8, for the Pacific coast. The new
cutter is to be 160 feet long.
. While the American steamer Paris,
from New York, was docking in South
amton, she came into collusion with
the steamer Majesty, belonging to the
Isle of Wight. The Majesty was sunk,
but all her crew were saved.
Meager details have been received in
San Franoisoo of a disastrous hurrioaue
on the Tonga islands, in the South
seas. The bancs Woosung and West
Australia and ' the Samoan schooner
Aele were wrecked, but no lives were
The Brisbane river in Queensland
has been greatly swollen by floods.
A small steamer crossing the river
with about ninety passengers capsized,
and only iorty- were saved. The oap
sized steamer was the ferryboat feral.
The current was" very swift and the
river banks and Victoria bridge were
A telegram received from Irkutsk,
' Siberia, says a Siberian trader named
Kouohnaretf, the geut of Dr. Fndtjof
Nansen, the N jrweigan explorer, who
sailed in the Fraut June 24, 1898, for
the Arctic regions, has received in
formation : that Nansen reached the
North .Pole, found land there, and is
returning toward civilisation.
Mangus C. Crosby died in Astoria.
The deceased was one of Astoria's lead
ing business men, and was twice elect
ed mayor of the oity. Ue lett a widow
and live children. - The oause of his
death was a complication of blight's
disease, from which he had been suffer
ing for several years.
i Through Senor Andrade, its min
ister in Washington, the government
of Venezuela has no titled Secretary
Olney that it will respond affirmatively
to the invitation of the Venezuela com
mission to submit all the evidence it
its possession touching the location o.
the true boundary line. '
During the debate on the address in
reply to the queen's speech in the house
of oommous, Sir William Veruou Har
court, supporting the amendment for
not proposing self-government for Ire
land, pointed out that the colonies,
from which there was evidently a
splendid testimony of loyalty to the
crown, enjoyed home rule, and he
maintained that the policy of home
rule could be as successful in Ireland
as in the colonies.
A great : fire raged in Guayaquil,
. Ecuador, resulting in the death of
thirty persons. When the firemen and
soldiers who were hurriedly ordered
out to help them, finally brought it
under control, thousands of ' panic-
stricken persons were wandering home
less in the streets, many lay dead in
the morgue, and property worth nearly
$2,000;000 had been destroyed, inolud
ing the noble cathedral aud the con
vent which adjoined it. 1
' A dispatoh from Tokio, Japan, says
there is great aotivity among all the
naval forces. The Japanese govern'
ment is confident that Russia is en
oouraging the revolt in Corea, with a
view to the early establishment of a
Russian protectorate over the kingdom,
The seat of the Corean government is
now in the Russian legation at Seoul,
where the king remains guarded. It
is said . the king of Corea authorized
the outbreak in revenge for the murder
of the queen.
D. Willis James, of New York, has
offered $25,000 toward paying the dobt
of the American board of foreign mis
sions. The gift is to be made on con
dition that $90,000 additional be sub'
scribed before March 1. The board
members are making a determined
effort to carry out the conditions of the
offer. The $90,000 has been appor
tioned as follows: , Boston, $35,u00;
New York, $30,000; Chioago, $25,000.
In spite of the formal declarations
of the imperial ohanoellor, Prince Ho
henlohe, in the reichstag that Ger
many was not prepared at present to is
sue invitations for a monetary confer
ence, the German bimetalista still have
hope that an international conference
will be called. They nave determined
to resume active agitation both in the
reichstag and outside of it. They
charge Prince ,Hohenlohe and Baron
Marschal von Bieberstein with bad
faith in carrying out the reichstag's in
structions of a year ago.
Milton Evans, ohairman of the
farmers' committee, of Walla Walla,
baa received a letter from Washington
through Senator Squire, from W. R,
Morirson, of the interstate oommeroe
commission, in which Morrison says
the commission had considered the
complaint made by Evans against the
Oregon Railway & Navigation Com
pany, alleging that excessive freight
rates were charged on wheat, and that
the commission has decided to make a
slight reduotion from Walla Walla to
Portland, and that an order to that
effect will be issued as soon as it can be
prepared and painted. .
Thomas Howes Hinokley, an artist
of wide lame, died in Boston.
Chicago olothing-outters' and trim
mers have ordered a strike, and 20,000
aie thrown out of work.
Members of the Irish parliamentary
party have elected Dillon as the new
ohairman to succeed J ustin McCarthy.
John L. Waller, confined in a French
prison, has been granted a pardon by
President Fa are, due to the representa
tions-made by the United States gov
ernment in the prisoner's behalf.
Dr. A. , T. Perkins, of Chicago, has
patented a process of keeping fruits,
meats and perishable products during
trausportatuu by the use of sterilized
air. His patents extend to the antip
odes. 1 '
A factory for the making of reme
dies similar in nature to the proprie
tary medicines now on the market is
to be started by Chicago retail drug
gists. A. majority of the city phar
macists are interested, aud they hope
to drive the patent medicine makers
from the held. ;
- Alaska travel from , the Sound is
growing to such au extent that the Pa
cific Coast Steamship Company has de
termined to put another steamer, the
Mexico, on the route, in addition to
tne lopeka and Al-Ki, which are now
rowded every trip with lreight and
asseugers tor the North.
Hope is about abandoned for the
barkeutine Discovery, owned by Pope
& Talbot, of San Francisco. The vessel
is now out twenty-eight days from Port
Gamble, loaded with lumber., She
was commanded by Captain Christen-
sen. mere were twelve men in ner,
and there is scarcely any chance of
them turning up alive. '
As far as can be learned ex-President
Harrison has not confided to his friends
the day and hour of his wedding, but
it is believed it will occur Wednesday
of the next week following Easter,
which closes the Lenten Beason, and
until after which, he said in acknowl
edging the engagement, the marriage
would not be solemnized.
At a masked ball in Lisbon fire
broke out and a panic followed. Men,
women aud children jumped from the
windows, seriously injuring them
selves. Friends of the revelers rushed
into the burning building to aid in the
work of rescue, and many of them were
caught by the flames. Thus far forty-
tour bodies have been taken out.
Baron Blano, of Rome, Italy, min
ister of foreign affairs, autnorizes the
announcement that President Cleve
land, having decided to accept the
position of arbitrator to settle the ques
tions in : dispute between Italy and
Brazil, a proctoool has been signed,
referring to his arbitration all claims
that are not ainioably settled by the
two countries within two months.
CharleB Christy, of Waverly, Kan.,
a young lawyer, has just arrived from
Cuba, where he was a prisoner. He,
with about 400 others, were captured
in one battle near Havana. All but he
and fifteen other Amerioans were lined
up and. ''shot. The Amerioan. consul
saved them Christy is a member of
one of the pioneer families of Coffey
county. He is an enthusiastic Cuban
patriot, and claims they have every
thing on the island exoept Havana, and
that that will soon fall. He also says
that sinoe the new Spanish general has
taken command no prisoners are taken.
An explosion of dynamite occurred
at Viendendorfp, South Afrioa, and the
poor quarter of the town has been
blown to pieces. Hundreds of houses
are in ruiu, and the havoc wrought is
fearful. The windows of every house
in Johannesburg were broken by the
explosion. The dynamite that caused
the catastrophe filled eight trucks and
made a hole thirty feet deep. Forty
dead, nearly all of them horribly mu
tilated, were taken from the ruins,
and the search is not yet completed.
Two hundred of the most severely in
jured were admitted to the hospital,
where several died.
The Great Northwest Furnishes Some
News of More Than General Inter
estDevelopment and Progress lu
all Industries 'Oregon. ,
Buildings to cost $61,000 are under
way in Fossil.
Gang plows have begun work in
Grant county.
Plowing was general in Sherman
county last week.
Empire City is in line with an" 8
o'clock curfew ordinance. . '
A - Marshfield factory , turned out
5,000 apple boxes for the neighboring
farmers this season.
The snagboat is at work on the bar
in the river at Junction City, blasting
out and deepening the channel.
The oity council of Albany estimates
that it will cost $14,800 to run that
city this year, and the resources are
estimated at $16,850.
The town council of Florence has
voted an appropriation to build a float
ing wharf lor the accommodation of
the maritime oommunity. , ; .
There will no doubt be several head
of shtep lor sale in Grant county this
spring. Sheepmen are all in hopes, of
securing a slightly advanced price for
their sheep this season.
An important strike was made in
the upper tunnel of ; the North Pole
mine at Bourne recently." A body of
ore about eight feet in width of high
grade was encountered. ;
A gravel tram of,, nineteen cars is
now working between Merlin and Ash
land, . filling in depressions with de
composed granite obtained Irom the
cuts north ol Grant a Pass..
Work on the ladies' hall of the East
ern Oregon state normal school at
Weston will be begun in a short time,
and it is expected that the building
will be completed by June 1.
A La Grande man has discovered an
ingenious device tor clearing the side
walk of snow. It is simply a lawn
mower, with a box attached behind to
caiou tne snow and it is said to work
to perieutiou. . . -
The oity counoil of Ashland has a
case against an agent of a sewing ma
unine company for violating. a city or
dinance regulating peddling. The ma
chine company will ; probably make a
test uf tne matter.
' Within a radius of forty miles around
Grant's Pass tnere is said to be In
operation fully 100 giant hydraulic
p. ants, which speak well for the won
uerlul ricnuess of placer deposits of
that portion of the state.
Forty-nine people joined the First
Presbyterian churon at Brownsville re
cently as the result of revival work.
One of the oonverts is Urville Mont
gomery, a bruther of the recently
uauged Lloyd Montgomery.
The taxroll has been plaoed in the
hands of the sheriff of Benton county.
Xhe aggregate amount of taxes to be
colleoted is $60,801,46. Last year the
amount was $55,182.46. Tne roll was
placed in the sheriff's hands last year,
February 23. ' ;
The Bandon school district has voted
a levy of six mills for the purpose of
paying the indebtedness of the district,
it is expected that the amount of the
levy will clear the district of all debt,
except the $3,000 of bonds issued for
the new school house.
The driver of the Vale-Ontario stage,
on arriving at Vale one day last week,
made the discovery that a mail pouch
containing registered packages had been
cut open and robbed of its oontentb,
but not the slightest clue to the per
petrator of the robbery was known.
Judge Thomas Smith, of Roseburg,
has in his possession two gold coins
called the "Beaver," on account of the
beaver on the obverse Bide. These
coins were struck by a firm at Oregon
City in 1849. They are of gold and of
the nominal value of $5, but they
oould not be purchased of the judge for
"five times their weight in gold."
The logging outfit that has been get
ting out logs in Benton county, for the
pulp mills at Oregon City, has re
moved to the Kiger island, where all
the balm and white fir trees on the
neighboring farms are to be out and
sent down the river. A raft containing
10,000 feet of logs was towed down
the river last week. ' '
Corey Bros, have established two
new oamps above Tongue point, mak
ing ten oamps in all on that portion of
the Astoria railroad line. Four of
these are operated by the firm them
selves, while the others are in oharge
of suboontarotors. Between 350 and
400 men are now employed, and it is
estimated that the first ten miles of
road will be ready for the iron in about
two months. -
There are 420 inmates of the Walla
Walla peniteniary.
The First National bank of Sprague
will follow the maohine shops to Spo
kane. Seventy-five bales of hops were sold
in Chehalis last week at 2 cents a
Colonel Ninevah Ford is, it is said,
preparing to write a history of Walla
Walla and Umatilla counties. ,
The , Tacoma Smelting & Refining
Company shipped 3.200 bars of bullion
during January, valued at $55,913.76.
' Spokane stationary engineers are
laying plans for securing the passage
by the legislature of a state license
In spite of the assaults made upon
them there, Chinese are again em
ployed on the railroad section at Ken
newiok. The Adams County Immigraiton As
sociation has been oragnized amid
much enthusiasm. - W. K. Kennedy
was elected president.
The health authorities at Spokane
are making war on dairymen suspected
of selling impure milk. Three promi
nent dealers have been arrested.
An effort will be made by Port
Blakeley stevedores to float the British
ship Kilbrannan, now aground at Port
Wilson, near Port Towusend. . V "
Snow fell to the depth of seventeen
inches in two hours at Martin, in Kit
titas county, laBt Saturday, making
ten leo now on the ground there. -
The shingle men of the state, ' says
the Post-Intelligencer, are holding
well together in their ' determination
not to resume work until about
March 1.
Seattle has offered Magnolia bluffs
to the federal government as a site foi
an army post, with an offer of reduced
rates for city water and transportation
on the eleotrio road.
The supreme court has decided that a
boom company cannot compel Joggers
along the river in which is the com
pany's boom to boom their logs and
pay the coonipany the boom age. ,
The jam on the Colville river near
Springfield, is to be removed. This
will give better transportation facilities
to settlers on at least 1,000 acres of the
best land in the Colville valley.
Judge Arthur, of Spokane, has de
cided that the collections on the tax
roll fur any year are properly usable
for the current expenses of that year,
without regard to former indebtedness.
Auditor Sohooley, of Lewis county,
has determined not to draw any more
warrants againBt the oonuty general
or road and bridge lund until the coun
ty s indebtedness is within the legal
limit. . ,
The agent of the bureau of associated
charities at Seattle tells some strange
stories of lamilies living in dire desti
tution in that city who are well con
nected and have relatives in the city
worth $100,000. : v
Arrangements are being made where
by water will be taken lrom the Snake
river to irrigate 1,000 acres of Frank
lin county land. It is expected that
the canal will be completed in time for
the ground to be seeded in the spring.
Prepaiations are being made to estab
lish a cold storage and meat-packing
plant in Walla W alia. The total cost
of laud, machinery and buildings will
be about $30,000. It is expected that
an average of 250 hogs a day will be
The opposition looking to the reduc
tion of the price of salmon has culmin
ated in the Columbia , River Fisher
men's Protective Union addressing a
letter to the seiners along the river, and
also up-river fishermen, asking them
to combine to resist any attempt at
reducing the prioe of raw fish. ;
The Whatcom county shingle output
for 1895 was 488,600,000, of an esti
mated value of $488,500. There are
forty-five mills in the county, employ
ing on an average 947 men in various
capacities, and disbursing $366,282 lor
labor. In addition the lumber mills
paid $105,000 for labor, making a total
of $471,252 by the lumer industry, from
a total of $751,252 wages earned in the
county. - i - ; , . '
- ' :-v Idaho.
The Northern Pacifio railway has
just issued a valuable folder , that is
devoted exclusively to the Nez Poroe
reservation. ; ; ' "'
The bioyolists of Boise have peti
tioned the council for permission to
ride oh "sidewalks between November
1 and May 1 at four to eight mile
gaits.. , y"
The Ruby Creek mining district in
Northern Idaho bids fair to make
a good showing the coming ; season.
Several . properties; notably among
which are the Grey Eagle, the Silver
King, the Big Blue bird ..and 'tue
Happy Three mines, show some very
high assays in gold and but very little
silver. Mining men who have visited
the distriot lately speak well of the
mineral possibilities. .
It is understood that the oontraot o
M. J. Shields, of Moscow, on the in
dustrial school building has been de
dared forfeited by the government af
ter one or two extensions of time and
indications of an early aud satisfactory
completion of the work. It is cur
rently said that Jim Smith, of Moscow,
I has been placed in oharge of the build
ing and will complete it as superin
tendent for the government.
I -Many kinds of fish shed their
teeth, as fur-bearing animals their fur.
I he Woman Who Would No Longer
Support Him Deliberately Killed
The Muidvrer Wounded by Marshal
Itlrod in Making the Arrest.
Marshfield, Or., Feb. 20. This com
munity was thrown into a fever of ex
citement this alternoou when it was
learend that Carl Albright had shot
down his wife in cold blood.
Albright had been very cruel to his
wife for a number of years, and his
treatment became so bitter a week ago
that she left him and in t situ ted divorce
proceedings. Albright did his utmost
to get her to return, and yesterday said
that he would talk no longer, but
would kill her. Today v after Mrs. Al
bright returned from , doing a day's
washing for the family of John Preuss,
in Soutn Marshfield, he made good his
threat. ' . .'
Albright walked up to his wife and
placed a revolver to her back, firing
nve shots, the first two taking effect.
Alter the first shot, Mrs. Albright fell
to the ground, and the other lour shots
were tired after she was down. ' She
was dead when picked up.
- When his dastardly deed was com
mitted, Albright turned and pointed
his revolver at himself, as if he were
going to take his own lile, and then
took to his heels, to get out of reaoa ol
tue officers. William Webster shadow
ed him in his flight, Albright keeping
him at a respectable distance by threat
ening to shoot. Webster pointed out
Albright's hiding place to Marshal El
rod, who went up to him and ordered
him to hold up his hands; but Al
bught only held up one and was in the
act uf shouting at Elrod when the lat
ter fired. The third shot brought the
wife-murderer to the ground. At first
it was thought that ' Alrbight would
die, but on examination it was found
he had received only flesh wounds.
Two bullets struck him, one in the
right shoulder and one in the right hip.
Albright is now in the hospital. The
feeling is very bitter against him, and
a "necktie party" is talked of. Mrs.
Albright was a woman who bore a
good reputation in this oommunity,
and made' a living for both herself and
husband at the wash tub and by ' any
work she could get. Albright is a
worthless wretch, given to the drink
habit, and was drunk when he killed
his wife.
To Search fur ansen.
Chicago, Feb. 20. Recent reports
concerning the return of Dr. Nansen
lrom the north pole has induced a Chi
cago syndicate to consider the advis
ability of dispatching, a party at once
to the Lena nver fur the purpose of as
certaining the foundation lor the ac
counts received, as well as to assist, if
possible, the returning . explorers in
their probable march toward either
Yakutsk or Irkutsk.
The man selected to lead the party
is Evelyn B. Baldwin, the meterologist
uf Lieutenant Peary's north Green
land expedition of 1893-4.
Much information concerning the re-
gipn to be traversed, as well as special
lacilities for expediting Baldwin on
his journey to Siberia, has bBn afford
ed by Monsieur A. S. Savine, Cerate de
Touise Lautre, now in Chicago, who
is connected with the Siberian railway
In an . interview ; Baldwin said:
''Barring such information concerning
Nansen's whereabouts as would make
the proposed trip inexpedient at this
time, 1 shall go direct from San Fran
oisoo to Vladivostok, on the Pacific
coast, more than 8,000 miles from St.
Petersburg. From Vladivostock to
Irkutsk, the first 450 miles will be by
railway and the remaining distance by
post Twenty-two days will be oc
cupied in making the transit. The
time to be consumed between Chicago
and Irkutsk will be about fifty days. "
Che Country About Chicago Treated
v ; to a Movelty. ( .
Chioago, Feb. 20. "Black snow"
was a novelty enjoyed by this city to
night. Between 6 and 7 o'clock there
Was a fall of a couple of inohes of what
seemed in the dark the staple winter
article, but whioh, on examination uu
der gas or electric light, proved to be
decidedly not the ordinary variety.'
The flakes, crystal and fleecy enough,
were of a muddy -oolored sort, that at
onoe suggested the Ethiopian adjective.
When melted on an - extended palm
they left eaoh a tiny ink-like speck
In the mass, the so-called snow looked
like three weeks' old snow. The bu
reau of this and other points were at
first inclined to attribute the phenom
enon to local atmospherio conditions,
in oommon with the smoke and grime
of the oity. Advices, however, that
the same results were observed at sub
urbs thirty-five miles distant upset all
suoh explanations. .. .
When Governor , Richards, of
Wyoming, leaves the capitol, bis
daughter, aged 19, who is his private
, i i
suoreutry, ueuuuico guvwuur iu evrey-
thing but the name.
Routine Work of the Fifty-Fourth Ses
ion Senate.
Washington, Feb. 20. The session
of the senate today lurnished a suc
cession of breezy incidents. Little ac
tual work was accomplished, but brief
debates on a number of subjects devel
oped frequent sharp personal exobanges
between the senators. Hill had a
lively tilt with Tillman of South Caro
lina during the debate On Peffer's reso
lution for a senate investigation of the
recent bond issue. Allen joined, issue
with Gear of Iowa and Woloott over
the course of the Paoifio railway com
mission in conducting their inquiry.
Chandler and Cockrell had an ani
mated ' but good-natured colloquy,
and Hawley and AIJoj had a difference
somewhat less good-natured. Two ap
propriation bills, the military academy "
and the pension bill, were patsed dnr
ing the day. Efforts were made to
amend the military academy bill by
increasing the number of cadets by
two from each state, ninety in all, but, '
after a debate of three hours, the plan
was defeated. The pension appropria
tion bill, carrying $142,000,000, was
passed after ten minutes' debate.
Washington, Feb. 21. The Cuban
question came before the senate today
for definite and final action, and . it is
expected that votes will be taken at an
eatly day on the several pending prop
ositions requesting Spain to lecognize
the belli gereuoy of Cuba, and request- ;
ing a recognition of Cuban indepen
dence. The first thing of importance :
in the senate ti day was the reading of
a resolution from the secretary of treae
ury as toooin and other money in circu
lation, which was ordered piiuted fur .
the use of the senate. The senate then
spent some time in disoussiug the ques
tion of official procedure. Sqiure re
ported favorably a bill reqim ing that
marine engineers be Amerioan citizens.
Minor bills blocked the way for some -
time, but Call finally bad the Cuban
resolutions oalled up, and they ' took -
up the time until adjournment.
, House. ; ' " T .
Washington, Feb. 19. The agricul
tural appropriation bill occupied the
attention of the house today. A great
deal of criticism of Secretary Morton '
was indulged in on both sides of the
political aisle, but, as on Monday, not ;
one arose to his defense. At last, - -Pearson
asked if there were not some
member, Democratic, Populist or Re-
publican, who would raise a voice iu .
his defense. His question was greeted
with a chorus of "noes" from all Bides
of the house. , An . amendment was
penidng when the houte adjourned,
making mandatory the exeouton of the
provision in the bill for the distribu
tion of seeds. It is understood Cousins
will offer an amendment, directing the 1
secretary of the teasurry to withhold .
the payment of Secretary' Morton's
salary until this provision was exe
cuted. ' '; ' !
Washington, Feb. 20. The house
today passed the agricultural appropri- -
ation bill. It carries $3,158,192. The
section of the revised statutes for the
purchase and distribution of "rare and
uncommon" seeds, which ' Secretary
Morton declined to execute in the cur
rent appropriation law, was repeated,
the appropriation for seed was in
creased from $130,000 to $150,000 and
its execution was made mandatory
upon the secretary. Cousins intoduced
his amendment to reduce Mr. Morton's .
salary from $8,000 to $25 until he ex- .
pended the appropriation in the Cur
rent law, but the amendment was
ruled out on a point of order. A restf-
lution was adopted direoting the com
mittee on ways and means ' to investi- '
gate the effeot the difference in ex
change between gold and silver-standard
countries has upon the manufaotur-,
ing industies of the United States. .
The house went into committee of the
whole and resumed consideration of
the agricultural appropriation bill., .
Washington, Fob. 21. The house
today devoted itself ftrictly to busi
ness. ; The army appropriation bill
carrying $28,275,902, was passed; the
conference report on the urgent defici
ency bill was adopted. (and the bill to
extend for five years the time in which
the government can bring suits to an
nul patents to publio lands under rail-
road and wagon-road grants was passed.
An amendment was adopted limiting
the application of the act to "railroad
and wagon-road grants." The fol
lowing proviso was also added to the'
bill: "That no suit shall be brought,
nor shall recovery be had for lands
whioh were , patented in lieu of other
lands covered by grants whioh were
lost or relinquished by the grantee in
oonsequenoe of the failure of the gov-,
ernment to withdraw the same from
sale or entry." The Substitute for the
bill offered by McRae, to repeal out
right the limitations of the act of 1891,
was defeated. - ' '
According to advices received st
Port Townsend from Alaska by the
steamer City of Topeka, the Bank Of
Juneau has failed, owing depositors
about $15,000. There are no assets.,
J. N. Harrison, the bank's cashier and
manager, just before the steamer sail
ed, was arrested for larceny by embez
zlement df $400. The cashier and his '
brother operated the bask as a joint